« ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ * « ♦ * * ♦ » « K > >> I m I » I ♦ » ♦ « > > M > ♦ » > > » » » + » « 11 A shland D aily T idings STEEL PLANTS BEING FORTIFIED VOL. XLIII ASHLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1919 NUMBER 18 ÜB Passenger Steamer Founders in Storm; 300 Passengers and Entire Crew of 150 Missing the passengers and th e crew. Divers will e n te r th e ship and NEW YORK, Sept. 2 0 .— Repre­ search for th e bodies. The passen­ sen ta tiv es o f th e V albaneras’ ow n ­ gers a re believed to be entirely Span­ ers today received an o ffic ia l report ish or Cubau. o f th e sh ip ’s loss in a private cable- ! The V albahera was bound from gram , w hich read: “ Valbanera sunk Spain for n 4»" O rleans, via H avana. 4> <$> 4- (By th e U nited P ress) o ff R ebecca sh oals, no trace of sh ip ’s crew or passengers." (By th e U nited P ress) KEY W EST,« F la., Sept. 20.— i W recking crew s and divers left to­ day to exam ine th e wreck of a sunken . vessel, reported to be th e Spanish ste a m er V albanera. It is believed th e ship sank in th e h u rric an e which sw ept Cuba ten days ago. T he V albanera, which carried 300 p assengers and a crew of 150 to­ g e th e r w ith a valuable cargo, has been m issing since Septem bor 0. w hen she arrived off the h a rb o r of H avana and put to sea again because (By th e U nited P ress) sh e learned it was dangerous to e n te r SEATTLE, Sept. 20.— P ete Per- th e h a rb o r d u rin g th e storm then kovich, the first Seattle m an to face raging. a first degree m u rd e r charge since Ensign R oberts, com m anding the capitl punishm ent was re-estab ­ su b m a rin e chaser No. 203L stated lished in W ashington, was freed a f­ upon th e a rriv al of th a t vessel here te r nïne h ours' deliberation by the la te -yesterday* th a t he had plainly ju ro rs last night. s e e n 'th e nam e plate of th e vessel on The law provides th a t th e jury a ship sunk in 40 feet of w ater off recom m end th e death sentence. th e Rebecca Shoals lighthouse. 40 Perkovich claim ed th a t he stabbed m iles from Key W est. P ete Covack d u rin g a d ru n k en orgy | N othing is know n of the fate of only a fte r he was him self attacked. T w enty-nine citizens refused to sit on th e ju ry because they disbe­ lieved in capital punishm ent. Liner With 2000 Troops Hits Rocks KIRK W A LL, Scotland, Sept. 20. — A lin er carry in g tw o thousand troops from R ussia is reported to CHICAGO, Sept. 20.— The first have gone ashore off th e Orkney convictions on charges of partici- islands. A ssistance is being rushed p a tin g in the race riots here in July to the scene of the reported disaster. w eer today imposed upon W alter I ---------------------------- Colvin, aged 16, and C harges John-i P o rtla n d — D epartm ent sto re here son, 18, both negroes. They were erects ten story w arehouse out of given life sentences for having killed its retail profits and going into a peddler. ‘ w holesaling. J Companies Preparing for Fight to a Finish GRUBBS WERE GRUBLESS OKLAHOMA CITY, S e p t..20. <$■ — Mrs. Madge O rubb is not con- asks a divorce from Joseph <$> G rubb, ch arg in g non-support. (By the U nited P ress) ST. PAUL, Sept. 20.— Senatoi <8>1 T . , , A, , ^ J o h n s o n today »uefinitely announced 4 abandonm ent of his stum ping trip to <ê> th e Pacific Coast, y e will end hir j jo urney in oppx^Ition to th e Leagu< ■«- of N ations w ith speeches in the tw it * cities today. T. <8> <•> A HORRIBLE REVENGE <$> ' ---------- COLUSA, Calif., Sept. 20.— <$> W hen a local farm er found <8> boys in- his m elon patch last <$> night he did not use a shotgun, Instead he invited them to th e <8> house w here he forced them to eat m elon u n til they begged for m ercy. WILSON AT LOS ANGELES (By th e U nited P ress) LOS ANGELES, Sept. 20.— Presi dent W ilson arrived shortly a fte r 1 o’clock th is m orning a fte r spending the n ight on his special tra in which George W illiam s, son of Mrs. J. D. was placed on a siding a t D elm ar, i W illiam s of Soda Springs, is a t the few m iles from San Diego. A bij S anitarium su fferin g from a frac­ crow d m et him. tu re d jaw bone and skull a6 th e re­ su lt of an accident on th e Green <§> $ Springs m ountain T hursday. Mr. i 4 W illiam s was saw ing wood th ere, t THE WEATHER when a large log becam e dislodged <•> and stru ck him on th e head. He was F o r Oregon— F air. b ro u g h t into A shland fo r tre a tm e n t <$> SAN JOSE, Calif., Sept. 20.— The and is .in a seriQyg. condition. . <$ , . <8> <8> <$><$> <$ <9 ' ■ » ♦ • » ♦ • • * ♦ ♦ ♦ »♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ > « » » ♦ » » ♦ ♦ « M I I I »« > »«»>1» ?