The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, January 16, 1925, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Brief Resume of Happenings of
the Week Collected for
Our Readers.
The Brownsville woolen mill is now
employing several shift:! of men and
the machines are runnin;; d;iy and
George M. Geisendorfer has been
recommended by Representative Haw
ley for appointment as postmaster at
About 211) men are employed on the
government dam under construction
on McKay creek, seven miles south ot
Purchase of a hook-and iaddr truck
for the McMinnville lire department
has been put in I he bauds
mlttee for action.
with the warrants all paid
ey left in practical! y 'every fu
county, Linn county closed 1824 with
a balance of f 14:t,7iil.l8.
A total of 4S1.127 tons were bandied
in the port terminals of Astoria dur
ing the lust year, according to data
prepared by port authorities.
Steps have been taken lor the rn :i
tlon of a new school district with
Westfir, the new su a mill town two
miles east of Oakridge, at the ct
The Northwestern Soclotj of High
Way Bufinears held lis arVpual mi
in Portland Saturday, with more than
200 members of the organization in
A special meeting of Oregon dairy
men and representatives ot allied In
dustries called td consider pro)
legislation was postponed to Mond
January Hi.
Nearly 1000 more homes v. re l it eel
c-d in Portland in 1(124 Hum in '
and the value wits 14,004,125 groal I
than the year before, Homes en c 1
numbered :i!l7.
The compilation of gross postal i"
celptB of the Medfonl poStQffioi
ftOlJKI for the your, shows ;;u ncr
of more than 11 per cent OVtr ,"i
receipts In 11)21!.
The condition or V. ,T. Kerr, presl
dent of Oregon Agrieull oral oellege,
who hus been seriously 111 for sour
time, Is reported by attending physi
elans to bu l::iproved.
Richard II. Thornton, ft, one ot til'
state's ablest lawyers and found! ah !
first denn of the University ot Ore 1
gon law scftool, died at Qood Bemarl
tan hospital In Port land.
Dr. W. J. Spillimin, ebtot of 1 1 . l i
reau of fiirm inaaagement, feci in i ,:
partment of agriculture, l.i on a iri
through the Pacific Qofthwes! risl In
the agricultural cell. .
All travel over the Columbia high
wuy between Hood Hiver and Tin
Dalles was block, d by a 160-foi
slide which occurred at the tu
about a mile west of I
C. 8. Fletcher, who for five years
has been county tgrli uio"..l . .,
Moscow, Idaho, has be u . i,,
a similar iiosltlon In Lane counij and
will assume his duties Pebruar I
J. M. Devers, ufunny I'm- the Statt
highway department, h, ; l . '-.
ouested to prayarc a bin for
tlon to the legislature providing (of u
tax on cigarettes sold In this ItS e
Rolo Drain died at the i:.i n. ho
pital as a result of burns suffered
when a davi-nport upon whi. h he w
sleeping several weeks at;o i a-h
fire. He was badly burned on his arm
and body.
George lllnkle and t'llnton IJrambt i
of Butherlln are in the Ites. a lies
pital suffering from btjurisi sustained
when a trie fell across their . i ,vl
they were driving on the Calapoois
road east of Suthcrlin.
Ooasoiidatloa ol -' Individual rend I
districts In Wasco county Into five
large districts for the purpose of ruak-i
In; more money available fer a nil
road purposes, was announced by
County Judge Adklsson.
J. K. Culllson and K. P
Pi rtland have received u
from the Klamath county
cruise 75.000 acres of white ple.e tlm
ber land In Klamath county. They
will receive 10 BSBtS I Utt i
Miss Kathleen Milts, defeated can
didate for the office of county treas
urer of Tillamook eountj at 'the tail
election, succeeded herself as the re
suit of refusal of County Tr usurer
elect Bryan to leeept the office.'
Lake county Is clenrlnu the tax rolls
of delinquent taxpayers by a foreclos
ure suit Involving more than 4000 do
fendants. representing property own
era of the county whose lairs Io n.
boon unpaid for the last two rears.
The residence of W, A. lUnlmnho'wer
on Grand Island, about ten miles
of Dayton, upset and caused damage
estimated at between- $.
