Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, September 05, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    I i wo
Frlihiy, September
Establliilied 1870.
rublistied Kvcrjr Evening Except
Suuday by
Ths Ashland ' Printing Company.
....... llcrt ILXJrcor, Editor. ..
Telephone 39
One Voir, IMivinnl $0.00
Oik- Mo.nh, DrliviiH-.l .mi
OnoMwl ; 15
Single In-citlon, l .idi Inch. . . .80c
Vrnily (out met
One time a week, each inch. .27 He
Two times u ek, e :ch Inch. . . ,25c
Evorv other duv. each inch 20c
Kverv day. each Inch 17
l,oal Hi'iiili-m. t!io Lino 10c
ClaFslflod Ads., the Word lc
Pioneer Rogue River Valley
Newspaper Launched as Daily
The Tiilines has a Rreater circular
tlon in At-blund nnd its trade torri
tory than nil other Jucknon County
'papers conililiii-n.
Entitre-il lit the Ashland, Oregon
rnstnffice us Second Class Mail
Not nt liny time- during the
eight yrars the writer hag known
Ashland has the city boon us good
commercially h's now. All mor-
chants are enjoying the lurgesl
trade in the history of the city. The
increase in business extends to
every line. Every available fur-
Dished home in the city Is taken.
The only unfurnished houses now
vacsr.t are those badly in need of re-
r.nlrs. When repnpered, repainted
and reiiaiicil dozens now atand
ready to orcupy them.
Ashland Is now getting a tremen
dous amount of advertising through
the efforts of Secretary Mowat ot
the Commercial Club. Citizens may
feel ensured that next year will
bring forth a creator demand for
iiouneg. Ternons Investing in new
modern cotlaces and bungalows can
rest assured that they can be profit
ably rented, if conveniently located
. to the park. Renin are advancing
and will advance during the coin
ing year so that it will prove exceed
ingly profitable to Invest in houses
to ba rented.
Many of the newcomers are pur
chasing residences because they can
not find tillable ones for rent. It
Is our Judgment that citizens with
money to Invest could not do better
Mith the money than to buy Ashland
bouses nt the present prices, paint,
paper and remodel them Into mod-'
ro homes and hold them for rent.
A well kept property will command
twice as much rent as the same
Rlzfrt hoiiRe, as well located, but run
down, and will find a taker. Fix up
your rent' property.
Columbia River Highway: Open
nnd in excellent condition, Portland
to one mile beyond Eagle creek
Closed at this point for construc
tion. Cnrs may pass between 12
and 1 ut noon and nt night from
t p. m. to 7 a. m.; also open Sun
days. Cottage Orovp-Pisston: Open be
tween Cottage (irove and Fusston's
ranch. Closed for autos between
this point and Bohemia. No detours
possible. Wagons can get over this
road. " v
Eugene-Florence: Opon and in
permnnent sunimor condition for the
entire route.
' Medford-Klami'th Falls: Opon
and in fair condition, entire length;
numerous rough places, due to
JaeiTv traffic.
Willamette: Open for machines
letween Eugene and Rlgdon.
Anna Creek: Open and in gen
erally good condition.
Crescent City-Ilropklngs: Open
nnd in fair condition entire length.
HaB some rouch places.
Grants rnss-Crescent City: Open
and in fair condition. Rough on
Oregon mountain. Quite rough be
tween Oregon mountain and Waldo.
California gidn in good condition.
Riddle-Tiller: Open nnd in good
VALE Renewed interest In
and oil wells In this section.
(From the Oregon Journal) .
The Ashland Tidings, one of the
pioneer papers of Rogue river valley,
Monday became a dully.
Fred D. Wagner, whose father,
Jacob Wagner, crossed the plulns In
1851, settling on what is now the
townsltc of Talent and for whom
Mount Wagner and Wagner creek
were named, wns connected with the
paper for more than 30 years.
