iíí X »»♦ » • » ♦ ♦ « « VOL. XLIII ASHLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1919 " - ■ NUMBER 20 **M f -r— Y * Oklahoma Mob Drives Out Mayor and Chief of Police »♦♦♦♦♦*-♦♦■» ♦ ♦ *•» « •« « »»»«»»»«»»»»«♦♦»I ............... ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * .................... »-»«♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • • TWO KILLED, (By th e U nited P ress) and w orkers alike have a p p a re n tly abandoned th e ir early hopes of a quick, decisive victory. The steel m asters a re rep o rted b ringing stocks of food into the p lan ts and m aking plans to defend th e ir m ills if necessary, w hile th e I s trik e rs a re g etting ready to conduct FA R R E L L , Pa., Sept. 23.— R iot­ ing, which lasted last n ig h t resulted in tw o d eath s and th e w ounding of several, was resum ed th is m orning and a t least a score m ore were in- ju re d . ‘ . __ l.the industrial warfare for au extend- M ayor Moody has appealed to ed period. Two ad d itio n al com panies of sta te S heriff Mibson, saying th a t the s trik e situ atio n is beyond his con­ constabulary have been ordered into tro l, and 300 deputies a re now on the P ittsb u rg h d istrict. th e way here. RIOTI NG. AT BUFFALO STRUGGLE TO CONTROL BUFFALO, N. Y„ Sept. 23.^ - R io t­ AMERICA’S “IRON VALLEY” ing which broke out here last night in connection w ith th e steel strik e (By th e U nited P re ss) PITTSBURGH, Sept. 23.— The was resum ed early today. Michael M urphy, m aster m echanic forces of organized lab o r and the U nited S tates Steel corporation are of th e L ackaw anna Steel com pany, stru g g lin g for control of A m erica’s was seriously in ju re d in a clash w ith g rea t ’’Iron V alley,” as th e n a tio n ­ th e strik ers. Several were in ju red last n ig h t in w ide steel s trik e e n te rs its second stre e t fights betw een th e police and day. Follow ing a night of scattered s trik e rs ’ pickets. stru g g les betw een police and s tr ik ­ COOKS, WAITERS. NOT OUT ers and bloodshed in nearby sec­ tions. crow ds of w orkm en are again ,(Bv the U nited P ress) before th e gates of the m ills of the GARY, Ind., Sept. 23.— E ffo rts of P ittsb u rg h d istric t early th is m o rn ­ strik in g steel w orkers in th e C alu­ ing. m et d istrict to procure a sym pathetic Two m en w ere killed and two strik e in o th er lines of in d u stry has w ounded a t F a rre ll, Pa., last night evidently failed. w hen th e police and strik e rs ex­ W om en pickets deserted th e ir changed shots d u rin g a riot n ear the posts at th e gates of th e G ary Steel p la n t of th e Am erican Steel com ­ a n d Bolt com pany, and canvassed pany. Several, including two wom ­ the re s ta u ra n ts and hotels in an a t­ en, w ere wounded d u rin g th e sam e tem pt to get th e w aitresses and cooks to join th e strik e . It is adm itted so rt of an outbreak. It is claim ed th a t s trik e sym pa­ th eir e ffo rts failed. All info rm atio n ten d s to show th at th iz e rs attem p ted to break into the C arnegie tSeel com pany m ill by the s trik e rs still have th e advantage in num bers. w recking th e fence. R iots also broke out a t Y oungs­ tow n and o th er sm all centers. CUPID AFTER JACK? WASHINGTON, Sept. 23.— F rien d s BOTH SIDES PREPARE and relatives of G eneral P ersh in g are FOR LONG STRUGGLE said to know n othing of the rum ored PITTSBURGH, Sept. 23.— The sec­ engagem ent of th e general, to the ond day of th e steel s trik e opened widow of Colonel Carl Boy, a m em ­ w ith both sides m aking every prepa- ber of P e rsh in g ’s sta ff, who died in ra tio n for a long fight. Em ployers France. Says Strike Start of Industrial War WASHINGTON, Sept. 23.