ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS S a tu r d a y , O ctober IS, 1919 PAGE TH9UCB m com pany doing business in th e state. m ines in th e w orld is in Oregon and A s h la n d Iro n W o r k s In a ll of th e W est, Oregon- is the even though "hot e n tire ly developed, (In co rp o rate« ) principal seed s ta te — flow er and g a r­ is one of the U. S.’s g rea test produc­ Office and W orks No. 248 H elm au den seeds h ere excel in g rea test va­ ers of th is m ineral. St., A shland, Ore. riety and finest quality. Seeds go! One cent th e word each tim e. One of th e la rg e s t lum ber c ar­ from O regon to th e g rea t seed goes ever floated a n y w h e re was from M anufacturing E ngineer», G eneral I Jams and jellies w est of th e Missis- houses of th e E a st and a re then, sold a Colum bia riv e r podnt below th e R epair W ork PHYSICIANS WANTED back to O regon d ealers for use in city of P o rtla n d , th e S. S. A lgoa c a r­ ■ sippi is in Salem. W e m an u factu re P aving P la n t Oregon has m ore to boast about DR. H. B. MOORE — C hiropractic WANTED— A m bitious A m ericans to E quipm ent, Sawmill, M ining and ” rying 6,200,000 feet. C arloads of ou r m an u factu red Oregon gardens. prepare fo r good salaried o ffic e ; th a n apologize for— Physician. F irs t N ational Bank Ship M achinery, Steam and Gas E n­ The supply of stan d in g tim ber in fru it item s go to m any s ta te s east positions. Individual in stru ctio n . Bldg. P hones: Office, 112; Rea gines, Boilers and Heavy Steel Few people stop to consider the Two free scholarships am ong first of Chicago, a re labelled by th e job­ Oregon is such th a t before long we 207-J. W ork; Grey Iron, Semi-Steel, B rass m any th in g s in which Oregon excels. enrollm ents. R egister now, begin and Bronze C astings of every kind. ber handling them as his private will head th e list of all sta te s In . , anytim e. M edford Business Col­ Pacific Coast s ta te s— in som e in- DR, ERNEST A. WOODS— P ractice lum ber production and jvhen a t ­ H aving thoroughly equipped o u r lege. 38-4t* stances all W estern sta te s and i n ’ b ra n d ’ and som e few °< c u f “ e r lim ited to eye, ear, nose and plant fo r th e m an u factu re and re­ tain ed it will be sustained for all fu­ ch an ts buy them back u n d er th e lu re th ro a t. Office hours, 10 to 12 and pairs of heavy and all classes of n u o th e r cases th e e n tire U nited States. BAKING GOODS N. G. B A T E S, Prop. 2 to 5. Sw edenhurg Bldg., A sh­ ~ „V th a t they m ust be b e tte r th a n Ore- tu re tim e. chine and foundry w ork, we solicit O ne-fifth of th e sta n d in g tim b er of lan d , Ore. 73-tf W E DO ou r own baking and try to In connection w ith lum ber in d u s­ We use th e V iolet Kay for Scalp y o u r o rd ers and inquiries. Estim ateij th e U nited S tates is in O regon— th e gon can Produce- try a tte n tio n may be directed to the a n d q u o tations furnished on applies- do It so ou r goods will hold your T reatm en t and F a llin g H a ir. DR. J. JT. EMMENS— Physician and The only w orsted m ill west of fact th a t when a big tre e is once cut 'dion. tra d e and a ttra c t others. Home v ariety of m erch an tab le tim b er in surgeon. P ractice lim ited to eye, B aths Shoe Chining Parlor B akery, 69 N orth Main street. com m ercial q u a n titie s probably ex- Ohio river is in Sellwood. The yard down, it is gone forever— its value ear, nose and th ro a t. Glasses sup­ New m anagem ent. P. J. Sm ith. ceeds any s ta te in th e Union. th e re produced from Oregon grown is rem oved and does not come back plied. O culist and a u rist fo r S. P W ed-F ri-tf R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., S ugar a n d yellow pine, red a n d ’ wool is shipped to k n ittin g m ills in — th is does not apply to cereals and opposite postoffice, M edford, Ore. yellow fir, spruce, redw ood, P o rt Or- o th er states, fashioned into sw eaters, o th er food products th a t a re con­ kone 567. 