Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, September 16, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Tuesday, Septcmtef lfl, 1010 '
Established 1876
- Published Every Evening Except Sunday by
Bert R. Greer EiU'of
One Year. Delivered
One Month, Delivered 5"
One Week 1
" Subscription Rate! By Mull Outside of City
One year by mail 15-00
Six montba by mall 2.75
Three montbi by mall v 1-50
No out ot town subscription taken tor less than three months.
By Mall Outside of I'nited States
One year 18.12
" ' Six Months..', 4-31
No subscription for less than six months.
Display Advertising
Single Insertion each Inch 30c
Display Advertising ,
One time week, each inch each time 27MiC
Two times a week, each inch each time 25c
. Every other day, each inch each time 20c
Every issue, each Inch each time 17 4c
Local Readers
Each line each time (6 words to line) 10c
To run every other day for one month, each line each time 7c
To run every issue for one month or more, each line each time. . 6c
Classified Column
One cent the word each time.
.. To ran every Issue for one month or more, c the word each time.
Cards of Thanks, $1.00.
Obituaries, 2 M cents the line. .
Fraternal Orders and Hoclctlos
Advertising for fraternal orders or societies charging a regular Initiation
fee and dues, no discount. Religious and benevolent orders will be
charged for all advertising when an admission or other charge Is made, at
the regular rate.
The Tidings has a greater circulation la Ashland and it trade territory
than all other newspapers combined.
Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postofflce as Second Class Mall Mutter.
Weed Out-lucks Locals
And wins at Yreka
Three years ago Bill James was
winning the world's series for the
Boston Red Sox.
Sunday, Bill James, pitching for
Weed, won out 6-4 purely through
the grace of the fltUlo goddess who
presides over the "breaks" In a ball
The Weed fans must have dug
down into their pockets clear to he
lining to raise the team they pre
sented at Yreka. Besides bringing
Big Bill from Sacramento, they Im
ported Jimmy Clarke and Jimmy
Eheehy of Klamath Falls, Harper of
, Hunsmulr and a couple of other new
ones. The Ashland gang, however,
took down the fastest bunch of heavy
stickers that has been gathered to
gether In this state outside league
ball. .
Frye, Hill, Lilly, Williams (ot St
Louis), Pernoll and Mclntire proved
a combination big league pitching
couldn't stop.
Ashland sent over about fifteen
, automobile loads ot fans who found
the trip far easier than expected
from road rumors which were afloat.
Most of the cars made the trip In
two hours and a halt and tome In
much less.
Ashland came to bat first. Frye
struck out. Jimmy Clarke was hav
ing trouble holding the "emery
ball" which James used throughout
the game, and missed the third
1 strike. Hill, Lilly and Williams
' struck out.
In Weed's half, Powell kicked one
down to Trig who made a good stop
and beat Powell to first. Kramer
struck out. Harper got on by an
1 error ot Mclntlre's, stole second but
was left when James struck out,
In the second Pernoll struck out.
Mclntire knocked fly Into the
bands of Harper who dropped It.
Bentley struck out and Mclntire was
out at second when Trig hit a
grounder to Kramer.
For Weed, .Toull tiled out to Mc
lntire. Sheehy struck out and Bull
na filed out to pitcher Wilson. ,
In the third Wilson struck out.
Frye filed out to Harper In left. Hill
walloped out the first hit ot the
game, a screaming double to the
fence. Lilly struck out.
i , Clark nicked a high foul which
1 Frye grabbed. Dye walked. Powell
doubled, sending Dye to third. Here
, came the first break. Kramer's In
tention to bust was apparent even to
De Who Seeks
to form the valuable
bablt of saving and reg
ular bank deposits, will
be amply repaid as the
years go by and his sur
plus cash accumulates at
You are cordially Invited
to start an account
, with us.
the grandstand. Lilly and Frye
were within fifteen feet of the plute
ready to grab the bunt. The ball
popped in-between them within two
feet of either man. A foot either
way would have meant an easy dou
ble as Dye was two-thirds of the way
home; as It was, Dye scored and Kra
mer was thrown out at first. Har
per filed out to first.
