Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, September 22, 1919, Image 1

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A shland D aily T idings
1 »
■ IL
Strikers Attack Troops and
Are Fired Upon; Leader Hurt
(By th e U nited P ress)
PITTSBURGH, Sept. 22.— The first
diso rd er in th e steel s trik e w as re­
ported here when a s tre e t fight oc­
cu rre d in C lairton w here a crowd of
s trik e rs or sym pathizers attack ed
th e m ounted police p atro llin g the
Mike Hodqk, alleged lead er of the
crow d, was severely b eaten when he
a tte m p te d to pull a tro o p e r from his
Several shots were fired but none
w ere h u rt.
N ineteen a rre s ts were
m ade, and o rd e r restored.
CLEVELAND. Sept. 22.— Many
union sw itchm en em ployed on ra il­
way lines serving th e steel plants
stru c k today in sym pathy w ith th e
steel w orkers. O ther union sw itch­
m en pledged them selves not to han­
dle m aterials to o r from stru ck
The seam en’s union is only aw ait­
in g word from Chicago to call a
strik e on th e lake ore freig h ters.
s tru c tu ra l building trad es, according
to union leaders, who say they w on’t
handle “scab” m aterial.
j GARY, Ind., Sept. 22.— W ives of
: th e steel s trik e rs have joined th e
I re g u la r pickets in th e ir e ffo rts to
i keep steel w orkers off th e job. Un-
i ion leaders here claim ed a big victory
■ as a resu lt of th e s ta tio n a ry engin-
■ eers jo ining th e strik ers. They de­
clared th a t 85 per cent of th e engin­
eers em ployed in th e G ary w orks
walked out, th a t th is w ould tie up
the plant.
M embers of th e citizens’ com m it­
tee a re assisting th e police in keeping
th e crow ds moving. T here has been
no disorder, and not a single arrest.
The com m ittee w hich claim s to have
a m em bership of two tho u san d , an ­
nounced th a t it w ould to le ra te no
' disorder.
The league’s m em bership is secret.
T rouble is freely forecast to n ig h t
when those w orking in th e plant will
leave for th e ir hom es.
(By th e Utiited P re ss)
PITTSBURGH, Sept. 22. — S trike
lead ers and steel
com pany heads
alik e claim ed th e advantage when
one of the biggest in d u stria l s tru g ­
gles A m erica has ever know n was
only a few h o u rs old today. Union
lead ers claim th e p la n ts a re “ dow n”
everyw here, w hile com pany officials
assert th a t not m ore th an fifteen to
tw enty-five per cent of the men have
stru ck .
R efusal to recognize th e unions
caused the strik e. The unions de­
m and th e rig h t to barg ain for th e
w o rk ers regarding hours, wages and
w orking conditions.
U nskilled w orkers now receive
from $3.50 to $6 per day, and skilled
em ployes from $7 to $70 and $80 per
Steel corporation officials claim
th e s trik e so far has failed to tie
up th e industry. Union leaders de­
clared, however, th a t the s trik e is
“ effective,’* and th a t two h undred
th o u sa n d m en are out.
R eports this afternoon indicate
t h a t the strik e is effective general­
ly in th e Chicago, Ohio, In diana, and
C olorado d istricts, only p artially ef­
fective in th e P ittsb u rg h d istric t, and
g en erally not effective in A labam a.
(By th e U nited P ress)
PITTSBURG, Sept. 22.— The na­
tionw ide steel s trik e is on. All over
the U nited S tates m en employed in
steel production and steel w orking
plants failed to rep o rt for duty th is
m orning, and p lan ts a re e ith e r closed
dow'n or w orking
w ith
E arly rep o rts fail to show, how ­
ever, w hether or not th e w alkout
will develop into A m erica’s greatest
in d u stria l w ar. In some d istric ts all
the p lan ts are closed, w hile in o th ­
ers th e m ills a re still in full opera­
tion it is reported.
S ecretary F o ster of th e steel
w orkers’ n atio n al com m ittee claim s
today th a t th e s trik e is “ ninety per
cent effective.”
