ASHLAND DAtLY ttbtNGS Tuesday, October 21, 1010 TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS FELICITATES CITY One cent the word each time. »• » Following is the address of wel­ come given to Ashland by Nathan StrauBs, chairman of the trade ex­ tension excursion of the Portland Chamber of Commerce during their visit in this city: DR. GEO. O. JARVIS DR. FRANK M. MOXON ► ► ► ► ► PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 1 ► • Æ - i THE SANITARIUM > ► ► » 1 • PHYSICIANS GREETING TO ASHLAND By Nathan Strauss n ■ V ASHLAND, OREGON Phone 126 WANTED DR. H. B. MOORE — Chiropractic WANTED — To buy a good cow. Phone 17F11. 44-3 Physician. First National Bank Bldg. Phones: Office, 112; Res WANTED— To get in touch with 207-J. owners lots 5, 6, 7, 13, 18, 19, 20, DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice 21, 22, Galey addition, Ashland. G. E. MacCarter, Tidings office. limited to eye, ear, nose and 42-3t throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ WANTED— Ambitious Americans to land, Ore. 73-tf prepare for good salaried office positions. Individual instruction. DR. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and Two free scholarships among first surgeon. Practice limited to eye, enrollments. Register now, begin ear, nose and throat. Glasses sup­ anytime. Medford Business Col­ plied. Oculist and aurist for S. P lege. 38-4t* R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., opposite postoffice, Medford, Ore. FOR RENT Phone 567. 21-tf D. M. BROWER, M. ----- Factory FOR RENT— Five rom cottage with water and light, located at 168 „ St. Phone No. 498-R. Uses radio­ Meade St., $10.00 per month. heat largely in his treatment of James L. Sheldon. Tel. 17F2. chronic diseases. Tuberculosis, . 43-7* cancer and other infectious ail­ ments, respond marvelously to said FOR RENT— Furnished five roomed treatm ent. house with basement and screened porch. 459 Morton St. 43-tf ATTORNEYS FOR SALE BRIGGS Jb BRIGGS, Attorneys-at- Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. FOR SALE— Good 1918 Dodge tour­ L. A. ROBERTS— Attorney-at-Law. , ing car in first class condition and Room s 5 and 6, Citizens’ Bank I at a price that you will buy if in the market. Crater Lake Garage, Bldg. Medford. 42-6t <3. H. SPALDING, Attorney-at-Law, FOR SALE— A team of mules, Beaver Block. Phone 146. weighing 1200 lbs. each and dou­ r" --------------------------- ble harness in good condition. STENOGRAPHERS Price $150.00. A bargain. See B. R. Greer at Tidings office. «ESSIE B. THATCHER — Public 2-1 mo Stenographer. Commercial Club Hours: 9 a. m. to 12 a. m.; 2 FOR SALE— Pigs, chards. p. m. to 5 p. m., Clayton Or- 42-5* FOR SALE— Peerless Everbearing strawberry plants, $2.00 per 100. Large, fine berries. J. L. Hamer, McNABB, Plastering, cement 303 Oak St. 39-6* work and repairing. 41 Fifth St. Phone 363-Y. 44-tf FOR SALE— Ford touring car, same as new. Only run two months. L. LAMB—Contractor and Build­ Price $545.00 cash. No trade or er. Cement, Brick and Wood­ exchange considered. Whittle work. Tel. 463-J. 343 Mountain Transfer Co. 39-tf Ave. CONTRACTING AND BUILDING <3. W. A. (Chairman Trade Extension Excur­ sion, Portland Chamber of Commerce.) “Coming fresh from two splendid meetings with the business men of Medford and Klamath Falls, the business men of Portland are grati­ fied today to be with the people of Ashland, and to thank them in per­ son for their invitation you have extended to us to spend the day in this beautiful city. Although the two cities are at the extreme north and south boundaries of the state, there is much in common between us, both commercially and socially, and surely in those things in which we can work together for mutual benefit and for the benefit of the state as a whole. “We are living In a wonderful age. The past few years, as never before have shown us the value of co-operation in national matters and in state matters. Oregon has ac­ complished for herself a record un­ excelled by any other state. It is our desire and we know