PAGE i THE BO.YRDMAN MIRROR FRIDAY JANUARY 9, 192.1 uREOON NEWS ITEMS OF SFEGIL IflTEilES Erief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. Taxes received by the state on Raso Une and distillate sales in Novembet aggregated $20,936.38. Flood waters in the Willamette river Virtually isolated Eugene from automobile traffic for 24 hours. Building operation! in Salem during tile year 1924 aggregated $1,843,856 as UgaiOjt $1,285,732 in 1923. Marion county sportsmen contribut ed $11,127.25 for fishing and hunting licenses during the year 1924. Cyrus W. Burger, one of the oldest Hlage coach drivers in the northwest, lied In Portland at the age of 76. Delinquent taxes in Linn county from last year amount to only $47, 597.14, or four per cent of the total. Several cases of influenza have been reported in Pine valley, though no iloaths have resulted from the malady. . The new $25,000 clubhouse for em ployes of the Pelican Bay Lumber company us Klamath Falls lias been opened. During 1924 the city of Salem laid pavement aggregating a cost of $185, 670. A total of $15,050.76 was expend ed for sewers. I'ostal receipts ut Portland for 1921 were $2,763,415.21, a gain of $177, 667.62 over the total receipts for 1923, or 6.86 per (tent. The tax levy on property In Lake county lias been fixed by the county court at 20.2 mills, a reduction from last year of 1.1 mills. Members of the Salem Kiwanls club have decided to erect a modern greet ing sign on the Pacific highway five miles north of Salem. The body of Mine Hriggs, 10, daughter of Mrs. Hose M. Hriggs of Sardifil Creek, was found in Koguo river neur Medl'ord by a Bearch1.-'' party. William 10. Johnson, 49, editor of the Madras Pioneer and first clerk of Jefferson Bounty, died in Portland of pneumonia. Ha was a native of Nebraska. An appropriation of $5110,000 to bo u.ied iii beginning the development of I he V'uie irrigation project in Ore gon was requested of congress by the budge! bureau, Lumber thlpmeuti from the Colum bia river for the year 1924 totaled 869 -326,834 root, according to figures Is sued by Ralph Lamb, deputy collector of customs ut Astorln. Building permitl aggregating 702,598 were granted by the Klamath Fulls city council during the DM1 year, it whs shown in the annual report. The permits totaled 557. The year Mi in some Hues ax celled any preceding year In Li Grande, llulldlng permits, 343 in 1111111 ber, wciv Issued lor constructions estimated to cost $448,102. Fanners of the Stayton and Aunis ville districts have riled with the stute engineer application for uuthority to appropriate water from the Santlam river for Irrigation purposes. Information lias been received of the appointment of Chauncey Florey, retiring county clerk, as i'nlted States commissioner fur Med ford to succeed Qtenn O. Taylor, recently resigned. Judge Kelley of Albany decided that the election held In Hugene lust July, at who li $100,004 bonds were voted for the erection of a municipal audi torlutu on the campus of the Unlver sity of Oregon, was void. Nine hundred cases were filed with tin' inheritance tax commission at Salem during the year. The amount receipted and turned over to the gen eral fund was $114,917. leaving an un receipted balance of $76,870. W II lloluirrell. 70. prominent Port land business man and fur more than a quarter of a century Portland man uger of the furniture manufacturing pleat 0 lleywood Wakefield company, died at Kmmanuel hospital. Drilling at the Trlgonla well for oil, neur Phoenix, which was abandoned months ago for apparent lack of funds after drilling had gone to A great depth In the lust two years, It Is ucw said by some of the promoters will le resumed. It is reported that the emergency appropriation of 0T.MI for the North I'mpquu road bad beui. approved by the secretury of agriculture. This sum will complete tin' road from the forest boundary to Steamboat, a distance of about 14 miles December's lumber shipments from Portland to tiie Atlantic seaboard, which measured (.3!) 