Williams doubled for Ashland In
the fourth, Pernoll and Mclntire
each struck out and Bentley popped
to second.
Weed got going In their half with
more lucky breuks. Jumes filed out
to Trig. Toull bounced a lucky one
between first and second and cleanly
stole second and third. Sheehy
struck out. Bullna scratched a
groundor past shortstop for a single
and scored Toull. Wilson walked
Clark and hit Dye, filling the bases.
Ernie Fryo walked tbe box, threw
over three balls and decided his ami
was too sore to pitch. Jud Pernol!
trotted In from center and went Into
the box without warming up. Powell
xtnglod scoring Bullna and Clark.
Kramer struck out.
In the fifth Trig grounded out.
Oearhart struck out and Frye ground
d out.
Pernoll has warmed up and strikes
out Harper and Toull, James flyluK
out to Williams In conter.
Hill struck out In the sixth. Lil
ly walloped one to the fence and
sprinted to third. Williams singles
scoring Lilly. Pernoll struck out,
Mclntire doubled, scoring Williams.
Bentley grounded out.
For. Weed. Sheehy grounded to
second, Bullna got on when Trig
dropped a throw but was caught at
second when Clark hit to short, and
Dye struck out.
Trig filed out and Oearhart and
Frye struck out In the seventh.
Here came tbe break which seems
tbe crucial place In the gam. .
After Powell and . Kramer bad
struck out Harper bit a long fly
to center. Williams either tried to
make a circus catch of what should
have been an easy one or stumbled
In tbe weeds. Harper sprinted for
third. Williams tossed tbe ball to
Lilly who threw over Frye's head
and past Pernoll who was backing
Frye up. Harper scored.
Hill got on by Kramer's error In
the eighth; Lilly and Williams
struck out; Pernoll, Mclntire and
Bentley singled, scoring two runs.
Trig grounded out. Here was an
other break. Mclntire hit one with
in two feet of the top of the fence
Ihut much higher and tbe score
would have been tied.
Three Weed men were easy outs.
Oearhart laid down a perfect bunt
but both he and the coacher lost
track ot the ball and the first base
man caught Oearhart off. Frye
filed to left and Hill struck out end
ing the game.
The scorebook says Weed earned
four runs and Ashland three. Weed
only got two hits oft Pernoll and
three ot Wilson. Ashland got nine.
The boys are talking ot going
back at them next Sunday but It Is
doubtful whether Weed will take it
About 600 people saw tbe game.
SAN' FRANCISCO, Sept. 16. For
the first time since the early 60's
California faces a serious shortage of
teachers. Several hundred schools,
paying from $76 to $100 a month,
are vacant and teachers to fill tbe
i positions cannot be found. Most of
tbe schools are In rural districts.
Calls for help are pouring In on
Will C. Wood, superintendent of pub
I lie Instruction. Kern county wants
I 24 teachers, Mendocino 20, Siskiyou
1 14. Calls have also come from many
other sections. Wood Is now making
an Investigation to determine the
exact extent of the shortage.
CANYON CITY, Ore.. Sept. 16.
Residents ot Grant county are tak
ing more than the usual amount ot
Interest In the tenth annual fair of
the Grant County Fair association,
, which will be held In John Day from
September 24 to 27 Inclusive, and a
record-breaking attendance Is antici
pated. Larger premiums and purses
ire boing offered this year than ever
, before.
I A Bpeclul fenture this year will be
i the aircraft flights which the man
agement assures the 'patrons surely
will take place.
B iseball benefit dance Wednesday
evening, September 17, at the Nat
' atorlum. Launspach's jazi orches
i tra. Buy your tickets from the base
ball men.
. 13-3
For Service
Storage, Coal and
Ashland Iron Works
Office and Works No. 248 Helmau
St., Ashland, Or.