The police here declare th a t only
a few w orkers In local m ills and
plants stru ck , w hile union officials
claim th a t m ost of th e men have
d** a s s e s s s s » » » 1
<«> S trik e centers, Pennsylvania 4>
<♦> and th e m iddle w est states.
•-♦> A pproxim ate num ber of m^n
<S> affected by s trik e in U nited <$■
|<8> States, 600,000.
Em ployes U nited S tates Steel •$>
¡<3> co rporation affected, 268,710.
j <i>
All independent steel p lan ts <$>
! <S> in U. S. also affected.
T otal wages and salaries paid 4>
❖ by U. S. Steel co rporation in 3>
<S> 1918, $452,663,524.
R eason given by labor lea d - <¥>
■$> ers for calling strik e : refusal of <S>
Ju d g e G ary and o th e r steel <t>
p lan t heads to confer w ith <S>
com m ittees
rep re sen tin g
or- 4>
<3> ganized labor reg ard in g wages <§>
❖ and w orking conditions.
<§><§> <§>«£> <8* <§> <®> <S> <$><§><$• <^> <$> ifc
* .
la c k of “ Gobs”
Ties up Fleet,
(By The U nited P re ss)
W ith th e in itia l m an e u v e rs of th<
Pacific fleet com pleted, th e acute
sh o rta g e of m an pow er is em phasized
by th e announcem ent th a t th e super-
d re a d n a u g h ts New Mexico, Missis­
sippi and Idaho will be an chored in
San P edro h a rb o r u n til th e ir ’crewi
can be rec ru ite d to ful seagoing
stre n g th .
It will probably be six m onths, b
is said, before th ese ships hav<
enough men to ta k e them out of tin
tra in in g ship class.
GARY, Ind., Sept. 22.— One
♦ of th e steel w orkers here today
♦ appealed to th e circu it c o u rt
♦ to have th e alim ony of $100
❖ per m onth which he has been
<S> paying his divorced wife cut
❖ down, as owing to the steel
<i> strik e, he will be unable to pay
<•> th a t sum .
(By th e U nited P ress)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 22.— Inves­
tig atio n of th e steel strik e is pro­
posed in a resolution which Senator
Kenyon introduced today. The res­
olution directs th e senate com m it­
tee on education and labc. to a sc e r­
tain th e reasons for th e strik e and
w h eth er any federal action can or
shbuhT hh ta k e n to m ee t th e situ a ­
GARY, Ind., Set. 22.— W ork is ap­
p a r e n tly s u s p e n d e d , in p r a c tic a lly a ll
plants in th is d istrict.
BUFFALO, Sept. 22.— T here was
a s trik e w ithin a s trik e a t th e L ack­
aw anna Steel com pany’s p lan t here.
The colored cooks and helpers, hired
to feed th e w orkers while th e strik e
was on, dem anded increased pay.
This was refused, and they struck.
> « « > ♦
(By th e U nited P re ss)
Sept. 22.— By a
viva voce vote the A u stralian nar
tional assem bly today ratified th e
G erm an peace tre a ty and defensive
alliance betw een F rance, G reat B rit­
ain and th e U nited States.
( By th e U nited P ress)
OAKLAND, Calif., Sept. 22.— The
1 city council today authorized the ap-
I pointm ent of ten ra t catchers a t a
, salary of $10 per m onth. The rats
taken will be exam ined in San F ra n
cisco for traces of bubonic plague
(By th e U nited P ress)
LONDON, Sept. 22.— R um anian
and Serbian forces m et in b a ttle neai
Hersecz today, according to B u d a ­
pest reports. A rtillery
was em ­
(By the U nited P ress)
REDDING, Calif., Sept. 22.— The
railroad blockade in tu n n el No. 2, on
the S outhern Pacific, probably will
not be broken until W ednesday
night, as th e tunnel, which is 535
feet long, m ust be retim bered. Sixty
feet a t th e n o rth e rn end keeps cav­
ing in.
