9 SENATOR PROPOSES INVASION MEXICO A shland D aily T idings ASHLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 3919 VOL. XLIII NUMBER 48 GOVERMENT MAY PREVENT STRIKE -v-»- ' ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦»♦♦♦♦ »-t -♦ *■ TREATY VOTE I Cabinet Meets to Consider Situation <8» <$> <§> TODAY’S THE DAY. < •> THE SHRINE. — — — ■ ---------- < i> ---------- 3> <§> H ave you ever w ished th a t <$> A m odest grave on th e ridge -$> < § > you m ight live som e p a rt of of a hill in th e cem etery of a < ? > yoiir life over ag ain? . sm all Long Island tow n, m ark s < 3 > Sure you have. < §> •3> th e final restin g place of a <$> All rig h t, folks. T oday's the -5 > • * plain, sim ple m an and h a s ‘ be* < ? .' day you do it. < $ > <$> come th e mecca of pilgrim age 3> < t> Of course it isn ’t m uch of T ♦ for all th e w orld. ♦ (By th e U nited P ress) your life th a t you get th e op- Upon it are heaped each day WASHINGTON, Oct. 25.— R epeat- <$> p o rtu n ity to live over again, •'•>, •s> fresh flow ers, roses and for- m al flow ers from th e flo rists; <» ed objections by republican sen ato rs $ b ut yon can live a t least one « set pieces from associations all «> today fru stra te d a tte m p ts by S enator h o u r of w our life over again to- <8> (By th e U nited P ress) over Am erica. T here is no H itchcock to fix th e tim e for voting «g, n ijh t, for th is is th e night you WASHINGTON, Oct. 25.— Sena­ headstone to m ark th e spot, a <•> on the Johnson and Moses amend- <$> s e ; those clocks back one hour. 9 <*> in o rd er th a t they may get Old to r -W ers today introduced a resolu­ lone locust tree, its stro n g $> m ents to th e peace tre a ty . S enator Lodge announced th a t in <«.■ Man Sun up a t a decent h o u r in T tio n d irecting th a t all arm ed forces lim bs th ru s tin g its sparse foli- the in te rest of speedier action he < $> the m ornings. of th e United S tates be used in an age ag ain st t h e elem ents, would atte m p t to hold the sen ate in < $> F o r th e past ten days th e old <$> effo rt to obtain th e release of A m er­ <*> stan d s as N a tu re ’s single senti session on Monday or “as long as it < ican C onsular Agent Jen k in s, held by <$> nel upon th e sim ple m ound. <♦■> o r "a s ? s> > codger h a s n 't been peeking <§ 8 > (By tne United P ress) will stay w ith m e.” < S over the th e hills east of of tow n un- un- 0> <$> M exican bandits. <$> T heodore R oosevelt’s restin g <®> will stay w ith me. • > over hills east town MILW AUKEE, Oct. 25.— One year (By the U nited P ress) D em ocratic ato rs rs are til th th e e sim sim ply ply aw aw ful ful hour hour of of 8 8 < 0> $ at h ard labor in tb e bouge oJ correc. Je n k in s is reported to be held by 0> place is there. O' D em ocratic sen sen ato are said said to to be be ;> til WASHINGTON, Oct. 25.— The 0> a band of rebels under F rederico T ravelers from th e n o rth 0> Planning an a tte m p t to force a vote a. m. But tom orrow th e shiny * t ion waa the sentence imp08ed on Cordoba, and Ju a n U berra, near P u ­ senate banking and currency com- O' and south, east and west, from O on all th e reserv atio n s as a whole. rascal will have to get up a t 7. O D r. David Roberta> convicted on two m ittee today rejected th e nom ination Indja Egypt and Africa> from They believe th is d rastic proposals o F o r we'll all fudge the clock O hounts of e ta tu to ry charges involv- ebla. the defeat of the o one h our on him th is eve- At th e instance of Cordoba, a rep- of John Skelton W illiam s as control- thg capitals of tw o hem i- O would lead to ing Miss Grace Lusk, now serving a O ning. re se n ta tiv e of Je n k in s left Puebla ier of currency, by a vote of 10 to 7, gphereg come t0 stand a nd