Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, September 12, 1919, Image 1

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T V"
M. Ii.
! vol. XLiii . . . ... , . ; .
ii i i 111 i i iiiiin 111 1 1 ni ii i i in n i II
By L. C. Martin,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 12. "If the
lenate understands, and American
people understand tbli treaty It wilt
be defeated." This, according o
William Bullitt, testifying before the
senate Foreign Relations Committee
today, was the statement made blm
by Secretary of State Lansing on
May 19.
Secretary Lansing, he declared,
continued, "But I wonder If they will
understand what It will let us in for.
It it my personal opinion that Sena
tor Knox probably will really under
itand it and Senator Lodge will, but
Lodge's position would be purely po
litical. Senator Knox might instruct
the people." .
. Previous to bis testimony concern
ing Lansing's alleged utterances,
Bullitt bad shown the committee a
document which he said wa sthe
original of President Wilson's League
of Nations draft, written by WlUon
personally. ,
He also presented copies of Gen
eral Smuts' original proposal. Lord
Cecil's orlginul plan and the presi
dent's second proposal.
He said these original drafts soon
gav way In the Paris discussions to
the plan drafted by the British Com
mission ol International Lawyers.
Bullitttwaa chief of the division
of current Intelligence for the Unit
ed States Peace Commission. , , .
Bullitt also showed ' committee
copies of other original drafts, tes
tified about bis trip to Russia to got
from Lenine a declaration on which
fighting would be stopped.
' Concerning the proposed Prinkipos
conference among ,all, Russian- fac
tions, Bullitt testified that French
opposition defeated the plan.
, He ald the copy of Wilson ' orig
inal League of Nations draft was
written on the president's own type
writer and 'given to'hlm by Colonel
House. The document bears the In
scription "For William Bullitt, in ap
preciation of jour help in an hour
of need." '
Senator Knox asked Bullitt what
be regarded as the president's great
est contribution to the League cov
enant, and Bullitt replied that as far
as he knew the only proposition of
the president which remained fairly
Intact was Article. Ten.
Sept. II. Secretary Lansing said
today that he hud no comment to
make on William Bullitt's testimony
before the senate foreign relations
committee. . .
By Hugh Bnlllle . .
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
' RATHDRUM, Idaho, ..Sept. 12.
In" chill and drilling rain, Presi
dent Wilson left his special train
here at 9 o'clock 'this morning tor
an automobile, trip to Coeur de'Alene,
where he was to speak.
Dr. Grayson,' the president's physi
cian, saw to 'it that, the president
was well bundled up and that every
precaution was taken to prevent him
from taking cold in the " sudden
change of temperature
The Talent Mi-'E. church has
closed Its year With a clean slate, so
far as any ' Indebtedness Is con
cerned. Last Sunday Rev.- C. A. Ed
awards, acting district superintendent,
conducted quarterly conference, at
which It was planned to unite this
church with Wagner Creek and pro
cure a minister tor the coming year.
The Talent church had been under
!'the charge of M. C. Reed for sev
eral years, until he. left a year ago
'to join the Ellison-White Chautau
qua company. Since then the charge
, has been ably -taken cnre of by Mrs.
' Reed, who leaves this month with
- Jer husband for New Zealand. -
(By the United Press) ;
SEATTLE, 8-pt. 12. The flint
Hhlp of the Pacific fleet arrived here
at 10:150 followed by 4 Pacific de
fender. Thro hundred thousand
people lined the water front. . . . .
(By the United Press)
VICTORIA, B. C, Sept. 12. The
United States battleships New Mex
ico and Arkansas crossed the straits
of Juan De Fuca this morning oh
their way to join the remainder of
the .fleet entering Puget Sound. ,
BOURNEMOUTH, Eng., Sept. 12
Nine British, French and Italian
seaplanes faced . the starter' here
when the International oversea race
for the Jacques Schneider trophy and
a I500O prise was resumed after an
Interval of five years. The last con
test was held at Monte Carlo In April,
1914, when Howard Pixton, on a 8op
with seaplane won the trophy for
Great Britain.
