Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, October 08, 1919, Image 1

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A shland D aily
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T idings
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Army Planes “ Hop Off” for
Coast to Coast A ir Flights
(By th e U nited P ress)
OAKLAND, Oct. 8.— L eaders of
th e C entral L abor Council, M etal
T rad es Council, and th e B uilding
T rad es Council today notified the
city council th a t fifty th o u san d m en
a ffiliate d w ith these th re e bodies
w ould arm them selves if th e O akland
police a re not m ore cautious in the
use of n ig htsticks.
W hen a crow d storm ed th re e cars
m anned by s trik e b rea k e rs th e cars
becam e stalled and- rio t calls w ere
se n t in.
Spokesm en for th e labor m en are
divided on th e proposition th a t the
proposed special police shall be union
T he city council has passed a res­
olution dem anding th a t th e unions
re tu rn to work a t 10 o’clock to m o r­
row pending negotiations.
Narrow Escape
(By th e U nited P re ss)
MINEOLA, L. I., Oct. 8.— Bene-
diet Crowell, a ssista n t secretary of
w ar, narrow ly escaped in ju ry today
w hen an a irp lan e in which he was
rid in g fell fifty feet to th e ground
h e re and overtu rn ed .
Both Crowell and C aptain Cleary,
th e pilot, w ere buried under th e m a-
chine, b u t escaped w ith a sh aking
T he accident occurred w hen Cleary
trie d to avoid s trik in g a h a n g a r.
Crowell announced his in ten tio n of
Im m ediately ascending in a n o th e r
m achine.
(By th e U nited P ress.)
PORTLAND, Oct. 8.— The second
sm oker of th e season, under th e aus-
pices of th e m unicipal boxing com-
m ission, will be staged ton ig h t, w ith
Jim m y Dundee of O akland and H ar-
ry P elsinger of San Francisco a t 128
pounds as headliners. The C alifor-
nians will go 10 rounds, unless a K.
O. is delivered. Danny O’Brien and
Stanley W illis will fu rn ish th e semi-
w indup, a scheduled 10-round a ffa ir,
(By th e U nited P re ss)
BINGHAMPTON, N. Y., Oct. 8.—
Colonel G erald B rant, driving plane
No. 4, crashed to th e ground a m ile
n o rth of Deposit th is m orning and
was found w ith both arm s and both
$&$>•$•<$<&<$><$><$><$><§><$><§><&<§>•$> legs broken, unconscious, and appar-
<$> e n tly dying.
S ergeant N ew itt, a passenger, was
FIGHTERS GO OX STRIKE! <S> in ju re d . The plane w as w recked.
CAIRO, E gypt— Saloon ha- <§>
W IL K ESB A R R E, P a., Oct. 8.—
b itu es here have agreed tQ ..gQ
T hree a irp lan e s en tered in th e tra n s-
<•> d ry ” u n til th e prices a t th e <*> c o n tin e n ta l derby were forced to
<♦> principal bars, which have ju s t <$> lan d n e a r here.
been raised considerably, a re <$>
■■ -
<S> reduced.
(By th e U nited P ress.)
NEW YORK, Oct. 8.— The g reat-
est a e rial race in histo ry began a t
9 :1 0 th is m orning when 69 airp lan es
s ta rte d on a tra n sc o n tin e n ta l flight
betw een New York and San F ra n c is­
F ifty-five m achines left M ineola,
N. Y., and th e rem a in d e r sta rte d
from San F rancisco.
The race aeross th e con tin en t and
back, m ore th a n 5400 m iles, is ex­
pected to consum e 12 days. T here
will be no n ight flying.
(By th e U nited P re ss)
OMAHA, Oct. 8.— T h ro u g h o u t th e
ru n over Iow a and N ebraska crow ds
g ath ered a t th e sta tio n s to see th e
king and K ing and Queen of Bel-
gium . They cam e out on th e plat-
form a t several places, shook hands
and kissed a n u m b er of babies.
