9 PAGE THREE kindled and fanned to flam e— but jealousy sta lk s in its w ake; and ¿ /■ p i th e re ensues a d ram a of h e a rt-th ro b s DAN CONNER, Proprietor. I H v D ia l and sm iles, w ith su rp rises and tre- I m endously m oving clim axes. By rea H ead q u arters for Com m ercial Men U" A - One cent th e word each tim e. and T ourists. son of her sim ple faith the odd little E uropean P lan. Excellent Grill. - - - N azim ova’s g rea t production, “ T h e ’ b r a t” eventually triu m p h s a er Merchants* Lunch. In o rd er th a t th e Oregon dele- At the popular m eeting of t h e 1 B ra t,” w hich comes to th e Vining* h e a rtb u rn in g s and sacrifices th a t Two Blocks from L ith ia P ark . gates to th e natio n al convention of Sunday school convention tom orrow th e a te r on Sunday next for a t w o : touch th e whole n a rra tiv e w ith the ASHLAND, OREGON. D R . GEO. O. J A R V IS the A m erican Legion to be held in night one of th e leading fe a tu re s d ay s’ engagem ent, is th e story of th e r superb qu alities of genius. M inneapolis on Novem ber 10, 11 and will be th e lectu re by J. J. H andsa- enn o b lin g influences of love. Its K ------ — - ------ . D R . FR A N K M . M OXON 12, be advised of the a ttitu d e of th e ker, “ They Shall Not P e rish .” A c-| h ero in e and d om inating c h a ra c te r is PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS m em bers of th e Legion of th e sta te com panying th is lectu re it is expect- a w a il of th e c ity ’s clum s who has : on various m a tte rs th a t a re likely ed th a t Mr. H an d sak er will have never know n any nam e save “ the T H E S A N IT A R IU M to come before th e n atio n al body, m oving pictures which he brings from b ra t." To eke out a precarious ex-, th e follow ing im p o rta n t questions to New York, film ed in th e N ear E ast, istence she plays in th e chorus of a ASHLAND, OREGON be voted upon have been placed be- show ing am ong o th er th in g s th e reel cheap m usical comedy. But th e p it­ Phone 126 fore th e various posts to secure an of p ictures tak e n from an aeroplane tan ce she receives for wages is not expression: I flying over the city of Jerusalem , j enough to clothe h er in even th e , 1 Bonus or ad d itio n al pay for Mr. H an d sak er will m ake A sh la n d , half-decent style of the o th e r girls. as his first speaking engagem ent | “ F ire d ” for being shabby, she faces 4L service m en. ! direct hig Ngw York tb e WQrld desperate< A m asher in- BAKING GOODS PHYSICIANS Í. 2. U niversal m ilita ry tra in in g , su its h e r; she slaps his face and is ~ — ñ H. D T wvrw — Chiroprav rh irn n ra e tic o u r own and 1d‘ry try ’o;V to n e(,u irt„ B a m an to devote a c e rtain 'i t ’ s°„,1TnO" o c bak T « in S g 1Z DR. B. m MOORE tic W E d o DO haled to th e N ight C ourt on an o u t­ Physician. F irs t N ational Bank tra d e and a ttra c t o th ers. Hom e tim e exclusively to m ilitary tra in in g . rageous ch arg e falsely m ade up by Bldg. P hones: Office, 112; Res B akery, 69 N orth M ain stre e t. (a ) U niversal m ilitary tra in in g in : th e m an she rebuffed. T here a cele­ T ourists Stopping 207-J. New m anagem ent. P. J. Sm ith, | connection w ith ed ucational in stitu - b ra te d a u th o r salvages h er from the W ed-F ri-tf .. A t Local H otels DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— P ractice _______________________ tions. hum an w recks aw aiting justice