Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, September 15, 1919, Image 1

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A shland D aily
President W ill Arrive at Noon Tomorrow PORTLAND CITY OF ROSES
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The special train bearing President
Wilson and party is scheduled to ar­
rive in Ashland at 12:30 tomorrow,
Tuesday, noon. It is expected that the
train will remain about 10 minutes.
(By th e U nited P ress)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15.— “ Call
up th e tre a ty of peace w ith G er­
m any.” W ith these w ords Senator
Lodge, chairm an of th e foreign re­
lations com m ittee, form ally opened
th e discussion in th e senate of the
tre a ty as reported by the foreign re­
lations com m ittee.
F o r th e first tim e in th e se n ate ’s
history a g reat tre a ty was considered
in open session before thronged gal­
leries, instead
behind closed
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » > ♦ + -♦ ♦
Miners and Operators
W ill Try to Cut H.C.L.
TONOPAH, Nev., Sept. 15.— The
gold and silver m ines of T onopah
and th e divide reopened today a fte r
having been closed for several w eeks
on account of a strik e of m iners and
m ine w orkers.
An agreem ent adopted provides
th a t th e m en re tu rn to work a t the
old scale w ith recognition of th e
m in e rs’ com m ittee.
The o p erato rs agree to establish
a com m issary selling food, clothing,
etc., a t lost. At th e end of 60 days
a conference is to be held to con­
sid er resu lts and to form u late o th er
plans for reducing the cost of living.
The settlem en t conform s to P re si­
dent W ilson’s new program in d eal­
ing w ith railro ad employes.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 15.— Two
b an d its en tered th e Hansen* jew elry
store, bound and gagged N. L.
Lewis, the m anager, and w alked out
w ith diam onds w orth $J500 and es­
caped in an auto.
♦ ♦ . ♦ .
Texas Is
Swept By
Big Storm
(By th e U nited P ress)
HOUSTON, Tex., Sept. 15.— One
m an is known to be dead, property
dam age is expected
run into
tho u san d s of dollars, rail and wire
tra ffic is in te rru p te d and ships are
held in Texas gulf p o rts as th e re ­
sult of a recu rren ce of the tropical
storm which stru c k th e Texas coast
froiv G alveston to Brow nsville yes­
It is believed th is m orn ing th a t
th e w orst of th e storm is over. It
extended fa r inland and th e wind
reached a velocity of 50 m iles per
(By th e U nited P ress)
PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 15.— P ro ­
vided they are able to gain an a u ­
dience th is aftern o o n , a com m ittee
of five which was selected by th e
P o rtla n d Labor Council will call on
P resid en t W ilson some tim e th is a f­
The com m ittee was appointed for
th e purpose of “ finding out from
him th e reason for our ap p aren tly
u n w arran ted in terferen ce in th e in­
te rn a l a ffa irs of R u ssia.”
Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, who
is visiting th e coast in th e in te rest
of th e A m erican Legion, has been
secured to speak in M edford to m o r­
row’ aftern o o n a t, an open a ir m eet­
ing. This will tak e place from 4:30
to 5 : 3 0 ,’and an in v itatio n is extend­
ed to every m em ber of th e G. A. R.,
th e Spanish w ar veteran s and the
w orld w ar v eteran s of A shland to
be present. The securing th is noted
m an is th e w ork of th e Medford
post, A m erican Legion, who have
moved heaven and e a rth , fig u ra tiv e ­
ly, to get th e d ate th e re and w ere
finally successful. Everyone a tte n d ­
ing is asked to b rin g flags, as th e
m eeting will be a g reat patrio tic
event. M edford P ost asks th e co­
o peration of A shland a t th is tim e.
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SEATTLE, Sept. 15.— P resid en t
W ilson broke his long establish« d
rule of tra n sa c tin g no business cn
Sunday in o rd er to h e a r Jam es Dui -
can and o th e r S eattle labor leader j,
who inform ed the p resident of th e i
version of conditions leading up i a
th e projected s trik e in p ro test a g a in t
a life sentence for Tom Mooney.
