PAGE 4 THE BOARDMAN MIRROR FRIDAY JANUARY 23, 1925 SliOrl IJ LIT C- hot a seat on """X rr-.. V AHD y Ti-IE STOCK EXCHANGE J 0rrK f - hi5 wife -a? telling me ' well a-dtdy, ip he r f ' -J HE 'S ON MI'S FEET ALL DA"f PAID ALL THAT j ' AMD 15 DUA-D T.BED Evn?f lOHE FO? y AMERICA YET FREE AGENT, SAYS HUGHES Secretary Denies War Debt Settlement Imposed Obliga tions on United States. Boardman Utellem Edited by the Students of the Boardman High School FOURTH YEAR, 1924-1925 FRIDAY JANUARY 23, 1925 Ktt:m::::::::t:::r.:::::tt:t:::::::::::::u:n::m:::::::mjn:uu:mwta:t:! Ty Cobb, Jr., Plays Tennis it ? I'm Starting Now! Resolve right now at the begining of the New Year to save each week at least some small part of yjour income. It will prove the most profitable resolution you could make. That Sense Of Security Which comes with the realization that you have succeeded in saving something spurs you on to redouble your efforts toward mak ing financial progress. . ARLINGTON NATIONAL BANK ' f . i 1 i ,1 5 ! Ty Cobb, Jr., who plays pretty good iiiii -ciiiiii, baa forsaken that game for ennis Iml so far hasn't succeeded In that spurt as his dad did In hall. The Ron cil' tin' world's greatest haseball player is shown In a tournament In which he took part recently in Atlanta lie Vol beaten In his second match. Oldest Hank in Gilliam County ui:t:n::::t::::n:::::::i:j:nj?::::::jj:t:;:::u;t:::yt::t::::::::::::::t:::::5:mmt::::::::! The Ripper's Pointers The two stars In the side of the dipper," opposite to the handle, are called the '-pointers." hern.lse they point to the pole star, or Ncr'li star. Mental Riches and Poverty To be happy, the temperament roust be cheerful anil gay, Sot gloomy and melancholy. A propensity to hope and Joy, Is real riches; one to fear and sorrow, Is real poverty.- 'Hume, On the Witness Stand. "Were you there when the blow was .struck?" "No, sir." "Did you " "No, sir." "Walt until I nsk the question be fore you deny It," said the lawyer. The Only Right Thing. The Speediest motorist bad run over a pedestrian and was anxious to atone as far as possible. "I'll do what's right." he assured him. "Well, let's taste It, then," replied the man in the middle of the road. mm v 7t A Is broadcasting to all the Worid this season 4 4 Come! We nro better orui.uvd than over to entertuln you and make your visit a wonderful experience. " If you have never ie B to California it should be the efloit of your life to go. When you are rendy to plan the trip let the Union Pacific help. ScnJ word to th mul-is : 1 by phone, or until or i-wh. 1 will t'vo ytui th benefit Ot my personal k i. . .- av txpn Lttv e, oi I will sttffHl you th moat helpful printed netxr tn fee h..a. i know every rout. c i tttiirt, every V ml q t quipm nt ami the eisut ct. I irill erure. youTilei'ing car m-conum latum, provide you will nit outltnr of your trip, and dcMvtr your t cketi. Younri itot Ichvc ytKir home or yvur othve to attend to bot 1. 1 sl.i detail. 1 liiv th s. .f thrre it, unit it utiall be JTOUrl the numw-ut 1 know you desire it. It. s. n wis. Agent, lloardimtn, Oregon Seeing Ourselves By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK Dean of Men, Univcriity of Illinois. Violin i: Flat Ssxsphsne Drums Fifth Piece t Saxaplione I'iHIlO Columbia Herenaders 4 or Five Piece Combination Orchestra Cpen For Engagements Anywhere Kates Reasonable Phone oi' Write For Dale, t all or Address lill I. I INHOFF. Is gfS Arlington. Oregon TIIK Overmans and the Whites near neighbors and friends of ours, has spent their summer vacations at the fMUnS village on the Maine coast. They bad not known each other very inti mately het'ore going off together, bat the place where they were staying was small and they came hack each with n more doliuite opinion of the other than he had hefore. There Is nothing like the associations of a vacation to show up the vagaries mid weaknesses of an Individual. ' Mrs. Overman, called on us soon after her return. We have known her a long time and are used to receiving her confidences, "Did you have n good vacation?" 1 asked. It's it conventional question, but how else should one begin? "Yes," she answered; "but don't you think the Whites are queer?" "How so?" I Inquired "Well, he seems so selfish and over bearing with her, and she to he really plain about It Is tight Just mean, stingy tight. He's In rags, and she hasn't a decent dress to her name, and It Isn't because they are poor. She's toe close to spend the money." Il tntereSteti me. I had suspected that the Whiles wore frugal, and now my opinion was continued. A few days later Mrs. White dropped In. "Wasn't It queer about the Over man-;'.' she ventured during our con versation. "They didn't get their meals at the hotel at all this summer. She did the cooking for the family :n their little cottage, and she kept his nose on the grindstone all summer helping her with the work. I know If It had been Kred he would