••i « PAGE THREE ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Monday, September 8, 1919 TIDINGS CLASSIFIED ADS MISS GERALDINE GRAHAM Roseburg Wants Road to Co ast One cent th e word each tim e. ‘T H E FIXIT SHOP” PHYSICIANS DR. H. B. MOORE — C hiropractic B ring it to me, I can fix it rig h t. Lawn Mowers and Bicycles my spe­ Physician. F irs t N ational Bank cialty. L. H. ROOT, 337 E. Main .Bldg. P hones: Office, 112; Res. s tre e t, A shland. 207-J. TAXI SERVICE DR. ERNEST A. WOOD— P ractice lim ited to eye, ear, nose and EVANS TAXI SERVICE— Five pas­ th ro a t. Office hours, 10 to 12 and senger C haim ers, Seven Passenger 2 to 5. Sw edenburg Bldg., A sh­ H udson. T rips anyw here. R eliable land, Ore. 73-tf d riv ers and quick service. Stand a t Rose Bros. Day P hone 213; DR. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and N ight, 101. surgeon. P ra ctice lim ited to eye, ear, nose and th ro a t. Glasses sup­ FOR SALE plied. O culist and a u ris t fo r S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., FO R SALE — RABBITS: Choice, opposite postoffice, M edford, Ore. young, dressed and delivered. P hone 567. 21-tf 30c pound. P hone 434-J. 7-bt* D. M. BROWER, M. D.—« 1 6 Factory FOR SALE— F am ily horse, buggy St. Phone No. 498-R. Uses radio­ and harness, cheap. A ddress R, h e a t largely in his tre a tm e n t of care Tidings. 8-3* chronic diseases. T uberculosis, cancer an d o th e r infectious a il­ FOR SALE— Steel top range, 1 coal m ents, respond m arvelously to said h e a te r, 1 oil stove. R ates reaso n ­ able. Telephone 4 6 4-J. 6-2 tre a tm e n t. ATTORNEYS BRIGGS & BRIGGS, A ttorneys-at- Law , P io n eer Block, A shland. L. A. ROBERTS— A ttorney-at-L aw . Room s 5 and 6, C itizens’ Bank Bldg. -j ----------------------------------- STENOGRAPHERS JE S S IE B. TH A TCH ER — Public Stenographer. Com m ercial Club H o u rs: 9 a. m. to 12 a. m .; 2 p. m. to 5 p. m ., a fte r Septem ­ ber 1. "CONTRACTING AND BUILDING A. L. LAMB— Contractor and Build­ er. Cem ent, Brick and W ood­ w ork. Tel. 463-J. 343 M ountain Ave. « r u .••4 SEATTLE, W ash., Sept. S.— S eat­ tle ’s organized labor is pi a ’i i< ask P resid en t W ilson to o rd er th e release of so-called “ political p ris­ o n e rs” sentenced d u rin g th e w. r. w hen th e n a tio n ’s chief ex ecm iie visits th is city Septem ber 13, accord ing to th e program outlined a t the W ednesday n ig h t m eeting of the C entral L abor Council. FRANCE CLAIMS TH E F F IR ST SEW ING MACHIN LYONS, F ra n ce .— (By M ail.)— A j m onum ent is to be erected h ere s > a in honor of B artholm ew Thim m on- nier, whom th e F rench claim w: - th ein v e n to r of th e sewing mai-i . The device of T him m onier w a s FO R SALE— A team of m ules, said to have been quite di:' m i ’ w eighing 1200 lbs. eaeh and dou­ from th a t of E lias Howe. Hi • Vmer- ble h arn ess In good condition. ican in v en to r, whose • (■»¡ng m a­ P rice $150.00. A barg ain . See chine was p a te n ted in I S 'a and who B. R. G reer a t T idings office. 2-lm o is regarded in Am erica as th e orig- H n atn ’- of th e f;*st ’• n e t i c i app, r; - FO R SALE— V etch G ray Oats, Cheat, In s to ’’ m e-b an m :'’ stitching. H o w es Rye, Baled Hay, Rolled Barley, I m achine m et w ith s im lii'- oopositlon. G rass Seeds. R alph W aldo Eld^n. M edford, Ore. 60 tf Tits chief fe a tu re was th a t of li< in gthe th re a d "as-' th rh n a h n ear FO R SALE.