SIXTY YEARS AGO a young man who practiced medicine in Pennsylvania became famous and was called in consultation in many towns and citioa because of his success in the treatment of disease. This was Dr. Pierce, who iinally made up bis mind to place some of his medicines before the public, and moving to Buf falo, N. Y., put up what he called his "Favorite Prescription" and placed it with the druggists in every state. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has long been recognized as a tonic for diseases peculiar to womankind. After suffering pain, feeling nervous, dizzy, weak and dragged-down by weak nesses of her sex, a woman is quickly restored to health by its use. Thou sands of women testify that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription lias entirely eradicated their distressing ailments. Put up in both fluid and tablet form. Send 10c to Dr. Pieice, Buffalo, N.Y., for trial package of tablets. Write for free confidential medical advice. Buy Coffins in Advance. United States authorities recently admitted into the country as personal property a very handsome coffin brought here by a woman from Europe who, fearing death white here, wanted to be buried in a casket of her own choosing. This fact caused undertak ers to reveal the fact that hundreds of eccentric persons, mostly women, had picked out their coffins in advance and they were stored awaiting call. Some are of ivory, some of cast iron and others of rarest timbers. FREE from castor taste and odor. 1 V FREE from after-nausea . Not flavored. Super-refined for medirina use. Strength and Purity unchanged. Never sold in bulk. Bottled and la helled at the Labor atories. The original tasteless castor oil. FREE literature on request to WALTER JANVIER, Inc., 41 7 Canal St., New York Tmo sizes 25c. and 50c. at all good drug stores. K EL LOGO'S TASTELESS CASTOR OIL English Duke's Coronet. The coronet of an English duke con sists of a circlet of gold around which, arranged at equal distances from one another, are eight gold strawberry leaves. The leaves are called parsley by some authorities. Colonial Speed Record. There was great excitement in the American colonies In 1766 over the re markable feat of an express wagon that made the trip, from New York city to Philadelphia in the record time of two days. Says Br'er Williams. They ain't no use in prayin' for Providence ter take care of you ef you don't give de railroad train de right-of-way. Atlanta Constitution. . THE ORGANIST OF SULZBACH By FRED R. WEBBER A Sweet Breath at all times m At After eatinft or enaokinfc Wrigleys freshens the mouth and iweetrns the breath. Serves are soothed, throat is refreshed and digestion aided. So easy to carry & little packet! mm. -after eery meal;, y You Want a Good Position Very well Take the Accountancy and Hualness Management, Private Secretari al. Calculator, Comptometer, titenogra phlc. Penmanship, or Commercial Teach ers' Course at Behnke-Walker The foremost Business College of the Northwe.-t which has won more Accuracy Awards and Gold Medals than any other school In America. Send for ur ; Catalog. Fourth Street near Morrison. Portland. Or. If.iaa M. Walker, Pres. pTntu: n- 16' 1925 l by Short Story Pub. Co.) IX THE little German town of Sulr bach, Josef Rudolstadt was an im portant man. For more than fifty years he had been organist of the village church. And to be the organist of the village church of Sulzbach Is a distinction second only to that of be ing burgomaster or pustor. But both organ and organist had become so old that even the ultra-conservative townspeople saw that a change was necessary; To buy a new orgau was not a difficult matter, but to discharge the "old organist, now too feeble to fill the position, was another thing. A popular subscription was taken, and the townspeople saw visions of an organ that would be the pride of the lower Uhlne-country. Builders were called from Brussels, and In the course of time the organ was built, brought to Sulzbach and set up. On the day that the work was com pleted, the question of the old or ganist's dismissal was settled, for It was learned that Josef Uudolstadt had died during the night. Now another question arose. Who was to play the new organ? Such a position of honor could not be given to the first man. who applied for It. True, Sulzbach had a dozen aspiring organists, yet only two seemed eligihle. One was Pierre Esquerre and the other was Karl Rudolstadt, son of the old organist. Pierre was a Frenchman, and had lived In the town for years, ills house was in the lower part of the town, near the Rhine. This, together with the fact that Pierre was a musician of exceptional ability, was nil that the people of the town knew about him, for he was a