c ■ # ASHLAND T ID IN G S E stablished 1876 P ublished Every E vening Except Sunday by TH E ASHLAND PR IN TIN G COMPANY B ert it ..................................................................... O F F IC IA L C IT Y A N D C O U N T Y P A P E R . TELEPHONE 39 SUBSCRIPTION RA TES D ELIV ER ED IN CITY ___ $6.00 ..............50 ..............15 One One One Subscription Rates By Mall Outside of City One y e a r by m a il........................................................... ..................................... .$5.00 Six m onths by m a il.............................................................................................. 2.75 T hree m onths by m a il......................................................................................... 1.60 No o ut of tow n subscription tak e n for less th a n th re e m onths. By Mail Outside of United States— One y e a r .......................................................................................................... $8.12 Six M o n th s ..’, . . . . ................................................................................ V. 4.31 No subscription for less th a n six m onths. ADVERTISING RATES The Social Realm YEARLY CONTRACTS Display Advertising— One tim e a week, each in c h ................................................. each tim e 27 %c Two tim es a week, each in c h ............................................... .. .each tim e 25c E very o th er day, each in c h ...................................................... each tim e 20c E very issue, each in c h ................... * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . each tim e 17 %c Local Readers— E ach line each tim e (6 w ords to l i n e ) ..................................................10c To ru n every o th er day for one m onth, each line each tim e ........... 7c To ru n every issue for one m onth o r m ore, each line each tim e . . 5c Classified Column— One cent th e w ord each tim e. To ru n every issue for one m onth o r m ore, % c th e w ord each tim e, C ards of T hanks, $1.00. O bituaries, 2 % cents th e line. Fraternal Orders and Societies A dvertising for fra te rn a l o rd ers o r societies ch arg in g a re g u la r initiation fee and dues, no discount. R eligious and benevolent o rd ers will be charged fo r all ad v ertising w hen an adm ission o r o th e r charge is m ade, at th e re g u la r rate. The Tidings has a greater circulation in Ashland and its trade territory than all other newspapers combined. E n tered a t th e A shland, Oregon, Postoffice as Second Class Mail M atter. AND TR IED AGAIN, BUI DID NOT SUCCEED P resid en t W ilson will not speak in A shland. Two m onths ago Sec­ re ta ry Mowat of th e A shland Com­ m ercial club sta rte d pulling w ires in an endeavor to have th e P re si­ d e n t’s special m ake a half-h o u r stop in A shland and the president give a tw enty-m inute speech in th e C hau­ ta u q u a au d ito riu m . A stack of co respondence w ith m ost every prom in e n t D em ocrat in Oregon, w ith Sen a to r C ham berlain and Hon Josepl T um ulty, secretary to th e president and in th e last week, several tele gram s, evidence th e fact th a t Secre ta r y Mowat was h ittin g them iron every angle but th e p resid e n t’s pol icy of m aking speeches only in tin big cities, one to a sta te , fru stra ted h is efforts. The endorsem ent of the s ta te and n atio n al com m itteem en a t P ortland w ere forw arded to S enator Cham ber lain to g eth e r w ith endorsem ents o; th e plan to have th e president a t th t S o uthern Oregon C h au tau q u a au dito riu m from th e m ayors of ever} city in S o uthern Oregon. Senatoi C ham berlain had two audiences witl th e president and S ecretary Tum ul ty w hile they w ere a rra n g in g th schedule of th e quick trip arount th e country and urged th a t th e Ash land stop be m ade b u t th e p resid en ts physician advised th a t th e