Z K F* f-*J-*- ‘¿.tf ASÄUtfÖ DÀttŸ WfitXGS F À o ç fô tït tM day, September 26. 1Ô10 "* A. B ert F reem an leaves today for TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY C orvallis w here he expects to e n te r WANTED— Experienced waitres a ir s .. Ç a rrie R yan of G ran ts P ass and m aintenance for all ex-servicé A shland. Also a full block of 20 m en who are su fferin g from disabil­ A team earn belonging to Mike M organ I Iv L U U I lL U I llw l« A Los Angeles p ap er of recent Men's At a m eeting of th e Business Men’s cam é up yesterday to spend a week lots which I will sell on l,ong tim«? g service. ran aw ay th is forenoon and sm ashed date quotes some to u rist who alleges association held a t th e Com m ercial and sm all installm en ts; ho b u ild­ w ith friends, a fte r which she will go ity co n tracted • d u rin • • th in g s up generally, while Mr. Mor- to have been over th e Pacific high- club room s Tuesday n ig h t Mr. L. F. ings ,but plenty larg e and sm all to C alifornia to m ake an extended fru it and alfalfa. A capital hom e Dwight G regg and F red S c h u e r-' gan w as th ro w n o out a jp n Rev. A. A. A bbott, archdeacon of way and claim s th e follow ing con- F erguson presented some splendid Schuer- ut of th e w wajgon visit. * site. R. D. Sanford, Low er H el- m an a re am ong th e A shland boys who and was quite badly h u rt. The horses th e Episcopal ch u rch of Ohio, w ith ditions prevail in O regon: ideas in reg ard to th e decorations m an St., A shland. 2 3 - td “ P ractically all Oregon roads a re and displays and was appointed a ; H em stitching, Picoting, 10 cents leave for E ugene today to en roll as becam e scared a t som ething on B h e a d q u arte rs a t C leveland, Ohio, ar- stre e t and ran out to th e intqrsec- rived in th e city M onday to spend bad. Most of them a re m erely cow- com m ittee of one to call on the Ash- . a.X »r4. We Pay th e postage. The stu d e n ts in th e university. * * * tion of B and W ater streets, w here th is week visiting w ith relatives in paths. land m erchants in behalf of the asso- V anltjf H a t Shop, M edford, Ore. 6-tl H arold Simpson will go to Eugene they stru c k the porch a t th e A shland th is p a rt of th e sta te , “ From Los Angeles to Y osem ite ciation and w ork out plans for dec- SHORT ORDERS AND LUNCHES * • * Rev. A bbott left Cleveland Sep- today to e n te r th e university as a Mills. The tongue of th e wagon was th e roads a re p a rticu la rly good, oratio n s and displays. QUICK SERVICE R elatives of Miss Agnes D anford stu d e n t for th e com ing year. broken and th e horses knocked tem b er 6, and has spent th e tim e t the F rom Yosem ite to Merced th e re is an ---------------------------- Lunches P u t Up for T ravelers i s ta te th a t the. rep o rt of her m arriag e Lloyd Casebeer left for P o rtlan d down. Before they could be subdued, since then tra v e lin g and visiting w ith excellent highw ay an d driving is 207 E ast Main. ONE KILLED, 10 HURT is Incorrect. She is now teaching at last night to e n te r a business college however, they got on th e ir feet and relatives enroute. A fter spending easy w ith th e exception' of Signal ITnalaska, A laska, and is not m ar­ (Special to The T idings) d uring the w inter. s ta rte d again, th is tim e throw ing th e week in A shland he will leave Hill, w here th e grade is bad and ried. MONTREAL, Sept. 26.— One m an * * * Mr. M organ a g a in st a wagon stand- for C alifornia and then re tu rn home th e roads áre rough. • • • was killed and sixteen in ju red in the Special for tom orrow only: Picnic ing by th e hitching rack. The team going th ro u g h Colorado and Utah “ From Merced to Red Bluff th ere See W. A. F reeb erg . fo r w atch. explosion of an acetylene tank in th<> clock, jew elry and spectacle rep air- ham9 35c Po u n d : bacon bai>ks 42c ran down to th e ice plant w here they w here he will visit w ith relatives who a re excellent C alifornia Highways. w elding room of th e Vickers Ship­ .ughi. LI.