8. fig 7 feet, valued at $138,647, brought the aggregate movement for tin- year for those mar kets to 127.512.939 feet, valued at 11, IteVUta setting a new mark in the trade. I Cash turnovers to the state treas urer by the state land board during i December aggregated $91,375.13, ac i cording to a statement issued by .George G. Brown, clerk of the state land office. A log raft of the Multnomah Lum ber & Box company, which was in Yaqulna bay waiting to be towed to Astoria, broke adrift and under the in fluence of a strong ebb tide was carried out to sea. The raft contain ed 750,000 feet of logs. Although hatcheries of the state fish commission held more than 80, 000,000 eggs and fish during the re cent cold weather, there was no loa:j. of any kind due to the cold, accord ing to Hugh C. Mitchell, state super intendent of hatcheries. The annual hog harvest of Curry county is on and ranchers with wild animals are garnering their profits from the acorn localities. The hogs on the majority of ranches must be killed by rifles, as they range and grow up practically wild. Frank A. Shepherd, director of vo cational education for the government Tor the Pacific northwest states dur ing the war and an educator of nation al reputation, died from heart disease wiille he was working in the basement of his home at Beaverton. The Lake County Woolgrowers' Pro tectlve association will take steps to have government hunters retained in the county following a resolution adopted by the association to the ef SCl that It was their belief the work tiad been of much benefit to stock I men. The office of city ticket agent has been created in Eugene by the South I em Pacific company and Frank G. j Lewis, who for the past five years I has been located there as traveling j Treight and passenger agent for the I company, has been promoted to the I position. Announcement was made at Salem by Senator Joseph of Multnomah coun ty that he would Introduce In the j next session of the legislature a reso ! lution submitting to a vote of the 1 people a constitutional amendment authorizing the state to engage in water-power development. All railroad corporations operating within the state of Oregon have join ed in filing a new tariff providing for I rate based on 60 per cent of the p resent churge for shipment of pure bred horses and cattle for breeding purposes only. The minimum rate wus fixed at $7 per head. A meeting of representatives and county officials from Washington, Vamhlll and Tillamook counties was held Saturday morning at the Tilla mook courthouse to consider reports 1 the surveys of the Wilson and Trask routes as future highways between the Willamette valley and Tillamook. The state fish and game commls ' slon is discussing the advantages of installing a fish wheel on Sixes river to take trout to spawn for egg supplies for several trout butcheries, the Ferry creek plant near Baudou in particular. A representative of the commission l to select a site soon and have the : wheel operating by February. An optimistic feeling pervudes the industrial lite of Oregon, aud employ ! urs generally are confident that tin year 1925 will be prosperous, accord ing to a statement issued by C. II. Ui-am. state labor commissioner. The stulement said that indications point ed to a greater demand for skilled labor .luring the next 12 months than ever before. Formal transfer of the weights and measures department from the state treasurer's office to the state market agent was completed at Salem. The transfer was authorized under a law anacted by the 1923 legislature, creu! ing the office of state market agent. Thl weights and measures department previously was under the jurisdiction of the stute treasurer. There were three futal Industrial accidents in Oregon during the week ending December 31, according to a report prepared by the stute Indus trial accident commission. The vie tlms were: Illsac Takakl. Portland, laborer; Itoscoe A. Helllngham, Port land, off bearer, and Harold Hamilton. Albany, assistant plant operator. A total Of 380 accidents was reported. An owl put the power aud light plant of the Molttlla Electric company out of commission and left eight Ore gun towns without service for about three hours. When it essayed to fly between high voltage wires of thi electric company near Aurora a wing touched each Hue and caused a short circuit. The owl was electrocuted Due of the wires was burned in two by the flash. Sixty seven million board feet of Klamath timber will be offered for, sale at Klamath agency Jauuary $1, Fred A. Ilaker. superintendent of the Klamath Indian reservation has an uounced. The timber, known as the Cherry Creek unit and located in the eastern part of the county. Is in the Indian reservation and will be sold according