scheduh including th e big cities only wouli , tax Mr. W ilson’s s tre n g th to the utm ost. As a last m inute reso rt a tele gram was sent to Secretary Tum ult} a t Billings. Mont., se ttin g fo rth tht facts th a t th e people of N o rth err C alifornia and S outhern Oregon w ert 350 m iles from th e n e a re st city w h en th e president would speak and tha' they would have no opportunity tt h e a r him, th a t A shland would guar a n te e to jam betw een five and si th o u san d people ihto th e C hautau qua a u d ito riu m for th e tw enty m in u te Bpeech and th a t th e plai toad th e endorsem ent of every city ii th ese sections. A pparently th e m at te r was tak en up again w ith tht p resident and his physician and tht follow ing teleg ram ended th e hope; of A shland’s hearin g th e president A shland Com m ercial Club, A shland, Ore. T elegram received. In m aking up th e p resid e n t’s schedule it was essential to consider his physical ab ility to carry th ro u g h the pro- 1 gram . The in tin e ra ry arra n g e d Is 90 stren u o u s th a t his physician advises th e president w ould be unduly fatigued if he attem p ted ■TM F* CITIZENS BANK OFASHLAND AS YOUR BUSINESS INCREASES you m ay req u ire an a d ­ ditio n al banking connec­ tion. You will find The C iti­ zens Bank of A shland of valuable service to you. W e a re ever a le rt to th e best in terests of o u r cus­ tom ers. A ccounts solicited. Picnic Y esterday The sunshine cam e out gloriously yesterday expressly to accom m odate th e m em bers of th e P resbyterian Sunday school who had planned th at date for th e ir a n n u al picnic. W hile the scene appointed for th e festivi­ ties was H elm an’s grove, it was th o u g h t by older heads to be too dam p, so th e picnic was tra n sfe rre d to th e L ith ia picnic grounds, and th e change of location was every bit as d elightful as th e fo rm er place A good sized com pany sat down tc the tables filled w ith choice viands and th e feast w as enjoyed by young and old alik e, w hile th e children had a happy day on th e playgrounds. • • • Newlyweds V isiting Mr. and Mrs. W infred P hillips of M edford are visiting relatives in Ash land for a few days, w hile on theii w edding trip. This young couplf w ere m arried in M edford Septem her 4. The bride w as form erly Mis Grace K incheloe, a popular youn; wom an of M edford and a g r a d u a l of th e high school of th a t city. Mr P hillips is a well know n Ashlam young m an and ex-service m an, hav ing served w ith th e Field Signa Corps of th e 23rd Division. He it now located in M edford, w’here h r conducts a re p a ir shop and w hen they will reside. I4%ON DEPOSITS AT NATATORIUM AT 9:00 O’CLOCK C O N C E R T IN L IT H IA P A R K A T 7 :3 0 p. m . Saturday Evening, Sept. Tommasino’s 2P-picce Ita'ian Exposition Band stopping enroute from California Exposition to Oregon Exposition Tickets for Dance $1.00 plus war tax. Ladies Free M ay sisted of th e hostess, Miss Myer, and Misses R u th D aniels of M edford; Hazel P ennell of A stofia; Myra Gun­ ter, E d ith Moody, H elen Moore, F lo r­ ence Allen and H a rrie t Hodges B reakfast was served th e guests in the m orning. Of th ese norm al s tu ­ dents Miss Moody will teach in tlr; Roseburg schools th is year; Miss Daniels a t M edford; Miss Allen a t A s h la n d ,'a n d Miss G unter a t Cor­ vallis. Misses Pennell, Moore 'a n d Myer will again re tu rn to San Jose. Victory NOTICE Owing to th e general advance in th e price of K odak finishing th ro u g h o u t th e country due to th e higher cost of labor and m a­ te ria ls we have found I t necessary to advance our prices on th is w ork accordingly. The follow ing price list will tak e effect Sep­ tem ber 15th: Developing 6x8 Ex. R o l l s ......................... 