PAGE 2 THE BOARDMAV MIRROR FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1925 REVIEW OF THE EVENTS OF 1924 Chief Happenings of the Past Twelve Months at Home and in Other Lands. DAWES PLAN IN EFFECT Europe on the Way to Economic Re covery British Labor Govern ment Overthrown Republicans Win Great Victory in Ameri can Election Flight of Army Planes Around World. By EDWARD W. PICKARD Mnny events of ureal moment marked the year 1024. First 'if these in Importance undoubtedly was the formulation, Adoption mid putting Into operation of the Dawes plan for in payment of German reparations, and Indirectly tlie financial nod economic regeneration r ilini country and Ku rope generally. The success of this pcheuie means much for the entire civ liized world. 1 1 : 1 n jlj been devised mainly by Americana, It adds to the prestige of America, Wars were few and not especially important Internationally. The out standing ones were the civil war for the control of the government of China, the attempt of Spain to ron iuer the rebellious tribesmen of llo rocco, the suppression of o rebellion In Mexico and a long drawn-out revo latlonnry movement in There were also several of the always-to-be expected Internecine conflicts In Vn tral America On the whole Mars had rather an Idle year. For a time the i nl arm I st i talked of war between the I'nlted States and Japan over tin Japanese exclusion clause In the new American Immigration law, hut the crisis was passed safely, for the time ui least. Great Britain experienced the nov I ty of being under a Labor govern ment which was fairly successful unll1 It got tangled up with the Russian Soviets, whereupon It was ousted, tin Conservatives winning the parllamen tary elections by large majorities Stanley Baldwin again became prime minister, During the first qqarter of the year the soviet government ol Russia won recognition from ulmost every Import tit country except the j I'nlted States, hut the soviet leaders continued to recede from their Hoi i Mievlk principles. Socialists captured ttie government of France and llerrlot became premier. President Mnstapha Jv'etnul of Turkey and I delator Musso 1 1 ill of Italy were subjected to severe attacks from political opponents and were forced to more liberal attitudes In the I'nlted Slates the biggest event of the year was the national election, together with the sensational Democratic convention which resulted In the nomination of John W. Davis and Charles W B r a n, and tlie inde pendent candidacy of ?et:t.ior'ol lette and Senator Wheeler on a radl cal platform. Despite the oil reserve scundal that had laid the Republican administration open to attack, the voters of the land, hv a plurality of about 10,000,000, decided Hint Calvin Coolldge should continue in the presi dential office, wllh Charles dates Inwes as vice PHiHsnt, During the long months of the campaign business In the United States bail languished but Immediately alter the election It revived rapidly, and at the s.-itne time there began a considerable boom In securities on the stock exchanges subscribed In most countries. German Industry responded instantly and the smooth and efficient operation of the Dawes plan seemei assured. Several attempts were made during fhe year to forward the further reduc tion of armaments by agreement, but nothing definite was accomplished un til September, when Prime Minister MacDonald of Great Britain submit ted to the League of Nations his plan for an international agreement for se curity, arbitration and disarmament. The discussion was heated, and Japan refused to adhere because the plan prohibited -wars based on internal poli cies of nations. Her delegates did not conceal the fact that they were re ferring especially to the Japnnese ex clusion clause of the American immi gration law, which already had caused protests from Tokyo and boycotts and threats against Americans In Japan. They Insisted tlie agreement must pro vide that any nation might ask the league to arbitrate Internal affairs of any other nation, and the league as sembly yielded to them and adopted I he protocol with such amendment Assent of the legislative bodies of all member nations of course was requi site, and as time went on it became evident this could not be obtained. Tlie British parliament, it was be lieved, was almost certain not to agree since Canada, Australia and New Zea land were bitterly opposed. In October Great Britain and Tur key were at swords' points over the old Mosul oil fields dispute, but they submitted the matter to tlie League of Nations council, which ordered the