ASHLAND Ö A ltt TWtííQS k i ü k k o u ft Satuni ay, September l3, ld í fl g ?;u»na«nm»mmnwnwinim»n»a« | LOCAL AND PERSONAL | fr o . F a th e r w a s h a rd ly in th e s a m e class D O IN G S O F T H E V A N LOONS Bt::»:nn»iKHnHn«nnnnnni i miOTm Have a fit at Orrea Tailor*. M U • • » Mr. and Mr*. Georg* Tyson of K la m a th Falls, who are well known in A shland, passed th ro u g h here yes­ terd ay on th e ir way to P o rtla n d to vj^it fo r several days. • • • B urton H errick i* up from F re s­ no, Calif., on a ten d ays’ vacation a t his hom e here. • • • Cliff Payne m akes apple presses. 11-2 • • • S. E. G unter will go to G rants Pass tom orrow w ith th e new re p e a te r s ta ­ tion of th e W estern Union T elegraph com pany which is being established th ere. His fam ily will rem ain in A shland for th e present. Newcombe will have charge of the • • • rep e a te r statio n of th e W estern Un­ Mrs. W illiam M illion and d a u g h te r ion T elegraph company. Both Mr. M ildred leave tom orrow for San and Mrs. Newcombe have resided Jose, Calif., to spend th e w inter. in A shland for m any years and will Miss Million will e n te r th e norm al be greatly m issed by th e ir m any school th re. friends here. • • • • * • Miss F ern M urphy will leave to ­ V. O. N. Sm ith, cashier of th e m orrow tor San ^Francisco to visit Citizens Bank, is hom e from a busi- for th e com ing fo rtn ig h t. ! ness trip to P o rtlan d . • • • • * » H em stitching, Picoting, 10 cents i T hree experienced w aitresses a yard. We pay th e postage. The wanted a t the A ustin hotel. 9-tf V anity H at Shop, M edford, Ore 6-tl e • • ■ Mrs. E. E. Cadwell, J r., of Den- Miss E d ith Moody left yesterday ver> Colo and d a u g h te r B etty are fo r R oseburg w here she will t e a c h , guests a t thfe hom e of Mrg E E in th e schools for th e com ing win­ Cadwell and Mrs. Ju lia H ockett on ter. Bush stre e t. They accom panied • • • Miss Myra Talm adge, who had been Miss M arjorie G illette is a guest in Denver th e tpast two m onths and th is week of Miss Louise Crowson who retu rn ed hom ethis week. of M edford. • • • • • • F ra n k V etter and T. L. M oran, two Mr. and Mrs. B. B. K ellogg went form er residents of W yoming, who to D unsm uir today to suend the came here last fall and spent the w eek-end w ith frien d s there. w inter in A shland, s ta rte d out with • • • th eir fam ilies in th e ir autom obiles Im provem ents a re being m ade to last Ju n e to look over adjoining t e r ­ th e in te rio r of th e N azarene church. ritory w ith a view to locating per­ The redecorations of th e w alls is m anently. They w ent from here to being done by W. S. Stennett. K lam ath county, th en on to several • • • Idaho tow ns, and back through Mr. and Mrs. J. M. H indm an, well W ashington and th e n o rth ern p a rt ol know n resid en ts of A s.iland, leave to­ Oregon. A ccording to Mr. V etter day for R edding, Calif., w here Mr. they saw p retty good land on their H indm an h as been tra n sfe rre d to Irip— but have come back to Ash­ th e newly established W estern Union land. They a rriv ed here T hursday re p e a te r statio n . They expect to night. m ak e th e ir home in R edding. * • • • « • Councilm an C. W. B anta has a Mrs. B. Hj H inthorne and little crew of carp e n te rs a t w ork on his on Donald arrived hom e last night residence on F o u rth s tre e t rem od­ from a trip to Iowa and Colorado eling th e building. ¡hat has covered practically th e sum ­ • • • m er. T he Beaver R ealty com pany tra n s ­ acted a deal yesterday in which the George J. Reeves house on Dewey s tre e t becam e th e property of Irving C. DeHaas. • • • P. S. M oriarty has moved his fam ­ ily to R edding, Calif., w here they will m ake th e ir home. Mr. M oriarty Is in th e employ of th e W estern Un­ ion T elegraph com pany and has been m oved from th is sta tio n to Redding. • • • Mrs. R. P. Nell is hom e from P o rtla n d w here she had gone sev­ e ra l weeks ago and had undergone a serious operation. She is much im proved. • • • H arold A iklns