have protested. She lias htm horribly ben peeked, and the way she hangs onto money is a fright." I said nothing. It MUM red to m?. however, that I had heard It said by those wjio have bail something to do with the underworld that thieves are the most likely to ficvuso others of stealing. tvsS. I Mi, W.nt.m N.wiwir Union.) Mid year examinations are over and tlje new semester began on Mon day January 19th. The first period of Washington, D. C. . Secretary tne new term wag uged hy Supt j 0 Hughes issued Monday a formal state- Rusgel, t0 eXplaln the new schedule ment asserting that the agreement of clasg work and otner matter8 per. reached in Paris at the conference of tuining t0 c0Hege entrance require the allied finance ministers imposed mentSi grades, home study etc. It ap no ohligation,"iegally or morally," on pears rom thls taUs that students the United States and that this coun- havo al)out 4 holJrs an'd 50 minutes ol try remains as free from commitments ! nctuai gtluiy time between 9 o'clock in European matters as it ever was. jund 45 m. Any nuoil carrying 4 The statement said the full text of ; stutlies should put in not less than 5 tin agreement sighed by Ambassador . hours and twenty minutes daily, and ; llugg and the other American repre- j jt appears evident that several stu sentatives would be made public as dents should spend not less than 0 soon as it was received here. , hours of real eonsciencious study to Mr. Hughes' statement was said by make good In the four classes. Home While House officials to have the full study, .then should be a part of every approval of President Coolidge, who high school students daily program, ii was said had been fully advised of Such regular habits will do much to all angles of the controversy. nslse the standard cf our school as The resolution asking for a copy well as be of inestimable value to the of the agreement, proposed by Senator student all his coming .lays. Johnson, republican, California, Is pending in the senate with the ap- Miss Swift 1 teaching the class in proval of others of the irreconcilable Physiology and Hygeine with ten stu veterana of the Versailles treaty fight, dents enrolled Miss Jensen is continu Prom these and other quarters the ing the work i f the teacher of Caesar., suite department has heard charges Six students are doing typewriting un- that the I'aris agreement signed by der the supervision of Mr. Russell.1 Ambassador Kellogg, the secretary of Two pupils are doing piano under the State designate, had drawn the United tutllage of Mrs. Russell. They are States officially into, an involvement following Uie regular music course against which it had been guarding it- for Oregon high school credit, self ever since the close of the war. . Big Vaudeville Coming One of the big events of the school year is the coming High School Vaude ville performance. This evening of entertainment is set for Friday Feb ruary 0, at the high school auditorium. See what the big program is to band those who will be fortunate enough to be present. Around the Oypsy Fire Vocal Trio, Tamborine, Dancers, Witch, Old Man and JTwo Gypsy Lovers. Pipp & Pepp Spanish Dance Senior and Senorn Vocal Stunts in costume Two in one1 Makes Longest Ski Jump COMMISSION GIVES LIVESTOCK AID PLAN Washington, D. C. Assistance for the livestock industry through exist ing financial agencies and through a new land policy to grant grazing on unappropriated public domain were recommended Wednesday to President -nnrir Town Tnk-es Gunnar Michelson of New Hamp shire, true son of Thor, made the long est jump in the ski contest of the an aual Intercollegiate competition for the Marshal Foch trophy, at the Lake I'lacid club In Essex county, New fork. He cleared SO feet but ranked second on points. Michelson is a stu lent at the University of New Hampshire. REVEREND LONERGAN I Coolidge by his agricultural commis sion in a preliminary report. A later report will deal with possi ble additional relief through revision of transportation charges and a pro tective tariff. The committee said it wished to emphasize now that "the welfare of agriculture also demands an early and thorough revision of the freight rate structure." Declaring existing agehcies can han dle the livestock financing situation, the commission declared the federal Intermediate credit banks "should as sume the full responsibility by ag gressively and sympathetically under- Monologue Stunts Ventriloquist Scotch Ditties Oriental Dance Spiele Curt Panomine of thee Educated Tramp Six Nimble Laddies Monseur Linquist Harry Alpheona Cohac Slggrg My Country, 'tis Lady Beautiful It Is plain to see that the above pro gram will for surpass anything ever nt tempted by any preceedlng student body of our local schools. Daily prac tice is now in progress. The admission prices are put-within the reach of all taking to cover the field and thus sup- Adults onv 35(? chlldren 25c. Come port and supplement the normal fi nancing of livestock paper." The only legislation suggested was amendment of the agricultural credits acts to eliminate the provision that prohibits rediscounting by federal in termediate credit banks of loans nego tiated by federally chartered agricul tural credit agencies. one. come all ! HOOVER DECLINES TO SHIFT ot Seventh-Eight Grades The first of the four contests to be ! held this semester was held on Wed nesday. Those who receive a grade of 90 or more will have their name and grade published after each contest. Those receiving honorable mention in this first contest were; Seventh grade: Wanda Gllbreth 98: Mildred Beck 90; Borden Beck 92: Eighth grade : Kenneth Boardman. 