PA G « TWO ABHLAftD DAILY TYPINGS Ashland Tidings sisting Mrs. Glenn receive w ere Mrs. Jam es Yeo, Mrs. Beff, Mrs. W illiam H evener and Mrs. Nellie Ew an. E stablished 1876 ---------- P ublished Every E vening Except Sunday by Club M eets THE ASHLAND PRINTING COMPANY The Come W hen You Can club Bert R. Greer. . Editor held its first m eeting of th e season last n ig h t a t th e hom e of Miss Jessie O F F IC IA L C IT Y A N D C O U N T Y P A P E R . M athes on N orth Main stre e t. N early al lth e m em bers w ere present and en­ TELEPHO NE 39 joyed a social evening w ith th e ir SUBSCRIPTION RATES DELIVERED IN CITY fancy w ork, a fte r which th e hostess One M onth, D eliv ered .............................................................................. ..........................................................................................50 served refreshm ents. One W eek ..... ................................................................................................. 15 Subscription Rates By Mail Outside of City Auxiliary Dance One y e a r by m a il....................................................................................................... >5.00 The W om an’s A uxiliary club is a r ­ Six m onths by m a il................................................................................................... 2.75 T hree m onths by m a il..................... .................................. *........................ 1.50 ranging for a dance to ta k e place No out of tow n subscription ta k e n for less th an th re e m onths. on H allow e’en, which prom ises to be By Mail Outside of United States— one of the leading social events of One y e a r ...........................................................................................................>8.12 the season. More extended an ­ Six M o n th s...................................................................................................... 4.31 nouncem ents will be m ade later. No subscription for less th a n six m onths. ADVERTISING RATES Wednesday, October 8, 1810 and who acted as inspector of the corps. F o u r new m em bers w ere ini- tia te d . These w ere Mrs. Myra Cad- well, Mrs. Grace Holm es, Mrs. Preisch and Mrs. W enner. The hall was b eau tifu lly decorated w ith flow- ers and vines and Mrs. Ju lia H ockett sang two pleasing selections. a th F alls; Mr. and Mrs. F. Brdske, L au ra Breske, P o rtla n d ; Mrs. H. A. M offett, Joe R. Eastw ood, Indianap- DAN CONNER, Proprietor. in lis; is; Jo h n Bowman, H ornbrook, H ea d q u a rte rs for Com m ercial Men Calif. and T ourists. Hotel Columbia E uropean P lan. E xcellent GrllL Good Meals and Short Orders. Day C. A. B udenstine, R oseburg; H. Merchants* Lunch. and Night Service. Two Blocks from L ith ia P ark . T. Kiley and wife, P o rtla n d ; Mrs. L. ASHLAND. OREGON. 2 9 7 East M ain K noutzong, B akersfield, Calif.; P e­ te r Stiehout, W oodland, W ash.; Jos. Prove, South Bend, W ash.; Max Tourists Stopping F ried en th al, P o rtla n d ; W. C. W right At Local Hotels and wife, J. M. Bruch and wife, E l­ «mii»»»i»»i»iiuH»nK:i i m»»»»mB lensburg, W ash.; Thos. M organ, LOUIS SCHWEIN. Prop. Quality Meat. M arshfield; C. R. W alker, D unsm uir. Cleanliness. Service. ' ’ Hotel Austin NORTH MAIN, ASHLAND Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Schuer, San First Class Baking Products and F rancisco; G. B. Fife, K lam ath Light Lunches F a lls; T. S. F o ste r and fam ily, Pu- yallup, W ash.; Chas. G ilcrrist, Gold H ill; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. H uff, K lam - AND Hom e R estau ran t EAGLE M EAT M A R K ET BON TON BAKERY Ashland Iron Works 'G h e ß a n k >*ith Chirr»», CJ qg L COFFEE PARLOR Missionary Meeting Display Advertising— The W om en’s Hom e M issionary (In c o rp o ra ted ) Single in s e rtio n .............................................................................. each inch 30c Corner Fourth and A Street Across society of th e M ethodist church will Office and W orks No. 248 Helmaii From the Depot. YEARLY CONTRACTS m eet a t the hom e of Mrs. Huxley Display Advertising— St., A shland, Ore. One tim e a week, each in c h ..................................................each tim e 27 %c on W alker avenue next F rid ay af- M an u factu rin g E nginee rs, G eneral Two tim es a week, each in c h .................................................... each tim e 25c ternoon. A good a tten d an ce is urged, j Repair Work Every o th e r day, each in ch . ..................................................each tim e 20c W e m an u fa ctu re P aving P la n t Every issue, each in c h ........................................................... each tim e 17 %c R lief Corps Meets « E quipm ent, Saw m ill, M ining and Local Readers— The W om an’s R elief Corps m et a t Ship M achinery, Steam and Gas En- Each line each tim e (6 w ords to l i n e ) ..................................................10c The season is here w hen th e auto To ru n every o th e r day for one m onth, each line each tim e ............ 