Wednesday, October 29, 1919 ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAGE TWO HALLOWE’EN DANCE By L adies of th e A uxiliary club, a t i A shland N atatorium , F riday evening, October 31. Everybody welcome ;»»»nmuHii»:n T ickets $1.00 plus w ar ta x ; specta­ Have a fit a t Orrea Tailors. 52tf to rs 25c. R efreshm ents 25c. A • • • good tim e is assured. L aunspach's A nine-pound d a u g h te r was born 51-3 to Mrs. H. C. S p arr at th e hospital jazz orchestra. last Sunday. ANNOUNCEMENT The undersigned have purchased W illiam Lindsey is spending sev­ th e grocerV stock of Nims & Saun­ e ra l weeks a t his ranch in th e Dead ders, a t the corner of N orth Main Indian country, looking a fte r in te r­ and H elm an streets, tak in g posses­ ests th e re p rep a ra to ry to th e w inter sion yesterday. season. No m aterial change will be m ade • • • in the business policy and those Cliff Payne m akes serving trays. form erly th e custom ers of Nims & Saunders will be served on th e sam e Miss P auline Ball of San Jose, term s as heretofore. Calif., cam e to A shland last S a tu r­ In invoicing th e stock we found it day to a tte n d th e fu n eral of Miss to be very com plete and well select­ Florence E rickson and is visiting at ed, of a high q uality and fresh. th e Erickson hom e a few days th is The «volume of business is large week. th u s a ffo rd in g quick tu rn o v e rs and • • • keeping th e stock fresh. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. H ines and chil­ We hope to fu rth e r extend the dren of Gales Creek, W ashington business by courteous tre a tm e n t, re a ­ county, a re in A shland. They are sonable prices and satisfacto ry ser­ occupying the Roach house on Meade vice. stre e t a t th e present and expect to The sto re will h e re a fte r be known reside here perm anntly. as th e IDEAL GROCERY. O ur m otto: TH E BEST THAT TH E MARKET W anted— A driver. A shland L au n ­ dry Co. 50-tf AFFORDS FOR TH E MONEY. * • • TH E IDEAL GROCERY W. C. CURRY. W. J. DOUGHERTY. Mrs. H. G. E nders, J r., is visiting F. T. WILSON. in K lam ath F alls th is week. • • • Rev. W. N. F e rris will begin a R. C. Jorgenson is having th e series of studies in th e “ Life of L ith ia Bakery on E ast Main stre e t C h rist” w ith th e use of th e Reflec- renovated. Both the outside and in­ toscope p ictures tom orrow n ight in side woodwork is being tre a te d to a the p ray er m eeting. coat of fresh paint, th e w alls in th e salesroom will be redecorated and This m achine is th e late st and be^t th e kitchen and bake room s a re hav­ m odel in p i-h ire m achines and its use ing a th o rough overhauling. The will g reatly i dd to th e in te re st and L ith ia will be an a ttra c tiv e place the scene; will graphically picture w hen com pleted. th e subject studied. • • • u»»»»»H:»!in»»ao?n»tt LOCAL AND PERSONAL ;; • • « • • •» Special th is week. P e a n u t b u tte r, f ive pounds fo r 80c. P laza M arket, 64 N orth Main. 50-5t ciated w ith th e g row th and in te r­ ests of A shland, since his arriv al in th is city in 1903, w nere he came from W I isconsin to th ro w in his lot w ith th e newly developed country on th e Pacific coast. His early life was spent in t h a t sta te w here he ta u g h t school for th irte e n years and served as p resid e n t of th e school board fo r eleven years. A fter com­ ing to A shland his in te r e s ts • were also along edr.cational lines and he has served on th e city school board as clerk for eig h t years. He was one of the fo u n d ers of th e Citizens Bank of A shland and had been president of th a t in stitu tio n since its found­ ing. Surviving Mr. Pohland is his widow who was Misk A. C aroline B u e rsta tte to whom he was m arried A pril 2, 1877, a t M anitowoc, W is. T hree children also survive. These are Jo h n P ohland of Reno, N ev.; Mrs. C hester W. W olcott of M arshfield, and Mrs. Roy W alk er of Cordova, Alaska. T hree g ran d ch ild ren , Al­ b ert and D orothea W alk er and C ar­ olyn M arie W olcott, a re also su rv i­ vors. These w ere all a t hom e a t the tim e of the d eath of th e beloved parent. F u n e ral services will be held at the E lks Tem ple T hursday a fte i- noon a t 2:30 o’clock. New Auto Tops* Entertained at Dinner. Mrs. P. B. W hitney gave a d inner for Mr. and Mrs. C lark Bush last evening a t her hom e on Pine stre e t, as a farew ell to them before leaving The season is here w hen th e auto th a t neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Bush a re m