it is the wish of the residents of Ashland that the old-time and continuous record of friendship between our beloved city and yours, shall continue with even greater enthusiasm than in the past, if it is possible more closely to bind the two communities in clos­ er relationship. "Oregon has a great future. No state is better favored, and in our enthusiasm we are inclined to be­ lieve no other state has so much to offer the world as Oregon. That is as it should be. Loyalty to our state, enthusiasm in her develop­ ment, will bring us fame and pros­ perity. It is not the mere spending of money that accomplishes the most good for any community. Lacking co-operation and state loyalty and en-| thusiasm, the spending of money can­ not be made to bring that full re-. p.on.rai ' FOR SALE— Seven room bungalow, FRANK JORDAN uenerai ton-, furnl8hed or unfurnished. In­ trading and repair work. Cement quire 555 Fairview St. Phone U5 work specialty. Tel. 430-J, 227 303-J. 35-16 Granite St. 21tf FOR SALE— 1 1-65 acre all kinds TAXI SERVICE of fruit, 6-room plastered house, barn and chicken houses. Reason­ EVANS TAXI SERVICE— Five pas­ able. 311 Wimer St. Phone senger Chalmers, Seven Passenger Hudson. Trips anywhere R e l i a 387-R. b l e ___________________ 43-tf drivers and quick service. Stand' P0R SALE— New Zealand Red rab- at Rose Bros. Day Phone 213;, bits an(j new hutches. 311 Wimer Night, 101. I st. Phone 387-R. 43-tf PAIGE CAR TAXI, W. J. Albert. LOST! Prop. Large 7-passenger auto, LOST— Saturday, W. R. C. badge. easy riding. Prices reasonable. Day or night. Stand Hotel Aus-| tin . Phone 47. •T H » FIXIT SHOP” Bring it to me, I can fix it right. Lawn Mowers and Bicycles my spe-' elalty. L. H. ROOT, 337 E. Main •treet, Ashland. Finder please notify Mrs. Dutton, 272 Maple St. 43-2 On the summit of a peak in the Black Hills of South Dakota stands a tower hearing the simple inscrip­ tion, “To Theodore Roosevelt— the American.” No further designation is, indeed, necessary. Theodore Roosevelt was a statesman, a histor­ ian, a journalist, a big game hunter, a naturalist, an explorer, but in and above all he was an American, whose ruling passion was his country. He served his country with every side of his versatile being. He rescued from oblivion a domantic era of her history; he studied her wild animals and birds and gave them sanctuaries: he redeemed her deserts; he strug­ gled for law and order on her fron­ tier, and for humanity in her slums; he fought for the honor of her flag, in war and peace, abroad and at home, with pen and sword and the New Auto Tops WHITE HOUSE CAFE Ashland Furniture Hospital an ASHLAND enterprise HOME Ashland Mills fellow men. Corvallis— Shortage of apple box­ es causing loss to growers. PE I L ’ S Corner by the Park. HEIDER TRACTORS AND P . F . O. PLOWS New and used sewing machines of most any make and style. A carload of American fence and barb wire Juat In. Bring In your want« before sending them to the catalogue houses and we will Bee If we can’t meet their prices for cash. Have some dandy auto robes left. At Pell's Corner. The adjustment of your car is just as important as the adjust­ ment of your watch. Hotel Austin DAN CONNER, Proprietor. Headquarters for Commercial Men and Tourists. European Plan. Excellent Grill. Merchants' Lunch. Two Blocks from Lithla Park. ASHLAND. OREGON. LOOMIS & NELSON Children’s Shoes ...FOR... Staple and Fancy Groceries Hardware and Sporting Goods When you leave your car to be repaired you want to know that you may securely rely upon the ability and honesty of the man doing the work. Must be of good quality. We have them. proves. 