ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS CAGE TWO k aM M H H a rticle n ot purchased a t home. W hich sh all it be? A constructive C hristm as, or a de- E stab lish ed 1878 F iblished Every E vening Except stru c tiv e one? Sunday by P rosperity should begin a t home. U IE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. i sbland Tidings S atu rd ay , October 25, 1010 i j» n » tn » n » » H i:i» tt ti:» » » iK i tnti» ta« vention in th e M ethodist church. place m ade every Sunday from the pulpit. Everybody welcome. AT THE CHURCHES Church o f the Nazarene (D orm an D. E dw ards, P a sto r.) Beginning w ith the change of tim e, First Church of Christ, Scientist j Sunday, O ctober 26, all n ight services (Pioneer Avenue South.) w ill begin a t 7:30. Services for the Sunday service a t 11 o’clock. Sub­ week a re as follows: Sunday school, ject of lesson serm on, “ P ro b atio n Af­ at 9:45. P reaching at 11. Subject, te r D eath." Sunday school a t 11 “ Cause and E ffect." Y. P. H. L. at o’clock. W ednesday evening m eeting g;30. Come and enjoy these sp iritu a l a t 8 o clock. R eading room open m eetings lead by o u r young people, from 2 to 4 daily except Sundays and E vening service a t 7:30. Subject, holi'days. “ T hree K inds of C h ristian ity ." ---------- P ra y er m eeting every W ednesday ____ ~___________ Christian Church night in th e church a t 7:3 0 . C ottage (Qne blQck 3QUth frQm Citizens p ra yer m eeting every F rid a y a fte r- Bank, W. N orton F erris, P a sto r.) noon a t 2:30. A nouncem ents of the Bible school a t 10 a. m „ preaching &t y o u n g people’s m eeting at .Editor I rt R. Greer ¿FFICLAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER. ** r i :¡¡;¡¡¡ ¡ n n u « ii¡ i¡ ! ! ! ¡ ! ! i! ; ; ii! iiiiiiiiin n g t TELEPHONE 30 P leasan t Hom e Club t Ascription Rates Delivered in City The P leasant H our club m et a t the < ie M onth, D eliv ered .................$ .50 t ie W e e k ............................................ 15 hom e of Mrs. F. H. W alker, a fte r an f A scription Mail Outside a(j j OUrnment o{ geveral m onths, dur- 1 ie y ear by m ail . . / .............. $5.00 ing which tim e th e ladies have been I < m onths by m a i l ..................... 2.75 too busy to a tte n d clubs, and passed ' ree m onths by m a i l .............. 1.50 a very pleasant afternoon. No spe- No out of tow n subscriptions tak e n nm «rr«m w a s nreDared so the i r less th a n th re e m onths. 1 Pr°S ram 9 p p ’ ily Mail O utside of U nited S tates tim e was spent in social converse and t n.e Y ear ................................. $8.12 fancy work. The hostesses, Mes- 6:30 p. in., preaching a t 7:30. i x M onths .................................... 4.31 dam es F. H. W alker and George No subscription fo r less th a n six jk o o k m ille r served delicious refresh- Baptist Church m o n th s. _ ______ _______________________ ___ m ents. W. N orton F erris, P a sto r.) ADVERTISING RATES Bible school 9:45 a. m. P re a c h ­ isplay Advertising— Will Give Victory Dinner ing 1 1 a . m., by Rev. J. J. H andsaker, Single in se rtio n . . . .e a ch inch, 30c The W ednesday A fternoon Club of sta te d irecto r A m erican com m ittee YEARLY CONTRACTS ! th e P resb y terian church a t th e ir last for relief in the n e a r east. T here will 1. isplay Advertising— One tim e a week, each inch, each m eeting decided to postpone th e ir be no evening service so th e congre­ tim e ...........................................27 % c H allow e’en p arty which they had a n ­ Two tim es a week, each inch, each nounced previously, on account of gation m ay be free to a tte n d th e con- tim e ................................................25c Every o th e r day, each inch, each so m any o th er social engagem ents Time to th in k of Instead tim e ............................................... 20c being held a t th a t tim e. Every issue, each inch, each they a re a rra n g in g to hold a New tim e ............................................ 17 %c E ngland d in n er on A rm istice Day, J * E lc ^ l T n e lZ ^ h tim e (6 w ords to Novem ber 11. This will be in th e P aq I O n J Hn e ) ................................................10c n a tu re of a Victory D inner and fur- We have them both wood and coa j l f l s ’ z l f l i * 1 flx ll S lllfl To run every o th e r day fo r one th e r a rra n g e m e n ts will be announced bu rn e rs ’ m onth, each line each tim e . . . . 