PAGE 4 THE BOARDMAN MIRROR FRIDAY JANUARY 9, 1825 Notice for Publication Department of the interior, r. s. Land Office 1 The Dalles, Oregon, December -i. 1084, Notice is hereby given that Charles Av. Beneftel, of rrfgon, Oregon, who, on November 20, T019, made Home stead Entry. No, 021016, for l 'nit "A" in the 8E14, Section -, Township 5 North, Range 20 Bast, Willamette Meridian, I, us flic ! notice of Intention to make final thre establish claim I" l! cribed, before ('. i stales Oommlsslone Oregon, on the 3rd day of February, 1926. Claimant names as witnesses: M. i l . Caldwell, .J. T. Bullard, T. C. Fred-, tickson, H, Smith all of Irrigon, Ore., J. W. Donnelly, Register. year 1'roof, ( land above des Blayden, I'nlt l at Boardmnn, Such a Question! Mrs. Mull ahy An' why did yez keep Mickey In after school? Teacher I naked him who George Washington was and he only stood and looked at me. Mrs. Muleaby It'l dmnfounded the poor b y was at yer ignorance, likely. OFFICIAL DESIGN ,OF THE OLD OREGON TRAIL ASSOCIATION X St, ' i ? . M 4 jfSSSp V. V. '1 bis -fe-m III 'JpiS VV (,V fM ft., ilfiJI The design of the ox team and covered wagon symbolizes the spirit of Hie old west. It typifies vision, endurance, hope, suffering and final ac complishfiient. Over the Old Oregon Trail from the Missouri river the cov ered wagons i atne and won an empire for the United States, t The design is the work of Avard Fairbanks of the University of Oregon. I miry Manufacturing January 531 Dairy Herd Management .In n nary .1 to March 20 FouWIi Annual ('miner's School February - 20, Poultry Husbandry February - to March 1 1 Land Classification & Appraisal lY'amiry 2-7 farm Mechanics i i farm Power ami Power ESqulpmi nl, .lanuary 0 to .March 111. II tla- Bngtnea, Tractors, and EqulpMient, January to to ua ill. General Farm Repair, January 30 to 80 IV. Farm Water Supply and Sanitation, Feb. U to II. v Gas and Electric Light and Power, Feb. 1) to 13. v i Farm ioncrete Construe tten, February 18-20 For full Information address Dean f Agriculture, Oorvallls, Oregon, . iWttiMammttmmmrmttmnmimtmmmmmtmniiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IT Is broad.c.isting to nil the World this season "Come! We arc tiattar prepared than a ver M aatertaln you and maka your visit a w imlvrful aapar!anca.n If you hvr nrvcr h ant I CaUrarala H houUI he tbe SSrart Of yow nfetesja When you are ready to pluu the krtp let the Unfits Facsfic hrln. Sci word to the untn signed by phone, or mail tir rail. 1 wfllive fOM thbmht of my vcrim kiv,wlvre nd ptril 1 wi.i ignrliou ch moit hiy. frlncl matt cr to bo li w. knr r?n) t.-utr-trm, every kind ( csju.i'im ut miui the emact cxt. I w.i avi-urw votir tleei tng ctf n rmmo4tkMi provide vnu will, mi mitllne .f vnur c ip mid hver your t cketi. t-un. J ttot Imve yn t Iu.ttu .1 v t .nve to attend to bot'i itu'.. detalte, I hvr the tx-t th tl tt, aikl it hall be yourt the rtkMiunt 1 know u dciire it. . k. ici m kiii km-:, itfsr AIM INQTON, OKKIi.'N Candler Loves Horses rTHE IOCTo M T j WHAT 3X3 TOU T OH ,T A W0N TO BATHE BUPD-T'S rfCS BAVE ETES SS- 1" j Jl r lyop y'w - W saV ( would-make w v s-" r I: frm nv HA ) ' g" waawBi LIP s L wv S' - t" :' MiMiKMHMMaaaaMiaaaaaa - 'J VSK -4 AS f :h Waiter Candler, sen of Asa O. Cund ler, iiie Atlanta (Oo.J tnlltlonalr, who i-- striving in develop the finest racing si able in tin- .Smith, has Just added 19 racing horses to Ills stable near De catur. Oa bringing the total of rnclng horsi s up to 60, Although many times a millionaire, Mr. Candler Is a con tinued lover nf horses. In the photo L'rnph is shown Mr. Candler driving "Bogalousa," one of his fine racing horses, on hta own track at Decatur. Boardman Utellem '. 1 Y out Conversation M""!""!!"' "SALARY" t 'I bc i nly thing which relieves I J. the blues which most of us feel T at the Brsl 'if the month Is the I "salary" check, which just " about i overs our bills. "Salary" is derived from tin? "salarlutn," 'J or salt money, which formerly .. was a definite part of the money JJ received by soldiers In the ar mies id' Imperial Rome. Kven tually Ibe word cume to mean the entire pay received. Salt was originally enough of a lux ury to Justify u designated sum I for Its purchase In each pay en t v el ope, Edited by the Students of the Boardman High School FOURTH YEAR, 1924-1925 FRIDAY JANUARY 9, 195 w:mutKttnsninnt:tttnmtwnKtummmmtttttnttuttntHittitniitiii "Sck-ncc pin-, t'lii-m I'mctit-t'" ORBQOM AQR1CUL1 Hit A I. COLLEQG WINTKK SHORT COURSES Klfvcn ('ourn" With Nam4M Hmi lijtlrs An Kt'llown: f-H-W- i-H-i-l-l-f-H-l-I-l-H-H-H-: MiCKIE SAYS nWERE'S SUOA ftTVWUG M BE1W1 tOO KAUCH OF GOOD FELLER AK.OUWP MEVJSPAPER OPFICB 1 f we. gwe MUM ooa er-NSE, VJMERE RE VJE GOIV41 "PO GX nV' KAOMEM TO PAM OUR. GALL1? FOtK9 DOWT TWIWVi OF WiXt VJVIEM THEM ACT GRIEVED BECUXi WE A'iK CASH PER OORv 'SPACE joXkiua Editors Understand. Two persons were tried the same daj bj the same judge in a municipal COUli In Boston, according to the press, Due of them was found guilty and lined tor sounding his horn and the other for nut sounding It. We an derstand this experience. The Baf list. FITTED FOR THE SPORT SB-Si. Sen l'ad, I've been put on the nine! Dad - Von re not StTWSgi son; are you titled for ieeb sport V Son I'll, I'm being fitted to u regu lar baseball suit now ! Cigars and Statesmen. CJrmt men In duy one by would plan with KiuokK to r aetata their olaTsSS I nop that Uny were better thn Otfara ttntl baarlhalr boaorad names m r j Everything . thin. "Spir ,V Span iisil with the hitet vi mip os. Hair Tonics, lotions. Kir. EXCTRIC MA8SAGES V r Men and Women I ad'.es Itohs Children i'uts Beardsley's Barber Shop llalhs In Couiiection More Practical. . The Convalescent--Did yon have my brouu suit cleaned and pressed while I was in the hospital? His Wife - No. 1 had your black Uit Based up. 1 thought that SIHjl be better in case anything should hap lieu. Judge. The manual training boys did one fine piece of work before the holidays, rite Christmas spirit made a strong lemand for toys and that gave Mr. Griggs tin idea., Why not the boys uake enough for nil'.' To make a long story short, let us state in simple word iliat the desire of almost the whole of the grade school was met, and not a few of the high school boys shared In the fine assortment of well con structed toys. After the holidays the high school hawing class will specialize in trac ing and blue printing. .Mr. (iriggs spent the Christmas in i'aklma ; Miss Bears went to Bend, Mis. Deggendorfer to Idnbo and the esl of die faculty went to Willamette alley points, Supt. J. O. Russell was a delegate from Morrow County to the State feathers' Association and was In at tendance tit Portland the last three days in December. Mrs. Russell and Klmo accompanied him on the trip. The big I'hiistmas program at the school was a success as It should be, many nice gifts were received by every pupil pres nt. Hurrah for Santa Clans I'.nsket ball Is the chief Item for (iiaCUSalon since the opening of school Tannery ". At a recent meeting of the hoys. Klmo Russell was elected as captain f r 1020 season and Edward UcCellan business manager. The boys are looking forward to a successful season. The Boerdmas girls nee lining up for a series of games too. Thyra M. Beck is the newly elected captain and Violet Qllbrcth the manager. The girls are getting out to regular pract ices and It appears thai there will be close competition for plnces on the ! first team. ; Thyra Rock and Kdna Reinhart were al sent from school all dny Wednes day. We wonder why? Ituenill Mefford has returned to school after a slight illness. The freshman class furnished most of the news for this issue of TTellem' (iood work for the Kreshmen. The noon hour has been lengthened to one hour since .lanuary This will give more lime for the basket- Ihellteama to practice,. All get out and help the teams get the real kind of practice. The walls if the high school session room were given a Bjen coating of tint ing The color Is a light tan with a cream color for celling. Midje.i.- final examinations will be gin Wednesday morning nf nine o' clock sharp. Hurry with those re views. The Phyntce Class has completed work for the first semester except ;i little reviewing and the flSrSj exam. The high school girls played an ex citing game of basket ball on Wednes day afternoon. They play at lone on the 9th. Mis Irene Jensen of Wniia Wai la and a graduate of -Oregon Agri cultural college Is to take up the work of Mi',i Ueggendorfer in tb school. We a tv glad to welcome you Miss Jensen, into our school and In to our community. plan, and soon became obedient. Now some people think tha the teachers duty is simply to teach the children what Is in the books. This Isn't so. School life helps to mold a chttda character. In order to Influ ence the children In the right way a teacher has to gain their trust and love. To do this the teacher must be neither too strict nor too lenient. I want to tell you about an amus :ug incident. There was a small boy .n the fir9t grade who was under weight. 