for lim ited to eye, ear, nose and 3. N ational defense, (a ) L arge th e ir m isdem eanors. He tak es her FOR SALE— REA L ESTATE th ro a t. Office hours, 10 to 12 and stan d in g arm y, (b ) Sm all stan d in g hom e to study her as th e heroine 2 to 6. Swsdenburg Bldg., Ash­ Hotel Austin H c ere I x a am back again, w ith — a a arm w a well v organized and IttU U , M iC . v -tt n iv m , , u a v n i i n y, j , u i ith m ** o — land, Ore. 73 Roy Bell and wife, H ornbrook, i of his fo rth com ing novel. Love is ------- 7— end revised list of splendid properties eqUiDped N ational G uard, (c) Re- .u rg t ; « eve • , foL % s,ale £ “ „ » a t ‘g attra.C_tiVe_ _ ? ± e ? ? ' hiCh ; serve — e corps, corps, «raiding «« civilians. ««««»^ , 2 ^ ^ I)R- i e o d . “^ m S ^ ü i ^ H m 2 K d - tS tra in in g of is d elic io u s d rin k, o f Hotel Austin Something About TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS VITAL 10 BE VOTED UPON MOVING PICTURES Coffee Costs Too Much I Usually in Money— / Frequently in Health J Instant Postum a Steaking A Claim „ r d°^e and t h r o a t Glasses sup- J 5, acres bes, ,a n d ln th e 4. (a ) P referen ce o ex ^ arv lca . A ngelea. p „ Î, n Î Î P a id H B u i ' » » ” V . » « frae 8011 w lth w a te r' * “ “ re q '" r,nS puW" lan ,is' (b ) P a rk e r and d a u g h te r. C ashm ere. R. R. Offices, M F. • g-. u a i faifa b u t 15 acres apples F inancial assistance to ex-service c ra n e Seattle- Blue P rove th e claim to yourself by eat- X ™ S67° ’ ’2% and pears. m en in form of long term loans on ^ a s h P aul R * a > k »old ing a » - ste sold a „t t our o u r own own euar- guar- PhOB* _________________ I — No. 55— Ail alfa lfa w ith w a te r; m ag- hom e buU ding and purchase of farm s. M undy. St. _Louis Mo Thos. D. rcnase oi larm s. a n te e - o & Im ', Tenderloins. and — ’r I c u u c i n /iiiQ . a steaks, to a n o , v chops u u p o . M. BROWER, M. D .- - 2 1 6 Factory nificent m odern dw elling, b a rn , Im m m igration, ieratiO n. (a (a ) ) R R estrictive estrictive j P ry ° r and and w*fe’ D orriJ !, CallV This is a m odern . L. M eyers, B uffalo, w N. Y.; v r C. T. L. ------<_ ro asts th a t have th e ta ste and fresh- St. Phone No. 498-R. Uses r a d io - , garage, etc. and m oney m aking country hom e policy as to all im m igration, (b ) A - p ierce S eattle; Mrs Geo. N. Spira, ness of perfect stock in th e gravy h e a t largely in his tre a tm e n t of on paTea paved highw S u L . u Glaum comes from th e h e a rt of th e ir chronic diseases. T uberculosis, m g a w ay. a j. r t iatic. i m an m ay m ake. m enta, respond m arvelously said a w F re e soil and good n a t u ra liz a tiOn laws, (b - ) - - Im m ig ran ts vpr ’ M " J A- . u - nttU" treatment. producing land. None b e tt e r ., ired t0 m ake application for c it- ! Spring8' ° ° ; Some of it B ear C reek bottom . 1 . Hotel Columbia ATTORNEYS This is a m oney-m aking tra c t, and lzenship papers in a lim i e lm L H ooker ( d . M. R andall, E. W. an ideal location for co u n try hom e, te r arriv al. G ardner P o rtla n d ; F. E. T ruel and JAS. BARRATT, Prop. BRIGGS & BRIGGS, A ttorneys-at- No ___ 57 15 acres highly im proved, m 7 C onstructive policy and imm e- • w H Phone 188. edge of city; all in alfa lfa except reljef tow ard disabled service fam ily, K ingfisher Okla W_ H. Law, P ioneer Block, A shland. dw elling site and sm all orch ard . , Coleman, York, N eb., S. O. Peck, J. I*. A. ROBERTS— A ttorney-at-L