A shland D aily T idings ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1919 VOL. XLIII A LL BIG UNIONS MAY .............................................................................................................................♦ m > > ASK AID Ï0 HANDS 10 WIPE 001 THE -♦♦♦♦< (By th e U nited P ress) (By th e U nited P ress) (B y th e U nited P ress) WASHINGSTOWN, Oct. 24.— An WASHINGTON, Oct. 24.— A com­ WASHINGTON, Oct. 24 — S enator appeal for th e aid of th e d ep artm en t (By th e U nited P ress) m ittee representing th e m iners and M cKellar introduced a bill in the of ju stice in stam ping out Bolshe- WASHINGTON, Oct. 24.— confer­ th e R ailroad B rotherhoods m et here senate today aim ed a t wiping out , viks in the Y oungstow n steel d istrict ence of th e heads of all In te rn a tio n a l today to discuss n ationalization of every vestige of radical a g ita tio n in was presented in th e senate today by Unions connected w ith th e A m erican th e United States. th e ir in d u strie s and ow nership of S enator H arding of Ohio. (By th e U nited P ress) F e d e ra tio n of L abor has been called (By the U nited P ress) It provides th a t anyone, even peace­ This appeal was contained in res- WASHINGTON, Oct. 24.— Lieu- m ines and railro ad s by the govern­ fo r a m eeting in W ashington a t an m ent w ith the w orkers having a ably, advocating th e overthrow of WASHINGTON, Oct. 24.— Senator olutions adopted and forw arded by t en an t M aynard’s lau rels as w inner “ early d a te ,” P resid en t Gom pers re ­ in th eir m anagem ent and Lodge reported to the senate today »ny governm ent, o r persons associ- th e Y oungstow n C ham ber of Com- of t jje A ir Derby a re secure, th e Air &hare (By th e U nited P ress) vealed today in a telegram to the profits. the reservations to the peace tre a ty »ting publicly or privately w ith such Service d e p a rtm e n t today announced. LONDON, Oct. 24.— Lloyd G eorge’s m erce. Illinois F ed eratio n of L abor, in con­ advocates be fined a t least $6000 o r “ The railro ad men have endorsed which th e senate foreign relations A ttached w ere e x tracts from recent j j e won the race, being th e first governm ent faces a serious situ a tio n vention a t Peoria. im prisoned from one to ten years. n ationalization, and so have th e m in- com m ittee has adopted, bolshevik speeches and th e d epart- t o m ake the round trip , alth o u g h G om pers’ teleg ram was in answ er as th e resu lt of last n ig h t’s d e fe a t The ju ry may o rd er such persons e rs ,” said W. D. Van H orn, head of Lodge said a m ajority of the sen- m ent of ju stice was asked to send in- L ie u te n a n t P earson was th e w inner to th e suggestion of th e Illinois Fed in th e House of Commons, according deported to a portion of th e P h ilip ­ th e m in ers’ com m ittee. ate backs th e reservations. e ra tio n th a t a convention of the to opinion generally expressed today v estig ato rs to aid in suppressing th e ir ln a c tu a l flying tim e and C aptain pine Islands to be set off for th is “ Com bined, the tw o unions would The pream ble requires th a t they propaganda. D onaldson w inner in reliability. A m erican F e d eratio n of L abor and by th e press. ---------------------------- The big idea of th e race, it was give pow erful support to th e p lan .” be accepted by th re e of the leading purpose. th e R ailw ay B rotherhoods be held The question on which the govern- allied pow ers before A m erican rati- M cKellar also introduced a new to perfect an offensive and defensive m ent lost, 185 to 113, was a m inor AD LABOR H E A D S ............................. stated , was to get across th e coun­ A m ericanization bill to deport aliens fication becomes effective. it is learned th a t th e four R ailroad try an(j back as soon as possible. alliance of union officials of th e one, b u t th e im pression prevails th a t not becom ing citizens w ithin five B ro th erh o o d s' a re considering join- M aynard was