— Slightly used dim en­ sion lum ber and flooring. Good th e point in stead of th e top of th e needle. as new. Phon® 120. 53tf MICKIE SAYS IREME. , GIT ME ft glass of in M i w i j t s l i-ifto a AV4FUL S h o c k \ T H A I OLD H f t W - B O lL iO EGG WHO'S Bft.CK 6tX VEAftS ON HIS S U B SC R IP T IO N , HE C O M E IN AFTER W E B E E N TH REATENIN' T ’ s o t H IM , B. L. DELSMAN— C on tracto r and builder, A shland, Ore. E stim ates cheerfully given. F ree plans when ’ n h e \ aj a h T e o T h e b o s s w e do y our work. W hen securing us, you save th e cost of a s u p e r­ I t o T H R O W O F F S O M E iH iN 1 in te n d e n t as we w ork rig h t on ON TWE BILL BECUZ IT VDUZ th e Job w ith th e men. P h o n s 120. SO LARGE«.! K IN VO D FRANK JORDAN — G eneral Con­ tra c tin g and rep a ir work. Cement w ork specialty. Tel. 430-J, 227 G ranite St. , 21tf WANTED BEAT IT 7 ! VOV ^g/awrEWFC H E .M I C K I f l I you WERE RfALtV X s /C K thought W ANTED TO RENT— Sm all fu r­ nished house w ith garage or shed, by responsible couple. Ad­ dress F. L. W ., care Tidings. 5-tf W ANTED — 3-room P hone 165. FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE FO R SALE— Six-room house on Sixth stre e t, n e a r paved stre e t, >900, on easy term s. S. A. H aw ks, 128 F actory. * 5-tf FO R SALE— An Ideal Stock ranch, 1400 acres, big ran g e a d ja c e n t; hay, w a te r and grain. A ttractiv e price and term s. W rite o r call a t office fo r p a rticu la rs. E. T. S ta­ ples, H otel A ustin Bldg. 1-tf New and Attractive Realty Bargains Sdiool Supplies BIG PENCIL TABLETS PEN ITEN TIA R Y GETTI NG SHORT OF BOARDERS (Special to The Tidings) SALEM, Ore., Sept. S.— The liberal policy in vogue in Oregon, elim in a­ tio n of saloons and th e lav. p i s s f l by th e last le g isla tu re m akir, it. possible for convicts to get credit f3500. going to hurt we often wonder If he’s 30 acres alfa lfa a t edge of town, good buildings, a real m oney ever tried it himself. m ak e r and a b argain, a t >10,000 A rich man never gets tired of tell­ % acre fru it and garden, m odern cottage, b eau tifu l location, a t ing you about the fun he had when he didn’t have money. m ortgage price, >1500. A n o th e r % acre close to above, a d ­ The average small boy may be very m irable location, lots of fru it and fond of his m other but he wishes fairly good house, >1300. A very good plain house w ith half she’d get over the notion of trying to acre garden and fru it a t m o rt­ show him off to company*. gage price, >1150. Anybody can tackle a Job he knows A fine p ro fitab le 15-acre o rchard hom e, good im provem ents for he can do; but it takes courage to tra d e free of encum brance, for tackle a job th at m ust be done, but su ita b le so u th e rn C alifornia has never been done before.—D etroit property. Free Press. Som e good incom e property in Bel­ .•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..e..e..e~.e..e..e-.e-.e--e--»^ lingham , W ash., free of incum ­ brance, fo r exchange for A shland LIFE’S LITTLE TRAGEDIES property. A ten acre orchard and ranch in Losing the telephone number edge of tow n, good buildings, 10 acre tim b er lot adjoining. A of the nifty blonde you met last m oney m aking place fo r sale at week. cost of im provem ents, >6000. 