t*ÁtiÍS FOUtt À & f lw r o ö i n * LOCAL AND PERSONAL s ________ Yio, Father w as hardly in the same class /^ T rtE R e . A shland Feed Store FLOUR, FEED, SEEDS One block n o rth of Citizens Bank. (W . N orton F erris, P asto r.) Bible school 9:45 a. m. Divine w orship 11 a. m. Special m usic and ap p ro p riate decorations. Serm on by pastor. Them e, ‘P resen t Day F a sh ­ ion.” A tim ely m essage for folks. E vening service of evangelistic song and serm on 8 p. m. W e cordially invite ou r m em ber­ ship and friends to a ll these ser­ vices. S tra n g e rs alw ays welcome. P resbyterian m u r c h Commander Daniel Dow, the most Famous figure In the transattantio service of the Cunard line, has Just retired after an adventurous oaraer ae septa In of ocean greyhounds almost unequated In history. Portland Flour Mill Men Go Out (Special to T he Tidings) PORTLAND, Sept. 13.— T ruckers, flour packers and w heat h andlers employed in flouring m ills of P o rt­ land, who w ent on s trik e T hursday, ire still out. D em ands for recogni­ tion of th e union— said to be the irBt of Its kind in existence— opera­ tion of p lan ts u n d e r th e closed shop dan and a h igher scale of wages tre th e points contended for by em ­ ployes, and these w ere denied by th e m illers in a sta te m e n t m ade )ublic last night. A lthough m any of th e men em ­ ployed on the day sh ifts left th eir >laces, m ills were In operation yes­ terday and also last night. As th re e ¡hlfts a re employed w hile large gov- jrnm ent contracts are being filled, • he exact num ber of men involved cannot be determ ined u n til th is m orning, t l is estim ated, however, 'h a t 250 men are employed in the lines which the ne w union would represent, b u t m illers say all of these ire not affiliated In th e m ovem ent. W . U. REPEATER STATION DIVIDES Next Monday will soe m e A shland rep eater statio n of th e W estern Un­ ion T elegraph com pany discontinued, and pew ones established a t R ed­ ding, Calif., and G rants Pass. An increasing volume of business neces­ sita te s th e Installing of two statio n s instead of th e one located here for over th irty years, th is being th e only rep e a te r statio n betw een San F ra n ­ cisco and P ortland. By discontinuing th e station A shland will lose fo u r fam ilies who have been Identified w ith h er in te r­ ests for a n um ber of years. These are th e W. E. Newcombes, th e J. M. H indm ans, th e P. S. M oriartys and the S. E. G unters. The first th ree will be located In Redding, w hile the G unters will go to G ran ts Pass. The telegraph office will continue in Ash­ land in th e sam e location and will be in charge of C harles A. H arris. a a a H om er Billings and fam ily, who have been spending a couple of weeks in camp n e a r L ong’s cabin, cam e in yesterday afternoon. Mr. Billings This Is Chunkas Champ Pu La, oil rep o rts considerable rain s on th e queen and princess of the Cherokees m ountains, b u t sta te d th a t it did (one of the five civilized Indian tribes). not in te rfe re w ith th e ir having a splendid outing. ITEMS OVERLOOKED Mrs. W alter J. Jones, who had been In A shland some tim e w here she underw ent an operation a t one of th e hospitals, re tu rn ed to h er hom e in C rescent City yesterday. a a a For S a le Cheap a a a Mrs. E ugene Cadwell, J r., of Den­ ver, Colo., and Mrs. Ju lia H ockett w ill sing a d u et, “They W ill Be H om e,” by Jerom e, a t T rin ity E pis­ copal church Sunday m orning. “How much Is your new country house going to cost?” “Much more than I expected,” an­ W. H. M attison of T alent was a swered Mr. Comtossel. “We forgot to visito r to A shland yesterday a fte r­ figure in the mural decorations and noon. private elevator for the servants’ a a a~ room.” Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Grim es of K la m a th F alls a re over th is week. D IFFE R E N T I­ They have been spending several ATION. days w ith relatives in M edford and Is your hus­ C entral P oint, an d a re now cam p­ band an optimist? ing a t th e Soda Springs, w here they Well, he’s an optim ist in hop­ expect to spend a week. a a a a a a ing for the best, but a good deal of a pessimist In working for IL A fins up-to-date (-room Bunga­ low,, furnaee heated, sleeping porch, full basement; one-half acre of land, all kinds of bearing fruit and ber­ ries. Sightly location. A snap for someone. Miss K itty Dalton of New York, Knights of Columbne flower girl, has distributed thousands of f l o w s to returned fighting mep In all of New York’s veterans’ parades. She la a popular singer in K nights of Columbus huts a t camps around New York and has received m arriage proposals from more than 200 soldiers, sailors and marines. Also 5-Room Cottage bath, hot and eold water. Lot 84x 190. Away below price for quick sale. This property is located on the Paeifle highway, three blocks from Junior High School at No. (28. B IT S ORCHARD TRACT By a deal closed today, G. E. Mac- C a rte r of The T idings sta ff, p u r­ chased from Mrs. Ada S tan n ard th e half-acre tra c t and four-room b u n ­ all rented, with a frontage of 72 galow a t 54 Roca stre e t. Mr. Mac- feet on Main street. Also a fine lit­ C arter, who is tele g ra p h e d ito r of tle bastnees goes In with the deal. The Tidings, plans to move onto th e See tra c t a t once w ith his son, and will be joined shortly by his two dau g h ­ ters, now in Spokane, W ash., who will a tte n d high school U & MM? K A Business Building Mrs. S. L ALLEN z I My Name Is Dennis T h £ A shland-K lam ath F alls stage w ent out as usual th is m orning a f­ 353 East Main. te r being held up for a day on ac­ count of th e slippery roads over the m ountains. The rain s of T hursday m ade th e m ountain road dangerous going from this way, but C. H. How­ a rd of th e stage line sta te d th is m orning th a t a few h o u rs’ drying will ren d er th e roads in a fine con­ dition, and he looks for a m onth of good roads yet. Interest A D o lla r Starts an Account. W. 4. Shen The Barber I (D orm an D. E dw ards, P a sto r.) L arg e congregations both m orjiing and evening last Sabbath. Let the good w ork continue. P reaching by th e p asto r Sunday, Septem ber 14, both m orning and evening. Them e for th e evening serm on, th a t prev­ alen t sp irita l disease, “ G ibeonitis.” We will try and describe th e m ost prom inent sym ptom s. Also th e cure. D on’t forget th e p ray er m eeting W ednesday night. Come. A uction Sale Septem ber 15, 2 p. m., a t w are­ house foot of F irst stre e t, fu rn itu re , rugs, sew ing m achines and various o th er articles to be sold for storage. 9-4 C. F. BATES. Standfield — City w ater voted, work to s ta rt soon. 137 E. Main Send your fam ily w ashing to the L aundry and forget it. W e will re ­ tu rn It SW EET AND CLEAN. I GET THE BEARD BUT LEAVE THE ROOTS I ’m not a ftq r th e “ pound of flesh ” — 1 leave th e roots to continue th e ir grow th. “ You a re n ex t.” BUCKHORN BARBER SHOP Clyde Costelo. a— LAST TIME TODAY Olive Tell Charlie Chaplin in in The Trap Sunnyside SUNDAY— MONDAY “A SPORTING CHANCE” STARRING Ethel Clayton Here is an especially good Ethel Clayton picture. She meets a man i n prison stripes on a deserted road, takes an intense liking to him, shields him from his pursuers and— ---------------- COMING----------------- Ashland Laundry Co. w Yankee Doodle in Berlin” A Mack Sennett 5 reel Comedy WHITE BOUSE CAFE S H O R T • ORDERS AND LUNCHIjß QUICK SERVICE Lunches P u t Up for T ravelers 207 E ast Main. STATE BANK OF ASHLAND. ----------- --------------------.'