first across and first U nited S tates and C anada to fight th e vote is an indication of p a rlia ­ y ears a fte r a rriv al in the U nited m e n t’s a ttitu d e to w ard th e p resent ing th e A m erican F e d e ra tio n of La- ta c k . A nother fea tu re was actual la b o r’s battles. States. bor. flying speed, while th e th ird was re ­ T he cal of th is conterence is ta k ­ cabinet. M cK ellar’s A m ericanization bill liability. Many officials and political ex­ en here to m ean th a t organized la­ fu rth e r requires large em ployers of Donaldson flew a single seated b o r is tig h ten in g its ran k s for a p e rts of th e press believe th e resig­ labor to provide educational facili­ plane w ithout a m echanician and did fig h t to a finish in th e stel strik e nation of the prem ier is a certain ty . ties and to pay for the tim e of em- not change engines as did both May­ “ If the governm ent's defeat in th e as well as in o th e r in d u stria l con­ (Special to The Tidings) ployes a tte n d in g school. n ard and Pearson. flicts now in progress or th reaten ed . fu tu re is sustained, o r its a tte m p t at NEW YORK, Oct. 24. — Two An o th er m easure is directed reh a b ilita tio n is in ad eq u ate, Lloyd clashes betw een the police and sym- against “every citizen of th e United George m ust resig n ,” th e C hronicle (By th e U nited P ress) WASHINGTON, Oct. 24.— The pathizers w ith the strik in g long- States who directly or indirectly said. “ The king doubtless will en­ shorem en occurred here today follow- commences or c arries on any verbal, th re a te n e d strik e of nearly -half a tru s t him w ith th e form ation of a ing a tte m p ts by groups of pier w ork-' w**1tten. or printed intercouse or eor- new m inistry b u t when will he de­ m illion coal m iners, which a few ers to re tu rn to work. respondence with any o th er person rive his support? Lloyd George hours ago seem ed inevitable, may yet WASHINGTON, Oct. 24.— "R e d ” Many of th e rio te rs were clubbed. or Persons ° r with citizens or aliens. will be com pelled to seek fresh a u ­ a g ita to rs in th e G ary steel d istric ts be av erted by Secretary of L abor At th e Luckenback piers in w ith in te n t e ith e r peaceably o r by vio- th o rity a t a general election.” W ilson. j have gone unprosecuted, alth o u g h Brooklyn, tw o th ousand men a re a t ’ence t0 overthrow the governm ent A lthough th e m in e rs’ rep re sen ta ­ th e ir nam es w ere supplied to th e de­ work, th e larg est num ber since the I nited States or to disinte- tives yesterday rejected his proposi­ p a rtm en t of ju stice several m onths g rate or in anv o th e r m anner set s trik e sta rte d . tion for a settlem en t, S ecretary W il­ , ago, L ie u te n a n t Van Buren, m ilitary aside o r do aw ay with all govern- son has persuaded th e conflicting intelligence officer, today told the QUEEN CAN’T K E E P UP m ent, o r who joins any organization factions to m eet again tod^y for con (By th e U nited P ress) senate labor com m ittee, investigating W ITH TH E NEW STYLES having tip s purpose, or who direct 1/ PA RIS, Oct. 24.— P ie rre L enoir, sid eratio n of a n o th e r proposal, a sk ­ ' the steel strik e. ABOARD KING A L B ER T’S SPE- 0 rin directly • Publicly or privately He said a nation wide s trik e to im plicated in th e Bolo P ash a and ing th a t they assem ble open m inded- CIAL, E n ro u te to New York, Oct. 24. associates him self with any o th e r (By th e U nited P ress) free political prisoners was a p a rt C aillaux treaso n cases, was executed ly to discuss th e questions of hours, — Co-operation, w om an’s rig h t to th e per80a or persons having such p u - NEW YORK, Oct. 24.— Judge today. " Pay and w orking conditions, n e ith e r ' of th e “ R ed” plan. vote, conservative fashions, b e tte r ed- pO8e’ -nJ G ary, ch airm an of th e U nited Steel Due to p a rtia l p aralysis he was side to a tte n d th e m eeting w ith any ucational co-operation betw een the (Special to The Tidings) sh o p ” in an ad d ress here today, de­ p erm itted to set while th e rifle squad program of dem ands. U nited States and Belgium were ad-1 PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 2 4 .