r - 'V - - SSW U. THE BOARDM 4 c A N AN MIRROR VOLUME V 41 , ItO VRPM AN. MORROW COUNTY, OREGON KRIDAV FEBRUARY 27 1925 Boardman Locals and Personals NUMBER !i Lion or Lamb? J. O. Russell wax a visitor in Ar lington last Saturday. Mrs. E. Kunze and children have lieen ill the past week with Influenza. Pete Farley is feeding a band of 1200 sheep on the John Jenkins farm. Mrs. J. C. 'Ballinger was a passenger on the local No 1 Saturday, bound for lone. Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlln of Park dale Oregon, are visiting at the Hud son home. Boh Balllnger of Portland is spend ing a few days with .his brother, J. C. Ballinger. F. E. Noble of Meyers Talis. Wash., was inspecting the land in our vicin ity on Sunday. John Brlce was in Whitcomh, Wash, this week with a view of buying a span of horses. Mrs. Bailey and hoys spent Satur day and Sunday in Arlington visiting Mr. Bailey's sister. Mr. and Mrs. Howell and Mrs. E. K.I ' Mulkev made a business trip to Her- miston cue day last week. Word comes from The Dalles that Dr. Donnelly lias been very ill and was in Portland for treatments. Buster Bands and Hector Wickland er shipped this week to Denver, pelts from two coyotes, eight Skunks and one badger. Mrs. Jack Gorham entertained Mr. and Mrs. Bay Brown, and Mr. and Mrs. Royal Bands at cards on Wednes day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Olson went to Pendle ton Saturday to see Clifford and re .port him improving as fast as could I e expected. Mrs. Williams, wife of the govern ment trapper, arrived from Portland this week and is stripping at the bote for a few days. Mrs. Lewis and Miss left Tuesday night for visit with their mother llendrlok at The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. Neal A. Bleakn Ilermiston are tho parents of a pound boy. Mis. Blonkney is daughter of Mrs. H. H. Weston. Pajl Smith as a business visitor in Arlington Thursday and called at the Currey Printing company office and leneod bis Mirror subscription a year ahead. Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Ilango with Mr. J. A. Lytic, motored to Portland last week and stopped on their way home for a days visit with relatives at Hood River. ('has. Bands, father of Royal Rands who' has been in Portland for sever al weeks receiving medical attention returned home this week, much im proved in health. Messrs. Ralph Davis. Nate Macom l.er. Maurice Goodwin, and M. L. Ifor gan were visitors in I rrigon and at Ilermiston Thursday night, in the In terest of the local Legion Post. Mrs. Han Rancier was calietl ta Pendleton on last Saturday, because of the death of her neice, Clara Mar lowe, age 12. from typhoid. The bur ial was held in Pendleton Sunday. " Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Davis. Mrs. J. C. Ballinger, Miss Barbara Hixon. and Boy Gilhreth. were in attendance at the Legion dance in Hirniiston .Monday evening and report a very t n joyable time. Clins. McDaniels, who has lieen oc cupying the Hines house this winter, has moved his family to Ilardman. to reside. The Bleakman family will occupy the Hines cottage until tlie close of school. will be addresses by the visitin isters. Come to dies, bring to remain There will per but a taken to help defray the expenses the speakers. la the afternoon meetint your baskets and prepare for the evening meeting. be no charge for the sup- free will offering win ie TEAM BOLTS 'eh wwy cah you see. , HiCH ONE H&S 6R00ftlN6? IK Driver Receives Severe Injuries Smash-Up Dragged Several Yards Rones Broken Sylvester Attatmry it condition at his home, an accident he suffered his team ran away with returning from the field Marshall farm, with his empty wagon, whdp t'i( came lrightened and Mr. At ta bury who wi was thrown out on onto the ground, tin few feel along th wheels of the wage In Tallin m a serious 1 8 a result of Monday when him. He was at the Mike team and an horses lie- Mr. started to run. vas (n the wagon, the tongue, thence axle pulling him a ' ground, and twe ;on crossed his body AttaburV broke ribs from the sternum, the clavicle shoulder blade were crushed from weight ef the wagon. He was remov ed to bis home, and Dr. Jaunt was called, who eased his patient as much as possible. At last reports Mr. Atta bury was in a good deal of pain, but slightly better. Mrs. Johnson, his daughter from Spokane, came Tuesday morning to as sist her mother in earing for bar fath L . JL 7 Aiil!WlAE' V , MM oxen Historical Spots Along Old Oregon Trail From Seaside to Idaho Line W. Nesmlth wrote In his diary of i! train of 1848, "Before our vision roi pine clad, bills and Immense summil i tiie Blue Muntalns", lie also wrol "The