7c late r. To run every issue for one m onth, or m ore, each line each tim e 5c Embroidery Club Meets C lassified Colum n— HARDWARE Tel. 117 Oak St. Mrs. F. S. Foltz was hostess yes- One cent th e w ord each tim e. To run every issue for one m onth terd ay aftern o o n to th e Em broidery or m ore %c th e word each tim e. meetg e F rid ay a f. C ards of T hanks, $1.00. , , \ , i O bituaries, 2 % cents th e line. ternoon, and is composed of tw elve F ra te rn a l O rders a n d Societies in tim a te friends. A pleasant social A dvertising for fra te rn a l o rd ers t jme was 8pent by th e a tte n d a n ts c r societies charging a re g u la r in itia- over t ^ ejr needlew ork, a fte r which v o n fee and dues, no discount. Re- ligious and benevolent orders will refresh m en ts were served, be charged for all a d v ertisin g when on adm ission or o th er charge is m ade, a t th e re g u la r ra te . 1 The Social Realm Whittle Transfer Line HEATING The Tidings has a greater circula- i ion in Ashland and its trade terri- »ory th a n all o th e r new spapers com- lin e d . ___________ _______ E n te re J a t the A shland, Oregon, Postoffice as Second Class Mail M atter. _________________ _ The show place of Rogue R iver Valley, 10 acres fine land ju st o u t­ side city lim its, 7 acres in th e choic- est bearin g fru it, 600 apple trees m ostly Newtowns, 200 ch erries m ost- ly Bings; incom e th is year about $1250.00. N othing b e tte r can be LET PR O SPERITY BEGIN AT had. HOME Ten acres all in m ixed fru its, 5 room house, b arn and chicken house, C om m unity prosperity is, o r is not, j i 200.00 n et incom e th is year. W hat ¡,s we of the com m unity m ake it. b e tte r b arg ain can you ask th an th is? j Much m oney will be spent aro u n d $4000.00; can be had for only here d u rin g th e com ing C hristm as $2,500 for sh o rt tim e. holidays. It is rig h t th a t it should Tw enty-five acres, 1 % m ile from be so, for every norm al person likes ^ja |jei on Springfield and W e n d -; to p a rta k e of th e joys of th e yule jing r R Lane county, 1 % mile to tim e. school; 5 acres in cu ltivation, b a l- . But w here will th a t m oney go? ance hazel b ru sh and easily cleared, W ill the p rofits rem ain here, and and th e best of black creek loam ; continue to circu late in our m id s t,. sm ajj creek across one corner of nnd enrich ou r local com m unity? Or ,an(j. W ill tra d e th is for A shland will they go to foreign houses, and p ro p erty. be forever lost to us who have pro­ duced them by o u r energy and our th rift? The answ er is in our own hands. O ur local m erc h an ts will be well equipped for supplying o u r dem ands. The goods will be on th e ir coun­ ters. w here we can see them , judge as to th e ir quality, and know w hat we get. And th e nam e of a local d ealer sta n d s as a g u a ra n te e for e v ery th in g he sells. But if we buy abroad we lose from o u r m idst both the d e a le r’s cost price an d his profits. W e never see them again. And our com m unity is th e poorer to th e extent of th e profits on every M rs. S. L. Allen W e have them . proves. ) YOUR SATISFACTION ¡líW highes LSS Taxidermist and Furrier. 115 W. M ain St. M edford, Oregon. ered and satisfacto rily ad ­ -a T Y U E The Paint Man ff W ith sh o rte r days and lo n g er nights, and w ith the approach ♦ of Jack F ro st, we feel it a duty to rem ind you th a t th e oxford season is a t an end and th a t Dame F ashion com m ands you to select your F all boots. F o rtu n a te ly , a lth o u g h n o t w ithout surm o u n tin g th e difficul­ ties arisin g th ro u g h a scarcity of le a th e r and o th er post-w ar conditions fam iliar to you, we placed o u r o rd er w ith Utz & Dunn early. As a resu lt we a re able to offer you a splendid selec­ tion of boots a t reasonable prices. The delig h tfu l m odels a re on th e shelves and sam e of the styles grace th e window. You will adm ire them , we know. These boots have every new and w orthy point of style. May we have th e pleasure of a call? C. H .VAUPEL Ashland, Oregon Quality Store Williird' MARK 68-73 E. Main St., Ashland. R E G IS T E R E D In buying, we select Only P u re , W holesole Foods. We invite y o u r tra d e on th e b a sis Y our Money R eturned. of Com plete S atisfaction or HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. Hines & Snider Auto Co. 36-40 South Fir, Medford, Oregon. Telephone 21 OURS IS THE T R A D E T H A T S E R V IC E M A D E Ok Reasons Why We Sell For Less Studebaker Cars Mack Trucks Firestone Tires We have distribution for the Allmite lubrica­ tion system. We carry a stock of Timkin, Hyatt and New Departure bearings. Beaver Realty Co. T H E POPULAR REALTY CO. 211 E. Main St.. Phone 68 “ A m an can borrow m oney o t w h at he puts into a home. H e can ’t on w hat he pays o u t for re n t.” “ I w ant to see every w age-w orks f ! " ow n his own hom e.” — W. B W ilson, U. S. Sec’y of Laboi \V.e have several choice hom es as v ell as bargains in acreage. Some can be sold on sm all paym ents an