Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, October 29, 1919, Image 1

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A shland D aily T idings
Successor to The Sem i-W eekly
Voi. 43.
W 5H
«$> -
<?> CLEVELAND, Oct. 29.— See-
I <§> ing in th e new spapers th a t he
had overlooked $125 when he
<§> robbed the Brooks Oil statio n
<$> here, th e sam e ban d it today re-
<S> tu rn e d and forced th e clerk to
<♦> em pty th e till again. He got
it all th is tim e.
(By th e U nited P ress)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29.— The ra il­
road ad m in istra tio n has ad m itted
th a t R egional D irector Holden seized
lignite coal in tra n s it th ro u g h Colo-
rado “ to m eet th e local situ atio n .
C laggett, D irector H ines’ assistan t,
Lad previously denied the seizure.
DENVER, Oct. 29.— The railro ad
ad m in istra tio n today com m andeered
all lig n ite coal in tra n s it in C olora­
do, in p rep aratio n for th e possible
coal strik e.
All th e lignite to be ihined in Col-
orado d u rin g th e rem a in d e r of th is
week will also be tak e n for th e rail-
way lines, u n d er o rd ers received
from Regional D irector Holden.
(By th e U nited P ress.)
W ASHINGTON, Oct. 29.— The rail-
road ad m in istra tio n is w aiting to see
w h e th e r or not th e th re a te n e d coal
s trik e is settled, stated Brice Clag­
g e tt, D irector H ines’ a ssista n t, in de­
nying th a t th e rail a d m in istra tio n had
ordered th e seizure of coal in tra n sit.
C laggett also denied th a t Hines
had au thorized R egional D irector
H olden to confiscate coal in tra n sit
in Colorado.
(By th e U nited P ress)
CHICAGO, Oct. 29.— No extension
of th e com m andeering of coal for
ra ilro a d use in o th e r sta te s than
Colorado is contem plated, according
to a sta te m e n t issued a t th e office
of R egional D irector Holden of the
w estern d istrict.
This step was ta k e n in Colorado
to in su re 100 per cent delivery on
governm ent co n tracts, it was said.
Any su rp lu s over th e contract
am ount will be applied on co n tracts
for fu tu re delivery.
The reason given for th e move was
th a t production in Colorado m ines
has been below norm al lately.
(By the U nited P re s s )
(Special to The Tidings)
LONDON, Oct. 29.— T he Bolshe-
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29. — Dr. i viki. tak in g the offensive on th e Pe-
H arry G arfield, form er U nited S tates tro g ra d front, today m ade im p o rta n t
tuel ad m in istra to r, \is ite d the W hite advances a t several points and re-
House today a t th e i equest of Sec- cap tu red K rasnoeselo, a ' Moscow
re ta ry to the P resident Tum ulty.
w ireless com m unique claim ed.
AD C A LLED C O N F E R E N C E ............ i
V iborg dispatch said Colonel
G arfield said he is in touch w ith F lvengren of th e F in n ish a rm y had
the coal s trik e situ a tio n and ex- cap tu red Toksovo, 17 m iles n o rth -
pressed confidence th a t a w alkout east of P e tro g ra d , in an u n a u th o r-
will be avoided.
jze(j r a jcj from th e F in n ish border.
th e U nited P ress)
Much significance is attach ed io
Oct. 29.— The su p rem e
Qa r t j ^ (p s
call in the light of fact
The F innish g overnm ent recen tly | c o u n c il’s official rep o rt today defi
th a t W ilson’s cabinet has deter-1 decided not to join in .the o ffen siv e n itely charges G erm any w ith viola-
mine(, tQ em p,oy th e provisions
of a g ain st P e tro g ra d due to th e expense i t ion of various provisions of the arm -
tfae L eyer fQod 'V
&nd th e fugl provisions
act ,f nec_
j ' lofino
• .
egsary tQ
to preyent stoppage of coa,
Follow ing subm ission of th e re ­
p o rt th e council held a conference to
This act, u n d er which th e fuel ad ­
decide th e n a tu re of th e penalties to
m in istratio n was created, would allow
be inflicted upon G erm any.
th e governm ent to seize th e m ines
and move against persons responsi-
t i e for h a ltin g production of neces-
(By th e U n ited P re ss)
HARRISBURG, P a., Oct. 29.— P e ­
OKLAHOMA CITY, Oct. 29.— Cit­ titio n s asking th e city council to pass
izens of Kenefick, a sm all cotton as- an o rdinance a d o p tin g a d a y lig h t sav-
sem bling town, today seized two car- ings plan fo r th e city of H a rris b u rg ,
joac]s of coaj to pveVent a tieu p o t ^ re in circulation in c ig a r sto res, fac-
th e tow n’s in d u stry by th e th re a t -T o rie s and o th e r places w here bodies
ened coal strik e. The coal was con- ° f people g a th e r.