It is understood they told him thi»t
th e prevailing u n rest will m ake St
(By th e U nited P ress)
difficult to avoid it. It is learned
Sept. 15.— Actual
th a t W ilson took u n d er considera­
(By th e U nited P ress)
peace tre a ty be­
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15.— That tion th e inform ation they p re s e n te d
gins in th e United S tates senate to ­
th e changes in th e tre a ty proposed
day, C hairm an Lodge of th e foreign
by th e foreign relatio n s com m ittee
relatio n s com m ittee being scheduled
are "couched in a defiant, discour­
to call up th e pact th is afternoon.
teous and overbearing m anner, and
R eading of th e tre a ty , w ith th e en­
seem intended to express a jingoistic
suing debate, will probably s ta rt im ­
sp irit th a t ought to be elim inated
m ediately. The am endm ent first to
from A m erican statesm anship, Sena­
be reached will be th e one m oving
to r M cCumber, republican, declared
th a t the United S tates have the same
in a d issenting rep o rt laid before the
num ber of votes as G reat B ritain in
senate today.
th e League of N ations. The vote on
The se n ato r urged th a t the six re s­
th is change, which was adopted by
ervations he presented be adopted
th e foreign relatio n s com m ittee is
in stead of those inserted by th e com ­
expected to furnish a te st as to
m ittee.
He took exception to the
w h eth er any of th e am endm ents can
e n tire a ttitu d e of th e republican
com m and a m ajority in the senate.
(By the U nited P ress)
m a jo rity ’s report.
ROME, Sept. 15.— L atest rep o r <
W hile tre a ty opponents adm it
from F ium e sta te th a t th e situ a fit a th e re is doubt of th e ir ability to pass
arisin g from th e en tra n ce into thi t th e am endm ents they declare th a t
city of G abrielle D’A nsunzio’s f o n t reserv atio n s of some so rt a re cer­
tain .
continued to be serious, P rem ier Ni
ti announced in th e cham ber of de| r
uties today. “ I am filled w ith hi >
(Special to The T idings)
m iliatio n ,” N itti said, “ because i t
PORTLAND, Sept. 15.— T eam sters
was the first tim e sedition has ei t-
and tru c k drivers employed by local
tered th e Ita lia n arm y. The Fiun 4
m ining concerns w ent on s trik e Sat­
incident will in ju re o u r cause.
urday in sym pathy w ith th e flour and
“ Persons advocating acts ag ain rt
cereal w orkers who w alked out
F ran ce and the United States, witl •-
T hursday for recognition of th e ir un­
out whose aid Italy cannot recove
ion and th e closed shop principle, as
are lu natics and tra ito rs. Italy is i,©
well as h ig h er wages.
longer in a position to to le rate a
This will prevent th e m ills from
policy of ad v en tu re w ith o u t beit (
m aking deliveries to th e tra d e and
b rought into a sta te of a n a rc h y .”
(By th e U nited P ress)
the situ a tio n is now som ew hat seri­
P re m ie r N itti
annonunced th u t
Cal., Sept. 15— The fifth
ous. Several m illing p lan ts have
the offenders a t F ium e will be pros t- e a rth q u ak e in a week stru c k this » • * • * «
gone to h alf tim e, and w ith the
section a t 7 o’clock th is m orning, de­
drivers o ut some p lan ts m ay be com ­
m olishing a num ber of chim neys.
pelled to close u n til an ad ju stm en t
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15.— Tl«e
I t was th e m ost severe of th e se r­
is reached.
sta te d ep artm en t has received official ies and was accom panied by a heavy-
F ium e dispatches o u tlining th e al- ro a r like th u n d e r. A nother sharp
vance of th e Ita lia n troops on th a t shock was felt a t 9 o’clock.
city. F ium e shops are closed, botiti
in p ro test a t conditions th e re arid Tu
fear of dam age when th e Italiane
reach th e city.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 15.— F ol­
lowing a re m ark e t q u o tations:
BUTTER— E xtras, 62 %c.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15.— T!„e
W eed, w ith Bill Jam es of Sacra­
EGGS— E x tras,
pullets. postoffice d ep artm en t has canceled m ento, th re e years ago w orld series
58% c.
the o rd er for delivery of m ail to Air- hero of th e Boston Red Sox, d efeat­
POULTRY— B roilers. 33c; hens. lie, Ore., over th e valley and Sileiz ed A shland by one ru n a t Yreka
line by way of Independence and Hca- yesterday in th e faste st and m ost
»CA TTLE— Top sheers, 1 0 % c; sec kins and restored th e Southern P a­ nerve-racking
gam e of ball ever
onds, 8 % c; cows, heifers, 8 % c; cific service, S enator McNary was a j- played in th is section. The story of
vised today.
N um erous pro tests th e gam e in full w ith an analysis
calves, 13c.
from patro n s of the A irlie postoffiile of th e “b re a k s” which lost for A sh­
HOGS— Top, 16% c.
