TWO MORE NATIONWIDE STRIKES A shland D aily T idings » » » »'» I I I I l » » n » »♦»»»« » » ♦ » « » • • « I » * » » -» ♦ » » « » » » > » « > » » » » VOL. X L III -»♦-»♦■♦♦S « »«— »»»««»». ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1919 « • ♦ > » » » ♦ > ♦ ♦ ♦ « » ♦ ♦ ■ » •♦ ■ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ................................ » .................... ... NUMBER 21 n i i i < i r i 11 i i C ra zed W o m a n C uts D a u g h ter’s T h r o a t f -1 KING GEORGE REVIEWING HIS INDIAN TROOPS N STRIKE DISTRICTS (By th e U nited P ress) PITTSBURGH, Sept. 24.— A com­ <®><8><®>,3> plete canvass of the 24 unions in­ <$> volved in the steel strike, based on <$> WHAT BECAME OF SAM? <•> reports from all sections, shows a ---------- total of 342,000 men out. Secretary <$> LOS ANGELES, Sept. 24.— $ Foster of the Steel Workers’ com­ |<8> “ Try th is on y our piano.” Sam <3> mittee announced today. <$> Beth bought a piano from a <§> (By the United Press) | ALAMEDA, Calif., Sept. 14,—« Mrs. M aria Reis, aged 39, w ent sud4 O-O-H! IF SHE HADN’T! denly insane th is m orning, slash her own th ro a t and then a tta ck e | PORTLAND, Sept. 24.— Mrs. her dau g h ter, M argaret, aged 17. in« P e te r Joslin alleges her hus­ flicting a deep wound in th e Chicago m ail o rd er house. He $ th ro a t with a razor. (By th e U nited P ress) from her body, th u s show ing his laid a c ig a rette on the “ ivory” <» The police discovered th a t th e SITUATION UNCHANGED objection to he» w earing them . ■§> keys and, well, they saved the woman had poured coal oil over th e PITTSBURGH, Sept. 24.— The F o rtu n a te ly , she was w orking house. beds of her younger children. In dif­ s trik e situ a tio n th ro u g h o u t the steel in a b a rre l a t the time. ferent p a rts of th e house. d istric ts of th e country is a p p a re n t­ They believe she cut herself and ly unchanged, w ith both sides claim ­ r e v l e w ^ ^ e r b y ^ h e klntg e B riti3 h a rU iy d ld U 0 ta rr,V e ln L° nil011 * “ * * great YlCt° ry but w ert a ttack ed h er d a u g h te r only a fte r she ing gains in th e G ary and Ohio dis­ failed to find a m atch w ith w hich tric ts. to s ta rt a fire. Both m other and d a u g h te r are la TROOPERS USE CLUBS a serious condition In a local hos­ (By th e United P ress) pital. BUFFALO, N. Y„ Sept. 24.— The M argaret, who is a high school s ta te c o n ta rb u la ry and s trik in g steel girl, was aw akened by th e a tta ck and w o rk ers clashed here today when grappled w ith h er m other. She took th e la tte r la tte r ignored a com m and EL PASO, Texas, Sept. 24.— More (By the United Press) the razor away. H er fa th e r also to disperse. i th a n th re e hundred high school stu- WASHINGTON, D. C„ Sept. 24,— aw akened and helped subdue th e T he s trik e rs congregated in the • dents a re s trik in g today follow ing D isclosures concerning the p ack ers’ crazed woman. s tre e t in larg e num bers and when ! orders from P rincipal Fow ler th a t w artim e profits and the a tte m p t to th e troop com m ander ordered them stu d e n ts m ust sign an obedience 1 have P resident W ilson change the to m ove th e strik e rs responded with pledge o r quit school. food ad m in istratio n reg ulations un­ a volley of stones. The troops The stu d e n ts paraded yesterday der which the packers operated was (By th e U nited P ress) ch arg ed , w ielding clubs. w earing red em blem s. Red has m ade in a report today subm itted to I been adopted as th e s trik e rs ’ colors. CLEVELAND, Sept. 24. — The the senate by the federal tra d e com ­ The school board is backing F o w ­ THREE KILLED, SCORES HURT United Mine Workers’ convention m ittee. ler in his stan d , announcing th a t (By the U nited P ress) with delegates from scattering un­ The report showed th a t the com ­ (By th e U nited P ress) SHARON, Pa., Sept. 24.— The rec­ th e schools will be closed if th e ionein all parts of the country, has (By the United Press) mission told the president th e pack­ o rd of th e disorders a t F a rre ll, as a stu d e n ts refuse to give in. (By th e U nited P ress) PORTLAND, Sept. 24.— E lim in a­ e rs’ p rofits were “ unreasonably determined to call a nationwide coal SALT LAKE, Sept. 24.— E. H. resu lt of steel s trik e rio tin g now BUTTE, M ont., Sept. 24.