-. l it q in tao: ■ • lates. lie e s .'m a te s R ed B luff to G ran ts P ass is excellent building p lan t yesterday. 7 e o d tl Pound. Plav. Meat M arket. 64 w ere fin.tli;' Qld prices. North M_in. 23-1 was stunned by th e fall and it is not th a t he will have visited w ith 100 w ith th e exception of soitoe rough 3 know n yet how seriously he is in­ relatives before he re tu rn s to his gravel roads. G ran ts P ass to A shland Mrs. A. Yerkes of G rants P ass is a PAULSERUD & BARRETT George S tan n ard left th is m orning jured. has th e w orst roads in th e country. hom e a t Cleveland. guest mt. th e home of h er son, W alter for Eugene to e n te r th e sta te u niver­ T here a re num erous d eto u rs and F or hom e m ade pies, cakes, cook­ The visito r is a b ro th e r of th e late E verton, on Allison stre e t. ies, doughnuts, salads, etc. Call a t rough, rocky roads full of holes. A sh­ sity th is year. George com pleted ' John A bbott, one of the ea rlie st se t­ ‘ ‘‘ - . . . bakery a t 69 N. Main St. » F o r Men and W omen. land to R oseburg is practically in high school here w ith th e class of tle rs of Jackson county, who set­ R'. . C ornelius is m oving th is 17Í E a st M ain. Tel. 110 tled on a farm on W agner creek, n ear th e sam e condition w ith 141 m iles week from his home on Oak stre e t 1919. We carry th e Bon Ton bread, th e • * * T alent, w here he lived u ntil a few of te rrib le roads. T here a re crushed w hich he recently tra d e d to W. S. best bread in the Rogue R iver Val-" The Tidings has on sale sign carfls years p rio r to his death when he rock roads w hich cu t and k ill-tire s, ley. Try it. E astm an , to th e residence of the la t­ m aking th e grades practically im ­ as follows: “ F o r Sale, E nq u ire I moved to A shland residing on Oak te r on H s tre e t. Mr. E astm an is also t, possible. In Cow Creek canyon and stre e t. We serve light lunches, Give us à tra n s fe rrin g his household goods to W ith in ” ; “ F o r Sale o r R e n t” ; » on R oberts H ill, practically no car “ House F o r R en t” ; “ Rooms F o r tria l. Two nieces from K lam ath county A sta te m e n t was m ade before the th e Oak stre e t property. 4 GOOD SERVICE, COURTEOUS R ent ; Board and Room and a pjoj ei and R e sta u ra n t People’s asso- a re A shland th is week to atten d h u t o u r Paige got th ro u g h , th e roads • • • w ere in such a te rrib le condition.” TREATMENT Candy, gum and nuts alw ays ‘1. Mrs. Simons has new h a ts in each num ber of o th ers too num erous to cia tion w hich' m et recently in th e tb e reunion and m any relatives liv- stock. T o u rists passing th ro u g h th is sec- m ention. Price, two for a q u a rte r, tf c h a m b e r of Com m erce assem bly hall n e a r T alent a re visiting in th e weqk- CalJ-and see styles and get prices* 1*-■ * 22-2t in P o rtlan d th a t th e free au to camp-, city to he w ith Rev. A bbott d u rin g tion every day sta te th a t th e roads ing ground of A shland had put two his stay here. Those from K lam ath a re in rem ark ab ly good condition, hotels of this city out of business. A county a re : Mrs. Tom G a rre tt, of W ith th e exception of some stretch es J. M. M iller; U. S. entom ologist, JAMES BARRETT, Prop. look a t th e hotel reg iste rs every day Bly, a n d Mr. and Mrs. Jack H orton, w here paving is being done and de- U who has been spending the sum m er of Dairy. to u rs a re necessary the roads are th ro u g h o u t th is sum m er is sufficient . in Sequoia p ark and o th er govern­ . P hone 188. $ev. A bbott was th e guest of hon- passable and are trav eled over every to refu te th is a rra ig n m e n t. N ever m e n t' reserves in C alifornia, has re- a y . _________________ (By th e U nited P ress) before in th e h istory of A shland has or a t a picnic held in L ith ia p a rk d . tu rn e d (or th e com ing w inter LONDON, Sept. 26.