c THE BOARDMAN MIRROR VOLUME V BOARDMAN. MORROW COUNTY. OREGON FRIDAY JULY 31, 1925 NUMBER 31 ft Boardman Locals Latest Triumph in Railroading Mrs. nines a former resident here was a Boardman visitor tlas week, coming over with seine friends, Mr. I and Mrs. Kan- of Port Angeles, Wash ington. One day of the visit was spent at the Chas. Nlzer home where a de licious dinner was enjoyed; I Mr. ami Mrs. Dan Ransier announce the arrival of a 10 pound boy, born July 23, at Pendleton. Tins is their third ltoy. Mrs. H. H. Weston was surprised ( ml pleased to have her sister, Mrs. Alice L. Reck of Portland arrive un-t fxpeetedly Monday for a few days visit here. Tr ME completion of t lie new Chicago Union Station marks a note- Mrs. Hummelt and friend Mr. Bar Wood were Boardman vis) tors on Mon day afternoon. Mrs. Hummelt lias at tended normal the past year and also anting tlie summer term. hue will worthy accomplishment in the history teach at lone this next term. Mrs. of important engineering undertakings. Hmnmell was a teacher here three from which travelers from all parts of years ago. - i the United States will derive pleas- I ure and benefit. The station Is without doubt one of Snm Shell received word of the tne finegt and most efficiently designed death of his brother John H. Shell, railroad terminals In the world. It on July 22nd at bis old homo near forms a vital link In the realization of Ooldendale Washington at the ad- the "Chicago City Beautiful Plan." Slm vanced age of K years. He visiter! pllcity, accessibility and convenience for some time nt the siu.ii lw.mo here for traveling public are the essen- "iu.il : is H il. it li t ti J5 (A S tlCiSK rtlii ; Jgt ( 1 the early part of this summer, but was failing rapidly at that time and was taken home to Ooldendale by John Hay. Mr. Healy and family from Bat tel' Creek were visitors on the Pro Ject Sunday. Lillian Briee and Esther Imus have tlal virtues of the new terminal. Best and recreation rooms, ticket offices, barber shop, dining rooms, stores of various kinds, and almost every con venience known to travelers, are to be found on the one level, no steps to climb. The main station Is a low monumen tal type of building with a row of massive columns of classic design along the entire east front. Once In side, the traveler finds himself in a charge, to patrons of the Union Sta tion lines for conferences and other ; together- Let's Oo. meetings. k nr. i m .mi HOLDS MEETING ELECT COMMITTEE HEADS The North Morrow County Pair Hoard held a meeting recently and the dates of September 23-26 were! tentatively set. The fair is to be at Boardman this year and: the follow-; ing were decided upon for work in cident to the fair. Mrs. H. 0. Wolfe of Irrigon, Dom estic Science: Mrs. N. Paler of Board-; man Domestic Science: Mrs. Knight of Irrigon. Domestic Art ; Mrs. A. T. Ilefcim of Boardman. Domestic Art; Mrs. Gladys Gibbons of Boardman, Club Work: Hugh Grimm of Irrigon Prilits and Melons: Chas. Nizer of Boardman. Live Stock and Poultry: It. C Mitchell, Bees and Honey: 0, i. Oilkins, Farm Crops; 0. H. Dilla haugli. Vegetable and General Farm Display. Plans are being worked out and If I everyone will keep the Fair in mind and plan and work for it. we shall have a display that will surpass any t',' at of a much largdr plrfce. All COL. CHAS. SWEENEY ! -itr- Birthday Party ' On last Friday afternoon Lola Ki ll Messenger much enjoyed the 40 guests who joined in helping her cele brate her eighth birthday. She re ceived many useful, beautiful Rifts. Refreshments of candy, lee cream and ake were served. Mrs. Flickiirger's gifts were accompanied by the fol lowing jingle. It is just eight years