- U . i. M system Is Wash Day A Habit With Yon? Tel. 214 On Savings Accounts N azarene Church HAS HAD 200 PROPOSALS Jam es G reer b rought In a basket of very fine peaches raised on his place on C hurch street. F o u r years ¡.go he b rought to th is office the larg e st peach of th e season, m e a s -5 n rin g 12 inches a ro u n d . T h a t was th e largest we received u n til Don Spencer cam e forw ard th e o th e r day With one m easuring tw elve and one- h a lf Inches. The Best T h at Can Be H ad On the M arket. (C. F. Koethler, P a sto r.) Subject of Sunday m orning’s ser­ m on; “A N eglected P hase of C hris­ tia n E xperience.” Subject for Sun­ day evening: “ Signs of God’s Spe­ cial P resence.” Sunday school 9:45 a. m. P ra y er m eeting, Thursday, 7:45 p. m. Y. P. S. C. E. 7 p. in. a a a A box of superfine peaches a re displayed in the window of th e F irst N ational bank, com ing from th e o r­ ch ard of G. M. F ro st of W im er H eights. Mr. F ro st has produced som e rem ark ab le friu t th is season, a s these peaches can testify, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Newcombe will leave th is evening for th e ir new home in Redding, Calif., w here Mr. Saturday, September l8 . Í910 POINGS OF THE V A N LOON S B t::» {n » » » » n » > tn » « iiiiiiii ii mni « p Have a fit at Orres Tailors. MIX • • • Mr. and Mrs. G eorgs Tyson at K la m a th Falls, who a re well known in A shland, passed th ro u g h here yes­ terday on th e ir way to P o rtlan d to vijjit for several days. • • • B urton H errick is up from F re s­ no, Calif., on a ten d ays’ vacation a t his hom e here. • • • Cliff Payne m akes apple presses. 11-2 • • • S. E. G unter will go to G rants Pass tom orrow with th e new rep e a te r s ta ­ tion of the W estern Union T elegraph com pany which is being established th ere. His fam ily will rem ain in A shland for th e present. Newcombe will have charge of th e rep e a te r statio n of the W estern Un­ Mrs. W illiam Million and d a u g h te r ion T elegraph com pany. Both Mr. M ildred leave tom orrow fo r San and Mrs. Newcombe have resided Jose, Calif., to spend th e w inter. in A shland for m any y ears and will Miss Million will e n te r th e norm al be g re a t,y m issed by th e ir m any school thre. friends here. • • • • • • Miss F ern M urphy will leave to-1 v . O. N. Sm ith, cash ier of th e PH ILA D EL PH IA , Sept. 13.— Gen­ m orrow for San Francisco to visit Citizens Bank is bom e from a bugi eral revival of in te re st in sp o rts is for th e com ing fo rtn ig h t. ness trip to P o rtlan d . expected to m ake th e n ational gam es • « a of th e A m ateur A thletic Union on H em stitching, Picoting, 10 cents T hree experienced w aitresses , a , yard. W e pay th e postage Th® wanted a t th e A ustin hotel. 9-tf F ra n k lin Field, now in progress here, th e g rea test in history. V anity H at Shop, M edford, Ore. 6-tf a a a R etu rn of m any s ta r soldier a th ­ I Mrs. E. E. Cadwell, J r., of Den- letes, whose absence "o v er th e re ” Miss E d ith Moody left yesterday ver> C o l o a n d d a u g h te r Betty are fo r R oseburg w here she will t e a c h ; guests a t tbfe hom e of Mrg E E m ade ra th e r tam e a ffa irs of th e in the schools for th e com ing win- Cadwell and Mrg Ju lia H ockett Qn m eets d u rin g th e past year should ter. m ake a boom er of th is y e a r’s re­ Bush stre e t. They accom panied a a a vival. Class of th e contests should Miss Myra Talm adge, who had been Miss M arjorie G illette is a guest in Denver the ^past two m onths and likew ise be put on a higher plane, due to th e re tu rn of th e soldiers who th is week of Miss Louise Crowson who retu rn ed hom ethis week. have been tak in g p a rt in in ter-arm y of M edford. • • a and Inter-A llied m eets since th e F ra n k V etter and T. L. M oran, two Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Kellogg went form er residents of W yoming, who scigninjf of th e arm istice. Unless th e east can b rin g out some to D unsm uir today to suend the came here last fall and spent the excellent tale n t, th e w est is looked week-end w ith frien d s there. w inter in A shland, s ta rte d out with • a • to be an easy w inner in th e n a­ th eir fam ilies in th e ir autom obiles tional games. Oueside of P at Mc­ Im provem ents a re being m ade to last Ju n e to look over ad joining te r ­ Donald, P at Ryan and M att Mc­ the in te rio r of the N azarene church. ritory