21-tf NOTICE OF SALE OF IMPOUNDED 'G h e Gxank. **ith ford ce d ar a re a few of th e well b a th in g suits, caps, etc., and our tinued and renew ed from year to STOCK th a C bt/na C lo c k D. M. BROWER, M. B.— 210 Factory know n woods. I m erch an ts buy it back. year as perm anent industry. h St. P hone No. 498-R. Usee radio- F o rty p er cen t o f th e w ater pow er O ur woolen m ills produce m acki- Notice Is hereby given th a t I will, I No o th e r sta te has such a wide h e a t largely in his tre a tm e n t of on W ednesday, th e 22d day of Octo­ of th is c o u n try is w ithin th e bor- na wand o th e r cloth, ship it to m any a re a of fertile land uncrossed by chronic diseases. Tuberculosis, ca n ce r an d o th e r infectious a il­ ber, 1919, a t th e h o u r of 2:30 o’clock ders of th e se fo u r N orthw est sta te s ¡ p a rts of th e country to clothing m an- railw ay lines as is represented in m ents, respond m arvelously to said p. m., a t th e City Pound on W ater and only 5 per c e n t developed. u fa c tu re rs who re-sell it to Oregon ¡ th e g reat cen tral Oregon country, s tre e t in th e City of A shland, Ore­ tre a tm e n t. O regon produced 10 per cent of reta il m erchants, who m ight have, an a re a nearly as large as th e sta te gon, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash th e follow ing th e p latin u m used by the U nited purchased here in th e first instance. of Ohio. Think of the possibilities ATTORNEYS L.— A MATTER OF described live stock, to-w it: S tates d a rin g th e w a r. Oregon . cherries, loganberries, of th e fu tu re when the land is under One long yearling bay colt, no j ECONOMICS BRIGGS & BRIGGS, A ttorneys-at- The fam e of O regon fru its circles prunes, apples and straw b erries are full cultivation and served by c a r­ brand visible; some w hite on the Law, P ioneer Block., A shland. know n in every p a rt of the country: riers. W HEN point of production is low— back of each hind foot; w eight about th e world. The re p u ta tio n of c u r cheese ex- as being superior, L. A. ROBERTS— A ttorney-at-L aw . 600 pounds. and dem and is h igh— n a tu ra lly both Excepting In C alifornia, Oregon T hat said sale will be m ade for the ten d s to foreign c o u n tries. Room s 6 an d 6, Citizens* Bank W hen th e lo g an b erry was first in- spends m ore per capita for public costs and prices go up— d o n 't they? purpose of paying th e im pounding Bldg. O ur ship b u ild in g record is a troduced, it was regarded as a fail- highw ays th an any o th e r State. W ell, w ith everyone w orking his fees and the expenses of keeping said w o rld ’s record in m any respects. We ure— it would not hold up under h a rd e st— and saving his best— w on’t C. H. SPALDING, A ttorney-at-L aw , colt. Some of th e largest undeveloped Beaver Block. Phone 146. D ated a t A shland, Oregon, th is th e i w ere able and did o b ta in g re a te r re- shipping. supply soon catch up w ith dem and potash and m ineral salt fields and 11th day of October, 1919. tu rn s on labor o u tp u t and m oney This fau lt has now been capital- lakes in the world are in Oregon. and cause a reaction? STENOGRAPHERS J. W. HATCHER, costs th a n any o th er shipbuilding ized and the fam e of Oregon is being Join our “ T h rifters” In a Keying * One of the largest quicksilver Chief of Police of th e City of 1 spread th ro u g h th e advertising of sta te . A ccount here a t th e F irst N ational. JESSIE B. THATCHER — Public A shland. 36-2Sat In th e m an u fa ctu re o f cereals, Or­ “ Phez L o g an b en m Ju ice.” S tenographer. Com m ercial Club Candy m a d ^ ^ R e is being adver­ egon equals any and su rp a sse s all H ours: 9 a. m. to 12 a. m .; 2 o th e r s ta te s w est of th e R ocky m oun­ tised and nationally d istributed. p. m. to 5 p. m ., B illiard players p rerer th is place Cough drops m ade in Oregon go — --------------------------------1 tains. 