man who kept much to himself. Gossip had never hit upon any explanation of his past. Just why so talented a man should be content to live In a village and tench muRlc was a matter that had never been explained. Karl Uudolstadt was a man of con siderable popularity. He had spent all his life In the town, was well known and well liked. Karl had Inherited hl9 musical talent from his father, and had spent years In training, under the direction of the old organ muster. Such a man was fitted for the posi tion, his friends Insisted. But there were others who were determined that the Frenchman's great skill should not be Ignored. The question agltntet. Sulzbach for days. It was discussed with much vehemence b the towns men, and whenever a group of people were seen on the street. It was rea sonably certain that the topic of con versatlon was the Esqtierre-Uudolstndt controversy. Finally a plan was evolved and agreed upon. It was decided to have a trial day, and the rival musicians were each to play. The townspeople were to be the Judges, mid the selee tion of the organist was to be by popular vote. For days the rival musicians prac tlced on the big organ. Finally the trial day arrived. It had been declared a public holiday and every man who could brought his family to the church to hear the candi dates play. The pastor of the church Announced the conditions. Each organist was to have the privilege of playing what ever he wished. If either of the two refused to compete, the choice was to go to his rival. Every person above the age of eighteen was entitled to one vote, and their choice would decide the question of such moment. The name of Pierre Esquerre was announced. There was much sup pressed excitement when the French man took his plnee at the organ and arranged his stops. The people of Sulzbnch had never heard such playing. Pierre had chosen only one number. He started with the soft toned stops of the organ, gradually added to his registration building up his theme as he went, un til he reached the climax In a thunder of diapasons that brought the entire audience to their feet. He left the organ bench Hushed, and with a look of conscious triumph. The people were speechless fur a time Then they looked at one another In amazement, for when had any of them heard such playing '. They discussed It In suppressed whispers. It was wonderful ! But others Insisted that Karl Uudolstadt could outdo the Frenchman. The name of the young German was .announced, and the people were all attention. But the rival candidate did not appear. Five, ten, fifteen minutes passed. tUen half an hour. The people grew restless. Then It was suggested that i'ierre be elected, for by the terms of the trial. Kudolstadt's absence made hlra Ineligible. The German's friends protested, because they knew that Karl was no coward, and that he was not absent voluntarily. Messengers were sent out. but the man could not be fornd. A vote was taken and the French man elected. Hays passed, and Karl Rudolstadt did not return. The town was agitated for a while, for It was not usual for a man to leave his family and friends In such a manner, especially In a com munlty where generations live and die, and no one thinks of moving away Gradually the matter waa forgotten and in the course of time it became tradition of the village. The organ and the organist were famed throughout the region, and many tales were told of the wonderful skill of the organist. Finally, before a fest-day. It was decided to repair the organ. The French orgaidst, now grown old. had kept it in repair, but now It needed a thorough overhauling, and the builders were sent for and arrived. That night Pierre Esquerre was seen entering the church. On the following day the master- builder who was repairing the organ, left the church In great excitement and summoned one of the town of ficials. The builder led the way to the hurch, and motioned for the select man to follow him to the organ loft. "Put your foot on that pedal," the builder said. The selectman obeyed, but there was no sound. 'What Is wrong with the organ? Why will that pedal not sound?" "Follow me and you'll see." The master-builder hurriedly led the way to the back of the orgnn nnd up a long ladder to a platform. Below were the rows of great, open pedal-pipes. The builder lowered his light Into one of them and motioned for the town ofliclnl to look. "A man's feet I" the selectman cried. After a hurried discussion, a number of workmen were culled, and the big pipe was lifted out and laid on the floor of the organ loft. Then the workmen drew from the inside of the pipe the body of the old Frenchman. The men were horrified. No one cared especially for the sinister old oifrnnlst, but the manner of hi death was terrible. One of the men, examining the body, gave a cry, and called the attention of his companions to h rope clutched In the hand of the dead Pierre. They pulled the rope out of the pipe, and at Us end was a bundle. The selectman's eyes flashed mennlngly. I have always suspected," he said; "now we shall see." He cut the lenther thongs and un rolled a faded coat of peculiar make that even the younger men remem bered as belonging to the missing or ganist. Inside of this was another bundle, In which was a wallet, a watch and several smaller articles of jewelry. In the case of the watch was engraved : "Karl Rudolstadt. Sulzbach, 1817." The story was clear to all. Before the trial, the selectman explained to the organ builder, the Frenchman had killed his rival and had made way with his body, possibly sinking It In the river. He had hidden In the organ pipe the dead man's coat and valu ables, which would have Identified him, should the body be found. When the builders came, the Frenchman, alarmed at the possible discovery of his crime, tried to remove the Incriminating arti cles from the organ pipe, had lost his balance and had fallen In himself to a terrible death. The excitement In Sulzbnch, when the news was learned, wus great, and many reproaches were heaped on the memory of the dead Frenchman. The organ Is the pride of the vil lage, even today, and the townspeople never grow tired of telling the occa sional visitor of Its unusual story. FMTRY PHPTI ANH OFFERS A MARKET viui-iiw FOR YOUR PRODUCE COMFORTABLE HENS ALWAYS LAY WELL Portland, Oregon. Do everything you can to make your hens comfortable. If their health and vitality are kept at the highest level, it will add many eggs to your basket. If your hens are worried by lice and mites, then they cannot lay the maximum number of eggs. An ounce of prevention just now is worth a pound of cure later on. mils Is good poultry gospel, accord ing to D. H. Hall, extension poultry specialist, who warns us that with the warm weather coming on we will have more trouble with lice and mites than we had during the cooler months, and that everybody should take extra pre caution at this time of the yeur to get rid of these parasite. Mites can be controlled by spray ing the house with whitewash to1 which has been added enough dis infectant to make a 5 per cent solu tion. A good coal-tar product, such as creosote or taroleum, may be used as a disinfeetnnt. Carbolic acid Is also good. In spraying the house bJ sure to spray every square Inch of surface. If you miss n few mites, then you will have a multitude to deal with the following week. It is also a good Idea to paint the perch poles with a mixture of equal parts of kero Bene and used engine oil. Lice are found on the Individual hens. They spend their entire life on the body, laying their eggs and sticking them to the feathers In small colonies, 'ihey can be found In the fluff feathers and under the wings. No hen will go about her business of producing eggs with any degree of efficiency with lice covering her body. The best method of getting rid of lice la by dusting with a good Insect pow der. Sodium fluoride Is a good parn slte killer. Tuke a pinch of sodium fluoride and dust It into the fluff feathers, under each wing, on the neck, back and body of the fowl. Work the powder down Into the feath ers to the skin. Another good powder J can be made from one pound of snuff and one-half pound of sulphur mixed with one gallon of rond dust or ashes. It Is a good Idea to build a dust box and allow each hen to dust herself. Look over the hens In about ten days to see If all the lice were killed, and if necessary give them another good dusting. VAUDEVILLE PHOTO-PLAYS Complete Change Saturday Adults, Week day Matinee 20c; Evenings, 35c. Continous 1 to 11 p. m. Children 10 cents all times T H Mallory Select Residential & Transient " T 16th and Yamhill, Portland. Oregon. Modern Fireproof American Plan RATES MODERATE "ALL MATTES" Guaranteed Rebuilt Typewriters Salt- T. l ins. &0Q monthly if desired. Ren toil It moa., $6.50 & up. Send for Illustrated price list. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 113 Sixth St., Portland, Ore Serving Eleven States MUTUAL CREAMERY. CO.,1 Portland. With Prey in Grasp, Tiger Sensed Danger Most wild animals are specialists ; that Is to say, they are highly devel oped in one particular direction. The tiger Is great as a 'stalker. His feet seenvjo be shod with silence. A gen tleman, for many years a resident of India, cites an experience of one neigh bor illustrative of this point. He had been much annoyed by tigers, and at last tied a bullock out In a clearing and took up his own p sltlon in a tree to wait till the tiger should come after the halt. The ground was covered with dried leaves, which In hot weather are so brittle that even the walking of a bird over them can be heard for a good distance. In no very long time a lurge tiger slipped out of the forest ond slowly edged toward the bullock. Ills method whs so elaborate and careful that the man who saw It used to declare that It would have been worth a thousand rupees to any young sportsman to have witnessed It. So carefully did he put down each paw, and eo gradually did he crush the leaves under It, that not a sound was to be beard. Between him and the bullock was" a stump about four feet high, with lorsg. projecting sur face roots. This, plainly, the tiger looked upon as a godsend. He got upon one of the roots, bal anced himself carefully, and so was able to walk quickly and silently far as the stump. He approached io gradually and noiselessly, and his color against the brown leaves n so Invisible, that he waa close upon the bullock before he was perceived. Then, Instantly the bullock charged. The tiger eluded htm, and In a mo ment more had his paws on the hill lock's neck, ready to drag him down Then, like a flash, he caught sight of the rope by which the bullock was tied, and sprang Into the forest. Llmburger Cheese. The unplea ant odor of Idmburgcr cheese in due to specitic fermentations induced duri:: ripening. This cheese is made from sweet milk, the curd be ing formed into cakes about five inches square and two inches thick and are pressed. The main cause of the putrefactive fermentation is the extremely moist condition ill which it is kept. Work That Counts. My friend, all speech and humor are short-lived, foolish, untrue, (lenuine work done, what thou workest faith fully, that is eternal! Take courage, then; raise the arm, strike home, and that right lustily; the citadel of hope must yield to noblo desire, this sec onded by noblo effort. Thomas Car lyle. Liberty. The liberty of a people consists in being governed by laws which they have made themselves, under whatso ever form it be of government; the liberty of a private man is being mas ter of his own time und actions, as far as may consist with the laws of (lod, and of his country. Cowley. INFORMATION DEPARTMENT Moler Barber College Tearlu'a trade In 8 weeks. Sime pay while, learning'. Poittlons secured. Write for catalogue. 234 BuiHtMU Street, Port land, Oregon. CUT FLOWERS & FLORAL DESIGNS Clarks Bros., Florists. 287 Morrison Bt. NORTONIA HOTEL You Will FmI Right at Horn.- Hera Sale and Central - Reasonable Rales. Excellent Cftfa Special Wwk y tlus Meets all Trunin. Uth am Stark. PORTLAND, OKKGON Rule Feed Poultry With Eyes Open and Watch Closely Experience counts with poultry, de clared poultrymen at the New York State College of Agriculture at Ithaca. They say It Is easy to tell how It should be done, but that It Is 11 dif ferent matter to do it. and that doing It over und over again with one's eyes open Is the way to gain the knowledge that makes poultry pay. Immature and undersized pullets are often the cause of low egg production In many flocks, suy men at the state college. And some poultrymen, they say, try to make themselves believe that they have a flock of good-sized pullets by weighing the largest ones. The only persons they fool are them selves, and that to no avail. A pullet which Is undersized or Im mature will not lay enough to be pro fitable. And what one man considers amall pullet may be considered large enough by another man. It Is not wholly a matter of opinion, however, as there are standards of weight which are about right for egg produc tion. The time chicks should he hatched depends on the man who Is going to do the feeding. Chlckl may mature much earlier under the care of one man than tinder that of unother. The general rule should he followed of maturing the pullets so that they will coma Into laying In the early winter months when egg prices tire highest. As with every other kind of live stock, eternal vigilance Is the price of success, and the poultryman who makes a profit Is the one who "cares" for his flock in both senses of the word. Nature's Wisdom. Nature gives to every time and sea son some beauties of its own; and from morning to night, as from tho cradle to the grave, Is but a succes sion of changes so gentle and easy that we can scarcely mark their progress. Philippine Mohammedans. In the rhillpplno islands thoro are about 459,000 Morns, who aro Moham medans. Although tho wildest and most fanatical of the natives, they are' the only ones who havo petitioned to have the United States keep control of the Philippines. Babylon's Dimensions. It Is now believed that the ancient city of Ilahylon was 14 miles square, surrounded by a wall SO miles In length, 300 feet