status quo be maintained for the pres ent. Sir Lee Stack, sirdar of the Egyp tian army and governor general of the Sudan, was murdered by Egyptian na tionalists In November. The British government, swiftly moving warships and troops to strategic positions, de mantled an apology, Indemnity of $2,- I :(M).ooo, punishment of the assassins, and, most important, concessions con cerning the Sudan and the great Irri gation project there. Premier Zagloul Pasha resigned and Zlwar, bis sue cesaor yielded to all the demands. The mot of tlie trouble was the control of the Sudan, which was claimed by both nations. Great Britain's war debt to the Unit ed States was funded on a basis gen orally satisfactory, and late in tlie year France began negotiations to fund her debt to us. The British government at once announced that If France or any other nation that was In debt to Brit ain paid the I'nlted States, she would expect to receive payment from them In proportion. This checked tlie pro i dings for ttie time. Poland already had arranged for the funding of her American debt. The Irish Free State registered With the League of Nations the treaty with England by which it was granted Its measure of Independence, but In De camber the British government pro tested against this action, asserting thai the league had nothing to do with arrangements between sections of the British empire. fanduris In February, and he was fol lowed by Papannstaslon In March. On March 25 the assembly, ignoring the protests of Grent Britain, voted to de pose tlie Glucksbourg dynasty and es tablish a republic, subject to a plebis cite. The people voted in favor of the republic on April 13 and the royal family went into exile. Nlcolai Lenin, tlie master mind of soviet Russia, who had been Incapacitated for a long time, died on January 21 and Alexis , Rykov was chosen to succeed him as premier. The funeral of Lenin was an extraordinary demonstration and his politics. Nearly a score of names were presented for the presidential nomination, with William G. McAdoo and Gov. Al Smith of New York lead ing. The former was credited with support from the Ku Klux klan and the latter Is a Roman Catholic, there fore the religious Issue became de plorably prominent. The committee on resolutions struggled over two points especially whether or not the klan should be denounced by name and whether or not the party should declare Itself definitely in favor of American membership In the League tomb has become the national shrine. : of Nations. Both questions went be- The Turkish assembly voted on fore the convention In minority reports March :i to depose the caliph and abol- and many fiery speeches were made. Ish tbo caliphate and next day the I The delegates decided not to name the caliph left for Switzerland. President j klan and not to declare for league Mustapha Kemol worked hard for the i membership. Balloting for a presi prosperity of his country, but his die- j dentlal nominee began June 30 and It tatorlnl methods brought about a pow- ; was Immediately apparent that there rf ul combination of his opponents was a deadlock, for neither McAdoo that gave him much trouble. In No- : nor Smith would give way unless the INTERNATIONAL AF FAIRS When the veal began I be matter of German reparations mis still foremost among the problems awaiting settle ment. The Commission of experts up pointed by the reparation commission and headed DJ !en Charles Q luiwes of America began Its work January 14 with the examination of Germany's cn parity to pay. It functioned rapidly and with precision, formulated what baa been known as the Dawes plan, and submitted its report on April I) Two days Inter this was accepted by the reparations commission, and on April IB It was approved by the Ger nan and British governments Pel gin in, Italy and Japan accept Sri It on April 20. hut France, for BSj lltlcal reasons, withheld approval foi the time being. On July IS, Owen D. Young of San FphtvImco ae cepted tlie position of ftacal agent of Hie Dawes plan, mid tin. itiif day the allied premiers met In I ontb.n to dis cuaa the c, oration of ibe sol u. Later they Invited ; any ., send a delegation, and the c n'eretn-,. result ei in complete agreement Pnare promised to evacuate I ha Itutvr Wtthlc a year, and almost liniiiediulelv begin to get her iuIlMr and n, tor out of the region The London Sgtwmeou ratified by the parllainetiis. the German reb batag passed tin- bills net- . esuary fin the operation of the plan and Ibe pact was formally sign,. I on August 30 It was the only artlCHM vet I ut forward upon which the vn Ions nations could Hgrve. and Ha Rdnpttai v. balled the world oer us the be ginning of ibe reciipemtloti f Europe from the disastrous affects of Ibe ar Germany began making pninvnts under the I law es plan ,m September 2. Next day Beymout PnrkM UUtvH a young American financial expert. 