The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, September 04, 1925, Image 1

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School Transportation j jR gjjj FAVORED parrot's Swearing Saves Woman
Problem Explained
Transportation has always been one
of the largest items in the budget for
sehool expenses in this district. In
the last two years seven thousand and
nine hundred and ninety six dollars
have been spent for trausportalon a
lone. More than that was voted In the
two budgets. That the school board
should earnestly consider reducing
this expense, is to be expected. They
have reasoned that if an Individual
could pay for a bus, operate it and
make a profit, the school district
could own buses, operate theih and
Have money. Further, that when the
buses are paid for. the cost of trans
portation can be very materially les
sened us the district will not continue
paying for buses every two years.
The more progressive school dis
tricts own their own buses, and in
the State of Washington this is gener
ally the case.
There is enough money already vot
ed to pay for one bus and furnish
transportation the remainder of the
fiscal year which is as long as the
money is supposed to last. The am
ount alloted in the budget for next
year is less than that estimated for
the present year, and the budget as a
whole is smaller while allowing for
the construction of a fire-proof garage
to house the buses.
It is entirely within the priviledge:
of the school board to furnish trans
Jf 'rtation in anyway that seems bant
to them.
Would yon like to know the cost of
a school bus such as the one purchns
H It is SISMO.OO. It his Waym
body, with windows on either side.
wa ruled, storm
seats, and the driver controls the o
pening and closing of the door.
Heretofore extra trips made for
school entertainments have leen made
at extra cost and that expense will
lie obviated.
The life of a truck is five years,
conservatively estimated, and the bo
dy will last much longer.
The driver will be under the con
trol ami direction of the school board
ami the superintendent. The bst Ob
tainable will be chosen.
Study your budget and come to the
budget meeting prepared to vote In
telligently and not according to some
rumor. If the item of transportation
1." voted down, no transportation can
lie furnished after the first of .lan
uary by the district, and parents must
furnish transportation for their child
ren at their own expense.
By order of School Hoard.
Seattle, Wash In asking the mem !
hers of the state legislature to signify;
their preferences as to the time for1
holding the special session, hereto !
fore scheduled for the month of No-j
vember, Governor Hartley seems to
have made it certain that there will be
M session until January. The gover
nor has said that he would defer to;
the wishes of the majority of the
membership; and there is no question1
whatever that the majority In favor
of waiting until after the Christmas
holidays is almost strong enough to
make it unanimous.
Governor Hartley's decision to con !
suit the senators and representatives
on this matter was not reached until
after he had heard from a good many
of them, directly and Indirectly. Pro :
test against convening in November, :
as planned by the governor when the
regular session of last winter was cur-!
tailed, generally was based on person '
si business and professional reasons. i
1 Some parrots say the wrong thing at the wrong time, but "Laura" shown
PLANES START FAR HAWAII ilb()ve SH.VS ,,le wrong thing at the light time. She swore so loudly and pro
nuo vinni run nnrvnil fmiey wnen flre' broke out in her house that she attracted the attention
ii c u.. a i . a 1 of ,,1? firemen, who rescued Mrs. Julian Loeklnger after she was overcome
U. S. Navy Aviators Start on 2100- b oke n , , on , ,OII. ,B,und.
M l T n
San Francisco. Two giant naval :
seaplanes, the PN-9 No. 1 and the T ii H rt J J w .
pn-9 no s. darted out of san Pabio Local Items ot Boardman and Project
bay, a northern arm of San Francisco'
bay. shortly after 2:40 o'clock Monday . j
in. I fl,,n. 1 1 r i oi i
mo mun ocean oounu i m.-v,.,,,,,., , ...
for Hawnll. 2100 mil.,, ..-..,.
a . . . T -"" P Mr Montague it is reported.