— The steel strik e is the first skirm ish in an in d u stria l w ar in th e U nited S tates, S enator Kenyon declared in u rg in g th e senate to adopt his reso­ lu tio n fo r an investigation of the strik e. The sen ate unanim ously adopted th e resolution. S enator Kenyon announced th a t P re sid e n t G ary of th e steel corpora­ tio n w ould be th e first w itness, and Jo h n F itz p a trick , rep resen tativ e of th e w orkers, would also be called. S en ato r Thom as offered a resolu­ tio n to express th e se n ate ’s “ disap ­ p ro v al” of the strik e. The resolu­ tio n critcizes the closed shop as “ un- A m erican.” Thom as declared th a t Ju d g e G ary’s refusal to confer w ith th e union leaders was “ unwise and u n ju stifie d ” a lth o u g h th e strik e was “ rep u g n an t to free in stitu tio n .” TO CALL PASTOR Sunday, October 5, a congrega­ tional m eeting will be held in th e P resb y terian church im m ediately af- | te r the m orning service for the p u r­ pose of calling a p asto r for th a t ! church. A year ago th e first of Oc- : tober Rev. C. F. K oehler was elect­ ed to preside over th is congregation for one year. T hat period has now been com pleted, and th e perm anent election of a p asto r will undoubted­ ly be m ade a t th is m eeting. PLANES TO CARRY BOTH MAIL AND PASSENGERS M ELBOURNE.— (By M ail.)— The A erial T ran sp o rt Company, Lid., w ith a c h a rte r to establish an a ir passenger cargo, and m ail service | betw een the principal cities of the ¡A u stra lia n Com m onw ealth, has been registered a t the F ed eral tre a s u ry d ep artm en t. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Sept. 23-— A ccording to th e plans of th e com- W’a r m o th ers all over th e U nited , pany. aerodrom es will be established S ta te s are com pleting plans to be at M elbourne, Sydney, B risbane, offered fo r th e stre n g th e n in g and P e rth . A delaide. L aunceston and Ho­ p erfectin g of th e N ational A m erican b a rt. To begin, a daily m ail service W a r M others’ organization w hen it will be ru n betw een M elbourne and m eets in W ashington, D. C., on Sep­ Sidney in 6*4 h o u rs; betw een Mel­ te m b e r 29, 30, October 1 and 2. bourne and H obart and Launceston N ational h e a d q u a rte rs fo r th e Na­ in 7 Vi hours. The m achines used tio n a l A m erican W ar M others— the will have a capacity of 3 Vi tons, only organization of its kind th a t is each able to c a rry 30 passengers, m ade up solely of m others who o f­ w ith 25 to 30 pounds of luggage for fered th e ir sons for arm y, navy and each person. — m a rin e service— are in Indianapolis It is expected th a t th e service will pnd Mrs. Alice F ren ch is president. be put in operatio n by Ju ly , 1920. » » »-» » » » ♦ r ;TX ¿ (By th e U nited P ress) ROME, Sept. 23.— T he crisis the Ita lia n governm ent is faeing in D’Annunzio.’s a d v e n tu re a t Flum e has caused significant action in a royal decree postponing th e reopen­ ing of parliam en t until S atu rd ay and calling a session o f th e erow n coun­ cil for T hursday. The new spaper Idea N azionule de­ (By th e U nited P ress) t clares the calling of the council un­ CHICAGO, Sep. 23.— T hree Chica- co n stitu tio n al and cha'racterizes it as an a tte m p t of P re m ie r N itti to 1 goans, accidentally trapped, eon- save his cabinet. fessed today to th e robbery of $2'.4,- T rieste rep o rts said foday th a t a HlOO from th e mails,' arid officers whole escadrille of airp lan es has left have recovered $93,090 of the loot, to join the po et’s forces. Sedition is i W ith th e aid of a postal clerk the reported sp reading in th e ran k s of m en exchanged m ail pouches at th ea v iato rs who idolize D’Annunzio. ¡W hiting, Ind., last T hursday, ta k in g A fter D’A nnunzio addressed hi,- ja pouch containing $234,000 intend* troops in th e celebration S aturday, ¡ed to meet th e payroll of the S tand­ all th e officers signed an oath to a rd Oil company* of Indiana. rem ain "ev er faith fu l” to th e Fium e LPo and W alter Fllipkow ski arid cause. John W ejaka a re the men held. We- W ild enthusiasm was aroused, ac­ ja k a is a m ail clerk and is im plicat­ cording to rep o rts received here by ed in fhe confession as th e m an who th e a rriv a l of new units seeking to prepared the fake porich. join th e p o et’s forces. D’A nnunzio The police found Leo Fillipow ski issued a sta te m e n t d eclarin g th a t the th is m orning and searched him on Ita lia n people dem and th e annexa­ suspicion. They found $20,000 on tion of F ium e to Italy. his person and said th a t he confessed im m ediately, m aking it easy to get LONDON, Sept. 23.