Manufacturing Engineers, General
Repair Work
W manufacture Paving Plan):
Equipment, Sawmill, Mining and
Ship Machinery, Steam and Qas En
gines, Boilers and Heavy Steel
Work; Grey Iron, Semi-Steel, Brass
and Bronxe Castings of every kind.
Having thoroughly equipped our
plant for the manufacture and re
pairs ot heavy and all classes ot ma
chine and foundry work, we solicit
your orders and inquiries. Estlmateo
and quotations furnished on application.
The Social Realm
W. R. C. Club Met
Tbe Women's Rsllef Corps club
held their first meeting ot the sea
son at the home of Mrs. Edd White
on Mountain avenue Monday after
noon. The hostesses of the occasion
were Mesdames Anna Moss, Ida Jen
nings, Nellie Peters and Alice Tur
ner, and these arranged a pleasant
meeting for those In attendance, fol
lowed by fine refreshments. One
of the pleasing features was singing
by Mrs. Julia Hockett. Beside tbe
hostesses the guest . list Included
Mesdames Elva Rouse, Belle Cordell,
A. R. Gregory, Dora Young, J.
P. Suyles, P. C. Coder, Lavlna How
ard, Jessica . Porter, Julia Hockett
Minnie Henson and Anna Roblson.
Missionary Society ,
The Presbyterian Woman's Mis
sionary society will meet at the
church tomorrow promptly at J: 30,
Mrs. Warner, Presbyterlal president,
will be present from Medford to re
port tbe Eugene meeting and plan
future work. The society invites
all women Interested to attend,
Farewell Reception
The congregation ot the Talent M.
E. church held a farewell reception
to Mrs. M. C. Reed at the church
In that town last Friday evening. A
large company was present and all
united in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Reed
Godspeed on their Journey to fara
way New Zealand which they expect
to take In the near future. Since the
absence of Mr. Reed, tbe regular pas
tor of tbe church, Mrs. Reed bat bad
that congregation under hor espe
cial car and has most capably ful
filled her stewardship there. Flue
refreshments ' were served during the
Beaver Realty Co.
Ill E. Main 8t., Phone (8
"A man can borrow money
what he puts Into a borne. He can't
h.i I.A nnva nut fnp rant."
"1 want to see every wage-workel
own bis own borne.
W. Q Wilson, U. S. Sec'y of Laboi.
w. hnva uvnral choice homes aj
well as bargains In acreage. Some
can be sold on small payments nn
easy terms.
You fine yourself
when you ill-treat
your battery.
Let us keep your
battery up.
Jordan Electric
Company '
001 East Main.
Tel. M
Elks Block
Good Old Fashioned Cooking,
combined with service. Short or
ders and good dinners. W are here
and we want to atay. . It w please
you tell others, It we do not tell us.
Tel. 117
Oak St.
For Sale Cheap
A fine up-to-date 6-room Bunga
low, furnace heated, sloeplng porch,
full basement; one-halt acre of land,
all kinds ot bearing fruit and ber
ries. Sightly location. A snap for
Also 5-Room Cottage
bath, hot and cold water. Lot 84x
190. Away below price for quick
sale. This property Is looated on the
Pacific highway, three blocks from
Junior High School at No. 623.
A Business Building
all rented, with a frontage ot 72
feet on Main street. Also a fine lit
tle business goes in with the deal.
Quality Meat.
Oeiu. tineas.
A Necessity
Not a Luxury
Flv dollar cash price for best S0
word essay on paint and It
uses; 3.00 for second best; 11.00
each for next two.
Must be In my hands by October 1
Contest open to every school glrJ
and boy.
The Paint Man
"Get thic straight"
says the Good Judge
The tobacco that gives
you the most lasting
chew 19 the kind that
saves you money. You
don't have to take so
many fresh chews. The
rich tobacco taste stays
right with it. That's
why you take a smaller,
put up in two styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W'B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
Science sys that old sire Win with
weakened kidney sud ditfusllve organs.
This being true, It Is eaay to believe
that by kerpliiK the kidneys and di
gestive organs clemmed end In proper
working order old nice can be deterred
tnd life prolonged far beyond that en
Joyed by the average person.