aw . F re e w ater, splendid dw elling a n d : m an. . W. Riley and wife, C harleston, W ash; Room s 5 and 6, C itizens’ Bank outbuildings. T his is a m oney 8. Opening of K lam ath lake la n d s , g Bag,ey> H jlts , c a lif, < 2 Bldg. producer. _ a ___¡to se ttle m en t instead of lease to cor- Hotel Ashland O. H. SPALDING, A ttorney-at-L aw , No. 58— 12 acres o rch ard and gar- porations. yrnkaow—that R J. Price, P end leto n ; J. G. Mil- den in edge of tow n; city w ater; B eaver Block. P hone 146. --------------------- 9. P arallel p a ra g ra p h s tra n sla - Q Robertaou> su&xamm. fíawr! no buildings. O ffered a t a very tions for all new spapers p rinted in low figure. STENOGRAPHERS Xo. 59— 10 acres splendid o rchard foreign language. ’ __ ____________ ___ hom e ju st o u t of city. Good 10. A bolition of all foreign lan JESSIE B. THATCHER — Public Hood R iver— P ayroll of th e apple h u ild in es Can show earn in g ca­ S tenographer. C om m ercial Club pacity of $1500 to $2000. F o r guage new spapers. pickers will reach $225,000. sale a t a ttra c tiv e price. H . W ar risk insurance be am end- ‘---------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H o u rs: 9 a. m. to 12 a m .; 2 No. 60— 1400 acre ran ch n e a r Ga- ed so th a t beneficiary m ay have op- p. m. to 5 p. m., zelle, well w atered and highly im - tjQn of receiVing principal in lum p CONTRACTING AND BUILDING o n ’th e c’ oaB?8 T b ? sum o r m onth,y paym ents, has m ade a handsom e fo rtu n e on 12. A liberal constructive and ef Corner by the Park. G. W . McNABB, P la ste rin g , cem ent th e place . D esires to re tire as he ficient system of vocational tra in in g HEIDER TRACTORS AND P. P. O. w ork and repairing. 41 F ifth St. is too old to longer give h is a tte n - fQr service m en. P hone 363-Y. 44-tf PLOWS tion to th e business. This ranch 13. Im m ediate d ep o rtatio n of all A. L. LAMB— C ontractor and B uild ­ New and used sew ing m achines of is offered a t rig h t price and is anti-governm ent aliens. er. C em ent, Brick and W ood­ an o p p o rtu n ity fo r some one. m ost any m ake and style. w ork. Tel. 463-J. 343 M ountain 14. Com plete investigation of all Some splendid residences owned A carload of A m erican fence and Ave. __ by n on-residents fo r sale a t bar- arm y prison cam ps and P«niahm ent b arb V i r 7 'j u r t In. B ring in y o u r f la v o J . 4 e v e l Op S b e f o r e t h e ?R A N K J O R D A N - G e n e r a l Con- bonleyard u nim . of those responsible for u n ju st tre a t waQta before sending them to th e . * , w S k n8gp S a i rt ; PairT ^ ° 430-CJ 227 Proved lo ts a t astonishingly low m en t- .............. .............. catalogue houses and we will see if A shland P ost expects to have a w# c&n>t m eet th e ir price8 fo r ca8h G ranite St._________________ a few very cheap sm all places can ed m eeting soon to b ring these H ave som e dandy a u to robes left. g from $300 to H il, fo r re n t questions before th e m em bers to se- At p e irg c o rn e r, _________ m«XT TAXI QRRVIflK SE R V IC E __________ ran A g in ranch n g ar Gold cure th e ir expression which will be EVANS TAXI SERVICE— Five pas- W atch fo r fu tu re offerings, m ailed to th e sta te secretary so th a t 1 eenger Chadmers, Seven Passenger th e Oregon delegates will know th e H udson. T rips anyw here R eliab l“ a ttitu d e of th e various posts. d riv e rs and quick service. Stand Licensed R ealty B roker. a t Rose Bros. Day Phone 213; H otel A ustin Bldg., A shland, Ore. N ight, 101. F irs t Class B aking P ro d u c ts and L ig h t Lunches PA IG E CAR TAXI, W . J . A lbert, FOR SALE— Seven room bungalow , I fu rn ish ed o r u n furnished. In ­ P ro p . L arg e 7-passenger auto, q u ire 555 F airview St. P hone easy riding. P rices reasonable. 