'waa appointed agent general of repa rations, and on October 10 the big loan to German) w ffered to the .world ll area i u ipilj lieu s II y over FOREIGN AFFAIRS With the aid of the Liberals In par llament, the Labor government of (ireat Britain functioned through QIOSI of the year. It took office on Junuun 22 with Ramsay MacDonald as prime minister, Its policies were fairly mod srate, but several of its bills were beaten, notably those for the nld of the poor and for the nationalization of mines. It did not resign because no party then had a majority In pnrlla ment. However, the people rebelled against the treaties with aovlet Bus sla which MacDonald negotiated, and on October 8 the house of commons refused him a vote of confidence. Par liament was at once prorogued and the general election set for October 2. At the polls the Conservatives won an overwhelming victory, getting 41,3 of the HO seats In the house The Liberal party seemed almost wiped out and the I.nborltes suffered hen losses Stanley Baldwin was selected to be prime minister again and on No vember fl his government took ottlee. To the great relief of France, Austen Chamberlain was made foreign score tary Instead of Lord Curzon. Winston Churchill, a free trader and deter mined foe of socialism, was named chancellor of tlie exchequer. England's moat serious trouble In I Ira ail) continued to be unomp'ov ment. This Increased through the year, and so, unfortunately, did the cost of living. In February there was a great dockers' strike which threat etieil to cut off most of tlie count rjr'S food supplies. But through the efforts of MacDonald and his colleagues It was soon settled. France changed her government twbe Premier Polncare was not In sympathy with tlie movement to re store friendly relations with Cermanv. and on June 1 he reelgned Francois Marsal formed a ministry which lamed onh a few duya, and then Presldcni Mlllerand also gave up his ofllce. The radical Socialists who are not so radical there as In some countries took charge and made Edouard Her riot premier, after Huston Domergue had been elected President. On Sep tember SO France turned out a bal anced budget for the first time In ten years. Auatrla In November lost the lnnl uable services of her chancellor. Mgr. Selpel, who resigned bemuse of n gen eral railway strike for higher wages and other unsatisfactory conditions due largely to the greedy profiteers of Vienna He was succevded by Ru dolph ItHtnek. Al une time or another during the year the governments of Japan, Belgium. Albania, South Africa, Vugo Slavla. Finland and Portugal also changed hands. Greece went furtbei (ban that. Venlieloa formed a minis try n January, wua succeeded Kv Kai I iii. .I'M- this group forced the resigna timi of Premier Israel Pasha, the Pres ident's right-hand man; he was suc ceeded by Fethi Bey. Arabia's radical religionists, the Wnhabls, under Bin Sand revolted against (be rule of King Hussein of the Hedjnz and that monarch abdi cated on October 3 at the demand of the citizens of Mecca and Jedduh Bmlr All, bis son. was put on the throne, but had no better success than Ids father, for In the middle of Octo ber Wahabls occupied Mecca. Germany's relchstag was dissolved March 1! and a hot campaign ensued fhe Nationalists planning to restore the monarchy., In the elections the Social Democrats easily won. The cabinet of Chancellor Marx resigned May 27. but ho was retained In office gain in October the relchstag dissolved, Marx having failed to re organize the ministry satisfactorily Thereupon he cut loose entirely from the Nationalists. New elections wen held December 7. On November 7 the German budget was balanced for tin first lime since the war. The relchs tag elections came on December 7 and i he three parties supporting the repub lie and the Dawes plan won the most seats; However, Chancellor Mar: found It so difficult to form a new cabl net that be and his ministers resigned on December 15, carrying on until their successors could he chosen. Tfae Fascist! won the Italian elec tions on April '!, toit the tide against Fascism rose steadily. Slg. Matteottl a Socialist deputy, was kidnaped and murdered by Fascist! in June and Pre mler Mussolini faced a crisis which he survived only by the most energetb action. He dissolved the national ml lltla