PAGE THREE Ì TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS A shland R esid en ts Must L earn th e Im portance o f K eeping Them W ell. back. This has convinced me th a t) D oan’S K idney P ills are a m edicine of m erit and a re w orth recom m end- ing to o th e rs.” P rice 60c, a t all dealers. Don’t sim ply ask for a kidney rem edy— get D oan’s K idney Pills— the sam e th a t Mr. A ndrus had. Foster-M il- b u rn Co., M frs., B uffalo, N. Y. . jC l !fb i P e rfect h ealth m eans th a t every ¿T l . organ of the^body is perform ing its nra functions properly. 3^ P e rfe c t h e a lth cannot be enjoyed F lorence H ardem an, th e A m erican if th e kidneys a re w eak and d iso r­ violinist, who ap p ears w ith S ousa’s dered. DR. GEO. O. JARVIS T housands testify th a t D oan’s K id­ band in A shland N ovem ber 16, has ney Pills have a reviving action on won for herself an enviable re p u ta ­ w eak kidneys. Ask y our neighbor! DR. FRANK M. MOXON W hat th is rem edy has done in so tion and critics have been u n an i­ PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS m any cases of th is kind is th e best m ous in th e ir praise of h er a rtistry . proof of its m erit. This is th e second to u r Miss H a rd ­ Read th e following. I t ’s testim ony THE SANITARIUM em an has m ade w ith Sousa’s band, gratefu lly given by a resident of th is and th e g reat lead er him self says he locality: ASHLAND, OREGON D. R. A ndrus, 510 S. F ir St., Med­ considers here one of th e leading vio­ ford, Ore., says: “ I was bothered Phone 126 lin ists before th e public today. Mad­ considerably by my kidneys and blad­ am e S arah B e rn h a rd t, w ith whom der. I had tro u b le in reta in in g th e J u s t arriv ed , a com plete shipm ent Miss H ardem an to u red th e sta te s and kidney •e c re tio n s and I also had a dull ache across my kidneys. I found of P a risian Ivory T oilet A rticles. C anada as assistin g a rtis t, is a m ost good relief from D oan’s K idney Pills. FOR SALE— REA L ESTATE PHYSICIANS in terested and e n th u sia stic a d m irer My kidneys acted m ore reg u larly and M irrors, $3.50 to $9.50. I d id n ’t have th a t tro u b le in my of th e v iolinist’s work. P u ff Boxes, 90c to $2.00. DR. H. B. MOORE — C hiropractic AN INVESTMENT THAT CANNOT Miss H ardem an has appeared as LOSE Combs, 25c to $1.50. Physician. F irs t N ational Bank Bldg. P hones: Office, 112; Res I have a M ountain R esort P ro p ­ soloist w ith some of th e leading Files, 35c to $1.25. 2 07-J . _________________________ e rty th a t because of circum stances^ sym phony o rch e stra s of th e country H a ir B rushes, $3.50 to $7.00. is offered for m uch less th a n has and w ith th e New York Glee cluf» a t DAN CONNER, Proprietor. B uffers, $1.00 to $2.00. DR. ER N EST A. WOODS— P ractice been often offered for it and cer­ Jew el Boxes, 50c to $5.00. lim ited to eye, ear, nose and tain ly for m uch less th an it will sell C arnegie hall, th e R ubinstein club a t H ea d q u a rte rs for C om m ercial Men an d T ourists. the W aldorf, th e New Y ork C riterion th ro a t. Office hours, 10 to 12 and fo r in th e n e a r fu tu re. Excellent Grill. Come in and m ake your selection 2 to 5. Sw sdenburg Bldg., A sh­ It is th irty m in u tes drive from | , club, th e New York hippodrom e Sun­ E uropean P lan . M erchants’ L unch. w hile th e stock is com plete, as the land, Ore. 73-tt A shland. A b eau tifu l secluded s p o t1 day n ig h t concerts, and w ith Bern- Two Blocks from L ith ia P ark . one m ile from H ighw ay w ith good m an u fa ctu rers advise us th e ir stocks ASHLAND. OREGON. She j DR. 4. J . EMMENS— P hysician and priv ate road. T here a re 100 a c re s ! I h a rd t a t th e K nickerbocker. a re being rapidly depleted. surgeon. P ractice lim ited to eye, w ith heavy woods on p a rt of it and , is th e proud possessor of Ole B ull’s I ear, nose and th ro a t. Glasses sup­ en chanting tra ils b u ilt to th e h u n t­ ra re old Am ati violin. This in stru - j plied. O culist and a u ris t for S. P ing and fishing grounds and scenic m ent was presented to h er by Cin­ R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., view points. opposite postoffice, M edford, Ore. A b e a u tifu l tro u t stream ru n s th ru cinnati p atro n s of m usic, who also Phone 567. 