A shland daily tidings PAGE FOUR f»nm»n:»«imnnnn»i:»iiiin>»»uw« LOCAL AND PERSONAL p •,,H ^ H n n n i i i | n | i n m n i i i i i i i n n i i l l l n n u Mr. and Mrs. C. W. F raley , Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sams, and Misses Zora M cCurry and Eva H ash w ent down to Sams valley Sunday to spend the day w ith S. B. Stoner and family. They m ade th e trip by way of Table Rock and back by Gold Hill, and re- p ort some excellent roads now out th a t way. A goodly portion of the new pavem ent is being used and m any of th e d irt roads have been graded so th a t they a re in a fine con- dition. • • • T rin ity Guild will serve a ro ast d in n er in th e parish house on T hurs- day evening from 6 to 8 o’clock a t 75 cents a plate. E veryone cordial- ly invited. 31-4 M ichael and Donald H urley, .who have been m aking an extended visit in A shland w ith C. R. Jillson, left yesterday m orning for th e ir hom e in L ittle F alls, N. Y. The young m en m ade th e trip across th e continent on a m otorcycle and expect to re tu rn th e sam e way. They will stop for a sh o rt tim e in San Francisco before s ta rtin g on th e ir long journey, • • • W e do ou r own baking and try to do it so o u r goods will hold your tra d e and a ttr a c t others. Hom e Ba- kery, 69 N orth M ain stre e t. New m anagem ent. P. J. Sm ith, W ed-F ri-tf ---------------------------- 9 REPORT GIVEN BY Wednesday, Octobet* S, 1Ô10 copy of law s asked for, even as an act of courtesy.” CARRANZA SNUBS LEAGUE. WHITE HOUSE CAFE SHORT ORDERS AND LUNCHE» EL PASO, Tex.— R equest fo r a B aker— Two fine stre a k s of ore copy of the Mexican in d u stria l and QUICK SERVICE com m ercial law s has been received uncovered a t H ighland mine. Lunches P u t Up fo r T ravelers from th e “league of n a tio n s” by th e 207 East Main. M exican governm ent and has been refused, according to El H eraldo, a new spaper of C hichuahua City. In an article under a Mexico City date line El H eraldo says: "T he p resid en t of th e republic o r­ FLOUR, FE E D , SEEDS dered th a t, since Mexico has been We are now ready to do your fur excluded from th e concert of civiliz­ rep airin g o r sell you a new set of The Best T nat Can Be Had On the ed nations, th e league of n ations be M arket. furs. inform ed th a t he w ould not send a F . W. BARTLETT, Taxidermist and Furrier. Tel. 214 115 W. M ain St. M edford, Oregon. 353 East Main. H ave a fit a t O rres T ailors. 52tf • • • Mrs. Lloyd Reynolds and son Billy At th e m eeting of council last night of D unsm uir have been spending th e p ark com m ission subm itted its several days in A shland, guests of Mr. financial rep o rt for th e m onth of a n d Mrs. Cedric Myer. A ugust w hich is as follow s: • • • Receipts Cecil N orton and wife left for P o rt­ Balance from Ju ly ............. $1,004.40 land last night. He will brin g home Sales of c u p s ........................ 127.69 w ith him a new Colum bia Six, “th e Sales of g a s ............................ 93.70 gun of th e highw ay,” for which the R ent of c o t t a g e ................... 8.00 to u rist garag e has tak e n th e agency R ent from Seventh Day Ad­ He will re tu rn th e last of th e week. ven tists for ten g r o u n d .. 15.00 • •« • Bank in te re st fo r A ugust 1.04 L eonard C. P e ttit will give full violin concert a t M. E. church Mon­ T o t a l ................................... $1,249.83 Mrs. W. J. U nger and son, fo rm er­ day evening, October 13. 29-tf Disbursements • • • ly from A shland b u t now from L eba­ Ju ly pay r o l l ........................ $ 548.27 non, drove down yesterday in th e ir | G. W. Loseley and fam ily have S tate accident in su ran ce . . 10.26 moved in for th e w in ter from his c ar and will spend several days at E quipm ent ............................. 52.26 th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. E m ­ ranch a t F o rt K lam ath and a re lo T r a n s p o r ta tio n ............. 19.44 ery on H elm an stre e t. D. M. Brow er, ju d g e of th e city cated a t 502 Boulevard. 