At E lk h a rt, Ind., y esterd ay an
am using incident occurred. A Bel-
gian w orking m an apporached th e
king and spoke to him in F lem ish.
but was unable to speak clearly so
th e king asked him if he could speak
E nglish.
“ Yes,” replied th e m an.
“ Then speak E nglish, please,” said
th e king.
The king and prince a re expected
to m ount th e engine ag ain today
and ta k e th e th ro ttle .
------------- ---- ~-----
(By th e U nited P re ss)
NEW YORK, Oct. 8.— M eyer Ellis,
¡aged 20, a boxer, died today follow-
ing a m atch w ith Ray Doyle in Je r-
i sey City last night. He was ren d ered
unconscious when his head stru ck
th e floor a fte r a blow. Doyle Is held
on a m an sla u g h te r charge.
|»> I M I » * » » » « H
> >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»■♦»♦«
48 hours a t any sta tio n
will be
elim inated.
C h a rlto n ’s plane is equipped w ith
a Rolls-Royce m otor, which will fur-
nish a good com parison w ith th e Lib-
e rty m otor, w ith which m ost of the
o th er planes are engined, in a long
distance test.
first a irp lan e from th e Pacific coast
j n tbe tra n sc o n tin en ta l a ir race left
th e P residio a t 6:50 a. if), today. The
o th ers followed a t two m inute in te r­
T h e field of s ta rte rs w as reduced
to fo u rteen when engine tro u b le pre-
vented L ie u te n a n t Rice from s ta rt-
■ ..
(By th e U nited P ress.)
NEW YORK, Oct. 8— A c o ast to
coasf flight of arm y airp lan se was
on today. A to ta l of 80 planes were
en tered in th e contest for th re e clas­
ses of honors— sh o rte st tim e across
the co n tin en t; faste st actu al flying
tim e, and fastest tim e based on h a n ­
dicaps given each class of aeros.
Fifty-seven planes w ere to leave
H azelh u rst field, M ineola, L. I., for
NEW YORK, Oct. 8.— L ie u te n a n t the Pacific coast sim ultaneous w ith
M achie, driving a D eH aviland four, th e d e p a rtu re from San Francisco
got aw ay first.
B rigadier G eneral o f 23 planes bound for th e A tlantic
C harlton, B ritish a tta ch e , followed seabord.
tw o m inutes a lte r. The o th ers got
The race was open to governm ent
aw ay a t two m inute in terv als.
planes w ith a speed of 100 m iles an
T here a re
21 co n tro l sta tio n s h o u r o r b e tte r. Any arm y pilot from
w here each plane will stop 30 m in- th e E a ste rn , C entral o r W estern de-
utes. P lanes rem aining m ore th an p a rtm e n t of the arm y was eligible to
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-♦ » t i n
•••♦ •» •♦ » « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ «
(By th e U nited P re ss)
W ASHINGTON, Oct. 8.— The sen-
a te today, w ithout debate o r an op-
posing vote, agreed to th e conference
rep o rt on th e p ro hibition enforce-
m ent bill.
T he bill passed was as house con­
ferees agreed to it.
P roh ib itio n
lead ers expect th e low er body to ap­
prove the m easure w ith o u t delay.
All beverages containing m ore th an
one-half of one per cent of alcvohol
a re banned by th e bill. The m eas­
ure is m odified in m any respects
from th e o riginal form in which it
passed th e house.
(By th e U nited P ress)
ROME, Oct. 8.— K ing E m m anuel
has ratified th e G erm an and A ustrian
peace tre a tie s by issuance of a royal
decree, it was today offically an-
com pete a fte r he had received w rit­
ten approval from his com m anding
R ules for th e flig h t as announced
by Capt. A rchie M iller, com m ander
of a rm y aviation on Long Island, in­
cluded th e provision th a t th ere will
be no night flying and th a t th e re
shall be com pulsory stops off a t con­
tro l sta tio n s along th e routes. No
stop shall be for less th a n half an
h o u r n o r m or th a n 48 hours.