'V / // / / /, ' • A i r -x r - x —■ a a V / X» n v because they know th a t they can get k* E V CA R T EIÄ PUSS A S H L A N D . OREGON CONTRACTING AND BUILDING Oregon is th e larg e st fu rn itu re to nearly every sta te in th e United GOOD cues; and m odern equipm ent c m v a u p c l vice p »ta J W M C C O Y . C a s m il r m a n u fa c tu rin g c e n te r in th e e n tire sta te s. m akes a lo t of difference in th e | A. L. LAMB— Contractor and Build- C L A R K BUSH. ASST CAS* pleasure of th e game. W est and in som e special lin es of Oregon robe sand b lankets are na- er. C em ent, Brick and W ood­ You KNOW It. nationally w ork. Tel. 463-J. 343 M ountain fu rn itu re we stan d th ird in th e en­ tionally advertised and P rofanity, gam bling and o th er u n ­ Ave. The passing of P resid en t W ilson tire U nited S tates. O ur m a rk e ts ex­ sold. desirable elem ents are absolutely ! Draw saws m ade here are ntionally TABOO here. W e invite GENTLE­ FRANK* JORDAN — G eneral Con­ th ro u g h the country on his recent ten d to som e of th e L atin-A m erican MEN only. advertised and d istributed. tra c tin g and re p a ir work. Cement visit recalls to H enry B allinger, a I co u n tries . This is a clean, congenial am use­ w ork specialty. Tel. 430-J, 227 resident of Coeur d ’Alene, Idaho, cones invented and In sadtdlery m a n u fa c tu rin g leads Ice^ cream m ent hall fo r decent clean-cut fel­ Granite St. C ltf fa th e r of Mrs. E lla Oxford of th is Pacific C oast s ta te s and c arries tra d e m ade in Oregon first, lows. Oregon is the hom e of dehydrated city, the recollection of th e first to p o in ts fa r e a st and south and to TAXI SERVICE fru it and vegetables— the qquallty president he ever saw. This was foreign c o u n trie s as well. EVANS TAXI SERVICE— Five pas­ M artin Van Buren, th e eighth presi- j In th e h a n d lin g of a g ric u ltu ra l t an d q u a n tity unexcelled, senger C halm ers, Seven Passenger im p lem en ts P o rtla n d , is th e fo u rth An Oregon life In su ra n ie com pany “Clean Sport for Regular Fellows ’ H udson. T rips anyw here. R eliable dent of th e U nited States, when th a t d riv ers and quick service. Stand gentlem an was electioneering for o f-: city in th e U nited S tates and is away h a s th e best financial record of any ahead of all w estern cities. com pany founded d u rin g th e last a t Rose Bros. Day P hone 213; fice in 1836. N ight. 101. In th e m an u fa ctu re of woolens, 20 years. I t is the only com pany A ccording to his sta te m e n t Mr. PAIGE CAR TAXI, W. J. Albert. B allinger was engaged w ith his sis­ O regon is aw ay ah ead of o th er west-1 th a t has show n a grow th of insur- Corner by the Park. Prop. L arge 7-passenger auto, ter, two years older th a n he, in th e ■ ern s ta te s . As a wool center, P o rt- j ance and su rp lu s w ithout having to easy riding. Prices reasonable. serious child buusiness of playing in land is th e second city in th e c o u n try , obtain sto ck h o ld ers’ aid beyond the HEIDER TRACTORS AND P. F. O. PLOWS Day or night. Stand H otel Aus­ puddle of w ater in th e ir b are feet t In. can d y m a n u fa c tu rin g O re g o n , original p ay in g ’for stock subscribed, tin . P hone 47. New and used sew ing m achines of is second to no o th e r Pacific coast in the last fo u r years it has w ritten when they m et Mr. Van Buren. m ost any m ake and style. “THE FIXIT SHOP’ m ore life insurance th an any o th er “ It was n e a r our hom e in Guil­ sta te . A carload of A m erican fence and O ur c ra c k e r and m acaroni p lan ts —»■ ~ ■ ■ ■ —■--------' • ' ■■■-------- B ring It to me, I can fix It right. ford county, N. C., th a t I saw M artin barb w ire ju s t in. Bring in your Law n Mowefrs and Bicycles my spe­ Van B uren,” Mr. B allinger s ta te d .. ta k e t h e lead in th e W est. The th ird I w ants before sending them to the cialty. L. H. ROOT, 337 E. Main “My siste r and I w ere playing in the la rg e s t seller of soda crackers in catalogue houses and we will see if s tre e t, A shland. I . w ater ru n n in g from th e w a te rin g ; th e U n ite d S tates is in Oregon. T he larg e st coppersm ith plant in The show place of Rogue River we can ’t m eet th e ir prices for cash. spring w hen we saw two c a rr ia g e s [ FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE Have some dandy auto robes left. com ing down the ’big ro ad ,’ as we th e e n tir e U nited S tates is in Ore- Valley, 10 acres fine land ju st out- FOR SALE— A team of m ules, At P e ll’s C orner. 