I • age A5^d .«> ;T,dingS. The * - «___» ’ublished l H E «IM j I ìm m c b E stablished Every E vening Sunday by ASH LAND Alert R. Greer Except PRINTING CO. ............................E ditor CITY AND COUNTY PAPER. TÉLÉPH O NÉ S» ' »FFICIAL S ubscription R ates D elivered in City o n e M onth, D eliv ered .................I .50 S ubscription R ates' By Mail' O utside Rea|m on th e screen the stu rd y m o u n tain ­ eers, ra th e r th an m odifying th e priu- ciples to up-to-date sta n d a rd s, as m ost cinem a creatio n s a re prone to awimtuan>‘.»:»»:tnn:»KKn t do. The production is in ten reels Com ing W edding and form s an evening’s e n te rta in - Rev. C. A. E dw ards of th e local m ent of exceptional in te re st M ethodist church, will go to Salem T hursday to perform th e m arriag e cerem ony th a t will unite th e lives of Miss Jennie T ooker and P aul Du- ber> both form er A shland young peo- ple wedding will ta k e place F riday evening. Both these young »nn i in iii» i!H iiirn iiiH i„ m n n n u u Helman Sireet Stop Crossing o f City people a re well and favorably know n a m eeting held in A shland be- v)ne year by m a i l ........................$5.00 ¡n A shland. The bride and groom j Ween th e Public Service Com m ission riix m onths by m ail . ................. 2.75 tQ w ilj jjve n ear Bend w here Mr an d , th e m unicipal officials recently D uber has tak e n up a hom estead. th e railro ad crossing on H elm an No out of tow n subscriptions, tak en s tre e t was inspected and exam ined, .o r less th a n th re e m onths. No Guild M eeting Thursday Bv Mail O utside o f U nited States and it was decided to designate th is .m e Y ear ......................................< 812 T here will be no m eeting of T rin- as a “ gtop” crossing, and erect an Six M onths .................................... 4 3 1 ity Guild T hursday of th is week as illum inated sign over it. T his stre e t No subscription fo r less th a n six announced. The next re g u la r m eet- is m uch used, and it was decided m onths. ing will be held T hursday afternoon. th a t a ben, which was first talk ed of advertising rates Novem ber 6, in th e P arish house. ' — D isplay A dvertising— Single in se rtio n . . . .e a ch inch, 30c YEARLY CONTRACTS D isplay A dvertising— Beautiful Play KT Shown Tonight fZr One tim e a week, each inch, each tim e ...........................................27 %c Two tim es a week, each inch, each tim e ............................................... 25c T he hom ely story of “ L ittle P e te,” Every o th er day, each inch, each ‘Old M att” and “ Young M att,” tim e ............................................... 2®c Every ie&ie, each inch, each “ Sam my L ane” and th e gentle Shep­ tim e ............................................ 17 *4 c herd of th e Hills, and all th e big L ocal R eaders— Bach line each tim e (6 w ords to h e a rted m ountail folks * who w ere so line) ............................................... l ° c realistically p ortrayed in H arold Bell To ru n every o th e r day fo r one W rig h t’s fam ous novel, “ The Shep­ m onth, each line each tim e . . . . 7c herd of th e H ills,” will come to life To run every issue fo r one m onth, or m ore, each line each tim e 5c on th e screen of the Vining th e a te r tonight, W ednesday, when a film ver­ C lassified Column— One cent th e word each tim e. sion of the fam ous story will be To run every issue for one m onth shown here for the first tim e. o r m ore, % c th e word each tim e. The c h aracters of th e story are in­ C ards of T hanks, $1.00. terp rete d by a cast th a t rein carn ates O bituaries, 2% cents th e line. Fraternal Orders and S ocieties A dvertising for fra te rn a l orders 2,325,000 DE LAVAL o r societies charging a re g u la r in itia ­ tio n fee and dues, no discount. Re­ SEPARATORS ligious and benevolent o rd ers will IN DAILY USE TH E WORLD OVER be charged for all a d v ertisin g when an adm ission or o th e r charge is W herever grass grows and cown m ade, a t th e re g u la r rate. are m ilked, you will find th e De La val th e favorite cream separator. The T idings bus a greater circula­ More De