The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, April 17, 1925, Image 1

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Boardman Utellem
Edited by the Students of the Boardman High School
FOURTH YEAR, 1924-19'a
Spring Meteor
Senior Class Meeting it was soSewhere around 20 to 0in
Two meetings were held by the Sen-' favor of the fifth and sixtli grades,
lor class in the last two weeks. The Howard Beck worked in the box for
purpose of the first meeting, held on the fifth and sixth grades, while Tom
Marcli aj, was to discuss such prob-my Bailey bundled the padded mitt.
iems that a Senior Class always have The buttery for the third and fourth1
to contend with at the end of the year, grades was John Beck und Mnrviti
Tlie clOSS President appointed two Ransier. Although the fielding of the
committees, one on the class flower teams was somewhat ragged it showed
nnd one on lle class motto, the results that some good material was coming
if which were to be beard at the next up for the future high school teams.
meeting. Mr. Russell, the class ad-i ,
viser, was appointed to get a speaker, Umatilla Heats Boardman
for the graduation exercises and Mrs.1 " Boardman. after making such a
Russell wus appointed to see unoul splendid beginning by winning the first
the musical part of the program. Af- tWo pre season games with the lone
tcr some discussion about the invita- anj Heppner teams, went down to de
tions and other things of less import- feat Sunday on the local diamond
ance, the meeting was adjourned. The Whon sllt. pJayefl Umatilla. When the
second meeting was held April 3rd, score was 15 to S against Boardman,
The report of the two committees met we became discouraged and lost track
with approval. The flower chomp was j(- tjle ,.(,s, j, waa (.()me(lv 0f ev.
the pansy, and the motto is: "Success ,-urs. some fumbles, some blunders,
comes in Cans." After the report of Spud" Spagle came up smiling and
the committees, the diploma form wus distinguished himself. hut caused a
chosen, after which the meeting was Hpple of amusement when he went to
adjourned. -sleep "U second hnse and let the short
stop throw to he second baseman, who
Baseball Activities mt spud out, when he was only about
The baseball teams are improving a toot from the base. It would take
With the weather. The boys are work-jtoo long and be too painful to men
ing with renewed zeal as a result of tion some of the errors, but let us
the Incident at Umatilla. The girls say this. Boardman has some splen
baven't got over their "jamboree" yet did material for a good team and we
and consequently they aren't practic- feel certain that next Sunday, they
ing. In the boy's "abbreviated game" WU1 come up to standard in the gnme
Carl Ayers pitched a nice brand of with Stantield. Van Nostrum and
ball He allowed three scattered bits Klifz pitched for the local team,
and struck out seven men in six Inn- i
ings. The infield, which was expected
to be so good, was the "bunk" at short
stop and first base. It bus been re
modeled this week and i sexpeeted to
Boardman Locals and Personals
Brief Review of Week's News Events
Commercial aviation, on a scheduled in Buenos Aires next October was for
time basis, began in America Mon- mally announced at the White House
day, with the round trip of the Stout on April l'th. .1. Walter Drake, the
metal airplane "Maiden Dearborn," nssistunt secretary of commerce, will
carrying 1000 pounds of Ford Motor act as chairman of the American dele
company freight between the Detroit Ration.
and Chicago plants of the company. !
The plane Will make a round trip be- Unofficial figures compiled at Wnsh
tween the two cities every other day. 1 iflgten on April 14th indicate that the
carrying Ford mall und small pnrtspoptil:itlon of the United States will
exclusively and will fly on (lie first of reach the total of 113,500,000 by the
rated by first of July. This is an increase of
since the 1rj(t census.