The bouse was buiH oq piles about alx
fee't In the afr tn put lt above high
water danger. The was
thought to have been caused by I set
tlement of the underpinning on on
side followlug the rt, nt tnavy frcexo
Kdanr of
e0. tract
court to
Herbert Chandler of Baker won first
pi ize on a carload of registered Here
ford ran:-. I alls at the Ogden livestock
show at Ogden, Utah. In addition to
i he carload prize Chandler's Herefords
won all other prizes In the Hereford
Two hundred and fifty employes of
the- city water bureau of Portland will
have to pay $50,000 in back taxes to
the government because of a decision
that employes of a public utility, city
owned, must pay taxes as employes of
every other utility.
Although light snows continue to
fall throughout the Haines valley and
fool hill district adjoining, there is
not sufficient snow to assure crops in
the irrigated sections, where snows
are depended upon for water through
out the growing season.
The state fair board, at its annual
ting in Salem Monday, consider
. (be advisability of holding a mid
winter poultry show at the state fair
grounds. In event the show is author
Izi d it probably would be held in
January, starting in 1926.
Murdered In his cabin home behind
a church in liend, the charred body of
Aleck Rbucheki a citizen of Poland,
was found by firemen. After killing
Rouchek; who was struck on the head;
with an ax as he entered his home,,
the slayer fired the house.
It Is believed that the board of en-j
i rs wlH i r on make a favorable re
"a the project to Improve Tilla j
bay. The report has been ap
d by i lie board of engineers and:
Is now In the hars of the chief of
engineers for his judgment.
Homer C. Parrett of Newberg, son
Of Sam L, Parrett, president of the
United States National bank of New
was appointed county treasurer
by the Yamhill county court. C. E.I
Dukenfleldi elected In November over
Mrs. Nellie Dodson, resigned.
ilie rivers und harbors bill as re
porti d to the house carries provision
lirveys Of both Coos bay and the
Dmpqua river with a view to their
ti;t!ir Improvement. The Coos bay
project calls for a 25-foot channel and
the l'mpiua for a 22-foot channel.
The curve" in the Eugene-Cob'urg
highway where Charles Adler, Port
land l raveling salesman, was drowned
a short lime ago when he drove his
automobile into overflow waters of
the Willamette river. Is being straight
ened to eliminate danger of similar
accidents In the future.
Approximately 40,000 sheep, mostly
ewes and feeder lambs, are being fat
teaed and wintered on hay grown in
the Deschutes country. In former
DO) more than a few thousand
lo ad were wintered In this section. A
considerable number of the sheep were
brought (rOU Lake county.
I he Hood River county court having
i l e ,, tb expenditure of approxi
mately $.15,000 In the purchase of a
a ii.ilde trad of land for n permnnent
Experimental tract, the Oregon legis
bit ure will be asked to make appropri
ation for maintenance of the Hood
River branch experiment station.
Because at unsatisfactory conditions
o axial tn the wheat-Growing dls
i s of eastern Oregon, Governor
Pierce may go before the legislature'
and urge an appropriation with which
to purchase seed for those farmers
sboa crops have been destroyed as a
ie ait of the late Intense cold weather.
A new railroad story comes from I
Curry county to the effect that the
Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul rail
road proposes to build down the Ore
e n coast from Seaside to California
ami theme on to San Francisco, prob
ally to attach to the Northwestern Pa
mi, ,,t i,s northern terminus at Ku
One hundred and nineteen mills re
porting to the West Coast Lumber
nu n's association for the week ending
January 3, manufactured M.MMU
feet of lumber; sold 60,150.684 feet;
and snipped 77.449.192 feet. New busl
was u per cent above production
Shtpmi nis were 2!i per cent above new
W Ham P. Downing, a prominent
I - in in the development of Bend for
the just 23 years, and the owner ol
l there, was shot through the
head in the room of Mrs. Kthel Nor
ton, an sx-employa. Death was the
result of a bullet fired by Downing'
own hand, according to the story told
by Mrs. Norton.
At a meeting of the raw products!
committee of the Koseburg chamber ot
commerce, steps were taken to deter- j
mlna the amount of damage done te
i he broccoli crop by the recent extreme
cold weather. The crop was badly
hurt, according to all Indications, and
be chamber of commerce Is taking up
sritfe agricultural experts the matter ol
t acting crorV that will take the plac
of broccoli.