— The nation- to u rist tra v e l been any b e tte r th a n th is noon given by relatives. Those i season. . z • - ' ---- • " —...... i ". ' * 0 ft * * ------- wide railw ay s trik e will become ef- ¡j has th is sum m er, no tw ith stan d in g present w ere: Mrs. T eresa Lowe and • 'j->4 »- trite-.' -i.r* /'• fective in G reat B ritain ton ig h t, it th e im m ense n um ber of to u rists who son R ortald; Mr. and Mrs. H. F. A 7-room house w ith lot nt FRIDAY SATURDAY t port, Ore., to tra d e for A shland was officially announced today by have stopped a t th e auto-cam p. The S ackett; Mr. and Mrs. A. F. A bbott, ~ property. B illings Agency. 22-3t th e union leaders. A statem en t th a t uptow n hotels get very little to u rist son L eith and d a u g h te r E th a, all of today s conference of governm ent of- trav el going th ro u g h here by tra in , A shland: Mr. and Mrs. Jack H orton union rep resen tativ es while th e fact th a t A shland h as a and Mrs. Tom G a rre tt of K lam ath The tu n n el tro u b le down th e line ficials and had failed to reach an agreem ent ac- camp draw s tra v e le rs here, even if county; Mr. and Mrs. Allen A bbott is causing m uch au to stage travel to 3 and fam ily; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bru- com panied th e announcem ent. they do not stop a t th e camp. K lam ath Falls. P assengers com ing ------------------------- - F o r a few days th is sum m er the n e tt and fam ily, all of T alent, and from th e north, on a rriv in g here and dining room s a t th e H otels A ustin and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dean, guests from finding th a t tra in s a re held up so =m= MEANS A shland w ere closed. The occasion T alent. th a t they do not m ake connections of th e fo rm er closing was due to in ­ a t W eed for K lam aah F a lls will in­ LENINE IS LIKE VII,LA ability to secure help, w hile th e din­ variably ta k e th e auto stage for th a t (By th e U nited P ress) ing room of th e la tte r was closed in designation. LONDON, Sept. 2 6 ,-^T h e P a ris • * « PORTLAND, Sept. 26.— A cam- o rd er to allow th e p ro p ire to r to tak e A r c a l-H a r t p ic t u r e f u ll o? a c t io n correspondent of th e C entral News Because of a lodge m eeting, the paign a g ain st fake “ m edium s” and h er vacation, as she could not get W e a re p ro u d to re c o m m e n d dance th a t was advertised for Moose “ h e a le rs,,” as well as so-called “ spir- sufficient help to run it d u ring her Agency rep o rts th a t ru m o rs of Le- a n d th e b e st c o m e d y o f th e season to o u r c u sto m e rs hall last F rid a y was postponed un­ itu a lis ts ” and “card rea d e rs,” was in- absence. In stead of being an in ju ry n in e ’s assassination are w ithout con­ . til F riday, Septem ber 26. The late st a u g u ra ted here w ith the a rre s t of th e auto-cam p has been a help to th e firm ation. popular dance m usic by H erne’s jasx eight women engaged in these occu- hotels of A shland. : __________________ _ orch estra. 22-2t pations. All th e wom en w ere released on • • • We know softiething of th e policies P E R S ......................................................... $10 bail except one who refused to SO M E SH O W GUARANTEED and c h a ra c te r of th is firm , and know put up a bail bond and was ¡«eked Mrs. M. Baldwin and Miss Cora th a t these drugs and m edicines are Baldwin, who have been spending up in the city jail, to g e th e r w ith her put up to give satisfaction and not six-year-old son, she having no place th e past week w ith friends in G rants S U N D A Y -M O N D A Y sim ply to s e lt to leave him to be cared for. Pass, and M urphy, re tu rn e d home 4 SOLE AGENTS yesterday. - 1 MOTHER AND DAUGHTER • • • Tw enty-tw o delegates from Ore MARRIED BY ONE PARSON I gon will probably a tte n d th e national Show ing of fall and w in ter m illi­ PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 26.