and reorganized his government and some of his prominent supporter were ousted. His opponents were kept fairly quiet until November when confronted by another attack In par liament. Mussolini frankly admitted the faults of (he Fascists and prom ised to punish their excesses and to curb their utterances, beginning with himself. China's civil war for 1924 broke out September 3 In the Shanghai region between the armies of Cheklang and Klangsu provinces, the former being backed by Hen. Wu Pei-fu, military (illeftak) of the Peking government and the latter having the moral sup port of Marshal Chang Tso-lln of Man churln, The Cbekinng troops were victorious after a long campaign, but meanwhile Chung had moved on Peking and defeated his old enemv other would do the same. Day after day the voting went on, most of the other aspirants dropping out one by one. As the one hundredth ballot drew near the vote for John W. Duvls he ran to grow. On the one hundred and bird ballot the break came and Davis obtained a majority. The nomination was then made unanimous. Out of a 'o:'cn names put up for the vice presi dency, Mr. Davis selected thnt of '""hnrles W. Bryan, governor of Ne braska and brother of William J., and he was nominated. While this was going on Senator La Follette became the candidate of a third party that called Itself the Pro gressive. He was Indorsed by the 'hlefs of the Federation of Labor, ind, apparently against his will, by he Socialist party. Senator Burton K. Wheeler of Montana was given sec ond place on tlie ticket. There were icveral other candidates, as usual .vho cut no figure In the results. The evident plan of the LaFollette follow ng was lo cause a deadlock in tlie doctoral college and throw tlie elec 'ion Into congress. When the votes of the nation were -minted on the night of November 4 t w as found that Coolldge had cart-led 15 states, with 3S2 votes In tlie elec oral college: Davis had carried 12 dates, all In the "Solid South," with 136 electoral votes, and LaFollette md w on only the 13 electoral votes of Visconsln. Coolldge's popular plural ty was nerrly 10,000,000. The Re mbllenns also won complete control i n October 20 when the Supreme court ' commissions stressed the steady de j cline in our defenses on land anil sea and in the air, but the President Indi cated that lie was not in sympathy with the demands for huge sums to he expended on armament. The house ' passed the Interior department appro priation bill carrying a total of ?238, 000,000. : Congress took a holiday recess from December 20 to December 29. On December 8 two huge public ben efactions were announced. James B. Duke, tobacco and power magnate, gave $4G,000,000 to educational institu tions In North and South Carolina; and George Eastman, head of the East man Kodak company of Rochester, N. ., gave $12,000,1)00 to colleges, schools and hospitals, INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR Labor in the United States had a prosperous and in general a quiet year. There was not one general strike; wages maintained their high level and in many instances were in creased. The New York Central Rail way company increased the pay of 15, 000 employees on January 22; Chicago teamsters won an Increase in Feb ruary by n short s-rike. and so did several other local unions Inter. Wages of various clashes of railway em ployees were rub ed during the year by tlie federal b e vd. Only the textile workers of Maine suffered a reduction, In November. Silk workers of Pater son. N. J wen! on strike and so did tlie garment workers of both New roric and Chicago, The American Federation of Labor held its convention in El Paso, Texas. Communism and the labor party movement were again squelched, and Samuel Gompers was re-elected presi dent. He and tunny of the delegates went to Mexico City for the conven tion of the Pan-American Labor Fed eration. Mr. Gompers was elected president of that body. While (here lie suddenly fell III and was hurriedly brought back to San Antonio, where he died on December 13. In July the federal trade commis sion ordered all steel companies to abandon the "Pittsburgh plus" sys tem, which was said to work injustice lo the Middle West. The commission iilso accused the Aluminum Company of America of questionable practices. Organized labor won a great victory f the next congress. Among the Interesting results of the lay was the election of two women as jovernors of states. They are Mrs Miriam Ferguson of Texas and Mrs. V'ellle T. Ross of Wyoming. Al Smith rave an Impressive demonstration of ds popularity by overcoming a huge