A swarm of aircraft, including e
cort naval planes and planes bearing l'aul Partlow is a new subscriber to
pnotographers hovered around the the Mirror
Mr. and Mrs. Irn Berger of Port
land are here for n few days, They
still own property on the project.
i HN-9s as they began their epochal
adventure. Andy Andregg is reported to bt
Each plane carries a crew of five,1"'"'1 an attack of pleurisy.
a total weight of 19,200 pounds, in
eluding 1287 (rations of cxanllno .,,..)
proof, comfortable! has a wing spread of 72 feet 10 Inches fn"U " ,r, ,J
Tom Hendricks reports that about
k"i states have been represented on
tV... ...,.ri. ,(,... ... ,,.. ..,..,. .... . .
,1,17 ivfti.-n-i ill I hi uill ' i Hilly ni'i
so fur this summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Alee Warren returned I
farmers are OUSy Here ahouts cut
J tioK the third crop pf Alfalfa and if
Mr and Mrs Richard Dingmun spmt:tle frost holds off long enough there
n few davs in Portland recently. : should be a good fourth cutting.
The third plane cast for a role in
the Hawaiian adventure, the PB1,
was unable to start with the others
because of mechanical difficulties. School is to open in Boardman Sept-j I. Bkoubo is suffering from a boll
i mber Nth, Tuesday, as Monday Is on his foot that is causing him much
misery and makes walking a difficult
Calilaux to Sail for U. S. Sept. T Labor Day
Paris. Official announcement was
made that Finance Minister Calllauj
Mr. and Mrs. ("has. (ioodwin were
will sail on the liner Paris Septembei :",m,,'r '$ '
16 to Initiate the debt funding negotia Ar"",r (oodwln h,n-
ttons with the United States. M. Cail
laux will be accompanied by one expert.
Wheat Hard white, BS, Baart, soft
white and western white, $1.50 hard
winter and northern spring, $1.46;
F. A. Fort lor manager of the new
local Standard Oil Station, is a new
subscriber to the Boardman Mirror.
Wash .Mi Kinney and family of Ilia
lOCfe were visitors here on Sunday ami
culled on the Warners. They picnicked
at the camp grounds.
Mrs. Lavina Newliouse of Corvallll
, arrived Monday for a visit at the
. """"J Broyles home. Mrs. NewhotiK
aunt of Mrs. Mrovli's.
Filler home. He is working at Arling
ton at present.
is an
Mrs. S. H. Boardman made n trip
to Hermiston recmtly to have some
western red, $1.43; Big Bend blue- dental work done.
stem, $1.56.
Hay Alfalfa, $1819 ton; valley
Mr. and Airs. Jack Oorham and
timothy, $184i20; eastern Oregon n, tlrpn " I'endleton visitors on
timothy, $232c. Wednesday.
Butterfat B2c shippers' track. ,.
Eggs-Ranch, 3036c. I m"" '
Cheese-Prices f. o. b. Tillamook- '. ''lmrK "f P0" w,,rk
Triplets, 30c; loaf, 31c per lb. ,len' " feW (l"vs "K"
Cattle-Steers, medium, 7.25ffi.8.25. j Mr. nI1(I Mrs I)prilp (lf Los An(r.ln,
Hogs-meaium 10, $12.75 - an(1 .,,, s.llIni(U (jf (.
nln were also guests at the Inn.
Sheep Lambs, medium to choice
wr-eai --son wnue, western white, tion. Lyle has been in California for
: hRrd winter, western red. northern ,he past vear or two
I spring, $1.50; Big Bend bluestem,
! $1.59. Mrs. olive Wilson has rented the Al
I Hay Alfalfa, $23; D. C, $28; tim liert Maeoniber honitV adjoining the
othy. $26; mixed hay, $24.
Butter Creamery, 4752c.
Eggs Select ranch. 3941c.
Hogs Prime, $14.7515.00.
Cattle Prime steers, $8.008.25.