pon- <* Lodge m easure ** sentence in th e s ta te prison for th e y esterd ay to confer w ith th e bandit on a strictly p arty division. d er QVer t be sim plicity of th e But, ju st as a m a tte r of w arn- <» m u rd er of R oberta re g a rd in g his release. W illiam s' nom ination has been grave and co n tra st it w ith th e peated his previous sta te m e n ts th a t «$, ing; dqn’t let th e whole fam ily 's> ---------- pending since th e previous session Of grea t deeds of him who rests the churches, labor organizations and <$» tak e a w hirl a t th a t clock fudg- <$> W ASHINGTON, Oct. 25.— The congress, when it was also rejected. . th e re _« T otlier forces in terested in th e public <•> ing s tu n t— or th e joke m ay be <$> S ta te D epartm ent today delivered a He has been holding office under Like th e tra v e le rs from w orld w elfare are suppo rtin g the league. on you and npt op Mr. 8un. <$> n o te to Mexico dem anding the release a recess appointm ent since M arch 4. points, feathered friends perch <*> while the an a rc h ists and bolshevists •> of C onsular A gent Jenkins, kidnaped ...------------------ - Q atop th e locust tree, chirping a re opposing it. a t P uebla, Mexico, even if it is nec­ •$> and c h atterin g . Orioles and ❖ Every new spaper in th e United essary for th e Mexican governm ent <$> sparrow s hold fo rth in th e ^ S tates published in the in te rest of to pay a ransom . <$> leafy recesses of th e wild bush- an arch y o r bolshevism is opposing <•> es. A flash of color tells th e th e league, said Hitchcock. passage of a scarlet tan a g e r; <$> cat birds nest am ong th e lilacs; ' 3> w oodpeckers— all seem to ex- press some sentim ent for th e ir <$> friend who lies silently beneath ' them . 'S' GUYMON, Okla., Oct. 25. — The (By th e U nited P re ss) (By the U nited P ress) United States Food A dm inistration (By th e U nited P ress) WASHINGTON, Oct. 25.— This is announced today th a t the license of «By th e U nited Trees) COLUMBUS, Ohio. 0 « 2 5 .-O 0 V - CHICAGO, Oct. 25.— Colonel Ma­ th e last day of daylight saving as a J. T. Allen & Son, a p artn ersh ip com- 2 5 __p r esi- e rn o r Cox today ordered tlje two ples, com m anding the federal troops WASHINGTON, Oct. -------- - „ - m ■ posed of J. T. Allen and Leon Allen natio n al in stitu tio n . in th e Gary steel d istrict, said today All clocks will be put back one his men would continue on duty th ere of Guymon, O klahom a, has been re- T rain m en , and P re sid e n t Sheppard, h our a t 2 a. m., Sunday, p u ttin g the fQr some tjm e to come. A lthough voked u ntil fu rth e r notice, effective • t th e R ailw ay C onductors, will m eet a ‘ Ca n t° n whe/ e sP°radlc rlot; nation on a sta n d a rd tim e basis. R ail D irector Hines, W ednesday, to around steel m ills occurred the m ills are g radually approaching s t noon, October 18, 1919. This It- cense was revoked because of th e The daylight law, passed early in th e ir form er production records, the receive his answ er r to th e dem ands o f ' last n l^ ht and to d ay ' Six men and licensees failu re to fu rn ish necessary the w ar to encourage backyard food colonel said tb e re is 8till danger for im m ediate »«veral women w ere in ju re d in the of th e ir organization rep o rts to the United S tates G rain 25— Segregation, production, was repealed by congress tro u b je CHICAGO, Oct w age increases, it was announced n o tin g . C orporation and failu re to m ake ap- to prevent raical tro u b le, was today a fte r P resid en t W ilson had twice ve- “ A uthentic re p o rts” th a t five h u n ­ h e re today. agreed upon by w hite and black toed repealing m easures. dred soldiers would be tra n sfe rre d plication for a w heat d irecto r license leaders. A n um ber of cities