5.15 • • • court, presented his rep o rt fo r th e R e p a i r s ........................... • • • 83.80 Accom panying J. R. Casey and m onth of Septem ber a t th e m eeting Gas ........................................... Mrs. W ilson and Mrs. B right of 56.90 d a u g h te r Helene, who left last n ight of council last night, which is as fol- E lectric lam ps and l a b o r .. T he D alles a re guests a t th e hom e 40.00 for Santa Monica, Calif., to spend lows: N um ber of cases heard for Im provem ents ...................... of Mrs. D. L. Glenn. They are rep 433.75 th e w inter, w ere Mrs. C. H. H arga- violation of booze ordinance, 2; Balance A ugust 31 ............ resenting th e ir tow n a t th e sta te con dine and d a u g h te r M ary V irginia, num ber of cases h eard for violation vention of th e W om en’s C hristian Total $1,249.83 They will rem ain several weeks in of tra ffic ordinance, 2; num ber of T em perance Union. th e south. Jo h n W. D etw iler, Mr. cases for violation of ordinance • • • PAULSERUD & BARRETT Casey’s brother-in-law , also left a t ag ain st resisting a pound official in H em stitching, Picoting, 10 cents the sam e tim e for P asadena. discharge of his duties, 3; to ta l num - a yard. W e pay th e postage. The • • • ber of cases heard d u rin g th e m onth, V anity H at Shop, M edford, Ore. 6-tl For Men and Women. Mrs. and Mrs. Jo h n Dill and Mr. 7. A m ount of m oney on hand th e • • • Tel. 119 and Mrs. J. D. Jackson spent Sunday 1 first of th e m onths $3.50; am ount of 171 East Main. Mrs. H ttie Brown of L aG rande is in Sam s Valley, th e guests of Mr. and m oney received in fines fo r th e In A shland and will rem ain for the Mrs. S. B. Stoner. m onth, $115.00; am ount of money w in ter w ith her sister, Mrs. L. D * * * deposited w ith th e city recorder, Good, a t her hom e on B stre e t. Mrs. J. C. F erg u so n h as ju st re- $112.50; balance on hand October 1, • • • ceived a le tte r from h er paren ts, Mr. 1919, $6.00. Bargains in L. A. B rush, a v eteran of th e Civil LATE TO CLASSIFY w ar, cam e to A shland yesterday w ith and Mrs. Jam es Boyd, who left some tim e ago to visit a t th e ir fo rm er hom e ------------------ --------------------------------- th e in tention of finding a place to in St. P aul, Minn., and on to Dun- FOR SALE— 1 P rincess dresser, City and R anch P ro p erties, House.' locate and reside here perm anently. $10.00; 1 oak sideboard, $10.00; dee, N. Y., th e ir childhood home. to R ent. 1 kitchen tab le w ith larg e flour The le tte r sta te d th a t w hile they Citizens’ Bank Building. bin, $2.50. Phone 352-R. 33-tf Special on m incem eat all th is were having a fine tim e, they expect­ week 25 cents a pound a t th e Plaza ed to c u rta il th e ir stay as Mr. Boyd WANTED— At onee 6 apple pickers M arket, 64 N orth Main stre e t. 32-4t , . „ , . . . 35c per hour. Phone 2F2. 33-2 has been feeling poorly and the trip _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; ___________________ • • • POSITIONS WANTED B illiard players p refe r th is place Miss Olive Sober, who is teaching is ap p aren tly alm ost too m uch for because they know th a t they can get him. This is Mrs. Boyd’s first visit p o siT IO N W A N T E D by experienced school n ear G ran ts Pass, was obliged s te n o g ra p h e ra n d ^ b o o k k e e n e r5 Box G 00D cues; and m odern equipm ent A T h in g s office bookkeepeI 2 m akes a lot of difference in the to close h er school for a week on ac­ to h er old hom e since she left, and she is enjoying it to th e utm ost. a , n a in g s ornce. a pleasure of the game count of having th e grippe. You KNOW It. • • • WANTED— TO RENT P ro fan ity , gam bling and o th e r un Em il Peil had business which took Miss Nellie Beaver, prim ary tea c h ­ WANTED TO RENT— F o u r or five desirable elem ents a re absolutely him to B utte F alls Sunday. e r in th e Gold Hill school, cam e in room furnished house, on or ab o u t | TABOO here. W e invite GENTLE- Nov. 10. E. H., T idings office. MEN only. on F riday evening’s tra in for a visit S. B. Stoner and fam ily will leave 32-4t*-wed only T his is a clean, congenial am use­ w ith her p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. th e ir orchard in Sams Valley n e x t ------ m ent hall for decent clean-cut fel- Beaver. Tuesday for Long Beach, Calif., to FOR SALE OR RENT— 160 acre lows, • • • ranch, 25 in cu ltiv atio n ; five h u n ­ spend th e w inter. They will pass See W. A. F re eb e rg fo r w atch th ro u g h here on second 53 Tuesday! dred thousand feet saw tim b e r . 