21-tf th e p roperty and a private irrig a ­ I sent her to E urope, w here she s tu d ­ ^ C n a d U L Store D. M. BROWER, M. D.— BI 6 Factory tion ditch conducts abundance of ied w ith th e fam ous m aster, Leopold w ater to th e garden and ten acres of , A uter, in R ussia. j . St. P hone No. 498-R. Uses radio­ h e a t largely in his tre a tm e n t of m eadow. T here a re several m ineral springs chronic diseases. T uberculosis, cancer a a d o th e r infectious a il­ fam ed for years as possessing un- m ents, respond m arvelously to said usual cu rativ e gases and chem ical ! properties. B illiard players p re te r th is place treatment. | A splendid larg e barn. Good because they know th a t th ey can get | chicken houses and y ard s; a fair GOOD cues; and m odern equipm ent ATTORNEYS STORAGE 1 house, two cottages; a good celler m akes a lot of d ifference in th e ÜAITERV I BRIGGS & BRIGGS, A ttorneys-at- and a profusion of flow ering shrubs, pleasure of th e gam e. I etc. You KNOW It. Law , P ioneer Block, Ashland. I This place cannot help b u t a ttra c t P ro fan ity , gam bling and o th e r u n ­ SERVICE STATION L. A. ROBERTS— A ttorney-at-L aw . lovers of m ountain re tre a ts w ith all desirable elem ents are absolutely Room s 5 and 6, C itizens’ Bank th e u n u su al a d ju n c ts for health and TABOO here. W e invite G EN TLE­ pleasure. MEN only. Bldg. R em em ber w hat I say. This is an T his is a clean, congenial am use­ C. H. SPALDING, A ttorney-at-L aw , investm ent w orth looking a t and it m ent hall for decent clean-cut fel­ T he Job of B eaver Block. P hone 146. can not stan d long a t th e price now lows. offered. I n s u la tio n One cent th e word each tim e. Ivory Py ra lin Hotel Austin Good Cues and Tips Whittle Transler Line McNAIR BROS. L O O M IS & N E L SO N ...FOR... Staple and Fancy Groceries Hardware and Sporting Goods 215 Fourth St. P hone 23 MARTIN BROS., Klamath Falls Flour and Feed T H E IR CRATER LAKE brand of flour absolutoly guaranteed o r your money refunded. A ll we ask is for you to try it. Not one baking b u t the e n tire sack. We have th e ir Mill Feed also. Ashland Fruil & Produce Association Reasons Why We Sell For Less For Service STENOGRAPHERS E. T. Staples Storage, Coal and Transfer Alnutt’s Billiard Parioi Oak St. Tel. 117 ' ‘Clean Sport for R egular Fellow« ’ JESSIE B. THATCHER — Public Licensed R ealty B roker. Stenographer. C om m ercial Club A shland. H ours: 9 a. m. to 12 a. m .; 2 p. m. to 5 p m., FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— A good ADOLLAR SAVED ISAS GOOD AS TWO EARNED stock ranch, 640 acres, fo r m odern ( hom e in A shland, o r acre tra c t I CONTRACTING AND BUILDING well im proved n e a r tow n. A ddress , G. W. McNABB, P la ste rin g , cem entI F. C. S titser, D orris, Calif. w ork and rep airin g . 41 F ifth St. I 48-lm o* Phone 363-Y. 44-tfI — BY BUYING — FOR SALE— Seven room bungalow , FLOUR, FEED, SCRATCH, CORN, MILL RUN, BRAN. PANCAKE A. L. LAMB— Contractor and Build­ fu rn ish ed o r u n fu rn ish ed . In ­ e r. C em ent, Brick and, W ood­ FLOI R, DAIRY FEED, ROLLED BARLEY, ETC. q u ire 555 F airview St. P hone work. Tel. 463-J. 343 M ountain 303-J. \ 35-15 — Of th e — Ave. A SPECIAL OFFERING FRANK JORDAN — G eneral Con­ ASHLAND MILLS A Home, a Sweet Hom e tra c tin g and re p a ir work. Cem ent I am offerin g an u n u su al barg ain work specialty. Tel. 430-J, 227 in a STRICTLY FIR ST CLASS MOD­ G ranite St. 21tf ERN ALMOST NEW BUNGALOW HOME. TAXI SERVICE All b u ilt in; best of plum bing; 5 ’ room s, b ath , etc.; splendid s l e e p i n g ’T’ L i p R /! j jVx l EVANS TAXI SERVICE— Five pas­ a senger C halm ers, Seven P a s s e n g e r, porch. F ull basem ent, w ith 10 foot Linoleum on kitchen and i r H udson. T rips anyw here. R eliable j ceiling. drivers and quick service. Stan.'1 j bath floors; fine range in place. a t Rose Bros. Day Phone 2 1 3 ;| The location is block and a h a lf| No o rg a n s o f th e hum an body are so Get som e GOLD M EDAL H aarlem OH Paved highw ay, n ear Im portant to h ea lth and lo n g life a s the C apsu les a t once. T h ey a re an old, tried N ight, 1 0 1 . __________ 1 from Main. school and no m ore accessible and k id n ey s. W hen th e y slo w up and com ­ p rep a ra tio n used a ll over the w orld for to la g in th eir d uties, look out' PA IG E CAR TAXI, W. J. A lbert. scenic view point in the city. T h e , m k ence in d out w h a t th e trou ble is— w ith o u t cen tu ries. T h ey con ta in on ly o ld -fa sh ­ P ro p . L arge 7-passenger auto, lot is sm all but has b eau tifu l shade delay.- W h en ev er you feel n ervou s, ioned, so o th in g o ils com bined w ith easy riding. Prices reasonable. trees, and a lto g e th e r th is is a ra re w ea k , d izzy, su ffer from sle ep le ssn e ss, B tr e n g th -g iv iu g and sy ste m -c le a n sin g w e ll k n ow n and used by p h y si­ Day or n ig h t. S tand H otel A u s -, find for som e one who w ants a hom e or have pains in the back— w ake up herbs, a t once. Your kidneys need help. These cia n s in their da.ily practice. GOLD a t 60 percent of value. Price $2600. i M EDAL H aarlem Oil C apsules are im ­ tin . P hone 47. s ig n s to w arn you th a t your k id ­ Think of it. Come and look a t it. are n ey s are not p erfo rm in g th eir fu n c­ ported d irect from th e la b o ra to ries in But rem em ber th a t if you are in tio n s properly. T hey are on ly h alf H olland. T h ey are co n v en ie n t to take, “THE FIXIT SHOP’ w ill eith er g iv e prom pt r e lie f or e a rn e st and LOOK AT IT, you have d o in g their w ork and are a llo w in g Im­ y and o u r m oney w ill be refunded. A sk for p u rities to a ccu m u la te and be c o n v er t­ bought. B ring It to m e, I can fix it rig h t. ed in to uric acid and oth er poisons, them a t an y d ru g store, but be su re to E. T. STAPLES th e o rig in a l im ported GOLD w hich are c a u sin g you d istr e ss and w ill g e t Law n Mowers and Bicycles my spe­ d estro y yt-u u n less th ey are driven M EDAL brand. A ccept no su b stitu tes. cialty. L. H. ROOT, 337 E. Main In sea led p a ck a g es. T hree sizes. from you r sy stem . AMAZING O FFE R stre e t, A shland. 3 ACRES— M ostly good a lfalfa, justs out of tow n. F ine new bungalow , PIANO TUNING 7 room s, b a th and to ilet. S trictly ; first class convenient bungalow . I GEORGE W. CROSS, a piano tu n er, H ouse p a rtly fu rn ish ed ; b a rn , i w ith 17 years, practical experience chicken house, etc. Sudden illness i including nine years factory tra in ­ of th e housew ife forces change of j ing. Leave o rd ers a t Rose Bros., residence. W ill sell th is place fo r i or Enders. 45-tf $2800 and give term s o r will ex- | change for su itable property of FOR SALE OR TRADE equal value in S outhern C alifornia. E. T. STAPLES. FO R SALE OR TRADE— 160 acres of lan d 7 m iles from A shland, If you would serve as an exam ple $2000.00 im provem ents, excellent sp rin g s; 50 acres fenced; 2 m illion to others, you m ust see th a t no one feet of saw tim ber. W ill tra d e for forges ahead of th e example. city residence, o r ta k e car as p a rt paym ent. Term s. A ddress H. care T idings. 