The paper was established in 18
by James Sutton and the printing
press whs moved from Jacksonville
by Eugene Wulrad, who lives In
Ashland. The paper has been print
rd in the same building until moved
last week to the Camps building on
Main street. Captain O. C. Apple-
gate was associated with Sutton for
a while.
IlifC Tle-t p Recalled
In 1879 W. H. Leeds bought out
Sutton and when In 1894 Leeds was
elected state printer he left the
office in charge of Wagner, who rar
It until 1911, having bought it In
1902. Wagner put in the Jlnotype
ind other Improvements. In 191)
Wagner sold to Bennett Brothers
who- in less than a year gold to tin
present owner, B. R. Oroer.
Wagner was with the paper dur
ing the famous blockade of 1889-90
when for six weeks, beginning tin
latter part of January, all train ser
vice to Ashland was cut oft hi
heavy floods on the south, whlcl
washed down 'debris from the Sis
klyous over the railroad track, mak
ing a lake, and rains in the north,
which made Cow creek canyon im
passable. Passengers were ma
rooned in Ashland.
People Wanted Paper
The Tidings was printed dull)
duriug the six weeks and Wagnei
said people grabbed it at 10 cent:
copy and men on horseback car
ried the papers over the valley.
Less than a year after taking ovoi
the paper Greer Initiated the plan ol
mobilizing the mineral waters and
improving the parks, . 'which foui
years ago resulted In the city lssu
lug bonds for $175,000 and muklni
the park one ot the most beautifu.
spots in the state, bringing thou
sands ot people to drink the minera
Tho Tidings will be an afternoni
paper with L'nited Press service.
GOOD 111
The city of Ashland at last has P
daily paper all Its own. The Ash
land Printing company, Bert R.
Greer, editor, has begun tho publi
cation ofa very creditable dally paper.
From the amount of advertising
carried It seems to have tho gup
port of local advertisers, which is tin
right thjng.
Ashland as a business center hat
long been running In low geur be
cause of the lack of a good dally
paper that Ashland people could
eally call their own. A dally pa
per will gro wto the size of the
town where it is published, and i1
city will grow to the size of the pa
per published there. The one de
pends on the other.
Ashland people should support
every effort which Is mude to make
condition shelter In the city, and
the publication ot a daily in Ash-
ami marks the time when Ashland
enter sthe city class, and Southern
Oregon can be proud of the enter
prise tfni business ability which
mukes the publication possible.
We wish the Dally Tidings the
success wtilcli AHliianu people can
make possible. Ashland Record.
The Ashland Tidings, a genii-
weekly publication by Bort R. Greer,
has blossomed out Into a dally pa
per. During the war the Tidingf
was published once a week. Ashland
Is forging ahead, every residence is
filled, business Is reported good, and
Mr. Groer, alive to the needs of the
prosperous little city, hftB decided
t'o entor the dally field. The Daily
Tidings carries the United Press ser
vice and is a newsy, attractive look
ing sheet. Grants Pass Courier.
is better than words. A
man may say be is go
ing to save but often 0"
lays it from . time to
time. The thrifty man
puts his resolution into
action by starting nn ac
count with The Citizens
Bunk of Ashland und
makes deposits regularly.
i . I
ynr, savings I
The Tidings received a slipping
from the Sunflower Tocsin of In-
dlanola, Miss., containing' the Bame
article In full that wa scopied in
yesterday's issue fro mthe Schamo
kln, Pa., News, 'concerning the na
tional editdrs 'trip to Ashland and
Crator Lake. Publicity of this sort
and of such a wide rnnge shows that
Ashland Is becoming known the
length and breadth of the land.
$1000 rial
Pay bM cured. AH
canctn llg, ac w
boil uim mB lumn
u um, um cila km
rtltontt dth-dp.
ittimonuli O,00 O
cured. Writ! tl (onw.
"(fHMtt Ciiv-tr SewliJItU Uvlac Mdrtly ItHtbtt"
HopiUt57 IXTH ST, Its ft.od.Lt. Cd.