plan adoption to th e W est V irginia d istric t were as required under th e act of congress, G ray Lucas, negro law yer, a t a of daylight saving ordinances of t h e i r , denied by Maples. M arching of a M arch 14, 1919, and th e p residential conference of colored leaders and . own, despite th e repeal of th e na- body of troops in relieving the proclam ation of Ju n e 23, 1919, also failu re to reply to le tte rs and tele- w hite property ow ners, said th a t if tional act. guards is said to have been respon­ gram s. The com pany held license as hom es w ere furnished th e negro he ---------------------------- sible fo r th e rum or. w hat flo u r m iller, corn m eal m iller, would rem ain aw ay from w hite THOUSANDS PAY HONOR (By the U nited P re ss) d istrib u to r of general food comm od- neighborhoods. TO VICTIMS OF W AR CHICAGO, Oct. 25.— T hat Bolshe­ ities and s to re r or dealer in feeds C om m ittees from both races, anx- ST. LOUIS, Oct. 25.— T housands vists in th e U nited States a re plan­ and feeding stuffs. ning a big celebration of th e dow n­ ious to avoid f u rth e r rio tin g here, of relatives and friends of service fall of a u to c ratic governm ent |p w ere appointed to consider establish- m en gathered w ith C ardinal M ercier R ussia for Novem ber 7, 8 and 9, Ed m ent of a reg u larly defined black here today in a m em orial m ass for w ^rd B rennan, chief ag en t of th e de- belt, th e founding of loan associa- those lost in th e war. The card in al eulogized th e m issing portm ent of ju stice here, today an tion, and o th e r th in g s which will tend to m ake th e negro m ore com- service men and paid high trib u te nounced. ¡to th e forces of th e U nited States, In form ation gathered indicates fo rtable in bis own d istric t. GETS YEAR DON’T WANT A PUT’EMBACK T S T . 'X I X : . » t-. Separate Blacks From the Whites Reds Planning Celebration T T (By th e U nited P ress) WASHINGTON. Oct. 25.— The cabinet m et today in ex trao rd in ary session to consider th e labor situ a ­ tion. A dm inistration leaders m ade no effo rt to conceal th e ir concern over th e th reaten ed strik e of the coal m iners, th e renewed m ovem ents am ong railroad w orkers and th e feel­ ing between labor and capital due to the dissolution of th e In d u stria l Con­ ference. Among m atte rs to be considered a re : * C ontinuation of coal production despite the strik e of bitum inous mi- ners Novet« b er 1. The recom m endation of the In d u s­ tria l Conference, on*disbanding yes­ terday, th a t a sm all com m ittee be nam ed to draw up an in d u stria l “ peace p ro g ram ” for subm ission to a new conference. The indicated intention of labor to fight the steel strik e to a finish. Dem ands of th e B rotherhoods and o th er railroad w orkers for m ore wages. WASHINGTON. Oct. 25.— Follow ­ ing a session of two and one h alf hours, th e cabinet decided to rea s­ sem ble a t 4:30 p. m. The whole m a tte r of th e im pending coal s trik e will be laid before P resi- dent W ilson in the m eantim e, No agreem ent of th e policy to be pursued could be reached a t th e m orning session. Follow ing th e afternoon sessi-n of th e cabinet, it is expected a s ta le ­ m ent will be issued from th e W hite House settin g fo rth th e governm ent's policy in strong term s. N um erous suggestions were o '- fered a t the cabinet m eeting but th e re was little inclinatic ; to rec- om m end th a t the governm ent ta k e over th e coal m ines. ---------- I ’RGES NEW CONFERENCE WASHINGTON, Oct. 25.