I ÀSÔLÀND bAHV TTDINGS Hoa twö Ashland LA B E L» Tidings : gîta Ä - tnn t tai»»«: The Social .Realm E stablished 1876 P ublished Every E vening Except Sunday by TH E ASHLAND PR IN TIN G COMPANY i»ninnw«:niiun»n»»« or n o t will ehow th e ir in te re st in th e public w elfare of A shland by at- tending. All stra n g e rs cordially in­ vited. T ickets 50 cents, can be se­ cured from M cNair’s d ru g store, N orth Main stre e t. By o rd er of com ­ m ittee. MRS. P. B. W HITNEY. MRS. B. R. G REER. MRS. E. L. McCLURE. fru ita I II Frida»» September Ufl. tÔÎÔ ta b Good Cues and tips Hotel Austin My Name Is Dennis Diamonds i “Clean Sport for Regular Fellow»” 'G h e B a n k . \",tb th e Chim e, d o c k ' Ashland Feed Store • The Lithia Bakery Alnutt’s Billiard Parlor ASHLAND, OREGON. / Sure W ill Do My Part r TIME TO START THAT BANK ACCOUNT IN tim e of prosperity— prepare for adversity. This is a good tim e of season to connect up w ith th e F irst N ational Bank. Y our cash will in ­ fluence cred it— so th a t before NEXT season if th e cash ru n s o u t— the credit will stan d you in good stead. S ta rt a Savings A ccount for each of th e youngsters too. II I W e a re o ffering som e real values in D iam onds. You c ^ p o t lose; the re ta ry Lynn D. Mowat a t once. It chances a re good fo r a m uch higher is th e wish of th e post to have every price in th e n e a r fu tu re. pian from A shland and vicinity in the service d u rin g th e w orld w ar to enlist in th e A m erican Legion. Ap­ A shland post, No. 14, Am erican plication cards m ay be secured a t Legion, has com pleted its organiza­ any tim e a t th e Com m ercial club or I tio n w ith an enrollm ent of 85 m em ­ a t Joe M. A ln u tt’s cigar store. bers. This include ex-service m en in : th e arm y and navy who w ent out : from A shland a t th e call of th eir country to tak e p a rt in the w orld war, and who served in every capacity with th e utm ost honor. The list of m em ­ The Boy Scouts of Am erica have bers who a re enrolled are as follows: L eith F. A bbott, Jo h n W illiam An­ been asked by th e governm ent to derson, R eder Victor A nderson, Oli­ aid th e yvar and. navy dep artm en ts in ver G ladstone A nderson, P erry Lorin securing em ploym ent for retu rn ed A shcraft, V. G. B arnthouse, How­ service men. A canvas will be m ade a rd J. B a rre tt, Edm ond M ontgom ­ in every city and tow n in th e U nited ery B a rre tt, M eredith G. Beaver, H u­ S tates to enroll em ployers who de­ b e rt Boyd Bentley, E a rl Ju liu s Bie­ clare th e ir w illingness to re-em ploy gel, George V erne Blue, C harlie Del- hom e-com ing soldiers and sailors. vin Brady, W illiam M cKinley Briggs, Each tro o p has been furnished with H arry Oscar B utterfield, U ral G. . sam ple of th e citatio n which Colo Colem an, Beecher D anford, Leland nel A rth u r W oods, assista n t secre- C harles DcCarlow, Donald P ertrizet ‘ary of w ar, issues on behalf of the D ickerson, George Edw in Dunn. ■overnment to every p atrio tic em- Jam es Ew ing E lder, Jo h n Edw ard iloyer who has tak e n back o r will E nders, George Eugene Evans, E l­ ake back those who left him to en­ b e rt J. F arlow , Lee M. F ifield, An list. The troops a re pledged to se­ drew Bert F reem an, Aubrey P. F u r ­ cure a t least one application fo r th e ry, B enjam in H. Grubb, M illard citation from some em ployer for each W alker G rubb, G erald Emmet- G un­ □cout in th e ir m em bership. The Boy te r, R alph Ross H adfield, Vincent Scouts of A shland will m ake th is can­ W ard H am m ond, Reid W illiam H ar­ vass am ong em ployers in th is city, rell, W alter New ton Hawley, C lar­ who a re asked to receive th e boys ence Elwood H edburg, E rn e st W. kindly w hen they call. Hogue, F ra n k T ucker Homes, Rob­ e rt J. K eller, Clyde A rth u r M alone, H arriso n T. M organ, A lfred G. Moss, Lynn D. Mowat, Roy M urphy, Alvin E v e rett M cClelland, Gordon Mac- C racken, Jo h n H ugh McKenzie, Ce­ cil B. N orton, Jo h n L oren O skar, C harles W adsw orth Penniston, S. A. P e ters, J r., Leslie Ray P hillips, Troy iHillilllllilll UUIi!l!ll!!i!ll A ubrey Phipps, Ivan F. Phipps, Jam es Monroe Pool, E lden Deston WTiat’s the use o f pretending? Pow ell, W illiam B ism ark P ra ch t. . Time will fin d you out Roscoe C. Riley, C harles Stephen Rugg, W illiam H. Sam s, Dean H. Scott, F red M iner Schuerm an, Cor­ M O U T H P IE C E nelius E. Shinn, Oscar F. Silver. C IG A R E T T E S Glenn E. Simpson, H arold V. Simp­ ja k e no p re te n s e , b u t son, Lynn Slack, C hester A rth u r they’ve taught thousands Sm ith, B ert H. Sm ith, F rederick ' Slade Songer, Donald McDill Spen­ of m en what quality means cer, Jam es M. Spencer. Donald Step- ens, Alvin M errill T hrone, F ra n k in a