STEEL STRIKERS DIE WHEN CARS COLLIDE A shland D aily T idings » H 1»* >*■♦»■» « » > » e> ( By the United Press) GARY, Ind., Sept. 26.— Twenty- five strik in g steel w orkers were In­ ju red in a head-on collision of two stre e t cars a t th e G ates A m erican Sheet and T inplate plant here today. (Special to The T idings) PORTLAND, Sept. 25.— Pleading The cars, crowded with workers en not guilty to charges of bigam y and route to the mill to receive th eir larceny b rought by Anthony Dolecki, pay, collided under the subway. who was her husband for a day, Mrs. ANOTHER STRIKE VICTIM G ertrude de Snell, arre ste d a t the (By the Unoted P ress) home of her supposed husband in FA RREL, Pa.. Sept. 25.- Butte, M onut., told P residing Judge Gtens, in superior court, th a t her s trik e r was killed and a n o th e r se ri­ real nam e was E stella Cam eron, th u s ously beaten in a gun fight with the adding a n o th e r nam e to her list of sta te police here today. The police aliases, which include G ertrude raided a house from which it was de­ W right and E. M arie Overton. Mrs. clared men were “sniping” a t th e de Snell is said to have played the steel plant. leading role in a num ber of m atri­ t- GUNS KEPT BUSY m onial ad rom ances, although she is 52 years of age. (By the United P ress) PITTSBURGH. Sept. 26.— A score of shots were fired today a t three employes of the C lairton Steel plant and policemen en route to the miy. The men were carry in g $200,000 to be paid o ut as wages for th e w ork­ ers. No one was injured. SEEKS HIS WIFE STEEL MEN HIT BACK (By th e United Press) - CHICAGO, Sept. 25.— The steel m ills began a com eback in the Chica­ go district today. At Gary, Ind., the plant began lim ited operation of th e slab m ill, using w orkers who had dribbled back in the last two days. The steel com pany officials a t Indi­ ana H arbor, east of Chicago, said the men a re appealing for m ore po­ lice protection so they m ight re tu rn to th e ir jobs. i •$ YORK, Sept. " > NEW o c p i' 25.— <$> BUTTE, Mont., Sept. 25.— H. C. î f m ° ry ™ m an ’ ° « m h° Wil8° " h&S W ritte" l ° th ® 1OCa’ P° ' ® for passing w orthless checks, <$> lice, asking them to find his wife, <» couldn’t be put in because he *> Mrs. Inez W ilson, and send her to weighs 608 pounds and the <•> him./ <$> doors of th e jail cells a re too <$> To m ake th e ir job easy, Wilson <§> sm all. So he has been put in 4> sent her photograph to the cops, $50 <»> a hospital under guard. with which to pay her fare and the inform ation th a t he ‘ has stru ck it , ' "" rich in oil and can now give her anything she w an ts.” He was th e first w itness in the hearin g authorized by th e senate Tuesday, when it passed th e Kenyon resolution. “J u s t as a ro tte n apple wiH con­ tam in a te an e n tire barrel, so th e steel in d u stry is doing to the e n tire labor situ a tio n ,” he declared. >««« h He said th a t is the reason why the steel in d u stry m ust be organized now. Bad conditions in th e steel industry, he said, w ere being used to prevent b e tte r w orking conditions in o th er occupations. (By th e U nited P ress) C hairm an F itzp atrick told of the BATAVIA, N. Y., Sept. 25.— slaying ( of Mrs. M innie Snellings. He B lackhanders a re believed responsi- said it was done by a mill guard, ad- ble for the w recking by a bomb of ding: “ T hat is the system of ter- a tw o-story dw elling, killing three rorism they (th e steel com panies) ' and in ju rin g four. use. They m ade an exam ple of M r s . _________________ _ Snelling to put th e fear of God into PAPER CHANGES HANDS the h e a rts of th e s trik e rs .” (By the United P ress) ASTORIA, Sept. 25.— The Budget, BURTON, 'W ales. — Shooting at an aftern o o n new spaper here, has crows c h a tte rin g on the housetop, been sold by th e G ratke b ro th ers to John Clark shot his wife, who was th e publishers of th e E ast Oregon- looking out of th e window. ¡an, effective O ctober 2. ie « »♦♦♦♦♦ » i i i h h i i m in 1 1) ♦ « I l l » « ........................... ITALY TENSE OVER CITY SEIZES Hyphen is Treaty’s Greatest Opponent T (By th e United P ress) EDMONTON, A lta., Sept. 25.— The city today took over the local power plant in ord er th a t public utilities DENVER, Sept. 25.