chorus of woodsmen's axes rai out as the men hewed the way, whi cne nrave women drove th down the mountain". La Grande Grande Ronde river is a beautiful camping spot. then on to old La Gran ; where our pioneers picked wild straw times of the past, two and one half nines cast or tins place, a volunteer riflemen, led bj H. T. Shaw, on July 17th upon a hand of warriors fight took place as far a sidling in some 40 Indian a few while men. The took the mountain about where till battle took place. Grande Rondo Valley was peaceful and grand to the weary pioneers at (hey came down the I.add Canyon near Hot Lake to rest and feed theii stock on the green grass that grew t here. Hot Lake, was (irsl made known (c the world by Ruber! Stuart of tllC Price Hunt Party, who camped thers Hid reported it to Washington on hi- return, and Washington Irving Wrote of it. Union, where the Price Hunt nartv iM 1 company ol Lieut. Cel. lSou came a running Pub a. re killed an 1 Old Trail. : i, I ,1. ! wv. Build Boilers With 1, 200-Pound Pressure Boston. The power station which an electric Illuminating company of Boston is erecting at Weymouth will opesnte boil ers working under a pressure of 1,20(1 pounds to the square Inch. This is five times the pressure o the most powerful locomotive and three times that ever before used in a commercial power sta tion. Parti of the boiler must have the strength of a camion. The boiler drum will be 34 feet long, with wails of solid steel 4 Inches thick. The original unit of the plans Involve 400,000 horsepow er, with boilers and turbogener ators housed in a building 147 by 800 feet, 120 feet high. The stacks will far overtop Bunker Hill monument, and their Interi or diameter will be so great that a street car could he lowered from top to bottom without touching the sides. Coats of Hanchome Cloth Make Early Spring Appeal (By Mis. He state Chairman M vc Histi en ) I). A. it Pi er. The P AUTO CATCHES FIRE 'one, a trip ie miles west vhorc a (all the Oregon gathered the Pioneers and unveil this Painful Burns Inflicted When Cloth ing Ignites from Car Patient at Pendleton Hospital S. Hendrlek a few days Mrs. George lav evening. Clifford til a very serious and vain Qania&u i of ten the Last Tliut son met witl fill accidcut at the Bonrrinian He was filling the tank of his Ford with gas. dine, when in some way 111" machine caught on fire, iguiling Ids clothes and Beverly burning him on the face and body, lie was rushed to Rermiston where Dr. tllsley gave Mm first aid and then seal him to SI. Anthony's hospital at Pendleton. At last reports Clifford was recuperat ing as fast as possible, but it will be several weeks before he will, be able to be at homo again. mi II, is exoltlnn s Was made In a sunt Ihn tb Immigrant Springs, ident and Mrs. Harding, bculdcr u-h ... i with many of his Cabinet and their Trail Association. Here wives, the Governors bf Idaho, Mon-(.Presidential party, with tana, Washington and Oregon, with others, to dedicate and i toneers, woo Had Camped here in sentinel of the past. early days, made a nrocinni of snooob Amnnv ti.,.u , ., ,. " ....... .imiuifl KM I lie llllllgll- song. Pour cowboys rode up and ter of a pioneer of Hie train of 1848, ' "" i niorve in om song.; -wis', uavic N. p.ean of Centralis Then the ground was cleared in front v.Jm was Governors Hail's ivnnwmi. land, suddenly Hie dread mtlve from Washington. she ear many painted warriors 10 a enmnbor , i . win, ti, r.,ii..,.- loc miii mi-, ui,., swoop. l!Sf hisinry. This 1 -1 1 1 - filled 'liphcv. was curried m-nwii Plains" by the Mother of Mrs. and gave Of the grands War-hoop of Drill Eor Oil comes from the Wells Springs that an oil company, financed Hand capitalbVi 's to start for idl next week, on I be Wells ranch, about IS miles sooth Boardman. This news is of interest lo Roardiiian people, would all like to see the oil News district My Por drilling Springs .west of special as we district south of here developed. Inspector Coming to the govern- about ten ! in Reclamation It will be of great interest waterusers to bear that 'the justmenti win be hen in days to inspect and classify each farm unit. A local representative will ae I Company the government man on his Hips over this project. Electing New Barn Ingaard Bkoubo is building a large COM rate barn to house l(i bead of i attic. At present he lias the walls, six feet high of concrete, and at a later date exiects to build the north portion to a height of 10 feet. iug down on tho white covered JBSS' on train, and circling il, made battle fierce and bitter, which was uuicklv over, for out of the pines rode the trusty "Rifles of 'PC and beat back (.he redmen. silently they