4 gon. side city lim its, 7 acres in the choic- w eighing 1200 lbs. each and dou­ called th e m ain highw ay. , In th e I ble h arn ess in good condition first c arriag e was, as we a fte rw a rd s j T he biggest broom factory west of est bearing fru it, 600 apple trees P rice >150.00. A bargain. See learned, M artin Van Buren and a th e M ississippi riv er is in Oregon. ■ m ostly Newtowns, 200 ch erries m ost- B. R. G reer a t T idings office. T h e only carbon paper m anufac- ly Bings; incom e th is year about lady, whom I ta k e it, was Mrs. Van 2-lm o N othing b e tte r can be Buren. In th e second carriag e was tu re r w e s t of Chicago is in Oregon, j >1250.00. O ur paper m ills and stove foun- had. a m an, whom I believe was the v ice -' FOR SALE Ten acres all in mixed fru its, 5 p residential candidate. They stopped d ries o qual any to be found in the FO R SALE— G rain, hay and corn room house, b arn and chicken house, west. in th e shock. Also F o rd tru c k a t the spring to w ater th e ir horses, >1200.00 net incom e th is year. W hat T he larg e st single p lan t m aking w ith e x tra to u rin g body. J. F. and Mr. Van Buren and th e lady! b e tte r b arg a in can you ask th an this? Rocho, 590 Roca St. S at-tu es-th u r took g reat enjoym ent in w atching W orth >4000.00; can be had for only FO R SALE— P eerless E verbearing us paddle on th e w ater in ou r b a r e ! >2,500 fo r sh o rt tim e. stra w b e rry plants, >2.00 per 100. feet.” Tw enty-five acres, 1 % m ile from L arge, fine berries. J. L. H a m e r, Mr. B allinger is 87 years of age 303 Oak St. 39-6* and is as spry as a m an of 45. He Mabel on th e Springfield and W end- ling R. R., L ane county, 1 % mile to FO R SALE— F ord to u rin g car, sam e im m igated to Indiana in 1848, and school; 5 acres in cultivation, bal­ as new. Only ru n two m onths. saw the first engine come into R ich ­ P rice >545.00 cash. No tra d e or mond and helped build the first r a il­ ance hazel b ru sh and easily cleared, exchange considered. W h ittle W e a re now ready to do your fu r and th e best of black creek loam ; T ra n sfe r Co. 3 9-tf road bridge across W h itew ater riv e r r e p a irin g or sell you a new set of sm all c^eek across one corner of E X PE R T BUYING; we have had over T hirty Y ears’ experience in at th a t city. He w ent to K ansas H ousefurnishing business. W e buy rig h t and buy the rig h t Goods. FO R SALE— Seven room bungalow , T errito ry in 1855, was a t L aw rence fura. I land. W ill tra d e this for A shland fu rn ish ed or unfurnished. In ­ We buy for Cash, tak in g advantage of all cash discounts. property. q u ire 555 F airview St. Phone and took an active p a rt in th e bo r­ W e own o u r gtore building, no ren t to pay. F. W. BARTLETT, 39S-J. 35-15 der w ar. He has never sm oked a No expensive clerk hire to provide for. cigarette, cigar, pipe o r chew ed to- ' Taxidermist and Furrier. BUYS QUITE FR EELY S ALK OF ESTRAY, NOTICE bacco, o r d ran k a glass of beer, wine„ 115 'W. M ain St. M edford, Oregon. IN PORTLAND, BUT Notice Is hereby given th a t on the rum , w hisky or any intoxicant. I t F o r th e above reasons we c a n and DO SELL FOR MUCH LESS THE GOODS W E SELL 1 5 th day of Septem ber, 1919, I took th an D epartm ent Stores or M ail O rder Houses. We meet all com ­ is one of his boasts th a t he w ;« up th e follow ing described estray, ARE MADE OUT OF petition. ru n n in g a t larg e a t my ranch west never sick in bed a day in_his life. --- 