Neither the secretary of state noi
any Other official has any right tc ;
set aside or extend the time tor en
lorcement of the laws In this state
1'b.i was announced by Sam A. Kozer
,-rvt ry of state, following receipt o
reports that In some parts ot Oregot
vio'or vehicle owners apparently wen
of the opinion that they were exemp
from placing 1925 license phues Ol
their ours until February 1.
Bible Thoughts (or
the Week
He That Loveth Silver Shall
not be satisfied with silver; nor
he that loveth abundance with
Increase: this Is also vanity.
When goods increase, they are
Increased that eat them : and
what good is there to the own
ers thereof, saving the behold
ing of them with their eyes?
Kocles. 0:10, 11.
A New Commandment I give
unto yon. That ye love one an
other: as I have loved you, that
ye ulso love one another. By
this shall all men know that ye
are My disciples, if ye have love
one to another. John 13:34, 35.
Peace I Leave Unto You, My
peace I give unto you: not as
the fVorld glveth, give I unto
you. Let not your heart be
doubled, neither let It be afraid.
John 14:27.
Fear Thou Not; for 1 am with
thee; be not dismayed,; for I am
thy Cod: 1 will strengthen thee;
yea, 1 will help thee, yea, I will
uphold thee with the right hand
of my righteousness. Isa. 41:10.
Love Not the World, neither the
things that arc In the world. If
any man love the world, the
love of the Father is not in him.
I John 2:15.
A Man That Hath Friends
must show himself friendly: and
there Is a friend that stieketh
closer than a brother.. Prov.
They That Wait ujwn the
Lord shall renew their Strength;
they shall mount up with wings
as eagles; they 'shall run, and
not be weary; and they shall
walk, and not faint. Isa. 40:31.
Are Invited
To Visit Our
Washington, d. c. opposition tr
artificial stimulation of co-operative
marketing associations by government
aid was. voiced in resolutions adopted
by National Council of Farmers' Co
operative Marketing associations.
The council went on record ns op
posing any special favoritism or sub
sidy, and declared it had nothing to
ask from the government "except a
sympathetic, understanding adtninis
tration of the laws and regulations al
ready In force for supervision of co
operative organizations."
Deep appreciation was expressed of
the "sympathetic and intelligent sup
port of President Coolidge, Secretarie: j
(or. and Hoover and of friends In
congress and the thirty-five state leg
Islatures that have enacted the stand
ard co-operative marketing law."
Jonathan M. Davis, governor of
Kansas, who retired Monday under a
cloud, his son having been accused of
selling paroles.
Washington, D. C. President Cool
j'idge is opposed to the proposal to
elevate the guns on 13 American
battleships, Secretary of the Navy Wil
bur informed the house naval affairs
Wilbur said the proposed alteration,
costing $6,500,000, would restore the
navy to the 5-5-3 rptio of the Washing
ton arms treaty. He informed the
committee, however, - that the presi
dent, after due deliberation, had de
cided the expenditure was in "conflict
with hi3 financial program."
Great Britain is the only world pow
er that has made an official protest
against the elevation of guns, it was
revealed by the state department in
response to congressional demands for
Information on the subject. The pro
test was made In 1923, when the sub
ject was first brought forward.
Japan did not consider that gun ele
vation was a violation of the treaty,
the letter said.
President Coolidge's position against
elevation of the big guns of the Amer
ican battleships was supported by
Chairman Borah of the senate foreign 1
relations committee, who said in a
statement it was better to waive ad
vantage technically given by the arms
treaty than to give justification for;
violation of the treaty by others.
We have one of the best equipped plants to be
found anywhere for the production of good
printing products
Stationery And Office Supplies
We Carry in Stock
Such Items as
Carl on Paper
Typev liter-Papers
S cond Sheets
Stamp pads
Card Boards, Etc
And are Direct Re
presentatiivs of the
Best Manufactures of
Sales Books & Rubber
In Many Other Lines
We can Secure for
You Office Supplies
and Equipment More
Satisfactorily Than
You can Order From
Jobbers or Salesmen
And Many times can
Save You Money.