— i convention of th e A m erican Legion A. D o lla r S ta rts an A c co u n t D iffe re n t th a n a n y th in g y o u e v e r saw nery a t my new location, Pioneer W hen Miss Lucy M. McCourt and in M inneapolis th is fall. The s? u th block. Miss H argrove. STATE BANK OF ASHLAND. POLEY & ELHABT. D ruggists T ues& F ri2t H erb ert H. H uff w ere m arried in ern en(j of th e st a t e wjn be repre- • • ■ th is city, th e officiating clergym an sented a t th e convention by Com- •> Rev. W illiam E. Bean of G lad­ was th e Rev. H. W. Thom pscn of ra(j e Codding of th e M edford post. stone, Ore., will preach in th e C hris­ C entralia, W ash. The sam e m in ister m arried Mr. tia n church Sunday m orning and J a p a n ’s coal m ines had a record 1 evening. The subjects of th e ser­ and Mrs. R obert McCoi • * th e b rid e ’s production of 27,500,000 tons last z m ons will be : M orning, “ W hy Don’t parents, in M ichigan, m o.c th an th ir - iy e a r and expect to increase th e out- 5 put th e present year. We Have a R evival?” Evening, “ The ty years ago. Church of T om orrow .’! Mr. Bean jd PAID OUT 75 MILLIANS com es h ere as a can d id ate for the OTTAWA, Sept. 26.— The Soldier -i vacancy in th a t pulpit caused by th e -* ♦ M M M » « M M ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ « M I M ♦ ♦ « » ♦ » « ♦ ♦ ♦» Civil E eestablishm ent com m ittee has resignation of Rev. W. L. M ellinger. ■ W e happened to h e a r a lady rem ark th a t she understood th ere was nothing ..ï a • • • paid o ut m ore th a n 75 m illions in - a F ine h e rrin g , special th is week, g ratu ities so far. It is estim ated 4 to be had in the way of a su it under $60.00. She found w hat suited her 10c each. Plaza Meat M arket. Tel. th a t 45 m illions m ore will be needed. 3 190. 20-3t-eod Good M eals a n d S hort O rders. Day • • • for less th a n th a t. H ow ever, we have them all th e way from $29.50 to SEAMEN TO STRIKE an d N ight Service. 4 R ichard Beswick and fam ily will BUFFALO, Sept. 26.— The sea­ $90.00, so th a t any person should be able to find som ething to suit purse leave Sunday fo r a y e a r’s au to to u r m en’s union today unanim ously 2 9 7 East M ain th ro u g h C alifornia and th e soul hern adopted resolutions proposing a and pride. states. They w ill visit Palm B^ach, s trik e in sym pathy w ith the steel F la., before retu rn in g . m en, it is announced. * * • Coat prices range from $19.50 to $100.00, and is th e m ost com plete line Mrs. G. G. E ubanks is in Tolo NOTICE B a rg a in s in spending a week or two w ith Mrs. F in e yarns, b rillia n t colorings, and clever styles com­ W anted, two ladies for dem on­ show n in th e valley, according to those who have seen all th e stocks. And D ora A utrey. bine to m ake th e new S w eaters p articu la rly a ttra c ­ s tra tin g w ork. Good salary and all « • » expenses paid, No experience nec- tive. Many new ones h a v e the tuxedo collar. we a re w illing th a t you should m ake th e com parison too, believing you Com plete line of fall and w inter essary. "Work very pleasant and City and R a nch P ro p erties, H ouses If you will k n it your own you should see th e new m ilninery for m isses and children. along educational lines. R eferences to R ent. M inerva Yarns. will eventually decide as they have decided. New location, P ioneer block. Miss required. E nquire a t H otel A ustin C itizens’ B ank B uilding. H argrove. 