Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, September 22, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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    U M .A lrt ¡ m u r ttftttM
Outfitting Boys for School
One* Y ear, D eliv ered ............................................................................................. >6.00
Oue M onth, D eliv ered ................................................................................................... 50
One W eek ..............................................................................................
Subscription Rates By Mall Outside of City
One y e a r by m a il.................................................................................................... >5.00
Six m onths by m a il................................................................................................... 2.75 :
T hree m onths by m a il......................................................................................... 1.50}
No o ut of tow n subscription tak e n for less th a n th re e m onths.
By Mail Outside of United States—
One y e a r ...........................................................................................................>8.12
Six M o n th s...................................................................................................... ' 4.31
No subscription fo r less th a n six m onths.
. each inch 30c }
W. C. T. U. Meets
T he W. C. T. U. m eeting will be
held a t the P resb y terian m anse on
Septem ber 23 at 2 o’clock in th e a f­
ternoon. All m em bera a re request-
¡ed to a tte n d . All visitors will be
cordially welcome.
By o rd er of
R ecording Secretary.
Display Advertising—
One tim e a w eek, each in c h ..................................................each tim e 27 %c
Two tim es a week, each in c h .................................................... each tim e 25c
Every o th e r day, each in c h .........................................................each tim e 20c
Every issue, each in c h ..........................................................e a ch tim e 1 7 %c
Local Readers—
Each line each tim e (6 w ords to l i n e ) ..................................................10c
To ru n every o th e r day fo r one m onth, each line each tim e ............ 7c
To ru n every issue for one m onth o r m ore, each line each tim e . . 5c
Classified Column—
One cent th e w ord each tim e.
To ru n every issue for one m onth o r m ore, % c th e w ord each tim e,
C ards of T hanks. >1.00.
O bituaries, 2 % cents th e line.
Fraternal Orders and Societies
A dvertising for fra te rn a l o rd ers or societies ch arg in g a re g u la r in itiatio n
fee an d dues, no discount.
R eligious and benevolent o rd ers w ill be
charged for all adv ertisin g w hen an adm ission or o th e r charge is m ade, at
th e re g u la r rate.
The Tidings has a greater circulat ion in Ashland and its trade territory
than all other newspapers combined.
The average small boy apparently
gives little thought as to wherewithal
he shall be clothed—clothes being the
least of his troubles. But if any fond
m other has visiqns of decking him out
in things th at differ much from the
clothes worn by his average, everyday
school fellow, she might as well ban­
ish them first as last. Men and boys
are less independent in the m atter of
clothes than women and girls are.
This is because they come in for a
lot of frank ridicule from their fellows
the m inute they do anything unusual
in the way of dressing.
H ere are two suits for school boys—
the kind they like. They are made of
good qualities of woolen goods with
two pairs of knickerbockers to each
suit and boast certain small finishing
touches th at will please their wearers,
although they are so conspicuous th at
one's attention must be called to them.
For instance the patch pockets on the
coat for the larger boy have flaps th at
button down.
This is an advantage
th at the rough-and-turab’.e youngster
will gloat over since he will not lose
his treasures, no m atter w hat position
E n te re d a t th e A shland, Oregon, Postoffice as Second Class Mail M atter.
Ju st as the average man reaches for
fam e his pipe goes o u t
Love may be blind, but unfortunate­
ly it is neither deaf nor dumb.
Most of the serious slips occur after
the cup has been to the lips.
Records are brittle things. You can’t
lower oue without breaking IL
* After some wives have had the last
word they sit down and cry about it.
Remember Samson, young man. and
be careful how you use your jawbone.
In covering up his tracks a man un­
fortunately makes a whole lot more.
There are traces of greatness in all
men, but the m ajority manage to kick
over the traces.—Chicago Daily News.
emc i»K«t»ttm«t
The Social Realm
M issourians Picnic
In o rd er to honor th e visit of Mr.
Ham , a resid en t of M issouri who
is visiting relatives in M edford, a
group of form er residents from Polk
county, th a t state, g ath ered in L ith ia
park yesterday in reunion. About
th irty from A shland, M edford and
G rants P ass were in a tte n d an c e and
beside th e fine social tim e they en ­
joyed, a big feed such as M issourians
a re supposed to serve when they get
together, was a featu re.
A shland
representatives w ere Dr. B uchanan
and fam ily and W. L. T inker and
fam ily.