S H E E P — Ewes, 7c; w ethers, 9c; caused th e change.
land despite th e fact th a t they out-
lam bs, 10c.
h it and out-fielded th e N orthern
C ontract let for R ieth to Echo sec­ C alifornia all-stars, will ap p ear in to­
BARLEY — Feed, $3.00; ship­
of E a ste rn Oregon highw ay.
ping, $3.12%c.
m orrow ’s Tidings.
Platinum Strike
On Evans Creek
num s trik e m ade on E vans creek
a b o u t a year ago, says th e Gold Hill
Jo h n Day— Canyon
Nothing much was learned bridged here,
creek to be
SEATTLE, Sept. 16.— Som ew here
in Seattle is a young woman wbo
m ade P resident W ilson blush. J u s t
before he boarded his tra in for P o rt­
land last night th ere was a swish of
sk irts, some one d arted into th e c ir­
cle of d ig n itaries saying farew ell, and
before th e president knew it an ex­
trem ely good looking girl had kissed
him on th e hand. He was plainly
em barrassed. The girl sm iled and
disappeared in th e crowd.
BOSTON, Sept. 15.— It is report*
in labor circles here th a t Preside:
Gom pers of the A m erican Federatic
of L abor, will ta k e personal chari
of th e policem en’s union strik e.
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T o th e R e scu e
(By th e U nited P re ss)
NEW YORK, Sept. 15.— E ight about th e s trik e a t th e tim e, b ut the
th o u san d shipyard w orkers who “ a u ­ m ore im p o rtan t fact show ing th a t a
tom atically ” established a 44 hour big body of platinum was actually
week schedule by q u ittin g a t noon discovered have ju st come to light.
last S atu rd ay found them selves w ith­
P latin u m ran g in g from d u st to
out jobs w hen they rep o rted for th e size of a hazel n u t, it has been
w ork th is m orning.
learned, wras tak e n out, a pound of
The em ployers declared th a t th e which was sold at Eugene.
m en “ a u to m a tic ally ” resigned by
E ver since placer m ining has been
th e ir action, and announced th a t all followed on E vans creek, platinum
th e s trik e rs w ould be paid off this in m oreor less q u a n tity has been
aftern o o n .
tak e n out of th e sluice boxes a s su r­
The tro u b le arose w hen th e ship­ ing m iners th a t som ew here up
yard w orkers dem anded a 4 4-hour stream th is m etal could be found in
w orking week w ith S atu rd ay a fte r­ q u antity. The p resent value of th is
noons off. The shipyard ow ners re ­ previous m etal is reported a t about
fused to th e dem and and th e men $105 per ounce, and th e deposit from
th en declared a s trik e for every S at­ which th e “ hazel n u ts ” w ere tak en , if
u rday afternoon.
opened up, will c ertain ly m ake th e
The yard ow ners announced today locator independent of th e H. C. L.
th a t they a re filling th e places w ith for a long, long tim e.
o th e r w orkers.
The unions have
No record is rep o rted of any
s ta rte d picketing.
claim s ever filed on th is discovery
and ou r inform ation shows th a t th e
m an who could uncover th is rich find
died a sh o rt tim e ago in th e E ast.
Any person who re-locates th is strik e
will doubtless have very little d iffi­
in estab lish in g clear title to
The a tte n tio n of all h u n te rs and
prospectors is called to th e p lati­
adopt th e peace tre a ty
and the
League of N ations covenant w ithout
m u tilatio n , a t th e A uditorium to>
P o rtla n d new spapers, for several
days, p rinted coupons which were
clipped and signed by O regonians in
every section of th e state, and then
sent to the A uditorium here. T h ir­
ty-thousand of the coupons were re­
corded. Then a lo ttery was held,
resu ltin g in 6690 nam es being se­
lected. T ickets were issued and
m ailed to th e w inners. Only persons
possessing those pasteboards will
h e a r W ilson talk.
The resu lt will be th a t the loggei
fro n Coos county will rub elbows
w ith the A storia
b an k er tonight,
w ith a P o rtlan d society m atron sit­
tin g beside an eastern Oregon sheep-
The p residential special will de­
p a rt a t 11 o’clock to n ig h t for Cali­
fornia, P o rtlan d being the only stog
in Oregon.
