The Boardman mirror. (Boardman, Or.) 1921-1925, January 09, 1925, Image 1

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Project Folks
To Ask Relief
Under New Law
A call for an irrigation meeting by '
the directors of the West Extension of;
the Umatilla Project:, Friday night at
Boardmun. resulted in an attendance
Of over 200 water users of this dist
rict, to discuss the Releif measure of
the 2nd. Efficiency Act passed by Con-!
Kress, December 5, 1924. Said meas
ure being Section 4, sub-section F,-:
"Decision of the Secretary as to the
amount, shall be conclusive. These
annual payments shall continue until
total construction charges against it
i re paid. -The Seer -bu y is authorized
upon request to annul any exlstiu;!
contract, (project wu' -r right), in I
that ii will provide) for payment '
the co'isr.uction ciaigcs tkereunder
,n i' i -co. dance with th" piovisions of
-s siorectlon, or f "he deferme-it
of such construction .-''urges for ii j
period of three years from the approv
al of this section, or both.-"
In order to get the above relief U
was necessary that the Water Users
ask for it as a district, not as indi
viduals, therefor the call for this
H. M. Schilling, project manager,
trom Hermiston ; E. G. Glascow. di
rector from Irrigon and L. Packard,
director of Boardman were present at
the session.
Mr. Schilling gave a full explana
tion of the new law. and passed over
an hour answering questions relative
to the same. He was followed by Mr.
Glascow, who had been appointed by
the directors of the West Extention
of the Umatilla Irrigation project, to
represent this district at the meet
lag held in Denver January (t, 1925.
He desired to know the wishes of the
Water Users.
The following motion was made by
Chas. Dillabaugh, seconded by H. H.
Weston, was unanimously carried.
"That Mr. Gluscow be instructed to
ask for three year's relief on con
struction charges, and on maintenance
charges, if possible."
Plans were formulated for the Wat
er Users to take over the control of
this district.. In order to save expense
It was thought a good Idea for the
lour irrigation distrincts, Hermiston.
Stanfield, Westland and The West Ex
tention of the Umatilla Project, to
combine under one general manage
ment. It perhaps would not be ad
visable to put in new officers as the
present ones arc experienced and bit
giving good satisfaction. It costs to
break In new men, and besides we
might not get good results. So why
Devising New Electric Compass
Mrs. Mary T. Norton of New Jersey
is the first woman to be elected to
congress as a democrat. She takes
office after March 4.
Kssay Wins $15,000 House for Port
land High School Girl In National
Essay Congest
Morris M. Titterington of Brooklyn, N. V., the well-known inventor of th.
pioneer earth inductor compass which was used by the world tlyers, is now
working on a new model compass that will run electrically and is even more
accurate and reliable than his' previous invention. This new compass will
maintain a true course in clouds, fogs, at night, etc.
Boardman Locals and Personals
Washington, D. C. All employes
of municipally-owned institutions act
ing in proprietary capacity rather than
serving governmental purposes, such
as water, light and street railway com
panies, are subject to income tax on
their compensation. They will have
to pay taxes on their incomes as far
back as 1918, and the bureau of in
ternal revenue has notified the col
lector of customs to compel the filing
of returns over those years.
The ruling, far-reaching in its ap
plication, is based on court decisions
in several sections of the country,
which have held, in effect, that such
institutions as were named were com
peting with private enterprise and
should occupy a similar footing with
respect to certain taxation features.
Officials of the bureau declined to be
definite in the application of the rul
ing, which was made by Solicitor Nel
son T. Hartson, and the problem of
enforcement has been left in the hands
of Internal revenue collectors.
J. 0. Hailenger has purchased a
hay baler formerly owned by John
Partlow and will put a crew of men
to run it at Boardman and on Butter
Pen fed Pheasants are selling in
Portland at $2.50 a piece. We wonder
how many Boardmun farmery who
have corn fed China Pheasants on
their farms have taken advantage of
this price.
The following Boardmun men were
in Heppner Wednesday to attend the
first meeting of the new County Court.
