i' PAGE THREE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Wednesday, October 29, 1919, TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS LEGAL NOTICES EAbLE MEAT MARKET All legal notices ap p ear W ednesday’s issue each week. One cent th e word each tim e. S t lT IN EQUITY.— SVMMONS valley, wi Tils son; D. M., J r., hit» been in F ’J th t a th F alls th is week w here he w to select th e site for an experim en ta i «arm sim ilar to th e LOUIS SCHWEIN. Prop, one he has op « ra te d a ‘ Valley View V Qu a iity M eat. Cleu.'fne.»s. for th e past ele ven years. Mt; Lowe i NORTH MAIN, ASHLAND has done m uch to spread the fam e I « t 1 1 , , 1 1 1 1 , , , , , , , , , , t , , ____ of th e Rogue R Tver section by t h e ' exhibits he has pi ' ce a n k ^nth ty th e farm will be i n charge of D. j th e Chim e. Ç/QGto.' M. Lowe, J r., who ret urned from ser­ vice in th e arm y a she 'r t tim e ago. AS LITTLE CHILD In th e C ircuit C ourt of th e S tate of Oregon, for Jack so n County. D uring the lectu re given by Rev. Jo h n Bisher, P la in tiff, vs. L. M. J. J. H an d sak er a t th e Sunday school DR. GEO. O. JARVIS Goodwin and his wife, S arah E. Goodwin, G. C.’ M cA llister, as Ad- convention last S atu rd ay n ig h t, he m in istra to r of th e E sta te of D. T. spoke of F rances L. Gage, of whom DR. FRANK M. MOXON M cK ercher, Deceased; M ildred he said th e m in ister to T urkey said PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS P a rto n and S. S. M cK ercher, th e h eirs a t law of D. T. M cK ercher, th a t if any one was en titled to be called a sa in t it was th is wom an. The deceased. D efendants. THE SANITARIUM To S. S. M cK ercher and M ildred reference to F ran ces L. Gage P a rto n , tw o of th e defen d an ts above b ro u g h t a flood of recollections to ASHLAND, OREGON nam ed: G. F. B illings of th is city, who knew Phone 120 In th e nam e of th e S ta te of Ore- , . , SHORT ORDERS AND LUNCHES gon; You a re hereby req u ired to th is noted m issionary when she was QUICK SERVICI^ ap p ear in th e above e n title d c o u rt a little flaxen-haired girl in Maine, L unches P u t Up for Ti "avelers and cause and answ er th e C om plaint ghe also visited A shland in 1911 - th e re in filed a g a in st you by th e above when she had charge of th e Rose 207 East Main. nam ed p lain tiff on o r before th e ex- „ FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. ! p iratio n of six w eeks from th e date Conference C hautauqua th a t sum - Schedule from October 1, 1919. H ere I am , back again, w ith a of th e first publication of th is Sum- m er. She la te r w ent back to T urkey Daily (Except Sunday) Leave Medford— Leave Ashland— revised list of splendid properties m ons nam ely, on o r before Decern- and was befriended by A m bassador for sale a t a ttra c tiv e prices which ber 3rd, 1919. 7:10 a.m. M organthau m any tim es from the 7 :1 0 a.m . will be given upon application. H you fail to so ap p ear and an- unspeakable T urk. 7 :55 a.m . 8 :0 0 a.m . No. 54— 57 acres best land in th e sw er th e P la in tiff will apply to th e 9 :00 a.m . 8:25 a.m county, all free soil w ith w ater. C ourt for th e relief dem anded in t h e , 9:25 a.m . 9:10 a.m . All in a lfa lfa b u t 15 acres apples C om plaint, a succinct sta te m e n t of 10:10 a.m . 10:00 a.m . and near« which is as follow s: T h a t th e plain- 1 1:00 a.m. 10:40 a.m . ... . tiff have ju d g m en t ag a in st said de- 12:00 m. 11:30 a.m . No. 55— All alfa lfa w ith w a te r; m ag- fendants, L. M. Goodwin and S arah 1:00 p.m. 12:45 p.m. n ificent m odern dw elling, b a rn , g Goodwin, and each th ereo f, for 1:25 p.m. 1:25 p.m. garage, etc. This is a m odern sum of 8500.00, w ith in te re st 2 :1 0 p.m. 2 :1 0 p.m. and m oney m aking country hom e th ereo n from Septem ber 3, 1916, a t 3:00 p.m. 3 :0 9 p.m. on paved highw ay. th e ra te of eig h t percent, p er annum . 