R * « « /' ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAGE SIX Saturday, October 18, I9I9 sponsible fo r m any underfed chil- dren. t LOCAL AND PERSONAL | Milk is absolutely necessary to keep th e grow ing child In health. It • n ;n r a » g n :;¡;» n :» tB in m ¡» ¡» > tn g » o C hildren req u ire a foundation of contains grow th-producing sub­ H ave a fit a t O rres Tailors. 52tf good h ealth, m ade by adequate n o u r­ stances not found in any o th er food. • • • ishm ent, b u t m any of them in th is The dairy division of th e dep artm en t Jam es McMann w as a recent vis­ country a re n o t.la y in g th is founds ito r w ith frien d s in D unsm uir. tion. The U nited S tates dep artm en t , , _t, . • • • of a g ric u ltu re is assisting th e v a n H em stitching, Picoting, 10 cents ous agencies w orking to correct th is (By th e U nited P ress) th e ground shook. Then th e lava a yard. W e pay th e postage. The HILO, Island of H aw aii, (By overflow ed and moved slowly down condition. U ndernourishm ent is not Vanity H at Shop, M edford, Ore. 6-tl confined to th e slum s.' Many a little M ail.)— Owners of coal black game th e m ountain side tow ard Hilo. . t . • • • .. T T .. . . . Tony o r P ietro , w ith his bowl of cocks are keeping out an eye to see The native H aw aiians had been 7 . . . . . . Mr. and Mrs. P. E. F rench retu rn ed . thick soup and h u n k of dry bread, sh o rt p , T hursday night from P o rtla n d w here th a t th e chicken house door is locked C hristians but a com paratively . j topped off w ith an apple or an or- securely every night. tim e. T heir frig h t knew no bounds, . they had gone last week on a busi­ . . 11 « ange, is b e tte r fed th a n num bers of And t h a t ’s all because th e volcano for th e island legends w ere full o f ; “ “ ’ “ ness trip. They m ade th e journey children in well-to-do fam ilies. The hom e in a Buick car belonging to of K ilauea is now th e m ost active tales of w hat K ilauea did when la tte r a re too often allow ed to choose M adame ,Pele, th e goddess who lived R alph French, which th e la tte r had it h as been for 35 years. Six m onths ago K ilauea was sp u t­ in K ilau ea’s c ra te r, becam e angry. w hat they will or will not eat, and left in th a t city on com ing to Ash­ to select food badly suited to a child’s te rin g away in its m ile wide bowl of So th e H aw aiians prayed th a t th e land from M ontana. stom ach o r th a t is lacking in n o u r­ burning, m olten rock, w ith th e level flow would stop. But it d id n ’t. 9 • • ishm ent. W hen th is happens they Then they danced. But th a t was T hanksgiving will soon be here. of the flam ing crim son sea of boiling a re being starved ju st as m uch as if G et your o rd er in for th a t new suit lava 900 feet from th e top of the ineffective. Finally, fo rg ettin g th e ir C hristi th e ir p aren ts, because of poverty, o r overcoat a t O rres T ailor Shop. crater. The night th a t Secretary of the anity for a tim e, they sent a party , i w ere obliged to give them too scanty • » • Navy Daniels and his p arty paid K il­ by canoe to H onolulu to consult a a ratio n . Soggy breads, fried m eats, Cliff Payne m akes Lap Boards. auea a visit— th e la tte r p a rt of Au­ few rem aining p riests of th e days fried potatoes, and heavy pie a re re- gust— th e level of th e seething lava when they all w orshipped th e stra n g e Mrs. Lloyd Reynolds, who had lake was about 50 feet below th e South sea dieties. ben spending two weeks w ith friends “ Throw a black ro o ster into the in th is city, has retu rn ed to her home c ra te r’s top. Several overflows already have oc­ lava flow ,” was th e advice they in D unsm uir. curred. A cone which once