cigarette. ' They are Beebe T inker, Sam uel D w ight T inker, what they are, always—the Clyde W ilson T orrance, H arold Rich­ longer you smoke them a rd T rigilgas, R obert C harles Van the better you’ll like them. B uskirk, A ndrew Van H altevan, J r 10' f o r 13c R obert A. W agner, R obert E. W illett, Jo h n B. W im er, C harles Burton T h e J o h n B o l l n i a n C o . B r a n c h W inne, H. G. W olcott, Jo h n A drian Manufacturer« W olf, A. W. H olt, John F. F iuneran. Any person who h as m ade out an application whose nam e does not ap­ p ear on th is list should notify Sec 0. H.Johnson SCHOOLS AND DEPARTMENTS I SPECIAL FEATURES The University includes the College of j A beautiful campus, faculties of special- Idterature, Science and the Arts, and the I » ists, modern facilities, low coat, with many special Schools of Law. Medicine, (at opportunities for self-help, "athletics for Portland). Architecture Journalism, Com-;- i everybody.” a really democratic atmosphexe moree, Education and Music. T I ¿j — and the famous "Oregon Sp irit” • For a catalogue, illxistrated booklet «or specific information, address: THE REGISTRAR, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON. The Jeweler Better Meat and More We can help Soy Scouts to for your money you with Aid the Soldiers your fall F u ll line of canned goods as well as the best in fresh m eats. Housecleaning Ashland Laundry Co. PLAZA MEAT MARKET 61 N orth Main. Tel. 190. 4 § r % ^fTheHcsiffaiiotuilffatik ' ASHLA ND . O P E G O N / ^ F ' t v CART ER.. P res THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON E n tered a t th e A shland, Oregon, Postoffice as Second Class Mail M atter. American Legion Has Many Members £1 P o rtla n d ; Max G reenbagh, H. C ham ­ berlin, San F rancisco; D. F. Mac­ pherson, H ilts; W. C. Stone, San B illiard players p refe r th is pla< • Francisco; W. L. Moore, K lam ath because they know th a t they can g desirable elem ents a re absolutel y _ DAN CONNER, Proprietor. | TABOO here. W e Invite G EN TLlk i MEN only. H ea d q u a rte rs for Com m ercial Men This is a clean, congenial a m u s> H otel C olum bia an d Tourists. m ent h a lle for decent clean-cut fe e Mrs. C. H. H arrison, Mrs. Cham- E uropean P lan. E xcellent Grill. lows. M erchants’ Lunch. ; bers, Shaunason, Sask. ; Geo. A. Cool, Two Blocks from L ith ia P ark. San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. Sam H. B ennett, Chicago; D. S. H eckm an, J. S. Thom pson. Red Bluff, C alif.; Wm. Lee, K lam ath F a lls; A delaide Boer- ner, Los A ngeles; Mrs. J. P ra tt, M rs., H. E. D qhanty, Mrs. B. D uncan, Mrs. McBride, Leslie M ickell, C hicago/ C- W. Cloake and wife, R oseburg; D. i P. M cAuliffe, K lam ath F a lls; C L. : C hurchill, M ontague. A nn u al D inner On W ednesday, Septem ber 24 th, .Editor B ert R. G reer. th e w om en’s volunteer class of th e F irst B aptist church held th e ir an­ O F F IC IA L C IT Y A N D C O U N T Y P A P E R . nual d in n er a t which tim e th e fol­ TELEPHO NE 39 lowing officers w ere elected for the com ing y ear: Mrs. H ale, teach er; SUBSCRIPTION RATES D ELIV ERED IN CITY Mrs. G riffith and Mrs. M orehouse, I One Y ear, D eliv ered ............................................................................................---------------- One M onth, D eliv ered .................................................................................................. a ssista n t tea c h e rs; Mrs. Sm ith, class :: Toti lists Stopping One W eek .................................................... ................................* ’ ,* * ’ ' p resident; Mrs. W right, vice-presi- At Local Hotels Subscription R ates By M ail O utside of City dent; Mrs. H ew ett, secretary. This One y e a r by m a il..................... ............................................................................... 2 75 t class was organized eight y ears ago u Six m onths by m a il....................................................................................... 1.50 w ith Mrs. R. C. P o rte r as teacher. T hree m onths by m a il........................................................................... H otel A ustin Due to h er efficient and u n tirin g No o ut of tow n subscription tak e n for less th an th re e m onths. S. Sullivan, O akland; M orton ' ' effo rt d u rin g th is tim e the class has By Mail O utside of U nited S tates— Congdon, P o rtla n d ; J. O. Lam berson- : $8.12 grown to be one of th e stro n g est in One y e a r ................................................................................................... |v ille , San F rancisco; R. Jenkins, | 4.31 th e school. H er resignation w as ac­ Six M o n th s.............................................................................................. C harles Banof, C rescent City; E. H. | No subscription fo r less th a n six m onths. cepted w ith reg re t and too m uch Thom as, K lam ath F alls; F. B. K e - ' credit cannot be accorded Mrs. Por- ADVERTISING RATES "c.n, E. W. Stadem uller, S. A. Wood'" To en larg e th e payroll .of A shland Display A dvertising— u ,- for the tim e . 