15 Packs, .35 10x12 Ex. R olls. .25 Printing Elks Block « » 9 O rganizing F o r Convention The W. C. T. U. torces a re getting .veil organized to e n te rta in the sta te Good Old F ashioned Cooking, convention, October 8, 9, and 10. com bined w ith service. S hort o r­ A shland' h o sp itality m ust receive ders and good dinners. W e a re here hese honored guests w ith real h o s - , and we w ant to stay. If we please vitality. Look for program later. you tell others, if we do not tell us. • * • Vest P o c k e t .............................. 05 3 % x 4 ^ ................................... 06 2% x4% 06 2 *4x3 f t ....................................05 3 % x 6 tt ................................... 06 2 % x 4 i¿ 05 4 x5 ................................... 06 3% x 3 % 05 P o st C ards .06 E nlarging 11x14 ................................. $.1.25 7x11— 8x10 .75 5x7 .50 BERT H. HINTHORNE, C. C. DARLING Studio Ashland to m ake any ad d itio n al speeches. Darling Studio The Camera Exchange F o r th is reason we have been com ­ pelled to deny all requests of this ni»nuii:n::i i »i:ti:::mR«iin« t»i ii:K: m: ni»HH»i»»»»t:nwm«nmiin»» « w > n a tu re and, as m uch as th e presi­ dent would like to comply and P io n eer Society M eets m eet th e good people of your com ­ T hursday in A shland w itnessed m unity, he is sorry not to be able he an n u al feunion and d in n er of to give you any encouragem ent. In X he m em bers of the Pioneer Socit ty his behalf let me th a n k you w arm ­ )f S outhern Oregon and th e ir fam- ly for your courteous invitation. lies, who g ath ered to th e num ber J. P. TUMULTY. >f two h u n d red or m ore and th o r­ The president will m ake his only oughly enjoyed th e ra re social ten­ Iregon speech in P o rtla n d on Sep Good Meals and Short Orders. Day ures of th e occasion. C hautauqua m ber 15. He is scheduled to leave • * « and Night Service. Pioneer hall was th e scene of the 'o rtla n d a t 11 p. m. th a t day, which C. E . Society Met lath e rin g a t which nearly all the 2 9 7 East M ain vould bring him th ro u g h Ashland The P resb y terian C hristian En uoneer fam ilies of th e Rogue River om etim e a fte r noon on Tuescdav. Septem ber 16. The special tra in wlli d^ Vor Society held a business meet alley from Jacksonville on the 1 Jng a t th e m anse -Tuesday evening north to A shland on th e south were lave to stop here to change engine . a t which W alter Miksch was choser represented. A program of exer­ ind for car-inspection. The Com pre ident; Jo h n Hoyt, vice-president: cises a t 11 o’clock included an invo­ nercial club will ascertain th e ex?c Grace Leslie, sec tary ; F red Koeh cation by Rev. Dr. K oehler, p asto r ime of a rriv al and if known in tim ler, tre a s u re 1. R eports of comm ittee: of the F irs t P resb y terian church; vo­ vill give it to th e public through w ere read .md plans m ade for thf cal num bers by Mrs. H enry Provost,, Monday’s paper. A notice will bi w in ter’s work in th e society. A Bi­ iccom panied by Mrs. N ate B. Bates, A losted in fro n t of th e Commercia ble drill will be given, at each Sun nid piano solos by M aster George :lub Tuesday. day evening m eeting th is fail, an? v'rancis B arron. This program in- The Com m ercial Club w ants to pu? Best Woolens; Latest Fash­ a m ission study book will be studied dueled th e reading of my:.icri of '.ome friu t—flgts of it— on th e presi- ions Always. also. • .» ' the following deceased pio: • ers: ie n t’s car which will m ake th e presi The society will saAlv m iss th Ivan D. A pplegate, John L. Grubb, lential p arty sit up and ta k e notice Satisfaction Guaranteed help and fellow ship of the Misset '.Iary Ann W alker, L eander A. Ned The club w ants everybody who has Poley, H errin and M orthland, whi :nd Mrs. M ary Shepherd. 