1 ’ - ■ " ■ 'J "J TH E STATE. W E ARE s te e r ab o u t tw o years old, w eight a b o u t 500 pounds, m arked a s / fol­ PAULSERUD & BARRETT T H E R E F O R E FEA TU R­ Come to ou r Store, b ring a lo n g your C atalogue and be convinced. lows, swalow fork in each ear, with W e are ju st now show ing the BEST LINE OF RUGS to be found ING AN OREGON PRO­ m eta l p late in top c en ter of left ear, ..FOR. in the Valley and a t prices th a t a re RIGHT. an d m etal plate in low er c e n te r of DUCT MADE IN ASH­ rig h t ear, lobe in under p a rt of jow, E verything in th e HOUSEFURNISHING LINE a t bottom prices. For Men and W omen. LAND BY TH E ASH­ an d scar on low er p a rt of nose. Come in and try us. T h at I have m ade th e afidavits and 171 East Main. Tel. 119 LAND MILLS. • fulfilled th e requirem ents of the law, a n d said anim al will be offered for E ith e r Cash o r In stallm ent. ■ale a t public auction by J. W. H atch­ e r, constable of A shland d istric t, at m y ranch on th e H. J. Van Fosen P h o n e 23 215 F o u r th SL place 1 % m iles no rth w est of Ash­ DAN CONNER, Proprietor. lan d , Jackson county, Oregon, on H ead q u arters for Com m ercial Men th e 8th day of Novem ber, 1919, at and T ourists. 2 o’clock p. m., to satisfy costs of E uropean P lan. Excellent G rill. R e lia b le H o u se F u r n is h e r s keeping and all o th e r costs and ex­ M erchants’ Lunch. penses th a t m ay have been re g u la r­ Two Blocks from L ith ia P a rk , t UNDERTAKERS ly m ade. D ate of first publication ASHLAND, OREGON. Oct. 18, 1919. 42-3Sat. C. M. HAMILTON. Time to th in k of TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS A Few Things Oregonians Should Keep in Mind HOTEL AUSTIN BARBER SHOP t\ Good Cues and Tips ! RECALLS SEEING iMofïrsiNationaAank K c a Sulphur Your Alfalfa Fields It P ays Big Money Alnutt’s Billiard Parlor DO IT NO W -during the fall rains P E I L ’S Here It Is ! Don’t Wait - - - Car Just Arrived At Fruit Association Reasons Why We Sell For Less The BOOT SHOP FURS ! Ladies oi Ashland Mrs. S. L. Allen Fine Tailoring LOOMIS & NELSON Staple and Fancy Groceries Hardware and Sporting Goods Hotel Austin J. T h e T idings has on sale sign cards as follow s: - F o r Sale. E nquire W ith in ” ; " F o r Sale o r R e n t” ; "House F o r R e n t” ; “ Room s F o r W e have them both wood and coal i ' ’ R e n t” ; "B o ard and R oom " and a burners. number of o th ers too num erous to mention. Price, two fo r a q u a rte r, tf HEATING STOVES «4 When Yon Want Good Insurance Talk With Billings” READY FOR WORK! The value of fire p rotection de­ pends largely upon th e readiness of th e firem an to respond to any call a n d his w illingness to face any d an ­ ger. The value of fire insurance depends largely upon th e readiness of th e com pany in which you are Insured to respond im m ediktely to y o u r loss a n d its ability to m eet any lo ss which m ay come to it. T h a t’s th e kind we have— alw ays ready for w ork. They pay prom pt­ ly every honest loss, big or little. L e t us w rite your insurance and we'li give you th e kind th a t WORKS ALL T H E TIM E. BILLINGS AGENCY -41 ■. Main St. P hone 211 Real Iaaurance 1 * YOUR SATISFACTION Provost Brothers Hines & Snider Auto Co. HARDW ARE Good Meals GOOD SERVICE, COURTEOUS TREATMENT 36-40 South Fir, Medford, Oregon. 8 Telephone 21 W e solicit th e tra d e of P eo p le W ho Are P a rtic u la r A bout th e Q uality of th e ir Groceries. W e expect o u r business to s t ind on M ERIT only. East Side Meat Market JAMES BARRETT. Prop. Phone 188. I n buying, we select Only Pu re, W holesole Foods. W e invite your tra d e on th e b a s is Y our Money R eturned. of Com plete Satisfaction or HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. We can help you with your fall H o u s e c le a n in g e P. DODGE & SONS OURS IS THE T R A D E T H A T S E R V IC E M A D E Studebaker Cars Mack Trucks Firestone Tires f STAPEL. ------------ , PHONE 122 Ashland Laundry Co. i t