WEST LEADS EAST IN N. Y.-FRISCO RACE /T V A shland D aily NUMBER 35 ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 3919 VOL. XLIII GERMANS IN BATTLE WITH LETTS >«»♦♦♦♦♦♦>»• < Three Westerners Lead In Air Race Senate Committee Investigates Strike (By th e U nited P ress) ALTOONA, Pa., Oct. 10.— P ro m p t­ ly a t 2 o’clock th is aftern o o n the big w histles on th e Pennsylvania railro a d shops of th is d istric t gave th e signal and about twelve th o u ­ sand m en, practically all th e em ­ ployes, laid down th e ir tools and w ent o u t on strik e. / » r~ SNOT.RiGiD (By th e U nited P ress) GARY, Ind., Oct. 10.— The m ilitary a u th o ritie s a re holding up very lit­ tle news of raids and a rre s ts in the C alum et Steel d istric t, stated Colo­ nel Maples, in charge of fo u r th o u ­ sand troops here. “ W e a re not enforcing a rigid censorship. We a re m erely asking th e new spaper m en to co-operate w ith us.” (By th e U nited P ress) DUQUESNE, Pa., Oct. 10.— V isit­ ing the steel w o rk ers’ hom es u n an ­ nounced, m em bers of the sen ate in ­ vestigating com m ittee today talk ed w ith the s trik e rs and non-union w orkm en, th e ir wives and children to learn how th e “o th e r h a lf” lives. The sen ato rs w alked into the streets, shook hands w ith th e s trik ­ ers stan d in g on th e stre e t corners and questioned them reg ard in g w orking conditions and why they w ere strik in g . Steve Bohanneck, an A u strian , gave “everything too h ig h ” as his reason, while Andy Bucko said he w orked “ like a m ule.” ’EM AT ALL First Divorce Didn't "Take” (By th e U nited P ress) YOUNGSTOWN Ohio, Oct. 10.— Qne n eg ro is dead, a n o th e r in th e hospital in a c ritical condition, and several o th e rs w ere in ju re d in a clash betw een negroes and foreign born s te e l w orkers a t H ubbard to ­ day. Ship’s Mast a Liberty Pole L a ter.— The trouble in M aynard’s engine, continues to baffle th e me- chanics and chances th a t he will be able to tak e th e a ir before th is af- ternoon are not bright. L ieu ten an t Queens, listed yester- day as “'m issing” arrived here this m orning. Queens lost his way en ro u te here from Raw lins yesterday and do­ (By the United P ress) scended a t sundow n. He resum ed his flight this m orning on receiving d i - LONDON, Oct. 10.— Tw enty th o u ­ rections from ranchers. sand G erm ans today attack ed the ------ L etts on a ten-m ile front, according CHICAGO, Oct. 10. — Stanley to* a Riga dispatch. K nauss, representing th e Am erican The Letts, heavily outnum bered, flying corps, said today he believes a re yielding ground under strong (By th e U nited P ress) RAW LINS Wyo., Oct. 10.— Lieu- L ieu ten an t M aynard was not dis- pressure, te n a n t E V. W ales, pilot of plane Qualified by flying 25 m inutes a fte r A Berlin dispatch says th e L etts 63 is dead a t the Paulson ranch, sundow n because he had been re- th reaten ed the G erm ans' orderly re- ! near here, th e fo u rth fata lity in th e leased by his contro1 statio n for m oval f>om W est Russia. flight. The Daily Chronicle correspond- Air Derby. ---------- ent reported th a t he viewed th e bat- W ord was received here today th a t ROCK ISLAND, 111., Oct. 10.— tie while stationed six m iles from W ales died from in ju rie s and cold Captain Sm ith, leading th e San Riga. a few hours a fte r his plane crashed He said it was preceded by two into E lk M ountain yesterday during Francisco en tries in th e Air Derby, was held here several hours today G erm an airplanes bom bing the Let- a fierce blizzard. by rain and wind. Sm ith, who a r­ lish cavalry headquarters. L ieu ten an t G oldsborough walked rived a t 10:43 was anxious to get A Berlin dispatch stated th a t the ' several hours in search of aid F i­ G erm ans had occupied two villages, i u i s u u away as be hopes to m ake N e w ____________ nally he stum bled into th e Paulson found York tom orrow afternoon b u t the 8iX and nine miles, respectively, ranch. A rescping p arty flying field officials refuse to re- south of Riga. W aies ales dead aeau. .. lease him as long as th e w eather; --------- The flyers lost th e ir way in the . blizzard. . J t » i > Flying a * t a low „in»,,,!