— Bessie strike on November 1, unless a sat­ tion of the price fixing policy a t the hig h .” F endall, age 54, died today from sta n d s a t th ree killed, ten wounded C larke, 29, is in jail here, aw aiting isfactory wage and working cond- Y am hill stre e t public m ark et will cerebral hem orrhage a fte r an u n ­ by gunshots and scores by clubbing. tria l on th e charge of having m ur­ tions agreement is reached with the be recom m ended to th e city council ALFRED IS LEARNING successful atte m p t to push his way T he second fata l rio tin g sta rte d dered G rover C. B urns, who was a l­ coal operators on or before that today by C om m issioner Bigelow. The (By the U nited P ress) th ro u g h th e crowd th a t welcomed la s t night when a m em ber of a mob com m issioner was in forference w ith leged to have “ sto le n ” the young ■ date. OAKLAND, Sept. 24. — A lfred P resid en t W ilson yesterday. fired on s ta te troops, who retu rn ed The convention adjourned late a housew ives’ com m ittee a t his of­ wom an from h e r husband, la te r fore- Brown, a six-year-old piccaninny, M arguerite B eattie, aged 28, was six volleys, killing John Bannzak and ing h er into an im m oral career. yesterday, after endorsing a wage fice th is m orning and th e recom ­ will live, but his looks have changed. sw ept off her feet by th e crowd th a t ■wounding six. The police claim Bessie C larke ad­ and hour scale and clothing the of­ m endation is expected to follow. He held a fire crack er in his m outh pushed th rough th e gate of th e Mor­ m itted v isiting th e room s of B urns ficials with power to call a strike. Housewives of P o rtlan d have o r­ and touched it off. T hree teeth mon tem ple grounds and sustained a FIRST TROUBLE AT CHICAGO ganized an association and a re en ­ early on th e m orning of Septem ber are m issing. broken collar bone. (By the U nited P ress) deavoring to low er the cost of living. 15 and killing him ; th a t she la te r ANOTHER NATION STRIKE CHICAGO, Sept. 24.— The first denied the alleged confession, claim ­ violence of th e steel s trik e in the ing B urns stabbed him self w ith a (By the U nited P ress) C hicago d istrict resulted today, and b u tch er knife. (By th e U nited P ress) ST. LOUIS, Sept. 24.— The rail- e x tra gu ard s a re being throw n about Police c o u rt records show th a t ROME, Sept. 24.— The P a ris cor­ way clerks today voted 98 per cent th e p lan ts of th e m an u factu rin g com­ B urns had been frequently in court respondent of th e Epoca today re- in favor of a nation-w ide s trik e if panies. At Indiana H arbor, Ind., it ; ported th a t P resident W ilson’s reply on charges of beatin g th e C larke th e ir dem ands for increased pay are is reported th a t several m en were woman. on th e F ium e dispute reached th e not m et by th e U nited S tates railw ay badly beaten when a mob of four A m erican peace delegation last night a d m in istra tio n , according to C hair­ h u n d re d strik e rs su rro u n d ed the and assigns F ium e to Italy on th e m an Scott, of th e board of a d ju s t­ m ills w hile sh ifts w ere changing. condition th a t the p ort is not fo rti­ m ent. Some of th e men were so badly h u rt fied and is placed under th e control th a t they were tak e n to a hospital. (By th e United P ress) of the League of N ations. MEXICO PEEVED, WILL Students On Strike They Sure Were High Called for November While Slave Kills Her Paramour May Put Slop To Price Fixing Bank Resourses STRIKERS TD MEET WILSON One Dies, one Hurt in Rush to View Wilson Over One Million NOT EXHIBIT AT THE FAIR Trouble Looms at San Francisco SEATTLE. W ash., Sept. 24.— Al­ th o u g h o rd ers have not yet been posted to th a t effect, th e announce­ m en ts th a t no officers o r enlisted m en a t Camp Lewis will be sent here fo r discharge a fte r Septem ber 25 are now borne out by all Indications. T here has been few dem obilization procedtngs for weeks and only oc­ casionally do sm all detachm ents of m en a rriv e for discharge. It is presum ed th a t all th e far w estern soldiers, re tu rn in g a fte r Septem ber 25, will be dem obilized a t San Francisco. According to th e in­ form ation here, the only dem obiliza­ tio n plans a fte r the date set will be Camp Pike, Gordon, Dix. Dodge and th e Presidio. On Septem ber 23d, for th e first tim e in th e h istory of o u r city, the resources of one of A shland’s banks reached a to ta l in excess of one m il­ lion dollars. (By th e U nited P ress) The F irs t N ational B an k ’s foot­ SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 24.— ings showed a to ta l of $1,005,540.87 W ith all hope of a com prom ise gone on th a t date. for the present th e s trik e of riggers and stevedores along th e w ater fro n t was b rought to th e d an g er point to ­ day by th e em ploym ent of a hundred strik eb re ak e rs, m any of them ne­ groes. The em ployers, who have refused an offer of a rb itra tio n from M ayor Rolph, a re adv ertisin g widely for non-union help. Two Drown, But Third Saves Girl SACRAMENTO, Sept. 24.— A fter two men had drow ned in e ffo rts to save Edna Longton from the sw ift c u rre n t of the Sacram ento river, George Spillm an finally rescued th e j girl a fte r a b itte r struggle, i F red S tra d e r and H enry Sw etinich STATE AFTER GAS COMPANY j w ere drow ned. All were em ployes SEA TTLE. W ash., Sept. 24.