4. Living creek ru n s clear th ro u g h it; I clock, Jewelry and spectacle re p a ir­ evening, w here th e ir m any A shland fine stock ranch w ith open range. “Clean Sport for Regular F ellow *’ ing. Old prices. 7 e.o.d. tf* friends can see them to say goodbye. Nine m iles from A shland. $1,500 • • • According to frien d s who spent Sun- > if tak e n at once. If you w ant to re n t it will tak e wood cut off the Misses Olive Sober, Nellie P erry day a t th e S toner ranch they have 2,325,000 DE LAVAL place for pay. J. H. Bogue, A sh­ and H elen W alker a re hom e from had a w onderfully fine yield of ap­ land._______________________ 32-2t* SEPARATORS th e ir respective schools, to spend th e ples th is year and have com pleted , IN DAILY USE THE WORLD OVER w eek-end w ith th e hom e folks. picking them . They secured 5000 W herever grass grows and cows • • • are m ilked, you w ill find th e De La boxes of apples from th e ir tre e s dur- ; Mrs S tro at of Spokane, W ash., is val th e favorite cream separator. ing th e present apple harvest. in A shland spending a few weeks M ore De Lavals are in use th au • • • GOOD SERVICE, COURTEOUS all o th er jnakes combined. w ith her b ro th ers, B. M. and Ira H om e cleaning has s ta rte d a t the The De Laval is tim e tested. It TREATMENT Shoudy. She will go from here to lib ra ry th is week, and various im ­ was th e pioneer cream se p ara to r in C alifornia for th e w inter. 1878 and has led in po p u larity and provem ents will be m ade there. R. C. • • • sales fo r fo rty years. P o rte r has the c o n tra ct to re-deco­ I t ’s th e w orld’s sta n d a rd creanj Special th is week only No. 3 cof­ (/feaic/en i Born Doa/or) JAMES BARRETT, Prop. ra te th e in te rio r and has s ta rte d work separator. fee $1.60, P laza M arket, 64 N orth P hone 188. on th e walls. Main. 32-4t ASHLAND CREAMERY • ' • • • NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING W ord has been received In A shland NOTICE IS H EREB Y GIVEN To the legal voters of School D istrict No. 5 th a t A. A ustin Chisholm , m anager of of Jackson County, S tate of Oregon, th a t a SCHOOL M EETING of said th e Bligh hotel a t Salem for th e past D istrict will be held a t City H all, on th e 29th day of October, 1919, from 1 y ear, ha9 resigned his position and o’clock till 6 o’clock to vote on th e proposition of levying a special district tax. will be succeeded by F. W. Jabel- The to ta l am ount of m oney needed by th e d istric t d u rin g th e fiscal m an of P o rtlan d . Mr. Chisholm will year beginning on Ju n e 30, 1920, and ending Ju n e 30, 1921, is estim ated rem ove to P o rtla n d w here he will in th e follow ing budget and includes th e am ounts to be received from the m ake his hom e. Previous to going county school fund, s ta te school fund, special d istrict tax, and all o th er m oneys pf th e d istric t: to Salem Mr. Chisholm was p ro p rieto r SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET of th e H otel A ustin of th is city. He To th e Clerk of School D istrict No. 5, Jackson County, O regon: Follow ing is a sta te m e n t of th e estim ated am ount of m oney needed by is well know n th ro u g h o u t th e sta te and has a wide acq uaintance am ong th e d istric t d u rin g th e fiscal year beginning on Ju n e 30, 1920, and ending on Ju n e 30, 1921. This budget is m ade in com pliance w ith Section 217 of 1 th e trav elin g public. th e School Laws of 1917, and includes th e estim ated am ounts to be re ­ • • * ceived from th e county school fund, sta te school fund, special d istric t tax Cliff Payne m akes wood boxes. and all o th e r m oneys of th e d istric t: • • • BUDGET Estim ated Expenditures C lark Bush has sold his hom e on 1. T eachers’ salaries .................................................... $34,910 Pine stre e t to Jack F ahs, an S. P. en­ 2. F u r n i t u r e ................... ................................................... 