Lavals a re in use thai tion in A shland and its trade terri­ all o th er m akes combined. tory than all oth er new spapers com ­ The De Laval is tim e tested. I . bined. was th e pioneer cream se p ara to r li E n tered a t th e A shland, Oregon, 1878 and has led in popularity an« Postoffice as Second Class Mail sales for forty years. I t's th e w orld s stan d ard cream M atter. separator. ASHLAND A shland will have th e privilege of hearing an o ra to r of natio n al fam e in th e person of Dr. Louis A lbert Banks, D. D., who will speak in the M ethodist church Tuesday evening, Novem ber 4, on th e subject, “ W orld­ wide Prohibition Coming and A m er­ ica Leads th e W ay.” Dr. Banks is know n from th e A tlantic to th e Pa-j cific as a great p asto r and successful evangelist. He has fought th e bev­ erag e liquor tra ffic from th e very be­ ginning of his m inistry, and a t last his opposition to th e tra ffic th a t destroys m en becam e such a consum ing pas­ sion w ith him th a t he gave up his work as pastor-evangelist and for y ears his clear brain and eloquent tongue have been used in advocacy of prohibition all over th e U nited States. The lectu re platform contains no m ore able, popular and successful speaker. He ranks with Young, Hob­ son, S tearns and o th er great proh - bition lecturers, and A shland is most fo rtu n a te to be able to h e a r him speak. EXAMINATION DATE FIXED Novem ber 16 is the ten ta tiv e date set for the exam ination of th e offi­ c e rs of th e T hird Oregon in fan try . N ational G uard, in a telegram re ­ ceived by Colonel Creed C. H am ­ m ond, com m anding. Colonel C. E. D entler. inspecto r-in stru cto r, proba­ bly will be th e president of th e ex­ am ining board. All officers who did not hold com m issioned rank during the w ar in federal service or who now hold h igher ran k th an vihen discharged a re required to ta k e the exam ination. LA Children’s Shoes : M ust be of good quality. W e have them . Service J u s t com plaints .J.yÄ,«- BAN K OFASHLAND Your Every Banking 5 Requirement- is well cared fo r a t th e Citizens Bank of A shland. W e m ake it a point to serve o u r custom ers w ith efficiency and dis­ patch. A ccounts solicited. [ A t f AIM SAVINGS DEPOSITS. CREAMERY Better Meat and More for your money F u ll line of canned goods as well as th e best in fresh m eats. PLAZA MEAT MARKET 61 N orth Main. Tel. 190. HEMSTITCHING PICOT1NG Y «ur Personal Highway (jirls==Ladies-=Women POLEY’S DRUG STORE ADOLLAR SAVED ISAS GOOD AS TWO EARNED SAVE YOUR MONEY — BY BUYING — FLOUR, FE E D , SCRATCH, CORN, M ILL RUN, BRAN. PANCAKE FLOUR, DAIRY F E E D , ROLLED BARLEY, ETC. — Of th e — ASHLAND MILLS ▼ I MARTIN BROS., Klamath Falls » Flour and Feed U T Z , NININGER & ROBERTSON, P rop s: 1 9 i0 a t th is crossing, w ould be a nuisance, as it would easily be contused w ith . and th e sw itch engines. The illum inated » FIN D - H O LLISTER’S ROCKY MOUN- SONSTIPATION goes— your OOM- sign will be a rra n g e d so th a t it will TA!N TEA a g rea t L a x a tiv e -m ild , te t' not be confused w ith o th e r lights Mrs. H evener and Miss Ew an, bal­ along th e ra ilro a d and will serve as pleasant, ce rtain — so th o roly Give it a thoro tria l and you will cony floor, V aupel’s Store. ing and puH fying th a t CONSTIPA- recom m end it to all your women a w arning of th e approach of train s. TION disappears, and w hen your friends. 35c a package. Sw enson & McRae T rue economy begins with buy­ ing a Range of quality—always the cheapest in the end. proves. W ednesday, October 2 0 , ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS two 3 = Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats, $25, $29.50 and $35.00 V ary a ttra c tiv e in price as well as in style. M any p retty dolm ans for th e y o u th fu l and m ore conservative styles for th o se who desire them . Misses and Small Ladies Suits Lots of Them If you have had tro u b le to be fitte d you should try NOW w hile w e have . m any sm all sizes to choose from . W e C lose at 5 :3 0 P . M. E very day except Saturday. * ygoo DS NOTICE. 5 :3 0 Closing. New 48 h o u r week ru lin g for women. <