— On of th e C alifornia N ational bank and its own in itia tiv e th e s ta te public were picnicking. service com m ission drew up and has filed a com plaint against th e Seattle THE MEAN THING L ig h tin g com pany, challenging the SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 24.— Con­ adequacy of gas service supplied pa­ ducting his own defense in his w ife’s tro n s. In a case of th is kind the divorce today, A ttorney Troy sudden­ com pany has ten days to answ er be­ ly stopped, highly n ettled , and com­ fore th e com m ission sets a d ate of plained th a t his wife was m aking faces a t him. R earing and tak es evidence. FOREST FIRES (By th e U nited P ress) DALLAS, Tex., Sept. 24.— Mexico has cancelled h er exhibits for th e sta te fa ir here next m onth due to th e stan d of G overnor Hobby in favoring arm ed in terv en tio n if Mexico, P re s­ id en t Simpson of th e fair board a n ­ nounced todav. DENVER, Sept. 24.— P resident W ilson, in Colorado, tom orrow , will face his first audience of steel s trik ­ ers. At Pueblo, w here the p resident de­ livers an address T hursday a fte r­ noon, strik e rs from the R ockefeller Steel W orks will a tte n d in a body. B anners will confront th e president PYnlainiiiiz tlio tt’n rlto rj' ilamondo (By th e U nited P ress) WASHINGTON. Sept. 24.— Gov­ ern m en t conciliation boards may grow out of th e steel strik e hearings which will begin before th e senate labor com m ittee tom orrow , S enator Kenyon suggested today. , A lthough opposed to com pulsory a rb itra tio n as a general rem edy for In d u strial ills, Kenyon said th a t vol­ (By th e U nited P ress) u n ta ry conciliation boards to inves­ SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 24.— tig a te conditions betw een labor and Divers a re busy off th e pier picking cap ital and lay th e facts before th e j up ten b ars of silver th a t slipped public m ight be th e outcom e. into th e bay w hile a ten m illion dol­ la r shipm ent of gold and silver bul­ WHEAT YIELD LARGER lion was being loaded onto the liner (By the United Press) Colombia. MONTREAL, Sept. 24 — The The bars a re w orth a thousand w heat yield of C anada will be 248,- dollars each. 000,000 bushels as com pared w ith The shipment was consigned to the LOS ANGELES, Sept. 24.— More th a n a thousand fire fig h ters up un­ til noon today had been unable to stem th e sea of flam es sw eeping th ro u g h the Angeles and Santa B ar­ bara forest reserves. A fter receiving rep o rts from a ir­ planes flying over th e fir« zones and from fire lookout sta tio n s F o r­ est Supervisor C harlton declared th e fires a re still fa r beyond control, and he sees no prospect of controlling them. 189,076,$50 last year. orient by San Francisco banks. RACE BATTLE IN CLEVEIAND CLEVELAND, O., Sept. 2 4.— Ri­ oting began today when a crowd of strik e rs discovered th a t several ne­ groes were still employed a t odd jobs in the p lan t of th e A m erican Steel and W ire company. The negroes w ere in a stre e t car. The strik e rs stopped the c ar and dragged them into the street. A fight followed in which two negroes were so severely beaten th a t they w ere tak en to a hospital and one s trik e r was stabbed by a negro and seriously h u rt. The police arrived when th e b a ttle was in full blast and six strik ers w ere arrested . ENGLAND BOUND TO KEEP OUT PRODIS (By th e U nited P ress) LONDON, Sept. 24.— G reat Brit­ ain is th re a te n e d w ith a nationw ide railw ay strik e. Officials of the Na­ tional Union of R ailw aym en tqday announced th a t an u ltim atum will be sent the governm ent rejectin g Ita offer of wage and w orking condi­ tions. It is predicted th a t unless a favor­ able reply is received by noon to­ m orrow the men will be ordered to cease work. CABINET CONSIDERS STRIKE (By the United P ress) LONDON, Sept. 24. — Prem iei Lloyd George today convened th< B ritish cabinet in a special sessioi to discuss th e contem plated rallw aj strike. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 24.- low ing a re m ark e t quotations LONDON, Sept. 24.— The Daily BUTTER— E xtras, 64c. Mail says th e A m erican sta te de­ EGOS— E xtras, 69 H e ; pi p artm en t, realizing th e d etrim en tal 61 H e. effects th e extension of th e anti- POULTRY— Broilers. 86c; saloon league's activities to E urope 32c. m ight have on the in te rn atio n a l re ­ CATTLE—Top «.ears, 10Ho lations, is tak in g m easures to check onds, 8 He; cows, heifers, the prohibition cam paign there. calves, 12 »4 c. The Mail declares th a t two agents HOGS— Top, 16c. of th e league who recently sought SHEEP— Ewes, 7c; wether« passport facilities in P a ris p rep a ra ­ lambs, 10c. to ry to visiting E ngland, w ere un­ BARLEY — Spot feed, «3 able to obtain them ■hipping, >1,10.