of M edford, an em ­ ploye of the Pacific Telephone com ­ pany in th is city, has purchased the L. L. Shully place on T aylor stre e t, nr.d will tak e possession im m ediately. The deal was m ade th ro u g h th e Lam - kin Agency. • • • A box of superfine peaches are displayed in th e window of th e F irs t N ational bank, com ing from th e o r­ ch ard of G. M. F ro st of W im er H eights. Mr. F ro st has produced som e rem ark ab le friu t th is season, a s these peaches can testify. • • • AT THE CHURCHES f Ashland Feed SLIPPERY ROADS Store HOLD OP STAGE F L O U R , F E E D , SE E D S PH ILA D ELPH IA , Sept. 13.— Gen­ eral revival of in te rest in sp o rts is expected to m ake the national gam es of th e A m ateur A thletic Union on ( F ra n k lin Field, now in progress i here, th e g reatest in history. R etu rn of m any s ta r soldier a th ­ letes, whose absence "over th e re ” m ade ra th e r tam e a ffa irs of th e m eets d u rin g th e past y ear should m ake a boom er of th is y e a r’s re ­ vival. Class of th e contests should likew ise be put on a h ig h er plane, due to th e re tu rn of th e soldiers who have been tak in g p a rt in inter-arm y and Inter-A llied m eets since th e scigninjf of th e arm istice. Unless th e east can b ring out some excellent tale n t, th e west is looked to be an easy w inner in th e n a ­ tional games. Oueside of P at Mc­ Donald, P at Ryan and M att Mc­ G rath, th e New York police trio of weight stars, the east doesn’t seem Commander Daniel Dow, the most Lo have any en tries th a t will trim 'amoue figure In the transatlantic) he aggregation th a t th e w est will •orvioe of the Cunard line, has Just ;end from San Francisco, Seattle, retired after an adventurous oareer a* saptaln of ocean greyhounds almost °o rtla n d , Spokane, Los Angeles, St. ¡—equated in history. '^ouis, K ansas City and S alt L ake City. The list of s ta rs includes Ralph spearow, P o rtlan d , who has cleared h irteen feet in th e pole vault; Verne W inchagle, who, while a 's tu - lent a t Cornell forced Ted Tack, who (Special to T he T idings) has a record of 181 feet w ith the PORTLAND, Sept. 13.— T ruckers, javelin; W allace Caderly, 48 3-5 sec­ flour packers and w heat h andlers onds for th e q u a rte r; Floyd Payne, 3mployed In flouring m ills of P o rt­ a five mlley who has never been land, who w ent on s trik e Thursday, beaten; Jo h n M urphy, w ith a high ire still out. D em ands for recogni- jumo of 6 feet inches, and H en­ .lon of th e union— said to be the ry W illiam s, who is credited w ith ,’irBt of its kind in existence— opera­ a m ark of 9 4-5 seconds for th e h u n ­ tion of p lan ts under th e closed shop dred. >lan and a higher scale of wages The Los A ngeles A. C. will be ¡re th e points contended for by em- represented by th e sensational sp rin ­ iloyes, and these w ere denied by ter, Charley Paddock, who won the the m iller* in a sta te m e n t m ade 100 and 200 m eter events a t the lublic last night. Inter-A llied gam es; W. Y ount, an A lthough m any of th e men em- all-around m an in th e hurdles iloyed on the day shifts left th eir broad jum p and hop-step-and-jum p daces, m ills were in operation ye«- Rick Tem pleton, second in th e high erday and also last night. As th re e jum p, and Reg. Coughey, w inner o? ;hifts a re employed while large gov- the 16 poupd shot put a t th e Inter- jrnm ent contracts are being filled, Allied gam es, will represent the the exact num ber of men involved Olympic club of San Francisco. ?annot be determ ined u n til this One of th e stro n g est eastern m orning, t l is estim ated, however, team s will be sent from th e Boston ’h a t 250 men a re employed in the A. A. It will include Jim m y Con­ lines which th e ne wunion would nolly, Billy M eannix, Marc W right, represent, b ut m illers say all of these W. D. Hayes, E arl Thom pson, H arold ire not affiliated in th e m ovem ent. N arwise, W alter W halen, J. W. Dris­ coll and L. H. W eld. Portland Flour M ill Men Go Out HAS HAD 2 0 0 PROPOSALS W . 