7c th e Odd Fellow s’ hall for th e first Sin es> Boilers and Heavy Steel top should be looked afte r. tim e S aturday. A splendid atten d - G r e y I r ° n ’ Sem i-Steel, B rass To ru n every issue for one m onth o r m ore, each line each tim e . . 5c . . . . . . . and Bronze C astings of every kind. I m ake |iew ones o r fix the old Classifieo Column— ance was one of th e leading fea tu re s H aving tho ro u g h ly equipped o u r one. L et me look a t it. One cent th e w ord each time. of th is m eeting, th e m em bers tu rn - p lan t for th e m an u fa ctu re and r«j- To ru n every issue for one m onth o r m ore, % c th e w ord each tim e. ing out to greet Mrs. Jen n ie Bent- Pairs of heavy and all classes of m a- C ards of T hanks, >1.00. ley, th e deputy president, who was chine foundry w ork, we solicit O bituaries, 2 % cents th e line. on h er w a , her nom. Hood Fraternal Orders and Societies A dvertising for fra te rn a l o rd ers or societies charging a re g u la r in itia tio n River, for th e n atio n al convention, tion. 89 North Main fee and dues, no discount. R eligious and benevolent o rd ers will be charged to r a ll adv ertisin g w hen an adm ission o r o th e r charge is m ade, a t th e reg u la r rate. New Auto Tops WHEN YOU STOP SAVING FOR SA51— BE«LN SAVING FOR “ UNCLE HENRY” Ashland Furniture Hospital The Tidings has a greater circulation in Ashltind and its trade territory than all other newspapers combined. » E n te re d a t th e A shland, Oregon, Postoffice as Second Class Mail M atter. o L. Glenn on Glenn avenue yesterday afternoon in social session. A bout th irty ladies were present and en­ joyed a visit w ith one a n o th e r over th e ir fancy work. One of the fea- Young People Wedded turea of the gatbering wag tbe talk Miss G eorgia H endricks and F ra n k given by Wrs D Per02zi in whicb B right back, two popular young peo- she explained th e object Qf tb e com . pie of A shland went to Jacksonville Jng social bygiene ,ectu re for women S aturday evening and were m arried a n d girls t0 be given next S aturday by Judge G. A. G ardner. The wed- Ligbt refresh m en ts w ere served. As- ding was a very quiet a ffa ir on ac- •?———— — ■ — ___ count of th e recent d eath of the b rid e ’s fath er, th e late Joseph H end­ ricks, who was killed i nan autom o­ bile accident on the Glenview drive in th e sum m er. On re tu rn in g to A shland a fine w edding supper was served th e bride and groom a t th e hom e of Mrs. M. C. F erguson. Sun­ day Mr. and Mrs. B rightback and H arold H endricks, th e la tte r ’s b ro th ­ er, w ere en te rta in ed a t the hom e of th e b rid e ’s uncle, F ra n k H endricks, south of A shland. W E IS S U E S U R E T Y BONDS Judicial, C ontract F idelity, Official F ra te rn ity O rders, etc. P ersonal Bonds a re un satisfacto ry and place th e principal u n d er obligations which a re likely to prove em barrassing. U nited S tates F idelity G u aran ty Co. BILLINGS AGENCY Sperry Drifted For Service Snow Storage, Coal and Flour Transfer Fam ily Picnic M em bers of th e B eaver fam ily m et a t picnic luncheon in th e park yesterday aftern o o n in honor of Mr. and Mrs. A ldred M. B eaver of P o rt­ land, who are guests here. O ther honor guests were Mr. and Mrs. Calloway of Ohio who w ere from th e Tel. 117 hom e town of the Beavers and were Oak St. m otoring th ro u g h here on th e ir way to C alifornia. Those in atten d an ce w ere A. M. Beaver and fam ily, W al­ te r H erndon and fam ily, A ldred Beaver and fam ily, and Mr. and Mrs. Calloway. ______ i Teacup Club H u rry them th ro u g h th e m oulting The Teacup club of th e M ethodist season. church m et a t th e hom e of Mrs. D. See th a t they a re on th e Profit Are Your Hens Laying Now? Better Meat and More for your money H. P. Holmes Grocery Tel. 190, 61 N orth Main. QUALITY GROCERIES W e h a v e y o u in m in d w h e n b u y in g . Y ou w a n t fresh , d ep en d a b le food. THAT’S THE KTND W E H A V E ! Fresh V eg eta b les and Fruits In Season White House Grocery NININGER & ROBERTSON, Proprietors Phones 155-156 ASHLAND, OREGON Liberal Interest on Savings Deposits. h7£e HrstNafionafftank ASHLAND. OREGON E V C A R T E R ..PRES. . C M V A U P E L V IC tP R tJ J W M < C O Y . CASH i t « C L A R A DU