(Uy the I'niled J'rets)
EUGENE, . Ore., 'Kept. 1. With
several veterans ol the. l!)lti team,
which debated the University of
Pennsylvania 1J to 0, returning to
college. Coach "Shy" Huntington
expects to build Knottier formidable
gridiron machine for the University
of Oregon this season.
Huntington, hiinuelf, wag a mem
ber of tiiu lit 10 elewn whirh wal
loped Pennsylvania and won football
renown for the western colleges.
This Is hla second year us coach at
Oregon. He made a good showing.
last year' with entirely preen tim
ber, while tho Oregon veterans
were b'lttling against the (iermans.
The Oregon schedule Is as follows:
October 1 1 Multnomah Athletic
club, nt Eugene.
October 18 Idaho, at Moscow.
October 2g Open.
November 1 Washington State,
at Portluml.
(November 15 Oregon Agricul
tural college, at Eugene.
November 22 Stanford at Palo
November 27 Multnomah, at
Portland. . .
iiuiiii ui l iiiumini 1
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f 1 i-7. JL
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lii lfihtinn
A pretty frock that will serve equal
ly well for uftcrnoon or evening wear
appears among new arrivals. It bas a
full hklrt drnped at the hips and gath
ered in about the waist. The short
sleeved, square necked bodice is
draped with lace and there is a wide
crushed girdle of the silk.
News from tlye highway con
struction south of Ashland Indicates
that progress is1 being made on tho
paving, and that upwards of a nillo
aud one-half bas been alid. This
work has been put in above Stlninan,
coming this way, but the construc
tion crew expects to change and bead
toward the Slskiyous later. The cul
verts being built by Frank Jordun
are nearly completed. , .
iHoteJ Austin
PA.V COXNEIt, Proprietor.
Headquarters for Commercial Men
and Tourists.
European Plan. Excellent Grill.
Merchants' Lunch.
Two Blocks from Lltbla Park.
W. A. Crandall, assistant post-
muster of Aberdeen, Wash., und wife
ire in Ashland spending their vaca
tion and looking alter their orcUan.
beyond the .Crunlto City hospital.
Mr. Crandall has owned this or
chard for a number of years and ha
made frequent trips here, but this i
Mrs. Crandall's first vl.-dt to Ash
land. She is very favorably im
pressed with this section, mid I:
highly pleased with Ashland as
home town. If 'conditions work on
favorably they may relur nhi tho fu
ture and locato here permanently.
(Special to 'The Tidings)
ENCEN'E, Sept. 6, Ljeutenan
Rob Malurkey, iter hMi' luck of tin
1913 football team, hs hark - I'ron
France, where he was badly gussei'
while scrapping the bochn. lie wll!
leuve Wanentou, where he is will:
his parents, In a few clays for tin
Letlermau hospital for treatment.
nd if be cnu receive liii. discliargi
from the bospitl in tiir.e will enle;
the University ot Oregon this fai
nd add much strenglh to 1 ho squai
which is now-trying out for the font
bull team.
The Social Realm
Climbed Mount Ashland ,
A party consisting of Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. McNalr, Misses Helen
Moore und Ora Patrick of Palo Alto,
Calif., spent the day at Mount Ash
land yesterday. They went in a car
ns far as Long's cabin where they
called on the various Ashland peo
ple who are camping there, among
whom are Homer Billings and fam
ily and Mrs. C L, Spindler and chil
dren. On account of the ruin that
was falling on the mountain Mrs,
McNalr and Mies Patrick chose the
exploring of the Wagner canyon
rather than encounter the Inclem
ent woather on the summit, but Mr.
McNalr und Miss Moore reached the
top whore a regular blizzard of snow
mil hall was raging. Dr. G. H.
Johnstone and a party were alBO
.mountain climbers yesterday.
