i ÀSHLANÏ) » A lt ! fíDDÍÓS H t t » TKttKII ■U TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS Library Exhibits Children's FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE «LL $1000 bboks as C hristm as gifts may hkVe an opportunity of learn in g w hat ■ VC DURING Septem ber only $1250.00 buys 5.72 acres w ith ab o u t 640 feet frontage on pavem ent (10c d ealers plenty of tim e to o rd er them . WHCER WTUMOI ItplSOBS hip. fare to A sh la n d ), which should The public lib ra ry will have a i On© cent th e w ord ©act tim e. b rin g a t least $2.50 th e fro n t foot, This exhibit will be open to th e in- larg e num ber of fine new books for ' 194 cherry trees, shade, fru it, ir ­ JWffttW (UTIfitll ch ild ren on exhibition next S aturday, ■ spection of old and young alike. FOR S AKE— RE A L ESTATE PH YSICIANS rig atio n soon. Y our b ro k er or get A TUMOR» LUMP, The executive com m ittee of Ash­ deed a t F irs t N ational bank. Rea- and request th a t p a re n ts and any­ « SOM M Uw U P, land P ost, No. 14, A m erican Legion, DR. H . B. MOORE — C hiropractic soner. 23-3* PACK at MR I m « to one in te rested in good read in g m at- ' Physician. F irs t N ational Bank OANOKR. R u w NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS 1m et in ‘he a \ m<>7 W ednesday even- te r for th e young people of A shland j Bldg. P h ones: O ffice, 112; Res. Bates bat Misoas to SEALED PROPOSALS, addressed and m ade final a rra n g e m e n ts call and inspect them . T his e x h ib it1 Corner by th e Park. 297-J. Daatb-iwp. 120-paga Latest Revised List to th e undersigned a t Jacksonville, w hereby th e d e ta ils of th e organiza- is m ade early in th e season in o rd er BOOK SENT PRKEj I w ant to clo se ou t on Cream Sen« DR. ERNEST A, WOOD—P raotice Oregon and endorsed “ SEALED BID 1 tion w ere fully com pleted. T he prin- th a t anyone planning on giving arators. T o o tlm o n la u a lim ited to eye, e a r, nose and W r tta , t o s o m e . FOR TOLO BRID GE” fo r building a , cipal business of th e evening was th e . . Have two left over from before th>* _ -= th ro a t. Office hours, 10 to 12 and At Low Prices and a ll kinds of pile bridge across B ear Creek a t 2 to 5. Sw edenburg Bldg., A sh­ term s. T im ber and o th e r invest­ w hat is know n as th e Tolo crossing appointing of com m ittees w hich a re land, Ore. 73-tf m ents. All prices a re sam e. Old on th e County road leading from as follows: New and used Sew ing MachineCEgTSja_OEATWJF MJLgWO TB_ ff». Tolo to A gate school-house, in ac- E m ploym ent— L. D. M owat, U ral o t m ost any m ake for sa le or ren t, i *W M u<*aTharaA CUMD « 0 ,0 0 0 la 4« Vaan b u t subject H ard Tim es quotation, DR. J . J . EMMENS— P hysician and cordance w ith th e plans and s p e c i-: Coleman> c . A M alone, D. M. Spen- H e have hundreds o f Used Sew • O ae woman ia every 7 diaeof c o we or--U.S.roaort surgeon. P ractice lim ited to eye, to raise, o r w ithdraw al, Now is th e fications on file in th e County Clerk s ing M achines th a t we have tak e n U Mfa$S Dr.S.R.Ctiamley CO. ftf tb M t ear. nose and th ro a t. Glasses sup­ tim e to buy. office, will be received and filed c er- FOR SALE PRO PER TIES trade for new W hite m achines, an J "Craafaef faaear TaarliBitt lit e r ilFJFIM.. plied. O culist and a u ris t fo r S. P u n til 10 o’clock a. m ., O ctober 11th, Benevolence— Ray W olcott, Jo h n som e o f them is as good as new . WKJ R. R. Offices. M. F. and H. Bldg., No. 4— F o u r room house, electric 1919, a n d a t th a t tim e th e County W im er, H ow ard B a rre tt. be ,o ,d fo r . em ail price ^ a H T h lS ^ iS ^ C iic e r . lights and sew er connections, n e a r opposite postoffice, M edford, Ore. High School. Two lots, rich soil; C ourt will open and publicly read j L egislation— W. M. B riggs, E d- P hone 567. 