Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, October 09, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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Have a fit a t O rres Tailors.
• • •
Miss B ertha E liason was hom e th e
fore p a rt of th e week from P o rtlan d
w here she holds a position w ith the
S outhern Pacific com pany.
• • •
C. A. W illiam son of G rants Pass,
general forem an of th e W estern Un­
ion, was an A shland visitor yesterday
looking a fte r business in te rests for
his company.
• • •
Leonard C. P e ttit will give full
violin concert a t M. E. church Mon­
day evening, October 13.
• • •
Thursday, October 8, 1810
A ttorney F. W. M ears of M edford
was in A shland yesterday in the in­
tere sts of th e Roosevelt M emorial
F und cam paign which will be held
October 2Q-27. Jackson county’s
quota for th is fund will be $750.
Mr. M ears is th e county ch airm an of
th e cam paign.
• • •
B com pany of the N ational G uard
a re fixing up th e grounds around
th e arm ory and m aking th a t building
th e beauty spot it used to be before
th e w ar.
a • a
Mrs. F. E. F rench has received a
le tte r from Mrs. M. C. Reed w ritten
on the eve of her sailing on her long
trip to New Z ealand w ith th e Ellison-
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. F rench left th is
m orning for P o rtla n d on a business
trip . They will drive hom e in th e
cah left th e re by R alph F rench on his
trip here from M ontana.
• • •
A shland P ost No. 14, Am erican
Legion, will m eet in th e arm ory next
Tuesday night a t 8 o’clock. Aside
from the general business to be tra n s ­
acted, a fine social tim e is being
planned, and a ll ex-service men are
asked to be present, w hether or not
they have joined th e post. ’
• • •
H em stitching, Picoting, 10 cents
a yard. W e pay th e postage. The
V anity H it Shop, M edford, Ore. 6-tt
• • •
T he larg e st car of peaches ever
sent out of A shland u n d er ice was
packed th is week by th e Ashland
F ru it & Produce association. The
car contained 1729 boxes which held
121.841 peaches.
• • *
C laude Sanders, a form er well
know n A shland boy, who is now lo-
0-1 ted in P o rtlan d , has been a busi­
ness v isitor in th e citv th is week.
• • •
Special on m incem eat all th is
week 25 cents a pound a t th e Plaza
M arket, 64 N orth Main stre e t. 32-4t
• • «
The E pw orth L eague held a busi­
ness m eeting in th e L eague room
Tuesday evening. A fine supper pre­
ceded the m eeting which was hugely
enjoyed by all present.
• • •
S. A. H anford, th e new su p e rin te n d ­
ent of K lam ath d istric t of th e M eth­
odist church, will pay his first offi­
cial visit to A shland th e la tte r p art
of th is week. Mr. Sanford is from
• • •
Special th is week only No. 3 cof­
fee $1.50, Plaza M arket, 64 N orth
• « •
R ufus J. Cole of P asadena, Calif.,
form er ow ner of th e Cole ranch on
th e Siskiyous, was in th e city this
• • •
W. M. Briggs has received a com ­
plete list of lite ra tu re on th e re h a ­
b ilitatio n of disabled soldiers, the
project of th e governm ent to ena­
ble soldiers un fit to p u rsu e th e ir for
m er avocations on account of disa
bilities incurred in th e w ar. By th is
vocational law such ex-service men
can ta k e up the p rep aratio n of any
tra d e or profession for any term of
years a t th e governm ent expense
H a rriso n T. M organ of th is city is
planning to ta k e ad v an tag e of this
He was Injured a t V erdun
w hen a shell exploded, th ro w in g a
stone ag ain st Mr. M organ’s back, and
seriously in ju rin g him so th a t he is
not able to follow his business of
farm ing.
• • *
T rin ity Guild will serve a roast
d in n er in th e parish house on T h u rs­
day evening from 6 to 8 o’clock at
75 cents a plate. E veryone cordial­
ly invited.
• • •
Rev. C. A. E dw ards, re tu rn e d to
th e p a sto ra te of th e A shland M etho­
dist church for the th ird year, is
hom e from Salem w here he had been
a tte n d in g th e an n u al conference.
• • •
W a te r Com m issioner E a rl H osier
and W. E. Sergant left yesterday on
a h u n tin g trip th a t tak es them to
th e B utte creek country in C alifor
. . .
Dance every S atu rd ay evening at
A shland N atatorium . L au n sp ach ’s
Jazz orch estra.
• • •
The board of d irecto rs of the city
schools a t a m eeting held th is week
elected Miss Faye C arver as physi
cal d irecto r of th e schools.
• • •
George Y ates has sold his paper
ro u te to J. H. Stugg, a recent com er
to Ashland from Toledo, Ore., who
will tak e charge im m ediately.
• • «
Cliff Payne m akes T abourettes.
• » •
Mrs. E. J. Cole of Cole S tation, died
a t P asadena. Cailf., O ctober 3, a fte r
an extended illness. The deceased
was 7 6 years of age and was well
know n in th is vicinity. The body
was b ro u g h t to Y reka for b u ria l
• • •
A. C. Gunn, one of th e m ail clerks
ru n n in g into A shland, left Tuesday
night for San Francisco on a vaca­
tion covering over two or th re e
• • •
Girls Wanted
W anted, one girl for dining room
a t once; also six girls or women to
assist serving tables a t E lks Tem ple,
d u rin g business m en’s banquet Octo­
b er 16th. luncheon 12:30 a. m. and
d in n er 7 p. m.
W hite C h au tau q u a bureau. Mrs.
Reed says they w ere to sail from
V ancouver, B. C., on last F rid ay .