— Secre- ta ry Lane, who presided a t th e In ­ d u strial Conference, in a le tte r lo P resident W ilson today, urged him to act favorably on the recom m endation of th e public group for a new con­ ference. "T he In d u stria l Conference never really got s ta rte d ,” w rote Lane. “ It died a t its b irth because ques­ tions arose which it was not prepared to meet. This should not end the ef­ fort to go at this business of a d ju s t­ (By th e U nited P ress) ing differences by good sense, instead WASHINGTON, Oct. 25.— Belief A shland lacks a considerable yet of~by fQrce th a t th e governm ent will ta k e w hat- oi reaching its quota set for th e “ Oh, for a few days of real sanity ever steps m ay be necessary to keep Roosevelt M emorial Fund and as wben wjtb a com pound Of nerve and th e c o u n try 's soft coal supply nor- Monday will be the last day, it is calm j udgm ent w ithout b ittern e ss m al prevails here despite th e fail- th o u g h t personal canvassing will be Qf feeling we couid iook at ou r prob- ure of th e p resid e n t’s appeal to h a lt necessary. The idea has been ex- lems, and m eet them w ith our t r a ­ the m in ers’ s trik e scheduled for No- Pressed by m any people th a t the ditional hopefulness and confidence. vem ber 1. Roosevelts a re a w ealthy fam ily of <.There is a re8tie8SUe88 m ou r W ilson, iij his appeal, m ade it plain ^ ew York, and th e ir m any friends bjood and a g rea t w illingness to thart the in te rests of the public would £re a b u n d an tly able to provide th is tafee rigkg we bave no r jght to take, be placed above those of e ith e r the m em orial w ithout asking th e contri- W g wjjj 8Uiier fo r th is spasm of hys- m iners or operators, who broke off butions of the whole country. W hile te |.jcaj self aaBertiveness on all sides, negotiations a fpw hours a fte r th e th is is perfectly tru e , it was borne j w ant to Ree a new conference o f p resid e n t’s appeal was read them . upon th e people of of New York who jead jng m inds th a t will think in A plan to have soldiers ru n th e first planned th e m em orial th a t a p ra c t|c a i term s, a real council of na- m ines has been suggested, b u t it is gxeat natio n al figure like Roosevelt tional d e(ense against the kind of pointed out th a t few soldiers are belongs not to the city o r sta te w here Qivjj W ar wbjCb 8eem to th in k is an- skilled m iners. he first saw light, but to the e n tire o tb er irrepressible conflict." To m eet th e problem , officials say,- nation. The m em orial will be erect- . th e rhen now w orking th e m ines m ust ed > °f th a t th ere is no doubt, but WASHINGTON, Oct. 25.— Officers be^ ept th e re nearly every city will wish the privi- of ^be federal governm ent were to- > lege of having a hand in raising th is day called upon to tak e ap p ro p riate fund. If those who have not already action “ in enforcing obeyance to subscribed will do so today o r Mon- and respect for the constitution and day th e quota can in a very sh o rt by-law s” in th eth rea ten e d coal s trik e tim e be com pleted. by a resolution Senator Thom as of- ---------------------------- fered In th e senate. No action was taken. leavegary STAY ON J th a t th e celebration will cen ter in (By th e U nited P ress) LONDON, Oct. 25.— The B ritish G ary and Chicago cabinet crisis has ap p aren tly ended w ith th e proposed com prom ise of an am endm ent to th e alien bill. The a tto rn ey general and solici­ to r general will assist in d ra ftin g a new am endm ent which it is expected w ill be introduced when parliam ent (By th e U nited P ress) reconvenes M onday. OTTAWA, O nt„ Oct. 27.— Bye­ elections in six constituencies in Can­ FOUNDATION NOW LAID FOR WOMEN’S BUILDING ad a w ere under way today, voters UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu- being asked to elect m en on th re e gene, Oct. 25— W ork began on th e m ain issues— n atioalization of the W om en’s building A ugust 20 when railw ays; civil re-estab lish m en t of (By tb e U nited P ress) th e ground was broken for excava- soldiers and question of fu rth e r gra- WASHINGTON, Oct. 25.