John Brice, Walter Knauff, John
Pruter, James Imus, T. E. Broylcs,
Lytic, H. P. Norton, Cal Ervine and A
P. Ayers.
and Mr. and Airs. Albert Williams and
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Tate and child
ren were dinner guests on New Years
of Mr. and Mis. Chas. Atferburv.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williams of
Nicolal arrived New Year day for a
short visit with Mr. Williams sister,
Mrs. A. S. Tate.
-Mrs. Chas. Niter has gone to Port
land for medical attention for a badlj
infected ankle.
T. E. Broyles wore Hermiston visit -ors
on Tuesday.
Miss Julia S. Groo, an IS year old
Portland, high school girl is the win
; ner of the $15.0110 modern eloctrie
I ally equipped home in the National
j Lighting contest in which over 1,000,
j 000 school children participated. Miss
' QroO also won the ,$200 cash grand
prim in the Portland lighting contest.
I lor essay of 600 words was worth
over $25 a word to her.
Mr. and Mrs. Tate are enjoying a
visit from .Mrs. Tate's brother and
j wife who came New Years day.
Mr. anil Mrs. Chas. Atlebnry 011
J tertalned al a dinner on New Years,
having as guests. W. A. Price and
family, Mr. ami Mrs. Tate and the
1 twins, and Mrs, Tate's brother and
wife s guests.
Dorothy Boardman left on Mon
j day to resume her work at school In
I Salem.
Irrigon Items
Miss Doud came up from Wallowa
ion Monday to visit with her sister
;Mrs. J. P. Goebel for awhile.
O. W. Benefiel went to Heppner 011
a few days business visit the first it
the week.
Mrs. Nettie Davis passed away at
j Condon on Sunday morning. Her sis
I ter Mrs. Rebecca Knight) had gone
there on receipt of a wire that she
j was very ill on Friday and Sunday
morning wired for the girls to conic.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis lived in Irrigon
for a number of years and owned con
siderable property here which they
traded for property neur Mayville.
Dr. Thompaon and Roger Morse, the
the County agent, are making the dis
trict this week testing cows for tu
berculosis. With prehaps two or threw
exception, the fanners are getting
all their cows tested.
N. Seaman went to Walla Walla on
Wednesday night returning the next
Dlgnt, to attend the horticultural
school, being particularly Interested
In orchard beating for himself and
others of the district.
Contractors moving Mr. Wadsworth
have again returned to their work.
They were forced to abandon work in
the cold weather.
Mr. Glasgo went to Denver Satur
day as a representative from Irrigon
and Boardman districts in the interest
id" water users. Representatives from
various projects are meeting with the
'cads of (lie reclamation service witli
a view of getting longer terms on the
balance due on water riglds.
City Plans Improvements
The City will soon begin to grade
and cover the Main street from the
Community church to the tt it. track.
Boardman has paid ail debts
galnal the city, except th water
bonds, not vet due. hut they aie
ready for these on maturity.
I'hnenoe Berger, moved his baler
'his week from the Alec Warren farm
f. trunk Ott's pace.
Elmer Weslcrfoll has move 1 his
baler to the east end anil is now on
the Howell place.
Washington, D. C. Six responsible
postal officials in as many cities
throughout the country have been sus
pended from duty, an employe of the
senate postofflce committee has been
discharged and the clerk of the house
postofflce committee has resigned as
a result of an official investigation
Into the alleged use of money to in
fluence postal pay legislation.
The officials suspended all are mem
bers of the legislative committee of
the National Association of Postal
Supervisors and held some of the mo3t
Important positions in the postal serv
ice. The suspended officials, whose serv
ice averaged more than twenty years,
are: Peter McGorty, acting superin
tendent of mails. New York; James
M. Greig. postal cashier, Boston; Peter
Wiggle, acting postmaster, Detroit;
Harvey M. Tittle, assistant postmast
er, Springfield, O.; J. J. Fields, super
intendent of mails, Louisville and Wil
llam Sansom. assistant superintendent
of delivery, Chicago.