T here a re tw enty-one in th e p a rty
of w hich Mr. Reed will have ch arg e
u n til they reach A uckland, New Zea­
h u n tin g p arty who had a th rillin g
experience w ith a fam ily of bears
n e a r E agle P oint recently. This fam ­
ily consisted of a m other b e a r and
th re e cubs, and it took th e com bined
e ffo rts of th e e n tire p a rty to finally
subdue th e old bear who fought sav­
• • * - J j
agely to save h er young. Five shots
D. M. M onteith was in th e city w ere required before M other Bear
yesterday in th e endeavor to o r­ was dispatched.
« * •
ganize a branch of th e W estern Loan
C aptain M. W. Grubb of B com ­
and Building com pany of Salt Lake
O. N. G., has appointed his lieu­
City. A num ber of the citizens are
in terested in th e p roject a n d if a te n a n ts for th e A shland company.
branch is organized d irecto rs will be These are first lie u te n a n t, W. M.
elected soon.
Briggs, and second lie u te n a n t, Lynn
• • *
D. M owat. Both these w ere officers
Edw in Dunn and R obert Peachey in th e U. S. arm y d u rin g th e world
w ith two o th er men com posed a w ar.
M rs Nellie Connor says it pays to
ad vertise in th e T idings classified
colum n.
Y esterday she advertised
th e follow ing articles: One princess
d resse r; one oak sideboard; one
kitchen table.
In response to the
ad. all of them were sold before
bedtim e last night.
DANVILLE, K y.— Lady Bell Gray
is probably the m ost punctual and
in d u strio u s hen in K entucky. In
fact, she is so absolutely on tim e
w ith her egg laying th a t th e people
of P re sto n b u rg drop in a t 7 a. m. to
see h er go to her nest.
This very rem ark ab le S. C. Rhode
Island Red hen was hatched March
24, 1918, and laid h e r first big
brow n egg D ecem ber 1, 1918.
“ The average price received by the
A m erican grow er for w heat under
th e stabilized basis for th e past two
years has been $2.06 per bushel,”
says th e A g ricu ltu ral P u b lish er as­
sociation. The average price received
by the B ritish grow er in th e sam e
period, according to th e official re­
ports, has been $2.28 per bushel. The
g u aran teed prices of th e o th e r con­
sum ing co untries
for th e present
year ru n s as follows;
“ France, $3.96; Spain, $3.96; It­
aly, $4.34; H olland, $3.25; Norway,
$4.52; P o rtu g a l, $6.43, while one im ­
p o rtin g country of the W estern
H em isphere, Brazil, has a g u aranteed
price to its grow ers of $2.65.”
E n terp rise— E ast Oregon Lumber
com pany, will rebuild mill destroyed
by fire.
V. J
Stated com m unication of A shland
Lodge No. 23, A. F. St A. M„ th is
(T h u rsd ay ) evening, October 9, a t
7:30 sharp. V isiting b reth ren cor­
dially welcome.
W. H. DAY, Secy.
FOR SALE— Steinw ay G rand piano,
reasonable price if tak e n a t once.
Mary Young, Vendome.
The New Motor Car
'f ■
The Greatest Improvement
Riding Comfort Since The Introduction
or Pneumatic flires;
" ”
ERS is a brand new type of
ear. It solves the problem
which has baffled automotive
gineers—how to combine riding
comfort with light weight and
Our new Three-Point Cantilever
Springs make this possible.
These are the first springs of
their kind and they are made of
chrome vanadium steel. They are
exclusive with Overland.
Because of these springs, Over­
land 4 combines the riding qual­
ities of large heavy, expensive, long
wheelbase cars, together with the
advantages and economy of small
light cars.
With 100-inch wheelbase, Over­
land 4 has the luxurious riding ease
o f 130-inch Springbase.
p ? °
The exclusive, Three-Point Can­
tilever Springs cushion the car so
en­ that it rides well on all roads: they
reduce choppy rebounds and side
swaying, protect the car from road
shocks and prolong its life, mini­
mize twisting or racking of frame
and body, enable the car to hold
the road better.
The car and passengers ride
smoothly as though floating, free
from road shocks that the springs
ward off.
But this new riding comfort, pos­
sible only with these Three-Point
Cantilever Springs, is but one of
the advantages of Overland 4.
Its light weight makes possible
great economy of gasoline and tires.
High quality materials insure
durability. All vital parts of the
P T ’i©
front axle and steering gear and all
highly stressed gears and shafts for
driving the car are made of allay
The equipment list of Overland 4
is high grade, including Auto-Lite
Starter and Lighting System —
Electric Horn—Marshall Divan Up­
holstery Springs — Demountable
Rims—-Three Speed Transmission
—Slanting Rain Vision Windshield
—Tillotson Carburetor—U. S. L.
Batteries and many other high
quality conveniences.
In every respect Overland 4 is a
quality car. The body is all steel,
all enamel, the brightest, hardest,
most lasting finish.
Overland 4 has been tested for
two years and more than 250,063
miles over the Rocky Mountains,
prairies, through deep mud and
scorching deserts—through quick
sharp climatic changes. As a result
of these tests we were able to judge
the car’s performance under every
condition and to perfect it before
offering it to the public.
There is no previous car of any
size or price to adequately compare
with the character of service Over­
land 4 introduces.
The farther you ride in it the
more you will appreciate it. Come
in, see the car and ask for booklet.
The demand will be greater than
the supply for a long time.
Overland 4 Touring, $845; Road­
ster, $845; Coupe, $1325; Sedan,
$1375. Prices f. o. b. Toledo.
New Demonstrator of This Wonderful Model Put On Our Floor Today
Come In And Look It Over
On account of the great demand lor this new model it w ill be necessary to order now to insure prompt delivery.
We think the Model Four is absolutely the best automobile ever offered for the money.
East Main and Third Streets
Telephone 195
E. E. MARCY, Proprietor