Word was received in Ashland
this week of the marriage of Leo
Trefren, formerly of Ashland, and
Miss Mary Swiggct, which took
place In Washington, D. C, about
two weeks ago'. The tikide is sec
retary to Congressman Ayreg of
Kansas, while the groom, who Is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Trefren
of this City, is In governmcnl Bervlce
ut the capital and had returned
about six months ago from Sweden
iviore he hud been sent on a diplo
matic errnnd. Formal announce
ments of tho marriage will arrive
inter from the bride's home in Kansas.
SALEM, Ore., Sept. 6. Fees of
phylslclans, for caring for persons
entitled to benefits under the work
men's compensation acts ot Oregon
and Washington ' will be increased
within the next few weeks, accord
lng to a tentative agreement reached
at a conference attended by rep re
sontatlves of the state medical aid
board of Washington, . state indus
trial accident commission of Oregon
and Oregon Medical society, held in
Portland; Monday I.:.' t.;f i v
Restaurant .
Good Heals and Short Orders.
and Night Service. .
297 East Mala
rl fll c: ?
FREE Rulers
Pencils, Crayola Crayons,
Paints, Composition Books'
Spelling Pads
3 for 5c
Pencil Boxes, Dictionaries,
Loose Leaf Note Books
Come in and look over our
display, at
Foley's Drugstore
POLEV & ELUAKT, Druggist ,
Ashland Furniture Co.
Furniture, Curpcts, Linoleum, Stoves, Ranges, Cooking Utensil
and Camping Outfits.
02-P4-06 North Main Street
Off-Color Days
are usually the reflexion of somo
upset to bodily health.
Coffee drinking usually exagger'
ate3 such conditions and fre
quently produces them. (
That's why so many former
coffee drinkers now favor
The Original
I Postum Cereal
Boil fully fifteen minutes and a
I delightful beverage results. Fine
a for children as well as grown-ups., '
3 '
I Everywhere at Grocers
i Two sizes, usually sold at 15c and 25c
Fine Tailoring
For Men and Women.
171 Eiist Mnin. Tel. Ill)
We have you in mind when buying.
You want fresh, dependable food.
Fresh Vegetables and Fruits
In Season
White House Grocery
MWiGER & ROBERTSON, Proprietors
Phones 155-156 ASHLAND, OREGON
Has that BST constantly in Stock, and is the secret of that success wmch has
marked its business career lo, these many years.
We invite prospective purchasers to call and examine our goods and be ,
convinced of the truth of our statement. The same old stand, 37 N. Main, and
the same obliging and reliable service always on tap. .
Don't procrastinate delays are oftentimes dangerous. Make NOW to take
the place 6f NEVER, and dilly-dally with no man.
Before The Fall Rains Begin
Don't fool yourself. Your house is going
to the bad fast if it needs painting. The '.
best way to sell your home, or secure '
good renter, is by making it attractive by " ;
Slop and Think!
We tiro headquarters for everything in
the Taint line. It will pay you to con
sult us before painting.
Carson-Fowler Lumber
A Large Shipment of Arrow Shirts
In all the latest models for Fall wear. Arrow'Shirts will fit any occasion just
well as it will fit any man. Priced from $2.00 each and up. Every shirt .
guaranteed fast color. The Arrow shirt marks a variety of shirts
'for evening wear. and dances, that are remarkably smart .
in style and well made. Try one and become an
' , Arrow customer from then on
Men who wear
good clothes like
to be sure that
they are getting
their mo n e y ' s
worthy both,' in
service' ability and
in style. That js
why "most men
come here to buy.
Accessories of all
kinds for men
who dress well
will be found here
in pleasing dis
play. Give us a
trial and become
How fast the time
flies 1 Vacation
days are passing,
bringing us again
to fall and school
time. The young-'
sters mustbe care-T,,
fully outfitted in ;
good, Reliable,
clothes for a fresh
start. Bring the
boys and girls in
or have the come ,
alone. They will .
be well taken care
of. Our prepara
tion for school -
days has been
thoro so that you '
can be sure of ,
finding every-;'''
thing that is need- .
ed in that line. .