4 Vi acre m ostly B ear Creek bottom Losing your bankroll as the alfalfa, balance is beau tifu l bench result of not losing her telephone location w ith m odern house and number. fru it garden, good b a rn , etc. A Teal m oney m aking place close in Losing your tem per In a tele­ and circum stance force a sale at phone booth where the tem pera­ >6500. ture Is 102 degrees. I am spending no tim e on any­ th in g h u t real b arg ain s and it m ay Taking an “inside” stock m ar­ be w orth your while to look over ket tip. m y listin g s before you decide upon a purchase. Not taking It. I have som e good sheep and cat­ tle ranches and range, and m any Failure to put away alcoholic p ro p erties not m entioned above. I o u g h t to be able to siut your w ants. solace in the cellar. L e t me try. Failure to hide the key to alcoholic solace in the cellar. Bonded R ealty B roker ♦ H otel A ustin Bldg., A shland, Ore. PORT UMPQUA.— L arg est stock b arn on Sm ith riv e r b u ilt— 118x26 feet. FOR SALE— Im proved acre; five EUGENE— C ontract let for Mc- room co ttag e; b arn ; chicken K enzie Pass highw ay, to be finished house; city w a te r; on L incoln St. j an u a ry i . term s. | P rioe reasonable. , Easy 40tf Bee B eaver R ealty Co. E. T. STAPLES FINANCIAL THEODORE ROOSEVELT And His Time Shown in Vis OvT ’ : U rs -.s S ? esineet WA Wiile Tbr«r. ts he wrote l.Z. t-,-8 -rtf st'Uirrca, tin priTJe re « .».J,. h ists rv n J - !Í ;u rí, '..L V« . S'l T * - cr? : :-v ly L’/ with nc^r ” O lyircr > > the L ett . The -v.v ir .1 t.itr Uttien are now ¿ >0» riec reri?.Uy in S o . ; u s r ’s f t k g ? .z ! n e Y o u r Dv’.n/sr >nr »V» - ap¿ arw to REAL ESTATE Spelling Pads Ashland Iron W orks SCRATCH PADS 3 to r Sc (In co rp o rated ) Office and W orks No. 248 Helm an St., A shland, Ore. M anufacturing E ngin eers, General R epair W ork W e m an u factu re P aving P la n t E quipm ent, Sawm ill, M ining and Ship M achinery, Steam and Gas E n­ gines, Boilers and Heavy Steel W ork: Grey Iron, Sem i-Steel, B rass and Bronze C astings of every kind. H aving th o roughly equipped our p lan t for th e m an u factu re and re ­ pairs of heavy and all classes of m a­ chine and foundry w ork, we solicit your o rd ers and inquiries. E stim ates and q u o tations furnished on applica­ tion. You e v e r think that it a p erson really w a n t s to sell his property he w ould tell The Real Estate Man ? May w e tell you the low p rices? BILLINGS AGENCY E s ta b lis h e d it/, tor a year . 1883 Also Good Insurance A s h l a n d F u r n i t u r e C o. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHERS F u rn itu re , C arpets, L inoleum , Stoves, R anges, Cooking U tensils an d C am ping O utfits. 92-94-96 N orth M ain S treet QUALITY GROiERIES II Pencil Boxes, D ictionaries,! Loose Leaf N te Books Come in and look over our display, at Foley’s Drug Store TH E F irs t N ational Bank is not alone depository for funds. It is­ sues L e tte rs of C redit, D rafts or Bank Money O rders, and T ravelers Cheques. It also handles Collec­ tions on all N egotiable In stru m en ts. Don't overlook th e security of our Safe Deposit B oxes for your V aluable Papers. ^TtreHrsiNatioiiaiBank ASHLAND. OREGON W «lilííiíií^ft * E V C A R T E R ..P R E S C H V A U P E L VICE PRES j w m < COY. C ashier C L A R K BUSM ASST CASM lVhaf? Bending over a Range this Hot Weather? i T ry a Simplex Universal Combination Range You can use it for gas in th e sum m er and w hen th e w eath er gets cold use wood or coal fo r fuel a ll in th e sam e stove. T here a re no p a rts to change in tu rn in g from one fuel to th e other. It is sim ple enough for a child. Three Ranges in One and but One to Buy A tw ist of