The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, April 03, 1925, Image 1

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V j
Boardman Locals and Personals
Mrs. Nick Taylor left lust week fur j not have strength equal to the trip.
Portland, whe re she was called lie-1 so he must remain awhile longer.
On Monday evening "Buck" Warner
About This Time of the Year
cause uf the death of her half brother
Thomas Luke. Mr. Luke wus the eld on of Grandma Spring, who was
well known here, having spent much
of the time with her daughter. Mrs.
Taylor, before her death. She return
ed oil Saturday.
Mrs. W. H, Gllbreth and J. 0. Bal
lenger went to The Dalles and Port
1 ipd lust week on huslness. They re
turned the last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDaniels of
Heppner visited Wednesday and
Thursday at the Bert Hleakman home.
Mrs MePaniels is still compelled- to
USC her erutches.
Dorothy Boardman and her friend;
Grace Hassmussen. returned Sunday,
on No. 1. to Salem, after a weeks' va
cation here.
while going home turned too short a
comer on Main street as he was
driving onto the highway and collided
with a, tourist ear. The impact turn
ed the other car completely around.
Fortunately no one was injured tho
the cars were damaged somewhat
Buck paid the expenses.
J. O. Bellinger and Ern Peck mo
tored to Heppner Monday on business
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Huff of Du
fur. motored Up Saturday to visit at
the Klages home. Mrs. Huff was Miss
Louise Klages.
The O-W. Company are erecting
pens und chutes at Boardman, so tho
sheepmen can load from this point,
A Dumber of stockmen have sold
their sheep. Lambing is practically
over and most of the owners had
with an increase of
Mr. McPherson (Mac.), who was a
former Boardman' resident, and OWn-4 SPtendM success
ed the telephone line in the days of its 100 or over.
infancy, arrived Thursday from thej J, C Ballinger, Roy Gllbreth, Wnl
Valley. Where he has lived the past tpr Knuuff and Bob Mitchell and ("has.
m jn ' jm
Boardman Utellem
Edited by the Students of the Boardman High School
" FOURTH YEAR, 1934-1985
of four years. He Is at the Bat
t home for an Indefinite time, j
ardinnn is fairly swimming in oil.
clues, oily rugs, oily floors, oily
oily clothes hut say. won't it,
Dillahaugh went to Hemiston to at
tend a federal meeting regarding th
grading f alfalfa hay. A meeting wa
held at the school house here on Tues
ray evening concerning tho raising of
when the surplus oil settles alfalfa seed. Two speakers from the
highway is like a pavement? 1 Oregon Agricultural college and State
Mfffoati left Saturdav for Market Master Spence were here for
Mabton, Wash., to bring bock a pitcher i the meeting.
for the local hall team. His mother,! The Ladles Aid
Mrs. W. II. Mefford, accompanied him day at the Herelm
Brief Review of Week's News Events
We the Student Body, wish to ex
tend thanks to tho community for
their cooperation In helping us raise
money for meeting our obligations. We
are greatly pleased with the way the
people attend our school functions,
and the movies we are giving.
In the beginning of ghe semester, it
seemed as tho we would never get out
of debt, hut we have just finished
paying our hill to the Hoxey Lambert
company for football suits bought last
fall and are surprised to find hat
our treasury Is not empty and we are
nble to buy baseball supplies for both
boys and girls.
Last .Monday morning the high
school student body Dominated Miss
Blanche bona, senior; Helen Chaffee
and Violet Gtlbreth, freshman : fot
Thursday morning. Miss Helen Chaf
fee was elected queen.
This week closes the fifth period of
school for the year and report cards
go out next Wednesday.
he greet
and the
Fire which followed tho explosion
of an oil furnace in a blacksmith's
Shop at Mammoth Springs in Yellow
stone National Park, the first of the
week caused a damage estimated at
met on Wednes between $500,(1(10 and $700,000.
home. Klection of!
to Prosper. Wash... where she
tbo train to Wanato. She and her
sister, who resides at Wapato. left foi
Everett where their mother Is seri
ously ill. A telegram received by rel
atives hero Sunday advised them of
her mother's Improvement.
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Duncan and
bry returned to their home in Cecil,
lifter visiting at the Tom Miller's.
I twas rumored that Zoo Hoadley
was married hut nothing definite was
known until recently, hut the rumor
"was true. She was married to Lylo
Mattesori at Walla Walla February
21. Zoe was one of the most popular
of the high school girls here and she
grndunt'd with the class- of 14. She
Attended Monmouth last summer and
has been teaching school 001 from
Iieppner since September. She will
continue her school work and plans
to attend Monmouth again this slim
mer. Mr. Matteson is a stranger here
hut Is well spdken of by those who
know him. The good wishes of their
P.oardmi'n friends are extended.