'tie of those trees which grows mon leave to e n te r college th is fall. The m a tte r of a pioneer m em orial iter peaches o r apples or pears, to se i « i » s cabin to be erected in A shland park ect a few of th e biggest and most ! P icnic D inner o preserve th e historical records of erfect and leave them a t th e Club A picnic d in n er was served in his section w as again discussed Bargains in oom in th e city hall Monday even- L ith ia park last W ednesday a t which briefly and the conrinittee appointed t i g o r before ten T uesday morn ng. In ad dition to the g reat big Thom as Fuson of M edford was host. o w ork up th e project reported p ro ­ ’ties, th e club w ants a lot of finely The a ffa ir was given in honor o gress. Officers elected for th e ensuing City and R anch P roperties, Houses lavored fru it, it doesn’t m atte: Mr. F u so n ’s m other, Mrs. Mary E to R ent. Wood of th is city, who expects tc year were Mis3 Mollie B ritt of Ja c k ­ v h eth er big o r sm all. leave soon for P o rtla n d to spend sonville, president, and Miss Alice C itizens’ B ank Building. th e w inter. A nother hopor guesi Hanley of M edford, vice-president, was G ilbert S tu a rt, who is ju st home succeeding Mrs. Alice A. Peii and > PEOPLE’S FORUM from F ran ce and is visiting in the VIrs. W illiam Myer of A shland, presi­ DOES THIS FIT YOU? valley. dent and vice-president respective?.’ • • • T he follow ing very p e rtin en t clip- Corner by the Park. for th e p ast year. ling was handed in by a subscriber: Slumber Party The ad d ress of the day was given I want to close out on Cream Sep- arators. In patronizing hom e Industry, we Slum ber p a rtie s seem to he in by Mr. Irving E. Vining, in tr.e dii 1 : e two left over from before th e j lelp th e laboring m an and protect vogue a t th e present tim e, despite ug room, follow ing th e dinney, ; rices, an d w ill sell th em ac- j he hom e capital th a t is invested. th e m isnom er, as they ap p aren tly Mr. V ining veritably outdid himsql Snccessor to PRUITT-HUTSON AUTO CO. cor. kingly. B oth a re 450 lb. capacity.'! A th in g th a t keeps any tow n back- consist of everything b ut slum ber not ouly in o rato ry and diction, but New a n d used Sewing M achines ward is th e m an who w akes up a t This week Miss Bernice Myer gave in th e subject m a tte r of th e a d ­ of tru s t any m ake fo r sale o r rent,! We have h u n d red s of used Sew- i he alarm of a clock m ade in New one of th e p opular events a t her dress, in th e m inds of those who in;; M achines th a t we have tak e n in England States, and b u tto n s or, his home on High s tre e t to the girls of heard him. tra d e for new W hite m achines, a n d : New York p an ts to a pair of Buffalo th is Section who have been o r are The d in n er w hich was spread in some of them is as good as new. W ill! suspenders; puts on a cowhide tanned San Jose norm al students. W ednes­ the dining room on th e first floor of he sold fo r a sm all price. ia ir of shoes m ade in St. Louis, day n ig h t th e com pany m et a t th e Pioneer hall was prepared and served shaves w ith a C onnecticut safety Vining th e a te r in a party , a fte r which by th e native sons and dau g h ters razor and dries on a cotton towel they ad jo u rn ed to the Myer residence of A shland and w as a v e ritab le feast, m ade in P ennsylvania; sits down to w here refresh m en ts w ere served. prepared and served as only th e pio­ These chilly mornings and evenings every wom­ t G rand R apids tab le on a ch air Beds w ere sought about m idnight neer fam ilies know how and the m ade in Chicago, and b u tte rs his i but not m uch slum ber was obtained bounties of n a tu re in th is favored an__young or old— is thinking and planning for bread w ith A u stralian b u tte r w ith a until a very late hour. T he list con- section provide. new fall apparel. Our line of new dress fabrics Boston m ade knife and e ats K ansas » ♦ ♦ » » ♦ -»-» a » » » * 0-a City bacon and M innesota g rits fried for fall wear is now on display in our dress goods n A m erican lard, cooked on a De­ section, and offers to our customers a pleasing tro it stove, and has a dessert