- -Five c la rin g th a t his experience had fired. The m iners are ready to a tte n d th e show n th e “ open shop” is to th e best counties have gone over th e top in T hree rep o rters who secretly m ade suggested conference but th e opera- vocated by Queen E lizabeth in an in­ terview today. In te rests of all. and th a t he believes the Roosevelt m em orial drive, th e ir way into th e enclosure to wit- tors so fa r are still stan d in g pat on The queen professed ignorance of th e verdict of th e people a t large will W heeler was first, Clackim as sec- th e ir dem ands th a t th e strik e order ness the execution, w ere arrested . th e late st frills of fashion. finally decide th is question. ond and Crook, Sherm an and W asco be rescinded first. “ They change every eight days,” R e fe rrin g to conditions now pre- followed sh o rtly a fte rw a rd s. | _______ PROPOSE GAME PRESERVE she said, and “ I cannot keep up with v ailing in th e steel cen ters affected W heeler raised $100, C lackam as (g y th e u n ite d P ress) MOUNT PITT DISTRICT. th em .” by th e strik e, G ary said: $570, Crook $170, Sherm an $170 g AN p r a NCISCO, Oct. 24.— W ith F. M. Brown, chief deputy sta te “ T aken as a whole th e situ a tio n and W asco $600. th e distinction of having th e longest gam e w arden, of P o rtla n d , was in a t p resent is good, and is steadily E nthusiasm is rising all o \e r th e on record, th e W holesale Ship- M edford th is week a fte r a trip to the im p ro v in g .” sta te as the people realize th a t th e Clerks, Receiving Clerks, O rder M ount P itt d istric t, w here he spent <§> NAUGHTY WIND *| Roosevelt M emorial ascoiation is not sto ck C lerks, P ackers and io days stu d y in g gam e conditions •S > ---------- <8> NEW YORK, Oct. 24.— Two thou«, a p a rtisa n organization but a p a tii- p o rte rs u n io n of San F rancisco is w ith a view to th e establishm ent of (By th e -U n ite d P ress) <•> PROSSER, W ash., Oct. 24.— sand m em bers of the A m erican Iron otic national society which will lead yjejng form ed here to by th e whole- a gam e preserve in th a t section. WASHINGTON, Oct .24.— Settle­ * P re tty Irm a Towne went auto and Steel In stitu te , hi convention in th e A m ericanization m ovem ent sale clerks. T hree h u n d red have al-j Mr. Brown declared th a t th e Mt. m ent of th e soft coal strik e th re a t- greeted th e I » rid in g w ith H arry S terns and $ ■ h e re today, endorsed th e “ open and th e b a ttle s of th e fu tu re against ready joined. A sm all atten d an ce P itt country is ideally ad apted to be shop.” th e unseen enem ies of th e republic. ------------------------------------------- used as a game refuge, especially opening session of the Jackson Coun- ^» Donald McKay. <$> ened for November 1 will be put up Men of all p arties and all faith s a re }i()00 BOOKS ADDED TO LIBRARY for deer. He is prepared to recom - ty Sunday School convention w h ic h ! <» The wind whipped h er new #>,to the president, Secretary W ilson T his action was tak e n th ro u g h adoption of a resolution expressing u n iting in th is cam paign to inculcate I UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, E u- m end to S tate Game W arden Shoe- m et th is m orning in th e M ethodist I » fall h at away. today announced. th e o rg an izatio n ’s approval and ad- love of Am erica and high ideals of gene> Qct 24.— More th an 3000 vol- m ak er and the S tate F ish and Game church. County P resid en t O. F. C ar » A bandoning th e clutch and He appealed to the m iners and op- m iratio n of th e stan d Judge Gary citizenship in J h e rising generation. umeg j,a ye been added to th e shelves com m ission th a t the question of es- son presided a t the opening, and in- • steerin g wheel, both sw ains <$ e ra to is , in confeience heie, to re­ took ln favor of th a t principle a t the HENRY WALDO COE, of u n iv ersity lib ra ry d u rin g th e tab lish in g a gam e refuge of a t least troduced th e sta te officers, H a r o ld /» grabbed wildly for th e hat. ■?