Mrs. Hitnimell. a former teacher in
the Boardman schools was a visitor
took officers
I reated
was held which matter was
with groat dispatch, the old
officers being unanimouslv re-elected
they are. President .Mrs. .1. R. Allen.
Vice president. Mrs. A. T. Horeim.
Secretary and. Treasurer. Mrs. ,T. R.
Johnson. The next meeting will be
hold at the home of Mrs. , B. John
s' n on Wednesday April 15, The fol
lowing meeting will be held at the
church and will he the annual Bull
Call day With a basket dinner at the
church. Tho Umatilla aid will he ask
ed as guests. Members are asked to
keep this date ill mind and it is
peclally asked that
ho hear 1 from a t
week by
Biver. Much of the 1 of wnlch " ls Pnrt lnw- was given unger. Mayor of Boardman and ('has
The City of Glnseow in
Montana was flooded this
rising of Milk
southern portion of the city was under
water when the current of the river
ran thru the principal residence dis
tricts. Weyerhaeuser Timber Company will
build plants at Longvlew in the immed
iate future according to an announce
ment by company officials the first
of the week.
ury having to do wholly or in part
with this work, including the prohi
bition limit, the coast guard, and the
customs service, weye concentrated
Under the jurisdiction of Mr. Andrews.
For the first time too, the office of
Governor Visits DttlflUBH
(By Caroline Hunt. Junior )
The town of Boardman was deeply
honored last Friday Maroh 28, 192,1
by a visit from Walter M. Pierce,
OoVemor of Oregon,
Ho arrived hero On the 2.80 train
prohibition commissioner was placed f,.om Salem and was meet at the sta
itnder control of the assistant score- ,,,n hv ,j. -( Rssell Suierlnt,-n lent
tnry. while the internal revenue bureau ,,f The Rnnrdmnn Hnhnnl I n Ral
m anotner oniciat. xne rc-nilgnment Wicklander. Master lof
of duties brought a culmination of f((j Qrgngw,
efforts to divide the work of collect : From the station lie
ing the revenues .between two assist-L, ,,, K(.mlll houge .,,,.,
was on
At this
an ad
After having finished his joyous re
past. Governor Pierce retired to the
auditorium where ho addressed the
general public.
Tho people of Boardman and sur
rounding country were greatly honor
ed by the Governor's coming to
BoardUftn, We should ho deeply
gratified for another visit from our
met executive in the near future.
During a thunder storm on Mon-
absent members , ,, (lf lif!,ning struck a tree
that Juno. Also
' The Missippi State income tax law
WS declared unconstitutional by Judge
Wilson of the Now county Circuit
Anril 11.
near the guards headquarters at the
Oregon State Penitentiary at Salem.
The bolt traveled from the tr.
remeber that Satun
the date f ,r the Food Sale.. Onn'd-
nntion fun as manv as- possinio .,.,, f t,, . ,i,,noitoiv
are asked for. thence to the prison chapel and to the
The Odd fellows had a big "soiree" j finx plant. Prison employees eating
Ion Wednesday evening, when Nels dinner were badly frightened nnd enn
KrlStensen was initiated Into the or-at4)erS.ble confusion resulted among tho
dor ami a big feed was served after , convicts, but no one whs Injured.
the initiation.
The water hns been turned into the Official duties assigned to tho sov
Canal and Dan Bansier is again rid ! oral treasury executives were shifted
ing ditch. He has hold this position about Wednesday with the advent of
Here Friday. She has boon attending '"r the Patt six years and wo know Lincoln C. Andrew of New Vork as
Oregon received .$1,100,(100 for im
provement and maintenance of its riv
ers and harbors during tho fiscal
year beginning July 1, according to
tertalned until .TOO o'clock
time he was scheduled to givi
dross to the school students.
The scholars prepared a program of
welcome: namely. Flag Salute: Am
erica: Star Spangled Banner, Dialogue
by small children: song by the eighth P,,,.
grade girls and an address ot wel
come by Rlmo Russell.
Following the program. the chief
executive gave an address, One of the
Address nf Welcome to Governor
(By James Rlmo Bussed, Senior )
Honored guest, school faculty, fel
Uvy students an I visiting friends: I
have been requested by Karl Olson,
the worthy student body president to
extend to the governor of tho State of
Oregon a few words of welcome.
it is therefore my privilege in be
half of the Boardman Community
School to welcome you, Governor Wnl
,cr M. Pierce into our presence. This
is Indeed a most welcome and delight
ful event in the history of our school.
Many of us have never had the chance
to meet a Governor of the state of
may never again have a similar op
portunity. We wish you to know
that we appreciate your being with us
at this time, and although our num
ber Is not large, no other school, how
ever great, can greet you with a keen
er desire to make you feel yourself
absolutely welcome in our midst.