Cheese Oregon fancy, 30c; Oregon
standards 26c; Washington triplet
Boardman friends were pleased to
have a short visit with the Welch
family recently. They were former
r"sldents hen1, owning the ranch now
owned by L. C. Cooney. They have
lived at Scio the past two years. While
Here they lust their youngest son,
Tommy, who died of peritonitis follow
ing an appendicitis operation. Mr. and
Mrs. Welch and Jim are tnkln an ex
tended motor tp going to Idaho,
Nevada. Arizona ami California before
eate. While here they visited at the
tlarrett and Howell homes and with
as many other friends as time per
mitted. Jack Gorham has accepted a posi
tion at the Cash Meicnntile Company's
store and started work on Monday. He
I ns been with the Boardman Trading
Company since It was organized by B.
S Kingsley soreral years ago and It
ied he was atniosl a permanent
fixture in the store. Edna Broyles
who has leen general manager of the
store fir some time will enter Whit
man college at Walla Walla.
Clarence Berger and family and
(has. Dillon and family started to
Metolius for a vacation jaunt a few
days ago. but Mrs. Clarence Berger Mrs. W. H. Woodard of the High
was taken quite ill and removed to the way Inn was under the weather for
hospital at The Dalles for a few days, two days this week with an attack of
They came home the latter part of th stones. She is back at her work
week. Sirs. Merger, who suffers from again now much improved,
heart attacks is much improved. The
Dillons returned the fore part of the " Wa",pr nrlscd and no.
wep Chan. Williams and son of Deer L"dge
a little pleased to have his cousin Hn
Mrs J. ( B'llli-ngt-r and daughter. Montanna. eome In unexpectedly on
Maxene. arrived hmne on Thursday Sunday. They were on their way
night en the stage from Si Hslde Ore- home from a motor trip to Caliifornia.
gon. where they have licen all sum- Mr. Warner and Mrs. Williams, who
tner. They left "I'm-le Harry" Mur had not met fur a period of forty
chie in good health and prosperity. He yearn or so had a pleasant visit. Tin
keeps busy each day at tie- carpenter Williams family and Mr. Warner csme1
trade which he has followed for years across the plains together in '82.
Lyle Blayden was a visitor at the C.
C. Blayden homo Wednesday on his
way to Pendleton where he has a poai-
Robert Bradley and Mr. and Mrs.
Relates of Tnponlah Washington, visit
ed Sunday at the John Jenkins home.
They drove over in Bobs new Kurd,
Haehael Johnson returned last week
from a prolonged visit with relatives
in Wnsco. She enjoyed pleas. int
vacation trip.
Mr. Mid M.s. George Spring, Mr.
and Mrs. KriateMen and Mrs. Do
Weeee all of Portland are visiting at
I ho Nick Filler home.
Chas. Andregg retiir.i'tl home last
week from Hermiston where lie I pell I
iwo weeks earing for mi Injured foot
The member is much belter hU( was
exceedingly painful for some time.
Clyde Carr and wife arrived (lie
fore pgrl of last week ami are located
Ii. the furnished rooms at Jack Gor
Denims Mrs. Wilson has a son 10 hams. Mr. Carr will tench Manual
years of age who will attend school j Training and Science ami also have
here. charge of athletics at school this year.
Strangling the Monster
Mr. Com stock of Alderdale stopping
one day this week, on his way to .l
; derdule and visited a short lime at the
Bailey home. He l an acquaintance
' years standing.
l F. H. Moore and family of Carleton
Oregon, were recent visitors lit the El
j lis Garrett home, stopping enroule to
lOlewln Iowa, tf visit Mr,1 Moores'
i mother whom he has not seen for a
number of years. Mr. Moore is a
brother of Mrs. Garrett.
J. A. Cobb was here from Walla
Walla hut not long enough to get the
stock of the store moved into the new
building which he purchased from Mr.
j Mack and which he has had remodeled
J and renovated until it makes a fine
place for the dry goods stoek. Mr.