signed to th e Cotton Belt railro ad at
T ° date, no council action has been
Com m erce, Texas.
taken. M ayor D aniel K ie ste r how-
T h e ’tow nspeople tu rn e d over the ever, has publicly anm oun& d his ap-
(By th e U nited P ress)
coal to th e cotton com pany.
proval of the plan.
Oct. 29.— Con­
--------------------------- -
F actory w orkers a re said to be
approval to
unanim ously in fa v o r of th e proposed
OSWEGO. N. Y., Oct. 29.— The ordinance. N othing o th e r th a n a pro- th e b ill ap p ro p riatin g the money nec­
steam er H om er W arren, en ro u te from Posal has been m ade, no d ate for e ssa ry to execute the provisions of
h ere to T oronto w ith five hundred com m encem ent o r d iffe re n c e in tim e th e pnohibition enforcem ent m easure
tons of coal, foundered off Sodus, 40 to be asked being m en tio n e d by back- which becam e a law over W ilson’s
veto yesterd ay .
m iles west of here, in a 60 m ile gale ers of th e m ovem ent.
sw eeping th e lake last night. All
hands, seven, w ere lost.
Petitions Out
at Harrisburg
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29.— The In ­
te rn a tio n a l Labor C onference im m edi­
ately a fte r assem bling invited the
A m erican rep resen tativ es to p a rtici­
pate in th e proceedings.
► ♦ ♦ •••••••» ••» » » ♦ » » ♦ •♦ •» ♦ ♦ I
League of Nations
Begins to Function
(S recial to The Tidings)
•WASHINGTON, Oct. 29.— T hat the
in te rests of m illions of w orking men
and women are endangered by the
labor articles of th e peace treaty ,
Senator L aF o llette declared today in
a speech A ttacking these sections.
He said:
“ The lab o r articles of
th is tre a ty set up an in te rn atio n a l
legislative body,
undem ocratic ir.
ch a ra c te r, which h as broad powers
to reach out into th e in te rn al a ffa irs
of th is country, and which will be
able to m ass th e w eight of aggre-
gate world pressure behind its pro­
gram of legislation and w rite th a t
program into o u r sta tu s a g ain st the
unorganized will of th e Am erican
L aF o llette announced th a t he will
la te r move to s trik e out all labor
sections of the reaty.
S trike Order
Stands Despjfe
Wilson Appeal
W ill Issue No
More Bulletins
(By th e U nited P ress)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29.— “ The
p resid e n t’s
im provem ent steadily
co n tin u es,” said to d ay ’s physician’s
bulletin. “ He is eating, sleeping, di­
gesting and asK m ilating well. His
p resent
im provem ent
reached a 'p o in t w here it is not con­
sidered necessary to issue daily bul­
letins. The people of th e country
will be prom ptly advised, however,
of any change in his condition.”
Salem- P lan s com pleted for new
dorm itory hall for W illam ette Uni-
(By th e U nited P ress)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29.— Low er
food prices m ust come w ithin th e
next few m onths, due to th e large
su rp lu s of supplies now accu m u lat­
ing, H erb ert H oover predicted today
before th e house w ar d ep artm en t ex­
p en d itu re com m ittee.
'< The resu lt of th is y e a r’s h arvest
will be a su rp lu s of from sixteen to
tw e n ty m illions of tons of food, th e
food expert stated.
T his accum ulating su rp lu s has al-
i ready been reflected in low ering of
w holesale prices, he said, but no
(By th e U nited P re ss)
decrease is yt shown in
CLEVELAND, Oct. 2 9 .— In th e a r-i
re ta il figures.
re st of five m en and a w om an an d
th e finding of a q u a n tity of ex p ié ­
sives h ere today, th e C leveland po-
lice believe a big step h as been ta k -,
en in c learin g up th e . m ystery of the
nation wide bom bing of la st M^y and
The a rre s ts w eer m ade in fo u r
sim ultaneous ra id s in d iffe re n t p a rts
of th e city.
(By th e U nited P ress)
coal strik e o rd er still stands, it was
announced when th e United Mine
W o rk ers’ executive board recessed
th is afternoon.