ilepublican plurality In New York fate and defeating Theodore Roose .ell, Jr., for the governorship. Scandal resulting from the leasing f naval oil reserve lands furnished iuiterlal for bitter attacks on the ad nlnlstratlon and for long Investlga ions by senatorial committees. Aider' !!, Fall, former secretary of the In "erlor, was badly involved, and others .ere smirched. Secretary of the Navy Denby resigned under pressure. Presl lent Coolldge and congress took steps io bring the guilty to Justice and to -ecover tlie reserves. Court proceed ngs are still going on. Congress gave onslderable time to a bill for tax re taction and passed a measure that In eluded many features urged by the of the I'nlted States ruled that fed eral courts must grant Jury trials In contempt cases growing out of labor disputes, Wu, partly through the treachery of democrats and Insurgent Republicans the laiter's chief general, Feng Yu soldiers' bonus bill also was passed hslang, President Tsao Kun resigned rhe President vetoed It, but both Feng took possession of Peking, but muse and senate overrode the veto. was practically eliminated by Chang and the Manchurian made Tuan Chi .In! head of a provisional government On Ibis side of the Atlantic there was Hie long drawn-out rebellion In the state of Rio do Sul, Itrazll. the chief effect of which elsewhere was the Increase In the price of coffee: and, early In the year, an attempted revolution in Mexico which caused the federal government a lot of trouble Gen. Plntario Calles was elected Pres Ideal of Mexico and was Inaugurated on December 1. Gonzales Cordova was elected President of Ecuador. Iloraoio Vasquez of Santo Domingo Carlos Solor.-ano of Nicaragua and Gerard" Maohudo of Cubn. There was a rebellion In Honduras In the spring that was ended through the Interven Hon of the United States, and a treiitx of peace by tlie Central American nn Hons was signed. In Chile a inllltan group came to the fore and caused President Ateesandri to resign. Bow ever, the senate refused his resigna tieti and gave him six months' leave in Europe. DOMESTIC AFFAIRS Politics consumed a vast amount 01 lime and energy In (he I'nlted States IB Is tin case , ery four years There was little doubt from tlie first that the Republicans would nominate Pies blent Coolldge to Succeed himself , Both Senator Itlram Johnson mid Senate Rebel I M LaFollette were cand du'tes In the preferential primary stales, hut ibe tunnel won aiimsBI no delcgite Ad the latter only those from Wlsion sin The convention was held in Cleve land, opening on June 10 with Frank W. Hondo)! us chairman. The Wis consln delegation presented LaFol lelte's substitute platform, which liar no support outside that delegation anil It also cast Ita vote for the sena tor. Coolldge was nominated on tin first ballot, the vote being: Coolldge 1.005; LaFollette, 34; Join a m. 10 Frank O. LowdtB of ll'inols was MM naled for vice president, but decllnei and the place was given to Gen Cl aries Hates Dawes of Chicago. The Democrats convened In New York on June 24 and did not complete Vn Immigration bill before congress ontalned a clause that would exclude the Japanese. The ambassndor from Tokyo protested against this, and so exed congress that the measure was lulckly passed and signed by the Pres- lent. Four airplanes manned by eight irmy pilots started on a flight around he world from Santa Monica, Cal.. on March 17. In the Alaskan Islands the ommnnder, Major Martin, and his plane came to grief and the other planes continued the flight. With many vicissitudes and some exciting xperlencos the flyers made their way 'o Japa.i. China, India, and so on through Europe to Iceland, where an ither plane was wrecked. The two emnlnlng planes successfully Hew to '.reenlnnd and thence home. Aviators if several other nations attempted the -nine feat, but all failed. Curtis D. Wilbur of California be anie secretary of the navy on March 14 when Mr. Denby retired. Attorney ileneral Dougherty resigned March 28 at the request of the President be a QM his official actions were assailed and under Investigation. He was sue ceded by Harlan Flske Stone of New York. Secretary of Agriculture Wal ee died October 25 and Howard Gore was named to till the post until March 4. Friendly relntlons with Mexico hav ing been restored, Charles B. Warren ns appointed ambassador In Feb i nary. Later he resigned and James It. Sheffield of New York was named Cyrus Woods, ambassador to Japan resigned In May and In August Edgar A. Buneroft of Chicago waa given thai post. Hugh S. Gibson was made ndn ster to Switzerland In