gathered for "Paee Parley", and President Hard ing heard the plea of the old chief, the gripe of peace was passed in the wig wam, (be Indians circled around the President and Mrs. Harding and in ltlated them into the Caynse tribe, with much native music of song and dancing, presents of beaded gloves and blankets were made lo .Mr. an I .Mrs. Harding, Mrs, Workathe Sccre tury's wife received f, i Mrs. Min- thorn an aged tqnaw, a beaded parse dene by herself. I his ai;iid Indian wo man, who knew Dr. Whitman, with tears streaming down her wrinkle I face and shoulders, stooped from the I UVden of many years, nit:! the Pros1 oeiu ami laiuug ins mind said. 111 it snow Mi-ka Mlt-lite (k-ok Il-li-hee Wakenan-ich Skoo-kum White Chief '. (Long lime I have lived in this land seen a President i This was to her and she went her way in 1843, and became the reviving of many an ailing one . When reached Cello they took boats fi Willamette Valley, at the Cascadi with "The P.ean spirit they r the s the Crafl in which the family was riding capsized against a frnk and the bot tle was lost, much to the grief of took Christmas dinner in menu was horse flesh and and was eaten on Catherlni ixurin i-owcier. when guide gave birth to a son. Baker Valley, to Bilker in things of history of and early mining days. A. R. erected a marker of Olds Perry Panic. Pleasant Valley, to Burnt River canyon, where the old Trail followed the river bed for 25 miles ami the first work was done by train of 1848 at tne nead or tills canyon bj to reach the ' Vallev. A fountain has bee,, placed on this drj road by the highway commissioners', Snake River here some of the trail of 1S1T died id' fever and were bul led. (Mrs. nuUis BiarjUw.. Dr. and Mis. Whitman crossed tin Snake River on a raft made of stickl Mini Willows (Mrs. Victors .Toe -Meek. The early inn fordo was ( and I the Shoshone j J I-.. X TK He Sf Wyl jiflL Pmatilla IV gy T4J09wi-'-i, .K.(.k',.r n.,, .iiyin I the Snake slablisbed in DgS for lit down river. IS.",!) b instructing the Burnt ( lids . .1. p. a ra ft River, lad t. i rib family and I'aneouver. r returned. (he beach by il treasured relic after SO years inke a part in party. On arriving at the bread cast upon the and was picked up on s owner and became a of Ibis family. Now it was returned to this celebration, which fin , lie lid was shipped around the belter ferrv Was made. (To he Continued) io Inaugurate t : wttli ii utility coal ol smartly cushioned, sucli -hows. Is the sensible ll uat of this Mud mil on! OtlVlcl Ion. bill il also in: n Hgainsl the caprices Itnd snow Hurries, whit Ii CUr even in Hie best spring sc. is, handsome elm h as i lie plctui if wi, ii f ..llllllid and not a solace pcaei i was being filled with water from migrant Springs, and given to President and wife to drink to memory of these pioneers. The party moved silently and jCiently away, feeling that this j I. allowed ground, the memory 0 I will live in I Ii . minds and heart '(hose who witnessed it ami much dil Is due to the descendants of pioneers who brought this living Ion of the pas) Into action. We continued our trip through pines, which reminded us i the the was f it Irrigon Items Orange Held Saturday evening Bis. Success Pomona Grange nt Stiin- fichl Rents Farm Plate spriui such del vi uft surfaced i il In the stylin nil. I at . sspec 1 and all Hy plaids, at hal .1 Getting Ready for Pacific Trip e held on Sal in' usual a great sue ;e seventy tickets irangers m ednesday t i of ii poaxi i. a few days Mrs. C T s'k, return morning. Mr. and Mrs C. D. Albright ami children of Portland, motored up from Portland. Saturday, and returned on Monday. While here they stopped with the Maeomliers. Mr. Albright has a gain rented his place to the Olsons. Trades Farm Ijnds John .lenkins has traded tbt east five acres of his ranch, the road from the Eugene home, to Herman Montgomery, acres of unimproved land nt Springs. ' south- acn ss f 'iimin for m Coyote VISITATION COMMITTEE Mil!'. Visiting Ministers to be at ( oniinun ity Chiurh Thursday Supper in Evening The "Every Church Visitation Com mittee" will lie at the Community eliurch of Boardman on Thursday. March "tb. The regular meeting of the Ijidies Aid will Ik- held at Two o ( lock p. in. on that day instead of on Wdenesday. and the ladies will lie ad dresHed hy a missionary secretarv. This address Is certain to lie of inter est to all women of the community. 