high. 100 feet broad at the base and wide enough on the top for two (harlots to race abreast. Mythological Lore We often speak of Nemesis pursu ing someone. Nemesis was the god dess of revenge, who mercilessly hur ried to punishment guilty souls con demned by the goddess of Justice. Her name has become a synonym for retri bution. "As snre as Fate" Is a common phrase. Why la fate so sure? The Kates were three sisters who con trolled men's destinies. The first sis ter spun life's thread, the second twisted It, and the third cut It off with her shear. They alone dared oppose the sovereign will of the gods, and they issued irrevocable degrees. Chicken Production of Last Year Very Heavy Some 078,300,000 chickens were pro duced In the United States lust yeur, which was 29,400,000 more than in 1023. according to estimates Just re leased by the United Stateg Depart ment of Agriculture. I ".spite this Increased production there were on farms January 1, l'J'25, approximately 427 00,000 thickens as compared with 470900,000 on January 1. 1024. The decrease In stocks on hand Jan uary 1 la attributed to Increased con sumption, and to larger stocks going into storage. Total stocks of frozen poultry In storage February 1 were reported at 138.253,000 pounds compared with 00, 480,000 pounds. February I a yeur ago. Tankage for Breeders It is cuatomary to include In the ra tion for laying hens tankage or meat scrap, and It la usuully mixed In with mill feeds to form a dry mash which is available to the birda at all times. Where the eggs are to he used for hatching It Is not udvlsahle to make the proportion of tankage more than 10 to 15 per cent. Where milk Is available it can take the place of the tankage In the mush, three gallons of milk a day for each 100 Inns being equivalent. Taught Value of Potatoes. Tho potato owes its introduction as an article of food lulo France to the efforts of tho French chemist, Par ment ler, who lived on polatoes dur ing an imprisonment of five years, from 175S to 1703, in (iermiiny. Education s Impress. The force of educalion Is so great that we may mold the minds and man tiers of the young into whatdiapo we please and give them tho impressions of such habits as shall ever after remain. One Ounce of Prevention Worth Pounds of Cure ill i 1 1 t o IN Prevent Serious Sickness by taking Bark-Root Tonic A Mild Laxative. A System Builder. that assists Nature in keeping your bow els open and your Keni-ml system In perfect winking or der ut all tlmea. Sold at Your Drug Store Whlppera Rout Hoppers. Tho grasshopper pest became so serious In parts of Arkansas at one time that negro laborers with whips were hired to whip out tho grasshop pers In the cotton fields. K; K. Thatcher of the Stale Agricultural col logo says the plan was an astonishing success, us the hoppers beat a hasty retreat before the whippers. Language Retains Hold. A thousand years have elapsed since Ihe gypsy began lo leave his native Indian plains, yet even to this day RO OMS? bears a striking resemblance to India's modern tongues. Adjusting Your Garter. The final test of poise is the uhilily calmly lo adjust a sock supporter in the face of feminine amusement..- I)u luth Herald. Midget Among Birda. A small humming bird, not very murli larger than the ordinary house fly, Is common In many Fast Indian countries. No Doubt of It. "Many a man would he Improved," said Undo Kben, If "he minded de lllbli- as close as hi! does de constitu tion an' by-laws of his 'social Ion." -Washington Star. French Philosophy. All man's misery springH from bis Inability to rest with tranquility in one room alone. I'ascal. We Specialize in Hides, Pells, Wool, Mohair, Tallow, Cascara, Oregon Grape Root, Goat Skins, Horse Hair Writcifur Shipping- Tags & latent Msf Usl Portland Hide & Wool Co. t0( UNION iVINUf NORTH, PORtUNO, ORtQON Branch t Pocatello. Idaho WV MUM. W. L Chicks from nt-li-ctc! toesl bfrH St fcsfeli padlnaf ln,, Kraft arcrviltwl. AIM i bolt H Ui'l St Jt'X'kt, !.owtt prtrefl, 10U llvi rtHirery Hi mnM'i-M. c ataloK fn QUKThN HATCHERY.JwMj ,.s, 1111 Sk New Fluff Rugs Made From Old Carpets "Wear Like Iron." Deal Direct with the Manufacturer. Absolute Satisfaction Guaranteed, bend in Yuur Ma terial or Write for Prices. WKSTKKN H.UKK KUG COMPANY. (4 VI Union Avenue Nor. Portland, Oregon lilt.H. ( IHS I.AM CIIINKHK MKDICINK CO., I.ICKNHKD PHYSICIAN. RasstdlM (oi etssjses elssseVBii kidney, bladder troubles, gull stones, . .)iiHtiiutinn, sppcridicitii aiel ill female romplamtH. You ran take treatments at home if in ferred. H'H Becond St, cor ner Abler, l'ortlund, Ore. ELASTIC STOCKINGS, TRUSSES AMomihi.1 Sui'(JOrtm Arch Hupptirta. Snd tut niaaaur ii blanka. hue-Davis Drug Co. Truss Experts 174 Third St.. Portland. Ore