th e key in one direction elevates th e gas b u rn e r flush w ith th e bot­ tom of th e oven, opens th e exit in th e top, tu rn s on th e gas— all autom atically. A tu rn of th e key in th e op­ posite direction an d th e gas is tu rn e d off, th e b u rn e r lowered, th e exit closed and th e range ready for coal o r wood. Come in and ta k e a look a t th e Best C om bination range on earth . We will ta k e pleasure in show ing you. ' S w e n s o n & M cR ae Economical House Furnishers POLEY & ELH ART, D ruggists Reasons ior Increased Telephone Rates 1. A dollar in the hands of the Telephone C om pany has no greater purchasing power in the labor and m aterial m arket th an has a dollar in the hands of the individual. 2. Increases in wages and prices of m aterial cannot be paid w ithout money and the Telephone C om pany is no more capable of paying out money it h a sn ’t got th a n the individual. 3. The Telephone C om pany m u st be provided with m eans to m eet the dem ands m ade upon it for increased wages and in ­ creased cost of m aterials. As these increased costs are obviously reflected in the cost of rendering telephone service, th e Telephone Com pany m ust ask the telephone using public to pay for the ser­ vice it receives. 4. H igher wages can be paid, increased costs of m aterials m et, and satisfactory and im proved service can be furnished, only when the rates are sufficient to m eet the costs of rendering the ser­ vice w ith a sufficient m argin for a reasonable retu rn upon the in ­ vestm ent. 5. A large te rrito ry served by a u tility w ith m any patrons m ay produce large gross receipts, b u t not necessarily huge profits. The State of Oregon is a large te rrito ry and the Telephone Com ­ pany serves a large num ber of patrons and has large gross receipts, but sm all profits. U nder present rates and conditions it will earn less th a n 3 per eent on the value of its property in the state. The idea th a t a large corporation doing a large business m ust necessar­ ily be accum ulating great w ealth is a prevalent fallacy which the pubiicz m ust get away from. In Season 6. Telephone rates in the State of Oregon have rem ained practically the sam e for the last fifteen years or m ore. There have been a few adju stm en ts in various classes of service to m eet de­ m ands of the service, w ith a corresponding ad ju stm en t in rates. Increases in rates are now made because of absolute necessity w hich made it im perative. Make your own com parison of your tele­ phone rate with the increased cost of shoes, clothing, food products and all other necessities. Is not the increased telephone rate reasonable and consistent in com parison ? W h ile . H o u s e G r o c e r y The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co W e h ave you in m ind w h en buying. Y o u w a n t fresh, dependable food. T H A T ’S T H E K I N D W E H A V E ! ■MBeMBMer«t2avMa»*9>tKk'.4 a g ain st >1000 that you w ill not have a fire loss In a year. You win if you lose City and R anch P ro p erties, Houses Old R eliable In su ran ce Com panies. | to R ent. E. T. Staples, H otel A ustin Build-1 Citizens’ Bank Building. next door to F o rd G arage. 1-tf j ASHLAND CREAMERY PORTLAND.— J. P. O’Brien pro- poses to cut dining costs plan of least possible service for highest possible ¡price to be abandoned. Our Other Facilities Real Estate For Sale (B y O wner) OWN YOUR HOME ANO BE HAPPY SALEM.