Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, September 09, 1919, Image 1

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Ashland ' Daily I
10 IP! H II SI
Rioting Strilfeeps Beatora in B
' i"' ; NUMBER 8
"W"1-1 "'I 'H'L JL.J U ' .'J..LLII Hill IBMBBHWi.l.. mi .
- i
(Bf the United Press)
WASHINGTON, Sept. . 9. The
leel itrlke, If one U culled because
of fullure of the steel workers' or
ganlzatlons to secure a conference
nd agreement with the steel cor
porations, as now threatened, will
involve two million workers, Includ
ing the Great'Lakes Bailors and coal
miners, according to dun prepared
bere at a series of conferences by
beads of 24 unions.
Whether or not a strike will be
called will be determined before
the conference adjourns, union heads
(declared today.
Resulting from a fire built in n
tove for the find time this season
the chimney of the house of Leonard
Worthings on the Pacific highway
north of Ashland, caught fire Sat
urday. The timely aid of J. S. Dits
wortb, a neighbor succeeded In ex
tinguished the flames beforo they
jiaa communicated 10 me root 10 our i
extent - J
A bunting party consisting of C. j
l4. McKlnney and Leonard Pettlt
have come. In from the mountalus
with two deer to their credit. They
report shoals of deer and other
game In the forests and claim they
could have each bagged the limit
hud they so desired, but were after
certain kinds and the ordiuary ani
mals bud no charm fur them.
if 4 '
i For Oregon Probably fair,
i- normal temperatures.
Mountain Stutes Tower company
to supply 40 horsepower for the
operation of refrigerating machine
for Ice and Cold Storage company'.
Negotiations are under way foe elec
tric veneer plant recently completed
and new saw mill at Marshfield. .
Senate Balks
on Living Cost
(By the United Press)
ures alined to smash the high cost
of living are gathering dust In con
gressional pigeon holes despite the
reports of keen Interest In this ques
tion which come from practically
every town In which President Wil
son stops on hit tour.
Although a month has passed
since the president made an urgent
appeal to congress for legislation
along this line none of the major
measures requested have been final
ly acted upon.
Attorney General Palmer's request
for a broadening of the food control
act to enable him to reach the prof
iteers hat passed the house but re
peated efforts to obtain Its consider
ation In the senate have failed.
. Chairman Gronna, of the senate
agricultural committee, has n
nounced that another effort Will be
made to bring the amendments to
a vote today.
Am Irri
5 Killed When Strikers
Clash With Police
(By the United Press)
CINCINNATI, Sept. 9. Ilev.
Frederick McMillln, pastor of
the Presbyterian church here,
hut asked all loyal fans to Join
0 him In prayer for pennant for
the Cincinnati Reds. To that
end be was written a prayer In
which the Lord la asked to
grant "speed, control and" de-
ceptive curves" to the pitchers,
and "frequent and timely hits 4
to the batters." -
Blessings are asked for Pat
Moran, the manager, and good
health . and safety from accl-
dents for all the players.
Rev. McMillln was third bane-
man on the University of Wons-
ter team In 1894, tnd still oc-
cntlonally practices with the g
Rods. . - S
By Henry Wood,
; United Press Staff Correspondent.)
PARIS, Sept. 9. That politically
the Vatican has Joined with the
democrats, casting Its lot with' the
new world wide liberal movement,
is revealed in a papal letter pub
lished today In connection with the
participation of French Catholics in
the coming parliamentary elections.
The Vatican will hereafter accept
democracy as the only source of po
litical power and will work to up
build permanently democratic gov
ernments. The Vatican program
contains four definite planks for the
establishment of social peace, as fol
lows: "Co-operation of all classes, coali
tion of all classes against bolshevlam,
acceptance of democracy anil educa
tion Of the proletariat."
Immediately prececding the "war,
fhe decline of monarchies and growth
of democracies had left tho Vatican
wlth only the Ilapsburg and Spanish
Rumania Will Not Sign
monarchies for political allegiance,
as no diplomatic relations were main
tained with Europe's democracies.
The fall of the Ilapsburg dynasty
left only one Catholic monarchy and
the I'upe faced the necessity of rec
ognizing democracy or practically
disappearing from the diplomatic
Pope Benedict frankly announced
his choice of the former.
- One almost certain result of this
policy will be eventual resumption
of political and diplomatic relations
with France, Italy thus gaining the
support of the two leading Catholic
countries of Europe.
The movement for a reconciliation
with tho political governments Is al
ready well advanced In tluly.
(By the United Press)
PARIS, Sept. 9. The Rumanian
delegation officially notified the su
preme council of the peace confer
ence today that Rumania would not
sign the Austrian treaty, It was of
ficially announced.
The peace conference hat granted
the Serbian an extension of three
days to wait new Instruction from
Belgrade regarding their signing of
the treaty.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 9. The
peace treaty with Bulgaria was
signed at Paris today, the ttate de
partment announced this afternoon.