Birthday Party
On Friday. April 10th, Sybil Grace
Macomber was 10 years old, so she
celebrated the event on Snturdnv hr
be better at Arlington. The Individ- navlng u oi friem,s nm, hep
ual batting star of the game was our u,ac.hel. oomp t0 ft Xarlom
noble "Hoot Gibson." or. by the name .imes were plaved . an eKg ra(?e a,,
we know him. Hector Wleklander, who a ral)bit vvcating lots of fml A
literally knocked everybody cold with nisU,r eKg nunt was nlso onJovpa
bis four hits. Tbelmu Beck proved The ,,(v;t 1)nrt of ,,. pnnv cnme when
that she bad some "kick" when she the Kosts wm s(,(Up(1 al.oun( (lRl ta.
knocked two home runs. ble ,, thp ,lfrth(nv cal.t, wlt,,
The boy's team goes to Arlington its )1(;llt(1(1 ,,,,, WM admlred ,,
this Friday to try to ruin the record tllf,n (.nsuiuod. The ice cream, chick
of the high school team of that city.;,,,, sandwk.iJ)s alul pundl a U(1(1(ld
They have some job. as the Arlington t() tlu, p(.asur,,s f the afternoon
boys are burning up that section with running place cards. Faster baskets
their flrey brand of bull. Here's hop- flIk(1 with ,.an(lv ma(I(, ()aintv
ing for the best. j favors to take horn., as momentoes of
I lie occasion
a series of air lines to be opi
the company between its
plants about the country.
''apt. Geo. H. Wilklns, antarctic ex
The Coast League baseball season plorer. who has been missing since
has l een in full swing for a week and last November has just been located.
Monday of this week witnessed the He is now snfo In Antralla on his re
opening games of the National and . turn journey from the frozen fields
American lengues, as well as in the of the south.
American Association and the Infer- '
national league. For the second time
in three years. "Babe" Until wns ab
sent from the lineup on opening day.
This year the "King of Swat" is ill
from a severe attack of flu which
kept him confined to his bed on op
ening day.
Drawing Class Contstrurls Plat
The girls who enjoyed
the party were: Gloria Wlcklander.
A plat of the townsite of Boardman Xonmi Gibbons, Alice Calkins, Ona
is lieing made by the mechanical draw- imus, Delia Part low. Mary Chaffee,
ing class. The town, as the ydraw Khira Jenkins. Iris Gulbreth, Mild
it, is four blocks long nnd two blocks red Allen nnd Miss Aldrieh. Mrs. Al
wide on the smith side of the tracks hert Macomber. of Arlington, assisted
and on the north side, two blocks long Mrs. Macomber.
and one wide.
Or. Cook, who first became famous
ps the first man to reach the summit
(if Mt. McKinley. ami then notorious
when it was proven flint he never
made the it scent, and who received
the congratulations of the world as
the first man to reach the North Pole.
which claims were later disproved.
Excursion trains from Baltimore, still later he used Uncle Sam's mail
Philadelphia. New York and other to sell stock In an oil well that never
cities brought thousands of people to produced and oil, and is now serving
Washington on Faster Sunday. The time In a Federal prison, which means
First Congregational church. where miother retirement from conspicuous
President nnd nnd Mrs. Coolidgo nt- activity for u period of 14 years,
tended services, was jammed, and ,
thousands of people crowded streets
trsdiiy. Boise .after years of
I. ...i: i ,1 it,,.... .I.- i . e
..mum w e.m.c- ... .mpc ... expectation and waiting, Is on the
getting a of the President and 1,iain ,., 1M1 a
The streets running from east to
west from the highway to the south
Ladies Aid Meets
The Ladies' Aid met at Mrs. J. R.
t,a.i u. ivwb are. ewen ami .arty Johnson's on Wednesday, with eleven
Avenues. () the north end. across rest,nt. At first it was feared that
bis wife. The weather was ideal and
the many visitors took ndvantage of
the opportunity to visit the many
points of interest to be seen in our
nation's cnpltol.
the track ,are the avenues Lexington
and Riverside drive. The streets run-
no one would be able to come because
of the storm. Routine business wus
American participation In the Pnn-
Rreat celebration and hundreds view
ed the handsome new depot, which
wus opened for the first time on this
ccasion. Boise might have been on
the main line of the Union Pacific
-inoe it cosnst ruction, hut that Is not
only ancient history, but an impious
ning north nnd south from the school hHWaMttd. Some of the new Commit-
louse to the west end of town are: teM were appointed. Mrs. Boardman 1
Heppner. Kennedy, Main, and chairman of the Missionary- Commit-1
lone. However, there is one more .,,, with Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. !
street, which is across the tracks, and Warner as members; Mrs Hereim !