(By th e U nited P ress)
IINDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Oct. 29.—
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29.— T h a t h e a d ers of th e United Mine W orkers
th e double task of com batting rad i- today began th e ir conference to " ta k e
calism in the ran k s of labor and safe- cognizance of th e general situ a tio n ”
g uarding th e “ rig h ts of wage earn-^ su rro u n d in g the call for a strik e of
ers, will be put up to th e confer- half a m illion coal m iners,
ence of in te rn atio n a l union heads
The doors were closed and none
which m eets here D ecem ber 31, was except accredited delegates were ad-
m ade plain today in a le tte r which m itted. T here is no indication as to
P resid en t Gom pers of th e A m e ric an ‘how iong it win tak to reach an agree-
F ed eratio n of L abor, gave out.
m ent on th e answ er to th e presi-
d e n t’s appeal th a t th e strik e o rd er
be recalled.
See Our Needs
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Oct. 29 —
The call for a strik e of coal m iners
R esults are being heard in P o rt-i
will not be rescinded, in th e opinion
land from th e extension tra d e e x c u r-1
of leaders of the United Mine W ork­
sion which* recently visited S outhern
e rs who m et her*e today to d raft a
Oregon. At a luncheon given by the
reply to P resident W ilson’s appeal
P ortland C ham ber of Com m erce Mon­
fo r a recall of th e strik e order.
day, which in testim ony to its c h a r­
However, it is believed the union
ac te r was announced as “ Southern
i heads, in th e ir reply to the president,
Oregon day,” several m em bers re­
will not close the door entirely to
viewed th e trip and spoke on th e p u r­
fu rth e r negotiations.
poses of th e recent visit and th e les­
If the strik e o rd er stan d s th e
sons derived. N athan S trauss, who
m iners will walk out a t m idnight
led the tra d e delegation to Southern
F rid a y in all bitum inous coal fields
Oregon, presided a t th is luncheon
of the nation.
and stated th a t h e re a fte r P o rtlan d
m ust appear as big b ro th e r to all Or-
Am ong th e talk s a t th is luncheon
(By th e United P ress)
A shland was cham pioned by A rthur
1 jroposed six hour day for soft coal
H. Devers, who p ortrayed th e so u th ­
i m iners would m ean increased ra th e r
ern city as one of vision and fore­
th a n decreased production, accord­
sight, rich in m aterial resources and
ing to Ellis Searles, e d ito r of the
c u ltu ra l am bition. He paid trib u te
Mine W orkers’ Jo u rn al.
to th e b eautiful park, the cam ping
Searles, in an interview today,
sites for to u rists, to the C hautauqua
based th is assertion on th e prem ise
and to sim ilar evidences th a t Ash-1
th a t th e sh o rte r day would be m ore
land , is alive to its own fu tu re. And
equitably d istrib u ted in em ploym ent:
he urged his Por tlan d audience to re­
and th a t six hours in a m ine is all
m em ber th e validity of A shland’s
a m an can stand under present con­
claim for a sta te norm al school.
ditions and reta in his efficiency.
“ At th e next election,” said Mr. i
Devers, “ if the request for such a MINERS ARE ENTOMBED
norm al school Comes from Ashland,
we m ust do everything possible to i
(By th e U nited P ress)
see th a t th e ir desire is b ro u g h t to
CANTON, Ohio, Oct. 29.— Tw enty
fru itio n .”
m iners a re im prisoned by fire in a
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29.— Mrs.
W ilson wa stoday ah unexpected cal-
ler on Queen E lizabeth. A few m in-
utes la te r the queen and the presi-
d e n t’s wife left for a m otor ride
th ro u g h th e parks.
m ine a t A m sterday, 30 m iles south of
here. The fire is gaining rapid
headw ay and it is feared all th e men
in th e m ine lost th e ir lives,
F orty m iners w ere employed but
a num ber escaped th rough th e a ir
sh a ft a fte r th e flam es were discov-
o m m
♦ > « « » ♦ »♦> i >
■ ♦ • ♦ ■
(B y th e U nited P re ss)
O rganization and adoption of rules
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29. — The was to be th e first o rd er of busi-
League of N ations was to begin to } ness. S eating of delegates and ex-
m v m
function today when rep resen tativ es am ination of th e ir c re c e n tia ls is a n ­
of 50 n ations convened here as the o th er im p o rta n t m a tte r th a t will con­
(By th e U nited P ress)
In te rn a tio n a l L abor Conference.
fro n t the delegates before m any hours
DETROIT, Oct. 29.— A story of
The purpose of th e conference is have passed.
retu rn ed love and hum ility into the
to m ake w orld rules to govern in­
G erm any, under the tre a ty , is not
al tangle of selfishness was told
d u stria l relations.
en titled to rep resen tatio n because she
here today a t a hospital w here Mrs.