w ith a view to locating per­ G rath, th e New York police trio of The redecorations of th e w alls is m anently. They w ent from here to being done by W. S. S tennett. K lam ath county, th en on to several weight sta rs, the east doesn’t seem • • • idaho tow ns, and back through ‘o have any en tries th a t will trim Mr. and Mrs. J. M. H indm an, well vVashington and the n o rth e rn p art oi he aggregation th a t the w est will know n residents of A s.iland, leave to­ Oregon. A ccording to Mr. V etter ¡end from San Francisco, Seattle, day for R edding, Calif., w here Mr. they saw p retty good land on theii °o rtla n d , Spokane, Los Angeles, St. H indm an h as been tra n sfe rre d to I rip— but have come back to Ash­ Souls, K ansas City and S alt L ake th e newly established W estern Union City. land. They arriv ed here Thursday re p e a te r statio n . They expect to The list of sta rs includes Ralph night. m ake th e ir home in R edding, ipearow , P o rtlan d , who has cleared • • • a * a h irteen feet in th e pole vault; Councilm an C. W. B anta has a Mrs. B. H| H inthorne and little Verne W inchagle, who, while a -s tu - crew of carp e n te rs a t work on his on Donald arrived home last night lent at Cornell forced Ted Tack, who residence on F o u rth stre e t rem od­ from a trip to Iowa and Colorado has a record of 181 feet w ith the eling th e building. ¡hat has covered practically th e sum- javelin; W allace Caderly, 48 3-5 sec­ a a a ner. onds for th e q u a rte r; Floyd Payne, The Beaver R ealty com pany tra n s ­ a five m iler who has never been acted a deal yesterday in which the beaten; Jo h n M urphy, w ith a high PRINCESS PU LA George J. Reeves house on Dewey ium n of G feet 2% Inches, and H en­ stre e t becam e th e property of Irving ry W illiam s, who is credited with C. DeHaas. a m ark of 9 4-5 seconds for th e h u n ­ • a a dred. P. S. M oriarty has moved his fam ­ The Los A ngeles A. C. will be ily to Redding, Calif., w here they represented by th e sensational sp rin ­ will m ake th e ir home. Mr. M oriarty ter, Charley Paddock, who won the Is in th e employ of th e W estern Un­ 100 and 200 m eter events a t the ion T elegraph com pany and has been Inter-A llied gam es; W. Y ount, an m oved from th is sta tio n to Redding, all-around m an in th e hurdles a a a broad jum p and hop-step-and-jum p Mrs. R. P. Neil Is hom e from Rick Tem pleton, second in th e high P o rtla n d w here she had gone sev­ lum p, and Reg. Coughey, w inner of e ra l weeks ago and had undergone the 16 poupd shot put a t th e Inter- a serious operation. She is much Allied gam es, will represent the im proved. Olympic club of San Francisco. a a a One of th e stro n g est eastern H arold A ikins of M edford, an em ­ team s will be sent from th e Boston ploye of th e Pacific Telephone com ­ A. A. It will include Jim m y Con­ pany in this city, has purchased the nolly, Billy M eannix, Marc W right, L. L. Shully place on T aylor stre e t, W. D. Hayes, E arl Thom pson, H arold ar.d will ta k e possession Im m ediately. Narwise, W alter W halen, J. W. D ris­ T he deal was m ade th ro u g h th e Lam - coll and L. H. W eld. kin Agency. a a • tidings LOOMIS & NELSON ...FOR... Report to the... Ashland Vulcanizing Works 85 North Main Staple and Faney Groceries Hardware and Sporting Goods 215 Fourth St. P h on e 23 Better Conditions Better Milling T H IS YEAR And In Ashland Butte Flour Have Ashland Mills Your P h one 49 A sh land , Oregon Tread Worn Deliciously • Fragrant Coffee Tires Re-tread T h e rick aroma m e v i­ dence wken our C offee is placed steaming on tke ta­ ble. is only tke first pleas­ ing indication o f its wortk. “Not a Half Sole” Ashland Vulcanizing Works ’ I t is wken you drink it tkat you w ill appreciate tke unusually fine flavor it possesses. W k e n suck good coffee can ke kad at our present low price, w ky not take kome a package? HARRISON BROS. Proprietors * Y o u ’ll enjoy it.* Our Toaa, Cocoa» »nd C h ocolat• • w ill ploaao you. PLA ZA GROCERY