— The tion. The foundation is now laid tu itie s to service m en, and prohibi- navy> d u rin g th e next two m onths, and as th e work is progressing th e tion. or th re e m onths, if necessary, will building will be com pleted w ithin a G eneral opinion in various prov- re jease a m illion pounds of su g ar per y ear. inces has it th a t inter-provincial m onth. Secretary D aniels today an- T he building will be 100 by 300 tra d e in liquor will be sanctioned, nounced. V. O. N. Sm ith, cashier of th e Cit- feet and will contain a large swim- P ro h ib itio n ists seek io stop th e im- p ue to tbe lim ited supply it will be necessary to confine th e sale to izens Bank, received a le tte r from H. m ing pool, club and com m ittee port as well as sale of liquor. N aationalization of railw ays, urged HosPita l8 th ro u g h o u t the country and O. F rohbach, fo rm er secretary of the room s and several guest rooms. The physical education and dom estic sci- by the governm ent, will be a h ard a t tb e ra te of two pounds a week to A shland Com m ercial club, but now ents to u g n t issue. issue, The m e I U nionist nionists have a jj person8 em ployed by th e navy, ence departm d ep artm en ts will be housed in fought of T hree F orks, M ont., in which he th is new building. urged election of th e ir m en on the Tbe gale wju be njne and one-half lauds his adoptive sta te greatly, but L aw rence and H olford, of P o rt- proposition of tak in g over all lines cen^8 per pound. / before closing he says: “ Some day I land, of which E llis F u lle r Law rence. >u th e Dom inion except th e Cana- ---------------------------- am com ing back to A shland to live. dean of th e U niversity school archi- dian Pacific. The governm ent could J u s t when th a t will he I cannot say, tec tu re . is a m em ber, are the a rc h i-.n e v e r finance sufficiently th a t road, b u t 1 am su re it will be some tim e tects of the building. W. O. H eckert which, it is said, is r o t in need of when A shland finds its proper g a it.” was given th e co n tract for the out- governm ent aid to m ake it a success- The fifty -first an nual Oregon Bap­ In speaking of th e Com m ercial side w ork * fully-conducted system . SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 25.— Fol- Club of which Mr. F rohbach still tis t sta te convention has been in ses- D uring th e sum m er approxim ately You sion in P o rtla n d th is week, of which lowing a re m ark et qu o tatio n s. tak es great in terest, he sta te d : (By th e U nited P ress) NEW YORK TO WEST POINT $70 ,000 was raised th ro u g h sub­ EGGS— E xtras, 83 %c. LELAND, Mich., Oct. 25.— Mrs. cannot do an y th in g w ithout m oney. Rev. and Mrs. W. N. F e rris, of the W EST POINT, Oct. 25.— K ing Al- scription for the building fund, of BUTTER— E xtras, 65c. b ert arrived here today by a irp lan e Stanislaw Lypozynska was today If the m erchants of A shland refuse to local B aptist church have been at- w hich over $50,000 has been paid in. POULTRY— B roilers, 34c; from New York. He landed a t th e found guilty of th e m u rd e r of Sister c o n trib u te to th e ir Com m ercial Club, ten d an ts. A large num ber of m inis- It was necessary to raise th is am ount 36c. Officers of th e m ili- Mary Ja n in a , 12 y ears ago. they them selves are to blam e for the ters and laym en and women were before an ad d itio n al $50,000 would A thletic field, CATTLE— Top steers, 10c. T he ju ry was out 10 hours. condition of th e ir com m unity. I t ’s present all week from various p a rts A c a d et’s he given by the state, which would t a r y academ y m et him HOGS— Top, 13 %c. (By th e U nited P ress) The wom an was housekeeper for about tim e you folks woke up of the state. The following officers allow the work to be sta rte d on th e review followed, SH E E P— Ewes, 7c; w ethers, 9 % c ; HASTINGS, Neb., Oct. 25.