Troops Again
Guarding Jail
(By the United Press)
. KNOXVILLE, Tenn., Sep"t. 9.
For the second time within 10 days
troops are guarding the county Jail
Following numerous threats
mailed by unknown parties, that a
mob would storm the Jail and release
51 men and one woman held In con
nection with the recent riots, a ma
chine gun company of tho Fourth
Tennessee infantry wat ordered out
ther delay at concerns our own af
fairs," declared Lewis,, who also
said, "The situation confronting our
people It most 'serious, and steps
must be taken at once to enable
mine workers and their dependents
to nieet It.",
Glenbrook, west - of Monroe, to
have 125,000 feet per day sawmill
with logging road of standard gauge
into timber on the Aslea river.
(By the United Press)
WRAXTON, Pa., Sept. P. More
than ten thousand miners employed
by the Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western railroad In Lackawanna
county, struck today and tied up
every plant of the company In thnt
county. The twelve thousand Hud
son company workers still continue j
their strike, which wat called yes
(By the United Press)
CLEVELAND, O., Sept. 9. Rec
ommendatlon for a nationwide strike
of coal miners by November 1 unless
a satisfactory basis of agrooment In
the central competitive field is
reached by then was made here to
day by John Lewis, acting presl
dent of the United Mine Workers, In
his address at the opening of the pr
ganlzation's biennial convention.
Lewis declared that at far at the
mine workers are concerned the
war Is at an end, despite the refusal
of the senate to ratify the treaty, and
said that the United Mine Workers
are in no way responsible for failure
of the United States senate to ratify
the peace treaty within a reasonable
time, and thus officially terminate
the Washington wage agreement In
the bituminous Hold.
"We are face to face with a tltua
tlon wherein we canont Justify fur-
(By the United Press)
WASHINGTON, 8ept. 9. Repub
lican leaden In congress hare prac
tically decided that the administra
tion of Postmaster General Burleson
will have to be Investigated by the
house.' Reports are current at the
capital that Impeachment proceed
ings are being considered, but mem
bers of the house steering commit
tee state that no such aaction has
been discussed.
(By the United Press)
HAMMOND, Ind., Sept. 9. Three
foreigners are dead, two dying and
26 wounded aa the result of rioting
here early today by striking workers
of the Standard Steel Car company,
who have been on strike for the past
six weeks.
Four hundred foreigners, with a
number of ununlformed soldiers car
rylng American flags, marched
through the streets In an alleged
ittempt to prevent lf?0 Americana
from returning to work at the plant.
The police met them and ordered
them to disband, when they opened
fire upon the police, who returned
the fire, killing three of the march
rs and wounding several others.
The Americans, who have been
taking no part In the strike, re
turned to work this morning.
The police have the situation well
n hand and no further outbreak la
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Winter, with
their daughter, Mrs. Brown and her
little son of Los Angeles, have come
iu from a camping trip to the Dead
Indian country and Lake of the
Woods. They state that the deer
season has made things lively at
the latter resort among the cot
tagers and campers, but that two daya
of rain and most unpleasant weather
had made camping somewhat lose
Its charm.
I Says Sen. Hitchcock
J By L. C. Min t In,
(Staff Correspondent United Press.)
WASHINGTON, Sept.' ' 9. That
Democratic senators will accept the
resolutions amending the treaty only
as a luBt resort, senator niicn
cock, administration spokesman, do
clared today, adding that he "sup
posed he would have to accept the
resolutions In the end,' if there wns
no other way to get votes for Its rat
ification." He declared that he Is not worried
by the attitude of several Democrats
,who have come to the belief that
(Compromises with the reservatlonlsts
pre unavoidable. , ' , ,
"Beat the amendments is my bIo
Jgan now," he Btated. .
Wllo the Democrats are "fighting
to see how much they must have to
concede," the Lodge group and the
'mild reservatlonlsts" among the
Republicans are reported to bo ap
proaching ft settlement of their dif
ferences ever Article Ten. -
(By the United Press)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 9. The sen
hte today passed the Edge bill au
thorizing organization of foreign
banking corporations under super
vision of the toderal reserve board.
: L resuidjDrill
The local company of the Na
tional Guard met last night In the
irmory for the first time in six
weeks. The mooting for drill was
called by Lieutenant Millard W.
Orubb, who is acting commandant
until a captain is appointed. Cap
tain H. W. Frame, formerly com
mnndunt of this company, has been
reared on account of over-age, and
another will receive the appointment
" 'vVABfTTNOTON. ., Sept. 9. The
house sent tlie national prohibition
enforcement bill to conference Witt
the senate" today. " . -v -
Western' fruit growers are getting
rich this year. One strawberry
rancher cleared more than $3000
from his six acres, and expects to
clear twice that next year, when his Pernoll
plantation gets' Into full bearing,
Woed didn't want to come to
Ashland didn't want to go to
Weed. '" ' '
Each hat won two garnet In tho
series for the championship of
Northern California and Southern
Oregon. The four games have been
the fastest baseball ever played In
this section.