Surprise Party
A su rp rise p a rty was held a t th e
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sam s
1 on H elm an s tre e t which was given
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n B ar­
nett and fam ily who a re leaving
sh o rtly for E ugene to live. The con­
gregation of th e N azarene church, of
The public lib ra rian s a re a rra n g ­
whicV the B u rn ett fam ily have been
ing to have an exhibit of ch ild ren ’s
faith fu l m em bers, w ere p resent to
books a t th e lib rary some tim e next
i a m an, beside a n um ber of close
week. A choice selection of books
friends. The evening was spent play­
for young people has ju st arriv ed and
ing out of door gam es on th e law n,
these will be placed w here p a re n ts
and a w aterm elon cut was one of
can call and look them over in case
th e m ost d elightful features. The
they wish to buy books for C h rist­
church presented Mr. and Mrs. B ur­
inas gifts for th e ir children. The
n ett w ith a handsom e chest of silver
object in having th e exhibit a t an
as a token of appreciation fo r th e ir
early date is to allow d ealers to
work in th a t field.
have tim e to o rd er any books w anted
th a t they do not possess in th e ir
College Club Met
stock. The exact date of th is ex­
om en’s College W om en’s
hibit will be announced later.
club held th e ir first m eeting of the
year a t th e hom e of Mrs. C. C. Mc­
C urdy in M edford S atu rd ay a fte r-
Children’s Books
To Be Exhibited
the fortunes of war may place his
anatom y in. Also a buckle, like th at
on the cloth belt, for some reason, has
charm s for the small boy, th a t are
This suit Is made of dark
woolen goods, s o ft finish atid with an
indistinct pin stripe. With a stiff turn­
down collar and gay-plaid tie, the boy
looks very trim and well set up in it.
For the sm aller boy a plain wool
goods is used to m ake straight, short
pants and a moderately long coat.
This is cut with pleats a t each side,
and the body is set onto a yoke. A
belt of the m aterial slips through
slides of it, set on and fastened with
two buttons a t the front to make as­
surance doubly sure. He may put one
fastening out of commission, but hard
ly two of them a t the same time. The
turn-down collar is finished off for
him with a narrow tie with tasseled
ends. He may consider this tie a little
extrem e in style and m anage to dis­
pense with the tassels.
About Those
W ith fib re o r ru b b e r soles.
T h e id e a l sh o e for o u tin g
u se.
P ric e
Do My Part
Lithia Bakery Poley’s Drug Store
Callus? “ Gols-lt”
Will Peel It Off!
Nothing on Earth Like Simple “Qeta-
I t” for Corns or Calluses.
A callus, or thickened ekin on
the sole of the foot, w hich often
m akes w alk in g a m isery ts of ths
sam e nature as a corn. “Gets-It"
F o r S a le C h e a p
On Savings Accounts
W e are offering some real values
in Diamonds. You cannot lose; the
chances are good for a much higher
price In the near future.
Also 5-Room Cottage
Good M eats
all ren ted , w ith a frontage of 72
feet on Main stre e t. Also a fine lit­
tle business goes in w ith th e deal.
East Side Meat Market
Phone 188.
A Business Building
See •
Mrs. S. L. ALLEN
B akery, 69 N. Main St.
Use “ Gets-It” and Dance, Even with Cora*
rem oves it as easily a s it does the
tou gh est corns. By u sin g a few
drops of "Gets-It" on the callus, you
w ill be able to peel it off w ith your
fingers, in one com plete piece ju st
as jo u would a banana peel. It
leaves the ekin free and sm ooth a*
though you never had a callus. You
need no more fu ssy plasters, stic k y
tape, "packagey’’ bandages, knives or
scissors for corns or calluses. "Getfl-
It” is the national corn remover, the
b ig g est on earth, used by m illions. It
never fails. You’ll work, play and
dance at ease in spite o f corns.
"Gets-It," the only sure, guaranteed,
m oney-back corn-rem over, costs but
a trifle at an y drug store. M’fid by
E. Lawrence & Co.. Chicago. 111.
Soldin A shland and recom m ended
as th e w orld’s best corn rem edy by
.McNair Bros.
0. H. Johnson
The Jeweler
Lunches Put Up for Travelers
207 E ast Main.
♦ •♦ » » » » •«
We believe it pays to keep implements ot
all kinds painted—A little painting in the
CapL E. T. Rickenbeeker, the
United State« arm /» greatest ace,
»ay» he Is in aviation to stay. He ia
endeavoring to perfect arrangements
to fly across the Pacific hopping first
to Hawaii and then to Japan.