'At seven o'clock a "Pot Luck" sup per will lie served in the church, to which the men are invited. The hour! is plactsl at seven so that the men in the surrounding country can git the chores done and reach the church in W bile Le: I'.'OO Chicks Coining 1. Walter Knauff saPectS bfl a shipment of Ilmjo day old, horn chicks, from Corvallis Erecting .Modern Home Andrew Andri'gg Is ennding a large modern one story dwelling on the Dr. Donnelly piece. Blow Light "On" Now To "blow out" the light was a com mon expression in the duys of oil lamps and candles, but with the ad vent of h new electric fiiudilight, the expression "blow on" thu light will likely take bold. An Ingenious Inven tor has produced a turbine flashlight for pocket use that resembles a whis tle and as It has no battery to run down will last indefinitely. By blov ing through the mouthpiece, a tiny turblije l set going BB4 to producing V'V" I . I I ,r'' jVln -,11111,1 HI ' ' T r W The Grange 'bin day evening was iis (ess. Something i were sold. Members ,,( , he local I tored to Btanfleld on w take pint in the formation na 'Grange for ibis district Mis. ii. ('. Holland spent with her parents Mr. and Saling. the first of ttw w log to Portland Wi'dncsdav Mr. and Mrs. R. ;. Wnlpolo were guests of his parents here on Sunday. Returning to Yakima on 12 Monday. .Mr. .lolly who worked for Mr. Wriglll f I bout a year ago. has returned and is vyorking for Mr. Wright again for Hie time being. lie cvpeels to lease a small piece of ground and farm some for himself I his feason. Mr. JobnSon bus rent id the BUS place for the coming season and will move there soon. Mr. Iluv will leave to take call- of his other properties. Commons Refuses Increased Suffrage. London. The hill to put women on a political equality with men by grant ing them the vote at the age of 21, Instead ot tin- present age of ,')0, was killed In tho house of commons whon the house refused II second rftu'.ing by a vote of 22) against If,.'!. .hi t einpl must wool blanket eft are very populg i W hen the cOttt -on, as Uluairutcd, the art of good dressing is expressed In such stjlo-coii- ilK-inur (totalis as KCnerotlSl) large set eii MX I. els, adjustable collar, and deco nillve c ulls, utilizing the ctoih In novel basket Interweave 'I he "toiieh of color" w lib ti fashion believes so fully in these days Is sup pllsd by a gay lining, u printed scarf und, of course, a porky spring bonnet Inevitably crowns the ensemble, with succesB. Portland. P time for supper. Following" this there electricity which U carried to the bulb. Crew of u'l'nite: Slates navy mine sweeper "at rest" In ort, repairing their lines for more work at sea In the great Pacific maneuvers The nwee:ier re closely approach the "obi navy of lion men and wooden shins" Hum anv Ihclr's Is a hazardous service mid the brave lit lie craft. trilliiiL' la peace and in war, ret the brsl I ruined men Thov tuw no- uirgtria inr uie lailtlesMps of exploding shells. ni other branch .Wlh sudden ileal I Lumbermen to Km Seattle, Wash. i. Portland was elected president of the Wi siern Retail Li barmen's associa tion at the close i t the organization's twenty so, oiid am i:a! institute here. Portland was awn: ! ii. 1H26 mi "I Ing of the organ): ,n. A Mother's Faith "Tlieres Kuch ;, difference between a rather and ii mother, sir," said Rob, after fullering lor ;, nimnent. "II.. fCt that I was Ugh I knew he'd practice and often are drenched by the xpraj couldn't hardly belli going to do belter i try to bill a motbe lleves what's good, know my mother dm Charles Dickens. God at least bless her !'' BILL PROVIDES FOR MARKETING BOARD Washington, D. C. --Creation of the federal 0O-OparativS marketing board, ant of the principal recommenda,tlons of the president's agricultural confer ence, was proponed in the senate by Senator CapDST, republican, Kansas, Whild the Bonutfl and house agrleul ture commlltees both continued ex amlii.iiion ol niombers of the confer ence with a view to proposing other Il gislsiiofl to carry out lis findings. The Capper hill followed exhctly (he terms of the measure offered In (he house by Representative Haugen, republican, Iowa, chairman of the ugrl i all are committee of that chamber, which has the approval, in principle, of Chairman Carey of the president's i onforeiice. The measure was seal in the usu al eottfaa to the senate agriculture committee, wl'l-'h plans to continue its hearings this week and begin formulailou of a program next week. The numbers of the president's con femes appearing In lore both the sen .lie and house committee:; continued lo slre.;s the importance of broad ening the field of cooperative asso- Thought Killed in Mine Explosion. Sullivan, Ind. In an explosion of I that wrought the greatest mine isstor In thu history of the Indiana il fields, 51 nun were believed to VC beiu killed almost instuntly in I lie City Coal company outskirts of U4 mine on tho D