(By th e U nited P ress)
PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 22.—
E 'g h t cent fare on P ortland railw ay
lines was asked of the public ser­
vice com m ission by P resident G rif­
fith a t th e opening of th e hearing
on increased fares today.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 22.— B ltter-
ly a tta ck in g P resident W ilson, Sena­
to r Reed opened th e senate fight over
th e Johnson peace tre a ty am end­
m ent, which would equalize th e vote
of the U nited S tates and G reat B rit­
ain in th e League of N ations «»mm -
He declared th e p resid en t’s s ta te ­
m ent a t San Francisco th a t America
with her one vote to G reat B rita in 's
six cannot be outvoted, as “erro n e ­
ous to th e last d egree,” and said,
“ The president disregards th e fact
th a t when the United States is the
p arty in in te rest it 1 b denied th e
rig h t to vote a t a ll.”
In a dispute betw een the United
States and G reat B ritain w here nei­
th e r was perm itted to sit in ju d g ­
m ent, th e five B ritish colonies and
dom inions are, as independent self
governm ent bodies, perm itted to cast
th e ir votes.
d e fe rrin g to the president, he
said, “ A m an who is willing to give
to any nation or assem blage of n a­
tions the rig h t to m ind the business
of th e Am erican people ought to dis­
claim A m erican citizenship and em i­
g rate to the country he is w illing to
have m ind A m erica’s business.**
(By th e U nited P ress)
22.— Daniel
P erk in s and W illiam Gordon broke
jail here early today.
They took
(By the United P ress)
iron slats from a bed and broke
down th e door. They were alleged
TRAIN, Sept. 22.— P resident W ilson
to have robbed a store and garage
:s leaving the Pacific coast, headed
at Glendale.
east on his cam paign for ratification
of the peace treaty . He speaks a t
Reno tonight.
LINCOLN, Neb., Seut. 22.— H un­
Most of todty was spent In the
dreds of tho u san d s of bushels of m ountains of California. T elegram s
w heat are on the ground in danger were delivered aboard the presi­
of ro ttin g in w estern N ebraska be­ d en t’s tra in a t several stops. It le
cause elevators a re already filled and understood W ilson is keeping In close
because th e re is a sh ortage of ra il­ touch w ith the labor situ atio n .
road cars, to g eth e r w ith an em bargo
on w heat shipm ents to Om aha and
K ansas City, according to inform ation
reaching G overnor Sam uel R. Mc­
The governor announces he will
appegl to th e railro ad adm in istratio n
to tak e steps to relieve th e situation.
(By the U nited P ress)
CINCINNATI, Sept. 22.— The first
two gam es of th e w orld series will
be played in C incinnati, th e next
th re e in Chicago, if th e W hite Sox
win th e A m erican p e n n a n t; th e next
two in C incinnati, and the eig h th in
Chicago, if necessary to determ ine
the cham pionship, th e n atio n al com ­
m ission announced today.
The flip of a coin will decide the
scene of th e n in th gam e if it is nec­
The first gam e is scheduled for
O ctober 1.
C incinnati won th e rig h t to stage
th e first gam es on the toss of a coin.
Louis Com inskey, son of th e ow ner
SEATTLE, W sh., Sept. 22.— “ Pay
of th e W hite Sox, tossed a h alf dol­
you leave,” a plan now being tried
la r and P resid en t H erm ann of the
out on one of th e S eattle street-car
Reds, called the toss.
lines to elim inate congestion and
save tim e in the dow ntow n districts,
is “ w orking like a c h a rm ,” accord­
ing to sn u p erin ten d en t of utilities,
Thom as M urphin.e
It is too early to tell ju st how
m uch tim e it will save, he said, as
the system was established a few
days ago for th e first tim e.
He Does Net
Like Kings
(By the United P ress)
M ILWAUKEE, Sept. 22. — “To
hell with royalty; don’t ask me to
invite king, k aiser o r czar.” was the
reply given by M ayor Hoan, social­
ist, to the A ssociation of Commerce,
whose officers requested him to ex­
tend an in vitation to th e king and
queen of Belgium to visit M ilwaukee
d u ring th e ir visit to th e United
E lectric power to be used on con­
stru c tio n Teel irrig a tio n plant.