O rganized as a p a rt of th e League is not yet a m em ber of the league
Mabel P arsons is fighting for her
of N ations, th e conference is th e first no r was she one of those nations in-
form al m eeting of any p a rt of th e vited to join. Mexico is in th e sam e
She may win, as her stre n g th has
sta tu s.
rn ed since h er husband gave a
S ubjects to be considered by the
Yet G erm any weeks ago prepared
(By th e United P ress)
considerable q u a n tity of blood for
conference n u m b er only five and to send delegates tru s tin g to the
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29.— The sen­
tran sfu sio n .
w ere prescribed by th e peace con- good n a tu re of th e conference to re-
a te today rejected the Shields am end­
Mrs. Parsons, Mrs. Thelm a Dei-
ference at P aris. These subjects a r e : ' ceive and seat them . Sweden and
m ent to the peace tre a ty by a vote
vggle and P arsons m et in th e din­
T he 48-hour week and eig h t-h o u r o th e r form er n e u tra ls a re understood
of 31 to 49.
ing room of the P arsons hom e a week
to have in stru cted th e ir delegates to
The senate
defeated th e
U nem ploym ent— causes, n atio n al and fight to seat th e G erm an delegates.
Moses am endm ents, last of the peace
You m ust choose betw een u s,”
CHICAGO, Oct. 29.— Ja k e Alex
in te rn atio n a l and th e cure.
A nother question th a t is puzzling
tre a ty am ndm nts which th e foreign
(By th e U nited P ress)
wife sobbed.
W om en in in d u stry (a ) a t night (b) th e conference is the seatin g of those
relations com m ittee proposed by a
CLEVELAND, Oct. 29.— Seizure of
E rope as a p a rt of th e A. E. F., but
P arsons chose Thelm a.
in u n h e a lth fu l surroun dings.
delegates from n ations which have
vote of 36 to 47.
His wife then swallow ed poison, the local governm ent th ro u g h a reign
could not ta k e tim e to visit his home
C hildren in in d u stry (a ) m inim um not yet ratified th e peace treaty .
The Shields am endm ent would
The o th er woman adm inistered an of te rro r by w holesale dynam iting
tow n in Serbia. He s ta rte d for Ser-
age (b ) at night (c) in u n h ealth fu l S trictly speaking they a re not m em ­
have given em pires or federations
Mrs. A. D eP eatt, an aged resid e n t I ^¡a tjjjs m orning to visit his hom e a n tid o te and h u rried her to the hos- and m u rd ers was th e principal ob-
surro u n d in g s. •
bers of th e league and th ere fo re un-
in th e League of N ations only one
A shland, died a t h e r hom e on H ar- j olks a t th e expense of his em ployers, pital.
ject of six men and one wom an un­
E xtension to all n ations of the pro- en titled to rep resen tatio n .
vote. It was proposed as a su b sti­
der a rre s t here in connection w ith a
hibition ag ain st use of th e dan-
It may be weeks, officials said to- gadine s tre e t a t 3 o’clock th is m orn- tk e M orris P acking com pany.
tu te for the Moses am endm ent, bar-
plot to blow up th e cen tral police s ta ­
gerous w hite phosphorus in the day, before th e conference finishes ing. W hile Mrs. D eP eatt h ad been |
rrin g colonies from voting when a
according to the police.
m atch in dustry.
clearing up k n o tty questions and gets
vote affecting th e m other country
was n o t b ed fast u n til S unday even-,
A w idespread round-up of foreign
U nder th e program of th e League down to business.
was under consideration.
born persons and o th ers know n to
of N ations th e recom m endations of
M eanwhile W ashington hostesses ing, and since th a t tim e h e r m alady
The aim of both m easures was to
She had
have have affiliatio n w ith radical
th e conference on these subjects will a re p rep arin g to tak e a d v an tag e of h ad
At th e close of th e Roosevelt Mem-
equalize th e votes of A m erica and
a resid e n t of A shland for over
. . . ..