to the usual government contracts affecting reservation timber sales. H I H-M-HH-W-H-H I ! I I HH Bible Thoughts for the Week Sunday. If I Have Withheld the poor from their desire, or have caused the eyes of the widow to fail ; or huve euten my morsel myself alone, and the fatherless hath not eaten thereof; if I have seen any perish for want of clothing, or any poor without covering ; then let mine arm fall from my ' shoulder blade, and mine arm be broken from the bone. Job 31:10, 17, 19, 21. Monday. Thou Shalt Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, anil with nil thy soul, and with all thy Strength, and with all thy mind: and thy neighbor as thyself. This do and thou shalt live. Luke 10:27, 28! Tuesday. O Death, where is thy sting? O grave, where Is thy victory? Hut thanks be to God which givetb us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. I Cor. iS'M, 57. Wednesday. There Is No Man that hath power over the spirit to retain the Spirit ; neither hath he pow er in the day of death : - and there is no discharge in that war. Eccles. 8:8. Thursday. He That Passeth By, and med dleth witli strife belonging not to him, Is like one that taketh a dog by the ears. Prov. 20:17. Friday. O Come, let us worship nnd bow down : let us kneel before the Lord our maker. For He Is our God; unil we are the people of Ills pasture. Ps. 95:0, 7. Saturday. Thou Art a God ready to par don, gracious and merciful, slow to linger, and of great kind ness. Neh. 0:17. Wlfl-HH-WWII-lll Mil H- i COOLIDGE FAVORS FARM CO-OPERATION Farmers Told Self Help is First Re- , quirement of Success Washington, D. C An address by j President Coolidge indorsing the co- 1 operative marketing system, marked the opening here Monday of the third 1 annual convention of the national council of the Farmers' Co-operative J Marketing association. Addresses by Frank O. Lowden, ex governor of Illinois, Carl Williams of . Oklahoma City, Okla. and A. J. Mc Phail, president of the Canadian Wheat Producers, Limited, were other 1 features of the meeting. Mr. Coolidge, in his address, describ ed co-operative marketing as the best means of stablizing the country's agri- j cultural organization, but warned that the system possesses no magical attri butes and must start from the soil and be developed upward with the farm ers contributing the major aid. "There is a school of co-operators who seem to believe that the program aan be started at the top and built do'.vnwards," President Coolidge said. "They want the government, or the banks, or philanthropists, or providence to lay out a schema big enough to cover the country, set its machinery moving, guarantee it all needed capi tal and then invite the farmers to sit in the places reserved for chem and proceed, to garner their profits. Let me say that I offer no such Aladdin like project. I want society as a whole to help; but I want the farmers to do their share and 1 warn them that this will be the lion's share' tmmttmmmmmm mwmtmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmma I TO RETAIN LAND OFFICES I li Elmer E. Jones Washington, Idaho and Oregon Appro priations in Senate Bill. Washington, D. C. The interior de partment appropriation bill, as report ed to the senate carries the amend ment forced into it in the house by Chairman Sinnolt of the public lands Committee, retaining the land offices at Burns and La Grande, Or.; Wulla Walla, Waterville, Yakima and Van couver, Wash., and Coeur d'Alene. Idaho. The bill also restores provision for the retention of the surveyors gen eral, who, under the bill passed by the house, would have been deprived of office July 1. All of the difficult con ditions imposed by the house In appro priating $375,000 for the Kittitas irri gation project in central Washington, including a provision for 5 per cent interest on deferred payments of set tlers, were stricken from the bill by the senate committee on the motion of Senator Jones. Founding of 11 university In Albania Is projected according to American de sign an 1 with American financial sup port. It has become known In Chicago Willi the appointment of Dean Elmer E Jones of Northwestern university lis one of the trustees. The establish DlelM of this school, attracting students from all tltej Daikan countries, Is ex peCted by Professor Jones to prove more effective than any other means In sdvSBClng harmonious relations