— A dispatch th e o th ers to confess. today quoted th e G iornale D’lta lia as saying th a t F oreign M inister Tit- toni has resigned, owing to th e Fium e issue. a, ( By The U nitea P ress) PITTSBURGH, Sept. 23.— The s trik e rs ’ biggest victory was won to ­ day when th e L ackaw anna Steel com pany closed its p lan t in Buffalo. The D onner Steel com pany of Buf­ falo is also expected to suspend to­ n ig h t o r tom orrow . The strik e rs claim six th ousand a d d itio n al men a re strik in g in th e P ittsb u rg h d istric t today, but the steel com pany officials refu te this. In several of th e sm aller tow ns of th e P ittsb u rg h d istric t the op era­ tors claim th a t tw ice as m any men are w orking as yesterday. PLACERVILLE (By th e U nited P ress) PLA CERV ILLE, Calif., Sept. 23.— F o rest fires are rag in g today all aro u n d Placerville, several ranch buildings having been destroyed and ashes a re falling in the stre e ts of the city. All available men a re fighting the fires and calls of ad d itio n al help have been issued. ANTIS WIN FIRST ROUND (By th e U nited P ress) WASHINGTON, Sept. 23.— T reaty opponents won th e first test of stre n g th today when by a vote of 42 to 40 the senate passed over for one week th e th ird am endm ent to the tre a ty , one of th e series proposed by S en ato r Fall. TO REPRESENT THEE (By th e U nited P ress) Wants A Share of Union Coin (By th e U nited P ress) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Sept. 23.— A suit w as filed in th e federal court here today asking dissolution of the B rotherhood of B oilerm akers, Iron S hipbuilders and H elpers of A m eri­ ca. It also asks th e appointm ent of a receiver to reduce th e union’s as­ sets to cash and divide th e proceeds am ong 167,000 m em bers. Lakeside Lodge o f the U nion, w ith h e a d q u a r­ ters a t W hiting, Ind., is th e plaintiff. The p lain tiff lodge charged it was illegally expelled from th e union and th a t it is en titled to a portion of th e m oney in the union treasu ry . WASHINGTON, Sept. 23.— The d ep artm en t of labor today announced nam es of th re e delegates selected by th e farm organizations to a tten d th e “ round ta b le ” conference at the W hite House, October 6, as T. S. H a rrie t of Union City, P a., president TRY TO BOMB KOLCHAK of the F a rm e rs C o-operative Union; (By th e U nited P ress) LONDON, Sept. 23.— A dispatch J. M. T ittem ore of Omoro, W is., head today reported an a tte m p t to assasi- o f th e A m erican Society of E quity, MEET ANYHOW n a te A dm iral K olchak, head of the and T. O. A tkeson of W ashington, SHARON, ..Pa., Sept. 23.— Unable Omsk governm ent. A bom b was head of th e N ational Grange. to hold a m eeting h ere a thousand throw n into th e guard room, killed s trik e rs and w orkm en today m arched six and in ju re d tw elve soldiers, but P o rtla n d — E m anuel hospital to to th e Ohio sta te line w here they held the ad m iral escaped u n injured. erect $250,000 building. a nopen a ir session. □ Switchmen < Join Strike Ho, Hum! (B y tjje U nited P ress) CLEVELAND, Sept. 23. — The Lake Term inal sw itchm en stru ck to­ day w ith the expectation of tying up tra n sp o rta tio n facilities to th e steel plants. . . T hat union seam en employed on the ore boats will strik e is held as foregone conclusion by strik e lead­ ers. H. W. Raisee, in charge of the strik e in th e Cleveland d istrict, pre­ dicts th a t all p lan ts will be closed by tonight. FAJEIS ; UP TO WILSON (By th e U nited P ress) ROME, Sept. 23.— W ith new' de­ velopm ents adding gravity to th e Fium e situ atio n , Italy early today was aw aiting P resident W ilson’s de­ cision reg ard in g th e disputed te r r i­ tory. Some of the new spapers consider the p resid en t's silence as om inous nd the governm ent is very anxious over W ilson’s a ttitu d e , as his accept- tnce of th e proposal m ade by F o r­ eign M inister T ittoni fo Prem iers Clemenceau and Lloyd George would .utom atically solve the F ium e puz­ zle. The late st elem ent of danger in the Fium e situ atio n is the a ttitu d e of the Jugo-Blavs, who a re reported to be m assing troops along th e fro n ­ tie r defined by th e arm istice, and a dash w ith the Ita lia n forces is feared. (By the U nited Press) CUSHING, Okla., 8ept. 21.