The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, May 01, 1925, Image 1

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Nl'MBER 18
Boardman Locals and Personals
Spring Papering
C. B. Blayden nnd Bob Bayburn
motored to Horinision Saturday Where
Mr. Blayden had two teeth extracted, i
Mr. and Mrs. Lowel Spuglc returned
last week from Sulem and Ilulibard,
Henry Wahl and family moved to
The Dalles last week.
Mr. anil Mrs. Leu Root motored to
Sunnyside, YVn., Friday, returning on
Saturday. They took Marion Boot and
family .who have been living at Her-:
mistcn, to Mabton. Wn.. where they
boarded the train for Btattle, expect- j
ing to make their home at that place.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Deniaro, former!
residents of Boardman came for a
few days' visit with Mrs. Demaro's
family, Vv H. (iilbreth. They will j
move to La Grande .whore he willj
WOrK on the section again.
.1. O. Ballenger and family were!
Hermiston visitors Friday. While
there they called on Mrs. Raymond
Crovvder and daughter, Phyllis Bae.
Mother and babe are doing nicely and
returned to their home on Monday.
Miss Irene Jensen spent the week
end at her home in Walla Walla.
Mr. Hayes, the new maintenance
man for the highway, has rented thej
C. G. Blayden bouse Opposite the
Boardman Trading Co.
, Frank Farnsworth, of Okanogan, j
Wn., an old friend of John Jenkins i
and J. .1. Wells of Heppner, visited at
the John Jen Idas home last Thurs
day. Mr. Farnsworth was the man,
who lost his wife last winter in such
a tragic manner, whin she was hum-!
ed to deatli in their house.
W. H. Stewart, wife and son Bay,!
of Echo alien. led the ball game Sun
day and rooteid for Boardman.
Mrs. John I. ukius was on the
sick list last week, but lias improved
and was able to motor to Arlington!
with Mr. Jenkins last Thursday.
W. A. Murchie, who has lieen in the
hospital at The Dalles, has returned
to hi3 home anil is improving.
A Salvation Army lnssie was in
town Friday selling War Orys. This
organization is very effective and it j
readies many people that the churches
fail to reach. The Salvation Army!
proved to be a strong factor in keep-!
ing up the morale of the boys during
the war ami many oi the workers saw
bard service near the lines.
What about on Boardman Irrigon
Pair? We have heard nothing .about '
it for some time.
It is reported that Mr .and Mrs.
Pat Pattee are the parents of a Mb. ,
hoy, at Condon last week. Mrs. Pattee
was formerly De'li Olson, of this
Mr. and Mrs. Harris of Independ
ence, Oregon, are the parents of n
1Mb. son. who arrived last week. Mrs.
Harris will be remembered as Wini-1
fred Warren, daughter of Mr. and
Mis. Harry Warren.
The Odd Fellows gave a dance Sat-j
Pete Slavin is driving a classy new
Brice Dillahaugh is building a fence1
around the Harter-Weston property onj
the highway. All these ranches along
the highway will increase in value!
each year.
Brice Dillahaugh has purchased the!
Dodge truck from Frank Oltos and
will use it for hauling and drayiug.
Mr. Dines ,of Kufus. was on the pro
ject -Monday, looking for milch cows.
Nothing but the best would suit him.
Bob Bayburn is planting potatoes
rn the L' acre plot which lie purchased
recently from B, H. Boardman. The
'and lias been leveled, drop boxes and
iatli boxes put in place and here's hop
ing lie will have a bumper crop.
The Ladies' Aid, Which is one of the
leading organizations of the commu
nity, will have the Fletcher family, of
Pendleton here Friday. May S, for an
evening's entertainment. The Flet
chers are well known here and give a
high (dass entertainment.
Ale,' Warren spent the week end
here, returning to Yakima Monday,
where he is shearing sheep.
T. Broyles is putting a new roof
en his store building, which is occu
pied by the f'asli Mercantile Co.
The Falers have been having their
house papered. W. A. Goodwin is do
ing the work.
Mrs. Joyce Willis made
,1 .