Christian Ideals win bt taught, in- SsyS, The University will be known. sccordlag to report, as the Albanian Americas School of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. c. Telford Erlckson of New York city has been selected lis Its acting president. Funds will Iks raisi d for it In this country. Coolidge on Texatlon. It is impossible to escape the con clusion that high taxes make high prices. So long as the cost of govern ment is high, the cost of living will be high. This is usually a source of misunderstanding and always a source of discontent. The duty that government now owes to the people is to reduce their burdens by paying off the obligations that came from the war rather than imposing additional burdens for the support of now pro Jects. Having met our war obligation to pay, let us meet our peace obliga tion to save. Coolidge. Spring Neckwear Makes Its Entry Judge Give Relative Prison Term. Port land. Or. When Judge Wolver ton of Portland leaned forward in his chair in the federal courtroom to pass sentence upon Mrs Leona Case, who stood convicted of having abetted in the theft of goods In Interstate ship ment, in a iiuiet voice he mude known to those In the court that the prtsonoi ut the bar was the jurist's cousin by marriage and the mother of a 10 year old daughter who Is the judge's seconO cousin. You Are Invited To Visit Our Plant We have one of the best equipped plants to Le found any v here for the production of good printing products Stationery And Office Supplies ftor-r ied p rireme Justice. Washington. D. C. -Associate Jus tice Joseph Mclvenna Monday conclud ed active service as a member of the supremo court and Attorltey General Harlan F S;one was nominated to succeed him. The resignation o! Justice MeKenna deprives the Pacific coast of representation in the member ship of the et urt. and selection of At lorney Cepetal Stone to fill tne va ,..!,, i!l,.;. N w York a member. Coits of Government Cut. The 'lurcau of the budget, under Oca ral I awes, put the government on a saund I usiuess basis, resulting in S reduction of public expenditures from S5.63S.OOO.00O in 1331 to $3.4i7.000,004) in ItM, t ASOTSJUM in the annual -o of soveruiuvnt cf $2,011,000,000. We Carry in Stock Such Items as Ctrbon Paper Typewriter Papers fcecond Sheets Stamp pads Card Boards, Etc And are Direct Re presentatiivs of the Best Manufactures of Sales Books & Rubber Stamps In Many Other Lines We can Secure for You Office Supplies and Equipment More Satisfactorily Than You can Order From Jobbers or Salesmen And Many times can Save You Money. Ourrey Printing Co. Publishe s Arlington Bulletin and Boardman Mirror Masonic Eldg. Arlington, Oregon :ntiJtaa:::;n:K:ttt There's a REASON for the POPULARITY of the QJ wmter IN EVERY WAYA And that's performance, all-'round superior performance for winter driving-Quick, hair-trigger starting! Fast acceleration 100 power, mileage a-plenty! All-'round performance nothing sacrificed. Get a tankful today at any red, white and blue pump in town at Standard Oil Service Stations and at dealers "in every way a better gasoline." STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) better gasoline Uuidi flarting O TDOo power jimtwrnwi! It appears ttmt stylists haven't the faintest notion of op posing the fond ness developed for simplicity In day frocks, either In the tailored or tub varieties. Now that these frocks are coming in for spring, Uie tailored dresses reveal the revival of navy blue and the survival of the straight silhouette but there Is great variety In neck lines and neckwear grows Im pertain All sorts of collar and cuff sets, vestees. Jabots, ties and scarfs stand ready to contribute smart style touches to the Inconspicuous new frocks. A collar and ouff set Is shown here. It makes a cheerful addition to it sedate day frock or suit. We Wonder What causes the majority of women to be so little touched by friendship that It Is Insipid when they have once tasted love. I'm Starting Now! Resolve right now at the begining of the New Year to save each week at least some small part of your income. It will prove the most profitable resolution you could make. That Sense Of Security Which comes with the realization that you have succeeded in saving something spurs you 011 to redouble your e Torts toward mak ing financial progress. ARLINGTON NATIONAL BANK Oldest Bank in Gilliam dainty