ju tte d b rought back. *• • • 500 feet above th e c ra te r’s top has The sleekest, shiniest coek on the Beaver P lush, ju st rig h t fo r col­ m elted away into the sea of fire. Two island of H aw aii was picked for th e la rs and cuffs, a t O rres. Monday Night. October 20. hours a fte r the secretary and his p a r­ sacrifice, and w hile th e m aidens • • • Prices 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 ty left th e volcano th e rock wall be­ danced, th e w arrio rs cast th e squak- Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Dennis of the tw een th e m ain c ra te r and a second ing bird into the base of th e lava A shland feed sto re a re hom e from S«lwyn & Company Serve flow. a th re e w eeks’ vacation spent a t the SOAP APLENTY IN R E R U N . In an h o u r th e flow had stopped. Salem s tr t e fair, P o rtla n d and o th er BERLIN (By M ail)— It is now M adam e Pele, th e m ost feared god- places. They also visited relatives a t th e ir form er hom e n ear Eugene. possible in Berlin to buy a cake of dess of th e island, evidently had • • • soap w ithout m ortgaging th e old ¡I'" " - ~’;th a chicken dinner, .'- le r ic a n resid en ts of th e island See th e new woolens for L adies’ hom estead, w ithout a b irth certifi-j C oats and Suits a t O rres T ailor cate, a voucher of good ch aracter, I ’ '' • e t ’i; t. if th ere is ever an o th e r or a “ sta n d -in ” w ith th e au th o rities, biv T v.' 'lc.v, coal black roosters will shop. * • • Form erly, soap was so scarce and so come into dem and once m ore, A deal was closed th is week bv u n d e r governm ent control th a t the w hich H. G. E nders purchased the o rd in ary m ortal had to content him ­ old G ainard p roperty on th e corner self with a su b stitu te for soap much of A s tre e t and N orth P ioneer ave­ akin to lye. Now fat sunplies have arrived nue from Mrs. L ottie M. Pelton. The business was tra n sa cte d th ro u g h the from th e outside world and the gov­ ernm ent has decided th a t soap can Beaver R ealty agency. • • • be sold w ithout ratio n tickets. At Dance every S atu rd ay evening a t th e sam e tim e, it is rem oving re-j A shland N atatorium . L aunspach’sj strictio n s on shoe rationing. Jazz o rch estra. 18-eodtf • • * TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY O rres rem odels L adies’ Coats and NICE PORTLAND LOTS for h o u se' S uits and gives you the newest or land. W. C. R eu ter, St. M aries, styles. Ida. ’ 42-1* A S parkling, Snappy Comedy • • • FOR SALE— Chickens, a t 30c per By Roi Cooper M egrue. Leave your m agazine subscriptions pound. 190 F irs t St. o r phone w ith us. Poley’s D rug Store. 389-R. 42-2 T ue-T hurs-Sat-tf FOR SALE— Good 1918 Dodge to u r­ An E xcellent C ast— Not a • • • ing car in first class condition and Moving P ic tu re Show. T he A uxiliary F rench class will a t a price th a t you will buy if in th e m ark et. C ra te r L ake G arage, m eet next Monday evening a t 7 M edford. 42-6t Tel. 117 Oak St. o’clock sh arp in o rd er to get through to accom m odate those who wish to FOR SALE— Pigs, Clayton Or- 42-5* a tte n d th e show. M embers are chards. urged to observe th is change in tim e. • * • sm aller one, caved in, jo ining th e c raters. And K ilauea still is going strong. As to th e connection of all th is w ith coal black gam e cocks? Oh, th a t’s very sim ple. Ma,ny years ago, w hen th e islands first w ere becom ing a w hite m an ’s land, K ilauea becam e angry. It roared and hissed and sp u tte re d and H H H U » H t» ll l l l l H H nHHH«HI » » » » « » of ag ric u ltu re is endeavoring to drive th is lesson hom e to th e people in every sta te by m eans of Charts, lectures, and exhibits. The hom e- dem