Li' , li ! T$
Boardman II tell em
Edited by tbe Students of the Boardman High School
FOURTH YEAR,, 1921-1925
FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1925
The Freshmen are giving a party to ber of games necessary to lie plaved
the rest of the high school and have before a girl was entitled to receive
promised them a good, time and also
a good feed The president of the
lass said that all the Upper classmen
had to was to bring a smile and to be
there at five o'clock, so they would
have plenty of time to enjoy them
selves. That's the way. Frrshies : we
knew that you would wake up after
a while.
''reshmen to Give Party
Friday, after the hall game, the
Freshmen are going to give the upper-
clnssmcn a picnic. A "moonshine'
party, they call It After the 4 me,
everybody is requested to meet at he
school and are to be taken to the fa
tuous Green House Camping and pic
nic grounds. All except a dollgthful
a basketball letter. The new consti
ttuion is to lie drawn up and presented
at tbe next Student Body meet ing.
Senior English
The Senior English class has been
practicing on the English examina
tions required for entrance to college.
The tests are ! ncticial in many re
spects and were enjoyed by the mem
bers of the class. The practice obtain
ed will eliminate many errors for
those who will enter college next fall.
Such instruction is like some of our
ether work, Which is of special and
Immediate value,
more of it.
The students need
Eil MoClcllan.
The I'. S. History class has com
pleted the year's work, with the e-
Brief Review of Week's News Events
Burton K.
i Senator from
I was acquitted
!,,,,-,-ind fUUy using hi
Wheeler, united states
the state of Montana,
of a charge of unlaw-
tril) to Portland Sunday, returning
The J. C. Ballenger", N. A. Macomtict
and McPherson families bad a pleas
lint picnic dinner on Sunday at Her
i. listen. They remained for the hall
game ,of course.
John Brice and wife motored to
Hermiston Tuesday to have some dent
al work done.
Pat Pattee left Condon Tuesday for
Astoria, where lie will be employed
in a garage.
Nest Wednesday, May 8th, will be
the Annual Roll Call meeting of the
Ladies' Aid. K basket dinner will be
enjoyed at noon. In the afternoon a
Short program will lie given, the prin
cipal feature being a playlet. "The
clinic of a Missionary Specialist," by
several of the ladies. Ladies from
Umatilla are expected and the usual
pleasant time is anticipated.
Influence as a Cnitea
states Senator before the department
of the interior by a jury in the federal
court at Great Falls, Montana. Fri
day night, April 34th.
expat gild. Also taxes have been re
duced on large and small incomes, and
credits with America for 1800,000,000
have been arranged, if necessary.
This news of improved conditions in
(ircat Britain is considered one of the
tnosl important announcements of
modern times.
Distinct earth tremors were reported
Friday, April 24, from several points
in Southeastern Massachusetts. New
Bedford fell --hooks,
a rumbling sound at
at Middleborough the
bitted at 3 o'clock,
to ported.
8:M a. M.,
distiii'lianc e
No daiaa'.e
A war time romance thai started
when the American army of occupation
was stationed at Coblens, Germany,
culminated at Vancouver, Wn., Friday
of hist week with the marriage of
Charles M. Splawn of Cerryvi lie. r ,
and Elsa ('. Lelmig. who arrived in
Portland the day before directly from
Germany. Bplawn was In Germany
in contrast to the cold weather ot
last week, rc ports on Wednesday said
that Bl Portland the mercury hit the
Ti degree mark. On the same date.
and '!l S1'' ''"f1 recorded a temeprature of
S: degrees and Salem reported Be de
grees, the highest temperature of the
year thus far. . Conditions In Port
land and the western part of the state
indicate cloudiness and rain In the
Grounds Prepared
The lawn and steps have been sup
plied with necessary decorations for
tiie May Day program, Thursday. A
ei mmittee of high BdhOOl hoys went
to tbe river for branches to do the
necessary decorating about the May
Day performance area. The May Day
program will prove to the pleasure of
everybody and will be a great day for
the school children,
New Constitution For Student Body
Tbe f mr high school class residents
will draw up a new constitution for
the Baden Body. The need of it was
found when the basket ball letters
were given out last month. The pres
ent constitution did not state tbe inun-
ception of reviewing the work in order
for the Una! examinations, The Phy
siology tdass is also reviewing the
semester's work.