The stops w ere designated as fol­
lows: B ingham pton, R ochester and
B uffalo, N. Y .; Cleveland and Bryan,
O .; Chicago and Rock Island, 111.;
Des Moines, la .; O m aha and N orth
P la tte and Sidney, Neb.; Cheyenne,
O lcott, W olcott and Green River,
W yo.; Salt L ake City, U tah; Salduro,
B attle M ountain and Reno, N ev.;
Sacram ento and San Francisco, Cal.
Several of th e flyers who took p a rt
in th e T oronto to New York race
have entered the tran s-co n tin en tal
contest. The flights w ere planned
jointly by th e arm y and th e A m eri­
can Flying Club of New York.
No prizes .were offered, the glory
of w inning being th e only incentive.
The flyers will be fed en ro u te by
Red Cross societies and local civic
bodies a t no expense to .the govern­
m ent.
NEW YORK, Oct. 8— General
C harles T.. Meoher, d irecto r of the
a ir service has telegraphed the Aero
Club of»Am erica th a t he cannot ac­
cept the gifts to ta lin g $66,000.
which m em bers of th e club and th eir
friends have contributed for prizes
to be aw arded arm y officers e n te r­
ed in th e tra n sc o n tin en ta l a ir race
th a t s ta rte d today.
These prizes include $26,000 in
L iberty bonds, six autom obiles, 100
w rist w atches, .100 fountain pens,
two player pianos, six ta lk in g m a­
chines and o rd ers for clothes con­
trib u te d by New Y ork’s leading
tailo rs.
(By th e U nited P ress)
CINCINNATI, Oct. 8.— L ittle Dick
K err is C hicago’s big hero of the
w orld’s series. He is a bigger hero
now th a n w hen he stood th e Reds
on th e ir heads in Chicago, although
th a t day he pitched th e greatest game
of th e series in not allow ing th e en­
emy to get a m an past second bse.
But today he ran k s as th e fighting-
est lad ever seen u n d er fire in these
i big gam es.
A lthough seem ingly
hopelessly beaten yesterday by a lead
of fo u r ru n s he refused to quit.
T here w ere m any tim es w hen the
outlook did not seem to give him the
i glim m er of a show. B ut th is little st
w orld series player fought on. Again,
and again, he was in a hole, but he
only pitched th e h ard er.
T he suprem e test of his gam eness
cam e in th e eighth when he stopped
K opf’s ferocious lin e r th a t nearly
broke his hand.
(By th e U nited P ress.)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8.— P resid en t
W ilson is m uch im proved, it is
learned unofficially a t th e W hite
House. His ap p etite is b e tte r and
he is very anxious to leave his bed.
GARY, Ind., Oct. 8.— A rm y intel
W ilson’s keen in te rest in th e in-
ligence officers have seized nearly d u stria l conference in which he had
a ton of radical lite ra tu re in roads intended to particip ate, m ake it dif-
on various “ R ed” centers.
ficult for his physicians to keep his
G eneral W ood today declared th a t m ind off it. He insists on being in-
A shland is som ew hat disappointed
th e o u tb re a k s here w ere caused by form ed w hat is being accom plished.
t h a t th e glorious blue sky and sun­
“ R ed” a g ita to rs “ whose only desire
If th e rest cure which Dr. Gray-
seem ed to be to fom ent rio ts .”
son has prescribed is to be a success
shiny w eath er th a t had prevailed
Two h u n d red fo rm er soldiers who the p rised n t m ust not a g ita te his
th e first of th e week has been over­
voluntered a t a m ass m eeting last m ind w ith th e conference o r any
shadow ed by clouds when she hoped
n ig h t to help th e troops preserve o r­ o th e r public business, it is sta te d at
to greet th e s ta te w hite ribboners
der, w ent on duty th is m orning.
th e W hitehouse.
w hen th ey m et in convention here
G ary today is a “ model city ” un­
“ The p resident continues to im ­
and show them ju st w hat she can do
d er m ilitary control w ith reg u la r prove slow ly,” said th e sta te m e n t
w hen it comes to good w eather. Nev­
“ He
(By th e U nited P re ss)
' soldiers w atching to see th a t no his physicians issued today.
