ASHLAND b A tL t TIDINGS V ag » two A shland Tidings WOMAN AIR MAIL CARRIER Established 1876 Every Evening Except Sunday by * HE ASHLAND PRINTING GO. ? iir t R- Greer .......................... Editor > ubllshed OFFICIAL I CITY AND COUNTY PAPER. TELEPHONE 39 taberrlption Rat«*s Delivered In City <*ne M onth, D elivered.................8 .50 t-n e W e e k ............................................ 15 ► ubscription Rates By Mail Outside of City tin e y ear by m a i l ........................ >5.00 Fix months by m a i l ...................... 2.75 fi hree m onthi by m a i l .............. 1.50 No out of tow n subscriptions tak en ¡for less th an th re e m onths. By Mail Outside of United States •Jne Y ear ......................................>8.12 fciix M onths .................................... 4-31 No subscription for less th an six m onth*. ADVERTISING RATES D isplay A dvertising— Single i n s e r tio n .. . .each inch, 30c YEARLY CONTRACTS Display A d v e r tis in g - One tim e a week, each inch, each tim e .......................................... 27% c Two tim es a week, each inch, each tim e ...............................................25® Every o th er day, each inch, each '■ tim e ...............................................2®c E very issue, each inch, each tim e ............................................ 17 %c IxKid R eaders— Each line each tim e (6 w ords to line) ............................................... 10® To run every o th e r day for one m onth, each line each t i m e . . . . 7c To ru n every issue for one m onth, o r m ore, each line each tim e 5c Classified C o lu m n - One cent th e word each tim e. To ru n every issue for one m onth o r m ore, H e th e word each tim e. C ards of T hanks, 31.00. O bituaries, 2% cents th e line. Fraternal Orders and Societies A dvertising for fra te rn a l orders o r societies charging a reg u la r in itia ­ tio n fee and dues, no discount. Re­ ligious and benevolent orders will be charged for all ad v ertising when a n adm ission o r o th er charge is m ade, a t th e re g u la r rate . The Tidings has a greater circula­ tion In Ashland and its trade terri­ tory than all other newspapers com­ bined. E n tered a t th e A shland, Oregon, P ostoffice as Second Class Mail M atter. The distinction of being the woman to act as an aerial mail rier fell to Avlatrix “Fanchon.” is here shown receiving the sacks a t San Francisco. firs’ car­ She mall The Public Service Com m ission of Oregon is sending out b u lletins to autom obile ow ners in ’ th e s ta te ex­ plaining th e n a tu re and in te n t of th e various kinds of w arning signs a t the grade crossings on th e railro ad s in o rd er to m aterially decrease the num ber of accidents. The bulletin sta te s th a t w arning signs a re m ere­ ly notices of grade crossings. The d riv e r’s safety and th a t of his friends or his fam ily is dependent upon his viligance, prudence and ability to drive. The speed of a tra in 1 b very deceptive, consequently w ith life th e forfeit, d riv ers a re w arned not to race a tra in to a crossing— he may lose. The Com m ission u rgently requests th a t it be prom ptly notified of such physical conditions, su rro u n d in g any p a rtic u la r crossing, as tend to increase th e hazard. O bstructions of view, d ifficult approaches, poor roadw ay construction, absence of w arning signs, etc., should be b ro u g h t to th e ir atten tio n . ij i i immnH»i i mn»K»»»inmH»»»»» AT THE CHURCHES ttt»8tt i «KK»KM»»nnm«»K»inn B» Congregational Church Rev. A. J. S uttens will preach a t th e C ongregational church next Sun­ day, the 19th, a t 11 o’clock . m., and wishes all the m em bers present for a conference a fte r services. Sun­ day s c h o o l'9:45. Presbyterian Church (C. F. K oehler, P a sto r.) Subject for th e m orning service: “ The W orkm anship of God.” Sub­ ject fo r th e evening: "T he Soul’s E quipm ent.” Sunday school 9:45. M orning services 11. C hristian E n­ deavor 6:30. Evening services 7:30. P ra y e r m eeting, T hursday, 7:30. All cordially welcome. Jamaica Ginger Jag a Bad One (By th e U nited P ress) SEATTLE. W ash., Oct. 17.— Wil liar.! Sti v art purchased some Ja n: u