of Cal­ variety of colors, patterns and materials, all of ifornia fru it seasoned w ith spice m ade in St. P aul, a fte r which he splendid quality and reasonably priced. No slips into a New York rain co at and mistake will be made in selecting dress material claj?s on a wool h at m ade in P h il­ adelphia, and goes down in an Ohio here. inutom obile and finds th e office boy dusting his office fu rn itu re , m ade in <> I Illinois. He fills his R hode Island pipe w ith tobacco put up in Georgia. He s ta rts to business and w onders An a p p o rtu n ity to buy good su b stan tial woolen O ur b e a u tifu l display of Silk is som ething you why local tra d e is q u iet; goes home ♦ fabrics in late p a tte rn s and weaves m ust cer­ < ‘ do not w ant to miss. You will be surprised a t at night and gets into a foreign-m ade tain ly be valued th is year. W e have m ade some bed, and the only th in g local he gets the g rea t variety shown. W hether for a p retty fo rtu n a te purchases, and have selected c arefu l­ We Handle the is th e b ark of the stre e t dog, a fte r ly and com pletely a fine stock fo r ou r cus­ frock, a stylish suit, an a ttrac tiv e blouse or dain­ which he concludes th a t town is not tom ers. Every piece a n exceptionally good ty un d erg arm en ts— you can find w hat you w ant, a good place to live in and do busi­ value. ness in. a t prices you will be glad to pay. H om e Big Bargains in Restaurant Used Cars ORRES T A IL O R S FO R MEN AND WOMEN few exceptionally good buys C. B. LAMKIN SEAL ESTATE Two good Used Chevrolet 1918 Model One Ford Tduring Car $250 One E. M. F. 5 Passenger good tires, 400 One Stoddard Dayton 200 AU in g o o d con d ition . C om e a n d lo o k th em o v e r . P E I L ’S Medford Auto Co. Medtord, Oregon W O O LEN S S IL K S CROWN FLOUR PAULSEÏIUD & BA RRETT ♦ ♦ F in e T ailorin g ♦ For Men and Women. 171 East Main. Tel. IIP, Diamonds 0. H. Johnson The Jeweler It m akes the finest, flakiest, whitest Bread The lightest Biscuits The most brittle and appetizing Pie Crust The most superb Cake Ask us about it, try it* and you wilt be convinced W e a re offerin g some real values In Diam onds. You cannot lose; the chances a re good for a m uch higher price in th e n ear fu tu re. I SAVINGS DANCE • « • Single in s e rtio n ............................................................... ............. each inch 30c T R IE D , TWENTY PIECE Fancy W ork P a rty Mrs. P e rry A shcraft e n te rta in ed a com pany of h e r friends a t h er home on Pine stre e t in honor of Mrs. M argaret W inter Brown of Dos A n­ geles, who is visiting} here. The close friends of Mrs. Brown w ere iuvited tp m eet her, and g ath ered a t the A shcraft home, w here th e evening was spent w ith th e ir fancy w ork R efreshm ents were served before the com pany departed. The guest lis* included Mrs. Brown of Los Angeles; Mrs. H arry Moore and sister, Miss E rjha Rice of P o rtla n d ; Mrs. F ran- cisF J . M urphy, Misses Bessie Car penter, Stella Hays, Nina E m ery and R u th Osmun of A shland. Display Advertising— t* Saturday, September 18, 1919 tidings ribfe two i y HOUSEHOLD LINENS BLANKETS L ast n ight was r a th e r cold, so was th e n ig h t be­ fore. Yet, still colder n ig h ts a re ahead. W ear- well blankets a re h ere in special display. This line of m erchandise is th e best obtainable and your purchases will be wise when you decide on w earw ell quality. <~ The housew ife a t th is tim e of the year is re ­ plenishing h er supply of lin en s, bedding and o th e r esse n tia l household goods. We have liberal a sso rtm e n ts of table linens, sheets and sheeting, pillow cases and tubing, and th e a r ­ ticles, all of th e m ost dependable qualities and a t the very low est m a rk e t prices. »»♦♦♦♦♦o» OURS IS THE ■ TRADE THAT SERVICE ---- MADE / A VAUPEL’S WW' ' !»»♦.......... ........................................ PHONE 122 QUALITY STORE h m m