erth e le ss h er welcome to th e State
CHICAGO, Oct. 8.— T ickets fo r th e
PORTLAND, Oct. 8.— The last m ore disturbances a rise from th e is stro n g e r th an a t any tim e since his eighth gam e of the w orld series w ere
W om en’s C hristian T em perance Un-
illness beg an .”
ion is sincere and cordial, and she link in g rading th e C olum bia high- steel strik e,
placed on sale today a t Comiskey
F o r th e first tim e th is week th e P a rk .
opens h e r doors for tl.e ir e n te rta in - way betw een A storia and The D alles
m en t and com fort and extends the was closed today w hen th e comm is- LEA VE F E W TROOPS ABROAD, president was in terested in his food.
T housands of fans w ere lined up to
rig h t hand of fellow ship to them in sion let co n tracts fo r g rading from
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8— B rest and He asked for soft boiled eggs for procure th e pasteboards and very
th e ir good work.
M osier to The Dalles.
P a ris will be th e only sectors in b reak fast.
few of them expect to have th e ir kale
D elegates began a rriv in g last
T heer now rem ain s
which active A m erican garriso n s
He a fte rw a rd expressed a desire to iefu n d ed , as they a re confident th e re
n ig h t and all m orning num bers have fo rin the whole s tre tc h from
As- Wjn be m ain tain ed a fte r O ctober 10, receive several persons on official will be an eighth contest and hope
been com ing in from all over the to ria to P endleton only th e gap be- th e w ar d e p a rtm e n t has announced, business, finally rem a rk in g th a t Dr. for a ninth.
sta te .
The fololw ing counties are tw een Seufert and th e m outh of th e Sm all detachm ents of railw ay and* G rayson showed rem ark ab le inabil-
a lre ad y
rep re sen te d . M ultnom ah. D eschutes riv er in W asco county, signal corps m en will be busy for ity to get in touch w ith th e m en he
C lackam as, Coos, Y am hill, Josephine, Bids for th is will be called for next some tim e in outlying d istric ts and w anted to consult.
a co n tingent of about 55 officers
His physicians a re not yet ready
Jack so n , U m atilla and W asco, and m onth,
and .men will rem ain in E ngland, at- to abandon th e re st cure. E xertion,
m ore a re expected th is evening. The
m o rning session consisted of official
ten d in g to liq u id atio n m atte rs. Com- m ental o r physical, they believe,
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 8.— F ol­
(By th e U nited P re ss.)
m issioned personnel serving w ith th e w ould not be good, despite his im- low ing a re m a rk e t qu o tatio n s:
b oard and executive com m ittee m eet­
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8.— H earings A m erican forces in G erm any will be provem ent.
in g s and a conference of sta te su ­
BUTTER— E xtras, 66 %c.
W ilson asks m any questions re ­
EGGS— E x tras, 74c.
p e rin ten d en ts. The m ajo rity of th e began today before th e F ed eral T rade lim ited to 400 m en h e re a fte r, short-
s ta te officers a re in th e ir places, and Comm ission in a case involving 28 age of officers n ecessitating th is re- g arding th e in d u stria l conference
POULTRY— B roilers, 32c; hens,
and th e peace tre a ty situ atio n , and 37c.
w ill s ta rt th e convention business in Pacific
su g a r com panies duction.
it is learn ed th a t th e p resident per­
a business-like m an n er w ith th e af- charged w ith refusal to sell th e ir
CATTLE— Top steers, 10 %c.
suaded Mrs. W ilson to teelphone Sec-
te rn o o n ’s session.
products to a Los Angeles G rocery AMMUNITION ON WAY TO
HOGS— Hop, 14 %c.
CHINA SEIZED AT FRISCO re ta ry T um ulty to get th e late st
T he su p e rin te n d e n ts’ h o u r each com pany.