Tbe Graduating Class
The Senior Class is fast Hearing the
end of Its career. The cards have
come out and they are expecting the
arrival of the announcements cards
soon. Everyone is bustling here and
there, one trying to arrange for the
eless program, another Inlying clothes
1 for the hist night of high school. The
Senior Class invites you one and atl
! to its activities. Don't f rget he class
! program on May 18th, the Bacealau
1 rente on May '.Kb and finally the grad
uation exercises on the loth.
'near future.
Al the elections
Sunday for the oh
f the so-called G
Field Marshal VOO
declared eletcod by :
dd in Germany on
ulng of a president
rman republic, ex-1
ritndennorg was
majority of over
Mo want to take time to comment Qye v(,ars umI Mif!K Letmjg was
on the 17V, lb. baby mentioned in hist ployed at the Coblens! DOStOfflce.
week's issue of the Mirror. The cor
rect weight, as reported, was 7Vi lbs.
but somewhere along the line an error
was made.
I'. II. Boyles, of Portland, was reg
istered at the Highway Inn Saturday.
Mr .and Mrs. Bevelle, of Port Town-
send. Wn,, also were guests there.
T. A. McNenoinin and his
2,000,000 over bis nearest opponent.
While world governments generally terfly Flats, accompanied by
CECIL ITEMS Poplars, left for Heppner on Wednes
day, where they will visit for a few
Severe R.iin and Dust Storm Sunday days.
School Entertained at Party
Saturday Night
Mrs. Ceo. Krehs, of the Last Camp,
was visiting friends in Arlington on
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ilynd of liut-
I tin-gap.
The John Day highway is to 1
tatted without delay, Tin- last
21 miles, has been ordered advert i -e I
for grading at the May meeting of
do not seem o think that the result
of this election means an immediate
return t a monarchy, yet is generally
taken to indicate that the old mill-!
tartstic spirit has not died out In
Germany anil, to say the least, pros
petes for world peace have not been
the state highway commission,
action was taken just before the
.,, I ; i i ,; - ,..n . ,
Chauffeur ""j""""- silling, oihi .
of Portland were RnaMhna visitors probably the most important 0
This improved.
road I
'! Ul Major William A. Baddlffe, engi
f the neor rnnreaentlna the veterans' Inn-en o
Ilynd, of Sand Hollow, also Mrs. Roy
Scot and daughter. Miss Cora, of
Freczeout ranch, left Cecil on Sunday
for Heppner,
Mr. and Mrs. Zcnnelh I-ogan, from
their ranch near Lexington, were vis
iting at t&g home of Leon Ijogan, In
Four Mile, on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi May, of The
Dalles, tpettt Monday with Mr. c.'m)
Mrs. (ieorge Krehs at The Last Camp,
recently. W" meeting ortiw com- arrived in Portland Monday of this' Mr. nnd Mrs. O. Wnddell of Tncoma
H. B: Howling -a representative of mI"Ion' BWdlttg was so keen on Jobs v.eek and s pent the day in COnsldeHngl. ,.,' ,. ,v,.l.-.,.d with friends at
('(ill, before leaving for Portland OH
was awarded ot this meet ing'tliat the com-1 various phases of tbe proposed voter
unlay at the Auditorium. .About 0
couples were in attendance and all re
port a pleasant time. Excellent mu
sic and lunch helped to make the nf
falr a success.
It. McCarty of Freewater. Oregon,
shipped in a car of potatoes recently.
Which were disposed of in short order.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Macombor nnd
iliss Mabel Gray and Arthur Allen
came up Saturday night from Arllng
ton for the Odd Fellows' dance. The y j
ware dinner guests at the J. M. Allen
home Saturday ( veiling. m
Mrs. W. H. Woodard went to The
Dalles Saturday.
Jesse Wells, county assessor, has
1m en in this vicinity the last few days
doing sonic work in his line.
The Misses Alice Aldricb, Lou
Sears, Marion Swift and Mrs. Joyo6
Willis m itored to I'matilla Saturday,
t oatter.d the n vl.