The president and Mrs. Coolidge
shook hands with more than 4000 per
sons who filed through the White
House for the annual New Year's re
ception. The interstate commerce commis
sion investigation into wool rates from
the Pacific Coast and intermediate
territory will begin at a hearing in
Chicago, February 19.
Senatorial investigation of the Uni
ted States tariff commission, with
particular stress on its sugar policy,
was proposed in a resolution introduc
ed in the senate by Senator Robinson,
democrat of Arkansas.
The navy department, under orders
from President Coolidge, has begun
preparations for the evacuation of the
100 United States marines who have
been kept in Nicaragua since 1912 to
protect American interests.
Legislation reducing the time limit
for World war veterans to apply for
their bonus from January 1, 1928, to
January 1, 1926, has been recommend
ed to congress by Major General
Robert C. Davis, adjutant general of
the army.
Chrlst.iania, for 300 years the capital
of Norway, exists in name no more.
On the stroke of midnight January 1,
the name of the capital was changed
to Oslo, by which it was known for
about 600 years -from 1047 to 1624,
when it was changed to Christiania.
Mrs. Elsie Rekh who hi-i been cook
ig for Fraui t 'to for th? pus month,
bus gone to Sacramento where she is
to be married.
Claud Myers was called to Wood
land. Washington last week because of
i the death of his father, E. Myers. He
returned this -week with his aged
mother who will make her home on
the project with her son.
E. Messenger met with a painful
accident this week, while trying to
crank his car, the crank slipped off
striking 1dm, breaking a bone in his
nose and badly bruising his mouth
and jaws.
Frank Otto made a trip to Portland
this week.
Chas. Marshall was home from the
coast for New Years.
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Broyles were
hosts (.n New Years day al a bouiltl-
ous dinner to Mr. ami .Mis. Chas, Nl
:'.er, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Spagle anil
Messrs. Elmer Westerfelt, Chas. and
Burton Barnes,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mefford and
son Albert are on a two weeks auto
trip visiting relatives and friends at
Portland and Seattle.
W. A. Knauff mnde a hurried busi
ness trip to Portland on New Years.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Price and son
Mrs. Adoiph Bkoubo left Saturday
for Portland for a visit. Mrs. Mels
Kristensen plans to return with her.
Miriam Ileoly left for Ins home in
Portland on Sunday.
Mrs. Inganrd SkoUDO plans to leave
shortly with her two children fur a
visit at her old home in Denmark,
where her father has been ill some
A most pleasant evening was the
New Years spent at the S. II. Board
man home by Misses Doris Healy.Caro
line Hun! and Mrs. a. T Rereim. All
enjoyed the Splendid concerts on the
radio Whefl, Sanfraneiserdl zll.Vels, ,0
Clara Rand was a holiday visit
or at the home of her brother Royal
Rands and family.
Bout. Bey burn returned on Tuesday
from Portland where he spent Ninas.
Mrs. Walter Olsen was the (Aspira
tion for a post nuptial showep- on
Saturday al her home when Mrs. R
Rands and Mrs. ,1. C. Itnllengor were
JOipt hostesses to about 251' I iolids of
the bride who was formerly Franees
Blayden of this place. Beautiful gifts
of china, cut glass, linens etc were
reeioved by the honor guesl A dainty
lunch was served.
Appointed Justice
Y. A. Goodwin this week received
bis appointment as Justice of the
Peace for the Boardman precinct tot
the next two years. Me succeeds himself.
New Pipe Put In
Many of die Boardman odd fel
lows wen I to Hermiston on Monday
night where the local Candidates were
given the second and third degrees,
Walter Olsen left on Tuesday 00
No. 1 for his home in Clatskanle. at
ter a two weeks Isll at the C. G.
Blayden home. Mrs Olsen will remrln
for a longer visit with her folks.
Tbi' l S Rcc la ma ' I n service Is o
put in a concrete pipe line under the
spillway to drain the surplus seepage
uater off of the Porter ami lb ndrio'.
farms. The pipe is on the ground, and
work of laying it will c BMBee in n
few days.
Doris Medley left Sunday for MOU
mouth after spending the holidays al
home. yjj.