SH E E P— Ew es, 7c; w ethers, 9c;
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 8— Seven news from th e senate. The cooler lam bs, 10c.
m o rn in g will be a m ost in te re stin g
th o u san d rounds of am m unition, w eath er seem ed to have a good ef-
BARLEY— Spot feed, $3.00; ship­
fe a tu re of th e convention. It will
ROME, Oct. 8.— The B ritish gov- several h u n d red rifles and several feet on th e president.
be conducted by th e sta te superin-
ping, $3.10.
te n d e n t of C hristian C itizenship, e rn m e n t’s note to tla ly urging settle- h u n d red au to m atic pistols w ere seiz-
Mrs. M. L. T. H idden, who is th e m ent of the F ium e situ a tio n was sug- ed by governm ent officials here.
LETH BR ID G E, A lta.— Indians of
c h a irm a n of th e board of superin- gested by S ecertary Lansing, The The fire arm s w ere consigned to Chi-
PA RIS, Oct. 8.— Georges Carpen-
te n d e n ts and a leading W. C. T. U. i T ribune today said
nese a t Shanghai and w ere being tie r, F ra n c e ’s cham pion heavyw eight, th e L ethbridge d istric t have bestow ­
Ita lia n officials are said to be op- shipped, officials claim , fo r th e pur- is rep o rted to have refused an offer ed upon th e P rince of W ales th e ti­
an d club w om an of P o rtla n d . Im-
p o rta n t questions as reg a rd s th e plans tim istlc in th e belief th a t th e F i - ; pose of resistin g Jap an ese control of of $80,000 from an A m erican pro- tle of "R ed Crow ” o r “ Chief Many
and policy of W. C. T. U. will be dis- ume situation will be concluded sat- j Shantung. They were billed as “ag- moter to meet Jack Dempsey in a Sm iles.” All th e old Ind ian cere-
; m onies w ere used in th e proceedings.
cussed each day.
( ricultural implements.**
six round, no decision match.
“ Red” Literature
Seized by Police
<& <$> Q
Score for today's game— Cbl-
eago 4, C incinnati 1.
F o r th e series— C incinnati $
four games, Chicago th ree.
REDLANDS FIELD , C incinnati,
Oct. 8. — Chicago cam e th ro u g h
(By th e U nited P ress)
stro n g again today and grabbed off
WASHINGTON, Oct. 8.— The in­
the seventh gam e of the series by a
d u stria l peace conference m et today
final score of four to one,, a fte r as
but found no business before it, so a d ­
p retty a b a ttle as any fan could have
journed until tom orrow .
w ished for.
U nder th e rules, individual mem-J
The Sox now have a b e tte r look-in
bers m ay not p resent resolutions
for th e cham pionship and as a re­
w ithout th e assent of th e ir groups.
su lt of to d ay ’s win rabid Chicago
C hairm an C hadbourne of th e Cen­
rooters are again offering odds th a t
tra l Com m ittee is prepared to pro­
th e ir darlings will get aw ay w ith
pose a long a d jo u rn m en t to give th e
th e series.
C entral Com m ittee tim e to consider -
G elason’s “ babies” sta rte d scor­
m ore proposals being prepared for
ing rig h t fro m the jum p, p u ttin g a
in tro d u ctio n by th re e groups.
m an over the plate in th e first, and
It is expected the conference will
a n o th e r in th e th ird . They held the
be flooded with propositions tom or­
Reds scoreless until th e fifth and
row. More th an two hundred have
then th e Sox slipped over two more
been received from outside sources,
ru n s for good m easure, th e Reds not
b u t are being held up u ntil th e in te r­
doing anything w ith the home plate
ested groups approve.
u n til th e final inning, w hen they
Each of the th re e groups th u s has
m anaged to squeeze in one run.
m any proposal which it m ust con-
Salle, who sta rte d for M oran's
ference was called, and the delegates
crew, retired from the box in favor
assem bled on very sh o rt notice,” said
of F isher, who had no m ore luck
C hadburn. “ Consequently no one
th an his predecessor, and was re ­
knows exactly w hat it w ants to pro­
lieved by L uque a t th e beginning of
the sixth. The la tte r pitch er finally
stopped the wild-eyed Soxlets and
held them u n til th e finish, but the
dam age had been done before li*
stepped to th e rubber and his te a m ­
m ates were unable to break down
th e Chicago defense.