> m ain in session until 1 o’clock, sta t- W ashington In d u stria l Conference. S tate C hairm an. sum m er acco rding to M. H. Douglas, 10,00 acres su rro u n d in g Mt. P itt be F. H um bert, general secretary of th e » Passersby lifted th e c ar off <$> ing th a t in the m eantim e he would * ..................* ................................................ ... lib ra rian . This m akes a to ta l of tak e n up a t once w ith th e U nited Oregon Sunday School association, th e trio. lay th e ir differences before th e pres- over 90,000 volum nes. Included in s ta te s F o re stry d ep artm en t. and Miss G eorgia P a rk e r, c h ild ren ’s ident. • • ♦ « division su p e rin te n d e n t of th e Ore­ the n um ber of th e new books a re ---------------------------- gon Sunday school association. Both EXPECT VOTE TODAY 700 volum nes for th e school of law. these officers m ade addresses. The (By th e U nited P ress) The law books com prise five full sets vote aftern o o n session is being m uch bet- WASHINGTON, Oct. 24.— A belonging to th e N ational R eporters system , the New York; A tlantic, on the Johnson am endm ent to th e te r a tten d ed , w ith th e program pre- S outheastern, S outhw estern a n d peace tre a ty is expected today in sented by Mr. H um bert, Miss P a r- Southern. The law books will be th e senate. Itj is expected th e Moses k er and Rev. J. W. Hoyt. The pro- • ♦ « ' placed in th e law school lib ra ry , am endm ent of th e sam e n a tu re will gram which has alread y been pub- Oct. 24.— The ................. .. WASHINGTON, The o th ers a re for th e general be im m ediately a fte rw a rd s disposed lished is being practically carried house elections comm ittee today, UNIVERSITY HOURS GIVEN of. out. (B y th e U nited P ress) | lishing. C ost-accounting and a after a heated session, voted eight FOR INTRAMURAL DEBATE shelves. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, E u-j know ledge of m aterials, and m aking to one, that. Victor Berger, Milwau- ----- gene. Ore., Oct. 24.— The school of up of books are ta u g h t in this course kee socialist, be exeluded from the- UNIVERSITY OF OREGQN, Eu- House, due to his conviction under gene Oct. 24.— Granting credit for jou rn alism a t th e U niversity of Ore- F u n d am en tals of printing, designed gon is e n te rin g its eig h th year w ith to fit publishers for handling th a t theespionage act. in tra m u ra l debate is a new step I end of th e ir problem , and tra d e th e larg e st enrollm ent and teach in g en which has been tak e n by th e u niver­ sta ff it has ever had. journalism are also included in the CHILDLESS MARRIAGES sity in o rd er to prom ote th a t activity P ractical p rep aratio n for th e news- curriculum , AND COOKLESS COOKERS and to allow th e stu d e n ts a b e tte r paper profession is th e aim of th e The 8Ch° o1 ‘8 equipped with a PORTLAND, Oct. 24.— “ U ntil g irls o p p o rtu n ity to apply m ore study to school, and th e stu d e n ts “ learn to do com plete prin tin g office, in which is look beyond a swell suit of clothes th e debate. by doing” actu al new spaper work done th e P a n tin g and publishing for and big blue eyes, and u n til m en look P ro fesso r R. W. P resco tt, In u n d er faculty supervision. Condi- th e university. The equipm ent in . fu h tre r th an a swell dresser and a charge of debate, is th e o rig in a to r of tions su rro u n d in g th e work of th e c,ndes a modeI 19 »"Otype. a Bab- ’baby face’ and look beyond th e .e x - th e Qian. He has w orked out a sys- school closely resem ble those of a cock O pt,m us press, a job press, pow- te rlo r of th e ir fu tu re m ates— we m ay tern w hereby th e work will be carried sm all daily paper. Every m em ber e r paper .c u U er; stitch e r and a wide continue to look for divorces," Ju d g e on u n d er th e direction of com petent of th e classes is in th e position of variety of job type. W illiam N. aG tens told m em bers of coaches who will assist and direct G raduates of the Oregon school of a rep o rter, receiving assignm ents, th e Ad club a t th e reg u la r noon th e students. P rofessor P re sc o tt will | journalism , young as it is, a re a l­ m ost of them of a c u rre n t news na­ luncheon. * select th e coaches from m em bers ready holding executive positions on tu re , which he w rites and tu rn s in “ It seem s to me we are living in of the U niversity faculty, varsity de­ new spapers all over Oregon, W ash- to th e in stru c to rs for criticism s. Vir- an e ra of a p a rtm e n t houses, childless b a te rs and outside sources. C redit tu ally everything w ritte n is prepared in Ston and Idaho’ with several ,n Ca’’ m arriag es, cookless cookers and tw in will be given only w here stric t ad- for publication in some m edium . The ifo rn ia ’ E very m em ber of ,a8t ye a r’3 herence has been paid to th e rules m aterial handed in also runs th e g rad u a tin g class had a position wait- “ W ith reg a rd s to sex exam ination, of th e debate. gam ut of a reg u la r copy desk, con- in « for him a t th e end of th e course’ a wom an in th is s ta te should hesi- It is expected th a t th e houses, res­ ducted on m etropolitan lines. ta te before linking her life w ith idence halls and o th er organizations Such of th e articles as are suita- a m an who would ask her to m arry on th e cam pus will each have a team ble a re tu rn e d in fo r publication ln *» ___ ♦ him in V ancouver, W ash. to com pete in th e series. P rofessor th e college paper, or in some news- » W EA TH ER FORECAST ♦ •’The grounds upon which divorce P resco tt will hold a m eeting of the paper outside. Besides th e th ric e -a -! *» ' * com plaints m ay be filed a re differ- coaches and a m em ber of each team week new spaper published by th e F o r Oregon— F a ir, continued • en t in e ic h state. An am endm ent Monday to discuss how the work is stu d en ts which offers a field for th e *» cold. _ ♦ to th e con stitu tio n Is necessary and to be carried out, to decide on sub- activities of m em bers of th e jo u r- » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * if th e re w as a strin g e n t n atio n al jects and to w ork out a schedule for nalism classes, th e News Bulletin, m arria g e and divorce law, conditions th e series. sem i-m onthly: “ Old O regon,” th e INFORMATION WANTED w ould not be as they are. “ alum ni m onthly, and “ Oregon Ex- (By th e United P ress) “ In th e actions bro u g h t in my SHOWS STEADY GAIN changes,” th e new spaperm en’s m ag- WASHINGTON, Oct. 24.— A res- c o u rt, I have noticed th a t m ost cou­ (By th e U nited P ress) olution asking th e F ederal T rade azine, give o p p ortunity for laboratory ples have lived less th a n two years. WASHINGTON, Oct. 24.— “ The Comm ission who authorized a press w ork in jo u rnalism . These th re e Seventy percent s ta rt divorce pro- p resident continues slowly to gain sta te m e n t a tta ck in g S enator W at­ publications are prepared by th e sen­ ceedings w ithin a y ear a fte r separa- s tre n g th ,” said to d ay ’s official bul- son was adopted today in th e senate. ior class in editing. letin. “ T here is n othing ad d itio n al tion. Business and m echanical problem s to rep o rt th is m orning.” Lebanon— Local cap italists organ- of th e new spaper, as they exist. In Or- D allas so sh o rt of housing, jail egon, a re handled in the class in pub- ize to drill for oil and gas. T rad e in A shland, t h a t ’s th e stuff.* looms a re used by one hotel. Reservations Are Presented British Cabinet May Be Forced Out > NUMBER 47 AVERT STRIKE PROSECUTED TRAITOR IS EXECUTED OVER THE TOP E STARTS TODAY Would Exclude Victor Berger From House School of Journalism at University Success Conflicting Thoughts