ago today. sweet little babe came here to stay- She was such a little tiny mite. We hardly konw how to do thing right. Finally we decided to give brr the bottle, Then she began to grow, could final ly toddle. nil when her age became six years. She Went to school, it cost Mother tears. Now she is learning to take her part Brings many a joy to Mother's heart. gone to the Z. Logan ranch at Wells m)mg Kfm more 100 Springs for a visit. Gladys Wilson has feet bJgJ and brilliantly lighted been there for sometime, ; through skylights in the great arch ! celling. Colonnades Inclose t lie room. Friday June 24th, was Lois Mess- the walls of which are patterned after engers 8th birthday and the oocnsslon the architecture of ancient Rome. Bor will linger long In the memories of the oertag this room are the ultra-complete little guests who were present to help Paaaengef ''r'''11 facilities. An Innrv . , . . , ration in railway terminal design is n her celebrate the day. (James and out , ' . ,. ' conference room accommodating 125 door amusements we(v enjoyed for peopIe ,vhcn ,s availaDl(!i without several nours and retresiiments wen served. Best of all was the lovely big Mrthi'ay cake and ice cream enjoyed by the guests. To give some Idea of the Immensity ; SMYTHK LAMBS BRING TOP of the new station, it may be stated j op $15 EASTERN MART that the main building covers an area , of about three acres with a concourse j , , , , , , , . covering 60,000 square feet. The en- I ff "f 1" '"r "1red-we,ght tire terminal facilities cover more than for ,be to nmh- recently; shipped by 36 acres and will expedite the prompt Bnjythe Bros., and the Pendleton and satisfactory handling of 50,000 ,tten Co., was realized on the Kansas passengers, 400 tons of baggage and City and Chicago markets, according; Col. Charles Sweeney, formerly of ,100 trains daily with room for future to a statement by Dan P. Smytho. The the Eightieth division of the A. 111. P., expansion. Fifteen ncres of glass I shipment Included a trainload and w'10 heads the new American esca were used In the various coverings 1 wa(! the first big shipment from this lrllle which Is to operate with the over the train sheds, which extend' s(l(t(1 , mMnn market8 th,8 ear ' Prench against the Rlfflan forces lo more than 1,200 feet beyond the main ; , . . . ... Morocco. The escadrllle has been re structure. A total of 17,000 tons of , 1 '"' ,,,,,,1,s verB trifle more (,ru11(, from among (ormw army nlen structural steel, 175.000 cubic feet of 80 I,""n,ls ""' n,arket So,m now In France. Indiana limestone and 10,000 cubic ,vm' classified s feeders and brought , feet of granite were used in the sta- !' onmireu weight, nut the per tion building and concourse. The foun- eentage of feeders was not large, datlon consists of 440 cylindrical con- 1 "We feel that we were fortunate, crete piers from four to ten feet In p, striking a good market." Mr. Son diameter, reaching to B depth of more t,. Htated market I)as lnce than 00 feet below the level of the ,,....,,,,, ,, , , nlllto . . Chicago river. . . t . , , r, ... . . , ,, ! it was when we sold." 1 Those who have had the privilege 1 e .. ,. . . . . of inspecting the new statL pro-; Thc sul."s ,,f ""'s' tw0 companies Sul! Filed to Prevent Paying c num.