For over 100 years G01,D MEDAL
Hau-lom on ho bewi relieving the
weaknesaee and disability due to ad
vancing yean. It le a standard old
time home remedy and needs no Intro
duction. (JOI.L) MKDAL. Haarlem Oil Is
Inclined In odorleaa, tutnleee eapeuloe
containing e-kout e drops each. Tuke
them as you would a pill, with a small I
swallow of water. The oil stimulate
the kidney action and enables the
organ to throw oft the poisons which
cause premature old age. New life and
Strength Increase as you continue the
treatment. Wheu completely restored
continue taking a capiule or two each
day. CH)LD M&DAL Kaarlrm Oil Cap
sules will keep you In health and vigor
and prevent a return if the dleaaa.
lx not wait until old sue or dlseae
have settled down for good. Oo to your
druggist and get a bog of (HIL.U
ilKDAL, Haarlem Oil Capsules. Money
tf funded If they do not taaJP )"u. Three
sliea Hur remember (Waak for tbe
.rlgfnal imported HOLD UUDAL bread.
In sealed packages.
VJ lhlR r' - f JK- Jkil I'"' UZ. ,MIIIIIIIIIIfcJkg
ry..T.i Avi.-
I. 1. kapioMS
Tetieeso Ce.
PLAY the smokegame with a jimmy
pip if you're hankering for a hand
out for what ails your smokeappetitet
For, with Prince Albert, you've got a new listen on the pipe question
&4 that ruts vrm 1voa frnm nlrl atiina trmriin anil Arv tkrna. uiAp-tiial
r7' 2r a i i . . j -. ... . , -
ISS' f maae oy our exclusive patented process, rnnce uoen is scotiret)
from bite and parch and hands you about the biggest lot of amokefun
that ever was scheduled in your direction I
Prince Albert is a pippin of a pipe-pal; rolled into a cigarette it
beats the band! Get the slant that P. A. is simply everything any
man ever longed for in tobacco! You never will be willing to
figure up the sport you've slipped-on once you get that Prince
Albert quality flavor and quality satisfaction into your smokesysteml
Youll talk kind words every time you get on the firing line!
Tippy ni age, tlily ree? tiiu, hmmJtomt vomni mni Mf-pomnJ tin hmmlm
for. af--rAat tlmity, practical peeaf trytlml tlau wn4for milk
mpitf mti$ tener top that Aeeae Ine reeaece in fee A perfect eonaVtHM.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem. N. C
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Hardware and Sporting Goods
215 Fourth St.
Phone 23
.Globe Union Suits
p've plenty of room without hav
ijig a lot of cloth in the way
they are perfectly comfortable.
The Men's
These chilly mornings and evenings every wom
anyoung or old Is thinking and planning for
new fall npparel. Our line of new dress fabrics
for full wear Is now on display in our drexs goods
section, and offers to our cuNtomors a pleasing
variety of colors, patterns and materials, all of
splendid quality and reasonably priced, No
mistake will bo made in selecting dress material
Our beautiful display of Silk la something you
do not want to miss. You will be surprised at
the great variety shown. Whether for a pretty
frock, a stylish suit, an attractive blouse or dain
ty undergarments you can find what you want,
at prices you will be glad to pay.
Last night was rather cold, so was the night be
fore. Yet, still colder nights are aheud. Wear
well blankets are here In special display. This
line ot merchandise 1b tbe best obtainable and
your purchases will be wise when you decide on
wearwell quality.
An apportuuity to buy good substantial woolen
fabrics In late patterns and weaves must cer-.
talnly be valued this year. We have made some
fortunate purchases, and have selected careful
ly and completely a fine stock for our cus
tomers. Every piece an exceptionally, good
The housewife at this time of the year is re
plenishing her supply of linens, bedding and.
other esifmitlul household goods. We have
liberal assortments of table linens, sheets and,
sheeting,' pillow cases and tubing, and the ar-
tides, all ot the most dependable qualities and;
at tbe very lowest market prices.
Si fit H1f &