Modern advances In seaplane con
struction have led to alteration' of
the conditions of the contest, which
Is now held over a course of '200
nautical miles. The course selected
by the Royal, Aero Club . embfjiCM
Bournemouth, Swanage ana vhrisi
Church. Euch country Is entitled to
three entries, the British tilers be
ing supplied by the Sopwltb Aviation
company, the Avro company, and the
Supermarine Aviation company.
The British Motor Boat club sup
ply marine police and patrols.
. (By the United Press) , -NEW
YORK, Sept. 12. No mor
short seasons! That's the cry of the
magnates In both major leagues.
The 140 game season, tried this
year has the club owners standing
on their ear when they figure the
money that has been lost through the
departure from the usual 154 game
schedule. .
The plan, suggested and pushed
through by Ban Johnson,, president
of the American League, was adopt
ed to safeguard the club - owners
against the slump in sporting Inter
est that some pessimists had predict
ed as an aftermath of the war. But
ft worked Just the other way. Sports
are on' the. biggest boom of history.
Especially has the revival of inter
est been noticed In baseball. Crowds
have Jammed the yards of all the ma
jor "league teams. Cincinnati,
Cleveland, New York, .Chicago and
Detroit have been unable to take
care of the Sunday and . holiday
Detroit' and Cleveland are partlc-1
ularly sore at the short season ar
rangement as they both have a
chance for the American League
flag and might make their way into
world's series coin if they had the
usual fourteen more games to go! y
, YEREKA, Calif., Sept. 12.
Claiming that they were cousins and
could not marry, D. A. Lyons of
Jackson, .Oregon, last, week tele
phoned to County Clerk Wltherow
of Shasta county and forbade hlra to
Issue a license to Ervin D. Renojlet
and Georgia Lyons, . his daughter,
who claim Dunsmulr as their resi
dence. The bride's father was an
hour too late, for the llcenso had
been Issued when he telephoned. He
then interviewed the sheriff over the
wire and. demanded the arrest of the
bride and groom. He was Informed
(hat he would have to secure .a war
rant. The bridal couple have disap
peared. . '
Dublin. Illicit dietlllinc la becom
Ing more prevalent In Ireland as a I
result of the whiskey shortage. Huge
seizures of "potheen" 'are , reported
In the West. , ...
Baby. Vilson
Wilson's Kiss
' By Hugh Balllee,
(United Press Stat! Correspondent.)
TRAIN IN IDAHO. BepC 12. Presi
dent Wilson today went to the con
stituent of Senator Borah, the lead
ing opponent of the peace treaty, In
an effort to convince them that the
Diet should be ratified, when be In
vaded the. Panhandle of Idaho for
a speech at Coeur d'Alen with the
object of t arousing Borah's "folks
at borne' to such an extent that they
would make thlr desires known at
the capltbi. ' ' 1
.Warm weather was encountered
late yesterday and last night and
the president resumed bis black, silk
suit and cap which ha wort durln
tha first beat spell of his trip. Othe
members of the party appeared Ir
Palm Beaches and Panama hats
which made then tha object of con
siderable Interest to- th dusty
mountaineers who had driven for
mile through the hills to see Wil
son, ,;..' ' .
' At one station a 'woman held op
a baby for tha presidential party to
see. . Mrs. Wilson reached over and
took It In her arms.- In a moment it
burst Into protest.
"Is It a boy or girl?" asked the
first lady' of tha land while trying
to calm It, "It's a boy,", suddenly
spoke up tha proud father from the
background, ''and It's nam Is Wil
son." '
: .ThU brought a hr from.tbaraar
platform crowd.
Boston Situation Now
Hand but
, BOSTON, Sept. 12. The city to
day la orderly and th seven thou
sand troops petroling tha streets ap
parently have the situation well In
There was no rioting during the
night. Henry Crote, aged 18, was
shot and killed by tha soldiers, how
ever, in a raid, on a dice game.
Whether a general strlk of all
labor will be called in sympathy wfth
the striking police is still uncertain.