oving today into the Van top should be looked afte r. I m ake new ones o r fix th e old Sant a p a rtm e n ts on Oak street. — one. Let me look nt it. PAULSERUD & BARRETT Fine Tailoring F o r Men a n d W omen. 171 East Main. Tel. 119 M edford— $500,000 stock oil te s t­ ing com pany organized here. TOO LA TE TO CLASSIFY WANTED TO BUY— Sm all ran ch ; hay lend p referred . M ust have m odern buildings. Z, Tidings of­ fice. 51-4t* Ashland Furniture Hospital 89 North Main P E IL ’S FURS ! C orner by th e P a rk . H E ID E R TRACTORS AND P . F . O. PLOW S New and used sew ing m achines of m ost any m ake and style. We are now ready to do your fur A carload of A m erican fence and repairing or sell you a new set of b arb w ire ju st in. Bring in your furs. w ants before sending thSm to the catalogue houses and we will see if F. W. BARTLETT, we c a n ’t m eet th e ir prices for cash. Taxidermist and Furrier. Have some dandy auto robes left. 115 W. Main St. M edford, Oregon. At P e il’s Corner. Ladies of Ashland NOW PLAYING T oday T o m o rro w Preachin’ Bill Says: “ If any m an was t e r su re ’nough do w hat folks in his L 50K H ER E YOU WAGE EA R N E R * SPLEND ID HOME Fine grounds, garage, shade tre e s and fru it, 1 % blocks of Main stre e t pavem ent. Good location for R. R. m an. F irst class neigh­ borhood. P rice $1800; $300 down, balance long tim e. Oh w hat a b argain, when you see it. E. T. STAPLES neighborhood ’lows he does, h e ’d su re go a n ’ pizen hisself ’fore his friends could lynch him .” ORCHESTRA PO R TER 'S DANCE ORCHESTRA supplies from 4 to 7 pieces. All th e latest New York dance m usic. C. I. J. P o rte r, 272 Maple St. Mrs. T. J. Mackey and little son left last night for San F rancisco to visit w ith friends for a sh o rt tim e. • • • 1 BON TON BAKERY F irs t Class B aking P roducts L ight Lunches and At th e m eeting of council last night th e c o n tract was let for th e grading and paving of th e extension of the Boulevard and A shland stre e t, to | close th e stre tc h betw een th e pres­ ent paving and th e Pacific highway. C orner F o u rth and A S tre e t A ero»1 F rom th e Depot. Only one bid was m ade and th is was aw arded to th e O skar H uber com ­ pany, whose item ized bid came to $13,555. A ccording to an ordinance *» Coal is cash, so don’t forget to pay passed by council th e g rad in g for fo r sam e prom ptly, when th e d e liv ­ th is extension is to s ta rt th is fall, ery is m ade. W h ittle T ra n sfe r Co. w ith paving to follow late r. 6t-49 • • • B.H. H inthorne, a Plaza photog­ Best W oolens; Latest F ash , rap h e r, is back from a two w eeks’ ions Always. vacation spent in th e Dead Indian country. Mr. H in th o rn e went out Satisfaction G uaranteed for th e purpose of restin g out in the onen and incidentally to indulge in a little h u n tin g w hile in th e forests. He was fo rtu n a te to get a bear while H. F. Pohland, one of th e prom i­ he was gone. nent and highly respected citizens of B argains in • • • A shland, died Tuesday, October 28, E. N. B utler, who recently sold his 1919, a t his home on the Boulevard, confectionery sto re on th e Plaza to aged 68 years. Mr. Pohland had C laude M illit. has purchased a tra c t been ill for several m onths, but his City and R anch f ro p e rtie s , H ouse' | to R ent. of land across B ear creek from Ben­ condition had not become serious un­ ton Bowers and will try farm in g for til about five days ago, when he be­ C itizens’ B ank Building. aw hile. cam e confined to his bed, a fte r which • • • th e decline becam e rapid and life H em stitching. Picoting, 10 cents ebbed aw ay a t 3 o’clock yesterday a yard. W e pay th e postage. The afternoon. V anity H at Shop, M edford, Ore. 6-tl The d eath of Mr. P oland rem oves FLOUR. FEE D , SEEDS • • • a citizen who has been closely asso- The Best T nat Can Be Had On the Mrs. D eP eatt is very ill at her M arket. hom e on H argadine stre e t. • • • J. W. R eader of Rogue R iver was 353 East Main.