R edlands field was crow ded w ith
(Special to The Tidings)
fans who w hile not expecting th e
OAKLAND, Oct. 8.— W ith six Sox to tak e such an edge over jthe
killed and one believed dying th e po­ Reds, were m ore o r less hopeful, th at
lice a re today endeavoring to appre­ they would win today and th u s pro­
hend E dw ard W ilson and Mead long th e series.
Sm ith, conductor and inspector of
Two h its and two e rro rs were re ­
th e tra in which crashed into a load­ sponsible for th e final duo of tallies
ed jitn ey heer yesterday.
by th e Chicago visitors, th e Reds
A fter four days of negotiations seem ing to break u n d er th e stra in
hope for an early settlem en t of the of a prolonged series.
strik e of s tre e t car m en of th e San
Indications now are th a t th e Sox
F rancisco and O akland T erm inal have alm ost an even break to win
R ailw ay has been practically ab an ­ the series, as th e Reds seem to have
doned w ith th e refusal of th e com­ lost th e power of a tta ck which m ade
pany to g u aran tee rein sta tem e n t of them invincible in the first tw o
strik in g em ployes’ pending a rb itra ­ games, w hile th e Sox a re fighting
w ith th e ir backs ag ain st th e wall,
seeing th e prestige as well as the
LOGGING CONGRESS CONVENES. financial rew ard of being th e w inners
PORTLAND, Oct. 8— The te n th an ­ so nearly w rested from them .
nual convention of the Pacific Log­
ging congress opened here today, for
Bend— 120 acres of irrig a ted land
a session of fo u r days.
bought for $12,000.
♦ ♦ ♦ •♦ •♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ •♦ ••♦ ♦ ••••s» » »
Police Hunt
For Stayers
P o rtla n d , Oct ' .— October 9, 1919,
has been designated for th is y ear as
“ P a trio tic F ire P revention D ay,” a
day set a p a rt for serious considera­
tio n of our trem endous fire waste,
and th e adoption of adequate and
perm anent m eans of prevention, says
A. C. B arber, sta te fire m arshal.
The F rench people have said of
we A m ericans:
“ T hat
we are
m ighty builders and m ighty b u rn ­
e rs ,” and so we are, not in te n tio n a l­
ly or crim inally, but negligently and
This is indeed an age of g reat
achievem ent and economic reform s,
and forem ost is th e im m ense saving
of property and life th a t can be ac­
com plished by th e prevention of fire.
R eform s come from a change of
m ind and a change of m ind can only
come by co n stan t m ental effort.
T herefore, th in k fire prevention, ta lk
fire prevention, and practice fire
prevention, not only on October 9,
but on th ro u g h th e year until next
fire prevention day, and then s ta rt
over again. Never relax your cau­
tion a g ain st th e ever present d a n ­
ger of fire on your own prem ises.
In th a t way you will not only m ake
it a h ab it w ith yourself but will in­
fluence others, and we will all reap
th e benefit.
M ake it a point on fire prevention
day to critically exam ine your hom e,
store, office, shop o r factory. Try to
discover an y th in g or any condition
th a t m ight possibly cause a fire, and
above all clean up. If you find any
inflam m able m aterial, rem ove it if
possible or m ake it safe; you will be
doing yourself a g reat favor, and
then don’t stop, keep it th a t way.
In Am erica we destroy by fire five
tim es as m uch per cap ita as do the
people of E urope. It should not be
so. W e surpass in every o th er wav
— we should in this. The rem edy
rests w ith each and every one of us.
Let us s ta r t now.
It is th e office of the sta te fire
m arshal d ep artm en t to prom ote th is
conservation work, and fo r th e a sk ­
ing we a re ready to assist you a t
any tim e. Call upon us.
SPOKANE, Oct. 8.— M ayor Fas-
s e tt announced today th a t he does not
agree w ith S enator Jo h n so n ’s posi­
tion on th e League of N ations, so he
has declined to serve on th e com m it­
tee which will welcome th e senator
here tom orrow .
F o r O regon— Rain, cooler.