The fifth and deciding game and
the last game of the season in. all
probability for the local team, will
be played on the Yreka,,Calif
grounds on next Sunday, Septem
ber 14, starting at 1:30 p.' m.
The Yreka baseball enthusiasts
will have the grounds In shape and
are attending to the advertising of
the game. Dunsmuir, Slsson, Mon
tague and the Scott's Valley towns
will all send big delegations of fans
while Weed will move over to Yreka
practically enmasse. Every Ash
land fan who'can buy, beg or steal
a ride to Yreka Is going. Two of tho
more rabid enthusiasts will . walk
over, starting Thursday morning.
The Weed team will be' brought
to maximum strength by the addi
tion of players from at far touth
as Redding, si.. '
Ashland wilt play practically the
same line-up at In the recent games:
HiuVcatcher; Wilson, Frye, Pernoll,
pitchers; Tregilgas, first base; Mc
Intlre, second; Frye or Veale third;
Lilly, shortstop; three from among
Rentier, Gaarhart, Bearlss,
Harris, Moody In the outfield. 1
- i H - . h I I I "
(By the United Press)
PORT ANOELE3, Wash., Sept. 9
rne nev. u. u. crowder Ib now
somothlng besides the pastor of the
First Methodist church of Port An
geles; he la entitled to the tltlo of
When George King resigned as
police Judge, Mayor Pegram appoint
ed the clergyman as his successor.
The city council unanimously con
firmed the appointment.
Ashland properties are being Im
proved and additions made right
ulong, according to reports from the
various lumber yards and contract
ors. Among the latter It the bom
of Walter Hash on Ohio street on
which he Is having an addition built.
B. C. Hubbard baa the contract for
the work. E. L. Wllgus la prepar
ing to build a garage at hit home
oil Allda street, according to newt
from the Ashland Lumber company.
Tour is a Failure Say
Opposition Senators
Senators Marcus A. Smith of Arizona, Albert B. Fall of New Mexico and
Frank B. Brandegee of Connecticut, comiioslng the subcommittee of th
senate committee on foreign relations which will Investlirnte the Mexican
situation. Senator Smith Is the Democrat of the three. Living near the
border, he and Senator Kali probably know as much about .coudltlont In
Mexico at any other members of congress.
Many people telephoned that they desired to take advantage
of the Bargain Week puce ot Tidings, but could not get to the of
fice Saturday on account of the rain, most ot the down town sub
scribers renewed on the bargain week basis but those citltens
living In the edge of (own were rained In.
In order to accommodate those who could not take advantage
of the offer last week we have decided to continue the bargain
price for one more week, . .
All those renewing for one year before Saturday, September
13, nine o'clock In the evening, will be given the ,
Five Dol'ar Rate for the Dally One Year
This will be the last extension ot the bargain rate.
Ground Floor Camps Building.
By Fred H. Ferguson,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, 8ept. 9. If Pres
ident Wilson counted upon a strong
reaction from the territory in which
he spoke in the form of telegraini
and letters to the tenutort urging
that opposition to the ratification of
the treaty cease, he has not yet made
his trip a success, according to the
opposition senators.
With this situation giving them
confidence, Senators Johnson, Borah
and McCornilck left this afternoon
to open their, unique series of long
range debates with the president.
As Senator Johnson swings along
President Wilson's trail he will take
up the covenant point by point tc
a his opinion of the "sacrifice
ot Americanism," which he says It
represents.. Senator Borah'wlll take
a dirtereni route,, nammering upon
the same Issue.'
Borah said today that the only
letter he had received upon the sub
ject was from a St. Paul business
man whom he does not know, urging
him to keep up the tight.
This letter, he said, declared that
the president talked only general
ities In St. Louis, audjhat while he
had a big crowd he had not . im
pressed that locality with the belief
that the treuty Is unimpeachable.
Albany Red Crown Mills enlarg
ing plant. Now receiving 900 bush
els wheat dally.
Roseburg planning to own and op
erate city water and light system.
. (By the United . Press) ,
THE DALLES, Ore., Sept. 9.
Mrs. Carrie G. Eby has filed divorce
proceedings against Earl E. Eby, al
leging cruel and inhuman treat
ment. ,
This Is the second divorce pro
ceedings In which Mrs. Eby has ap- .
poured as complainant, Eby wat also
defendant In both actions. After
remarrying her divorced husband,
June S3, 1915, the woman found
she had made the tame mistake
twice... In adopting uu old adage, ,
she. has modified it to '.'the second
time.and'out.:'..!;.; i . '
(By the United Press)
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 9. A. L.
Watt, aged 19, who claims to be a
major of the British Royal Flying .
Corps, and says his parents are
wealthy residents ot VIotorIa, B. C,
was arrested here today on a charge
of passing fictitious checks on Lot
Angelea merchants, .