21-tf price $700. W ill ta k e h a lf cash, a ll bids. E ach b id d er shall deposit w ith his win Dunn. D. M. BROW ER, M. D.— 2 1 « F actory balance easy. bid five per cent of th e am ount of E n te rta in m e n t— S. A. P eters, Don- k St. P hone No. 498-R. Uses radio- No. 6— 100 acres, m o u n tain reso rt, h ts bid, which sum shall be forfeit- aid Dickerson, Dr. G ordon Mac­ h e a t largely in his tre a tm e n t of 15 m iles o ut on good a u to road, ed to th e County in case he n e g le c ts ,'• c ra c k e n , J. M. Spencer, Leslie P hil- chronic diseases. T uberculosis, 10 acres g ard en an d hay land, fails o r refuses to e n te r into a con- J cancer and o th e r infectious a il­ balance p a stu re and grazing, ir r i­ tra c t, in case th e county aw ards t h e ; lips, C harles P en n isto n . E LIFE OF LEATHER m ents, respond m arvelously to said A thletics— M illard G rubb, P erry gation ditches, w a te r rig h t and n u ­ c o n tra ct to him . tre a tm e n t. m erous springs. T ro u t stream A bond satisfacto ry to th e County A shcraft, L. D. Mowat. Sver so driving on a rainy day and wleh you bad your ru n s th ro u g h th e place. House, C ourt will be req u ired for the faith-J ATTORNEYS F inance— Dr. G ordon M acCracken, bathing writ or an umbrella or barn, chicken y ard , etc. fu l perform ance of th e c o n tract in a Leland DeCarl R W olcott, sumthin’f No m ore en ch an tin g place can sum equal to one-half of th e to ta l j BRIGGS & BRIGGS, A ttorneys-at- B ain trUkllng down your ’ . . M em bership— S. A. P eters, D. M. back, aeata all wet. and you be found fo r sum m er hom e; se- am ount bid. Law, P ioneer Block, A shland. wlah you been born a eluded, yet easy of access, w ith The County Court reserves th e Spencer, U ral C olem an, H. O. B utter- duekf ___ . L. A. RO BERTS— A ttorney-at-L aw . fish and gam e in plenty on th e rig h t to reject any or all bids, o r to n e ld, Jam es Pool, R alp h H atfield, Room s 5 and 6, Citizens* Bank place. P a rtic u la rs on application. accept the proposal deem ed best for C hester Smith , C harles Brady, A. E. Bldg. Uae a little Bergmann Oil No. 8— 5 acres, all tillab le, 2 m ile s , Jack so n County. on your auto top, the aame M acClelland, L eland DeCarlow, Roy out on highw ay, good buildings, D ated Septem ber 17th, 1919. kind you bought lo r your shoe«. STENOGRAPHERS M urphy, Lynn Slack, J. E. E nders. CHAUNCEY FLOREY, splendid location; m ortgage; price You’ll find it gives the same splendid results in waterproof- County C lerk fo r Jack so n County. M em orial C om m ittee — Executive $1700.. JE SSIE B. TH A TC H ER — Public No. 10— E xtrem ely b e a u tifu l and Oregon. 17-4tl< rl only com m itte e as a whole. Good for mohair, leather, and S tenographer. Com m ercial Club well appointed m odern bungalow , Imitation leather. P ublicity— L. D. M owat, W. M. H ours: 9 a. m. to 12 a. m .; 2 2 blocks off pavem ent; b e a u tifu l Theo. Bergmann Shoe Briggs. p. m. to 5 p. m ., grounds, $3400. Mfg. Co. H e a d q u a rte rs— D. M. Spencer,^ A. No. 12— 8-room m odern house, 100 PORTLAND. OREGON CONTRACTING AND BUILDING feet fro n t; one block from paved IQ. Moss, R alph H atfield. s tre e t in p re tty location; garage, The m a tte r of th e . g et-to g eth er A. L . LAMB— C ontractor and B uild ­ etc., $2700. feed which th e post is going to fea­ e r. Cem ent, Brick and