215 Foortti S t Service Just complaints This is the guarantee w e make you and w e are responsible. always carefully consid­ Beaver Realty Co. justment made. THE POPULAR REALTY CO. First Notice Is hereby given that I will on Saturday, the 25th day of Octo­ ber, 1919, at the hour of 2:30 o’clock p. m., at the City Pound on Water street in the City of Ashland, Oregon, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, the fol­ lowing described livestock to-wit: 1 small gray mare, no visible rand, weight about 750 pounds. The said sale will be made for the purpose of paying the impounding fees and expense of keeping said liv e stock. Dated at Ashland, Oregon, this <14th day of October, 1919. J. W. HATCHER. Crief of Police of the City of i Ashland. By THOS. ROBERTS, 38-2 Tues. Deputy. PREACH AMERICANISM OF THEODORE ROOSEVELT organ!»«« power of high positiöri.- iHe The idle and the feeble appeal to loved America, and with every brea th fortune for succor. The man of res­ he drew he served her. olution carves it out for himself. Roosevelt the American! T he, path of the traitor, the demagogwe, Editors and preachers are pre­ the spoilsman, the profiteer, the rev­ sumed to be the most holy meu ou olutionist, the fifty-fifty citizen. Is earth. And, incidentally, their pay The season is here when the auto rough and difficult in America t o ­ is the most unholy. top should be looked after. day largely because of the words and ---- ---- .— 1 make new ones or fix the old deeds of Theodore Roosevelt during: one. Let me look at it. the last quarter century. Like a ! splendid torch his Americanism is to SHORT ORDERS AND LUNCHES he true to the best she knows, must, QUICK SERVICE continue to blaze through the cen­ turies to come. Lunches Put Up for Travelers “We run with the torches until* 207 East Mi«in. SO North Main we fall,” said Theodore Roosevelt,! “content if we can then pass thenij on to hands of other runners.” Theodore Roosevelt has fallen. Other runners must carry his torch. Men and women, working In every Creates state of the Union, for a national Markets For memorial to Theodore Roosevelt, are Farm Products. Keeps your Money at the natural torch-bearers Only City Builds Up such should be chosen as are them­ Fosters Institutions, selves altogether American at heart, Furnishes Made Flour- scorning the thought of divided al­ MOUNT ASHLAND HARD WHEAT FLOUR, legiance; and those chosen should conceive their task as a matter not merely of collecting dollars for a monument but of preacning Ameri­ canism for the greater good of their ered and satisfactorily ad­ 211 E. Main St., Pbone 68 “A man can borrow money oil what he puts into a home. He can’t FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE on what he pays out for rent.” FOR SALE—A full block of 20 lots; ' “I want to see every wage-worke* about 3 acres, near Boulevard, in own his own home.” Southeast Ashland. A beautiful —W. B W’ilson, U. S. Sec’y qf Laboi home site. Would take a sm all,' W,e have several choice homes as modern residence toward it; or well as bargains in acreage. Some ,' give easy terms. R. D. Sanford, can be sold on small payments anrt easy terms. Lower Helman St., Ashland. 44-Tues. Sat. Wed.* NOTICE OF SALE OF IMPOUNDED STOCK turn in state development we all so greatly desire. Euthusiasm, co- operation and the elimination of self­ ishness has in the past few years re­ sulted in the present marvelous growth of Oregon. It is good to see and for us of Portland to meet with the business people of Southern Or­ egon. “We are especially glad to be in Ashland today. You have so many wonderful things to show us. Your wonderful agricultural, timber and mining resources are enriching you and will greatly add to your wealth as time passes, hut you have other advantages which will supplement and add to your fame and prosperity. You are wonderfully located to take advantage of the great tourist travel which will follow the completion of the Pacific highway. As a sum mer resort you have few equals. Your wonderful mineral waters, your splendid scenic attractions will make you famous. I congratulate and fe licitate the people of Xshland on all these things and wish for your city a continuance and enlargement of your very evident prosperity.” PAGE THREE Class Bakin« Products Light Lunches am’ BON TON BAKERY OLD AG E ST A R T S W IT H Y O U R K ID N E Y S S cien ce sa y » th a t old a g e b e g in s w ith w ea k en ed ki