____________ Tel. 214 a business visitor to A shland over M onday night. Mrs. F. D. Y arbrough received a le tte r th is week from l)er son. Clif­ ford Y arbrough, sta tin g th a t he is gettin g along finely a t his w ork in Astoria. Clifford is am ong th e re­ tu rn e d soldiers of th e 69th regim ent, C. A. C„ who w ent to F ran ce from A shland. • • • AND CO FFEE PARLOR Preaehin’ Bill Says: k “ H it’s er rig h t sm a rt fu r­ th e r th an you-all reckons h it is ORRES T A IL O R S from w h ar you-all a re te r w har you-all th in k you be.” FOR MEN AND WOMEN T C. B .L AMKIN REALE STATE Preaehin’ Bill Says: « Ä f f e t? “ ’ T a in ’t w hat a m an knows -—h it’s w hat he th in k s he knows th a t raises hell w ith his p lan s.” special Ashland Feed ' Store • • « H om e My Jtlame Is Dennis R estau ran t Ashland Iron W orks (In c o rp o ra ted ) Mrs. C. E. Sams is confined to the Good Meals and Short Orders. Daj and Night Service. house w ith a severe cold which re­ Office and W orks No. 248 H elm ai su lts in th e loss of h er voice. St., A shland, Ore. 2 9 7 East Main • • • M anufacturing E ngineers, G enera F ro sty m ornings is th e tim e to eat R ep air W ork T u rtty S e lf R aising P an cak e F lour. W e m a n u ia c tu re Ptfving Plan! E quipm ent, Saw m ill, M ining andj It brow ns. At A shland Mills, 47-Fri. Mon. Wed P rove th e claim to yourself by eat­ Ship M achinery, Steam and Gas E n­ ing a steak sold a t o u r own g u a r­ gines, Boilers and H eavy Steel • • • W ork; Grey Iron, Sem i-Steel, Brasu antee. C aptain H. W. F ram e of T alent and Bronze C astings of every kind. ! Tenderloins, steaks, chops and H aving th o ro u g h ly equipped oui w as a business v isitor to th e city ro asts th a t have th e taste and fresh ­ p lan th e m an u fa ctu re a n d re- y esterd ay afternoon. ness of perfect stock in th e gravy n a irs t of for heavy and all classes of m a­ • • • which comes from th e h e a rt of th e ir chine and foundry w ork, we solicit A ttorney W. M. Briggs was in goodness is th e best offer any m eat your o rd ers and inquiries. Estim ate« m an m ay m ake. Jacksonville yesterday a tten d in g and q u o tatio n s furnished on applica­ tion. co u rt which is in session th ere. • • • JAS. BARRATT, Prop. Owing to th e new law increasing! Special all th is week. F resh fish Phone 188. a n d oysters. P laza M arket, 64 th e wages of lau n d ry w orkers and N o rth Main. 50-5t th e high cost of production, we find • • • it necessary to m ake a slig h t ad- | Rev. W. N. F e rris and wife. Dr. B illiard players p rê te r th is place vance in laundry w ork prices. K eeney F e rris, have retu rn ed from because they know th a t they can get P o rtla n d w here they had been spend­ GOOD cues; and m odern equipm ent ing th e past week o r so a tte n d in g a m akes a lot of -difference in the pleasure of th e game. convention of th e B aptist church You KNOW It. w hich was in session th ere. P ro fan ity , gam bling and o th e r u n ­ • • • desirable elem ents are absolutely Mrs. George Spannus has ju st re ­ TABOO here. We Invite G EN TLE­ MEN only. ....... .................... tu rn e d from a two w eeks’ visit a t her old hom e a t K lam ath Falls. m ent hall for Recent clean- - • • • lows. __ » See W. A. F re eb e rg fo r w atch, clock, jew elry and spectacle re p a ir­ ing. Old prices. 7 e.o.d. tf* “Clean Sport for Regular Fellow» ’ • • • « Mrs. J. L. Greenwood has been spending several days w ith h er niece. Mrs. Mary W aterm an, of T alent, who w as stricken w ith paralysis about tw o m onths ago, and alth o u g h im ­ proving slightly is still helpless. • • • J. L. M osier was called back from To e n larg e th e payroll of A shland th e E ast w here he had gone to look by buying hom e m a n u fa c tu re d : You buy five lam ps a t one tim e, a fte r property in te rests, by the goods, especially when I can get th e ° ne is alw ays available when serio u s illness of his little son. you need it. The inconvenience and best and m ost for th e m oney, a t • • • delay sending for one lig h t is o v e r.! Andy Payne and fam ily have re n t­ — at — ed th e Brown bungalow on th e B oulevard belonging to G. S. B utler. M r. Payne is now w orking a t Med­ fo rd , but will m ake his hom e in R. C. JORGENSEN, Prop. A shland. POLEY Jt ELHART, Druggists MUSIC 1 Preaehin’ Bill Says: “ I a in ’t never seed a w hale, m yself, b u t jist th e sam e, th a r a in ’t no low-down o rnery o l’ Steaking A Claim catfish a-goin’ te r pass hissef off .on me as a w hale as long as I ’m sober.” East Side Meat Market F ro m “ P re ac h in ’ B ill” down to “L ittle P e te ” you w ill see Good Cues and Tips a ll th e rem ark ab le c h a ra c te rs of M r. ASHLAND LAUNDRY ¿ “ nave You Considered Alnutt’s Billiard Par loi the advantages ot buying I Sure Will- Do My Part MAZDA LAMPS The Lithia Bakery Poley’s Drug Store W rig h t’s sto ry . Film ed am id th e beauties o f th e en­ ch a n tin g O zarks. <8- 3 SHOWS DAILY Matinee - 2:30 p. m. Evenings - 7-9 p. m. THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL