. 1 1 E BOARDMAN MIRROR VOLUME V BOARDMAN, MORROW POINTY, OREGON 1 RIDAY, APRIL 24. 1925 Number 17 Board man Utellem Edited by the Students of the Boardman High School FOURTH YEAR, 1924-1925 FRIDAY. APRIL 24, 1925 Senior Class Play The Senior Class held a meeting at 12 :30 Wednesday to determine who should give the Valedictory, the Salutatory, Class Will, Class History and Class Prophecy. They plan on a Class Day program for Wednesday, .May 18. The two students who ranked the highest in their four-year course, of course .were selected for Vn lodiotorinn and Siilutatorian. The school recor der gave these placed to Karl Olson and Blanche Imus, respectively. Ed ward McClollan. who is possessed of extraordinary wit, will present the Class Prophecy ; Elmo Rusell will use his best efforts to relate the Class His tory and francis Gllhreth, "last but not least." will present the Class Will. The rating of the members of the Senior Class for the entire four years of high school is as follows: Ave. Credits Francis" Gilhreth 81.8 ?1 .lames Howell S8.fi 88 Blanche imus 88.2 81 Edward McClellan 87.2 S3 Earl Ilson .'. 02.4 84 Elmo Russell 86.0 TO Howell Half mile, discus. W. Ayers Mile run. C. Ayers 220, 440, pole vault. School to Have Two May Poles Two May dances are scheduled for May first, instead of the customary one, which was planned to be featur ed at the first of the program. The small children, under the supervision of Miss Hickson are to have a May Pole dance as well as those of the high school and upper classes, so that they may be allowed to participate also in the glories and activities of May. The upperclassmen have learned the fundamentals and it is now for them to perfect the dance to the best of their ability. The exercises of the smnll.r scholars will be different from the ex ercises of the upper grades. Their costuming and dances will also be car ried out on a different Arrangement. Mothers of the smaller scholars will co-operate with the teachers in mak ing the costumes for the occasion. Marks of Spring MgSg&gsSS" HsW Boardman Locals and Personals Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Spngle left I My. McLaughlin, agent for the Minn. last week for Hubbard. Oregon, where I Woolen Mills, has been over the Pro thev wll visit with Mr. Spagle's par-Meet this Week and has sold a large Women Should Enter Athletics Last announcement of the big May Pay Program. The school parade at 10:.'!0 A. M. is going to he worth your while to see. on mt.inuous per formance from 10;SO until 6 tOO P. M. Everybody come ! Mothers Help New At the invitation of the grade teach ers, the mothers of many of the Children who are participating In the May Day program attended school to help make costumes for the children. The following women were present : Mesdames Robert Wilson, .1. Allen, Gladys Gibbons, ('has. Wlcklander, Sam Shell. Max DcWoose. Clarence Herger, E. T. Messenger, Prank Cra mer, .1. A. Cox. ('has. Dillon, Lee Mead. Tom Miller, Paul Smith, Nate Maoomhor. Calkins. Robert Smith and E. H. Mill key. Brief Review of Week's News Events Arlington Hi. Beats Boardman Hi. The game at Arlington last Friday produced the usual nuiiibe rof thrills and was enjoyed by the crowd that witnessed it. The Iioardman boys got off to a poor star! and were behind five to one at the end of the seventh. In the first half of the eighth. Board man a tapped on the gas and scored four runs, which lied the score. In the first half of (be eighth, three more runs gave Iioardman the command ing lead of eight to five. In the last half of the ninth, the trouble started. It looked like easy going, with Carl Avers pitching wonderful ball, but the Arlington boys rallied to their colors and drove in four runs. Which though hard earned, were due primar ily to three costly errors on the part of an many of tin' Boardman players. The final score was nine to eight. Charles G. Dawes, vice-president, addressed the 20th annual luncheon o fthe Associated Press this week, and The statement that women and girls continued his campaign for cloture in should not enter into athlete sports the United States Senate and called ;s a mistake. One of the main argu- upon the people, countless numbers of menta against women entering atliict- whom heard him by radio, to imprest i's is that women do not need the ex- upon their individual senators the creise as much as the men. A close need of this reform. study of the problem would indicate that they do not need the evercise as The opening baseball encounter lie much if not more than the men. Why? tween Portland and Oakland, at Port Let us first observe the conditions un- hind, on Tuesday resulted in the Rea; der which women labor. A woman's ren defeating the Oaks by a score of work keeps her indoors, while man's (i to 1. The game was called at the work does not. Good, wholesome g ndo fthe Bth inning because of ruin, sports takes ones mind from dull rou-' line anil brings one outside of the Gentlenienly fashions in the femi home. Therefore, women should beve nine dress for morning wear in town this kind of exercise. lore seen everywhere on the streets of Vnother argument which Is resort- Paris. The street tailor-made, the ed to the expense of a woman's team slim topcoat, with a neat stock of en'. ft basket ball or base ball. The cost ored "comforter" showing above is of the wnmons' or girl's suits would much in evidence. Neckties of all not be as great as the cost of ontfllt- kinds are worn with high neck blouses, ting all the bovs. because tin girls The hats used with these ensembles might already have outfits that would are dome-shaped with curled buck do and the same suit would be all brims. They are of felt or straw ricbt tor both basket ball and base witli trimmings of ribbons, feathers trained at the present time. Snltair was financed and built by the Mormon church and has been conducted as a church property since Its erection. The body of Floyd Collins, who was trapped and killed in a cave in Ken tucky several weeks ago, has at last been freed from its natural grave and an will he taken out for burial above A dinner of lovely ground. When finally released, It was was that given by Mr cuts, and then go on to Salem. Little Milton Wahl, three years of age. passed away at me unites iroin cancer. He has been very low for several days and death came as a re lief from his suffering, He fell on a stone a numoer or montns ago nun the bone near the temple was bruised. This developed into a cancerous con dition and although everything pos- sible was done for him, even to the radium treatment, it was of no avnll. Thev have been at The Dalles wltTi him the past week, where they could lie nearer medical attention. Mrs. Max Ashcnfcltcr and daughter. Maxine Alice, have both been victims of the flu the past week. Splendid news this week. As pre dicted the Boardman baseball team came up to expectations Sunday at Stnnfleld, wdien they . defeated the Stantleld team to the tune of 11 to 7. Alton Slits pitched through the en tire game and struck out ten men. The game was exciting from start to fin ish and the Boardman team played good ball. The score stood 11 to 1 until the eighth inning, when Stan field scored six times. The next game is with Hermlston, at that place, next Sunday. Rev. Wilbur. Sunday School Mis sionarq, preached Sunday at the Com munity church in Boardman. He is able and Interesting speaker. appointments and Mrs. Lee amount of underclothing and blankets In the past few days. Chas. Wlcklander, who is Master of the Pomona Orange in this district, his wife, and Chas. Dillabaugh and Sam Shell all left on Wednesday morning for Freewater, Oregon, where the Pomona Grange meets Thursday. Governor Pierce is expected to be In attendance, also the State Grange Master and the State Organiser. The Pomona Grange, which meets every three months, will meet in Boardman i'n .Inly, with the Greenfield Grange as hosts. The Highway Inn has been doing a hind office business of late. Some of the town people have taken the over flow. Mrs. Minnie McFnrland. of Umatil la, gave a very Interesting lecture on Monda yevening, at the Grange meet ing, to nn attentive audience. She sMike on the Muscle Shoals question and also about the 1'iuatilla Rapids project, advocating government own ership of such important projects. Mrs. McParlnud Is a sister of Mrs. Sam Shell and visited at the Shell home until Wednesday, when she went to t'mntllln. Tourists are beginning to some nnd Tom Hendricks and O. H. Warner both have a few registered each night. E. .latin, of the. Porter St Conloy ranch, returned home Monday, after spending a week In Portland. found that the rock which was wedg ed in above him and caused his death Weighed about 75 pounds. The C. S. dirigible Los Angeles ar rived safely at Hamilton, Bermuda early Wednesday morning, on its soe- A. T. bnlL The girls in the school would co operate witli the boy better if they were allowed to have a team. Itoardinan is giving the girls a chance. We hope that the girls ill oth er schools will have as good opportu nities in future years. Prepares May Day Exhibit Aside from the May Polo dances, parade and other activities on May Day ,the school is preparing an ex hibit of art work in industrial classes. The seventh and eighth grades, under the supervision of Mrs. Willis are deftly handling the paint brushes, so as to portray beautiful lnndsoaiies and other features of art. Miss Swift's physiology class is .demonstrating its talent in drawings of the human body. They are inter ested in die work nnd will soon be making artistic covers for their note books. The Manual Training depart ment, under their instructor, are, nev ertheless, laboring to display some specimens of cedar chests and various other nrticles. All have worked hard on these exhibits and should have good returns for their labors. Field Vet t Wasco Ou account of the failure to secure a race track nt Condon on May Pith, the Annual I'piht Columbia League Track Meet will be held nt Waseo on May '.ah. if first plan-- matetinllre. Boardmnn lost two good men 1 1 1 - yenr and will le somewhat handicap ped, but nevertheless, the Boardmnn High spirit predominates and tn the meet we will go. Those trying out for places are as follows: Ilson- 14. Shot put. javelin. 220. Russell 100. 220. 220 hurdles, 120 hurdles, broad lump. A. Bailey 100. 220. 220 hurdles, high jump, broad jump. Packard High hurdles, half mile, high jump. Loyalty Fays In our small school we hive tho-e who are sometimes trying to back out of things to act tip in classes, and even feign to talk bnck occasionally, to the teacher in charge. We also have those who do not try bard to gei their school worK properlv. Bo you know such action.; on the par; of pupils look to an outsider? Just put yourself IntO bis id. ice for a mivil. aid think. W h -n a boy or glri 1 :.;.! by the tenia; to change M an other sent, what Is sometimes beard? Boy "Aw, I don't want to." Teacher "You take that seat." Then that individual goes over to UlS seat and slouches down. Now, what bov or girl who Is loyal to his or her school likes to ;op such unction? Not one, nnd the outsider utterly disgusted. Come on. stll- or a buckle or brooch. Forty-eight iives were lost on Tues day When the Japanese freighter Knifufu Mnru sunk off Novla Scotia. "Inchnnd n-qua rtor-iXiinmy." highly elusive and sucessful housebreaker nnd bnrglnr, who 1ms terrorized the residential sections of Portland since last fall, has been captured, according to the belief of Portland police. The (prisoner denies his Identity, but ad mitted the crimes. Later the police uncovered evidence which they con sider conclusive that thev have finally captured the mini who kept them on the nnxlous sent for si mnny months, A brother of the prisoner and a Jewel" 1 er by the name of Nelson have been arrested, charged with helping to dis pose of nnd receiving some of the stolen property. Mend on Sunday evening, with Herein) and family as guests. Miss Edith Becbee. of Walla Wnlln, is visiting nt the home of her sister. Mrs. W. A. Price. A ball was thrown through one of the plate glass windows of Ralph mil trip to those islands. Despite a Davis car nt Stnnfleld on Sunday, strong north wind, the ship was safely The little Blakesley girl, of Umatilla, anchored in a little less than nn hour, was In the enr nnd her arm wns cut by a piece of glass. At be Sflth annual convention of the Jnko DeWecse, of Arlington, visited American Newspaper Publishers' nsso- Saturday night and Bunday with his elation, now being field at New York Max DeWeese and family. His City, the fact wns brought out thnt Wife has been here the pnst week. I -of the !5 broadcasting stations in the The ninny Honrdman friends of j country. 31 were owend by newspapers. Mrs Raymond Crowder, of Hermls- However, 60 other newspapers have tolli will be glad to henr of the arrl- broadcBStiBg affiliations of one sort or Vfll of Phyllis Rae on Friday, April j another. Edgar H. Piper, of the Port- 7, The young lady weighed 17M, ilnml Oregoninn, wns one of the dele- pounds. Mrs. Crowder wns one of the gales to this convention. mOst Donulnr hurt) school touchers Boardmnn ever had and her many Tetemporory injunction restrain- tTlln(s txttncl congrntulntions. Ing sale to the Hollar Interests of five c g Calkins and family were din shipping board vessels bns been ex- mr (Uest nt the J, T. Henly home on tended. Attorneys for the Pacific Mull company, which now operates the vessels for the board, nsked for the extension so the Pacific Mail officials could have more time to decide their future action. Wn., Is Irrlgon, Interests Irrigon Items L. A. Doble, of Longvlew, 'pending n couple of days In I ni king after his property 'ere. Mr. Bay less of Hcppner, who has been In Patterson. Wn. on business, returned home Wednesday by way of Irrlgon. He reports about an Inch of rain the past week and that prspects Rre for a fair crop of wheat ids sea- pen in the south end of the county. Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Markham spent the week end with her folks. Mr. and Mrs. J, ED, McCoy, returning Monday morning to their home at Pendleton Contrary to wild rumors of thous ands of people having boon filled In the recent bomb Outrages at Sofia. In formation, believed to be correct, In dicates Hint only a few were killed. There have been l.r00 ar rtStS in connection with the bombing, l ilt most of these people have been re leu sed. Is dents of B. II. S. and jump Into the ('liar and pull your share of the load, and then help those who cannot d so well. Be a "booster," not a "drsgger." -B'- J. E. Russell. Saltair. the famous bathing and amusement resort, located on Great ', Reports Lnlt Luke, 20 miles west of Salt Lake agents in City, wns destroyed by Are Wednesday lest than afternoon, causing damage estimated sires in the state were replaced by at $1,000,000. Whether or not the re- registered dairy bulls during the pnst sort will be rebuilt Ins not been de year. Sunday. Mrs. Nick Gngla nnd children. 