100; Helen Boardman 100; Lillian Brice 98; Ivye Olson 98; Mildred Mess eager 90 1 and Buster Rands 94. Prefers Present Position as Head Commerce Department. Washington, D. C. Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover has de clined a suggestion of the president that he transfer from his present post to be secretary of agriculture after Afarch 4, he announced. "I appreciate deeply the confidence the president has shown In me," Hoov er said, "but I have told him that I believed It would be to the best inter ests for me to decide against the sug gestion, which 1 nave aone. Main street of our citv would invite II v. ....Ii., . , , . iiuuvi i ?aiu rai. v ouuuse uiuuKiu prosperity 10 the present need of the department Main street of Boardman should be paved and sidwalked. (A two paragraph argument for. tho affirmative, by Howard Packard in 1 bo final examinations. 1 Mr. Chairman and friends. We be lieve that the improvement of the of agriculture was for an adtnlnistra- to invest tllelr m , tion in which emphasis should be giv en the solution of farmers' marketing problems ami that, therefore, the pres ident had asked him to become secre tary of that department. 1 Is added, however, that fie believed he could serve far more, to more ef fect, by attempting the solution of problems affecting the whole distribu tion system of the country, industrial and commercial, aa well as agricultur al, as he now is doing as the head of the department of commerce. Rev. Joe Lonergan of Illinois, elect ed chaplain of the American Legion at the annual convention in St. Paul. Newton Painless Dentists DR. H. A. NEWTON, MGR. 4 Cor. Main and Webb Sts. Pendleton of ANNOUNCING The association of Dr. W. M. Kelly Spokane. Washington with Dr. F. V. Prime Hermlaton, Oregon Dentistry, Dental X-Ray and Diagnosis tveniugs and Sundays by appointment S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Office In Court House HEPPNER - OREGON Canon Bliss of Seattle Diet. New York.- Canon William H. Bliss of Seattle died at St. Louis hospital ( of heart disease. Canon Bliss, who was 4!t, was stricken returning from broad in December. He was taken from the Leviathan December 21 to the hospital. Canon Bliss, one of the best known. Episcopal clergymen in the country, went abroad to serve as unofficial representative of the Uni ted States at the international con ference on opium at Geneva. Trotiky Is Ousted by Soviet Council. Moscow Leon Trotiky was reliev ed of his duties as chairman of the revolutionary war council by the cen tral executive committee of the com munist party. The communHt party is th most powerful political body Is Bessi.i our town because busi ness men and speculators are going a prosperous and growing community, a booming: town, if you please. Would not such an Improvement give Boardman a pro gressive look? Most farseeing people believe in public Improvements. Why was the Cumberlln Road built? Wty does Port land, Oregon, and other progressive cities and towns pave their streets? It is because the inhabitants of these towns tool that it Is necessary if pro gress is made for the betterment of such communities. We should feel that Smcli an improvement is necessary for the advancement of our town, .too. Is it not also a matter of civic nrtde to! iSTe needed changes made? Come on ' Folks, let's put it over. The high school student body held a meeting on Wednesday morning to nominate officers for the second sem ester. Election will take place at on Friday the 23rd. The following nominations were made. President. P.laneheIniug. and Earl Olson; Vice President. Howard Packard and Fran cis Gilbreth: Secretary. Mildred Dun- i. can : Treasurer. Katherine Brown : Editor-in-chief. Weldon Avers, Assist ant editor, Helen Chaffee: Atliletic Manager. Elmo Russell ; Yell leader. Francis Gilbreth. Thyra Rock and Ma lic Messenger: Sargeant at Arms. Ed ward Klares. Norman Bailev Hecrnr Wieklander. Erma Broyles, Arthur Time Inspector O-W. R. R. N. Co. Halley. 726 Main St. I', Mill, too llr, ..,, A. H. SWITZER ATTORNEY AT LAW Arlington, Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-VT-LAW HEPPNER. OREGON HERB GREEN Watchmaker and Jeweler Diamonds. Watches. Clocks. Silverware