Cobb has n grocery at 147 Main street
Wallu Walla.
Frank Cramer is building a fine
lew hi nb across the front of their
house. This porch wil lie screened In
and will prove an indisponsible addi
tion to the home.
J. 0. Ballenger has sold his stude
baker car to Oeorge Johnson who has
Charge ot the coal chutes at Messner.
The Hallengers expect to buy an Essex
coach soon.
The Misses Edna and Ethel Broyles
motored to out look Washington where
Mrs. Broyles anil Iriiia ami Blanche
Imua have been for sometime. The
bitter three ladles accompanied them
Caroline Hunt will arrive this week
to spend the winter te the Warner
home. She will attend school here this
year. Her home it at Renublle Wash
Mrs. OliVe Wilson and brother Mr.
McLean were Boardman visitors on
Sunday, coming to make preparation
for the school year. Mrs. Wilson Is to
leach primary grades.
Word received from Astoria Is thai
Mrs. Henry Harrison lias been up
pointed superintendent of Hie county
farm there. Mrs. Harrison is a former
resident f this place and visited here
a short time ago.
Boardntin people will be pica Ned to
see Mrs. F. F. Kilt, behind the count
cr at the Boardman Trading company
lo assist Mr. DUlngbam the present
Malinger Mrs. KUtli's friends arc
numbered by her acquaintances ami
she, w'" make a pleasing saleswoman,
it. w. Morse County agent of Hep
pnor, W. P. Todd, H, S. Butler of
Bremerton and Paul Maris of Corval
Ha were listed at the Highway Inn
this week, They are all agriculture
Mrs. Macomber, of Clrsndvlew Wash
and son Bldon spent the week end at
the home of her son Nate Miieoinlior.
On Sunday the Nate UsCOmbcr fund
If and his mother and brother all mot
ored lo (Ilex to visit Albert Macomber
People who receive the Farm Bur
can News, arc 1'cniliided to look for the
Premium lie) for the Pair Oftentimes
these little papers are discarded with
out close attention and this Issue Is of j
great Importance because of the pre
mlnm list Inclosed.
Mr mill Mrs. Dun Smylbc of Pen
dteton were on the Project Sunday.
Tbey stopped nt the MeCiirler ranch
ii nd other places Mr Sinytlie Is a bay
btter along with his other numerous '
activities, They were driving a new
LOSS model Lincoln car.
Northern Morrow
Fair Sept. 11 & 12
Keep the Fair dates in mind. We
are going t have u fair that will
lie a surprise to nil outsiders. The
fairs given previously have been well
worth while with their splendid ex
hibits. This year with $000 for nre-
miums. the competition will be keener
than ever and a large exhibit Is anll
Plnted. Prizes for vegetables. fmilM
ennned fruits, pickles, art work, sew
ing, honey, alfalfa, grains, corn and
other things nre offered. Most of the
prises are ,$1.00 with a $10.00 prize fr
the best general display of vegetables.
A number of prizes for club work
are also offered. The management is
'!! pleased with the way exhibits
are coming in and a wonder
ful display. While past fairs have
been excellent and thorn is still a nnn
her of things lo be added as the fair
grows from year to year, it is cer
tain that the show this year will by
fur ecliape anything yet attempted.
Remember the dates September M
"nd l-Jth. and bring the whole fam
ily end all tie neighbors to cnioy (he
harvest fair lime witli u.s.
Sees Need of Cannery
We were gresH Interested in pii -
Hide in ti. Hermiston Herald last
week rerardlng the n i of a canning
factory In cue for the surplus voire.
tftMes which are raised here so profit.
ably, vve hesMity agree with Mr.