- m'vi'iiii oays L. V. Kut.ner and family were the guests at the Kills Garrett home for bountiful dinner on Tuesday at noon. Home grown melons were en joyed at dinner. The losing side of the ('. E. gave party Wednesday evening for the inners of the last content, at the Mes tiger home. Are you on the win ning side of the O. K. work for the year. N. Seaman and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of Irrigon drove down Tues day evening of last week, bringing Mrs. Smith to the B. B. Lewis home for several days visit. EVOLUTION FIGHT IN WASHINGTON, 0. G. nounce it n marvel In terminal con struction and are urging their friends a c H market to see it on their next visit to Chicago. :ln The station Is used jointly by the Pennsylvania Bnllrond; Chicago, Mil Kast Ore District of Columbia Teacher. Friends have been sorry to learn thai Mrs. Simpson of Coetir D'Aleiv Idaho, has suffered a stroke of pnra! ysls. Mrs. Simpson is the mother 1 f Mrs. W. L. Pimtell and has vlslte 1 hero at different times when tie Pin- liells lived here. Slie Is gradually Im proving which is welcome news. Wells Springs, Pioneer's Last Lois Kll-vi Messenger spent the Washington, D. C--The department wntikee A St. Paul Ry. ; Chicago, Bur- j first three days of the week with her f justice will act for District of Col llngton & Qnlncy R. R., and the Chi- j ami Aunt. Mr. and Mrs. M lumbia authorities in the ault which cogo & Alton B. B. K KijckcitKer 'haa hppn brought here to test legality of teaching evolution and other scl Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Price who have been at Roseburg during the winter Vcrpttmi, uria, Cl.0lm,9 of have returned from trip to Raker . nemmm aIld Immiirl..Ilts ano are ai 1110 nome 01 ineir son A. Price. : pioneer Williams family of The Dal- DOW In the public schools. i Its. who died at Well Hnrln in 1M.VJ The suit seeks to enjoin Frank RpctintT PIiira TVl Tit PmCOrUCfl n the "Old Trail". White, treasurer of the United Stales. ItVUlllIg JL nil V, I ,r lV M. 1 VUV1 T V w Ezra Meeker placed markers on the H"d 'hors, from paying school author Old Trail," but those have been ,lies who Permit uso of iclentlfle By Marker and Fencing Mr. and Mrs. W. R. An b rson m; I Col. Cornelius Gilliam, ('apt. of the! broken down, but Intel v renlaced bv eniigriuit train of 1X14 and veteran the County Surveyor of Morrow Conn T1"' Iaw waR Paaf,p(' a riA"T io . the 11125 District of Columbia appro prlation bill which provides that "no part of this sum (for tho public schools) shall bo available for the sal 1 of Semiole and Black Hawk wars of ty and Mr. Hedrlck of the lleppner the Middle West, and who was made Schools. 'Somewhere" alons the- Old Oregon O'""1'1 ''' "r Provisional Govern-; The, aim ami pnrpoae Is to fence 'unknown , tt.. Trail" are bor ed scores of brave " ""'M-. " mis Dnriai place ot tli h , v..,.. 1.1 ., i,,i, on -ward march of clvllliation, and notice u.e monier.Ts or liie VMuiman ,aoe and p t trees, also to pin ... 1. .JiSSHII II kS i I MM '( '111 I " ' I 1(1 'in 11 uiiilii).., ,m,'i. 1,,, I I... .1., ............ ..i .j ti... 1 f 1 1 , , , ,,.,.1 in vp v 11 vii Hirer. niiiMi tii- - " ........ tl , Jack Gorham homes. Mrs." Gorham Joy the fruits of the great Umpire. was aceldently ki.UM. at .. tablet. donated by the Dallas and daughters who have be,n visit- they had hu'lded. "" "' & A It. also to place sign I.. T,liWv T11I1. rofiirn. AT W I' S nillltlS 111 .UomHV lin- . " " lltJ jiiui lkui iim- ninnn Kim 1 " I'-'flii" ri in i- 'in'.' 1 j ..,1 oriti. Hmm livlno. had delltrht ty is one of the many known burial fid vuention trip. ary of any supernltendent who per mits the teaching of or any teacher who teachns disrespect for the holy Thc funeral of Colonel Cilliam was Creek highway and the Wel grounds along the Old Trail, where Maatmle I,.dge of .d, also a, the Junction of the Col o " 17 graves are mute testimony of the ron City, and this was ,,, River Highway and the Well ' lnforlor form ot Bible." The rider was sponsored by Repre sentative Rummers, republican. Wash Ington, and includes In Its prohibition. besides "disrespect, for the Blhie,"the or that. ...in Mr. and Mrs. F. V. BeebM and terrors of disease, Indian wars, and '" " - - - - ' Mnng nam, telling or th,s historic mRnt .. 