46-lm o SAVE YOUR MONEY DANGEROUS DISEASE RIGLEYS WHITE HOUSE CAFE FOR SALB SHORT ORDERS AND LUNCHES QUICK SERVICE FO R SALE— A span of m ules a t a big Lunches P u t Up for T ravelers b arg ain . See B. R. G reer a t T id­ 207 East Main. ings office. Jordan Electric Co. E X PE R T BUYING; we have had over T hirty Y ears’ experience in H ousefurnishing business. W e buy rig h t and buy the rig h t Goods. We buy for Cash, tak in g a d v an tag e of all cash discounts. W e own o u r store building, n o ren t td pay. No expensive clerk h ire to provide for. F o r th e above reasons we c a n and DO SELL FOR MUCH LESS th a n D epartm ent Stores or M ail O rder Houses. We m eet all com ­ petition. Come to o u r Store, brin g a lo n g your C atalogue and be convinced. W e a re ju st now show ing th e BEST LINE OF RUGS to be found in th e Valley and a t prices th a t are RIGHT. # E verything in th e HOUSEFURNISHING LINE a t bottom prices. Come in and try us. E ith e r Cash or In stallm en t. , Ashland. Oregon J. P. DODGE & SONS R eliable H ouse F u rn ish ers UNDERTAKERS TRACE MARK » « -C IS T C R C O United States Tires are Good Tires •Chain* c a package before the war c a package during the war CHICHESTER SPILLS BRAND DIAMOND O rd inary in s u la tio n nearly always gives way before the plates do, and the battery has to be rein- Bulated. Willard Threaded Rub­ ber Insulation protects the plates from the very be­ ginning of the battery’s life, and protects the car owner against the need of having the battery reinsu­ lated. Drop in, and we’ll tell you about some of the long­ life records that Threaded R ubber In su la tio n has made possible. S ,, LADIES | c a package 5 — a .w your Uruzciut f ° r CHI-CHES-TER S DIA M O N D BRA ND P ILLS in R e d a n d /jQ . G old m e ta llic boxes, sealed w ith B luev y j i Kibbon. T a x b N O o t h e r . Buy .F y ear \ / n r - u y u a u d aak fur ClII-CUES-TEIi (> V » I t M O N D B 11A N U P I L L S , for tw enty-five years regarded as B e st,S a fest, A lw ays R eliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE 5 5 S Here It I s ! The show place of Rogue River V alley, 10 acres fine land ju st out side city lim its, 7 acres in th e choic e st bearin g fru it, 600 apple trees m ostly Newtowns, 200 ch erries m ost ly Bings; incom e th is year about $1250.00. N othing b e tte r can be h ad . Ten acres all in mixed fru its, 5 room house, b arn and chicken house, $1200.00 net Incom e th is year. W hat b e tto r b a rg a in can you ask th a n th is? W o rth $4000.00; can be had for only $2,500 for sh o rt tim e. Tw enty-five acres, 1 *4 m il0 from M abel on th e Springfield and W end- lin g R. R., L ane county, 1 *4 m ile to school; 5 acres in cultivation, bal­ ance hazel b ru sh and easily cleared, a n d th e best of black creek loam ; sm all «reek across one corner of la n d . W ill tra d e th is for A shland p ro p erty . Mrs. S. L. Allen When You Want Good Insurance Talk With Billings” READY FOR WORK! NOW THE FLAVOR LASTS (A SO DOES THE PRICE! ‘Royal Cord' M ost E co n o m ica l UNITED Wear—life—service—mile­ age—sa fety —com fort These are the things that count in a tire. These are exactly what you get in United States Tires,— general all-round tire satis­ faction. This greater total of tire The value of fire p ro tectio n de­ pends largely upon th e readiness of the firem an to respond to any call and his w illingness to face any d an ­ ger. The value of fire insurance depends largely upon th e readiness of th e com pany in w hich you a re in su red to respond im m ediately to y our loss and its ability to m eet any loss w hich m ay come to it. T h a t’s th e kind we have— alw ays ready for w ork. They pay p ro m p t­ ly every honest loss, big o r little . L et us w rite y our insurance and w e’li give you th e kind th a t W ORKS ALL THE TIME. Car owners w ho do their ow n thinking prefer United States Tires. Their merit *s recognized everywhere* W e have them—a type and size for every car. W e k n o w United S tates T ires are GOOD tires. BILLINGS AGENCY 41 E. M ain St. P hone 211 Real Estate and Real Insurance values means greater econo­ my—less cost of maintenance —less repairs and depreciation. 157 That’s w h y w e s e ll them . WHITE STAR GARAGE, ASHLAND, ORE. FURNAS—LUCAS-LONG, & GEORGE L. TRE1CHLER MOTOR CO., MEDFORD