250 gineer ru n n in g betw een h eer and 3. A pparatus and supplies, such as m aps, chalk, erasers, stoves, cu rtain s, etc.................................. 250 D unsm uir. Mr. F ah s and his fam ily 400 will tak e possession about Novem ­ 4. L ib rary books .............................................................. 50 5. F lags .............................................................................. b er 1. 6. R epairs of schoolhouses, outbuildings o r fences »1,500 • • • 150 7. Im proving g r o u n d s ............................................... . F ine yarns, b rillia n t colorings, and clever styles com ­ 8. P layground equipm ent . . ................................. 200 M. and Mrs. C harles H inds and 9. T ra n sp o rtatio n of pupils ................................. 0 bine to m ake th e new S w eaters p a rtic u la rly a ttra c ­ tw o children of O akland, Calif., are 10. T uition of pupils ................................. 0 tive. Many new ones h a v e th e tuxedo collar. guests a t th e hom e of Mr. H inds’ 11. J a n ito r ’s w ages ........................................................... 2,350 If you will k n it your own you should see th e new b ro th e r, O. C. H inds, a t his hom e on 12. J a n ito r ’s supplies 300 M inerva Y arns. Oak street. 13. F u e l .................................................................................. 2,500 14. L ight 250 100 Special this*w eek only, 3 pounds 16. W ater 16. C lerk ’s salary, census and e x p e n s e s ..................... 600 M arket, 6 4 17. Postage and statio n ery ........................................... Plaza coffee $1.50. 150 32-4t 18. F o r th e paym ent of. bonded debt and in te rest N orth Main. th ereon, issued u n d er Sections 117, 144 to 148, and 422 of th e School Laws of Oregon, Mrs. Medley and d a u g h te r, new­ 1917 ............................................................................ 6,750 com ers to A shland, are tak in g the 19. M anual t r a i n i n g ........................................................... 350 J, R. Casey house on N orth Pioneer 20. Cooking and s e w i n g .................................................... 250 150 avenue for th e w inter, which th e la t­ 21. P hysical tra in in g , e tc ................................................. 22. L aboratory, supplem entary read ers, p r im a r y .. 1,185 te r fam ily is vacating. 23. Telephone, teleg rap h and drayage ........................ 250 • • • Girls Wanted 24. T otal estim ated am ount of m oney to be ex­ W anted, one girl for dining room pended for all purposes d u rin g th e y e a r ................................... $52,795 *>-K a t once; also six girls or women to Estim ated Receipts assist serving tables at E lks Tem ple, F rom county school fund d u rin g th e com ing y e a r $13,000 d uring business m en’s banquet Octo­ (U se am ount of county school fund received last ber 18th, luncheon 12:30 a. m. and year as basis In m aking th is estim ate.) From sta te school fund d u rin g th e com ing school y ear 2,350 d in n er 7 p. m. (Use am o u n t of sta te school fund received last 32-14 AUSTIN HOTEL. y ear as basis in m aking th is estim ate.) Cash now in hands of th e d istric t c l e r k ........................ 0 Cash now in th e hands of th e county tre a s u re r, be­ longing to th e d istric t ............................................... 0 E stim ated am o u n t to be received from all o th er sources d u rin g th e com ing school y e a r ........................ 