Mrs. Arthur Davles bus been on the
sick list this week.
Fred Blayden surprised his par
ents this week by dropiug for a few
hours visit on his way to Idaho from
Klamath Falls. They bad not seen
him lor a matter of ten or more
Another New Year's Resolution
Goes to Smash
California Orang- Crop Hard Hit.
1 Los Angeles Horticultural com
misstoners of I.os Angel's, San Bern
ardlno. Riverside, Orange and Ven
tura counties, at a conference taert
estimated the recent frost damage It
the orange groves of southern Call
Lfornia at 25 p . i r.i of the crop.
U. S. Turns Down British Plan.
Washington, D. C. The United
States government in the note Am
bassador Kellogg handed to the Brit
ish government Monday refused to
accept thecompromise terms offered
by Great Britain in the dispute over
the right of America to collect ap
proximately $250, 000,000 German war
claims out of the Dawe3 reparations
annuities. The Americ- i case, as set
forth in the note and as it will be pre
sented in Paris, is that this country
lost none of its right through declin
ing to become a party of the Ver
sailles treaty.
The American Legion and Ainili
ary have issued invitations for a
party on Saturday evening al the
Vacomlier home. A buslr meeting
wt.l proceed the social affiU'.
aal. ,Iti movies,
an' radios, an' au
tomobiles an' such,
all we need now Is
rer someone to In
vent something to do our work fer us.
.1. C. Bel longer has bad some re
modeling HgM on the interior of the
house. The colonnades between the
dining room ami living room were re
moved and the walls kalsomioed a
trench gray.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gorham Wen
host ami hostess on New Years eve
to Mr. and Mrs ('has. Mc Daniels. Mr
anil Mrs. C. G. Itlayden, Lauren Blay
den and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Olsen
t urds made the evening pass rapidly
and all enjoyed the Lunch served by
the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Nate Maoombcr and
Sybil Qraca came homo on Saturday
after a two weeks vacation at Pilot
Grange Holds .boot At eels
Greenfield Grange started ibis year
with the most successful meeting in
its history on last Saturday night,
the oeeaasiofj being the fatal Installa
tion of officers of Irrigon Had Green
field grange". About 200 meliilters
and friends from Irrigon and Bonrd-
man met In the school auditorium
and were entertained by a very In
teresting and varied program. The
success of the p nigra in was due to
the untiring efforts of the retiring
lecturer. Mis. Leslie Packard. After
the program a big feed was served
'n the Cafeteria, which was Inter fol
lowed by insinuation of officers.
Boardmaa Buy at o. A. C.
i. A. 0, Corvallls- (Special) -Henry
Messenger is the only student from
Boardman registered at O. A. C. the
past Semester but he is an able rep
resentative of the town. Messenger
lakes an active pail In various liter
cry and athletic activities of the col
lege, Ho is a jUniot registered in
electrical engineering and is a Ser
feani of company "A" engineers.
Miss Sophia Mefford mid Russell
Mefford entertained n number of the
young folks of the program, at a soc
nl gathering on Saturday evening.
Miss Irene Jensen arrived Sunday
to join the Boardman teachers and
take up the work of Mrs. Degondor
fer who resigned.
Mr and Mrs. J. T. Ilealy were the
guoMlH of the A. T Hereltn'S on New
Years day.
Mr and Mm. Harry Tlu'nls and
baby of Wallerville. Oregon, arrived
n Monday to visit her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Chaffee
Mrs Ralph Davis bad some den
ml work done at Hernia Ion on m n
Ked Cross and American Legion Of
ficers Ready to Help Make
Applications for Bonus
The Dalles lie I Cross chapter urges
all veterans of the World War to file
their application for Adjusted Com
liensatlon Immediately. This office
slates that up to the pnsent lime
only about 1 3004100 applications are
on file, although a total of L900.000
men and women are eligible, in u
latter to the editor this week.
The Red Cross office is In the First.
National Bank building, The Dulles,
and Is prepared lo help all exservbe
men fill out application blanks, and
so win ei i hi a rii Wm. Joaepbaon of
(the Arlington American Legion Post.