« a ltitu d e 'c o n d itio n s are bad. (B y th e U nited P ress) HASTINGS-ON-HUDSON, N. (By th e U nited P re ss) . ” (By the U nited P re ss) I PORTLAND, Ore., Oct.’ 1 0 - Oct. 10.- P l a n s w ere com plete to- PARIS, Oct. 10.— M arshal F och’s “ W hose court g ran te d you th e first day tra n sp o sin g th e old hom e of Ad- note to G erm any th re a te n in g to im- d iv o rc e ? ” Ju d g e G atens asked of m iral F a rra g u t and the grounids of pose a blockade ag ain st G erm any un- Mrs. Belle Eoff, applying for a sec-, th e old Zion church into a c iv ic cen less she im m ediately w ithdraw s her ond divorce from H enry Eoff, whom te r here an d to erect. there, a forces from th e Baltic region was she m arried sh o rtly a fte r rec e iv in g ' L ib e ity p o e x ^ l d m j r a l ’s flag and unable to see ahead, they today approved by the suprem e coun- th e firs t decree. U. S. S. H artfo rd , th e A g crashed into th e m ountain, com plete­ cil of the peace conference. “ You did, ju d g e ,”- th e w om an an- ship. . ~„Ontiv were ly w recking the plane. „ „«„a swered T he church grounds recently w ere It was decided in addition to send i sw ereu. “ W h a t!” exclaim ed G atens. “ W ell! given to th e Grace Episcopal church an allied com m ission to th e Baltic ' h . ere by Mrs. » wt 7*/-»r»v ler, l or of (By th e U nited P ress) W. TIT W. Y Fow sta te s to observe th e G erm and evacu- 1 did a p retty bad job, didn t I? CHICAGO, Oct. ark sv ille, S. C., follow ing sugges-, — ----- - 10.— - - The two atinn j The ju d g e g ra n te d h e r a n o th e r di-1 P , ---------- . in th .. e „„„„„ tion of Rev. H orace ------ E. ----------------- Clute, pastor, , leaders ocean to ocean Air The suprem e council also decided vorce w ith the hopei it w ould be a ¡tio n had been w orking on th e idea Derby who Derby resum resum ed ed th th eir e ir journeys across to send a com m ission to B udapest b e tte r b ran d , and sufficient for several m onths |t h e continent early today. to an inventory of the -- goods re-! nKNVKR HAS BIG - tak — e ------------------ ----------- ---------- I C arrying out of th e plans will de- L ie u te n a n t M aynard, en route to quisitioned from H ungary by th e R u- ; SCHEM E FO R W E S T 1 pend on th e decision of th e navy de- San Francisco, rested a t Cheyenne, m ainian forces. _______ p a rtm e n t to allow use of the obsolete Wyo.. d u rin g the night. He plans U e; DEN V ER. Co!».. O C . l . - T h e ! ma .t. „ „ understood. b .w - to s,e«p ,» 8 .» F r a n c o . . n lght. WASHINGTON, Oct. 10.— Secre­ ta ry of W ar B akaer today refused to com m it him self reg ard in g th e cen­ sorship on s trik e news established by G eneral W ood a t Gary, Ind. His a ttitu d e was th a t he know s peace tre a ty . n o th in g of th e facts and th a t G eneral W ood has com plete control and can be tru s te d to tr e a t all fairly. SIX ARE KILLED (By th e U nited P ress.) NEW YORK, Oct. 10.— Captain Sm ith, flying from San Francisco to New York, has tak e n th e lead in the tran sco n tin en tal a ir race, according to tu n rep ,™ o rts ,» received here th is a fte r­ noon. noon. rival, Sm ith has passed his n earest rival. L ieu ten an t M aynard, flying west- w a rd , who is beld a t Cheyenne by en- gine trouble. ----- 'm o v em e n t to establish a “ su m m e r ever, no difficulties will be m et, At Des Moines, Iowa, a^ W hite H ouse” on M ount Calcon, 15 R ev. C lute said. Sm ith, lead er of he w estern contm - m iles from D enver and in th e Rocky | A dm iral F a rra g u t lived here be- gent enro u te «« New York, hoped to m ountains, has been revived by Col­ fore th e w ar and Zion church was m ake Cleveland by tonight, Of the planes which s ta rte d the orado citizens. The w ar in te rru p te d b u ilt w ith prize m oney won by the ad m iral in th e c ap tu re of C onfederate race all except two were accounted th e cam paign which w as sta rte d several y ears ago w ith th e object of blockade ru n n ers. 1 for early to d ay ’ providing a pictu resq u e m o u n tain H