Delegates representing all of tho
trades unions voted on the general
strike question at a meeting of the
Central Labor Council last night but
the result of th vote has not been
made public. '
-The matter of calling a general
strike, if voted, remains-, In the
BAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 12. Fol
lowing aramarket quotations: '. :
. dui in auras, o, ,
' EGGS Extras, tio; firsts, 67 Vie;
pullets, 6714.
v POULTRY Broilers. 82c; hens,
6o. . i:
CATTLE Top i.eers,' 10 He; scc-
OiiJifvSHc; cow,, heifers, t He;
calves. 8c. ;
HOGS Top,' ile. ' 1 ! ' ' :
SHEEP Ewe. : 7o;; wethers, 1c;
lambs, 10. .
BARLEY Feed.. IJ. II tt: ship-
' I ft 41
tuwii' Djyi ivwius
for pear prices were broken when a
car of Bartletts from th Bear Creek
orchard was sold through tb Stew
art' Fruit company, agents of the
Bardwell Fruit company, at an aver
age of 15.20 a box. Another car of
Bartletts from the Dillon Hill Com
pany averaged 15.00 a box and a
mixed car of Bartletts and Howell
was sold through the same company
at an average of $4.90 per box.
. ROSEBURO, Ore., Sept. It
With only two retail stores in Rose
burg having any sugar on band, the
situation here Is troublesome. Fruit
canning is at Its height and th su
gar shortage Is causing a great In
convenience. Shipments of limited
quantities only are expected.
, .Many person sare using syrups In
can'njng fruits, but th practice Is
held xpenslv. '; , . . t . ,
R P0l!flllF5T PRP.WNTWlllJ
n M "! u, ; iu
m n ra n t. i MAT N.
UIMIL IIJVUIL 111 nin-.Tpr.Tw
By Fred 8, Ferguson,
(United Press Staff Correspondent,)
BT. LOUI8, Sept. 12. Now square
ly on Wilson's trail and receiving
cheers for his criticism of the League
of Nations from the same locality
which heard Wilson's rpeeches, Seh
ator Johnson Is developing a very
definite line of attack on tha presi
dent's demand ,for unqualified ac
ceptance of tha treaty. j'
Insisting that the treaty is drawn
ourely on tb lines of the secret en
gagements entered into among the big
Dowers before before America en
tered the war, he points out that Ar
ticle Ten of tha covenant means that
the United 8tates guarantees this se
cret bartering of peoples and terri
tories for all time. . .
The big crowd, packing every Inch
of Tomllnson's hall,' Indianapolis,
last night, rose and shouted Us- ap
proval of the senator's statement
that America would not be a party to
such infamy. - . .1
He asked the crowd tf It was wit
ling, since the othar powers of the
world are bankrupt, that American
boys should go out and police tbi
world. His answer was a resounding
"No" that fairly shook the pudding.
(Special to Tbe Tidings.)
SALEM, Ore., Sept. 12. E. 8.
TllllnghasU superintendent of the
school for deaf, has received a tele-
gram from the board or vocational,
training at Seattle asking whether,
the Oregon Institution was in- posi
tion to Instruct disabled soldiers. In
Up reading. Mr. Tlllingbaat will sub-,
!mlt the Inaulry to? tha state board
j of control at its next meeting. - I
hands of the executive committee
of the Central Labor Union. , j
City, officials and the striking po
licemen are apparently no neurer an
agreement than when .the strike
started, and leaders of the police re
Iterate that they will bold out for
recognition of their union.
The death list sine the strike be
- T".H;l:lliri- I
1 A mission, whose object Is to secure from congress home rule for the
people of l'orto Illco, will spend the next several mouths hi the United States.
In the group' are Cordova Davlln, delegate to the house of representatives
Irom Porto Rico; Antoulo It. Barcelo, head of the mission ; Enrique Bird,
iecretary of "the mission; and Frank Martlues of the Porto Itlcah' senate. '. ' .'