1 Coyote, left Inst week for Seattle visit her mother The same day lite news Items of Inst week were mailed, mentioning, among other things, the need for n general elennup nn despeclallv the need for some work on Main street, some of the enterprising men of the town grad ed the street on both sides. Art Good- dozen people Wln and Maurice helped Clay Warren, using the Dodge truck for motive pow er, and Charles Barnes on the grader Others ulso assisted. It was work greatly needed and well done. The ShOWarS which followed, put It In fine condition. We suggest thnt some of the bnck ynrds be cleaned up and the and we shall have n from seventy-six county Indiaiin Indicate that no 7"I scrub and grade dairy rubbish burned Wheeler in Great Falls for Trial Improve Appearance of Boardmnn Many MOpta of oBardmnn get dis couraged because they can't sell theli : land. If they would try to improi the appearance of the town and the surrounding farms they would rC ni sip a difference If Boardmnn had a paved street from the hishwaj- to the Community church, electric lights, many large, shade trees and n nice, well equipped' ramping around, wc would quickly 1 notice a cl'.ange in business. More, pioniinent men would stop in Board man if it looked prosp-roiis. nnd con sequently some would even buy homes. During the smnnier. thous and sot tourists go past our little town and ninny do not stop bora use It does net look very inviting to them, where as, if it looked shaded, cool and com f tabic, a great many of them would Sap snd camp here. Of course, they would ne-d supplies, gas and oMe-r articles and thus bring into our little (Continued en page foun Senator B. K. Wheeler of KtootSBS photographed in Great Palls. Mont., where his trial on barges of Improperly using Ids Influence as s senator hn becun. With film are his counsel, C S. lord (left) and W. K. Ol-eary (right). "spotless town." Mrs. Ralph Melotte, of Hcppner, nnd Mrs. Albert Mncomlier, of Arlington, were week ii r I visitors at the W. II. Mefford home. Mrs. ChSS, Niger returned last week from Portland, where she has been 'for several months, taking medical treatment. She Is reported to bo somewhat Improved. Mr. nnd Mrs. Dnve John and child ren returned to their hoi-e in Wnpato, Wn., after visiting nt f W II. tef. ford home. Mr. KnoWlton RneoWMfl led them nnd Will return to his hotM nt Getohel In n few drys I, C. Bnllengcr nnd Mf"dep C ob win motored to Condor Toes'1 T n business. Mrs. A. T. Herienj and baby Teal ns far ns Arllngt'ti with them Mrs. G. H. Carrey of Arlington, and one of the owners and publishers of the Boardmnn Mirror, has been serl ously ill tn the hospltnl at La GnMde Word from L11 Grande states thnt firs. Currey Is Improving rapidly nnd expects to lie able to leave the hospital the Inst of this week. She will visit relntlves In La Grande for some time Boardmnn whs visited by COM wea ther on Sunday night and ''has. Hnr rlngton, who has about two ScreS of strawberries, had everything In reiidl ness on Monday eevnlng to smudge I Fortunately, no frost enme nnd be ba- 1 FORESTRY WORK TO BE STUDIED APR. 27-MAY 3 American Forest Week to Teach Ap preciation of Forest Worth and Caution Against Fire Schools, Boy Scout organizations, Business Mens' Clubs, Womens' Clubs, Newspapers and the entire public are urgently Invited to Join in the obser vation Of America!) Forest Week, to be observed nationally from April 27th to May ,'td. Frank . Lowden Is the chairman Of the commit) s nnd repre Mnta tires of mnny states and nation al organizations have been assisting in preparing for the week. American Forest Week Is a week for the consideration and contempla tion of the tangible nnd intangible benefits f our forests, for the plan ning of their creation, cure and Im provement, for tree planting, for the devising of economies in the prepara tion and use of forest products, and the encouragement of the one great national economic tneaare Inn which all the people can nnd must co-operate, viz., the perpetual foreststlon of our forest lands, If It Is to succeed. If the American people can abolish forest (Ires they Will snve $800,000,000 n yenr nnd ndd greatly in mnny wnys to the national income, both material and psysoologle. kill In Sparing counts. Not only 1 suitable spray machine and nozzle 1 real skill are required to obtnin be t results with n given quantity of p ay. Thorough covering of all fo 1'i.gc nnd fruit Is essential. Skimping I priiy mnterlnl In Oregon orchards is usually poor policy, as shown by 1 tperimeilt station results. - prospects for a splendid Top. The oldest town on the North Amer ican mainland Is Triixlllo in Central America. It was discovered by Co lumbus In IfsM nd now Its historic streets are liluminsted nt night by modem electric street lighting unitf. Klectrblty is brought to Triixlllo by a special 13,300 volt transmission line twelve miles long. An I nnccessary Iss If ITS bad put the empty sacks out of reach of the mice they would not bavo been full of holes this spring.