March Congress began the short session on December 1. President Coolldge in his message urged economy and tax re ductlon and measures to relieve agrl culture, declared himself In favor of further reduction of armaments, ad nerence to the permanent court of In ternatlona! Justice, against Joining the I eague of Nations and against can ceHgttea S war debts owed the I'nlted statea by other nations. The senate on lecember 11 passed the house bill appropriating $140,000, 000 for the rehabilitation of the navy The annual reports of the secretaries their work m ill the early morning o' July in the most protracted nailomi vouvcuiioa iu the hlstorj of American oX WV vud the navy utiU of several Uomu; ex-Congressmuu J. L. Slajdeu DISASTERS While there was in 192-1 no such terrific disaster as the Japanese earth j quake of the previous year, the list of I quakes, conllugrntlons, ni ce explo sions, tornadoes and other visitations was long and the loss of life was ! heavy. The Red Cross was kept busy i throughout the year. Tlie worst of these occurrences were as follows: ; January 3, explosion in starch factory in Pekin, HI., 30 killed; January 10, P.ritish submarine with crew of 43 j sunk In collision; January 15 and Hi, j severe earthquakes In Japan, India : and Colombia ; January 20, coal mine explosion at Shanktown, Pa., 40 killed; February 5, 42 killed when pond broke through Into iron mine near Crosiv, Minn.; March 1. explosion of TNT at Nixon, N. J., killed 18; March 4, San Jose, sCosta Rica, half wreuKed by quake; March 8, mine explosion ut Castle Gate. Utah, killed 175; March 20, landslide near Ainalfl, Italy, killed 100; April 28, mine explosion at Wheeling. W. Vn., fatal to 111; April 30, destructive and fatal tornadoes In Southern states; May 27, tornado's in South killed 45; May 28, Bucharest arsenal blew up with great loss of life; May 31. 22 inmates of defective girls' school In California burned to death; June 12, turret explosion on battleship Mississippi killed -is ; June 28, tornado killed 1"0 and did vast damage at Loriiin. Ohio; in August, thousands killed In Hoods In China and Formosa, anil SO lives lost In Vlr gin Islands hurricane; September 10 mine explosion at Sublet, Wyo., killed 30; September 21, storms In Wisconsin fatal to 58; October 20. 14 killed by explosion on I'. S S. Trenton; Novem ber 12, hundreds of lives lost In earth quakes In Java; November 14 and 10 destructive contlagi atlons in Jersey City, N. J. NECROLOGY Of the mnny notable men and wom en who were claimed by death during the year these were the more famous: In January: Mrs. Martha Foote Crowe, author and educator; Rev. S. Raring Could, English author; former Senator Nathan B. Scott of West Vir ginia; John Leyland. English naval authority; Alfred Gruenfeld. Austrian composer; A. F. Adams, impressarlo of musicians; Dr. Basil Glldersleeve American savant : former Senator W. V. Allen of Nebraska ; George Cram Cook, author and playwright ; Dr. Maurice Francis Egan. diplomat and author; Nlcolai Lenin, premier of Bus sia ; Gen. Lee Christmas, soldier of fortune; W. C. Fox, former minister to Ecuador; Grand Duchess Marie of Luxemburg. In February: Dr. L. S. Me.Murtry. noted surgeon; Woodrow UfthMa. twenty-eighth President of tjalted States: Rear Admiral T. O. Seifrldge; Col. William Light foot Vlsscher. sol dier and writer; Pierce Anderson. Chi cago architect; Dr. Jacques Loch, biologist ; Rev. Mother Vincent de Paul, superior general of Gray Nuns of the Sacred Heart ; Bishop Alexan der B. Garrett In Texas; Bishop J. E Gunn of Mississippi; R. p. Goodman, millionaire lumberman of Wisconsin: Congressman H. G. Dupre of Louisi ana ; Bishop T. Meersehaert of Okla I - of Texas; George Randolph Chester, author; Mrs. Lydia Coonley Ward, writer. In March: Ex-Congressman J. M. Levy of New York ; W. F. Lee, Chi cago publisher; A. H. Smith, president New York Central ; Daniel Ridgeway Knight, American artist; Gen. P. Danglls, Greek soldier and statesman; Lopez Gulterrcz, de facto president of Honduras; Federal Judges F. B. Baker and (i. W. Jack ; Dr. W. O. Stlli ; man, head of American Humane asso ciation; Dean N. C. Ricker of Univer sity of Illinois; Newton Fuessle, nov elist; Barney Barnard, comedian ; Gen. i Robert NIvelle, defender of Verdun; Dr. T. 0. Mendenhall, educator; James McNally, Chicago publisher; Sir Charles Stanford, Irish composer; Dr. P. A. Baker, general superinten dent Anti-Saloon league; Glen Mnc Donough, musical comedy librettist. In April: Charles A. Munn, pub lisher Scientific American ; ex-Senator M. A. Smith of Arizona ; Hugo