♦♦< > > > » > > e n tire C alifornia redwood park dis­ tric t is th reaten ed w ith destruction by a furious forest fire, and can only be saved if a large num ber of fire fig h ters a re sent im m ediately ac­ cording to an appeal for help re ­ ceived here today. Wants Power to Jail Profiteers (By th e U nited P ress) WASHINGTON, Sept. 20.— Judge Ames, a ssista n t to the a tto rn ey gen­ eral, today w rote C hairm an H augen, 1 of th e house a g ric u ltu ra l com m ittee urging th e im m ediate passage of am endm ents to th e L ever food con­ tro l bill, providing a ja il sentence for profiteers. A cting for A ttorney G eneral P a l­ (By th e United P ress) m er, Ames took th is action a fte r the labor d ep artm en t announcem ent t h a t 1 SEATTLE, W ash., Sept. 20.— Her« food prices had increased one per is th e way the King county divorc« cent d u rin g A ugust, reaching th e m ill w orks: highest level yet know n. j "A nd my husband stole my bab) The am endm ents, upon w hich; and took it to C alifornia, leaving mf Ames asked im m ediate action, haveI w ithout a cent-------” been before congress for m ore than “ Divorce g ra n te d .” a m onth, and a re now in conference “ -------and she flirted w ith a got betw een th e house and senate. ’ rig h t under my nose; God know« "R e p o rts continue com ing to this w here she is now’; she left me a yea, d e p a rtm e n t indicating p rofiteering ago------ ” in shoes and o th er articles of wear-< “ Divorce g ran te d .” ing a p p a re l,” said Ames. “ Pending “------and my husband sim ply uy passage of th e am endm ents, th e de­ and left for M ontana. I support p artm en t is pow erless to deal ef­ my baby and m yself— not a cent ot fectively w ith such rep o rts.” alim ony— I never w ant to see oi Making It Easy J i g g e r s , th e C o p ! High Priced Land Is a Farm Factor PITTSBURG, Sept. £0.— Prospects of trouble, w ith possible clashes, are beginning to grow as plans and prep­ a ra tio n s for the big steel strik e pro­ gresses. W itli two com panies of Pennsylva­ n ia ’s fam ous state police, hated by every union ipan, ordered out, and 10,000 deputies being sw orn in by th e steel corporation, borough presi­ dents in the steel tow ns about P itts ­ burgh have announced th a t steps will be tak en to prevent m ass m eetings of the steel w orkers Sunday. (By th e U nitea Press) CHICAGO, Sept. 20.— P re p a ra ­ tions for a gigantic in d u strial battle a re being m ade here w ith a strik e of the steel w orkers practically cer­ tain. The unions deny any intention of force, b ut the steel com panies, dot­ ting the e n tire Chicago ind u strial d istrict, are tak in g no chances and a re fortifying them selves for a siege. Food in huge quan tities is being tak en behind th e high wooden b a r­ ricades which su rro u n d m ost of the plants. Company officials assert th a t only a m inority of th e ir employes will strik e and they expect to keep the loyal w orkers inside the plants as long as necessary. T here a re 30,000 w orkers in the Chicago steel d istrict, and in addi­ The Redwood park is one of the tion hundreds of concerns depending oldest, and largest p ark s in the state upon th e ou tp u t of steel for th eir and the trees th ere a re am ong the operation. larg est in th e world. If th e strik e continues for any ; length of tim e production of a g ric u l-1 PALO ALTO, Calif., Sept. 20.— A tu ra l tools, autom obiles, factory m a - , i call was received from Redwood park chinery, wire fences and num erous j ■* (By the United P ress) today for men from Stanford uni-, SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 20.— The versity to aid in saving th e giant o th er articles will be ham pered. i th re e largest shipbuilding com panies trees th ere from a forest fire which . i in the Bay d istrict today refused to Is gettin g beyond control. The men MILL I It A TO O PERA TE W ITH LOYAL EM PLOYES sign the new wage scale and work- a re w anted to relieve the night force (By the United P ress) I ing agreem ent sum itted to them by fire fig h ters who a re nearing ex­ PITTSBURGH, Sept. 20. — Steel the w orkm en. haustion. com panies here are reported to have ’ All th e men will be called o ut Oc- rented all halls in the B r a d d o c k to b e r 1, according to a sta te m e n t is- i h e a r of him again Homes district in th e hope of pre- i sued by th e Pacific Coast Metal “ Divorce g ra n te d .” venting m eetings of the steel work-1 T rades Council. Several thousand " -------and I m arried her up in ers a fte r th e strik e next M onday. I men will be affected. Nome in 1906; picked her up to give h er a home, m ore than a year ago, your honor, and a fte r I gave her alm ost all I had-------” "D ivorce g ran te d .” “ Yes, h e ’s ju st n a tu ra lly shiftless and no good. W ell, the last black eye was sim ply over nothing, judge-------” • “ D ivorce g ra n te d .” i ■*- (By th e U nited P ress) ■ LONDON, Sept. 20.