W ood­ w ork. Tel. 463-J. 343 M ountain No. 14— 8-acre q rch ard and alfalfa, tu re som e tim e soon wps deferred 3-room house, 2 m iles from tow n; Ave. splendid soil and location. P rice — I to th e e n te rta in m ■* e » n t com m ittee, who and at She. $2500. a re planning ote a rra n g in g a big or Sale at B. L. DELSMAN— C on tracto r and Bepair Shop: date w hich wiU be iven hoe. Drag, builder, A shland, Ore. E stim ates No. 16— 6-room m odern house, lot Four-room dw elling, 60 ft. lot good and Sporting lardwam and condition; close I n ..........$1200.00 ’ 95x150, au to b arn , chicken house, cheerfully given. F ree plans when Goods Storca rocery S ta n e , out la te r. • etc.; lots of fru it; location splen­ Five-room dw elling on Beach St., I we do your work. W hen securing ___________________ us, you eave th e cost of a s u p e r­ did; 5 blocks from P. O., 2 blocks ayiiiiiuiuiiiuniiiiiiiiiiiiiim uiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigtiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiH iiirtiiiiiiiitD igitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiuuittiiiH aM H RM t ilin g fru it, tw o larg e lots, p a rtly fu r­ An O m aha w om an is th e in v en to r in te n d e n t as we w ork rig h t on from paved stre e t. P rice $3000. nished .................................... $825.00 of a to o th b ru sh curved to fit both th e job w ith th e men. Phone 120. No. 18— 7-room house, b ath , etc., lot and h alf on paved stre e t, cen­ T h irty -acre farm , p ractically all un- j th e inside and outside a u se r’s FRANK JORDAN — G eneral Con­ tra l p a rt of town. Price, w ith easy d e r irrig a tio n , well im proved and te e th a t th e sam e tim e. tra c tin g an d re p a ir work. Cement term s, $1600. well located, includes farm in g im- „ , ..... w ork specialty. Tel. 430-J, 227 No. 20— 7-room house, b a rn and lot, plem ents, hay and som e stock. G ranite St. 21tf 65x170, located on boulevard, O ther b a rg a in s for o th e r w ants. (In c o rp o ra ted ) price $3500. T A X ISE R V IC E Office and W orks No. 248 H elm an No. 22 — M agnificent residence, EVANS TAXI SERVICE— F ir e - p a s ­ silghtly location, larg e grounds, St., A shland, Ore. senger C halm ers, Seven Passenger fru it and garden, close in. New M anufacturing E ngin eers, G eneral Real E sta te and Real Insurance. H udson. T rip s anyw here. R eliable m odern house, unusually finished R epair W ork E stablished 1883. d riv ers and quick service. Stand and appointed. Sacrifice price W e m an u fa ctu re P aving Plan). a t Rose Bros. Day Phone 213; $4500. Term s. “ Gee! But that’s E quipm ent, Saw m ill, M ining and N ight, 101. • No. 24— 23 acres, good house, 1% good coflee. Ship M achinery, Steam and Gas E n­ m iles from cen ter of tow n, on PA IG E CAR TAXI, W. J . A lbert. gines, Boilers a n d H eavy Steel highw ay, silghtly location. Hog P rop. L arge 7-passenger auto, W o rk; Grey Iron, Sem i-Steel, Brass1 w ire fenced and cross fenced. easy riding. Prices reasonable. and Bronze C astings of every kind. At forced sale; price, $2500. LONDON. — Sentenced to one Day or night. Stand "VICTORY” H aving tho ro u g h ly equipped oui No .26— 30 acres, good buildings, , CAFE. Phone 84; Home phone m o n th ’s im prisonm ent a t S underland, p lan t fo r th e m an u fa ctu re and re ­ w ater, in house; all a lfa lfa ; a real 183. m oney m aking ran ch ; ju st a t edge P e te r Lee, sh ipyard lab o rer, yaw ned p airs of heavy and all classe» 6f m a of tow n. P rice $10,000, and and asked languidly if it carried chine and foundry w ork, we solicit “TH E