.b e m orally binding upon th e legis- the delay to lu re to th e ir tables and been
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 29.— F ol­ elem ents has been ordered by the G reat B ritain in th e league.
in „
,, ,
. c ria l cam paign M onday night it was
. . lowing a re m ark et q u o tations:
chief of police.
lativ e bodies of all n ations partici- th e ir teas m any foreign notables here
found th a t A shland has failed to
Sherm an obtained th e floor and
th e o lder resid e n ts of th e city. F u ­
The officers reported th a t they
for th e conference.
m eet h e r qu o ta of $300. Only $142.75
called up his am endm ent to include
found enough explosives concealed
R epresen tatio n in th e conference
P ersonal eccentricities ju st now n e ra l a rra n g e m e n ts have not been ' has been paid in so far, not counting
BUTTER— E xtras, 66c.
an invocation of th e blessings of the
is determ ined by m em bership o r pros- a re noticeable in every hotel lobby, m ade at th is w ritin g . T he deceased th e am o u n t pledged by T alent. In / POULTRY— B roilers, 40c; hens, in th e hom es of the prisoners to blow Deity in th e peace tre a ty pream ble.
un a dozen large buildings, w hile re­
pective m em bership in th e league. T here is th e delegate w ith untrim m ed is survived by tw o d a u g h te rs and o rd e r to g a th e r in th a t which, c iti­ 36c.
The sen ate rejected it by a vote of
volvers, knives and o th er weapons
Each nation is en titled to fo u r dele- h a ir b ut who is “ ju st deeply intel- one son’
57 to 27.
zens h av e neglected to pay so far
were also found, th e police said.
gates and 10 secretaries for each del- lectu al— w rites
books, you know,
HOGGS— Top, 13 M-c.
th e account will be held open two
elation. T hree of th e fo u r delegates my d e a r.” T here are breeches th a t
SH E E P — Ewes, 7c; w ethers, 9 % c;
days lo n g er a t th e F irs t N ational
from each nation w ere nam ed by th e w ere cut in fashionable Bond street,
b an k , and it is*hoped th a t the deficit lam bs, 9% c.
The funeral, of the late H. F. Poh-
governm ent and th e fo u rth by th e London; wasp w aist coats from the
* land will be held a t th e Elks Tem ple
BARLEY— Spot feed, $3.15; ship- ♦
w ill b e .r a is e d w ithout solicitation. t
chief labor organization of th a t coun- P a ris boulevards and felt h ats w ith)
♦ tom orrow afternoon a t 2:30 o’clock.
The city of A shland has finally A shland h as never before fallen down Ping, $3.10.
I fe a th e r decorations a t th e side from been released from th e claim s of th p . on a d rive and it is hoped th a t th is
All m em bers are requested to be a t
Before th e conference has been in Italv.
I ♦
F o r O regon— F air.
>9> the club room by 2 o’clock.
i Cam eron Septic T an k com pany which w ill be raised w ithin th e next two
session a w e e ', more th a n 1 0 0 0 per-
And, of course, w ith th e delegates, has been p e n d in g th e suprem e davs gefore she spoils h er record.
(By tn e United P ress)
sons will have been bro u g h t here by or m any of them , a re th e ir wives court f o r a long tim e. T his com pany)
WrALLA WALLA, W ash., Oct. 29.
it, officials estim ated today. W ash- w earing P aris gowns and hats.
claim ed th a t A sh lan d , w hen th e city!
S en ato r McNary rep o rts favorably — So m any friends of Judge T. M.
ington hotels now app overflow ing
W ashingtonians foresee a “ m ad septic
in -¡c
- ¡ o m n Jones
Jones bill
fo r r reclam
reclam ation.
ation. T he, M cKinney appeared before him th a t
Albina E ngine and M achine W orks
Klaramath Falls— School, garage,
septic ta
ta n n k k s s w
w ere
ere in
in sta
sta lle
lle d d , , had
had in
bill fo
w ith delegates and secretaries.
social w hirl this w inter as a resu lt fringed on th e co m p a n y ’s rig h ts. T h is ' m easu res c a rry $250,000,000 for re-1 it go on his nerves. “ I’m tire d of finishes w ar co n tracts and plant goes re sta u ra n t, hospital, church, a p a rt-
The conference, m aj
continue of the w o rld s first in te rn atio n a l has finally been se ttle d fo r th e s u m ' clam ation p ro jects in th e w estern fining my pals,” he announced, and back to pre-w ar basis of general m ent house and several residences go­
m onths.
congress for w orkers.
of $70 a n d A sh la n d g o t its release, sta te s.
said he will q u it on October 31.
ship building and fitting.
, ing up.
Last of Amendments
Is Killed By Senate
Reign of Terror
Was Planned
Aged Lady
Died Today
Must Hustle
City Settles