20-Tues& Fri2t for Mr. or Mrs. B ennett. 23-1 • • • ë P e te r L. Spencer, fo rm er princi­ First Class Baking Products and pal of th e Ju n io r high school, who Light Lunches has been spending several m onths th is sum m er in M ontague, came A lot of th e m ost w anted shades in hack th is week w ith his wife and a good q u a lity of velvet. It is con­ son. They will soon go to Eugene siderably u n d e r th e m a rk e t value W'here Mr. Spencer will e n te r th e uni- AND a t $1.85 per yd. ’ versify. u n iu m u u iHiiiHnnmiHHHHHKg ; LOCAL AND PERSONAL T TOURIST r a m TEAM RAN AWAY u n in Q D fiiw in w OF ROUGH ROADS j AR1ISTIC IDEAS WHITE HOUSE CAFE* f* Good Eats! Fine Tailoring AUTO-CAMP HELP 10 LOCAL HOTELS Good M eats East Side Meat Market British Railway Strike on Tonight HOME BAKERY W e A re T h e Nyal Store NYAL QUALITY Campaign Againsf Fake ‘'Mediums” BIG-BILL-HART Superior Quality S q u a re-D ea l-S a n d erso n On Savings Accounts STALE 10 FIGURE AT NYAL GOODS v% Interest H IS V A M P Y W A Y CHOOSING A WIFE Poley’s Drug Store Hom e R esta u ra n t C. B. LAMKIN Do not jump at lhe conclusion that garment prices are beyond your reach, we have popular priced ones, suits $29.50, eoats $19.50 Attractive Sweaters for Women, Girls and Iniants REAL ESTATE Velvets $1.85 BON TON BAKERY £• * 1*. $ re f t Ik* COFFEE PARLOR . * * * O. H. Johnson, the local jew eler, w as elected th ird vice-president of Corner Fourth and A Street Aerosi* th e Oregon S tate R etail Jew e le rs’ as­ From the Depot. sociation a t its recent m eeting in Pendleton. I . • • • J. H. Cook has joined th e m any A shland people who a re rem odeling T A IL O R S FO R and b eau tify in g th e ir property. He is m aking extensive im provem ents on his residence on B street. • • * Miss Mabel Sm ith leaves today for B est W oo len s; Latest? F a s h ­ E ugene to e n te r th e U niversity of io n s A lw a y s. Oregon fo r th e com ing year. Mrs. J. B. 'Wimer left last for S a tisfa c tio n G u a ra n te e d G lendale to visit w ith h e r p arents a fte r which she will go to M edford to live th is w inter. 2 ,325,000 D E LA V A L . • • • ORRES MEN AND WOMEN i f t y.-. » «Ö /ITT SEPARATO RS • ~ Dr. F. G. Sw edenburg is g a th erin g IN DAILY U S ^ T H E WORLD O V Eli m ate ria l a t his new purchase on the W herever grass grows and cowq B oulevard, th e old Chappelle. prop­ are m ilked, you will find th e De L a ­ e rty . and expects to begin w ork on val th e favorite cream sep arato r. rem odeling it soon. More De Lavals a re in use th an all o th e r m akes combined. The De Laval is tim e tested. It NOTICE was th e pioneer cream se p a ra to r in K n ights of P y th ias and fam ilies 1878 and has led in p o pularity and a re invited to a tte n d a picnic and sales for fo rty years. I t ’s th e w orld's sta n d a rd cream b arbecue a t D. M. Low e’s ’ hom e sep arato r. - r a n c h , Supday a t 10:30 a. m., Sept. 28, 1919. 20-eod A S H L A N D C R E A M E R Y Corduroy $1.75 HUNTING SHOES Suitings-Coating-Plaid Skirtings and Wool Dress Materials Brown Duck Bought , on last spring’s lowest market and just before the market went sky-rocketing upward. They are cheap at these prices W ith fib re o r ru b b e r soles. T h e id e a l sh o e for o u tin g u se. P ric e Coatings Wool Plaids $3 to $5.50 $2.50 to $3.75 A Good Georgette Skinners 404 $2 25 yd Satin $3 yd G ilt E d g e a n d R o y a l M ills U n d e r w e a r f o r W in t e r w e a r Good light shades fo r robes and ki­ m onos a n d d a rk shades fo r coats, sk irts and o u tin g suits. SPLENDID QUALITY AT $1.75 YD. Tricotine Heather Jersey $3.75 $6.50 Skinners Taiteta Silk and Wool $3.00 yd Poplin $2.75 Broadcloth $4.50 yd Fancy Linings $2 to $2.50 B l a c k C at H o s i e r y fo r W o m e n a n d C h ild r e n