1 asked him If he drank milk, tie said, "No" whem asked if they had cows, he answered, "yes, we have five iQt there wouldn't be enough for the pigs if I drank any." One day I told the fifth grade Eng lish class to write a fifty word theme. Alice came to class without one so I told her to stay in at recess until she had It. She watched the other "hildren at play and in a little bit she handed In her theme. This is it. "I )Ut some milk in the saucer for my iltty. Then I went to the door and called, Here kitty, kitty, k.tty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty kitty, I thank you. Blanche Imus,' 25, only senior girl. Value of Being Able to Debate I think that every high school should teach debating and public speak ing and should organize debating teams among the pupils. A person who Is schooled In this art can always be distinguished among numbers of persons who are not. This reminds me, somewhat, of a story that I heard some time ago which goe9 something like this ; Traveler, "Hey, son where s your father?." Deacon Millers son, "Raw Is down in the pig pen. You'll know him cause he's got a hat on." This Is the way with a good debater, you can always pick him out in a crowd, not because he has a hat on, but by the way he talks. Debating and public speaking Is used in every day life, you cannot get iway from It. All agents, senators, peddlers, or any public officers have to be debat ers. There are two sides to every question and these people must know how to convince their opponents who ever they happen to be. Practice In debating helps to put a student In school at his ease, so when in later life, he has to speak before a large audience he will be able to do so without the least hesitation and can put over his argument good and strong. Francis Gilbreth, '25 EFFECT OF PRICE AFTER DINNER SPEECHES Older and W.ser. "When 1 was a young u:an, I worked 12 hours n day." Son I admire your outhful energy, dad, but 1 admire still more the ma ture wisdom which led you to stop U. The Continent. What Thay Laugh at In London. Movie amp H.isen't you a tljihtef gown than this? Tired Wardrobe Manager- No, ma dam. I'm a costumcr, uot a taxlderm. 1st the First Year I Taught School Ladies and Gentlemen. I have been asked to tell you alxmt my first year of teaching school Like a great many would lie" teacher. I looked forward to my first school, which was in the smntry. There were but ten pupils, four girls and six txiys. I thought that It would lie as easy as pte. as the --living Six's, but In this I was sadly mistaken. The Children hnd found out that It was my first school, ao they ,le bled to make It hard for me. They -.on devilled that this was not a good Friend That's a nice photograph of you and John ; but he has such an angry look. WtBe Tea, he would Insist on ask ing the price before be rat. End of a Perfect Cow. A cow stood on the railroad track; A train came round the band. She never had baan hit before. B it she got it D th end. New Record for Women H i Miss Nancy Aten of Drake uni versity, a freshman who clipped one tenth of a second off the former worn m's national collegiate record for the E5-yard hurdles In the national tele graphic meet recently held at Dea Moines, Iowa. Fascist! Hits Hard at Foes. Rome. The Fascisti government, backed by Its armed militia, dealt crushing blows to its enemies in con formity with Premier Mussolini's promise of Saturday that the political horizon would be much clearer within 48 hours. Throughout Italy papers hostile to the government were se questered, houses raided and oppon ents of the Fascistl arrested by armed militia. Idaho Inaugurates Its New Officials. Boise, Idaho. The 18th Idaho legis lature, the second administration of Governor Moore, and the newly-elected Justices of the supreme court, were in augurated at noon Monday. Newton Painles? Dentists DR. H. A. NEWTON, MGR. M Cor. Main and Webb Sts. Pendleton DR. F. V. PRIME DENTISTRY Dental X-ray and Diagnosis HERMISTOX, OREGON Bank Building Phones: Office 93, Residence 751 S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Office In Court House HEPPNER - OREGON A. H. SWITZER ATTORNEY AT LAW Arlington, Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW HEPPNER. OREGON In the Jungle Beauty Parlor. Miss Monk What can I do for you today. Miss Spotty t Miss Spotty (the leopardess) You may manicure my Balls good and -harp. Then see If you can't do some ihing to remove my horrid freckle. HERB GREEN Watchmaker and Jeweler Diamonds. Watches. Clocks, Sllyee ware Time Inspector O-W. K. K. S . fo. 726 Main St. Pendleton, Oregon