4:00 p.m. 3 :4 5 p.m. No. 56— 54 acres on paved highw ay $50.00 a tto rn e y fees, and th e costs 4:25 p.m. 4:25 p.m. w ith w ater. F re e soil and good and d isbursem ents of th is s u it; th a t 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. D. M. Lowe, one of th e e n te rp rise producing land. None b e tte r, th e w a rra n ty deed executed Septem- 6:40 p.m. 7 :00 p.m. ing sto ck raisers of th e R ogue River Some of it B ear Creek bottom , her 3, 1912, by th e defen d an ts, L. 8:40 p.m. 8:40 p.m. T his is a m oney-m aking tra c t, and M. Goodwin and S arah E. Goodwin, Sat. only 9 :30 p.m. Sat. only 9:30p.m . an ideal location for country home, and conveying land situ a te d in Jack- Sat. only 10:30 p.m. 12:15 p.m. m idnight Sat.only No. 57— 15 acres highly im proved, in son County, Oregon, described as edge of city; all in a lfa lfa except follows: SUNDAY ONLY dw elling site and sm all orchard.! Beginning a t a point 120 feet Leave Medford— Leave Ashland— F re e w ater, splendid dw elling and n o rth of th e c e n te r of th e south line 9 :00 a.m . 10:00 a.m. outbuildings. This is a m oney of section 9 in tow nship 39, south of 11:00 a.m . 1 1:00 a.m . producer. ran g e 1 east of th e W illam ette 1 :00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. No. 58— 12 acres o rch ard and gar- m eridian, O regon; thence n o rth 350 2 :0 0 p.m. 2 :00 p.m. den In edge of tow n; city w a te r; feet; thence w est 145 feet to th e 3 :00 p.m. 3 :00 p.m. no buildings. O ffered a t a very east side line of T aylor stre e t in the 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. City of A shland, Jackson C o u n ty ,; low figure. 5 :00 p.m. 5 :0 0 p.m. For No. 59— 10 acres splendid orchard O regon: thence so u th along said side 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. hom e ju st out of city. Good line 350 feet; thence east 145 feet 8:30 p.m. 9 :3 0 p.m. Your buildings. Can show earn in g ca­ to th e place of beginning, th e sam e being lots fo u r ( 4 ), five ( 5 ), six ( 6 ), i pacity of $1500 to $2000. F o r PHYSICIANS sale a t a ttra c tiv e price. seven ( 7 ), eight ( 8 ), nine (9 ) and No. 60— 1400 acre ranch n e a r Ga­ ten (10) of th e unrecorded p la t of DR. H. B. MOORE — C hiropractic zelle, well w atered and highly im ­ G oodw in’s ad d itio n to th e city of, Physician. F irs t N ational Bank proved. One of th e best stock A shland, Oregon, be decreed in le- ] Bldg. P hones; Office, 112; Res ranches on th e coast. The ow ner gal effect to be a m ortgage, and th a t W INTER 207-J. has m ade a handsom e fo rtu n e on th e lands th e re in conveyed be sold th e place . D esires to re tire as he u n d er foreclosure as provided by law, DR. ER N EST A. WOODS— P ractice is too old to longer give his a tte n - and for deficiency ju d g m en t and lim ited to eye, ear, nose and tion to the business. T his ranch such o th e r relief as th e C ourt may th ro a t. Office hours, 10 to 12 and is offered a t rig h t price and is deem m eet and equitable, 2 to 5? Sw edenburg Bldg., A sh­ an o p p o rtu n ity fo r some one. This sum m ons is served upon you land, Ore. 73-tt Some splendid residences owned by publication once each week for DR. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and hy non-residents fo r sale a t bar- six consecutive weeks in th e Ash­ land Daily T idings, a daily new spa­ surgeon. P ractice lim ited to eye, j ganis. Some very fine boulevard unim ­ per p rin ted and published a t A s h -; ear, nose and th ro a t. Glasses sup­ plied. O culist and a u rist fo r 3. P proved lots a t astonishingly low land, Oregon, p u rsu a n t to an order of th e Hon. F. M. ’C alkins, judge of R. R. Offices, M. F. and H, Bldg., prices. A few very cheap sm all places th e above en titled C ourt, w hich o rd er . opposite postoffice, M edford, Ore. g from $300 to $1000. is of date O ctober 18, 1914), and re ­ P hone 567. 