Its name is Hardman Street. was appoint chairman of the Social !
, " Committee. The other appointments
Student Body Meeting Held nre to be made later. It was decided
A special meetin gof the Student to see about bringing the Fletcher
Body was called to order by President I'umlly to Boardman for a musical en- j
Earl Ols ii on Thursday at 3:15 P. tertainment in the near future. Mrs.
M. The purpose of this meeting was Johnson served n delicious lunch. The
to present the baseball letters for the next meeting will be May 8th, and It
season of 1924-35. Violet Gilbreth and will tic an all day meeting at the
Tbyra Beck reel
Ing three game:
American road congress to be held i m memory.
Peary Anniversary Is Observed
d "B's" for play- church. The annual Roll Call, with
during the season, a Pot Luck Dinner at noon. Al uh-
Tbe following boys received letters
Elmo Russell, Fdward MeClollan.
Earl Olson, Hownrd Packard. Carl
Ayers and Arthur Bailey. Through
the wishes of the team, Mr. Griggs.
sent members are requested to send
a word of greeting.
Easter Services Held
Easter Services were held Sundav
the roach, was also presented with a forenoon in the Boardman Community
letter by the athletic manager. church. A short program of songs and
recitations was given at the close of
Seventh and Eighth Grades the Sundav School hour. Kev. Hughes
The fourth and last spelling contest delivered a very Interesting Easter
was held Monday. April 13. Those re-! sermon.
reiving !X)r; or abOfe were: Eighth '
C,rnde - Helen Boardman. 100; Neta Eye Sperialist Coming
Woodard, ftfi ; Ivye Olson. WJ; Ken- Dr. Hark, from Portland, will 1
neth Boardinn n. !t0; Buster Rands, !K). In Boardman all afternoon and even
Eeventh Grade -Wanda Gilbreth. 100; Ing of Wednesday, April 22, at the
Borden Beck. 100; Mildred Beck. !K1 : Ilichway Inn. It Doctor Clark cure
Nikolas retruzelli. H ; Alvie Mef ford : those terrific headaches.
The eighth grade had a welcome in
crease in the arrival of Neta Wood
ard. who was formerly a pupil at The
Dalles. ?
An Inter-( la Context
The third and fourth grades played
Small Crowd Attend-- Movie
A small crowd was in attendance at
the movie Saturday evening, the last
of the series given by the high school
to raise money for baseball equipment.
Easter KgK Hunt
Mrs. Charles Dillon entertained the
8 game of baseball with the fifth and , hildren of the Clarence Berger fam
rtxth grades Tuesday.. April 14 The illy, the T. E. Broyles and her own
result was somewhat nn-ertain. but: three last Sunday with an Easter Eeg
according to the reports of the boys Hunt, which the children all enjoyed.
Commemorating the sixteenth anniversary of the discovery of ttie Nortb
pole, prominent nuvy officials and others gathered at the grave of Admiral
Robert E. l'eary In Arlington National cemetery. Photograph shows Hear Ad
mlral Luther Gregory, chief of the bureau of yards and docks. United .State
navy; Dr. James Howard Gore, National Geographic society; Mrs. Edward
Stufford, daughter of Admiral l'eary, an I Cspt. 15. W. Scott, bend of the navy
chaplains' corps. The exercises were held under the auspices of the United
States navy and the Admiral Robert E. Pearf Ship, Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Mrs .W. H. Mefford returned homo
on Wednesday evening, accompaied by
her father and mother. Mr. nnd Mrs.
N. A. Kuowlton. of Getchel. Wn.
The Mutual Creamery is closing out
nnd all equipment is being shipped to
Portland. Anyone having cans belong
ing to the company nre asked to bring
them to Mr. Blaydon at once.