3 03-J. 35-15 Day o r n ig h t. S tand H otel Aus tin . P hone 47. AND t/3 SAYS CIGARETTE MUST GO •THE FIXIT SHOP’ CINCINNATI, Ohio.— P a sto rs of B ring It to me, I can fix it right. churches of the Disciples of Cli ist C o raer j?OIirtb and A Street Acroeo Law n M owers and Bicycles my spe­ m et a t th e C entral C hristian church From the Depot. There are Tour flavors of Schilling cialty. L. H. ROOT, 337 E. Main recently, a p a rt from th e in te rn atio n - Tea— Japan, Ceylon - India, Oolong, s tre e t, A shland. English Breakfast. All one quality. In , al convention m eeting, and form ed parchmyn-lined moisture-proof packages. PIANO TUNING f i th e first natio n al m in isterial asso- At grocers everywhere. GEORGiT W. CROSS, a piano tu n er, ciation in th e h istory of th e organiza- A Schilling & Co San Francisco w lth 17 years practical experience 4jOn for the purpose of em phasizing including nine y ears factory tra in - thg t r u t b S of the resto ra tio n move- ing. Leave o rd ers a t Rose Bros., m ent as ta u g h t in th e New T estam ent o r E nders. 45-tf and opposing any and all tendencies POR SALE OR TRADE tow ard rationalism , h ig h er criticism co ffee-lik e _________ ________ fit V o o fit O BON TON BAKERY CO FFEE PARLOR On Savings Accounts PO R SALE OR T R A D E - Í S 0 acres of land 7 m iles from A shland, $2000.00 im provem ents, excellent eprings; 50 acres fenced; 2 m illion feet of saw tim b er. W ill tra d e for laKt) an city residence, o r ta k e c ar a r as p art paym ent. Term s. A ddress H. care 4 6 -lm o Tidings. ---------- FO R _______ RENT ___ ___ FOR RENT Five ___ rom co ttage w ith w ater and lig h t, located a t 168 M eade St.. $10.00 per m onth. Ja m e s L. Sheldon. Tel. 17F2. 43-7* •»Vith fine tea an abun- dance of exquisite tea- taste hardly starts before the tannin comes along and smothers it. Tannin, the rank harsh injurious— what people use to tan leather with. Try Schilling’s. You’ll never go back to common tea. (A & S3 £ th at spare room th at need s fixin g u p a h it. C o m ell- W ood-B oard, n ailed ri&ht o v e r th e o ld w a ll or direct to th e studding, w ill transform it in to a co z y , ch eery room , e a sily rented. Cornell-Wood-Board comes in convenient sized panels and is so easily and quickly applied that you can, i f you choose, put it np yourself. For the Walls, Ceilings and Partitions of Residences, Garages, Churches, Stores, Theatres, Schools, Farm Houses, Dairy Barns, Poultry and Milk Houses, Cornell-Wood-Board is ideaL It will not warp, crack, split or buckle, resists fire and moisture and is a non­ conductor of heat and cold. Keep a bundle on hand for alteration or repair work. Come in today— we will gladly show you Cornell-Wood-Board and explain the Free Decor Of ion and Design Service. Sold by CARSON FO W LER LUM BER CO. In th e H e a rto f Town LOUIS SCHW EIN. Prop. Clea*. ' ine«>s. NORTH MAIN, ASHLAND H ills B ro s ßed Can Brand Service. che an ASHLAND enterprise R M arkets F a rm P roducts. City In stitu tio n s, M ade F lo u r. C reates For Keeps your Money a t • B uilds Up F o sters F u rn ish e s vacuum