1 effo rt given tc Single in s e rtio n ..............................................................................each inch 3 Or this p a rt of th e w ork. 1 • by buying hom e m an u factu red YEARLY CO NIRACIS Display Advertising— J iBik« n«n™ goods, especially w hen I can get th e One tim e a week, each in c h ................................................. each tim e 27 % c Two tim es a week, each in c h ................................................... each tim e 25c T he E lks gave a social d :nce last best and m ost for th e m oney, a t Every o th er day, each in c h ........................................................each tim e 20c night in th e ir hall a t which a sm all FLOUR, FE E D , SEEDS Every issue, each in c h ...........................................................each tim e 1^ ^ c | com pany was present, b u t a ll had a . Local Readers— m ost enjoyable tim e. L aunspach’s The Best T h at Can Be Had On the Each line each tim e (6 w ords to l i n e ) ............................ .................... io c o rch estra fu rn ish ed th e music. M arket. To ru n every o th er day for one m onth, each line each tim e ........... 7c To ru n every issue fo r one m onth or m ore, each line each tim e . . 5c L uncheon Classified Column— The City Im provem ent club will R. C. JORGENSEN, P rop. One cent th e w ord each tim e. Tel. 214 353 E a s t M ain. To ru n every issue fo r one m onth o r m ore, % c th e word each tim e. give a luncheon a t th e H otel Aus­ C ards of T hanks, $1.00. tin Tuesday, Septem ber 30, a t 1 O bituaries, 2 % cents th e line. o’clock p. m. This being th e first F ra te rn a l O rders and Societies m eeting for th e com ing season we A dvertising for fra te rn a l orders o r societies charging a re g u la r in itiatio n fee and dues, no discount. R eligious and benevolent o rd ers will be hope all ladies w h e th e r m em bers ■ I charged for all ad v ertising when an adm ission or o th er charge is m ade, a t th e re g u la r rate . _____ T he T idings has a g re a te r circulation in A shland an d its tra d e te rrito ry th a n a ll o th er new spapers com bined. - f tta ta ta ■ lis C t t V A U P E l VICE PRES J w M l C O Y . C ash i er C L A R P . BUSIT.ASST CASK IU Fanners Attention! We have bought an unusually good all purpose farm paint—for painting— Wagons, Implements, Silos, Granaries, Barns We believe it pays to keep implements of all kinds painted—A little painting in the fall is TRUE ECONOMY. Carson-Fowler Lumber Company IN TH E HEART OF TOWN Quality and Style in Women’s Boots IMPEBIALES Do you Know the Exclusiveness oi a Utz & Dnnn shoe? THE CITIZENS BANK OFASHLAND Our Usefulness TO YOU The grow th of o u r de­ posits is a su re indica­ tion th a t th e people rea l­ ize th a t th is Bank is a safe depositary and ap­ preciate its efficient ser­ vice. We believe we can also be useful to you, and you s re invited to s ta r t a n account. SAVINGS S%ON DEPOSITS SEARCH as you m ay you’ll find no d res­ Maybe you don’t quite know what is your per­ sonal taste in tea. Here’s a good way to find out: Try one flavor after another of Schilling Tea, and get your money back from your grocer on each, until you have found Lie flavor »you like. W e pay the grocer. So don’t worry about th at There are four flavors of Schilling T ea__Japan, Ceylon - India, Oolong, English Breakfasft All one qualiv In parchmyn-lined moisture-proof At grocers everywhere. A Schilling & Co San Francisco sier shoe and none b e tte r m ade th a n those th a t b ear th e real stam p Oi. m erit— th e nam e "U tz & D unn.” An Owner Test The Kind That Counts A recent demonstration of Model 90 power, endurance and dependability was an impromptu round trip between Oakland and Los Angeles—a most severe test, over mountian roads, through a blinding storm, with mud hub deep in places. The Model 90 never faltered, never failed! Let us show you a duplicate of the car that made this record. I THE OVERLAND OARAGE Phone 195 Main and Third St. Ashland, Oregon Overland Model 90 Fire P ia n g e r Toaría» Car Í98S; f. o. b. Toledo J u s t now we a re show ing a few of the m ore recen t a rriv a ls in th e new shades of brow n, m ouse and gray. These m atch th e dress shades perfectly. Made tyith p re tty toes, th e long slim vam ps w ith and w ithout im itatio n tips and in b oth Cuban and F rench heels. Vaupel’s Quality Store, Ashland 4 X