— Berlin dis­ patches quote rep o rts from M unich and Laibach, A ustria, saying th at th e allied com m anders have w ith- I ---------- d ra w n th e ir w arships from F ium e . . . . . ... . . (By th e U nited P ress) h a rb o r and issued an u ltim atum to ■ G abrielle D’A nnunzio dem anding his WASHINGTON, Sept. 20.— W hen e v acu atio n of the port w ithin 2 4 the norm al conditions a re restored, hours. p u rch asers of high priced land may If th e poet does not accede to th e , , «•» . . . „ , , 1 find they a re unable to m ake profit- dem and th e allied com m anders th re a te n to bom bard Fium e. • - able re tu rn s on th e ir investm ents. This is the conclusion of th e Bu­ reau of F arm M anagem ent of the D epartm ent of .AgricultuVe, a fte r an investigation of speculation in farm lands. Prices of land in som e sec­ tions have risen so rabidly th a t (By th e U nited P ress) serious consequences may be expect­ KLAMATH FALLS, Stept. 20.— ed, th e b u reau believes. High prices for crops have been re ­ F ire yesterday to tally destroyed the g re a t saw m ill p lan t of th e Pelican flected in th e prices paid fo r land Bay L um ber com pany, located on and speculators, m any of them not P elican bay. U pper K lam ath lake, ju st farm ers, have grown rich in buying and selling a t high figures. o u tsid e th e city lim its. F a rm e rs have sold th e ir land a t T he m ill, which is a to ta l loss, had a capacity of 300,000 feet p e r. day, w hat seem ed good prices, b u t have a n d w as owned by th e W eyerhauser been com pelled to buy again, losing In te re sts. It em ployed 200 to 250 tho u san d s of dollars in the exchange. m en, ru n n in g th re e shifts. A nother T his m ay cause em barrassm ent, said m ill belonging to th e sam e com pany th e b u reau , if th e purchase is fi nanced on credit. y a a b urned ab o u t six y ears ago. ♦ ❖ •$> ■$> -y Q> <§> t> <$> (By th e United P ress) Union officials insist th a t the m ea will insist upon th e ir rig h t of as­ sem bly and will find places In which to meet. The Allegheny W est Pennsylvania Mills a t B rackenridge suspended opy e ra tio n s today to enable th e men to hold m eetings a t which they w ill con­ sider the action they will tak e re ­ g arding the proposed strike. The com pany will endeavor to op­ e ra te w ith loyal employes. --------------------------- j SUGAR CROP IS LARGEST HONOLULU, T. H.— The eager crop of the te rrito ry of H aw aii thia year will reach 605,000 tons. Thia is above any previous estim ate by several thousand tons and is based upon th e late st calculations on “ cleanups” a t several plantations. The factories have shipped 446,- 000 tons and 31,000 tons m ore will be sent to San Francisco prior to Oc­ tober 15. The to ta l o u tp u t from original m ills will be 685,000 tong of raw su g ar and 20,000 tons of refined sugar. SHIPYARDS TO COT LIVING COST It Pays (B y the United Press) SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 20.— Surplus arm y food is to be placed PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 20.— on sale on th e Pacific Coast begln- It pays to advertise, especially if n in S next Monday, according to an- you know how to do it cleverly, ljjce! nouncem ent by M ajor F red A. th is: I Thom pson, zone su rplus property of- A P o rtlan d m an who furnishes | ficer a t P o rt Mason h e re ’ window blinds for hom es.‘ has th e i T hree cars of frozen m eat a re now on th e way from Chicago. M ajor following sign on his autom obile: Thom pson said, and a n o th e r c a r is to “ The blind m an drives th is c a r.” s ta rt west soon. A certain hard w are sto re sells O ther supplies are also to foL vacuum cleaners. In its window is low and will be retailed a t reduced a placard saying: prices th ro u g h a larg e departm euc “ Don’t kill your wife. Let the store here. — vacuum cleaner do your dirty The sales, which is In th e n a tu re w ork.” of an experim ent, will, if successful, be followed by sim ilar sales a t Loa Angeles, P o rtlan d and Seattle. All sales a re to be m ade a t coat plus a sm all extra charge for w astage In cutting. Cost prices given o u t a re ; SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 20.— F ol­ P o u ltry (ch ick en s), 30c per pound; lowing are m ark et quotations: pork loins, 25c; pork shoulder 22c, BUTTER— E xtras, 64 ^ c . and m utton 12c. EGGS— E xtras, 66 % c; pullets, Sales of arm y su rp lu s s tu ffs to 61% c. m unicipalities, discontinued A ugust POULTRY— B roilers, 32c; hens, 18, will be resum ed M onday, in th is 30c. d istrict, including the sta te s of C ali­ CATTLE— Top «veers, 10 % c; s >e- fornia, Oregon, W ashington, Idaho onds, 844c; cows, heifers, 8 V « i and M ontana. . t calves, 12 ^ c . Septem ber 25 is set as th e d ate HOGS— Top, 15 %c. for opening the retail sto re for th e SHEEP— Ewes, 7c; wethers, 9c; sale of su rp lu s clothing and other lambs, 10c. com m odities.