Brown Duck
/ Sure W ill Lamps
Wagons, Implements,
Silos, Granaries,
The grow th of o u r de­
posits is a su re indica­
tion th a t th e people real­
ize th a t th is Bank is a
safe depositary and ap­
preciate its efficient ser­
vice. We believe we can
also be useful to you,
and you a re invited to
s ta rt a n account.
Birthday Dinner
The neighbors and friends of Mr.
Tom H udson and Mrs. D. H. Johnson
celebrated th e ir respective b irth d ay s
y esterday by giving a picnic d in n er
in th e p ark . A sum ptuous repast
We have bought an unusually good all ;;
purpose farm paint—for painting—
Our Usefulness
A nnual D inner
In honor of a form er teach er, W.
D. Dean, of W agner creek, who
ta u g h t in th e schools th e re 34 years
N. G. BATES, Prop.
ago, th e people of th a t d istric t gave F irst-class Service and Equipm ent
th e ir a n n u al d in n er In th e p ark yes­
Shoeshining P a rlo r— Baths.
terday. A large com pany of people
A shland, Oregon.
cam e up in autom obiles and enjoyed
th e happy event.
Mr. Dean m ade
a sh o rt ad d ress and o th er ta lk s filled
in a b rief program .
Farmers Attention!
en, Mr. antLM rs. P. D. H am m on, Mrs.
M artha Swadley, M. G. P alm er, S eat­
tle; E. E. H endrick, K lam ath F alls;
F. Joenigar. W. H. B allinger, W.
Lloyd G ardner, J. L ..G ray, P o rtla n d ;
E. E. Stearns, Mrs. O. A. Stearns,
K lam ath F a lls; George G. Moore, St.
A nthony, Id a h o ;’ Mrs. C harles Mc-
C utchan, Tucson, A riz.; R. G. Clark
and wife, P o rtla n d ; M. H. B arr, Chi-
W hat sizes did you say to get,
w ifey?
Get two 15-w att lam ps for closets.
Get one 25-w att lam p for bath.
Get two 40-w att lam ps for bed­
To en larg e th e payroll of A shland rooms.
Get one 60-w att lam p for dining
hom e m an u factu red
Get one 100-w att lam p for parlor.
goods, especially w hen I can get the
Poley’s D rug Store say they will
best a n d m ost fo r th e m oney, a t
have m ore of th e “New W onder”
lam ps in late r, and be su re of the
noon. M embers from A shland who
atten d ed w ere Mrs. R alph Billings,
Mrs. F. D. W agner, Mrs. Jo h n H.
Dill, Mrs. H. C. Galey, and Misses
Coshow, M artin, and C lark, th e la t­
R. C. JORGENSEN, P ro p /
te r being tea c h e rs in th e city schools.
POLEY & ELHART, D ruggists
On account of th e president, Mrs
2 ,3 2 5 ,0 0 0 D E L A V A L
Alen A rnspiger, being ab sen t th e
vice-president, Mrs. W agner of th is
city presided, and th e large atten d - IN DAII.Y USE T E E WORLD OVEU
A fine up-to-date 5-room B unga­
W herever grass grows and cowii
a re m ilked, you will find th e De L a ­ low, furn ace heated, sleeping porch,
val th e favorite cream sep arato r.
full basem ent; one-half acre of land,
More De Lavals are in use th a n a ll kinds of bearin g fru it and ber­
all o th er m akes com bined.
ries. Sightly location. A snap for
The De L aval is tim e tested. I t
was th e pioneer cream se p a ra to r iu someone.
1878 and has led in p opularity and
sales fo r fo rty years.
I t ’s th e w orld’s sta n d a rd cream
b ath , h o t and cold w ater. L ot 84x
190. Away below price for quick
sale. T his p roperty is located on the
Pacific highw ay, th re e blocks from
A Dollar Starts an Account,
Ju n io r High School a t No. 523.
»♦♦-♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦■ o
* w ;
was laid, th e crow ning fea tu re of cago, Ills.; Jo h n T. W hietér; .Derivar,
which was th e huge birth d ay cake Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Woodcdfek,
com pounded by th e skillful hands of Aberdeen,, S. D.; F. P. P atterso n and
Mrs. H. G. Gilm ore. The com pany wife, M edford.
com prised
C harles Ram sey and
Hotel Colum bia
d a u g h te r, Miss Amy, Mr. Hudson,
M. F. M ardahl, J. Demcy, W eed,
Prof, and Mrs. H. G. Gilm ore, Mr. ‘ Calif.; H. V. Sm ith, W. F. P a rry ,
and rMs. D. H. Johnson, Mr. and P o rtla n d ;
A. J. Ellis, S ilverton;
Mrs. W illiam T avener and d aughter, John Edw in Hogg, Los A ngeles; A.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dill, Mrs. R1 M ansfield K lam ath F alls; A rth u r
W ednesday Club
} Floyd, V ictoria, B. C.