— “ H yphens! He said he w ants th e senate to m ight not be paralyzed, th e owners having refused to work the plant, are th e knives th a t are being stuck flatly reject or accept th e tre a ty , and due to rejection of a iequest for in­ into th is docum ent, P resident Wil- not leave th e issue in doubt w ith r e s - . son charged in his speech here de- ervations. W ilson said th a t in m ak- creased rates by th e public utilities com m ittee. m anding acceptance of the peace ing th is dem and he th o u g h t he was treaty . speaking for th e people of th e Unit- He em phatically alleged th a t “ out- ed States, side th e legislative h a lls,” th e only A dem onstration which continued organized opposition to th e tre a ty for several m inutes, w ith people comes from the sam e forces th a t fa- jum ping on ch airs broke out when vored G erm any d u rin g the w ar. the president said he believed he had j T here is no question of reserva- the support of th e people of the SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 25.— F ol­ tions or am endm ents to the tre a ty . United States. lowing a re m ark et quotations: he said. The issue is flatly accept-1 Shouts of “ You bet, W oodrow, BUTTER— E xtras, 64c. ance or rejection. He declared th at we’re w ith you, old boy,” filled the EGGS — E xtras, 71 % c; pullets, acceptance m eans insurance ag ain st air. The cheers subsided and then 61% c. w ar- broke out afresh. POULTRY— B roilers, 32c; hens, T here was a trem endous dem on- “ You *are God’s chosen spokes- 36c. stra tio n when he said th a t he is un- m an ,” shouted a woman in the audi- CATTLE— Top < e e rs, 1014c; s»c- der bond to the m others, wives and ence. onds, 814c; cows, heifers, 8 V e ; sw eethearts of Am erica to do all pos­ “ If Am erica stays out of the tre a ty calves, 1214 c. sible to prevent a n o th e r w ar. “ The th is country . m ust have — — — th — e largest HOGS'—-Top, 16c. children a re my clien ts,” he cried, arm y in th e world, w ith huge tajees, SH E E P— Ewes, 7c; w ethers, 9c; Adding th a t the League of N ations universal conscription and a m ilitary lambs, 10c. m eans a 98 per cent insurance ag ain st governm ent, because you can not ru n BARLEY— Spot feed, $3.00; ship- w a r’ such a m achine w ith a debating so- ping, $3.10. “ If we do not have th is tre a ty , la- ciety,” declared the president. bor will be regarded as a p u rch asa­ W ilson was cheered by a crowd of WOMAN CONVERTED ble com m odity th ro u g h o u t the 11,000 when he entered th e a u d ito r­ 30 CENTS RETURNED w orld,” said th e president, draw ing ium to th e m usic of “ Onward, Chris- EUGENE, Sept. 25.— “ Because," a tte n tio n to th e labor provisions. tion ’ Soldiers,” played on th e g reat she said, “th e Lord has saved my “ If th is tre a ty is tu rn e d down pipe organ. soul and I w ant to m ake it rig h t,” a A m erica will deserve to forfeit the He spoke from a pulpit tow ering woman enclosed 30 cents in stam ps confidence of th e world. I chal­ 10 feet above th e heads of those seat- in a le tte r to F. E. Dice, grover, to lenge th e opponents of the tre a ty to ed on th e platform , He was in tro - pay, she said, for a yard of ribbon show cause why it should not be ra t- duced as th e “ first m an of th e stolen in 1915, w hen Dice conducted ifled,” he exclaim ed. world.” a store at Tacoma, Wash. i By ('amillo Cianferra, (U nited P ress S taff C orrespondent.# ROME, Sept. 25.— W ith all part* of the country aroused over the tenseness of the Flum e situ atio n , It­ aly is nervously aw aiting the decis­ ion of the crown council, which m et the first tim e today since 1882. A pparently only P rem ier N ittl and Foreign M inister T ittoni know th e proposals which will be m ade for the suppression of G abrielle dAa- nunzio, but it is believed they will be drastic. P rem ier N itti’s adversaries assert th a t his resignation would solve the Fium e crisis and quiet th e country. “ W e are not on th e eve of revolu­ tion; we arp not on th e verge of bankruptcy; we are not overtaken by fam ine,” said the C orriere Della Ser­ ra, today. "T he only alarm ing th in g in the whole situ atio n seem s to be the governm ent’s nervousness.” R eports of d ’A nnuncio’s success and popularity continue to reach Rome. T rieste dispatches rep o rt hi* forces have occupied Toguira, on th e D alm atian coast. Despite the blockade which th e Italian governm ent has established, provisions for d ’A nnunzio’s forces ilf F ium e are pouring in continually from com m ittees in the su rro u n d in g d istricts, the poet has announced in an official com m unique. He said, “ a constant stream of volunteers," is a rriv in g from all parte of Italy. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ <$> & THE WEATHER ♦ <$• F o r Oregon— F air. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ E xploration of C hina’s coal fields has led to th e belief th a t they c o n ­ tain m ore fuel th a n all th e re st of th« world to g eth er. «