FIX IT SH O P” y our o rd ers a n d Inquiries. E stlm atei cheap a t th a t. " h a rd lab o r.” "N o,” said th e m agis­ and q u o tatio n s fu rn ish ed on applica- I B ring It to me, I can fix it right. No. 28— 7-room house, larg e grounds, tra te , and P e te r yaw ned again. •ion. Law n Mowers and Bicycles my sp e ­ beau tifu l location, lots of shade. cialty. L. H. ROOT. 337 E. Main Forced sale; price, $1250. s tre e t, A shland. No. 30— 3 *4 -acre a lfa lfa and fru it, scenic location in city; m odern U SE D CARS FO R SALE bungalow ; lots of fru it; a money FO R SALE— 1918 Chevrolet in good p roducer; forced sale. Price condition. M. I. Hibbs, 62 F o u rth $3500. St. 21-4t* No. 32— % -acre garden and fru it and n u ts; good m odern 5-room W ANTED house; close in; sightly location. Forced sale price, $1500. W ELL SECURED NOTE a n d cash to No. 34— 3-acre prize-w inning or­ exchange for car. A ddress Box 1, chard hom e, two blocks from paved A shland, Ore. 22-3t s tre e t; m odern im provem ents and a proven m oney m aker, $5000.^ MEN WANTED for w ork on Pacific highw ay south of A shland. W age No. 36— 8*4 acres fine tillab le land, no buildings; large shade trees, $4 50 per day, 8 hours, steady sightly hom e building place; o n | work. Board $1.05 per day. In ­ Boulevard, edge of city; $2500. q u ire O skar-H uber. Office up­ No. 38— No. 38— 15 acres, 10 in fru it s ta irs in City H all, Ashland. and garden, 5 acre wood lot; splen­ 58-tf •spgj»*'-' did buildings; silghtly location in es? w X V X « i S «*“»«» » » W Wifi CURED g P E I L 'S Homes and Ranches , M r a S l ? - ■ u n . X s : A n y Lumpm Woman’s Breast QUALITY GROCERIES We have you in m ind w h en buying. You w ant fresh, dependable food. THAT’S THE K IN D WE HAVE! STOP IT! Fresh V eg eta b les and Fruits In Season White House Grocery Real Estate - fc NIN1N6ER & ROBERTSON, ProprMen Phones 155-156 ASHLAND, OREGON Ashland Iron W orks BILLINGS AGENCY FROM NEW CROP WHEAT Whiter-Sweeter-Better-Flour A sh lan d Mills Ashland, Oregon Phone 49 edge of tow n; a money producer and a lovely hom e place. Very FOR SALE— Two registered A ngora low price, $5500. billy goats. These a re fine indi­ No. 42— 25 acres orch ard , all kinds viduals. C layton O rchard. 22-4 fru its, grapes, etc., alfa lfa and garden, irrig a te d , good buildings, FO R SALE— A few loads fo u rth cut- sightly hom e, shade and n u t trees. S lng a lfa lfa hay. M ark True. 22-2 This is superb su b u rb an hom e, 8; FO R SALE— 7-room house, garden m inutes from cen ter of A shland. j and fru it; close in. In q u ire 864 P rice $8000. H u rg ad iu e St., or 11 Beach Ave. No. 44— 28 acres, 2 m iles from tow n j r 22-6* on highw ay, all fenced; a ll tills-1 ble except few acres; some w a te r; i FO R SALE— Nonesuch apples and 5 acres apples; no house. A very late peaches; also 1 U niversal sightly home place, and good s o il.! h e a te r (fo r wood o r c o a l); 1 Mc- Price, $1700. Cam on piano, high grade and in No. 46— 8 acres irrig a te d garden and good rep air, a t a b a g ra in ; large varigated o rch ard ; scenic loca­ Cheyenne m ake saddle. Inquire tion. -in city, house, b arn , etc., 590 Roca St. tu es-th u rs-sa t-tf $3000. FO R SALE— Seven room bungalow , No. 48— 17% acres su b u rb an hom e,: close to city of A shland; a ll in i fu rn ish ed or unfurnished. In ­ bearin g o rch ard b u t 2% acres. q u ire 555 F airview St. Phone Good new house, b a rn and pack­ 303-J. 1-mo* ing house, $6000. F O R SALE— Vetch G ray Oats, C heat No. 50— 15-acre apple and peach o r­ Rye, Baled Hay, Rolled Barley. ch ard, 2 m iles from tow n; larg e G rass Seeds. R alph W aldo Elden b arn and packing house, sm all M edfurd, Ore. 60 tf dw ellihg shack; $2000. No. 51— 6-room m odern ''house on FO R SA LE.