arry O. Brown, h isto rian , who Two mac ines w ic e palace w here p resid e n ts of th e U n it- • le a rn e d th a t th e H artfo rd had been L ake, piloted by L ieutenants ed S tates m ight find refu g e d u ring rele g ate d to th e scrapheap, asked and. F uen, had failed to rep o rt Tt th e w arm m onths. A ssistant S ecretary F ra n k lin D.) is feared they becam e lost In a. snow storm which swept the Rockies. The bu ild in g , it is e stim ated , w ould ' R oosevelt for its use. TACOMA, Oct. 10. The w estbound co n testan ts have req u ire — a n -------- in itia l exp — ---»----- _ - . en d itu re of ordered not to atte m n t to land th e Tacom a Gas com pany which sup- United Press) ( By the United Press PITTSBURGH, Oct. 10. R ioting broke o.ut a t C lairton, n e a r here, to- day when several foreigners, alleged to have expressed th eir intentions of retu rn in g to work, were attacked. One was shot and seriously w ound­ ed, th ree were stabbed ,.nd m any were beaten. S tate troops restored order. (Special to The T idings) PH ILA D ELPH IA , . Oct. 10.— Six ___________ wrecked today by an explosion of un­ (By the United P ress) are reported killed and five a re said to com plete th e e n tire s tru c tu re and LONDON, Oct. 10. The c ap tu re m ade it dangerous know n origin. V irgil S tearns, the SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 10.— to be dying as th e resu lt of a boiler put th e g ro u n d s in shape. ¡of 15,000 bolshevik troops d u rin g the - - — ----------- - . , „ _— phvvvkvv Wvo Oct 1 0 — p lan t engineer, was n ad ly burned Colonel R obert T hornburgh, com ­ explosion on th e oil steam er Chest- T he su m m er hom e w ould be held o p eratio n s around Voro by Generdl C te n a n t M aynard rem oved tQ a h o sp ital. Ser- m andant a t the L etterm an G eneral and in ju red were all m em bers of th e in tru s t by t he governors of th e 22 ; D enikene’s troops is claim ed in a lead ’ in the a ir face vice was cut off for several hours, H ospital here, is dead, and six pei- crew. O thers were badly burned. s ta te s w est of th e M ississippi r iv e r ,! com m unique reecived by w ireless son, when serious m otor trouble developed sons are su ffering from m inor in- from general h ead q u arters. The vessel was g etting up steam actin g as a b o ard of reg en ts (By th e U nited P ress) >» > I > I M > > \ » ♦ » » » » •♦ •♦ • ; ju ries as th e re su lt of an autom obile • « »»«»>»♦« to d e p a rt for Mexico when th e e x -1 .. . . . SAN JOSE, Oct. 10.— The body of accident here last night when the plosion occurred. A lphonse C hristy, terrib ly m utilated autom obile in which T hornburgh w ith an axe, was found lying in his was riding crashed into a m unicipal vineyard today. He was m urdered bus. d u rin g th e n ight by an unknow n F. W. Carey, driv er of th e m achine a ssa ila n t. The m u rd er is a com plete ---------- T hornburgh occupied, and Jam es m ystery as no m otive has been (Bv the U nited P ress) Lawless, driv er of th e bus, are both (By the U nited P ress) BERLIN .— (By M ail.)— G erm any charged w ith m an slau g h ter due to found. has in au g u ra te d a Zeppelin passen- w itnesses’ conflicting statem ents, WASHINGTON, Oct. 10.— The pres­ j 1 _ - " is not m ade, a condition of em ploy­ ident is b e tte r, it is a u th o rita tiv e ly ger line betw een Berlin and Fried-! m en t.” , stated a t the W hite House. T here (By th e U nited P re ss ) Tbe propOsals em phasize th a t the richshafen on th e Swiss border. This W ASHINGTON, Oct. 10.— D e c la r-' «300 of th is am ount. No solic- 10-cent bread for aw hile, a t any BUTTER— E x tras. G7c. W ASHINGTON, Oct. 10.— The in­ d . a „„»„ z , o «, — . ■ » cum »., „ „ P rague. rate. W. K. Newell, federal food iting will be done, the people being POULTRY— B roilers, 33c; hens, d u stria l conference to d a y voted a re­ a d m in istra to r for Oregon, m ade th is expected to m ake th e ir contributions ---------------- - -------------------- PA RIS, Oct. 10.