1..irtt.r rnnnM Marian left for other sufferings of the pioneers and - ... . . spo. The action wan started bv Loren II their home in Portland Monday after trail blazers. The D. A. It. of Ore- " "'as twelve days on An easment of this pan el of ground wlttDer a KOVernBient employe. On a visit with the Prices. Mr. Beebee g-n are undertaking 11 campaign in J"s' ,;",nrn"'T; , , , . "iM be domitwl by Harpke and Peters ,ho par( ()f K0Vernment attorneys and Mrs Price are twins. M urow. QUUatt, and Slurman Coun- " "-- ' ,.ers, to me 1 onmy or Morrow or (hrn , nfilnlltedly tt BtrnnK ,irHire to ties to raise funds for the fencing of l- Dgtla. "'ill provide a bronze ,l, Historical society on the prlvls reronti lr poaalble. a recurrence here n this plot of sored ground that the " ' " " "" "' 14 'one. of anything llko the trial In Tennes nt Well Spring, in honor of our hero. Gillian County was named for thin Proviso that the above be carried see. Therefore, the government will Mrs. I.00 Root has returned from viction t Everett. Tacoma. Seattle graves of these heroes may not be Portland ami other Point of Interest, kwt, and that they be protected from wirnm - omit, was namen ro tui. t by the friends of Morrow and Gil- handle tho case purely from the She h -id a verv nlensant vacation a f- t lie hoofs of wandering stock and ""tod man of our country who so gal Uua Qonntles, to be kept as 11 bis standpoint of law and tho right of the i,.r teadv izrind of work for I'ucle from Wild animals. A memorial tab-; '' ,lv toutl r'"" ns- totkj spot forever. treasury to pay salaries to teachers let is to be placed at the graveyard mere are counted 11 graves, v oil .urs. 11. icn n, warren, ciiairniau in conformity with tho decrees of con Iby the Strah Childress Chapter D. P' nA r' ' " mlwin. Historic Spots, at.d memlier of Kress. The question of whether natur Kutr.ner and family of Port- A. R. of Dallas, OregOU and it is the one of Whom Is the father of the Willamette Chapter D. A. R. a science Is right or wrong or is dla respectful to the Hlhle. will not ne con Sam. L. V. land enme Saturday for a lew days further plan that preliap trees may visit with Boardman friends. They be planted 00 the plot, return.-.! to their homo on Tuesday Mrs. Harry Warren who has .barge taking Mnhava with them She has of the work on historic spots along been visiting here for two weeks. On the Old Trail has charge of the work Mondnv Mr. Kutzner. Nels Kri ton-en in these three counties and will rn and E K. Mulkey went to toM 0OiT to raise bv popular subscrlp-busin-ss. Mrs. Mulkey and the child the 175 needed for the fencing ten an.' Mrs. Kutzner and daughter of the plot which is about 7o by Lf0 s'xmt ' the day at Kristensen's. The Kntanra also visited at the Wnrter, Ahvndy considerable money bus snd Mulkey homes, and as many 0th- ln promised by d.cendents of the rr friends 'as their time permitted. pioneers buried there and it is hoped that Other public spirited citizens will I Io Ro.t brought MM fine Crab do their bit for the cans... Colonel apples fn.ui Ilermist.m this w-k. M 011 am for Whom this county was j. numl-r of the Meal housewives are nam. ' and I hero of early Indian busy pickling and cennlng. her. al,ut. was a. eidently kil led t W.'lls Springs in 1K1K on bis ' Aft.r you read the Mirror send it from the ndi-f of the Whitman ... . frlen.l or relative so they may Massacre survivors. see we are on the map. Gone to the Country sldered In the government pleas. ndvei tlsemrnts. The following letter by Mr. War ren expla:n the KitUHtion clearly : To Gi'llnui Comity Friends: -It l the ftafette "f the wriler. to present to yon the following memorial and ask for n com rilmtioil to perpetuate Kven th' cheap the memory of our heroes ns well a type of magazines to place ihis blrtorie sp on the map often bev good fie- y"! Xtinz i On- most historic tion ef ye don't Le- M(M)t ,,, Coiintv. Uing the U?v It. read the ,(in,pnc ,,1,, of ,1. Mrfj PniKr!,nts ! ion the "Old On-gon Troll". 