Wo have the biggest little school
hi OregOtt, and this fact has been
made possible only by the sweat
of the brow of the people of this Im
mediate Community anil by tho vaste
resources of our grout State.
We also Appreciate the part you
have pbivod in Influencing our state
legislature to pass Important school
measures, which we hone will make
1 1 allocations of funds made by the board llmif) topics in bis talk was -npprecla
Normal at Monmouth and is taking a
short vacation.
Mrs. 0, H. arner left for Pen
dletOD Monday, where she attended
the Woman's Pp'shyterian meeting.
Mrs. Bonrduian and Mrs. Herein al
so went as representatives of the lo
cal society. The alst two returned
Tuesday, having enjoyed a most in- Cbristcnson
terosting and profitable meeting, motored up
This Prc'-byterial comprises tho Mis
sion Societies r-f Bond. Parkdale.
Boardman. Hood River. Milton, Pen
dleton. Stanfteld, Pilot Rock and Mo
rn. The PePndleton ladies of West
minister Guild served a delicious lunch
to all the guests on Monday and
Tuesday at noon and on Monday
evening n chicken dinner was served
to r great number. The girls of Clark
Circle of the Guild rendered musical
s lections during the dinner hour. Mrs.
A. W. Blackburn of Corvallis. the Syn
odlcal President was on the program
as was Mrs. Chas. W. Williams of
Portland Who is n representative of
the Board of Foreign Missions spoke
at some of tho sessions. She was an
exceedingly interesting and able speak
more effective enforcement of
hltlon laws, all agencies in the treas- hi
of no one on the project bettor quail- an assistant secretary succeeding
fled to fill it than Mr. Ransier. It lot Wadsworth. resigned.
s a difficult position and he is cer-j
talnlv the man for the place. .Foroasting efforts to bring
Shortv White is staying at tho Fu
geno Cummins rnncb and looking af
tor things for them.
Mrs. George Spring. Mrs. Bachael
and Mrs. Joe Rilev all
from Portland with Mrs
Nick Faler last Saturdav. They vis
ited, with the Falers' until Wednes
day n. m. when they returned.
Boardman raised asparagus is on
the market. The Wieklandors had ;
their first of the season Maroh IS.
Governor Pierce and party in their,
visit over the project Friday stooped
at the Knauff place and the governor
visited the 1200 young chicks. He has
had abundant experience with young
calves but chickens wore a new line
for him.
Charlotte Jensen a student of the
C of Washington visited on Wedncs
and Thursday with her sister Miss
Irene Jensen teacher of Home eoon
omice In our school
of army engineers and announced on
The sale of Dodge Brothers Motor
company at a cash price said to bo
between $170,000,000 and .$200,000,000.
ns announced on Wednesday. This
constitutes what is boleived to lie the
greatest cash stls In the nations In
Ausrlal history. Dillon. Read and Co
of N'cw York wore the purchasers.
He tried in his message to tat
upon our minds that It Is not
we have, but what wo think of
we have.
ci minions for our future Intellectu
al and moral development even bet-
than those under which we have
In Studying history w learn nf
men like Alexander Hamilton, James
Me-'iscu. Daniel Webstes, Woodrow
Wltsnn and others, but while wo a'"
ret towing in-- i sn In Oitt minds lot
os (urn our thoeghls to the heads of
state and governments of to-
Following his sddWSS he was es
corted over the Itoardman project in
Mr. Bussoll's car. accompanied by a
bout ten local men. Tho Governor was
greeted by all the bounteous scenes
of nature. Ho was introduced to the
quaking geese, grunting pigs, oaek
ling hens and tho other various farm
". wi are deeply
your brief visit
that voiif kind
! "OrdS will in
r t! 'to nnd you
that your words
memories long nf-
The trail of Dorothy BlllUJtOtj bos ,mjn,iH.
his week taken a different angle, her
returned to
Alter a liieasnni nip oe
own attorneys having Introduced evl- s,., i,MSo where a delicious
d nee to prove that she was Insane at
to prove
time she shi
t her mother.
supper was served, such as tho women
; of the proioet ami the surrounding
country know how to prepare.
day. Govern'"!- Pier
Indebed to yon for
with us vo knot
s" lie and . r ' ;
H'llro us to pr-i
may "est assured
win linger in
i'f your depart TI
Again in behalf Of the Boiirdinau
Community School, 1 welcome you and
we hope that whit you may see and
f ttr while wl'h in will ho pleuslie: to
the ( ye arid o the ear Hi io rnhlo
Walter Mi Pierce, (lovernor of the
S'ote of Oregon, we greet von
Papcose Born With Six Toes
er having a droll humor and a mes
sage worth while. Mrs. 8. H. Board
man yas honored by lieing asked to
take the Presidency of the Preshyter
lal for the next year but felt that she
could not accept. She yas elected a
member of the Nominating committee
for the coming year. The local dele
gates were delightfully entertained.