Stinnes, German Industrial magnate; William Bayard Hale. American journalist; Louis II. Sullivan, eminent Chicago architect; F. X. Leyendecker, artist; Eleonora Duse, Italian actress; Marie Corclli, English novelist; Lindon W. Bates, American waterway expert; Karl HelffBrlch, German statesman; J. Sloat Fnssett, New York political leader; G. Stanley Hall, psychologist; Charles F. Murphy, head of Tammany Hall ; ex-Gov. E. L. Norris of Mon tona ; Niels Gron, Danish-American diplomat; Sir Horace Nugent, English statesman. In May: II. M. Byllesby, financier and engineer; Dean C. Worcester, scientist; Kate ClBXton, actress; Mrs. Hubert Work, wife of secretary of in terior; Katie Putnam, veteran actress; II. II. Windsor, publisher of Popular Mechanics ; George Kennan, traveler and writer: Baron Constant d'Estour neiies of France; sir Edward Goschen, British diplomat; Victor Herbert, com poser; Aaron Hoffman, playwright: Paul Cambon, French diplomat. In June: Bishop H. C. Sttmz of Omaha: E. 8. Bronson, president Na tional Editorial association! Peter Clark Macfarlane, author; Frauk G. Carpenter, traveler and writer. In July: A. A. A dee, second assist ant seen tary of state; Calvin Cool ldge, Jr., son of the President; Palmer Cox, author and artist; Fcrrucclo Bu i son!, composer; Eihvnrd Peple, dram atist. in August! George Slilras, former Justice of United States Supreme court ; Joseph Conrad, author. In Eng land ; ex-Senator 0. E. Townsend of Michigan; Mary Stuart Cutting, nov elist; Mrs. Joseph Jefferson, widow of the actor; Dr. Richard Green Moulton. educator; Senator LeBaron B. Colt of Rhode Island: Mrs. Lucy Page Gas ton, antl-clgnrette crusader: Charles B. Lewis ("M. Quad"), humorist; Adolph Socman, pioneer circus man; Julia Bernhardt, actress. In September: Edward F. Geers. noted harness driver; Darlo Resta, automobile racer; Maria T. Daviess, author; Frank Chance, noted baseball player and manager; Charles Zcllblln, educator: ex-Gov. W. I. Douglas of Massachusetts'; J, W. Schneberle, as tronomer; James (.a nut hers, "wheat king" of Canada; ex-Senator R. J. Gamble of South Dakota; Congress man W. R, Greene Of Massachusetts; Brig. Gen. C. E. Sawyer President Harding's physician ; Estrada Cabrera. ex-Prcsldent of Guatemala; Charlotte Crabtree (I.ottn), veteran actress; H. L. Bridgeman, New York publisher. In October: Sir William Price, Ca nadian capitalist; ex-Gov. Warren (hirst of Iowa; Dr. W. A. Shanklln, educator; Charles L. Hutchinson, Chi cago banker and art patron; Anatole France, dean of French letters; E. L. Larkln, astronomer; Dr. L. C. Seelye. first president of Smith college; Sena tor Frank Hrandegce of Connecticut; II. H. Kolhsant, former Chicago news paper publisher: Admiral Sir Percy Scott, British gunnery expert; F. Wight Neumann, Impressarlo ; ex-Gov. II. A. Buchtol of Colorado; John E. Wright, journalist; Secretary of Agri culture Henry C, Wallace; Laura Jean I.ihhey, novelist ; Lew Dockstnder. minstrel; Percy D. Hnughton, foot ball authority; Gen. W. B. Haldemon. commander of I'nlted Confederate Veterans ; James B. Forgnn. Chicago banker; Edward Bell, American diplo mat : W. 10. Lewis, publisher New York Telegraph; T. C. Ilurbuugh. au thor of Nick Carter stories; Frances Hodgson Burnett, author. In November: Kai Nellson, Danish sculptor; T. E. Cornish, first president of Bell Telephone company; ex-Senator Cornelius Cole of California; Ferdinand Peck, pioneer Chlcngonn ; Gabrjel Fanre, French composer: Gen. Anson Mills; Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts; ex-Gov. W. K. Kltchin of North Carolina ; Presi dent Samuel Plant! of Lawrence col lege, Appleton, Wis.; E. S. Montagu, English statesman; E. E. Itlca, the atrical producer; Mrs. J. P. Morgan, Sr. ; A. N. McKay, editor Salt I-ake Tribune ; Cardinal Logue of Ireland; Thomas H Ince, moving picture pro ducer ; Gen. Sir Lee Stuck, sirdar of Egyptian army; Mrs. Warren G. Hnrd iBg; c. s. Falrchlld, former secretary of the treasury; Duke of Beaufort; QUtcomo Puccini, Ituliar composer. In De. ei iber: Ciprinno Castro, for mer dictator of Venezuela; Mrs. Gene Straiten Porter, novelist ; W. C. Brown, former president New York Central ; Bishop H. J. Alerding of Fort Wayne, Ind.; William C. Reick. Journalist; chief Grand Rabbi Isaac Friedman of Vienna, in New York; Mahlon I'itnuy, former Justice of the 0. S. Supreme court; August Belmont, financier and sportsman: Edward llolslug, American artist; Samuel GoniK-ra, president American Federation of Labor; Con gressman T. F. Applebv Of New Jer sey ; Martin F. Hljnn, former governor of New fork. - tISMMlMai'-.'