0 v fl I 1 EVOLUTIONISTS WIN FIGHT Fundamentalists Defeated In Conteat In California. Kan Francisco. Fundamentalist and evolutionists clashed hero over the QMatlOD of teaching evolution In the public schools of California, and the evolutionists won. 04 the tim e Isioks on biology whi opponents of the evolutionary theory Bought to have excluded from the pub lie schools of this stale and around which the battle centered, two wem found acceptable by the .late hoard if a4ucft tiofl and action M the third was deferred temporarily. Indications were that the third text book "Biol ogy and Human Welfare," by penbody and Hunt, also would be passed upon favorably Thii other Iwo books nr efited, about which there was a dls lUte, were "(luenherg's Biology and 'luman Life," and "Atwood'a Prob 'ems. Projects and F.xperlmenta In lliol ogy." Mrs. Klbii Klickenger siciit I f. Snj I with le r Boardman friends the 1 h tlei part of the week. Buys New Car W ,H. Woodnrd and daUIMtCl Nit:! and Dr. W. II. Woodard of Missouri. went to The Dalles on Thursday, Nlt.i and her grandfather remained f ir a lslt, but Mr. Woodnrd returned Snt- ttrday in Chevrolet car. which h ourchaseil theiv. II. ('. Nelson of Seattle was nt the Warner auto camp grounds recently. leorge V, Morris, C. J, Sliermiui Dot li of Mimetic Washington u small town near Vancouver, were also reg stered as were L. K. Larson of Dttl is Texafl on We way tO Seattle J. C. Irving of Snult St. Marie, nada was driving to Vancouver Al bert V. Corrode of Columbus, Ohm was bended for Los Angeles. 3. C. forester represented Colorado, Arthur 'implicit called Denver bis home, a group of Canadians were returning lo their home in Calgary after a plen mil tour thru the northwest Mr. and Mrs. Worwap, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and J, Taylor wen. all Calgary rel lentS. It. Ferguson of Wolf Pojnl Montana was enroute for Seattle. Itrolher Killed in Ac.id.11t The late ('bus. Mulkey, County SuM'i intend of Bchools of Coos Coun ty, who was killed near Ma rshflel :l, when a tree fell on him while he was ut the wheel of his car. was 11 broth r of Superintendent I' J. Mulkey of the Arlington srhools and two years ago In thc Boardnian schools. Mrs. Mulkey, widow of the bile supcrin ten dent has been appointed by Coos County to fill the unexpired three ye li tem! of her husband in the schools. PRKMIl'M MAGAZINES COMING Considerable delay has occnied In getting the megs si ne started, tht were offered with the Boiirdninn M" fOr some time ago. The orders have all been soul In and subscribers Who took advantage of this serial offer should Mlii receiving them with the 1 1 1 t tSSUeS published. Frugality' Valu By sowing frugality we reap liberty, 1 golden harvest Aceallaua t-r-r Your Con.r..tion ! "PHILANDER" The first "Philander" was a !! Dutch knight who flirted madly 11 with the truatlng young affec tlons of the Lady Gabrlna wlth ' out ever having the sllghteit In (rnllon of sealing his towi with ' a a elding ring. Mock lei lons love-muklng on the part of a male "coquet" haa been known ever alnre ai "philandering," J! ironounced, "fill an der-lng." I I I I I I I I I I I I M I I I I I H 1 1 M