Next Sunday morning, Rev. Wilbur,
who is s. s. Missionary, will occupy
the pulpit. A large ntendunce is
Mrs. McFarland will lecture on
I! range night on n subject of interest
to all, that of the Shoals ques
tion. Everyone is invited to attend.
John Shell of Moscow, Idaho, who
is 88 years of age. came recently to be
with his brother. Sain Shell. The al
titude wns too high at Moscow for him.
Mrs. Charles Nizer, who has been
in Portland for a long time under the
doctors cure, is expected home this
Mrs. j. h. Johnson and grandson,
Harland, of Wasco, and Mrs. Lynn
Michael anl baby, of Portland, were
over night visitors at the Johnson
home. They are mother, nephew and
sister, respectively, of Mr. Johnson.
They left Wednesday morning.
Boardman was In the path of the
storm Wednesday. a terrific wind
preceded a ball storm und then It rain
ed. One of the large windows of the
Cash Mercantile Store was blown In
here, and the telephone lines put but
of commission, hut on further dam
age was done.
Spring Is here. Numerous straw
hats blossomed forth the past week on
the domes of our lords of creation of
enr (own. It might he a good time to
suggest n general clean-up of the
town since Spring most evidently has
come to stay. Some one once said
that Boardman wn Ithe dirtiest town
nlon gthe highway. We do not agree
With that, but we do seen many places
where changes could be made. Our
main street needs something done to
It : a few rocks removed or some fine
gravel spread over the rooks. Some
of the back yards need donning. Many
people have already raked their yards.
Let's have a regulnr April house clean
ing, for the town needs it.
A number of the mothers went to
the school house on Thursday to as
sist In making the May Day costumes
These are colorful, gorgeous affairs
of crepe paper and will be very effec
tive when worn nt the May Day pro
gram. The fire escapes on the school house
have been pulnted a soft gray color,
which blends nicely with the building.
The lower part of the concrete dam
nt the spillway washed out Monday
evening nnd caused consternation
among the water users, who would
have lieon drouth Stricken. Sandbags
were filled and the dam repaired lm
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hiiff (Louise
Klages) have moved to Mcsncr where
Mr. Huff Is employed on the section.
They have lived at Dufiir since lust
Mr. find Mrs. Nick Filler and Ver
non Crawford and family motored to
Lexington on Sundav and visited with
Miss Mvrtle McNeil.
s. l. Beck la drilling for an artes-
Ian well on the W. A. Price ranch. Re
has had splendid success and the Pro
ject boasts several artesian wells. J.
U. Jalions, Packard, Mends, If
Brown, F. (it to, Knaiiffs, Uroyles ami
Hendricks each have Rowing wells on
their places. Mr. Beck also drilled
a well on the Hutch place .on which
he lives.
('bet Attebury bus been quite III in
Arkansas, where he Is at present.
While bis father was Hi, ('hot was
having a severe case of malaria, but
Is now getting along nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Uoyal Rands were
guests nt the O. H. Warner home for
dinner on Tuesdiiv.
Mrs. Sylvester Attebury, whose for
mer home wns In kfcClanseburg, III.,
one of the towns In the path of He
tornado, was greatly relieved to hear
from relatives that they hail escaped
unharmed. slthaUlgtl many of their
friends mid acquaintances were killed
or Injured.
Mrs. Charlea IfcDaniaii of Reppner
came Tuesday and will vif with her
sister. Mrs. Bert Klcnkmnn until Mr
MeDuniols Is through Shearing on
Ruder Crock. Her daughter; Eoe
Dudley Mnttcson. has been home with
the flu, but will resume her school
work next Mondnv.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Neynns and fam
ily, of Whatcotnh, Wn., were guests
St the H. BL Weston BjB8 Sundav
It Is reported Hint Rob Rnybnrn hgS
purchased two acres of land from S
11. Boardman, just ncross from the
Frank Cramer plnce. Mr. Gilbreth
has been levelling it for him.