JTLASST CASSI IMPOSSIBLE to secure a good house to rent. Why not enjoy the satisfaction of owning Your Own Home W e feel su re th e p resent prices will prevail fo r several years. You will find lum ber prices not o ut of proportion w ith th e prices of o th er necessary articles. If you are th in k in g of building, we would be glad to show you some of o u r blue p rin ts and plans. Carson-Fowler Lumber Company IN THE HEART OF TOWN Fall Footwear Accom plished by feeding of Marked Individuality Security Poultry FOOD To en larg e th e payroll of A shland by buying borne m an u factu red goods, especially when I can get the best and m ost for th e m oney, a t I Here is the globe spread out flat be- your eyes. See those stars? Every star shows where a U. S. Navy ship was on September 2nd, 1919. The Navy travel« the Seven Seas. 25c - 50c & $1.00 F o r Sale a t The Lithia Bakery Poley’s Drug Store POLEY & ELHART, Druggist« NYAL AGENCY R. C. JORGENSEN, Prop? Coal and Wood Heaters Economical, Durable T ry a Simplex Universal Combination Range You cau use It for gas in th e sum m er and w hen th e w eath er gets cold use wood o r coal for fuel a ll in th e sam e stove. T here a re no p a rts to change in tu rn in g from one fuel to th e oth er, i t is sim ple enough for a child. -tr ^ — ‘-^8, r • • c e s e Three Ranges in One and but One to Buy A tw ist of th e key in one directio n elevates th e gas b u rn e r flush w ith th e bot­ tom of th e oven, opens th e exit in th e top, tu rn s on th e gas— all autom atically. A tu rn of th e key in th e op­ posite d irection and th e gas is tu rn e d off, th e b u rn e r low ered, th e exit closed and th e range ready for coal o r wood. Come in and ta k e a look a t th e Best C om bination range on e a rth . W e will ta k e pleasure in show ing you. Í It Is Almost PLAZA MEAT MARKET Side of th e ledger as soon as possi­ ble. / Sure W ill Do My Part 1 OF course you patriotically pinched down on spending when Uncle Sam w anted you to buy his W ar Bonds Now practically pinch down for YOURSELF a while. P u t a t least th e sam e am ount of your bond pay­ m ents into a Savings Account here a t the F irs t N ational B ank— and see th e results. F u ll line of canned goods as well as th e best in fresh m eats. Try W hittle Transfer Line Hotel Austin I f. © I Don't y o u w an t to see the W orld. ? liO M A N C E is calling to you! Strange and smiling foreign lands are beckoning to you. Shove off and see the world! Learn to “parley-voo” in gay P a r e e . S e e th e b u ll-f ig h ts in Panama. See surf-riding on the beach o f Waikiki. Learn the lure that comes with th e swish and swirl of the good salt •ea. E at well— free; dress well— free; sleep clean— free; and look ’em all straight in the eye—British, F r e n c h , C h in e s e , J a p a n e s e , Spaniards, Egyptians, Algerians and all manner o f people. I Swenson & McRae Economical House Furnishers Come! Be a r e a l man of the world. See the world. See it with the r e d -b lo o d e d , hard-woriang, hard-playing men of the U. S. Navy. Pay begins the day you join. On board ship a man is always learning. Trade schools develop skill, industry and business ability. Thirty days care-free holiday each year with full pay. The food is good. First uniform outfit is fur­ nished free. P rom otion is un­ limited for men o f brains. You can enlist for two years and come out broader, stronger and abler. Shove off—Join the U. S. N avy. If you’re between 17 and 35 go to the nearest recruiting station for all the details. If you don’t know where it is ask your postmaster. Shove off? -Join th e U. S .Navy New Styles lor Autumn from Utz & Dunn TH ESE NAMES and K rippendorf-D ittm an Co. on a shoe stan d s fo r th e m ost select th e re is in footw ear. W om en have come to know th a t these a re shoes of utm ost reliability, th a t they fit w ith perfection, th a t they serve longer th an o rdinary shoes and th a t they reflect a p e rso n ality of style th a t can be enjoyed w ith ra re delight. .EVENING STYLES IN BOOTS show Louis heels— h igh and slender, to be favorites. The long, slender vam p effects a re both a ttra c tiv e and grace­ ful. Some of th e rea lly a risto c ratic num bers have vamps of paten t, d a rk R ussia, ta n o r black ealf, w ith toppings of lig h t ta n or faw n buckskin. EASY WALKING BOOTS ARE POPULAR and th e favored styles a re all d a rk ta n or black calfskin, w ith th e new custom last and s tra ig h t Cuban heel. Soles a re w elted and w hile lig h t in appearance possess a qu ality th a t assures goodwear. These a re m odels— >8.50 to >12.00. C. H .V A U P E L Quality Store 68-72 E. Main St., Ashland.