Weed Wins; Story
Of Game Tomorrow
» •
(By th e U nited P ress)
PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 15.—
—W ith th ro n g s m assed along h er pa­
triotically-dressed streets. P ortland
— observing a half holiday, which
was proclaim ed by Mayor B aker—
greeted W oodrow W ilson, president
of the United States, th is m orning.
The special
presidential tra in
reached P ortland at 9 a. m. and the
president and his p arty w ere escort­
ed to aw aitin g autom obiles a t the
union statio n by th e official recep­
tion com m ittee, G overnor Ben W.
Olcott, M ayor George Baker, E dgar
B. Piper, C. S. Jackson and W. B.
Ayer, of P o rtla n d ; Judge A lfred S.
B ennett of Salem , T. H. Craw ford,
of La Grade, and Judge W. R. Bil-
yeau, of Albany. Mrs. W ilson was
greeted by Mrs. Olcott, Mrs. B aker
and Mrs. Jackson, and was presented
w ith a show er of Oregon roses.
Then, follow ing a pilot c ar b e a r ­
ing th e p resid e n t’s flag and the n a­
tional colors.
P resident W ilson,
m em bers of his official party and the
general reception com m ittee sta rte d
a procession th ro u g h the business
section, which did not end until the
chief executive of th e nation and his
“ follow ers” had trav ersed a route
to talin g 57 miles.
C rossing the W illam ette river, a f­
te r w inding its way th ro u g h the
th o ro u g h fares of th e business sec­
tion of the Oregon m etropolis, the
procession passed th ro u g h residen­
tial d istric ts of the E ast Side and
onto th e Colum bia R iver highway,
which was traversed as fa r as Crown
It was a t th a t picturesque spot
overlooking th e m ighty Colum bia
river th a t th e general reception com ­
m ittee form ally welcomed P resident
W ilson to Oregon. R etu rn in g to
P o rtlan d , th e president was taken
over a d ifferen t route, affo rd in g
m ore th o u san d s an o p p ortunity to
get a glim pse of the n a tio n ’s leader.
A stop was m ade at G resham , Ore.,
w here W ilson opened th e M ultno­
m ah county fair.
Probably th e m ost cosm opolitan
audience ever assem bled in th e state
of Oregon will h e a r W ilson tell why
the U nited S tates
DES MOINES, Sept. 15.— H aving
addressed betw een forty and fifty
thousand m en and women who vo­
ciferously cheered him d u rin g the
first four days of his to u r, S enator
Johnson arriv ed here from K ansas
City today to resum e his fight ag ain st
th e treaty .
“ It is obvious from th e response
of th e people to th e issues I am pre­
senting why th e a d m in istra tio n in­
sists upon h aste in disposing of the
tre a ty ,” said S enator Johnson.
“ Its^)rophets desire to have it h u r­
riedly approved before our people
can learn w hat it really m eans to
them . The senate has had th e tre a ty
ju st tw’o m onths, while the president
spent seven m onths w ith it, w’hile
E uropean and A siatic powers pieced
th e ir secret agreem ents to g eth e r as
th e basis of th e docum ent now p re
sen ted .”
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Sept. 15.—
R eporters on the four papers here
stru ck for an increase of wages th is
m orning. The new sw riters, who are
fully organized, imm> diately began
th e publication of a new dailv pa­
per known as “ The Re >orler.*'
SALT LAKE, Sept. 15.— From I
to seventeen G erm an spies escai
from the com pound a t F o rt Doi
las th is m orning.
F o u r m en, believed to be some
tbe escaped enem y aliens, w ere ci
tu red before noon a t Ogden.
The prisoners cut a large hole
the w ire fence form ing th e co
The escape, which was carefu
planned, was discovered a t 1 o’clt
th is m orning by a sentry.
(By th e U nited P ress)
SAN DIEGO, Sept. 15.— P resid en t
W ilson will be “ cag^pd” w hen he
speaks in th e Stadium here next F ri­
day. He will stan d in a glass cage
w ith 250 new spaper men and the of­
ficial reception com m ittee.
The precautions tak e n a re due to
his physician’s advice against o u t­
door speaking. The audience, how­
ever, will h ear every word u tte red
th ro u g h a new invention, the “ mag-
novox,” which m agnifies th e vole«
of th e speaker and carries it fo r •
g rea t distance.
It will be one of th e m ost uniqque
settin g s for a public speech in his«
Sept. 15.— The ❖
com ptroller of currency has issued ❖
a call fo r a sta te m e n t of th e «ondi- <S>
tion of all banks a t th e close of busi- ♦
For Oregon— Fair.