Boardman was a hit unfortnnnto in
the game Sunday with Hermiston and
were defeated 8 to 1. They expect to
pet revenge next Sunday, when they
play on their home diamond. Klitz
pitched again for the Iota) team.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O Russell, son F.l
nier anil PrciKes Oiibrelh motored to
The Dalles Saturdav, roturirng Sue
day. Clay Warren bft Sunday evening
for Portland. He will return during
tbe week with bis mother. Mrs. Harry
Warren, who ha.4 been away since
Mrs. Henry Klages and daughter,
Mrs. Harvey Huff, were all day
c- -:: at Royal Hand's h- roe Ttics
day of last week.
Eld"n Wilson, who was playing for
Boardman Sumlny. was bit by n fast
I all, which rut a Rash in one cheek.
Dr. IIIsletook one stitch to close the
land has received a special license to, of Oregon medical
the Associated Creamery Co
a Boardman visitor Monday.
A noniher of men itnlirtr mnat work- "good building year
for the railroad company at Messner, 'oaded up the program witli 11
were regtsctered at the Highway Inn f"r ww meeting, The
Monday night. is -"'altered around tiie stati
Nate Maconiber traded in ids truck pn of ,llR J",IS '"'' 00 the
on a new Maxwell car. The deal was!toust MfhWay,
made through E. W. Peck. "jr-"
Mrs. Ralph Humphrey returned te-j The Gold Standard ha; been n
cently from a visit with her people ed in England, and the Bans of
in Washington
W. A. Price and family. Miss Edith
iBeebee were guests at the Herefan
home for dinner Wedneaday Miss
Beebee left on No. 2 for her home in
Walla Walla, after a two weeks' visit
with her sister and family.
Miss Sears, Mrs. Frank Cramer and
Mrs. Gladys O.obons motored to Ar
lington Sunday.
The Montague-Kunzie shenring out
fit has moved to Rock Creek. Earl
Cramer Is with the crew.
.1. B. Johnson, wife ami Rachael
motored to Hermi.iion Monday.
Mis. Nick Gaglia and children re
turned till week from a visit witli
bar mother, near Seattle.
II. Hoffman made a trip to Hermis
ton Wednesday.
W. H. WUbtrd, daughter Nlta and
son Willard made a business trip to
BerjoJatoa Saturday with Mr. Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Porter came up re
B Btly from Portland and are at the
Porter A OOttkry ranch.
Mrs. W. A. Goodwin of (
i P. anlman visitor Sunda:
Clifford Olson was an
visitor Tuesday.
E-itoure'Je has renteI the garage
and Settles stainn. Vernon Craw
ford lias been in charge of the garage
all winter, and plans to leave as soon
as school clones for a trip to Califor
nia .and possibly they will go east.
Myrtle McNeil of Lexington was a
Boardman vjultor Sunday, at
mission was sati-!ied that this was a .,, WT)ti f,- iN.rtbind'
so the members (hose who made the inspection with u. OartklM of tin
Store at Pendleton, was calling on bis
friends In the Cecil vicinity Monday.
Pro-1 him, Major Radcliffe
I'ot k j ntcascd with the slti
but Bev.thal his report would
ICIm IfiaepMna MeBntlraj, of Ullar
ney, spent Thursday evening with her
School ChOm, Miss Lucille Tyler, at
Rhea Siding.
Willie Logan, "f Rhea siding, left
on HatUrday to visit friends in lone
for a few days.
Miss Rhoda Beck, teacher of Cecil
David School, closed her school for the sum
mer on Friday and let! mr tier Home
In RstBCadia on Saturday.
Mrs. E. Thompson and daughter, of
Portland, arrived at Rhea Siding on
Friday and will visit with her Bother,
Mrs. W. O'Neal.
Cecil and vicinity were visited pB
April 23d, 2!!d and Nth bl dreadful
winds and sand storm, declared to
have been the worst yet. A. S. O. S.
call went out on Saturday for "bar
row and broom brigades" to assist in
digging all the Inhabitants out of the
sand hills and make room for more
sand to blow In again.