21-tf ran A g in ranch n e a r Gold H ill fo r rent. quires you to ap p ear and answ er as ' W atch fo r fu tu re offerings. above set fo rth . The d a te of th e 6« D. M. BROWER, M. D.— 216 Factory first publication of th is Sum m ons is . St. P hone No. 498-R. Uses rad io ­ O ctober 22, 1919. h e a t largely in his tre a tm e n t of L. A. ROBERTS, chronic diseases. T uberculosis, A ttorney for P la in tif f.' cancer and o th e r infectious a il­ Licensed R ealty B roker. R esidence and postoffice address, m ents, respond m arvelously to said Hotel Austin Bldg., Ashland, Ore. | A shland, Oregon. tre a tm e n t. 45-6 W ed. AN INVESTMENT THAT CANNOT ATTORNEYS LOSE NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ■----------------------------------------------------— i • The value of fire p rotection de- ADMINISTRATOR, AND TO BRIGGS & BRIGGS, A ttorneys-at-i i have a M ountain R esort Prop- p eu d s largely upon th e readiness of PRESENT CLAIMS Law, P ioneer Block, A shland. ; e rty th a t because of circum stances th e firem an to respond to any call In th e m a tte r of th e E sta te of A d e l-. - ------ -— _ i — — ---------- — ------ ' is offered for m uch less th a n has A. ROBERTS— it and b e rt Moore, Deceased. and his w illingness to face any d an ­ „ „ „ A ttorney-at-L . n aw . . i f,een often offered for .... it and cer- Roams 5 and 6, Citizens • Bank , taanly fo r m uch less th a n it will sell ---------- g e r. The value of fire insurance Bldg. for in th e n e a r fu tu re . N otice is hereby given th a t th e un­ d ep en d s largely upon th e readiness i t is th irty m inutes drive from dersigned, Roy R. D rake, has been C. H. SPALDING, A ttorney-at-L aw , o f th e company- in w hich you are A shland. A b e a u tifu l secluded spot appointed A d m in istra to r of th e Es- Beaver Bieck. Phone 146. one m ile from H ighw ay w ith good ta te of A delbert Moore, deceased, -insured to respond im m ediately to priv ate road. T here a re 100 acres and all persons having claim s a g ain st : y o a r iO8g a n d Rs ab ility to m eet any STENOGRAPHERS w ith heavy woods on p a rt of it and th e said e sta te a re req u ired to pre- J . . . ~ Q- tn it en ch an tin g tra ils b u ilt to th e h u n t- sent th e sam e, duly verified, to th is lo ss w hich m ay come to it. JESSIE B. THATCHER — Public ing and fishing grounds and scenic a d m in istra to r, a t th e law offices of T h a t s th e kind we have— alw ays S tenographer. Com m ercial Club view points. Briggs & Briggs, in th e P io n eer re a d y fo r w ork. They pay proropt- A b eau tifu l tro u t stream ru n s th ru block, in th e City of A shland, Ore- ■ ly every honest loss, big o r little. H ours: 9 a. m. to 12 a. m .; 2 th e p roperty and a priv ate irrig a - gon, w ithin six m onths from th e d a te Let ns w rite y o u r insurance and w e’ll p. m. to 5 p. m., tio n ditch conducts abundance of of th e first publication th ereo f. n rn n v o w ater to th e garden and ten acres of D ate of first publication, O ctober Bive you th e kind th a t WORKS ALL CONTRACTING AND BUILDING ’THE TIME. m eadow . 22, 1919. T here a re several m ineral springs ROY R. DRAKE, G. W. McNABB, P la ste rin g , cem ent A d m in istra to r w ork and repairing. 