— A mob of two thousand gathered from th re e o r four counties, la In control of D rum right, a few m iles e a il of here. R ioting lost night, the o u tgrow th of the city officials’ alleged inter­ ference w ith the telephone opera­ to rs ’ strike, resulted in th e mayor, chief of police and a policem an be/ng forced out of th e town a fte r many shots had been fired. One woman is reported wounded. M ayor Nicodemus, Police C h ta t+ a and Policem an Corall, a fkmnor Texas ranger, cam e to Cushing.-lxst night a fte r being ejected from their offices, and purchased additional stores of am m unition. APPEAL TD PITTSBURGH, Sept. 23.— Taking, the position th a t th e ir strike is a sue* cess and th a t fu rth e r crippling e f of in d u stry and violence should be avoided, it is believed the steel w o rk ers’ com m ittee, a t its meeting here tom orrow , may address an o th e r le tte r to P resid en t W ilson or the steel corporation heads in a re­ newed effo rt to obtain a conference w ith Judge Gary. W hile rep o rts from outside the P ittsb u rg d istric t give th e strikers th e best of th e tig h t to date, the steel com panies are still resisting firm ly in the g rea t Iron Valley. ‘Keep Cool’ Is Advice Handed io Japanese (By the United Press) Two boys, one a t whom is a Decker boy, w ere h u rt yesterday by fulling from an autom obile from which they attem pted to a lig h t w hile it was ru n ­ ning a t good speed. The occurrence took place on th e B oulevard at about noon. The boys had jum ped on the running board of A. L. Lam b’s car while he Was com ing from his home oh M ountain avenue, and bad ridden (q_the Boulevard. Mr. Lam b tu rn e d rip a side, stre e t, when the boys jum ped and both fell o n . th e pave­ m ent. The B e c k e r boy was picked up unconscious and was ap p arently bady h u rt, but is m uch b e tte r today. WARN U. S. BACHELORS ARMY OF WAR BRIDES WILL INVADE V. S. A. TOKIO, Sept. 23.— "K eep eool!” T hat is theadvlce given his co u n try ­ men by Kenzo Adachl, “ th e Colonel House of Ja p a n ,” credited as one J a p a n ’s keenest politicians, when bo retu rn ed today from a to u r of Eu­ rope and th e United States. O utbreaks against Ja p an now oc­ c u rrin g regularly In the U nited S tates, he said, w ere m erely fo r po­ litical effect w ith th e forthcom ing p residential election in m ind. He said th e republicans in th e sen ­ a te do not represent a m ajority of A m ericans and th a t th e se n ate fo r­ eign relations com m ittee’s S hantung am endm ent will not be accepted. Adachi reminded the Japanese that Americans always speak frankly. FRISCO MARKETS SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 23.— F ol­ low ing a re m ark et qu o tatio n s: NEW YORK S ep t AS.— Five thou­ BUTTER— Extras, 64c. sand well to do B ritish women de­ . EGGS— E xtras. 6 9 Vic; pulists. te rm in e d ' to obtain A m erican h u s­ 61 Vic. bands soon will a rriv e in th e U nit­ POULTRY— Boilers, 33c; hens. ed States, according to a w arning is­ 35c. sued to bachelors by Mrs. S. C. Sey­ CATTLE— Top ft.eers, 1 0 H e; sec­ m our of Cam den, N. J., who has onds, 8 Vic; cows, heifers, 8Kw; ju st retu rn ed from E urope, Mrs. calves, 12 Vic. Seym our was employed by the m ili­ HOGS— Top, 15 Vic. ta ry a u th o ritie s to supervise the SH E E P — Ewes, 7c; wethers, 9c; tra n sp o rta tio n - of th e w ar brides of lam bs, 10c. Am erican so ldiers in differen t p arts BARLEY— Spot feed, $3.06; ship­ of E urope. She announced the m a t­ ping, $3.12 Vi- rim onial arm y of Invasion had a l­ ready applied as soon as th e present Multnomah county forms first restric tio n s are lifted, which is ex­ drainage district under new bonding pected to be on October 1. act.