— Slightly used dim en­ paved stre e t, 81x148; fru it and sion lum ber and flooring. Good shade tre e s; forced sale, $2000. as new. Phone 120. 53tf No. 52— % -acre, fa ir house; lots of fru it; good garden lan d ; splendid LIV E STOCK close in location; $1300. GOATS— At Stud. Fine Toggen- EXCHANGE OR SALE burg buck; large, handsom e, h o rn ­ No. 5— Some first class unincum ­ less; of im ported blood; perfect bered residence p ro p erty in San m arkings and of ex tra heavy milk Diego to exchange for im proved s tra in , 5 and 7 qt. gu aran teed ser- hom e in A shland. 1 vice. 551 N. M ain St. Phone No. 7— Two pro fitab ly occupied 477-J. P. O. Box 225, Ashland. dw ellings in B ellingham , W ash., \ 14-lm o* to exchange for A shland hom e. No incum brance. GOATS FOR SALE— Two hundred No. 9— 5 acre alfalfa, 5-room bu n g a­ nannies and fifty w ethers, all low, A shland su b u rb s; price $2800. young and in fine shape. F. W. W ill tak e clear residence property M oore. Phone 3F5. Call noon to value of $1000 and give tim e o r evening. 12-10t* on balance. FO R SALE— A team of m ules, No. 11— 1% acres, 8-room house; lots of fru it and b erries; h alf w eighing 1200 lbs. each and dou­ block from paved s tre e t; price ble h arn ess in good condition. $1700. W ill ta k e ranch property P rice $150.00. A bargain. See in exchange. B. R. G reer a t T idings office. 2-1 mo No. 13— 15-acre highly im proved fru it tra c t, good buildings. A SOLICITORS WANTED m oney m aking home. W ill con­ sid er clear property in c e n tral or W ANTED— Man or wom an to solicit so u th e rn C alifornia for exchange. subscriptions in th e city fo r Daily. My price, unincum bered, $8500. Tidings. E n q u ire a t T idings of­ No incum bered property consid­ fice. 15-tf ered. Some irrig a te d ranches and o r­ FO R SALE— REAL ESTATE chards n e a r tow n of Rogue River a t bottom prices and on easy term s. F O R SALE— Improved acre; five Several extrem ely good business room cottage; barn; chicken offerings. h ou se; city w ater; on Linooln St. V acant lots a t a ttra c tiv e prices. P rice reasonable. E asy term s. I w rite F ire In su ran ce and handle B eaver R ealty Co. 4 0 tf R ental P roperties. EAGLE MEAT MARKET FO R SALE PA STURE E. T. STAPLES PA STU R E— W e have 10,000 acres Licensed R ealty B roker. of excellent grazing land which we will lease for th e com ing year. Hotel A ustin Bldg., A shland, Ore. A ddress F ru it Growers* Supply . ‘C o., H itt. Calif. 23-3 LOUIS SCHW EIN, Prop. CletUr linens. Q uality M eat. Service. NORTH M AIN, ASH LAND For Breakfast Good coffee and good butter are essential. Folger’s Golden Gate Coffee is rich but not rank. Different in taste from other coffee and better. Remember the brand—Folger’s Golden Gate I Ashland Furniture Co. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS fc’urn iture, Carpets, L inoleum , S toves, R an ges, C ooking U ten sils and C am ping O utfits. 0 2 -9 4 -9 6 North Main Street V A C U U M PACKED Give The Folks THe O r ig in a l I t ' - li - » ^.ii'rTT-Ji -.i P ostum C ereal for their table drink. T h at w ill d isp o se o f th ose co ffee troubles w h ich frequently‘sh o w in h ead ach e, irritability, indigestion an d sleep - , lessn ess. « There’s a Reason” A t G ro cers. Two sizes, usually sold at 15c and 25c Ashland, Oregon The Home of Dependable Tools, Cuflefy, Kitchenware, Stoves and Ranges One quart fruit can s 90c Two quart fruit cans $1.95