Currey Printing Co
Publishers Arlington Bulletin and Boardman Mirror
Masonic Bldg. Arlington, Oregon
Moser Rules Senate and Burdick Will
Preside In House.
Salem, 'Or.- -The thirty-third session
of the Oregon legislature was organiz
ed here Monday with Senator Ous C
Moser of Multnomah county as presl
dent of the senate and Representative
Denton G. Burdick of Deschutes coun
ty as speaker of the house. Neither
had opposition.
Senator Jay K, Upton of Bend, win
was president of the senate at the
thiriy second session, was named at
a caucus Sunday night to call tin
senate to order. Ordinarily this duty
falls to the oldest member in point ol:
service, but this was Senator Moser,
who Is to be president, so Upton was
W. V. Drager, veteran clerk of tht!
house, called that body to order.
The executive in his message em
phaslzed taxation, irrigation and roads
as the most Important legislation tc'
come before the session.
The arbitration treaty between the
United States and Sweden, signed
June 4, 1924, was ratified by the sen
ate. The California legislature adopted
the resolution ratifying the child
labor amendment to the federal con
stitution. The Chicago attorneys who saved
Nathan Leopold Jr. and Richard Loeb
from the gallows for the murder ol
14-year-old Robert Franks will re
ceive $130,000 for their work.
A resolution opposing ratification
by the state legislature of the child
labor amendment to the federal constl
tution was adopted by the Association
of County Commissioners of Idaho.
Industries engaged in the produc
tion of logs and other timber pro
ducts had an output in 1923 valued at
1, 494, 259,321, according to a biennial
census report by the commerce depart
ment. The figure is an increase ol
65.6 per cent over 1921.
The design of the ox team and covered wagon symbolizes
the spirit of the old west.
It typifies vision, endurance, hope, suffering and final ac
complishment. Over the Old Oregon Trail from the Missouri river the cov
ered wagons came and won an empire for the United States. I
The design is the work of Avard Fairbanks of the University
of Oregon.
Klan Ousted by Kansas High Court
Topeka, Kas. -The Ku Klux Klan
was ousted from the state of Kansas
by the state supreme court. The court
issued the ouster order In its ruling
on the state suit to drive the klan
out ot Kansas brought three years age
by Attorney-General R. J. Hopkins
The decision was based on the point
that purchase of lodge paraphernalia
and supplies without a charter is il
legal in Kansas. The ruling means
that scores of lodges which have been
doing business in the state without a
charter will be compelled to cease
until they obtain state sanction.
Pv "-'-g tht. the average per-;
son oi. ..i- il.i .r l.fe more sue
fttt A good time to start is dur
lug tlirlft week. January 17-2S, when
campaign of education featuring 1
thrift fundamentals will be put on by
the Oregon Hankers' association and
the Y M. C. A., co-operating with 4S
Other national and local organizations. ,
The plan is based on ! I II Frank
lin's ideas.
Making a family or personal budget '
is perhaps the most Important thing '
to do; then record your expend it Urea,
The value of owning home, m ining
a will, investing In safe secure h
paying bills promptly, sharing with
others, working and earj'ns. having
a hank account and of carrying life
Insurance will be stressed taring the
Gov. Pierce Removes Ross Formally
Salem. Or. - Dr. Thomas W. Ross ol
Portland Saturday was ousted formal
ly as a member of the state fish com
mission by Governor Pierce. John C
eatch. Portland attorney, was ap
pointed to succeed Dr. Ross. Formal
removal of Dr. Ross was the culmina
tlon of a hearing held here three
wnks rtfco when Governor Pierc
charged the retiring official with ex
Idaho Picks Electoral Vote Messenger
Boise. Idaho. At a meeting of th
republican presidential electort ol
Idaho in the office of Governor Moore
A. J. Kent of Bonners Ferry wai
selected to convey the vote ot th
state to Washington. D. C. to thi
electoral college.
I'm Starting Now!
Resolve right now at the begining of the
New Year to save each week at least some
small part of your income. It will prove the
most prof i cable resolution you could make.
That Sense Of Security
Which comes with the realization that you
have succeeded in saving something spurs
you on to redouble your efforts tow ard mak
ing financial progress.
Oldest Bank in Gilliam County