onstration agents, supervised by th e d ep artm en t of a g ric u ltu re and sta te colleges, a re also teaching th e value of m ilk ih a ch ild's diet and how to select a proper m eal for a grow ing boy or girl. C hildren who have been given even one pint of m ilk every school day for two m onths have m ade rem arkable gains in every I instance. Order Your Fordson Nos And be Sure of Having a Tractor for Your Fall Work. Whittle Transfer Line Tea Zör 3 For Service Storage, Coal and Transfer $ 7 5 0 .0 0 f. o. b. Factory Unless you order immediately we will not be able to get a Fordson for you before Spring. Fordson Sales and Service . 112 South Riverside, o m e N otice, E lk Ladies The first Elk card p arty of the season will be held Tuesday a fte r­ noon, O ctober 21. Election of offi­ cers for the ensuing year will tak e Good Meals and Short Orders. Day and Night Service. place at 2 o’clock sharp. All Elk ladies a re urged to atten d . Mrs. Nu- ninger. P resid en t. 42-2t Medford, Oregon, Telephone 150 R e sta u r a n t 297 East Main Ashland Feed Store ORRES T A IL O R S FO R USED CARS MEN AND WOMEN FLOUR, FE E D . SEEDS T he Best T nat Can Be Had On the M arket. My Name Is Dennis 853 East Main. THE U N IV E R S A L CAR Tel. 214 Best Woolens; Latest Fash ions Always. Satisfaction Guaranteed N C Four Driven BY W e have a few used cars th a t we would like to close out im m ediately; for th a t reason will sell a t very reason­ able prices. They include FORD MOTORS Dodge Brothers Touring and Roadster, Fords and Cadillac If you are interested we will be pleased to show you what we have. “Engines functioned perfectly,” said Lieutenant Commander Read, who commanded big seaplane. The F o rd M otor Company has ju st received official advice from th e Navy D epartm ent th a t it was four Ford L iebrty Mo­ to rs — all b u ilt in th e Ford M otor Com pany’s shops a t D etroit — which furnished th e pow er th a t drove th e NC F o u r to vic­ to ry in its recent record break in g flig h t across th e A tlantic from Trespassy, N ew foundland to Plym outh, E ngland, a dis­ tance of 4,000 miles. They w ere re g u la r stock m otors b u ilt d u rin g th e w ar as a p a rt of th e F o rd L iberty M otor produc­ tion. Norman Hackett, “ Tea for Three,” Vining October 20 T M t TMtATER BCAUTCJl LAST TIME TODAY The Career of Katherine Bush STARRING Catherine Calvert Upon his a rriv a l In Lisbon, P o rtu g a l, L ieu ten an t Com­ m ander Read said, “ The engines functioned perfectly all th e way from A m erica to P o rtu g a l.” And A m erican N aval Offi­ cers who thoroughly inspected th e NC F o u r upon its a rriv al a t P lym outh, E ngland, sta te d thart th e big seaplane was in even b e tte r condition th a n when it left Am erica. The NC F o u r flig h t, which has m ean t a triu m p h for A m er­ ican enginering skill, also adds a n o th e r record to Ford achievem ent. , . ... Have you seen those wonderful new Ford self-starters? J. P. Dodge & Sons now drive a Ford Sedan and D. Perozzi a Ford Touring Car, with factory equipped starters. .Ask anyone who has ever driven one. We will have another car­ load of Ford Cars and Trucks In a few days. SUNDAY ONLY Dorothy Gish — IN Out of Luck DON’T MISS TH IS ONE Harrison Bros. Ford Agents Geo. L. Treichler Motor Company LIBERTY BUILDING, MEDFORD, OREGON MissC.E. Mink DIRECT FROM THE Standard Fashion Co. N e w Y o rk will spend a few days in o u r store for th e purpose of assisting th e wom­ en in th e ir sew ing problem s and explain to them the m erits of S tand­ a rd P a tte rn s th a t have well earned th e rep u tatio n of producing th e la t­ est styles first. Miss Mink will be able to help you. Call on her a t our p a tte rn counter.