retains jfie Recognized Standard foi ' over 5 0 ìcars it. MOUNT ASHLAND HARD WHEAT FLOUR, Owing to th e new law increasing Life, to m any of us, is ju s t one h arro w in g dream of w hat is going to th e wages of lau n d ry w o rk ers and b a t us next. Ashland Mills th e high cost of production, we find it necessary to m ake a slig h t ad- j ; aÿ i vance in la u n d ry .w o rk prices. ASHLAND LAUNDRY Ashland Iron Works (In c o rp o ra te« ! Office and W orks No. 248 Helm ai St., A shland, Ore. M anufacturing E ngin eers, R epair Work Genera W e m a n u ia c tu re P aving Plant E quipm ent, Sawm ill, M ining and Ship M achinery, Steam and Gas E n­ gines, Boilers and Heavy Steel W ork; Grey Iron, Sem i-Steel, Brass and Bronze C astings of every kind. H aving th o ro u g h ly equipped oui j p lan t fo r th e m an u fa ctu re and re­ p a irs of heavy and all classes of m a­ chine and foundry w ork, we solicil o u r o rd ers and inquiries. E stim atei 41 B. Main St. Phone 211 y and q u o tatio n s furnished on applica- . B eal Estate and B eal Insurance j tion. BILUNGS AGENCY T TTILIZE has the flavoi EAGLE MEAT MARKET w FO R SALE— Good 1918 Dodge to u r ­ ing c ar in first class condition and a t a price th a t y o u will buy if in th e m ark e t. C ra te r L ake G arage. M edford. 42-6t T he value of fire p rotection de­ pends largely upon th e readiness of th e firem an to respond to any call an d his w illingness to face any dan­ ger. The value of fire insurance depends largely upon th e readiness of th e com pany in which you are in su re d to respond im m ediately to y o u r loss and its ability to m eet any loss w hich m ay come to it. T h a t’s th e kind we have— alw ays read y for work. They pay p rom pt­ ly every honest loss, big o r little. Let us w rite your insurance and w e’h give you th e kind th a t W ORKS ALL THE TIM E. Enables You to Rent Your Idle Room 1 HILLS G E T TH E HABIT and eat a R abbit. Call me for nice fat ones. Also a few good breeding does for sale. E. B. P o yer. P hone 2 9 4 -J._47-3 FO R SALE— A span of m ules a t a big bargain. See B. R. G reer a t T id­ ings office. Insurance Talk With Billings” READY FOR WORK! E x c e ls f o r W a lls. C e ilin g s and Partitions Repairs. A lterations or NewWorit © FO R SALE «< When You Want Good 100-cup tins 5 0 c S3 STATE BANK OF ASHLAND. Q uality Meat. I I nstant v > POSTUM Economical— H e a lth fu l tannin begins tO draw. common tea the tea- E. T. STAPLES m ade in stan tly in th e c u p . East Side Meat Market P E I L ’S flavor, Y«ur Personal Highway Y our personal highw ay is th e road you tra v e l all day long. EAT And w h e th e r o r n o t it is a happy one de­ W ELL pends upon w h eth er y o u have had a tab le ol good tru e food placed before you. K E E P W ELL You a re buying th e b e s t possible food when LIV E LONG you patro n ize o u r s to re and m ake use of th e e x tra o rd in a ry values we offer you in th e every DIE H A PPY » r- day buying w hich every fam ily m ust do. M ake it a h a b it to e a t well and w ork ac­ «>- cordingly. A m an is m ade of w h at he eats, and we w ant to be responsible fo r th e good e a tin g of o u r im m e­ d iate vicinity. W e have th e groceries, they have th e q u ality, a n d we m ake th e price. <$> White House Grocery NININGER & ROBERTSON, Props: Ashland, Oregon The Home ot Dependable Tools, Cutlery, Kitchen w are Stoves and Ranges One quart fruit cans 90c Two quart fruit cans $1.25