41 F ifth St. fam ed fo r years as possessing un- P hone 363-Y. 44-tf usual c u rativ e gases and chem ical 45-4 Wed. properties. P hone 211 A. L. LAMB— Contractor and Build­ Good P rineville will vote in Novem ber 41 E. M ain St. A splendid larg e b a rn . er. C em ent, Brick and W ood­ chicken houses and y a rd s; a fa ir on $224,000 good road bond issue.; Real Estate and Real Insurance w ork. Tel. 463-J. 343 M ountain house, tw o cottages; i good celler ________ - Ave. and a profusion of flow ering shrubs, etc. FRANK JORDAN — G eneral Con­ This place cannot help b u t a ttra c t tra c tin g and re p a ir work. Cem ent lovers of m ountain re tre a ts w ith all work specialty. Tel. 430-J, 227 th e u n u su a l a d ju n c ts for h ealth and G ranite St. 21tf pleasure. R em em ber w hat I say. This Is an TAXI SERVICE investm ent w orth looking a t and it EVANS TAXI SERVICE— Five pas­ can not stand long a t th e price now senger Chailmers, Seven Passenger offered. H udson T rips anyw here. R eliab l“ d riv ers and quick service. Stand a t Rose Bros. Day Phone 213; Licensed R ealty Broker. N ight, 101. A shland. PAIGE CAR TAXI, W. J. Albert, Prop. L arge 7-passenger auto, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— A good stock ranch, 640 acres, fo r m odern easy riding. P rices reasonable hom e In A shland, o r acre tra c t Day o r n ig h t. Stand H otel A us­ well im proved n e a r tow n. A ddress tin. Phone 47. F. C. S titser, D orris, Calif. 48-lm o* “THE FIXIT SHOP” Service. WHITE HOUSE’ CAFE PRODUCTION— NOT PROTEST__ REDUCES COSTS IF you would have norm al costs, help bring Supply and Dem and back to norm al. By producing m ore you help Increase Supply; by spending less you help de­ crease Demand. B* 1 W , /s? — And a F irst N ational SAVINGS ACCOUNT will steadily grow for you as a result. s? ^hiïïrsiNatiotialBank ASHLAND. OREGON siliiifflffi»* W W ////M '«II E V C A R T E R . PRES C r t V A U P C L VICE PRES J w C O Y . C a s h ie r C L A R K BUSO ASST CASH Pretty Jardiniers Ashland, Oregon PLANTS This At Before the War Prices H .P. HOLMES GROCERY When You Want Good insurance Talk With Billings” READY FOR WORK! E. T. STAPLES e The Hom e of D ependable T ools, Cutlery, K itchen w a r e S to v es and R an ges One quart fruit cans 90c Two quart Iruit can» $1.25 1 National Legislation o f th e Meat Packing Industry BILLINGS AGENCY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. E. T. Staples 7. 8. 9. i B ring It to me, I can fix it rig h t. FO R SALE— Seven room bungalow , furnished o r u n furnished. In- Law n Mowers and Bicycles my spe­ q u ire, 555 F alrview St. , P hone cialty. L. H. ROOT. 337 E. Main 35-15 3 03-J. street, A shland. PIANO TUNING GEORGE W. CROSS, a piano tu n er, w ith 17 years practical experience including nine years factory tra in ­ ing. Leave o rd ers a t Rose Bros., or Enders. , 45-tf FO R SALE OR TRADE ft. FO R SALE— A full block of 20 lo ts: ab o u t 3 acres, n e a r B oulevard, in S outheast A shland. A beau tifu l hom e site. W ould ta k e a sm all, m odern residence tow ard it; or give easy term s. R. D. Sanford, L ow er H elm an St.. A shland. A SPECIAL OFFERING A Home, a Sweet Home FO R SALE OR TRADE— 160 acres of land 7 m iles from A s h la n d ,. I am offerin g an u nusual barg ain $2000.00 im provem ents, excellent I in a STRICTLY F IR S T CLASS MOD- sp rin g s; 50 acres fenced; 2 m illio n ! ERN ALMOST NEW BUNGALOW feet of saw tim ber. W ill tra d e f o r ; HOME. city residence, o r ta k e c ar as p a rt All b u ilt in; best of plum bing; 5 paym ent. Term s. A ddress H. care room s, b ath , etc.; splendid sleeping 4 6-lm o porch. F u ll basem ent, w ith 10 foot Tidings. ------------ ceiling. Linoleum on kitchen and FOR SALE b ath floors; fine ran g e in place. The location is block and a h a lt FOR SALE— A span of m ules a t a big from Main. Paved highw ay, n e a r bargain. See B. R. G reer a t T id­ school and no m ore accessible and ings office. scenic view point in th e city. The lot is sm all but has b eau tifu l shade J ’OR SALE— Oak dining room table, trees, and a lto g e th e r th is is a ra re also b re a k fa st tab le of tay wood. find for som e one who w ants a hom e In q u ire 78 F o u rth St. P hone ^ 9 " ^ ! a t 60 percent of value. P rice $2600. I T hink of