Ten Thousand
Acres Burning
OROVILLE, Calif., Sept. 22.-—
C inders a re falling in th e stre e ts of
Oroville, while ten thousand acres
of tim b er a re b u rn in g in th e foot­
F o u r d isastro u s forest fires
n e a r here a re sp reading rapidly un­
d e r a stro n g wind.
Ship Blows Up;
Crew Missing
MOBILE, Ala., Sept. 22.— The Ita l­
ian aux iliary b a rk e n tin e City of Bo-
loxi, w ith a cargo of explosives, blew
up tw enty m iles off Mobile h a rb o r
T hursday, burned to the w a te r’s edge
and sank, according to rep o rt rea c h ­
4 ing shipping circles h ere today. The
fate of h er crew is unknow n.
-------------------------------- 4
For Oregon— Fair and warm- >
er; east
tied up w ith 1200 m en and five m an­
agers out.-
Two of th e th re e furnaces a t the
W isconsin steel p lan t a re burning.
The m anagers claim ed today th a t « 50
per cent of th e ir w orkers a re on th e
job, while union officials declared j
th a t only a few retu rn ed .
(By th e U nited r r e s s )
PALO ALTO, Calif., Sept. 22.-
j “ Food prices th ro u g h o u t th e w orld
are declining, but it is a m a tte r of
co n jectu re wh®n th e high cost of
living will cease to be a m enace,”
CHICAGO, Sept. 22.— Steel pro­ said H erbert Hoover, who arrived
duction in th e South Chicago d istric t home here yesterday. He said the
is practically a t a stan d still. z
speculative boom in food stu ffs had
Of eleven furnaces a t the Illinois collapsed.
Steel com pany’s p lant, b u t tw o are
hearin g
m ediation
burning, w ith pensioned w orkers
who feared they would lose th e ir board on p rin tin g tra d e s wage scale
p riority rig h ts to pensions, firin g it was show n th a t living expenses
a t Salem w ere low er th a n 50 cities.
ST. PAUL, Sept. 22. — The steel
s trik e , if continued,
may tie up
(By the U nited P ress)
W ASHINGTON, Sept. 22.— Puget
Sound and San F rancisco h a rb o r
w ill be th e p erm anent bases for the
b attle sh ip s of th e Pacific fleet. Secre­
ta ry of W ar Daniels stated today
upon his re tu rn home. The sm aller
ships will be d istrib u ted all along the
The secretary sta te d th a t th e re was
no plan a t present for extending the
trip of th e fleet or for any big m a­
He declared th a t it will
ta k e several m onths for th e fleet to
be overhauled and th a t it is h ardly
possible th a t any big fleet m ovem ent
c a n be m ade before Ja n u ary .
Senator Reed Opens With Fierce
Denunciation of the President
Labor Names
It’s Delegates
WASHINGTON, SepL 22. — The
A m erican F ederation of Labor a n ­
nounced th e nam es of its delegates
to th e “ R ound-T able” conference to
. be held October 6. P resid en t Sam
j Gom pers and F ra n k M orrison, secre­
ta ry of th e F ederation, head the
(By the United Press)
LONDON, Sept. 22,— It Is stated
a t th e Dutch legation today th a t
no news has been received of the
reported break betw een Belgium and
H olland.
A Berlin dispatch received by wlre-
less to the press, dated Saturday,
said th e Belgium am bassador to The
H ague and the Dutch am bassador to
B russels had been w ithdraw n.
T he disagreem ent betw een H ol­
land and Belgium, reported recen t­
ly, is a result of B elgium ’s dem and
(By th e U nited P ress)
th a t th e tre a ty of 1SS9 be revived.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 22.— Senator
Under the laws of this treaty Hol­
T hom as, dem ocrat, today cam e out land obtained a part of Limburg and
as definitely against ratificatio n of the southern bank *4 th e Scheldt
the. treaty in its present form.