— F o u r larg e tra c ts, ab o u t 2000 acres, to be planted to berries. j B anks to have an enlarged m eat j packing plant. hShe £>ank mith the Chime. C io cb .' These Homes fo r Sale a t Cush Prices or P aym ents: A 7-room m odern plastered house I w ith basem ent. Lot 100x100. Good • soil; som e fru it: sightly place; over- I | looks e n tire valley. A 5-room co ttag e; basem ent, barn or garag e; 18 acres lan d ; abund- i ance of wood on place; facing L ithia park. A 5-room bouse close in, lot 60x 100; e x tra good soil; fro n tin g paved s tre e t: pleasant location. A 5-room p lastered house, large sleeping porcli, garage, chicken ■ park. All first class condition. Lot 1 100x100, close in. 5-room m odern cottage in g o o d |! ' condition, one block from F irs t Na- ' tional B ank; sm all lo t; sightly lo- EX PEC T BIG CROW D M iss G e ra ldin e G raham , d a u g h te r o f ' cation. AT TH E R tirV lM T M rs. W illia m f u lle r G raham o f Santa F o r p a rtic u la rs see Mrs. C. E. PENDLETON, O re., Sept. 8.— The Ba rbara> Cal., is generally acclaimed L ane a t T ran sfer Office, Oak St. as th e m ost b e a u tifu l young w om an in j —- biggest crowd in h isto ry is th e e.-i m ate of th e P e n d leto n R ound ip 's- A m e rica n society. sociation, w hich placed iickets on sale Tuesday for th e big show which 2,325,000 DELAVAL is 4 to ta k e place T h u rsd ay , F rid ay SEPARATORS and S atu rd ay . Septem ber 18. 19 and 20, a P endleton. Not only will the IN DAILY USE TH E WORLD OVER W herever grass grows and cows! a tten d an ce list b rea k all records, hut the n um ber of en tries in th e 19 are m ilked, you will find th e De La­ val th e favorite cream separator. w orld’s cham pionship events 'rom - More De Lavals are in use than ises likew ise to excfeed th a t of any all o th er malyes combined. The De Laval is tim e tested. It fo rm er year. Cowboys and cow virls was th e pioneer cream se p ara to r in F R E E R ulers from as fa r east as th e M issouri 187 8 and has led in popularity and riv er and as fa r south as th» sales for forty years. C rayola C rayons, Gulf of Mexico will vie w ith tho-» It’s th e w orld's sta n d a rd cream Pencils, from th e plains of th e w est in th e separator. P aints, C om position Bo >ks biggest show of them . all. ap a rtm e n t. 1-tf MEN WANTED for w ork on Pacific highw ay south of A shland. W age >4.50 per day, 8 hours, steady work. Board >1.65 per day. Im q u ire O skar-H uber. Office up­ s ta irs in City H all, Ashland. 58-tf ROSEBURG, Sept. 8.— At a .m eet­ ing of R oseburg businessm en a c tio n was tak en in th ein te re st of th e pro­ posed R oseburg-M yrtle P oint h i g h ­ way, and plans w ere laid to send a delegation to m eet w ith th e s ta te highw ay com m ission in P o rtla n d , Septem ber 9. C onstruction of tuiis connecting link betw ee lith is c ity and coast points has been delayed and, im m ediate action is necessary to insure work being done thus fall. A com m ittee was form ed to nteet w ith th e comm ission in an endeavor to secure an app ro p riatio n from the highw ay fund for th e purpose. HAS $12,(MM) TO INVEST A gentlem an who recently sold his farm n e a r R egina, Sask., and has about >12,000 to invest, w ishes to get a sm all farm or fru it place in Southern Oregon. A ddress may be obtained a t C om m ercial Club. ---------------------------- SPR IN G FIELD .— K irby Bros, tak e co n tract for 3,000,000 feet log3. MMNGER & ROBERTSON, Proprietors Phones lf.5-156 ASHLAND, OREGON I