Come and look a t it. FO R SALE— 80 W hite L eghorn hens. But rem em ber th a t if you a re in 2 cows and 3 shoats O J Rath-1 e a rn e st and LOOK AT IT, you have 49-eod bought. bun. I E. T. STAPLES BAKING GOODS AMAZING OFFER W I DO o u r own baking and try to ACRES— Mostly good alfalfa, ju st do it so o u r goods will bold your out of tow n. F ine new bungalow , tra d e and a ttr a c t others. Home 7 room s, b a th and to ilet. Strictly B akery, 69 N orth M ain street. first class convenient bungalow . New m anagem ent. P. J. Sm ith. H ouse p a rtly fu rn ish ed ; barn, W ed-F ri-tf chicken house, etc. Sudden illness of th e housew ife forces change of FO R SALE— C hild’s enclosed iron residence. W ill sell th is place fo r crib. Call a t 173 Oak St., T h u rs­ $2800 and give term s or will ex­ day. 51-2 change fo r su itab le p ro p erty of Hood R iver— P ru n e grow ers in equal value in S outhern C alifornia. th ia vicinity realizing $1000 a n acre. E . T. STAPLES. Give the world the once over ISTEN, fellows, to some straight talk. Many a man .when he gets to be 40, m isses so m e­ t h i n g . H e m ay have lots of money, and a fine family but— He never “got out and saw things”. After he gets settled down, i t ’s too la te. Every man wants to see the world. No man likes to stand still all his life. The best time to TRAVEL is when you’re young and lively—right NOW I I Right NOW your Uncle Sam is calling, “ Shove off I” He wants men for his Navy. He’s inviting yo u ! I t ’s the biggest chance you’ll ever get to give the world the once overt The Navy goes all over the world—sails the Seven Seas— squints a t the six continents— th a t’s its business. You stand to see more odd sights, wonder­ ful scenery and strange people than you ever dreamed of. You’ll work hard while you work. You’ll play hard while you play. You’ll earn and learn. You’ll get, in addition to “ shore- leave”, a 30-day straight vaca­ tion—which is more than th e av erag e b a n k p re s id e n t can count on. * *You can join for two yean, when you get through you’ll be physically and mentally “ tuned up” for the rest of your life. You’ll be ready through and through for SUCCESS. There’s a Recruiting Station right near you. I f you don’t know where it is, your Post­ master will be glad to tell you. 10. 11. Will not increase the amount of meat you can buy for a dollar. Will not raise more animals. Will not produce more meat. Will not stop fluctuations in live-stock receipts o.r prices. Will not increase the output of the packing houses. W ill not prevent strikes. Will not reduce transportation charges. Will not reduce the retailers cost of doing business. Will not increase the demand for the cheaper cuts of meat. Will not lessen the consumers’ demand for ex­ pensive delivery and credit service. Can not at the same time raise prices paid farmers for live stock, and lower prices paid by consumers for meat. But the slowing up of efficiency due to cumbersome governmental routine will have the effect of increasing the manufacturing charges between the cost of live stock and the cost of meats, thus forcing lower live-stock prices or higher meat prices. The packing industry as now conducted, is characterized by keen competition, highest efficiency, and unusually low profits. L et us send you a Swift “Dollar." It will interest you. A ddress Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. Swift & Company, »U. S. A. A sh la n d L o c a l B ra n c h F . C ro u c h , M a n a g e r Shove off ! 'Join the U. S . N avy THIS SHOWS W H A T BECOMES O f ' THE AVERAGE DOLLAR RECEIVEO BY fSWIFT & COMPANY1 FROM THE SALE OF MEAT AND BY PRODUCTS • 5 CENTS IS PAID FOR THE LIVE A N IM A L 12.96 CENTS FOR LABOR EXPENSES ANO FREIGHT 2 0 4 CENTS REMAINS S w if t & C o m p a n y s P r o f i t 2 .0 4 C e n ts W IT H SWIFT £ COMPANY AS PROFIT