.1 Mr. and Mrs. John Cray and family
rio MOO . ' H i
proval necessary,
was very well
ami Intimated
be the last ap-
The last season of
congress approved a hospital to cost
approximately 11,860,000 at Portland
and a IB-acre site has been donated
to the government by the University
Send Tree to Belgian Children
mdon was
Walter Pope and !. W. Hlrseh, of
I Hillside Ranch, werr' taking in the
sights of Arlington on Sunday,
j W. II. Chandler, of Wlllowcreek
' Ranch, left on Sunday to visit friends
I for a few days In Portland.
John Mechanic, who has been work
ing at Butterfly Flats for several
! months, left on Thursday for Port
' land, enroUte for Alaska.
Congratulations are extended to Mr.
and Mrs. Oral Henrlcksen, late of Ce
cil, now of the Moore Ranch near
Heppner, on tin? arrival of a
weighing K pounds, on April 8M,
left Shady Dell Ranch, near Cecil,
during the week and are now living al
J. J. Kelly, prominent sheep man of
Heppner, was attending to business in
Cecil on Friday.
Miss Kalberlne Farnsworth of Rhea ,H
Many Sheep Railed ilw
Tin- project is becoming QttitS a cen
ter for the sheep raising Indus! rv.
Most of the farmers do not keep their
sheep from one year to another, hut
buy them In the fall and sell after
shearing. As nearly correct as we
could, we obtained the following In-
son, formation as to the approximate num
ber of sheep here. Pete Farley moved
Siding was tbe guest of Mrs.
Lowe, at Cecil, on Wednesday.
Jack Ilynd, of Butterfly
"ebaporonod" several of Cecil's
ladies to the High Scho I Play,
in Heppner on Wednesday,
peter Bra ucrnilend, Cecil
band rajm. was calling en his ftbnls
In Heppner on Thursday Pete si ill
declares there is no niu ' '"ft Ce l.
Wilfred, Cecil and Pat '''trren pass
ed through Cecil on Thursday, rnrouls
to the mountains with a ' and of ewes
and lamliM belonging to Jo'lfi Kelly, of
K iipner, which lar e been feeding on
WlliOW Creek bft some time.
band of 1500 to Six Mile. Pete
'' Slavin has taken Ids Hook of 1700 to
Castle Rock, Both these bands were
sheared at Mike Marshall's. John
JenkittS has moved bis band to Coy-
h Brings, Baa ley had about 200 but
' sold them to Deltman, of Vaklina.
did Kelly and Mulkey. who have
r' ot tbe same number. M Marshall
Is one of the largest wool growers
I ere.
I'omoim Orange Meeting
The meeting of the Pothmi:!i Orange
at I'mnpiuc was attended by Mr. and
Mrs. Cbas. Wlekhwider, Mr. Shell.
Mr and Mr-. It .1 St reel it ami ('has. Dillabiiugli. Mr. Wieklaiidcr is
d lighter, Mis Opal, wn- tailing In .Master of theoinomi Orange. They
I, in' on Thursdav.
Mrs G rover Curtiss, near Rhea
Siding, intertained her Sunday Selmol
reported a very Interesllt'g meeting.
The Fonrtli Degree work was put on
by the tenia from Toitebet, Wn . ami
About .'UNI were
A beech tree from the school children of America to the school children
of Belgium was placed on board the S. S. Belgenland at New York smld cere
monies attended bv a Inrire cattien z of noluldea. Baron ile Cnrtier de Marcfal-
enne received the gift In behalf of Elisabeth, queen of the Belgians, to whom waH w rved. No need to say everyone
it was consigned. The tree Is a duplicate of one planted by (Jueen Elliabetb bad a fine time nnd wish to heartily
he In Central park when her majesty dslted New York in 1013. thank Mrs. Curtiss for her hospitality,
I I Mrs. Alf Medlock and sons, of The
scholars on Saturday night to a splen-!was beautifully done.
dli evening's enjoyment. Games of seated at the table on Thursday even
nil kinds were played by all during Ing The Bonrdinnn delegates had
the evening, and a delightful supper Mir trouble on their way home and had
to lie towed in. They drove against,
the high wind on their way home, hut
In spite of their troubles, they had a
most eiijoyable meeting.