J. C. Ballanger returned on Tuesdny
from Tlie Dulles, where he went to
j see W. A. Murchie, who Is quite ill.
iThe latter is ut the hospital, where
he Is being given the Insulin trent
I menl for diabetes,
I Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wilson and
' family of Walla Walla Wn., were re
cent Visitors at the S. H. Boiirdmun
home. They are old time friend-- Of
the family, hnving resided at Castle
Rock some 21 years ago, when Mrs.
Boardman wa steachlng there. At
that time Castle Rock was a thriving
little community.
Mrs. Royal Rand returned Sunday
from BUverton, Oregon, where she has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Roy
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Price mnde a
flying visit to Walla Walla .luring the
week, motoring up Saturday nnd re
turning Sunday. They visited Mis.
Price's mother und sisters.
C, A. Calkins and family and W. O.
King and wife nnd children visited,
Sunday, at the ltoarilmun home and
listened in to some excellent selec
tions over over the radio.
The Boardman nigh School teams
journeyed to Uniatlllu Friday. Ile
sults will be found In the "tl Telletn."
Mrs. Eugene Cummlus returned re
cently from Port land, where shi has
lv"i, for medical treatment.
'' ih Bleakraiin of Herdtnnn, spent
the week-end here with relatives.
Bryce Dillabaugb and family re
turned on Thursday (run Portland,
when they spent Ha- winter. Mr.
')il labangh waa employed in the Barter-Albright
Garage during his stay
i'o. tland.
Mrs. .1. C. Bulletiger mil daughter
Siaxine returned on Saturday from
The H"IUv. where she spent the week
cod with her pnrents.
.1 It, . bnson Is hui'dtn! n large
chicken henae on his ranch. He ,f
expecting a shipment of 600 buby
chicks this week.
('buries nnd Arthur Goodwin tttO
to red to Mubton Saturday for Mr.
Van Nostrum, who pitched for the
Boardman team on Sunday. Alton
Kill pitched the last two innings.
Arthur Peterson. of lliTiulston,
Spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs.
Oscar Koaar,
Mrs. Lee Mead and children flatted
her parents in The Dalles over Sun
day. Grandfather Warren'a health ton
tinuea about the same. He is HI of
Bright'a Disease. His advanced age
of sr. makes ids recovery doubtful.
Irrigon Items
Frunk Doble mowed und put up
three acres of alfalfa buy April 14th.
This Is the ear Ileal cutting on record
for Irrigon. It is rushing the season
a little, but show stliat alfalfa Is well
along this season.
Qeorge Allen bus returned from
the cancer Institute at Centralis nnd
ls muklng Ills home In Irrigon again.
Mr and Mrs l-'rank Smith report
the arrival of a big baby girl Wednes
day evening. Mother mid girl doing
.1. A. Graybeal Is going Into the wa
termelon mid cantaloupe game this
year. He is now planting the Paget'
strom plnce and Is with the Associa
tion. This shouU prove good.
Ira Grnybeiil ban left the rnllron I
employment ami gone to learn the
sheep chearlng unuir. He Is working
south of Arlington now.
Dale Wafklns went to Sulein on the
uj'ght train Wednesday.
Mr. ami Mrs J. P Corbel went to
Pendleton on the Sunday afternoon
train relurnln gthe next day.
If no frost shows up. striuvlK-rries
will be ripe In about another weeb
The raspberries are also in fun btootn
and promise a good early crop.
Notice Under the Herd Law
I will sell at public unction ,to the
highest bidder, ut my much 1 '. miles
south of Boardman, Oregon, en April
28 1928 (me black ataltfon, about "
years old, no brand visible A Small
white epoi on forehead. Weight Mai
to iiski pounds. Pules redeemed by
owner or bis authorize. I ngettl prior
if. othe sale F.I I KI'NE.
Dance al Juniper
A dance was held ut Jsjnipnr Can
yon Saturday, April 11th. Some of
the Boardman people who attended
uere Mr and Mrs. Ralph Davis, Mr.
ami Mrs Walter Kim off. Barbara
Ilixon, Alice Aldrieh, Hoy and Kran
els Cilhreath, Clay Warren and Ethel