— A V ienna dis- asl^ P bow a ?5 flne RUMOR GERMANS HAVE cess u - ntil T uesday m o rn in g to give ____ voluntarily, and boxes will be placed announcem ent as p a rt of a report 31c. CATTLE— Top steers, 1 0 %c. th e cen tral co m m ittee tim e to study patch rep o rts th e assassination of -------- ---------- GONE OXTER TO REDS a t convenient points for contribu- su b m itted to th e federal fair price and rep o rt on th e la b o r g ro u p ’s pro- G abrielle D’A nnunzio. T here is no m ight he p to eep im a ^ a com m ittee in response to its request I HOGS— Top, 14 %c. ______ tions. D efinite in stru ctio n s will be SH E E P — Ewes, 7c; w ethers, 9c; posal th a t th e c o n fe re n ce nam e a ! confirm ation of th e report. for an investigation of rep o rts th a t COPENHAGEN, Oct. 10— General issued la te r to the com m ittee. SAFETY RAZORS POPULAR •* board of six to a rb it r a te th e steel a rise in bread prices w ould follow lam bs, 10c. Von Der Goltz, Germ an com m ander ------------------------ — (By th e U nited P ress) CHINESE IS BARLEY Spot feed, >3.02; ship- s trik e 1 — MURDERED ------------------ , th e recent increase in th e price of of th e Baltic provinces whose activi- < $ > < § > < $ . <$> The em p lo y ers’ g ro u p proposals SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 10.— BELLINGHAM, W ash., Oct. 10— ping, >3.10. flour. ♦ ---------------------------- I are divided in to tw elv e clau ses, all W ong Foo, aged 37 was shot and Safety razors prom ise to become very ties th ere have led to sh arp ex ❖ T o g eth er w ith Bert E. Haney. U nit­ WEATHER FORECAST . » a n enun- viio/A Qoriv tndav in fro n n t t of in ellingham for betw een th e allied powers <®> Am enclosing a iew few rnym rhym es m th a t of of killed or his nis popular popular in B neuiusuau* « local bar- changes __ 01 which wnicn a re in th m e fo lo rm 01 a n euuu- nm cu early today ------- in — fro -- . - iu - „ to n ed S tates D istrict A ttorney Newell . , . . . . .. riic and G erm any, has, w ith his staff, . . . . . , . . . .. , . . . . . hnmo h v, are His wifp wife haw him fall bers have boosted th e ir prices. ciation of e, general p rin c ip le s. hom here, mis OP1, wue ua t , „ hni«h«viVi fnrroa su b m itted a repoort to the atto rn ey express eApivsa my J feelings e, tow ards th e park, K . e two It It is is now rces,« - One declares th e re “ sh o u ld _____ be no __ and men scu rrv rry awav away in in the the now necessary necessary to to part part w w ith ith joined the R ussian bolsheviki fo forces.,«- F o r Oregon— W arm er: proba- Mere w ords cannot tell ou r appreci­ general of th e United States dealing in te rfe re n c e w ith th e open shop, th a t sem i-darkness. The could not say 60 cents to get a h a ir cut, and when according to Berlin dispatches in th e «- bly rain. •«> w ith bread and milk price conditions ation of your u nfailing kindness to is, th e shop in w hich m em b e rsh ip , or w h eth er th e m en w ere Chinese or you acquire a shave you say goodble N ational Tidende. T here is no con- «> stra n g e rs to your In Oregon. The contents of the re- us who cam e firm ation of the rep o rt here. to 35 cents. non-membership in any association White. city .” yvrt have not been m ade public. / Industrial Conference in a Deadlock Over Labor Plans Germans Start Zeppelin Line <$■ HE EATS WELL I (By the U nited P re ss) CINCINNATI, Oct. 10.— The w orld cham pions re tu rn e d hom e today and m arched up tow n like p resid en ts o r kings. I T hrough a double line of cheer- j ing men, girl ste n o g ra p h ers and salesw om en, ju s t going to w ork, the i conquerers m ade a triu m p h a l entry. (B y th e U nited P ress.) ROCK ISLAND, 111., Oct. 10.— I »Three c o n testan ts in th e transcon- tin e n ta l __ a ir ____ race, all _______ from San Francisco, a re tied for the lead a t 1 p. ni„ C aptain Sm ith, L ieu ten an t Kiel and M ajor Spatz. Sm ith arrived ahead of his two com petitors, but all a re unable to leave due to bad w eather. The th re e spent th e idle tim e tun- ing up th e ir m achines, tig h ten in g w ires and p rep arin g for the final dash for New York. All have hopes of m aking th ere tom orrow night. on ^his plane. He estim ates he will be delayed a t least two hours.