T he opening m eeting of th e W right and dau g h ter.
W ednesday club will be held W ednes­
day aftern o o n in th e P resb y terian
church parlors. Every m em ber is
T ó e n o s St oppio g
asked to be present a t th is m eeting
I'm not a fte r th e “ pound of flesh”
At Local Hotels
— I leave th e roots to continue th e ir
and brin g a stra n g e r. This will be
grow th.
th e first m eeting of th e club a f t c
“ You a re next.”
th e sum m er vacation, and it is the
H otel A ustin
wish of th e officers and m em bers to
Mrs. C. H.
Brooks, H illsboro;
Clyde Costelo.
m ake it a g et-to g eth er g a th e rin g nt John T. Ogle, P endleton; H. Miller
which new m em bers of th e Presby- and wife, San Francisco; Mrs. Ivia
i terian church may become a c q u a in t­ W ills, R oseburg; E. A. H arnish,
G ran ts Pass; Mr. and Mrs. T. Bleth-
Bert R. G reer.......................................................................................................... Editor
A shland people have b uilt th e best
schools. They boast of th e cleanli­
ness of th e city and th e p a rtic u la r
ad vantages for raising a family.
W omen are supposed to be th e best
frien d s of th e kiddies, but a re they?
The local post of th e A m erican
People come here in response to
Legion is gaining m em bership fast,
o u r hom e-building ta lk and our is th e m en realize w hat a power,
child-raising preaching, and find lit­ and w hat a splendid organization th e
tle welcome for th e ir babies. From Am erican Legion is to be, and in fact,
house to house one w ill get th e sam e already is. A bout eighty m em bers
cold blooded h e a rt-b re ak in g un- of th e A shland post have now paid
m otherly, unw om anly, u n n a tu ra l, un­ th eir dues, and it is expected to easily
m arried-like w atchw ard, “ but no bring th e n um ber to 200 th is week.
children allow ed.”
Every ex-soldiers is urged to join at
A m o th er and fa th e r m ight rea­ once.
sonably exclaim “ G reat F a th e r, how
The P o rtla n d post has now over
did we all grow up? C ertainly it 4000 m em bers, and th e re is a con­
can not have alw ays been like th is ! ” tin u o u s line of m en a t th e L iberty
One would th in g th a t a large num - tem ple all day long w aiting to m ake
ber of people would decree if p o s s i-' out application c ard s and pay dues ,
ble th a t no m ore children should be
allow ed to com e into th e w orld alive,
as it ap p ears th a t about th e only
abiding place w ithout restrictio n s as
to children is th e cem eteries.
Those who have s ta rte d a fam ily
in a clean, well kept hom e of th eir
own do not forget th a t they were
once youngsters and a re led to th e
F actory rep resen tativ es of the
belief t h a t a house too good for
ch ild ren to live in is en tirely too Goodyear T ire com pany will be in
A shland Tuesday and W ednesday of
good for the owner.
L et’s mix a little consistency w ith this week and will give a free dem ­
th e handling of th e children. W e o n stratio n on the co n stru ctio n and
a re not adv ertisin g fo r a childless care of autom obile and tru c k tire s a t
i he Ford garage in the Hotel A us­
increase of population.
tin building.
C ar ow ners will be
shown how G oodyear tire s a re built
tnd how to increase tire m ileage.
will be of g rea t in te re st to car
Nothing Is more sad than forced
and any one a tte n d in g will
be given a large am ount of valuable
Every tim e a man m akes a m istake inform ation.
be learns something.
fence p resen t enjoyed an in te re s t­
ing program lead by Mrs. E. J. W ar­
ner. The new year books for th e
club w ere given out to th e m em bers
and m uch in te rest is expsessed in
th e com ing y e a r’s w ork. L ight re­
fresh m en ts w ere served a fte r th e
business of th e day.
Established 1876
P ublished E very E vening Except Sunday by
Display Advertising—
Single in s e rtio n . .
Monday, September SÖ, 1010
Carson-Fowler Lumber
Ask to see the best work shirt made on the
It has a eontinuous yoke from cuff to cuff which
gives double strength, double wear and double
Comes in blue and gray. This is absolutely
the best shirt that we ever had in stock and
seeing one you will be convinced in what we
say. Look tor window display.
V A U P E L ’S
. *