Mrs. Warner and Mrs. Boardman tie
ing overnight guests at the Malonoy
bonie and Mrs. Horeim at the Frail
home. Milton had the largest delega
tion nf any of the churches of the
Mrs. O. H. Warner went to Pi'ot
Pock and Pendleton for a visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lee. She expec's to
return on Saturday.
Miss Irene Jensen returner! on Sun
day from a week end at Walla Waila.
The Olson's went to Pendleton On
Monday expecting
Lome but it was
Discuss Fair Here
A Pair meeting was held on Friday
after the Governor's visit. A nuinlier
of Irrigon people were present and
the plan to hold a joint fair this fnll
was discussed. Boardman is strong
for another fair and feels that it
should lie held at Irrigon, since the
other one was held here. We have
have corn, potntoes, cattle, sheep,
chickens, turkeys, and yes babies that
an- ns fine as can tie raised any place
in tfee west. We'd like to see a suc
cessful fair put on. A temporary
organization was effected with Chas.
Wicklander as chairman und Mr. Hal
ing of irrigon secretary. It was ilc
cided to elect - directors from each
place and they were to select the pre-i
dent Lee Mead was elected Treasurer
end Mr. Dillaliaugh wsretary.- w"
!c ; Irrigon enn got together on the
Irrigon Items
Irrigation Season Opens in Ernest
Plants Thousands of Strawberries
on crops that might he possible 'o ro
tate with alfalfa In the high Manuel
auditorium Wednesday night. He
was accompanied by County Agent
Morse nnd H. K, Dean, from Umatilla
a few
M rs.
Will Raise .Melons
M. B, Rami and son who gptenl
days With her folks, Mr. and
W. B. Waipoie. returned to
Ficrimcnl I'
I ermlston.
advised going into anything on a con
servative basis to begin with, hut thai
some things should he tried out. and
more diversllleutloil practiced. Sweet
potatoes are one thing that promise
a paying crop In lids district and the
Triumph variety seems to be best
'for here. Something like ten thousand
plants of the Triumph variety have
now bcin ordered and win be tried
out this lUmmer among about a d',z-
the O-W. Mrs. .lacohsen reports sell- en farmers,
ous damage across the river from the
their home at Lents. Oregon on Tues.
Mrs. John Sill left for her home
ut Rust Molino, Illinois on Monday.
She will stop at Omaha for a visit on
her way home.
Mrs. Jacobean and daughter of Pat
erson Washington came over Wednes
day and went on to The Dalles over
Ball Season
The opening hal
in was played n tin
icnd. Siimlnv. Marl
I Oder Way
game of thejSen-
Roardman dia
2!lth : Bonrd-
s. Heppner. l p until the Inst
sib Inning, Heppner held the
Ito nothing, lint In the last
of the K h, Boardman scored
Hoflrdman scored one, tying the score.
In the hist of Hie tenth, Itoardman
made the winning score, .", to 4. nai
leries: Hoiirdmiin. VanN'osterii an I
Photograph of a little Blackfoot Indian born with six toes on each foot
snd Ave fingers and one thumb on eueh hand. This Is the first Indian boy In
the nresent eeneratlon to be so liberally endowed Uls ancestors were from
to bring Clifford matter of the fair and that we may the Glacier National park reservation region,
found that he did have a very successful one. I
winter freeze. Much alfalfa was fro
Con out, Including most of their crop
She also reports damage In the Ken
newlck section.
J. M. Ilea vert bus purchased the A
II Allen ranch and is moving in
Week. This place was recently report
,.,1 nU to other im riles but the ileal ftSlBt
was not closed. Mr. Allen Is going throe runs and In the last of tho nlnll
strong on melons this year and is
signing up with the iissirintlon.
Edward Hchmalingn family movr d
Into the mans,- Wsdnes lay. They
,..,,. hna IImt Park Washington by
oto and Mr. Slatlery tracked their ('"' bran
household goods, over.
Frank Dohle l.s planting several
thousand strawls-rry plants this week
There Is no question but what they
make a paying business in the Irrigon
district, but they must tie handled
right to got. them stared.
The Irrlgalon season is on in or
nest in Ibis section. Oscar Corey, the
new Sites rider Is on the job now
Prof C. R. Hyslop, of the o A
Ashenfelter :
bring lin
ing In as a
wt'i two OB
a three hrq
Boardman plays lo
niond next Sunday
Heppner, Roche and
remained for OU- Ob-son
crowd to their foot, go
llneh hitler in the 8th
(lie clouted the pill fir
-r, bringing In two rims.
the homo din
Imatilla on
the P.'th of April,
nf the Irrigation
the home diamond
the oih ning game
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Olson of Can
ada are visiting at the 0 B Olson
extension service, gave a lengthy talkWOaM, Mr. Olsou is a nephew
.f O. II,