Crowder, There s i , for a can
ning factory and the farmers would be
Wtllln to sign up for the necessary
"Tea f various kinds of vegetables
If a factory were established. Cucum
' i-s ii nd tomatoes have been almost
Riven away this year because of the
shrnhts ami lack of market There
Isn't a place on earth where vegetables
''" SUV better thna here on the Hoard
man project
However we WOtlld like lo see the
factory bull! by outside capital, by
one ,,r the big packing concerns, as
there would . Renter harnion., than
ne bunt and managed by local men
we know for we had a cheese factory
here once.
Hoga- Prlme, mixed. $13.5013.71,.
Cattle Prime steers, $7.25 7.50
Washington, u. Suggestions In
Belgian newspapers that the new
debt funding agreement between the
Unlttu States and Belgium contain?
secret provisions were denied by Act
ing Secretary Winston of the treasury.
Mr and Mrs Howard E Mncomlx r
and baby and Mrs. Mucomber's par
cuts .Mr and Mrs. HaiTald all of
Orsndylew Wasb4 were overnight
visitors at the Nate Uacomtwr home
the fore part of the week, while on
their way to Orandvlcw from a pleas
nut trip to the coast. II E M icomh'i'
Is an Uncle of Vale's.
The airplane which .lused such a
Hurry of excitiui-n. at MM neighbor
ing town nsentiy, has been dismantled
and the engine was sold for $300, il
was reported tad also it was rum
ored that Mr Haling wa v. to have
whatever sum be could get from the
sa'e of the rest of the plane to cover
liases S to his car wmYh was hit by
a falling telephone pole struck by the
plaBS when It overturned Well at
any rate there were two miracles .bat
day, one Whefl the plane took a nose
dive and tinned over leaving the pi
lot uninjured and the second, when
the pole hit the Suling cur which was
occupied by Mr Sallng and children,
and none of them received a Scratch,
John Jenkins Is sporting a new fac
ial decoration, He and Sum Shell
should net together and exchange i
deaa on birsul adorn. ,t Mr. Hire! I
wears-em different every week, some
'Irnes hi Southern Cojond. then
dde I urns, or -rbaps a gav inons
lachlo. PerlmpH John could get some
A dinner of lovely appdnt nienl s
was that given Nunil.;y at which Mr.
"lid Mrs ... . Warner presided, fov
eis wen laid for mrm In addition
to the host and hostess these were, Mr.
and Mrs. Ony Lee of pilot Reek, and
a cousin Douglas Miller. Mr. and Mrs.
I 'has. Ioodwin
Canada was represented by Jess
Daizeii or DeWlntar Albetta ami .
I. Iluinley of ECdmOtttOB al the War
Bf auto camp this week. Hoy Htufz
niuii of 1 .11 Mil ii Nebrnsiwi wns on his
way lo Albany tJeirge Moore of Pi,.
era Orargaa was going to Kannaa, l.
m. Kenton of Baton Colorado, was go.
Ing to Portland and ('has and W
Thompson of orthrup Minn, were In
'amp one night
QtM Oarnlt has been taking mel
OM to Condon mid vicinity In his
ford truck I.. C roomy has made
scleral trips also. Hob Wilson IMS
made trips over Heppner way wllli
some fine UMDatOM and Bruce Dllb.
bough imik. . frequent trips
O. M Beardslcy, new Suiierlnt n
di ill of Boardman schools, and family
iiiiely settled In the Stewart house
' eft they will make their home Mr.
' rdslcy is greatly Interested in his
n field and is a man of most pless
let personality, Boantsssa win have
n fine staff of .cachet's this year, and
If pupils, patrons and faculty will
work together with understanding end
cooperation we haii have one of the
beat school fears in Inoni history.
Mrs WeathsraJ of srHngtna stnatjed
over in noardwaa h short time last
oi k. on her way to Coyote to visit
Iim SUnt, Mrs. John Hrice Mrs Weth
cral stayed st the Henrdsley home nt
Coyote while Mrs Beardslcy tisik her
little I year old daughter to The Dal
les for medical treatment. The little
girl broke the claOclu last week in a