0. B aptist Church One block n o rth of Citizens Bank. (W . N orton F erris, P a sto r.) Bible school 9:45 a. m. Divine w orship 11 a. m. Special m usic and ap p ro p riate decorations. Serm on by pastor. Them e, ‘‘P resen t Day F a sh ­ ion.” A tim ely m essage for folks. Evening service of evangelistic song and serm on 8 p. m. We cordially invite ou r m em ber­ ship and friends to all these se r­ vices. S tran g ers alw ays welcome. P resb y terian e n u rc h (C. F. Koe.hler, P a sto r.) Subject of Sunday m orning’s ser­ m on: “A Neglected P hase of C hris­ tia n E xperience.” Subject for Sun­ day evening: “Signs of God’s Spe­ cial P resence.” Sunday school 9:45 a. m. P ra y er m eeting, T hursday, 7:45 p. m. Y. P. S. C. E. 7 p. m. N azarene Church (D orm an D. E dw ards, P a sto r.) L arg e congregations both m orjiing and evening last Sabbath. Let the good w ork continue. P reaching by th e p asto r Sunday, Septem ber 14, both m orning and evening. Them e for th e evening serm on, th a t prev­ alen t sp irita l disease, “ G ibeonitis.” We will try and describe th e m ost prom inent sym ptom s. Also th e cure. Don’t forget th e p ray er m eeting W ednesday night. Come. A uction Sale Septem ber 15, 2 p. m., a t w are­ house foot of F irs t stre e t, fu rn itu re , rugs, sew ing m achines and various o th er articles to be sold for storage. »-4 C. F. BATES. Standfield — City w ater voted, work to s ta rt soon. My Name Is Dennis T h ^ A shland-K lam ath F alls stagë went out as usual th is m orning a f­ 353 E a st M ain. te r being held up for a day on ac­ count of th e slippery roads over the m ountains. The rains of T hursday m ade th e m ountain road dangerous going from this way, but C. H. How­ a rd of th e stage line sta te d th is m orning th a t a few h o u rs’ drying will ren d er th e roads in a fine con­ dition, and he looks for a m onth of good roads yet. Send your fam ily w ashing to the L aundry and forget it. We will re ­ tu rn it SW EET AND CLEAN. Interest A D o lla r S ta r ts a n A c c o u n t. STATE BANK OF ASHLANB. W. A. Shell I GET THE BEARD BUT LEAVE THE ROOTS The Barber 137 E . Main THE TMCA' Charlie Chaplin in in The Trap Sunnyside SUNDAY— MONDAY “ A SPORTING CHANCE” STARRING Ethel Clayton Here is an especially good Ethel Clayton picture. She meets a man in prison stripes on a deserted road, takes an intense liking to him, shields him from his pursuers and— ---------------- COMING----------------- w Yankee Doodle in Berlin »V A M ack Sennett 5 reel Comedy ' lib? l!& il& 1!& L - Lîlsr A' LOOMIS & NELSON ...FOR... ^ Report to the... H om er Billings and fam ily, who have been spending a couple of weeks j in camp n ear Long’s cabin, cam e in yesterday afternoon. Mr. Billings j This Is Chunkas Champ Pu La, oil rep o rts considerable rain s on th e queen and princess of the Cherokees m ountains, b u t sta te d th a t it did (one of the five civilized Indian tribes). not in te rfe re w ith th e ir having a splendid outing. • • • ITEMS OVERLOOKED Mrs. W alter J. Jones, who had been in A shland some tim e w here she underw ent an o peration a t one of th e hospitals, retu rn ed to h e r hom e in C rescent City yesterday. Jam es G reer b ro u g h t in a basket of very fine peaches raised on his place on C hurch street. F o u r years ago he b rought to th is office the larg e st peach of th e season, m eas-i u rin g 12 inches around. T h at was th e larg est we received u n til Don Spencer cam e forw ard th e o th er day w ith one m easuring tw elve and one- I h a lf inches. • • • Mrs. E ugene Cadwell, J r., of Den­ ver. Colo., and Mrs. J u lia H ockett w ill sing a d u et, “ They W ill Be H om e,” by Jerom e, a t T rin ity E pis­ “How much is your new country copal church Sunday m orning. house going to cost?” • • • “Much more than I expected,” an­ W. H. M attison of T alen t was a swered Mr. Corntossel. “We forgot to visito r to A shland yesterday a fte r­ figure in the mural decorations and noon. private elevator for the servants' • • a~ room.” Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Grim es of K la m a th F alls a re over th is week. DIFFERENTI­ They have been spending several ATION. days w ith relativ es in M edford and Is your hus­ C entral P oint, an d a re now cam p­ band an optim ist? Well, he’s an ing a t the Soda Springs, w here they optim ist in hop­ expect to spend a week. ing for the best, • • • but a good deal of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Newcombe a pessimist In will leave th is evening for th e ir new working for IL hom e in R edding, C alif., w here Mr. z Next Monday will see m e A shland rep eater statio n of th e W estern Un­ ion T elegraph com pany discontinued, and pew ones established a t R ed­ ding, Calif., and G rants Pass. An increasing volume of business neces­ sita te s th e in stallin g of two statio n s instead of the one located here for over th irty years, th is being th e only rep eater statio n betw een San F ra n ­ cisco and P ortland. I - By discontinuing th e station Ashland will lose fo u r fam ilies who have been identified w ith h er in te r­ ests for a n u m b er of years. These are th e W. E. Newcombes, th e J. M. H indm ans, th e P. S. M oriartys and the S. E. G unters. The first th re e will be located in Redding, w hile the G unters will go to G rants Pass. The telegraph office will continue in Ash­ land in th e sam e location and will be in charge of C harles A. H arris. For Sale Cheap A fin* up-to-dat* 5-room Bunga­ low,, furnaee heated, sleeping porch, full basement; one-half acre of land, all kinds of bearing fruit and ber- riee. Sightly location. A snap for someone. Miss K itty Dalton of New York, Knights of Columbue flower girl, who has distributed thousands of f l o w s to returned fighting mep in all of New York’s veterans' parades. She is ■ popular singer in K nights of Oolombus huts a t camps around New York and has received m arriage proposal* from more than 200 soldier*, sailor* and bath, hot and cold water. Lot 84x 190. Away below priee for quick marines. sale. This property is located on the Paeifle highway, three block* from BUYS ORCHARD TRACT Junior High School at No. 528. By a deal closed today, G. E. Mac- C arter of The T idings s ta ff, p u r­ chased from Mrs. Ada S tan n ard the half-acre tra c t and four-room b u n ­ all rented, with a frontage of 72 galow a t 54 Roca stre e t. Mr. Mac- teat on Main street. Also a fine lit C arter, who is teleg rap h e d ito r of tie bseine— go— in with the deal. The Tidings, plans to move onto th e See tra c t a t once w ith his son, and will be joined shortly by his two dau g h ­ ters, now in Spokane, W ash., who will a tte n d high school hepe^ z Ashland Vulcanizing Works 85 North Main 215 Fourth St. P h on e 23 Better Conditions And Have Your Better Milling In Ashland Butte Flour Ashland Mills P h one 49 A sh land , Oregon Tread Worn G-ll Deliciously Fragrant Coffee Tires Re-tread “Not a Half S o le ’ A B usiness Building Ashland Vulcanizing Works .W L y & MMP K: Staple and Fancy G roceries H ardware and Sporting Goods T H IS YEAR Also 5-Rooin Cottage Mrs. S. L ALLEN BEAUTIFUL Olive Tell WHITE HOUSE CAFE ♦ ♦ « ♦ > ♦ » » » »-•» • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « » n I ’m not a ft$ r th e “ pound of fle*h” — I leave th e roots to continue th e ir grow th. “ You a re n ex t.” BUCKHORN BA RBER SHOP Clyde Costelo. LUST TIME TODAY Ashland Laundry Co. S H O R T • ORDERS AND LU NCH ^ß QUICK SERVICE Lunches P u t Up for T ravelers 207 E ast Main. Tel. 2 1 4 On Savings Accounts system Is W ash Day A Habit With You? REPEATER The Best That Can Be Had On the Market. HARRISON BROS. Proprietors i M ì n i t < le t» * s e s « T h e rich aroma m e v i­ d en ce w h en our C o ffe e u p laced steam ing on th e ta­ ble. is o n ly th e first pleas­ in g in d ic a tio n o f its w o r th . I t is w h en y o u d rin k i t th a t y o u w ill appreciate th e u n u su a lly fin e flavor * i t possesses. W h e n su ch good coffee can he h ad at our p resen t lo w p rice, w h y n o t take hom e a package? * Y o u 11 e n jo y i t .* Our T ea», C ocoa» and C h oco la ta » w ill p le a s * you. PL A Z A G RO CERY