— En F a th e r Bilenow ski, p asto r of th e St. Things have been com ing too easy for w ere elected a t th e m in isterial con- building. ro u te to a m esquerade dance in th e P resid en t, Dr. W. A. W al- lam bs, 9% c. Isadore church. It was charged th a t you and you a re w aiting for some- vention: SHOWS IMPROVEMENT C ontracts am ounting to an expen­ country, five w ere killed and two se­ th e killing of th e siste r was due to th in g to develop. Get off of tffe do. P o rtla n d ; vice president, Rev. E. BARLEY Spot feed, $3.12 (By th e U nited P ress) d itu re of $90,000 have been a w a rd ­ riously h u rl when a m ail tra in stru ck jealousy. T he m urderess buried th e w aiting job and go a fte r th in g s w ith M. Cline, G rah ts P a ss; secretary and shipping, $3.10. WASHINGTON, Oct. 25.— P re si­ ed. W hen com pleted th e building th e ir Ford Sedan a t a crossing last your money and th e sp irit of your tre a su re r, E. A. Sm ith, Lents. O ther body u n d er the church. will cost about $200.000 half of the dent W ilson’s condition is satisfac- officers chosen a t th e w om en's ban- YREKA, Calif., Oct. 25— The lo- night. com m unity will soon change.” am ount being raised by th e U niver- 4ory, said today s physicians bulle- quet of 520 guests w ere: Mrs. F. E. cal council of th e Degree of Poca- BUT TROTSKY ESCAPED sity and th e rest given by the state. tin - " He had a com fortable night KEARNEY, Neb., Oct. 25.— Chas. A. Sm ith, vice presid en t; Mrs. W. h o ntas will go to McCloud th is eve- KING TAKES A RIDE (By th e U nited P ress) Less difficulty is expected in rais- and his slow im provem ent continues, E. Scotton, recording secretary ; Mrs. ning to in stitu te a new lodge a t th a t K im m erly, wife, son, two d au g h ters (Special to The T idings) COPENHAGEN, Oct. 25.— A dis­ ing th e funds necessary to com plete NEW YORK, Oct. 25.— K ing Al- Thom as Broom field, corresponding place. Mrs. R ita B ettencourt, g rea t and in fan t child w ere in sta n tly killed patch today says W ar M inister HIRE NO I. W. W. W. th e building now th a t th e work has w as c a p tu red h ert “ hopped o ff” in an airp lan e a t^ s e c re ta ry ; Mrs. G ustave Johnson, Pocohontas, will be in charge of the when theautom obile in which they SPOKANE, Oct. 25.— L um berm en T ro tsk y ’s e n tire staff a c tu a lly begun. The will sum n r of his tre tre a a s s u u re re r; r; Mrs. Mrs. Jo Jo h h n n G G raves, raves, a au have w were ere trav elin n g g to th e ir hom e In n ^ $30.000 h iv ^ h e in th e Inland E m pire will h ire no when th e anti-B olshevikl forces took W est P oint today. He will see his u a d n ito o r. r, in ,n stallin s ia ...n g g team ream . . r P e re p a p r ara a ti tio o n n s s nave traven < still to be raised J Probably be -P E m nlovm ent agen- T sarkoeselo near P etro g rad T rots- first A m erican football game th is af- and Miss E lizabeth M errill, sta te di- been m ade for dancing and refresh- S turgeon, Colo., stru ck a fast pas- subscribed by the stu d e n ts who have - ingtructiong to ky is 8aid tQ have escaped in an au- tern o o n when th e arm y plays Boston rec to r of th e w orld-w ide guild. The m ents a fte r the business of th e eve- senger tra in a t Odesna, Neb., last r o t yet given a d efinite subscription cies have college vention closed yesterday. ‘ ning. , night. cancel all o rd ers for these men. - ' tom obile. io the building fund. .. k . - — • Six Canadian Bye-Elections Woman Guilty Killing Sister FRI ELEVEN DIE IN