Tomorrow the Last Day
. To Save That Dollar;
'. 1 , " " .';'
After Saturday night al nine o'clock the
. TtdlnflS wUl be $6.00 the year
There will be no further extension ol the bargain price
; s . .' Ground Floor Camp Building. ', .
,'! LI II II I U II I wlU" I IlLnl I
(By the United Press)
. . COPENHAGEN, Sept. 12.
Raids- on food shops in -Glo-
gan, Silesia, led to the death of
ten pesona'and the wounding
4 of several others. If is ropord
today.,) v :. J ." .
.i TkA deaths were caused when
troop' called to suppress. the
disorders swept the streets with
.machine guns.
Several year ago Julius Krut
scbnltt sent to Ashland several cut
tings of Delaware and Niagara
grapes which were distributed among
orchardlsts and 'gardeners'' here.
Every year hereafter the Commer
cial club baa reported on these vines
which have apparently thrived on the
soil In this section. This year a box
of grapes was picked from the vines
in tha garden of Station Agent G. N.
Kramer and seut to Superintendent
Flttgerald; who will forward them
to Mr. Krutschnltt. The produc-1
tlon It good and Indications point, to
the development of that variety of
grapes for the Rogue River valley.
Well in
gan Is now seven,. Richard Reemts
striking policeman, who was shot yes
terday In an attack on two volunteer
policemen, died during the night.
it Is estimated that more than 100
persons were seriously Injured and
hundreds received minor , Injuries
during the riots .wblch have oc
curred.;,' j jS- .'. ' ' '
ii : t i
(Special to The Tidings.)
CAPETOWN, South Africa, Sept.
12. The Union of South Africa gen
eral assembly ratified the paace
treaty today by a vote of 84 to 19.
General Smuts In defending Presi
dent Wilson of the United States
against charges of bad faith in con
nection with his "fourteen points,"
declared that ' the American presi
dent had done more than any other
statesman toward restoration of
world peace.
OTTAWA, Can., Sept. 12. After
a session lasting well into the night
the Canadian house of commons rat
ified the peace treaty. The motion
for approval of the pact and cove
nant of tbe League of Nations passed
without a dissenting vote. . Tbe sen
ate gav lta approval September 4.
(By th United Press)
.WASHINGTON, Sopt. 12. A rush
to get their pet measures passed be
fore tbey are sidetracked by the
peace treaty has been begun by tut
member of the senate.. . Ouc the
treaty Is before tb senate othei
neasares will have little cbunau un
til It'ls disposed of.
Senator Lodge's determination U
take up tb treaty Monday cuusei
supporters of the bill extending thi
food control act to make despcrati
efforts to get It pnssod today.
A strong fight ; la being madi
against It by senators who declan
that the government has all nnces
nury authority to cope with profiteer
ing and has not used It.
(By th United Press)
CHICAGO, 8ept. 12. One deaf,
and 19 cases of Influcnsa have beei
reported to the health departinen
in the last eight days, health Com
mlssloner Robert announced to
day. ' :
Mother' s Picture for
General Pershing
(By th United Press)
LACLEDE. Mo., Sept. 12. "John
ny'.' .Pershing is coming borne and
Linn county I a . beehive.
-'Knighted and titled by European
crowned heads; honored and glori
fied1 by - President Wilson and con
gress land praised and feted by the
nation, General Pershing will be
welcomed back to his birthplace. The
date, la ont definite. General I'ersh
Ing, responding to Mayor Edmund
B. Allen's cablegram, "Laclede, youi
old borne, your boyhood friend. i and
Linn county Is calling you," replied.
"I haye heard the call. Will bt
there soon after my arrival iu th,c
United States."
And then Laclede went to work
preparlngt the home-coming. , When
"Johnny" comes home to Laolode II
will be a simple affair. There'll be
' Caesar's , victorious return ; to
Rome.' r'He's going to be jul plain
Johnny?' and that Is just what he
will want to be," Mayor Allen said,
giving 'the-keynote of the celebra
tion. "Lord knows he's been 'gen
erated' enough by this time, and
johnny' Is going to sound powerful
ly good to him." ' " " 4
Bo Laclede Is planning; singing.
shdutltlg, handshaking and music
and much oratory followed by a fried
chicken dinner "on - the ground"
when Johnny's In town. ; : " ;' I
The Pershing family will reunite
after the celebration. ' James Persh
ing, a brother o? Chicago; their two
sisters, MIbs May Pershing and Mrs.