1,250 W e a re o ffering som e real values T otal estim ated receipts, n ot including th e m oney In Diam onds. You cannot lose; the to be received from th e tax w hich it is proposed chances are good for a m uch higher to vote ........................................................................................................$16,600 price in th e n e a r fu tu re. Recapitulation T otal estim ated expenses for th e y e a r .......................... $52,795 T otal estim ated receipts not in cluding th e tax to be voted ..................................................................................... 16,600 FURS ! Ashland Feed Store Ladies of A shlandj My Name Is Dennis POEIGE JUDGE SUBMITS REPORT Do You Know? T hat A shland B luestem W heat th is year tests No. 1 H ard W hite. T hat th is test is m ade by G overnm ent officials. T hat M ount A shland Bluestem P a te n t F lo u r is m ade from this H ard W heat. T hat it is on sale by A shland Grocers. Ask for it. Ashland Mills Fine Tailoring C. B. LAMKIN REAL ESTATE Good Cues and Tips 1 Alnutt’s Billiard Parlor Your Born-Tai­ lored suit will be cut, and tailored to your individual m e a s u r e — th e fashion you prefer will be propor­ t io n e d to y o u r figure. ■ u True style can’t be attained in any other manner. Good M eals East Side Meat Market And the style will last—for it is fo u n d e d upon value. © I Paulserud & Barrett /A in . Kis newest picture HIS MAJESTY if THE AMERICAN Here s a picture for you—a romance with a regular hero, and heroine and oodles of villains an’ everything. And such a hero! He cleans up everything from New York to the Mexican Border and then hops to -Europe to show them how to handle a revolution. Can he do it? Well — you know Dong I, T u e s . W e d .T h u r s . D o n ’t M is s It! Do not jump at the conclusion that garment prices arc beyond your reach, we have popular priced ones, suits $29.50, eoats $19.50 Attractive Sweaters for W omen, Girls and Infants W e happened to h e a r a lady rem a rk th a t she understood th e re was nothing to be had in th e way of a su it u n d er $60.00. for less th a n th a t. H ow ever, we have them all th e way from $29.50 to $90.00, s o .th a t any person should be able to find som ething to suit purse and pride. show n in th e valley, according to those who have seen all th e stocks. And we a re w illing th a t you should m ake th e com parison too, believing you will eventually decide as they have decided. Velvets $1.85 A lot of the m ost wanted shades In a good quality of velvet. It Is con­ siderably under the market value at $1.83 per yd. ORRES T A IL O R S FOR MEN AND WOMEN Best Woolens; Latest Fash ions Always. Satisfaction Guaranteed Corduroy $1.75 : Good light shades for robes and ki­ monos and dark shades for coats, skirts and outing suits. SPLENDID QUALITY AT $1.75 YD. Bought on last spring’s lowest market and just before the market went sky-rocketing upward. They are cheap at these prices 0. H. Johnson The Jeweler , Coat prices ran g e from $19.50 to $100.00, and is th e m ost com plete line Suitings-Coating-Plaid Skirtings and Wool Dress Materials Diamonds She found w hat suited h e r Balance, am ount to be raised by d istric t t a x ...........................................$36,195 The am ount of m oney to be raised by th is special tax is m ore th a n th e am ount raised by special school d istric t tax in th e year im m ediately pre- I ceding this, plus six per cent. It is necessary to raise th is additional am ount by special levy for th e follow ing reasons: R epair of furnace a t Senior High School, increased salary budget, as well as increased cost, in m ost cases alm ost double, of all school supplies, fuel, etc. D ated th is 8th day of October, 1919. T. H. SIMPSON, F . S. ENGLE, G. W. GREGG, G. C. M cALISTER, ROSA DODGE GALEY, Board of D irectors School D istrict No. 5. Coatings Wool Plaids $3 to $5.50 $2.50 to $3.75 A Good Georgette Skinners 404 $2 25 yd Satin $3 yd Gilt Edge and Royal Mills Underwear for Winter wear Tricotine Heather Jersey $3.75 $6.50 Skinners TaHeta Silk and Wool $3.00 yd Poplin $2.75 ; VJrF. Y7YÍ GOODS Broadcloth $4.50 yd Fancy Linings $2 to $2.50 Black Cat Hosiery for Women and Children ■ e s s s s