Bessie' Butler of Lincoln, Neb., will
meet again In the old Pershing home,
here.' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' . 1!
"Aunt" 8usan Hewett, who baked
apple pies for the general when lie
was a barefoot boy, will be a guest.
Mont" Louis Warren, who officiat
Ry Hugh Balllie,
(United Press Correspondent.)
COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho, Sept. 12.
That the Germans are fraternis
ing with the Russian Bolshevik! and
seeking to dominate that country
and gain strength for a new effort
at conquest, -President Wilson
warned here, speaking In a circus
tent to a big crow.
He. said America must guarantee
peace to preventlhls.
"Germany wants us to stay out of
this treaty," the president declared.
eKsrlng America's strength Germany
wants to see the United State re
main out of the League of Nations
and become Isolated, he added.
Wilson charged that pro-German
propaganda Is now working to that
. "tl was America that saved th
world," stated the president, :and
those who oppose thetreaty propos
that after having redeemed th world
we should desert the world." '
The treaty must be ratified to pre
vent more war, he emphatically -
serted, end If It Is lost, mor Amer
ican boys will go out to die on the
His explanation of th arbitration
feature of the League of Nations to
prevent war, was applauded.
Reservations to th treaty would
necessitate sending it back to Ger
many and the allies for considera
tion, he said, and declared that b
had no objection to congress Inter
preting the clauses of thetreaty, but
opposed the qualifications and con
ditions being Inserted In it.
He made it clear that b la not
ugulnst making a statamaat of how
America regards th different pro
visions of the treaty. Much Interest
was aroused in Wilson's declaration,
this being the first time he had
made himself clear on that point.
He said America must ratify -th -treaty
to prove she meant hat
wid when she weut to war against
'iermuny to safeguard the principles
for which the United Statea was set
The president expressed : amate
nent at the attitude of thoa whw ;
want absolute rejection of thetreaty.
"If America does not enter th
now world arrangement there will b
universal disorder as there la now
iniversal unrest." he asserted. "And
' do not think America is Immune."
he solemnly added.
He cited the Boston police atrtk
s an "intolerable crime against civ
Illation." The Boston police left '
the city to be looted, he said. ' H
:harged that America Is In daager
of having a minority get control
if the country's affairs.
ed at the birth of Pershing and first
bathed and colthed him, will be an
other guest of honor. George F.
Davis, aged resident of Qulncy, III,,
will be another honored guest. Davis
tave Pershing's father his first Job
in Laclede that of section bos.
Prof. Smith of Chlllicoth. Mo., the
living member of the committee giv
ing examinations when Pershing won '
his appointment to West Point, also
will be a guest. Nearly a score of
hoyhood chums will attend. '
Secretary of War Baker and gov
ernors of Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska,
Illinois, Oklahoma and Arkansls
have been invited,, ' .' ...
Gold swords from th world pow
ers, crosses of war and other costly
gifts of recognition will .be mer .
vew-gaws and trinkets In the life of
Pershing on home-coming day.f Ho .
will receive a photograph and a re
volver. The photograph faded and
word and fifty years old was a pic
ture of Pershing's mother. It ws
found recently In an old album, be
longing to J. H. Hamilton of La
clede. . . j j
Jordan Parks, a negro, will make
the second presentation, . overshad
owing ceremonies accorded by JPrN? '
wont Wilson, King ueorge ana m ner
notables. Parks will return to Persh-
ina an old-fashioned revolver given
the negro when John Pershing left
for West Point. ' '
"I've been offered as high as 1109
for It," mid Parks. I wouldn't hav
trnded It for a rarm. ;
For Oregon Fair and warmer.